www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
So the allotment of custom arena track progression and Solo/team arena progressions are independent of each other, correct?
Example: If I do three tiers worth of progression entirely in solo/team arean thats its own alotment. Afterwards I play some custom arenas, I will still be able to gain progression for up to two tiers, right?
Also is it two tiers per day per track, or two tiers per day TOTAL involving ALL tracks available on that day?
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
Prior to the April 15th patch, many times it was stated that Magic Find was going to play a factor in future PVP rewards.
My question is: What exactly does Magic Find affect in the PVP rewards structure?
Does it affect the rarity of items we will get from Track Progression rewards (such as various bags/boxes earned), Level Up Rewards, crafting materials from bags, etc?
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
Will character “Personality” ever play any impact on the interactions of our characters with the open world or future content releases. In its current state, it really appears to do nothing to result in anything.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
Quick update:
Happy new year everyone! Now that we’re back from holiday vacations, we’ve got more improvements that’ll be rolling out soon. A handful of client improvements will also be making their way (soon hopefully), that should see a drastic memory usage drop and client frame-rate improvements, especially for lower-end hardware.
I’ll make sure to update once I have a better idea of what release you can start seeing these changes trickle in.
I would like to ask if the proposes improvements are, in any regards, going to address performance hit that AMD users have or are all the improvements “general” in nature?
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
This may be considered a QOL change, but progression at the same time because something will become more prominent:
Equipable Mini Slot
My suggestion would be to add a slot to the Hero UI to equip a Mini Pet (like how their are slots to equip trinkets, weapons, armor, etc.) While the mini is equipped, it stays active.
That way I don’t have to worry about activating the mini every time I zone and I don’t have to worry about keeping it in an invisible bag (for “Deposit All” functionality)
This would make Mini’s more prominent and Mini’s that are harder to get (whether it be RNG or Meta) become a little more desirable.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
So many of these threads have been made, I know I have made mine. With all the CDI’s going on, has their been a CDI on this topic? I know the PVP team says they are working on a lot of things, but has their ever been a developer response that directly says “We are fixing the 4v5 problem?” You know, actually stating this direct issue…
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
In a Solo Q point of view, it seems you have too many players who don’t know If they are playing CTF or Conquest. In reality, the orb mechanic is a pure CTF mechanic. From the matches I have played, this map is rarely ever close in score. Typically one team steam rolls with the orb sending one or two people to cap atleast two nodes, while everyone else is running into the orb area one at a time and gets slaughtered. If the orb is already gone, they get slaughtered trying to stop the carrier because they are going… one at a time.
So one point gets captured at beginning. As the match goes on, the Conquest player sees the CTF players not able to stop the orb run, feeding points. That Conquest player then tries to help, only to run into a mob solo because everyone is staggered out on the map trying to handle the orb. That player becomes a point feeder and the snowball typically gets bigger and bigger.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
@milo : I thinking you are missing the point of my post that Tranassa got perfectly.
Of course part of PVP is timing attacks, though watching someone play a match by rolling their face on a keyboard would atleast get a laugh. The point I was making was reducing the dodge roll count to one would make PVP even less “skillful”, for lack of a better word. Having a lowered skill ceiling via AI based builds is already a huge gripe. Do we really want to lower the skill ceiling even more by only having to watch for a single dodge…
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
I don’t know why people call them PUG’s. In internet gaming, PUG originally meant “Pick Up Game” in team based games. So when someone was “pugging” they were playing matches with random players.
I always thought the correct term for players joining raids were “Pubs” as it references them as a public player and not a collective of a team.
Back on topic: David Sage is a good PUB commander and has a nice guide.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
And on top of this, team q rewards are better, even if you join solo ( no skyhammer above all) OR Spirit Watch.
Agree and fixed it for you :P
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
Could be fun but I see one big downside. If you know the other person only has one dodge, then you also know that after he burns the one dodge just trying to move out from pressure, then you could switch to that 100% crit sigiled weapon and hit the player with the hardest skill you have with little worry of missing it due to that players movement. You could get blinded, but that would be a discussion for a different day.
I could hear a trolly TS of five warriors now: “Ok guys, wait for it… Wait for it.. see the dodge OK NOW!!! mass crit eviscerates”
I would feel nerfing vigor would be a better compromise than completely removing an entire dodge possibility. Still offers two dodges but inherently it becomes less spammy to classes and skills that offer the spam to begin with.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
(edited by Sudden.8729)
Enjoying the VOD. 1 hour of productivity gone so far and counting.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
I make Dyes with the Slivers.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
I would also really like a system that lets you re-queue with some teammates you just met that did well in the match.
