Showing Posts For Steve Whitley.8359:

WvW Poll 31 May: Mixed Borderlands (CLOSED)

in WvW

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

1) keep abl (YES)
2) roate bls (NO)
3) keep dbl (NO)

voting here since there’s no feasible answer to select on the vote page, like trying to push a pay raise for teachers on the same bill as mandatory death penalty for traffic / parking violators. no real way to push that one through for the teachers.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Who plays WvW only?

in WvW

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

I’d venture to guess a vast majority (including those who never visit these pathetic forums) of the player base are the exception. if anet actually kept stats on what players do instead of thinking they knew what we play they’d know that. If i could log in to wvw like pvp can I’d never be anywhere else (ever)… that is on the rare occasion i ever play anymore, on any of the accounts i own.

happily change the game and bankrupt your company. its your choice anet. ignorance is bliss.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Applied Fortitude and Strength to be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

the only “consistency” anet is known for is their inability to leave unbroken things alone.

they “fixed” fully functional dungeons.
they “fixed” fully functional pvp
they’re about to “fix” fully functional wvw

They ‘fixed’ the trait and ability systems.

do tell.

NPE ring a bell.

ah, yes. sorry, hadn’t rolled a new toon since that came out until about a week ago, and it went strait to 80, but yes i missed that one.

another great example of how out of touch this company is with the use of their game.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Applied Fortitude and Strength to be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

the only “consistency” anet is known for is their inability to leave unbroken things alone.

they “fixed” fully functional dungeons.
they “fixed” fully functional pvp
they’re about to “fix” fully functional wvw

They ‘fixed’ the trait and ability systems.

do tell.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Applied Fortitude and Strength to be removed

in WvW

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

the only “consistency” anet is known for is their inability to leave unbroken things alone.

they “fixed” fully functional dungeons.
they “fixed” fully functional pvp
they’re about to “fix” fully functional wvw

history showed that when they fixed dungeons (used to be able to run various ones at different levels < 80) people stopped playing them.

they fixed pvp most all the people who played pvp stopped playing

now we’re fixing wvw… well i cant imagine history will be any different. i’m sure anet is just hedging their bets that like what has happened in all these cases, other people who never played the game they originally created will play this “new” sad (give me a few more dollars so my game sales numbers gets a boost and I dont look so pathetic) version for a few months, spend some money then quit too.

as their sales figures show: this route has not done well thus far. not sure who has this master plan, but if it were me, i think i’d find a way to appease the existing player base.

take valve: Half Life launched in 1998, counter-strike came out a year later, and that game in a fairly similar form to the 1999 version is still available today (dont know the actual sales numbers, the game is fairly inexpensive but is microtransaction based now and server lists are long and always populated), and valve continues to grow, has divorced its parent company and it set to take on the world.

you dont mess with success. if you do you fail.

gg gw2.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

(edited by Steve Whitley.8359)

WvW only characters

in WvW

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

in gw1 we had the option of making pvp only toons. for those of us who pretty much only play wvw, and dont want to bother with leveling (I only post this due to seeing that you’ve finally given in to removing wvw from map completion even though wvw’ers would still have to complete all of pve world for map completion now & pve gets buffs from WvW and *that’s not getting removed*, but i digress)

please give us the option to create level 80 toons that are either restricted to WvW (or LA / PvP lobby when stats are being recalculated).

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Keep/tower flipping game a big turn off

in WvW

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

When was the last time said barbarians piloted 50 Omega Golems outside your gate?

Thursday. I remember because we had bacon and cheese baked potatoes.

it makes me happy ebay finally gets to taste that sweet sweet humble pie (potatoes… potatoes pie? sweet potato pie… yea!) they’ve so long deserved. queue ebay (i see you rimmy!)


And there’s no humble in us – we’re still running steadily I’m afraid. :-(

ah… my bad, i just assumed w/ that ppt differential that… silly me :P

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Keep/tower flipping game a big turn off

in WvW

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

When was the last time said barbarians piloted 50 Omega Golems outside your gate?

