Showing Posts For Synesh.1094:
Considering how the story is told in Heart of Thorns? Nope.
If they can’t give us substantial lore about the Exalted, the Hylek, and the specialisations, I don’t like the idea of having a new race pop up without a single shred of good story to back it all up.
That would be one of the biggest dissapoint in the whole game.
Well, if we can summon the powers of a demon….Why not Shiro Tagachi? That man was sort of the best swordsman of his time.
I’d like to point out that in the trailer, when the Mursaat is shooting that lazer with his arm, his legs look like they’re being hold still by a vine.
They are not safe from the dragon and they know it. I think.
I don’t really understand why it’s no longer here. Maybe it wasn’t popular enough. It’s not the end of the world if we don’t have it, I’d just like to know why exacly.
Recent comments asking for news on Halloween have been deleted from Facebook.
Granted, this comment I saw was posted on Pink day in LA comment section, but it wasn’t being unrespectful so I don’t really see the reason in deleting it.
I tryed commenting on it as well, asking for some news on the halloween front. Once i checked it again my comment was nowhere to be found.
Not the end of the world but not exacly that good either.
Maybe they want the Pink Day post to remain focused? I don’t know.
The main problem of Gw2 races and the interactions between each other, is that each one is pretty much fine with each other no matter what.
Of course I understand that the dragons are a kitten big problems and some times you have to put aside racial differences and the such to fight and survive together.
All of this is nice in theory, but if you walk around the world and you see nothing of that on the main screen, not talking about the small individual characters because there are, but they bear no weight in the plot, in the end you stop caring if you’re a human or other. The take on the politics is sort of childish, limited to insults and rage-filled discussions when it comes to different opinions.
The sensation you have when you have feels of rivalry or doubts towards a group or race, and you manage to overcome those even for just that one moment to push back a big danger before going back to deal with more close by probelms is amazing. I felt that when I saw the Wrathgate cinematic in WoW during Wrath of the lich king.
But if individual races show no greed, no desire to gain something that could cause problems to the others, the whole “Divided we fall, United we stand” part sort of passes by as a given. A huge waste of potention that is made even more worth by Anet way to handle the Evil npc counterparts.
Look at the Ascalonian Separatists. I’d say that a war of 250 years, the destruction of a kingdome and the unending siege of their last siege is a kitten good reason to have doubts or anger towards the Charr. But the game handles the question by making the separatist nothing more then terrorists. You disagree with them? They kill you even if human.
I seriously believe this game would benefit by giving more weight to each individual race and their problems and make their needs and desires clash with the other ones, rather then take their unity as a give.
Sorry for the long post.
(edited by Synesh.1094)
My greatest fear for a Cantha expansion would be if we end in a country and try to make them accept non-humans. Since you know the people there sort of kicked as many non humans as possible, the Tengu were just the last ones to flee.
In other words I hope they don’t throw a world of warcraft story line based on finding peace an respect between everyone and sunshine and rainbows.
Naaah. Give me a civil war and blurry moral lines please. Not everyone has to agree with the status quo to be a kitten good person/state/country/whatever.
…Sort of what’s going on with the main storyline at the moment.
Again, I apologise for the rant, but that was/is the result of a feeling that’s been crepping in me more and more as this changes have been added to the game.
A lot of changes makes me feel like I’m being thrown around, and I don’t have a choice anymore. Maybe I liked being on a specific server or location because it was fun to be with people you recognized even if you were not part of their guild or whatever.
Now we’re just being thrown around, by the megaserver and even if you and your friends are having a good time in a map, you’ll be thrown into another map because we’re not filling it to the soft cap.
The lack of choice is what hurts. Not the fact of being with people in itself, but the fact that the system as it is, leaves me and many others with no possibility of doing something in peace.
We have to be with other 50 random strangers or it’s not fun says Anet.
And I can’t help but to disagree with that mentality.
I hope they remove this? Just because, you know. Maybe people were doing stuff on that server? Maybe they were just RPing with friends.