It’s there and its called Team Queue. Just invite the people to a party. Would it be convenient for a one button way of doing this, sure, but that might be asking for a bit much.
Team queue pits you against full 5 man teams with teamspeak coordination though, which solo queue doesn’t. And 3 random guys that just met in a match don’t stand a chance against a coordinated team with voice communication.
Guess I am playing Devil’s Advocate, but not always the case that randoms will get stomped. I have played on several Team Q teams that were obvious solo/duo pugging (like myself at the time) and stomp full tagged teams. Not all teams that queue together are good, even if they have TS :P
In regards to the OP, it would be kind of cool to get lucky enough to find a random group of players and see how far it can be taken. Just a fun twist.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
I would also really like a system that lets you re-queue with some teammates you just met that did well in the match.
It’s there and its called Team Queue. Just invite the people to a party. Would it be convenient for a one button way of doing this, sure, but that might be asking for a bit much.
I didn’t play GW1 and don’t know much about the random arena thing but sounds fun.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
I haven’t ran one in a while, but I dabbled with Traps and it is fun.
And it is so refreshing to see something other than Spirit Ranger.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
If you switch to the fern hound and immediately activate the F2 Heal/Regen skill, the skill will go into cool down mode without the skill actually proccing. If you wait a second or so before you press the skill, the skill will work as intended.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
Not sure if it has been suggested (figured it had but a quick search for “Mini” came up with nothing.)
My suggestion would be to add a slot to the Hero UI to equip a Mini Pet (like how their are slots to equip trinkets, weapons, armor, etc.) While the mini is equipped, it stays active.
That way I don’t have to worry about activating the mini every time I zone and I don’t have to worry about keeping it in an invisible bag (for “Deposit All” functionality)
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
The biggest compliment any gamer can get is to be called a hack/macro player when you are NOT hacking/macro playing. Kill them with kindness, thank them for the compliment and kill them again.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
My experience with solo’ing in Team is pretty mixed. The very first time I did it, the team I was on got wiped HARD and I stopped. After hearing so many guildies talk about ranking quick I tried again. Lately, I have some games that have been really good. The win spread has been within 40 points of each other. I attribute this to more people not queuing up full pre-mades but rather partial. The teams are getting filled with PUB players, like myself in similar rankings and has made some pretty good games. Sometimes I get on a team against a full pre-made and the game is not as enjoyable, but that has been less lately.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
LOL, talk about punishing the whole class if a few students do something wrong.
Why in the world would Anet want to intentionally drive traffic away from the forum? Talk about trying to put a nail in the coffin of making it look like people play a game. I don’t think I have ever heard of any game developer intentionally pushing a complete official game type community away from the official game forum…
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
The other day I thought about trying team queue pugging, so I did. My team got beat 501 to 0 the very first match. My team was constantly running into points solo and just getting wrecked. As a bunker, I really couldn’t do much other than try to push people off the points. Every once in a while I would get a neutral, but the opposing team was not going to let me cap the point solo.
Just saying, telling people to go team queue if you are dedicated means nothing if the team you get put on is not. Sadly, I feel I have a better, chance Solo Q’ing. Instead of getting put on a team with four people who don’t know what they are doing, maybe I will get on a team with only 3 and not get Zero’ed.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
When is the last time Anet said, “We are making these changes for E-Sports”? One could loosely relate that comment to them allowing spectating, which would allow for streaming. They do encourage streaming and tournaments, as I think any game developer would, but that is not a direct translation to “We are working for E-Sports.”
Guess I am saying, I don’t think anyone at NCSoft is telling the PVP design teams at Anet that the work put into the game is geared for an E-Sports goal versus an over all player enjoyment goal. In my opinion, its the community that clamors onto this E-Sports idea more than Anet.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
Oh yay, a “I find it …” thread
Let’s play!
I find it odd that some people think it is rude that a PVP player does not sympathize with an achievement farmer in the PVP forum.
In all seriousness, there is already a thread achievement players can go to to express your concerns. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/New-SPvP-Daily-Achivements/
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
^^ Ditto. Too many people people playing to get coin and glory for Wintersday gifts; not enough games with actual people trying to play. Still 4v5 problems on a fairly routine basis (compared to prior to patch).
Who do I have to beg to make rank a factor in the match making? I know rank is not a true test of any skill, but at least rank shows amount of time played and I won’t keep getting stuck with at least one sub 10 on my solo q team who does not know what they are doing but they play solo q because it gets more coin than hot joins.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
Maybe one day I will actually roll a spirit ranger and stop punishing myself by bucking the norm. So much rage about playing against spirit rangers.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
Why is thread even still open? It’s about a bug that no longer exists.