Thursday. I remember because we had bacon and cheese baked potatoes.

it makes me happy ebay finally gets to taste that sweet sweet humble pie (potatoes… potatoes pie? sweet potato pie… yea!) they’ve so long deserved. queue ebay (i see you rimmy!)

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

(edited by Steve Whitley.8359)

Remove WvW from world completion?

in WvW

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

I mean come on. It’s not even technically IN the world. I’ve done world completion twice, but WvW is what stops me from going for it anymore. It’s far too troublesome, and I know I’m not the only one that ends up waiting weeks for their servers to rotate, and even then it’s a nightmare.

Why not remove WvW and add in Southsun Cove, Dry Top, and Silverwastes? It just seems silly that some privately instanced pvp battleground is counted, but three legitimate zones that ACTUALLY exist in the world on the map don’t even count just because they were added in later.

most that play wvw feel the same way about the 98% of the pve world needed for map completion.

we’d be in favor of removing that portion of the game completely and make completing the map completion that much easier.

gotta be a little give and take. at least yours is a little less than the currently open area of tyria

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

uhm... how?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

it was done in a matter of seconds (refresh timers all the same). i wp’d in, they were all at spawn, i ran out to meet the zerg at garrison, i ran into sw tower to take supply (it was empty) started for sw camp and noticed they all wp’d back. when i wp’d back to spawn they were all where you see them. my question is 1. is it actually possible, if it is… kitten … if its not, then 2. something needs to be done about this type of thing imo.

the programming comment was about hobo commander event not starting even though there’s like 40 ppl standing on him (unless you all move outside his range, then back on him again, not anything to do w/ the golems, and yea, as a programmer myself, i’ll stand by that comment as i have some of those myself).

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

uhm... how?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

nobody saw anything, we found it them that way.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

uhm... how?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

we’ve had (heard a lot of complaints about certain activities) and i log in and see this.

but nothing is ever done about stuff the illegit stuff. almost like its just condoned.

i just cant see how this type of stuff is done and arena net not do anything about it unless they really just dont care (or there is a legit way to get on top of these things in wvw).


Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

(edited by Steve Whitley.8359)

Gw2 Constructive Decline

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

i’ll prefix this w/ the fact that i’ve already quit the game, and just log in here to read up on the steady decline of the game & satisfying disquiet of its users.

I feel the same as what you’ve posted up till living story (because I never made it to that point in pve) due to the fact that they killed dungeons for me far before that, leading me to play only pvp/wvw the day that the dungeon mechanic patch was released.

now that they’ve killed (my opinion) off both pvp and wvw, i’ve simply left the game, all my wonderful friends and this terrible company who thinks that “the company is always right” “the customer is always wrong” is the mantra to follow.

I hate to say it (as much as I’ve enjoyed gw over the years) but I hope ncsoft steps in at some point and dictates how anet does their business or just shuts it all down, because what’s going on now simply isn’t working.

on a side note, its nice playing mmo’s that are fun again. too bad none of my money is going into ncsoft/anet’s bank account. you win some you lose some.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

(edited by Steve Whitley.8359)

Revert it all.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

what’s wrong with it is that it was “too easy” people could complete it in a week, couple of days or whatever. they could not do their pve story, and were not “forced” into the “way anet wanted you to play the game.” oh they tried by adding things like vistas, achievements and all kinds of things to force you (if you wanted status) to go to remote areas for no reason at all to see some obscure area for no reason at all (no quest tied to it, no story line, no poi, just a cinematic and a point).

now, with this new “super fun and easy” way to progress, they can do super fantastic things, like: sell you “unlock skill #3” boosters for gems, and “unlock 2 <story/skill/whatever-progression>” micro transactions that they could not before all under the guise of making the game “super easy and more intuitive to play”

except its backfiring because everybody hates it. they got it right back in ‘12 when they launched the game and its hard to improve upon it from the users standpoint except “new content” which… yea they’re just not going to do for a number of reasons (1, because its simply too expensive from a cost perspective and as many gems / hair styles as we pay for its not enough to fund the kind of content we all want if you want to be realistic about it)

they’ve failed to find a consistent way to entice people to spend real money in game on things that matter with out destroying what they set out to do with the game (seems as though this may have begun it though IMO). what they should have been doing is taking lessons from the crooks and selling gold directly via gem to gold direct cash(gold) out with a higher exchange rate (just my 2 cents). plenty of people playing wvw reloading consumable goods who just need gold. none of this elaborate bs requiring time and energy on anet side just to make a buck.