Or maybe because the very idea is stupid. The megaservers are already in place, we will be automaticaly place with other players no matter what, even guild or friends list barely matter. We’ll just all go to the kiddy pool. You know, roll over kitten as a massive zerg, hitting people with 1.
BECAUSE THAT’S FUN! Good god, will you just stop? STOP. Stop forcefully mixing players when they don’t want. Stop thinking your way is the only way to enjoy a mmo, stop turning this game in massive, zerg fest, 20 fps.
First the megaservers, the change to the loot, the change to the PS, the changes to the lvl 1-15 zones. And now this?
How more pointless can this game become?
I’m sorry for yet another angry rant, but as Matt Visual said “Maybe some one at Anet should stop making suggestions. And take a long vacations.”
Usualy I would agree with a statement such a yours, I never joined in complains like this for updates like the ascended gear and such.
But what’s happening here baffles all logic.
Yes the game can be a bit big, and maybe some hand holding is necessary, but that can be achieved by improving the tutorial. Not by locking everything behind a level x.
That is just, in my eyes at least, a way to extend the lenght of the early game experience by hanging carrots in front of players. People are not stupid, gamers learn, they don’t need to humongus level of hand holding to enjoy a game. I bet some moved to gw2 to avoid this level of hand holding found in more traditional WoW-like quest systems.
Got there. Get bear kitten. Get back. Unlock/buy bigger fireball at lvl 8.
While I can see something as the new indicator, and the dodge tutorial being a nice addition, and they can be avoided if one knows what to do already, it’s not the same, when you are expect to travel half a map, to unlock the possibility to use your off hand skill.
I dare say it was more tempting before, when you could see the skill you would be able to use once you killed enough enemies.
There’s also the removal of interactive objects that you could find in the game, now been removed as well. The biggest exemple the water to grow the crops. It’s nothing major, but it’s one of those little touches that made the game feel fresh and fun. Now you just click F.
And to that! They removed any enemies that force to dodge roll, and removed condtions from this early game zones. I guess it was all in response to the locking of skills being a HUGE level cap. So people didn’t feel cheated or something. Still they were never difficult to kill, or remove in the first place. So that feels cheep too.
Besides this, there’s the cut of content from the personal story. 3 whole story lines cuted from the game so to divide the lvl 70-80 stories into 10 level chunks.
And to add to it the time line of the battle against Zhaitan has been butchered. Events once you reach fort trinity don’t follow the plot line of the original story, mixing events left and right.
Where the Soveranty Eye was the last, final fight against one of the most powerful minions of Zhaitan, a mission where you see gather all your friends you knew trough your adventure and see Orr being clensed. For how incomplete or cheap the Personal Story might have felt, that was a very good way to end a quest line.
Now, you do that, and then start to fight Zhaitan troops.
It just doesn’t make sense anymore for me.
I’m sorry for yet another rant on this subject, and any grammatical error, but the more i look into this, the more it feels like this changes have been prefeared by NCsoft korea who then pushed to move them to the Eu and US as well, for the sake of slowing the pace of the game overall. Like the most common and classic mmo’s out there.
(edited by Synesh.1094)
Honestly, I don’t think they really want to invite new players. Most if not all of this changes came copy pasted from the chinese client.
Hell they even removed skulls in some places, like the Tamini totems apparentyl.
I honestly believe that NCsoft korea pressed Arenanet to push this update how they tought it woul be best for the company. And if the guy that gives you money says bow, you bow unfortunatly.
I was considering spending 10 euros in the game to buy a character slot. And make a thief, maybe Sylvari since I didn’t do one in ages.
Weeeell. Nope. Sorry, I’ll spend my money elsewhere. The fun fact is that I just tought the day before how they finaly made the megaserver not feel like a megaoverflow, so I did change my opinion and was ready to give this game some cash. And now my exitment has dropped that like that day when I saw germans, frechs and whatever all in one single once-english server.
I felt like I was being thrown into a kids pool and some one just peed. This feels the same.