Necro much?
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
OMG, PVP Dailies take forever!!!
Just playing
I would like to be able to change my cursor too. Perhaps you should make this thread in the game suggestions forum, or a mod could move it before it turns into a PVP flame fest… somehow.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
In PVE, 25 skill points is not really that big a deal. I have over 400 on one of my toons from just playing.
PVP though, I am not really sure enough thought for a skill point cost on this one skill. That kinda has always been the beauty of PVP, no skill point cost and free sandbox trials of builds.
Now, one could say they did it so that people will spend their glory (which is going away) on Tomes. My response to that is “What will happen when the glory is gone and people can’t buy Tomes with it?”
Ultimately, I think the thought behind it was with good intent but the end result is a different product than every presentation Anet has ever given on PVP. Whether they ant to admit it, they have taken away the 100% free sandbox feel of PVP. It may be 95%, but it definitely is not the 100% that has been at the roots since game release.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
I honestly prefer SkyHammer over Spirit Watch. I have more fun playing Sky Hammer, avoiding and creating the knock offs, than I do playing against a team on Spirit Watch that owns the orb run.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
So basically, rather than do your best and help your team, you condemned several other players to having to deal with a difficult map and being shorthanded on top of it.
More than a little selfish. And will have no impact on Arenanet removing the map or not.
The dev team needs to put in HEAVY penalties for match quitters and AFKers.
Yeah, gotta agree a little. You just did the same thing you have probably always hated to have done to you. The only difference between you and the people who did it previously is you came to the forums to tell people. The post doesn’t justify it in any way.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
I support this idea. Let it be!
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
The farm was stopped quite a while ago. If anything was going to happen, such as a roll back, it would have happened by now. Since this glory vendor has been released, they most definitely can do NOTHING to retroactively change any glory someone had gotten.
The ship has sailed on this battle. It is done.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
I’ll get off my soapbox on it. As stated by many, if you don’t care about AP then you shouldn’t be in this thread.
Before I leave the thread I will say this. If you want to be at the top of an AP leaderboard, knock yourself out, but don’t bash a developer / company because they don’t make it easy, it is not their job to make everything easy. You put that goal their for yourself, as did everyone else who wants to be at the top of a leader board. If it was too easy, people would QQ that everyone is at the top, right?
Anet is kitten ed if it is too easy, kitten ed if it is too hard. GL Dev’s, thanks for the update and future ones (figure you guys deserve atleat one person not flaming you for Wintersday)
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
Is it, guess they need to fix the word “Infinite” then huh? facepalm
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
Its 4 Ap??? Really, people…
Here is what it did do. It allowed people who actually play PVP strictly, rather than PVE, a chance to get FOUR more points a day. Is it big, no. That is what is ok for all you achievement farmers out their, it is not that big.
Let’s break this down for the QQ’ers. 8 Wins. More than likely you will NOT get eight wins in a row in a timely fashion. This type of progress would probably take a minimum of 3 hours, more than likely longer. Now for you AP Farmers out their, what could you do for three hours to supplement the FOUR points you would be missing. Maybe do what you appear to desire to do the most, go farm. Agent of Entropy is 2 AP every time you salvage 200 things. I bet in approximately 3 hours you can get 400 items to salvage. Bet you will make more money than the PVP’er too. The PVP player loses out on both time and probably money in this scenario. I hope they had more fun though
It’s four points. Its not the end of the world. Suck it up, don’t get your panties in a bunch over something PVP’ers can get over PVE’ers. PVE’ers still get the better end of the deal in regards to reward for time.
And for those that are a part of this “achievement community” , achievements in any game are a sub feature. The game itself is the feature. I don’t think I have ever heard any MMORPG fan say, “I can’t wait to play insert name here because the achievements are going to be amazing!” Don’t beat up Anet because you put a chore on yourself.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
(edited by Sudden.8729)
It’s almost like they are making some changes to PvP to make the experience worse, to try and drive people away from consistently playing.
I don’t play PVP to get on an Achievement leader board, I play it because I like the game. I played it before any leader board was in GW2 and will play it if they said tomorrow they are getting rid of leader boards.
So no, it does nothing to push any player away who actually plays the game… to play a game.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
Its not about getting APs in other ways. You simply cant ignore 4 dailies if you want to compete on the leaderboard.
So should PVE’ers complain about WvW achievements and PVP achievements they aren’t getting?
