Showing Posts For Swampy.1359:

CRASHING - update: temporary fix inside!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Swampy.1359


100% it’s the ghostly outfit.

Halloween 2015 -- Screenshots Welcome

in Community Creations

Posted by: Swampy.1359


Probably gonna get loads like this but…


Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Swampy.1359


Superior Rune of the Berserker

Not adding the 5% condition damage

[EU: PvE/SPVP | ENG] Forsaken Gamers [FG]

in Looking for...

Posted by: Swampy.1359


Still need more people!

[EU: PvE/SPVP | ENG] Domisium

in Looking for...

Posted by: Swampy.1359


Still looking for more people!!

Join us!!

Plz help me, making me nuts :C (artifacts?)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Swampy.1359


You have a 280x, that’s your problem.
Alt tabbing out and back in removes the artifacts.
Also underclocking the ram a bit usually works as well.

What you really want to do is rma the card.

The HYNIX ram used on the 1st batch of r9 280x’s was replaced with new ELPIDA ram, the new ram can handle the overclocks, the old can’t.
If you rma it you’ll get a new one with the new ram.

[Merged topics] Achievement bug: no chests, dailies stuck

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Swampy.1359


Here’s another one for the list.
Day 6, no laurels, chests, nothing.
I need to buy ascended weapon recipes aswell…

Please get this fixed ASAP.

Sudden FPS drops since patch 4 weeks ago

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Swampy.1359


Yep, I’m having exactly the same problem but it only happens in WvW for me.

Had afterburner open and watched my gpu usage drop to 0% when it happens.

All temps/voltages are fine.

There’s a few people i know who are also having the same problem.

A call to remove Hammer from Warrior

in Suggestions

Posted by: Swampy.1359


So which bit? Oh I see, when you get blocked/evaded the hammer adrenal doesn’t get used up, it’s worse than what i typed. So until you actually connect with it, your adrenal bar stays full. Seems fair….

20k hps, with that power, and 100 percent crit chance. and having 42 percent damage reduction and he only has 10 points in an offensive mastery line with 30 in a defensive one.

It actually is fair..
You see Earthshaker is a warriors only blast finisher so to be able to blast we need adrenaline and should we really use it all to blast?
Do you have any idea how inconvenient that would be for blasting water fields mid fight?
Ofc you do, you play a warrior, right?
If Adrenaline regenerated at a consistent rate instead of relying on hitting/being hit then sure let it but it doesn’t.

Oh and just so you know, that 100% crit chance is to stunned targets ok?
But ofc you know this because you play a warrior…

So if you choose to run around with no stability then that’s up to you. Just don’t come to the forums and complain when a stun class beats you.

[SIC] IoJ guild recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: Swampy.1359


Still need more Warriors, our only warrior who’s constantly online is just awful…

(edited by Swampy.1359)

LFI - Isle of Janthir with Active Fun Members

in Looking for...

Posted by: Swampy.1359


If you’re still looking for a guild on IoJ i might have an offer for you. I’ll contact you in game.

9/20 SBI / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Swampy.1359


The only guild that wiped 4 of us was the [XIII] guild, other than that, we had less people (maybe we have more necros than I thought). You also had Garrison with a spawn, while our spawn was 1,000 miles away.

Maybe we aren’t talking about the same fight? This was between NE tower and Garri, went on for probably close to 2 hours.

You mean the fight where a group of outnumbered randoms forced an “organized” guild group of 40+ back in to their tower cowering?
Yeah i remember that.

Did you not notice the little Asura rolling on the floor laughing at you?

Separating the WvW Reset times for NA and EU.

in WvW

Posted by: Swampy.1359


Well, my guild’s going to be happy with me never being online for reset night.
Yes i live in the UK and play on NA servers..

Guess im stuck with a choice, either move back to EU servers or quit playing…
Yep, ill quit playing

4/19 TC/FA/Kain - Week 7

in WvW

Posted by: Swampy.1359


WM and CO leaving Kain. In other news, how is everyone doing today? Keep it classy T2!

We have heard this before. Do you think they are gonna leave and to where?

Quick, now’s your chance, flash that cash!!!

For EU players and guilds: seeking new home.

in WvW

Posted by: Swampy.1359


Lol, what has lag to do with download speed? It’s all about response time, connected also with PHYSICAL distance to the server.