They have an history of making bad decisions and improving them, so by god they better improve this stuff or apologies and turn 180° back.
(edited by Synesh.1094)
Doesn’t cut the Fear plotline, also cuts the Apatia story which showed us the VERY big plot point about the krait orb that protects Fort Trinity from the Risen?
Well, so much for that lore!
Yea, Felicia was good in that role. But the only reason we didn’t see Zoija in the Living Story is because Felicia could never be brough to the record the necessary quotes.
So it’s good to know we might finaly see this asura come back to the story.
Good luck with all the angry unnecessary complains.
No matter what, they always get to you. Many youtuber say the exact same thing. I think most of the anger comes from the big big change of a system that worked as it was. And that no one saw coming. It left me baffled.
I hope the company can do a 180° turn and come back but that’s unlukly (try if you can please) but if not we’ll have to settle down with the best possible optimasation.
good luck with this stressful time.
Chris thanks for listening.
Even if I’m very tempted to burn some one at the moment. And I’m sure many other people beside me were prepearing their torches and pitchforks.
But thanks still!
This is a MMO, it can change back. It has to. This is nothing as big as a megaserver, this can be redone and it has to for it kills some of the funniest part of making an alt. And about the Personal Story.
Taking back the old, much more well tough and linear storyline that actualy made sense and it was rewarding at the end when you see the Eye of Zhaitan fall while all the people you’ve meet in your LS cheer for you?
Or at least make it follow the old time line again and add a 7.5 step that goes from lvl 75-80 that involves also the Cut Content?
For those that don’t know yet the personal stories that involved the Engineer Tomb and Crusader Apatia (And with her the quest to get the orb out of krait hands to protect Fort Trinity from the Influence of Zhaitan) are all gone.
That has to be one of the biggest waste of development money and time I ever saw in am MMO.
This update overall is good. And this thing isn’t really that big of a deal.
But please fix it, Please just take away the second name in player made emotes.
We don’t want to hate your changes anymore. Just fix it and all will be sunshine and rainbow. Thanks for allowing us to mute people emotes, but don’t do things half way in.
Just cut the second name and you’re golden. Doesn’t need to be a big deal. The change overall is good. But this little detail is annoying.
Uhm. I hope Canach doesn’t turn upside down during the LS. I like him as he is. We need a character that can:
1: get kitty done.
2: That adds some spice on sort of plane situation that’s the character cast.
(don’t get me wrong there’s some of it. But so far it’s limited to two max three characters. The rest has little weight.)
I think the biconics need some one among them that acts on his own agenda and creats some conflicts or at least exposes them. Like how he exposed how Anise could be an old hagh with all that mesmer magic she dose.
Plus, Canach is a rambo in a way or two. So I totaly see him coordinate the group in a situation of danger, maybe when the main character is away. It would be nice to see him give sensible orders to our character and that actualy ends up helping/saving people. Sort of like how Dunkoro advised us back in Nightfall.
Just being much more rude then that.
Please make so that if there’s more then 20 people standing at his side under his paw he just one shots them all and spawns equal number of humanoid/charr branded creatures.
Stephane Lo Presti. Thank you for the clarification.
There was a placeholder name in a list of open world bosses that hinted that we might get a new hardcore world boss in the line of Triwurm and Tequatle during Season 2. So far we have no real sign of this happening but I but some eggs on a possible new zone or well detailed fight agaist the Shadow of the Dragon.
The thing that attacked the Pale tree.
Eh. I think we can agree we need to see more of the world. The zones, and the general lore rather then the 5 characters and their point of view of the story.
They have their places but in a Massive Multyplayer Open World Game the world should be the priority.
I guess we’ve come to this point when people started to pretend to be at the center of the spotlight all the time in a massive game like this.
When I first saw the trailer for Dragon’s Reach part 2, I tought we’d see Braham rush right after Taimi, beat the living snot out of as many inquest as possible while the player takes that little bit longer to find the duo.
But no, we come in. Braham says 2 things and we beat them up. Again.