Seriously, all the QQ about AP leader board placement? Here is my two cents. If you want to be at the top of the leader board for GAME ACHIEVEMENTS then expect to have to play ALL avenues of the game. After all, they are called ACHIEVEMENT points.
For those saying “I am going to buy a new game because of this” then please do. You will be one less farmer I don’t have to worry about screwing up my game cause you don’t know what tranquility is… I would prefer to have more actual PVP’ers in my arena matches instead of AP farmers. That is the ONLY thing I don’t like about the daily, is it is going to encourage AP farming in areas that was intended for players that are experienced.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
(edited by Sudden.8729)
Haha, I just posted a video on this sort of stuff for engineers:
Nice video. Makes me wish I played Engi just so I could take advantage of some of those moves
The jumps very much remind me of TF2 Rocket Jumping, or Unreal Tournament Shield/Hammer Jumps. remembers the good ole days
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
If you look at the leader boards right now, you can tell they are being “wiped.” Its patch day, don’t be too surprised that things are being patched server side before they send the patch client side.
Patch is probably dropping very soon. Just wait till it drops. Sure the OP problem will go away.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
Agree with OP. If you get rewards, great, but no one ever promised anything specific in the form of a reward.
What ever happened to playing a game for the… get ready for this… sole reason of playing a game? Crazy concept right?!?
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
So much QQ about this map. You would think GW2 was the first game ever to use some form of map mechanics in a game the way people act shocked about being knocked off an edge in PVP.
I have a great idea, lets keep all maps flat and take away any standing obstacles, cause line of sight play is not PVP. heavy with the sarcasm
How about more people just learn how other classes work and anticipate that every player is trying to knock you over an edge. Maybe then you would see how easy it can be to avoid it sometimes.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
Every build, every class, has a counter.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
Could this be a reason to start hoarding those tourney win chests??? New forge items to collect perhaps for legendary creations in sPVP, possibly hints at the new rewards…
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
I play a ranger in sPVP and have never once ran a Spirit build. I am not going to say spirit builds are useless because I have watched the tournament streams and its easy to see how they are viable.
I don’t play them because I like playing my ranger differently. I started playing a ranger as a main before I ever looked at anyone’s build. For that reason my build would be considered odd but I have fun with it. I don’t think it is cookie cutter, and I don’t pretend it is optimal, but I have fun. If I was playing in a true tournament, maybe I would change things around depending on the rest of the team, but that is a case where my team is definite. If I am hot joining and SoloQ’ing then what does it really matter. Its not like anyone can determine every build that is going to be placed on your team. Every composition has a counter.
To the OP’er, let haters hate and hope you get the chance to play against them next game. Maybe you will win, maybe you won’t, but when you do it feels so much sweeter
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
Just curious, what was the issue people experienced?
If a player was invited or kicked from a roster while another player was in the process of joining, and the latency was high enough, the joining player would get information about those roster changes before they finished joining.
We had code in place that assumed getting roster information could only happen if you had already joined the roster. That assumption was apparently incorrect.
Hard to find, easy to fix.
You can thank Evan for finding and fixing it quickly.
I like your style. A few months back, I wouldn’t even have asked that question because it would have been pointless. Between you and Grouch, I like the amount of feedback and discussion we have.
Keep up the good work gentleman. You have my heart <3
Agreed. Thanks for the info guys!!!
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
I will keep playing to. I have been playing with similar problems, it was just one of those “Really???” moments that the very first game was like that. I know the patch was not a direct intent to fix the 4v5 issue, but rather focus on a different issue and that is appreciated. I would assume the algorithms intent is to create close games on a 5v5 status, which makes having a team with one person missing increasingly more difficult for that team to amount a win
It just seems like one of those “putting the cart before the horse” problems. No matter how much work is put into getting MMR/Leaderboard fixes in play, all the work can instantly be dismissed every time a game starts without both teams having a full team.
I think I can speak for many when I say that I look forward to a fix for “4v5” more than any fix the sPVP team has ever put into the tournament scene…
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
So when can the priority of having a game start with a full team come into play? New match making means absolutely jack if games still start 4v5 in tournies.
This was my FIRST game since the patch released…
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW
i thought you have to stay at least 7 minutes to be awarded with glory?
No matter how long you are in the match, long as you perform some type of “scoring” action, such as defend/nut/cap a point, assist in killing someone, or even use some type of in map mechanic that tallies to your individual score, then you will get the team reward of glory/rank based on win or lose.
www.twitch.tv/the_chach – Random sPVP/WvW