I agree w/ OP. progression needs revert. lots of “tweaks” in player adjustments need reverts. tp (while nice) needs to be redesigned or reverted. i would be happy if the whole thing went back on the back burner permanently (at least till a lot of the things had been bounced off the community).

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

So, I shouldnt return?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

I was going to reinstall the game later tonight, but there is so much negativity on the forums. Is it bad? Is the game empty? I never got past level 40, but always enjoyed the game. Is it not fun anymore?

It’s not bad at all really, the alt leveling thing is the only thing from this and the previous feature pack that’s a bit wonky and expensive apparently. The post level 40 experience is probably better tho they could do with a reduction in cost of traits.

there’s always somebody who takes this opinion

but honestly, as somebody who is not mentally challenged… yes it is that bad. go elsewhere till this fix this debacle.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

The /emote change: a roleplayer concerns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

they do not care at all about us. ex: last 2 feature packs.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

quest icon

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

yea that’s pretty broken if you ask me. no answer as to how you fix it. just that it is in fact broken. gg qq.

“we’ve removed content that is not locked away and you have to pointlessly grid away doing stuff you dont want to do until we say you can view content to progress”

what a pointless update. as one of your original dev testers (diff acct) i can say this update is pointless and cant stand / wont play / wont actually level any alternate accounts till this mechanic is reversed.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

(edited by Steve Whitley.8359)

Warrior change maybe too harsh?

in Warrior

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

basically warriors have no f1 anymore is what it boils down to. by the time you get adrenaline what you were going to use if for is done (or you’re typically dead of conditions gg adrenal health, cleansing ire, beserker stance). lets see them do this same kind of insta-drop to a necro’s life force and see how effective they are (never played a necro so maybe its already like this but cant imagine it is).

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

With every patch my Alts loose ground

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

dont trivialize what was one of the best leveling games to come out, and is now one of the worst grimm.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Voting with my wallet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

This patch made me consider buying the next WoW expansion.. btw, the PTR for pre-patch started yesterday.

i never played wow, but this patch made me go buy the game & all its expansions.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

With every patch my Alts loose ground

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

i feel ya on this one. i recently bought another account (my sfr acct) and only have one mid 40’s toon there and now dont even feel like playing on that account anymore because anet keeps doing this kind of stuff. all i play is wvw and to even jump in and play that i’m going to have to invest a substantial amt of time outside of wvw levelling each new character to get in and play (eu doesn’t ktrain eotm so that’s out). waste of money imo

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Thinking about coming back...

in WvW

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

anet deleted pvp and blackgate has fallen off the map in wvw. they’ll need all the help they can get. better log on quick.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Please merge the servers

in WvW

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

you guys on et just need to pony up for transfer fees. they’re not going to merge servers… as someone who plays on both ends of na, there’s often more going on in t7/8 na than t1, at least on jq/ar. eu still has stuff going on when i first log on after work as well, but merging lower servers would be a stupid move for them as they’ve repeatedly said.

people’s perception of “low pop” or bronze league servers is a misconception. lower tiers are just full with lots of folks that might not be as coordinated across the server as in higher tiers (more roamer centric).

then there’s ET who just can’t get get it together 4 hours after reset for some reason that none of the rest of us will ever understand… maybe we need to start fund to help displace the impoverished children of eredon terrace so we can stop reading posts like these on the forums :P

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Gone for a year, now SoR is low pop

in Looking for...