In the end Braham is such a passive character with no real weight on the group, the story or you. It brings nothing to the table besides the fact that’s he’s a norn and that’s about it. I tought his protective attitude would’ve make him a sort of father figure for Taimi, to some degree, but they don’t even shine a light on this little quality he has.
I was waiting for him to act more protective towards Taimi, a child being pretty much bullied by the council member and his group. But no he just stood there.
It’s just sad to be honest. And same for Rox. This two had a fun synergy at the start that has been pushed away soo much by Taimi and Marj/Kass.
I HOPE they don’t think we want a skyrim or TESO first person view. Hell no. I just want the camera to pass trough my head so I can see with the eyes of an asura/human/charr/norn so to take screenshots and videos. Without hands or movements.
Just a simple, plain floating camera that you can get into like in gw1 that allows you to see the worlds. Nothing complicated, nothing strange. I’m sure a modder could do that in a day.
I want SAB, even if I didn’t play it because I suck at it.
I want it because it’s a breath of fresh hair. It’s something original, optional but also beloved by many, it’s hard for the stubborn ones that like a challenge and it gives very origianl looking rewards.
I don’t see it coming for Season 2, as said. But they have to keep it going, there was a mistery and plot to follow, something I want to know and explore, it doesn’t have to take away from Mordremoth, so there’s no reason to see it this season. But I hope in between them we’ll see it. As we find a point where the story settles, as the armies gather and such, then I hope to see this again.
If it takes another scream from the community as with Cantha then you can be sure I’ll scream.
There were heroes even back in guild wars 1, that would follow you around. And they had more internal struggles, character and problems to solve as 7 or so members of the same race, from different faction, united against the common evil then this 5 different character from 4 of the difference races and connected to important racial figures EVER had between them.
They just go along far too well, and the exposition of their personality takes chunks away from the world around you. At least for me. While back in the first guild wars, yes they had their own personalities but by none was forced besides some cutscenes where you’d just sit back and watch anyway.
I’ll always remember Koss, Dunkoro, Melonni, Tahlkora, Zhed and Morgham from Nightfall. Like how Dunkoro suggestions can help you get accross a zone easier. How Melonni and Koss had different opinions. How Zhed learned to appreciate you, even if you’re human. And how Morgham changes sides to help you.
All of this characters had their own problems, bigger or smaller, or their own view on what’s more important. They had different opinions and each one of them made them important in the whole story.
Meanwhile in gw2, every single character goes along PERFECTLY. No one doubts you, no one dares suggest an approach. No one questions the others actions.
In my eyes the Destiny Edge 2.0 fails when it’s together as a group. Because without a reason to debate and improve among them self (and I don’t mean ragequit drama like the first DE) they just look like the bland group that follows your very steps and orders. As if they don’t have their own agenda. If that’s the case then to me they might as well be necromancer minions with stereotypical english accent and they might even work better.
Now, dose any of this make sense or am I just seeings this trough nostalgia goggles after playing the gw1 campains again?
Last time i heard of a character that was killed or destroyed because of the community hate, was Garrosh Hellscream from world of warcraft. A brute orc, chosen to be the new leader because the army liked him as a general.
And I be kitten ed he put the WAR in warchief. He had an amazing moment in a quest storyline, that gave him the depth he needed, I was hating him before that event, and I ended up loving him afterwards, because he made a stand of opinion and morale in a brutal war.
Then came the post-release patches. Thrown down the pit the good side of him they enstablished during the lvl 1 to 60 experience. Made him, evil, bloodthirsty, idiotic and down right evil out of the backside because “power corrupts.”
I’ll hate to see that happen again just because people like to hate. It’s far to easy to hate.
As you stated, we need to see why he’s the general now, why he was praised for his journey in orr and so on. Hope they can fix that in the future.
fingers crossed
I can’t state my opinion on Taimi and Jory + Kas too much. For one I can only give generic opinions, and two last time that was done the post was deleted. Two forum posts actualy, so I guess it’s just a matter of time before it happnes to this as well.