Also, for people who actually contribute to their server in WvW, (buy siege and upgrades, defend stuff, not just midlessly zerg around) 60g might not be a piece of cake…

Because the people in Europe running 2mb – 5mb connections are still using copper wires…

For EU players and guilds: seeking new home.

in WvW

Posted by: Swampy.1359


Yet saying that, 1800 gems is too expensive for eu guilds to transfer not just to NA but any high populated servers. players cant afford 60 gold or 25 euros and its not worth playing in NA with higher latency.

Lag? what lag? Maybe for people in Europe who still use a 2mb-5mb connection (LOL)

Seriously, if you cant afford 60g for a transfer then you’re doing it wrong…

For EU players and guilds: seeking new home.

in WvW

Posted by: Swampy.1359


im sorry to tell you that i dont think any players or guilds from europe will pay 1800 gems to play in NA, no way! i wont.

Why not? i did…and it’s the best decision i have ever made in gw2.

I was on Piken Square when the guilds left so i chose to move to NA servers and i will NEVER move back to EU servers.

(edited by Swampy.1359)

Grabbing bags is annoying in wvw

in WvW

Posted by: Swampy.1359


AoE loot please

Flaw in the scoring system

in WvW

Posted by: Swampy.1359


scrap the rating altogether…

Winners move up a tier, losers move down a tier…FIXED

not really that easy, a server at 2nd place will only focus down the 3rd server to push it down and completely ignore the other server, not the best solution imo,

maybe if a server wins its tier 3 times in a row, it should be moved up.

Or they could be focusing 1st place to get 1st themselves and so what if you go down a tier, if your server is good enough you’ll be back up in a week.

Flaw in the scoring system

in WvW

Posted by: Swampy.1359


scrap the rating altogether…

Winners move up a tier, losers move down a tier…FIXED


in WvW

Posted by: Swampy.1359


Wow T1 guilds…it’s all about the excuses…

3/22 SF/ET/FC -- Deja Vu edition

in WvW

Posted by: Swampy.1359


There are six members of VK that are guardians. AFAIK I’m the one who roams the most.

And yes, I have a support build that’s pretty sub optimal for dueling. None of my utilities really benefit a solo player, and I have a staff equipped that never does anything in small scale situations except finish off the almost dead. So yeah, if you catch me in a solo situation, as long as you are not a bad player and are not upleveled, you should beat me. (That having been said, there are a lot of bad players)

That having been said, I’ve been doing pretty well in roaming despite this build, and I don’t recall losing any 1v1’s to anyone in this tier (because I’ve not been in any 1v1’s in this tier :P). Yesterday four FC, including 1 D/D ele from VK and myself had a pretty exciting battle against SF in FC bl’s SF spawn. You guys had over twice our numbers but were almost all upleveled unfortunately, hence why we were able to kill so many :P. A level 80 necro who knew what he was doing then showed up and ruined our day =[.

Oh btw, score update:

That guild chat….

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: Swampy.1359


Here comes the big bad War Machine and their amazing night capping skills….you guys are awesome!!!

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Swampy.1359


Still hasn’t grasped that NA servers – of whatever tier – are not an attractive option for EU players.

No-one is coming dude.

US servers are so much better than EU, happens in every game.

EU player base = kids, US player base = older.

There’s a reason all the top PVP’ers on mmo’s are moving to US servers, generally to get away from people with attitudes like yours.

Moving to the US servers is something mainly British people do though but there’s a reason for that.

Fort aspenwood needs your SEA/EU guilds.

in WvW

Posted by: Swampy.1359


moved here last week from EU, gotta admit the community is amazing.

The militia or “pugs” on here are far more organized than what im used to on EU which makes things even better.

Any EU guilds from dying servers should really think about coming here, you wont regret it.

TBH i think it’s time for a British invasion, so all British guilds should move here…NOW!!!!
im lonely :’(

Deso - VS - ER. Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Swampy.1359


My thanks for the notification youngster, you’re welcome on our stream to see your wrong.


Nice vid, shame you hide the time..probs 4am gmt…

Deso - VS - ER. Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Swampy.1359


Vizunah Square

Only good when there’s nobody online to stop them….