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

one week everybody decided to play eotm and move to t2 (on sor). once in t2 sor got rolled and everybody moved to tc.

if you want something similar to what you had before i’d suggest sos/fa/or mags (unless anet makes more room in jq/bg/tc) in that case you’ll probably find people you played w/ on sor in tc. we have quite a few ex sor players on jq (where i also play) too.

from all encounters i’ve had w/ current sor they’re a pretty toxic env. but that’s outside looking in (and are constantly “training” ppl from pve), so dont know if a low pop style wvw is the type of place you want to play. its def. a different meta than high pop servers but can be enjoyable (dont know that sor exactly knows how to play it yet though) if you get in w/ a server who understands the dynamics.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

The Fluttering Horde [TFH]- CD - (WvW/GvG)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

bunch of scrubs… nobody wants to join the fluttering horde. the flattering hatters is where its at. too bad yall are all the way over there on that low pop server or we could make that happen

good luck w/ recruiting… bump


Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Gone for a year, now SoR is low pop

in Looking for...

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

lol sor sunk long ago. next boat to sos / fa sails in a few minutes, make sure you have a ticket bub

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Anvil Rock recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

While i think anvil does great by and large without recruitment posts I’ll bump this anyway.

If you play on AR and want to give WvW a try check out our website, jump in our teamspeak (or ask in map chat) and run with one of our friendly WvW centered guilds. We often run commander-less in guild groups (our guild groups often group up as well) and finding one of those groups in teamspeak will greatly help you out at both getting to know the wvw crew as well as coordinate what all is going on at any given time.

If you’re on another server and are looking for a server that fields casual to hardcore you’ll find a little of everything over here. we don’t however take ourselves too seriously and like to have fun and be competitive where we are. we’ve historically ranged t6-8. we’ve got pvx guilds who do a bit of everything, wvw only guilds. if i were better prepared to post on this i’d have a list of guilds and contact (maybe i’ll compile that a bit later). feel free to post here if you have any interest. its a great place to play…


Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

AJAX Fan Club

in Looking for...

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

LOL grapes. greatness. i havent seen him in a while. probably doesnt help that i never go to ebg but…

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Organization Zero[Zero]recruiting WvW lovers!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

here’s a bump for my boys. you’re not going to find a better group of idiots than these ;P dedicated to a fault, seasoned fighters that know how to down a blob (among other things… ahem russel).

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Duelers in WvW and attitudes

in WvW

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

i have an account on jq and one on ar… the one on ar i will forever keep there because the roaming is amazing. duals happen spontaneously running around taking camps, or towers or whatever (I’ve solo’d keeps before at various times). if i’ve broken off from a zerg and happen to be fighting someone, and either my team or their team jump into the middle of a good fight, it totally ruins what’s going on, and i think anyone who roams will agree that a 1v1 or 1v2 is fine but the 1v1 is better. 1v3 is pushing it and getting mowed down is just stupid. leave people alone who are fighting it out. go hide in your tower or mow in your zerg if that’s all you know how to do, or learn to 1:1 and be autonomous; it’ll help your group dynamic.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Duelers in WvW and attitudes

in WvW

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

you get a point for every stomp when your server has bloodlust (and every time you cap a sentry). if there’s anything of a ringing endorsement that wvw is large scale player vs player (and nod to cap sentries) that’s it for me.

let them dual (and cap sentries).

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Invent a new trap!

in WvW

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

A zerg disruptor / ambush trap:
- works like mesmer port where limited number (~10-15) enemy within range entering the entry line is portaled to the exit location where the trap setter can have an ambush (chokepoint / ac fire / superior numbers …) to wipe them, or can be used to simply spread out the enemy for a time (combine w/ supply disruptor to drain supply whatever)
- important that trap entry / exit not limited to zoomed in mini map (like mesmer port)

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Why do you run?

in WvW

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

hrm… i’m not spec’d to run.

just sucks when:
- i get jumped by 3-4 people after taking a camp & everything is on cool down
- i’m running back to my group & get hit up for a duel and i’m running a zerg instead of my usual roaming build (these dont typically go too well unless its a theif or mes)

but yea, i’m slow as winter molasses so sword sword mesmers w/ out speed / traveler runes can catch me, plus yea… its more fun to kill things, and i usually win (amazing what happens when you’re spec’d right).

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Looking for an alt home world

in Looking for...

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

I know exactly what you’re talking about. dont know too much about the mid tiers since i dont play there but pretty sure you can pick any of the bottom 2 tiers and find exactly what you’re looking for there.