My problem with Taimi is that she’s made to be a bit too cute at times, but that’s for many asura.
Jory + Kas is a bit forced, as other stated there are times to solve reletionship problems , and other times to focus on the action. And talking of ones healt while investigating a case of air crash is not that one.
I think gw1 story was just a bit better with its characters because (at least in Factions and Nightfall.) They didn’t put character drama in the middle of adventure. It was mostly a colorful sidenote. Like in nightfall between Koss and Melonni. They didn’t get along untill you’re at Abaddon doorstep, and all trough your journey you’d read them talking, again, in the background. But it was never that discrating (spam aside) now with too much emphasis on the characters and forcing the player to wait for them to complete their dialogues. That’s the problem. At least for me.
Personaly the characters don’t need to hold you, to be deep. And don’t need to be forced in front of you.
So yea, round it up even if characters had personalities, they never truly stopped the action or shifted your focus from the grand scheme of things. Now it’s a mixed bag. Good or bad up to personal taste, personaly I’d like more world and less exposition on character “drama”. (probably not the best decription and I’m sorry but I couldn’t come up with a better one.)
And about Braham…I don’t think the main problem is that he’s a gentle brute protector and little else, it’s just that he’s the main and only character of that kind we spend most of our time with. And he’s a bit too passive too, never contributing with his guardian spells like Jory or Kas do.
One would think he could do a crap tone of stuff with those. But he’s treated like a brainless warrior, never taking too much time in conversations or planning.
He needs a counter part, something to stimulate him to be do something more then just bash the next skull. I just say, there’s room for the likes of Braham, but he didn’t really move that much from when we first meet him. Making him look flat in my eyes.
Mind you, this character are not bad by any means. I chuckled more then I dare to admit when Taimi used Jory as a unit for weight. But they are too forced, and too much in your face, distracting from the fact that we have giant vine monsters strangulating people and forts alike.
Dare to say, having to have to weight for them for an door to open reminds me of Call of Duty campain.
(edited by Synesh.1094)
It’s been around since day 1 as far as I know.
If you want some more white mantle themed stuff check Aurora’s Rest in Brisban. The area has a slightly different joungle flora then the nearby zones, or so I belive and there are ghosts of shining blade and white mantles fighting.
One of the white mantle warriors has an unique helm too. There’s also a champion that you’ll find chanting in front of a wall of thorns. I -suppose- it’s guarding a secondary entrance to the bandit fort just north of that location.
But it’s just personal speculation, mind you.
Personaly, as a filty casual as myself, I like this change. I don’t wish any harm arm against those people that wish to speed clear the dungeon, but it’s just sad that stacking has become the norm.
Personaly if one wants to speed clear, he needs a proper team and group coordination, not cheap tactics. And the only way I can think up right now, is make changes like this more frequent, making fighting the boss as intended safer on the long run, so that only good teams will deal with it fast enough.
Edge of the Mists and the newer dungeons are better on this matter, and they do that by making you fight the boss on their own rules (again, not a speed cleaner so I don’t know all the tricks. I just go in, fight, have a good time and peace out), wich to me add to the encounter, giving more weight to it.
Personaly, i see no problem with this change and I wish for similar ones applied in the future (as long they make sense as “Don’t stand in the fire”) but I don’t think the old dungeons will ever improve that much, they are filled with interesting ideas that don’t really work and are far too easy to exploit.
I want to give -A- point to the community of the game.
I’ve been Rping in Rata Sum recently and some people there probably almost never Rped before joined it at time. And just listened to us giving us compliments for our gameplay. So if anything I must give praise to the community. Those this mean the situation should remain as it is?
Hell no. As much as I like to find people like this around, I still want to remain in contact with the resto of Piken Square before anything, and I don’t even want to think how hard is for French or German Rpers right now. Afterall with a megaserver the most understanded language will be english so Rping in any other language can be harder for sure.
Right now we deserve a system that’s no an overflow that works the other way around as this one is right now. Giving people the choice of where to go would be perfect. I’m getting used to the situation of course, but that’s no excuse because I want to remind us that the informations they gave us before the start of the megaserver never worked in the first place. So they lied.
Untill that’s fixed and apologies are give my wallet remains sealed as stated before. One can get used to a scar or a wound, but that doesn’t mean I forget the origin of that so easly.
This is silly.
I was looking forwards for this new trait system. I was eager to learn new traits as I proceeded with my lvling experience.
Instead when I reached lvl 30 with a new character the list of jobs I have to do to obtain a simple Tier 1 trait is absurde and without reason.
Why would I need to complete Bloodtide Coast, a zone I’ll probably complete, if I keep the flow of my lvling going, around lvl 55. For a Tier 1 trait, what the hell.
At least, for the sake of logic make this tier 1 – 2 – 3 traits part of the lvling experience. Make them something to do WHILE we are in a zone around lvl 30-50. Don’t put them at the end of long chain events that will people will do anyway because of farm. Don’t add them to the map completition of a zone but make them part of the exploration of said zone.
How better if would be gain a trait if I kneel in front of the large tower in the Ascalon settelment.
Maybe add some to Class Themed events in the world. Like the skill point in Kessex hills where you have to fight an elemental. Add a fire or water trait unlock to that single fight low lvl fight.
Do you know the Grenth statue in lornars pass? Why not give a necromancer trait if you discover it. Maybe something to do with shadow magic.
Do you want a warrior trait? Assist in a large fight like the defense of ascalon settelment to gain a Defense or Tactics tier 1 trait. I know when it comes to events such as this there’s the risk people won’t have it immediatly and may have to wait a bit. But this events are such on a short countdown that I’m not really sure how it can bother people. At least in my opinion.
In the end this change seemed so good but it’s been turned into an uninspired, mandatory grind.
Between this and the megaserver my disappointment is rising.
My suggestion.
Give people the chance to play the game as they want to. Some don’t like to be merged with huge maps filled with people since for them it adds nothing to the game. Why is that? Simple enough world bosses became sort of a joke as they are right now, the fire elemtal dead after 40 seconds is the proof of that.
There is joy in being in a large map with people yes, but there’s also something as “Too many people”. If doing the world events is reduced to a mindless rush towards the reward chest then there’s something wrong with the concept of world bosses if you ask me. Personaly I’d rather take a small group and struggle a bit to get that chest, rather then see it melt while I stood still pressing 1.
Then there’s the big elephant in the room that comes with mixing players of different languages in the same overflow. I almost refuse to call this thing a Megaserver, right now it’s just a system that finds a open spot for you and putt you in there for the sake of filling a room, generating a fake sense of community and group that is bound to vanish as soon as people realize that you’ll never see most of those persons again. Unless you turn your friends list into Facebook.
This sense of losing the community i very much enjoyed is killing this game for me. Piken Square is still present in the Tequatle and Jungle wurm boss fight, but outisde of that we are scattered to the winds.
I used to recognize all the guilds that I came across while exploring the world. Now I can’t even understand half of their names. What good is a community in an MMO if it’s volatile. You might as well change all those players for NPCs while at it, at least you know they won’t start arguing with each other on map chat.
This problems affect all of us, besides the more casual players that didn’t join an active guild or that didn’t create a community before this fallout. Those enjoy it of course, they do what they’ve done before but with more people around, little they care if they’ll see them again.
This effects mostly the Roleplay community, which, oddly enough, was even more active then the past before this patch. Now it’s crumbling. Chances to find random roleplay while walking somwhere are non existing, and trust me that is the backbone of the roleplay. Random interactions between people and characters outside of guilds, party or friend list. To find it now they are forced to stick with the same group with little chances to extend this reletionships outside because there are just too many people between them and the next roleplayer.
All this pessimism is not allevieted by the fact that they told us, before this patch, that the system would’ve been available only in the heart of the mists and low population zones. But they took that statement and ignored it, the patch was active since the first second in all major cities besides Divinitys Reach, the bank and Tp filled with random players standing still or AFK or talking crap in the map chat.