@Dano, this account will die here sorry bud; way too much of what i want & too much fun where its at.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Looking for an alt home world

in Looking for...

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

I have an acct on JQ and one on AR. couldn’t recommend this strategy more. would recommend opening the acct on as low a tier a server as possible. roaming is usually excellent on any of the bottom 4 servers. cant go wrong. roaming on the lower tier server when everything is queued up is a great alternative imo. best of both worlds.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Anvil Rock Server (WvW Crew Wants YOU)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

As a long time fixture on AR I’ve seen the rise and fall of our server, seen people come and go, seen the things that work and the things that don’t.

I think what we Solovic’s trying to do here is a very positive thing for AR and anybody wanting a server with some permanence should really take the opportunity to give anvil rock a spin.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

(edited by Steve Whitley.8359)

Arah Path Armor Box(Answered)

in PvP

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

do you guys honestly look at these updates and think to yourselves, yea this is good for the game?

i mean i got most of these armor/weapons from casually playing tourneys from level 14-40 prior to the patch coming out, but quite honestly what’s going on w/ this mega server / pvp nuke / wardrobe bidness i can’t think of really anything positive for the game at large other than trying to bleed players for the sake of bleeding players in the gem dept. not much in the value add dept. in the way of game experience boost in what used to be the 3 areas that this game used to have.

not praising or criticizing things, just making an observation that as time goes on (been playing long before launch), the “things” that anet allows players to have & do gets less and less (looking for the derivative of players willingness to continue to play the game i guess?). its like those notices that your service provider gives you congratulating you for being their loyal customer while in the same sentence lets you know that your service fees are increasing 10%.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Unranked Queue!

in PvP

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

Please for the love of god, put a rank limit on ranked solo queue. No ranked queues before rank 30.

Remove hotjoin, or make the rewards even smaller.

Add a casual unranked queue which you can play in solo or with a party but uses a hidden MMR.

just play hot join. no reason to wreck ranked play because you don’t get the rewards you want from hot join (or whatever)… smh.

you can play w/ your party in hot join too. just look at the server number, and everybody connect to it, call out the side your’re on and you’re all good. you can add game messages to your chat window add click on “<so and so> joined [server #blah]” as well.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Appropriate Pairing

in PvP

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

if matchmaking is/was based on rank, then how is that even relevant? from what i’ve seen before the patch / post patch matchups are not based on rank, but rather just whomever is queued…

Matchmaking has never used rank. We use the Glicko2 MMR algorithm. While we will always be limited to whoever is in the queue at any given time, we do not just throw players together at random.

first… glicko is a flawed algorithm which imo doesn’t take into account the various team dynamic permutations which affect your own rating (now i’m not an expert in the formula however so maybe that’s ultimately factored in but given what i’ve seen in wvw and the different randomization’s that’ve been thrown in there to simulate this dynamic i’d doubt it) from matchup to matchup.

if you want my honest opinion, if you just continue stripping the pvp players of whatever stuff they’ve earned thus far, and allow the powers that be to drag the one hit wonders in & rob the one off pve content from this area of the game you’re always going to be limited by the available player pool (which is going to be low) as has been the case since you removed “real rewards” and glory from what used to be pvp, and whatever complicated algorithms are in place to factor who plays whom are not going to matter anyway. whatever ladders are set up aren’t going to matter, and you may as well base it on availability cause its going to be the same 10 people playing hour after hour because they just enjoy playing pvp…

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

(edited by Steve Whitley.8359)

Appropriate Pairing

in PvP

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

… We stopped showing ranks because they were being used incorrectly (as if they implied skill rather than time invested), causing a toxic environment where players felt justified (wrongly) while harassing each other.

if matchmaking is/was based on rank, then how is that even relevant? from what i’ve seen before the patch / post patch matchups are not based on rank, but rather just whomever is queued, which is what causes the problems with the disparity in skill when you’re the only one on your team who’s played the game and 4 first timers against a team of sharks.

i wouldn’t call that a toxic environment caused by rank, i’d call that not being able to accurately create a pool of players based on rank which in turn causes people to be upset because they’ve had to deal with a number of issues caused by a server technology which doesn’t seem to be functional.

not showing ranks is a cop out.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Appropriate Pairing

in PvP

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

i’m pretty sure w/ the scoreboard changes they made that they’ve just completely gutted the pairing system. its a “whomever’s up” queue now.

they knew w/ the champ train horde incoming if “we saw” (scoreboard) who we’re paired up with the majority of the time the existing player base would probably just stop playing, guessing they didn’t take into account them simply not knowing how to play or thinking pvp was one big dueling arena were the winner got the most stomps…

i think logistically we saw the real problem prior to the patch where just nobody was playing because they took away all our rewards.

there would be a lot of rookie match ups and not many veteran players getting to actually play. the quality would go go up but quantity would likely go down.

probably safe to make the assumption that a lot of the veteran players already have a lot of these reward items being offered right now anyway, why play for nothing… its going to be the same few ppl who dont really care that theres no rewards playing and you’d be queued for like 12 mintues waiting for a match up to happen like the past weeks and be fighting the same 5-7 ppl over and over.

just glad i can still scare up 5 ppl to queue at times otherwise this would be really annoying to try to play through.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Did arah storyline, path not unlocked

in PvP

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

time of your life you will never reclaim…

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Redo Story mode dungeons: Oversight or bug?

in PvP

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

This was done on purpose, to put pvp players on even-footing with pve players in that regard.

This way, everyone has to do story mode after the patch.

how does that make any kind of sense???

if you havent done it, you havent done it. you have to do it. i did pve the first 3-6 months of the game (as long as i possibly could before totally losing interest in the content) during that time i’d done some of the dungeons that i’m never going to go back and do and imo should get unlocks for (got the achievement pts for) if anything it puts pvp ppl at a disadvantage since folks who regularly spend 1-2 hours doing dungeons are going to just go do it again on a whim while the rest of us are pvp’ing.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Arah Path Armor Box(Answered)

in PvP

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

give it a chance they said…

so end of match win we used to get a box with (I never paid attention) what like 6 or 7 items (usually dupes but hey) not just from dungeons but all over, and glory.

now, we have to play for ages, do dungeons all over and in the end buy stuff to apply to existing armor/weapons we win as our supposed rewards in pvp.

lots more bloodstone/fragments/dragonite which carries no inherent gold value so theres that.

give it a try they said. we think you’ll like it they said.

think maybe they were referring to someone else other than ppl who actually played pvp. :S

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores


in PvP

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

just solo team queue. somebody’s always in need of a +1.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Ranks. Why bother anyway?

in PvP

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

i went back to the plain stake for a while between wolf and tiger because i was tired of seeing the wolf and it seemed like i’d never get to 40, now w/ the influx of non pvp ppl i think its pretty apparent who’s new and who’s not even if you switch finishers, tho i think the scoreboard helps. all i’m saying.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

whats the current hambow build?

in PvP

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

Hey guys so im new to the warrior… i heard that the hambow …

welcome to pvp…

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

(edited by Steve Whitley.8359)

What did the patch do for pvpers?

in PvP

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

Tbh they shouldve given us a charge for every skin we unlocked.


Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Ranks. Why bother anyway?

in PvP

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

i have a r40+ acct and a (something like) r5 acct and have no problem showing either friend or foe either rank. you have good games and bad and chances are if you play a lot (esp here lately) you’re going to know the ppl you play against whether you’re r5 or 60 and if you’re good you’re good, but having the immediate score lets people know where you are right away.

plus if you’ve seen someone you haven’t seen for a while and they’ve ranked up while you were away its always a conversation piece… like.. congrats or whatever. except now… w t f? aint gonna happen cause nobody’s going to know if you’ve been grinding away or stagnating. which is what i think op was saying.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores

Ranks. Why bother anyway?

in PvP

Posted by: Steve Whitley.8359

Steve Whitley.8359

ranks not showing up was a bug. after all they show rank in wvw, you show your rank (unless you have some other finisher equipped) when you finish someone.

hopefully they get it fixed in the next patch.

Old Janx // [THG] Jade Quarry / Seafarer’s Rest
secessit viri bellatores