So they lied to us.
They said this system would’ve been smart and separate the differente lenguages in europe.
They lied and now they put an automatic language filter on the chat.
They said that it would place you with your guild and friends.
They lied as stated by many people on top of my rant.
I’m not against the idea of uniting people, i had some fun while leveling, but I want the freedom to chose where to go and with what kind of people stay.
If they could allow us to chose on which “Sub server” go that would be perfect. Like Queendale 1-2-3 / Fr/De/Sp or Rp.
Either that or stay true to their statement and make this system work. But again, I’d rather don’t leave the choice of where I’ll end up to a computer.
As time passes by more and more people that found enjoyiment in the low/medium population zone is start to lament as well, at least it’s what I see from the forums.
Add to it the fact that making most of the bosses an enourmus zerg fest doesn’t help keeping people interesting. The feeling of freshness disappear when you steam roll trough the content incredibly fast without even noticing or putting no effort into the fight. And if I remember correctly effort and difficulty was a point in the Gw2 Manifesto.
Piken Square has/had a decent community around world bosses and even if some were just a large zerg, there were at times smaller events trigged and complete by 5-10 people. I was allways looking forward for this ones rather then the cheese large scale ones.
Once again I renew my call for player influence over this sytem or just make it smarter. Please.
EDIT: and on the topic of WvW, I don’t support that, as a RPer myself, but seems like the only thing that keeps me with a sense of community. I found myself in the Edge of the Mists with a few friends, we were outnumbered by the rest of the servers and left with just the major keep.
Lukly I’m a moron, and instead of jumping for the karma train I spent the unsued supplies to repair all our oil and mortars. Because of this and lots of arrow carts we pushed back 3 major zergs from overgrowth, even blowing the bridges under their feet before they could breach into the walls.
And after that we aimed all our mortars into the center of the keep, firing around the boss and the major concentration of enemies. We repelled 3 more zerg waves that way. Our champion was never killed for the whole 3 hours of the turn.
It was one of the most glorius experiences I had in WvW and I’d wish to see more of these denfensive actions in Edge of the Mists or classic WvW. If the Rp community could bring this levels of gameplay to the field, well. I’m sold.
(edited by Synesh.1094)
I’ll like to keep this post up in the future for any other news or personal experinces releted to the problems this “Overpraised Overflow” seems to cause at the moment. If people stop complain or to expose this problems Anet might as well shrug it off and be off on their merry way. And kill what little is left of communities, of all kind.
This change was already a big problem for the echosystems of any server, we don’t need more changes like this in the future. At the very least we need a major hotfix ASAP, wich should take priority over any Living Story.
Right now the best way to handle this situation is to avoid giving any money to Arenanet untill the fix this.
And I mean all people that are unhappy with this change. In WvW, PvE and RP. If you’re alienated by this situation I suggest you don’t pay them anymore, it’s really the best way to face such silence in my opinion.
Maybe then they’ll answer. I’m not happy of doing this, I loved this game since it was in Beta, but this change did the impossibile and destroyed my enjoyment of a game I loved so much.
This is angry response yes, but it’s really the best way I have to be heard. Besides keeping this thread active.
The update at it is, scattered the communities across different maps.
Forcing them together like a pretentious kindergarten teacher while at the same time separating friendships and groups, or at least making harder for them to find each other.
I don’t feel part of a community anylonger, I just feel like a body thrown into a massive amalgamation of communities and groups that were never ment to meet each other in the first place.
Also on the roleplay note, as a roleplayer myself I don’t want to force people that don’t like it to listen to my asura ramble about his krewe. I want to be with people that appreciate it. Right now is pretty much impossibile, for 2 people that roleplay on a megaserver, there are 10 then don’t and I’m sure at least 5 of those don’t want anything to do with it and I understand.
I want Piken Square back, and not only because of the roleplay but also because I felt part of a server and a community, god I loved when the server took down Tequatle for the first time in months and everyone shouted “Piken Square best Square!” in map chat.
What are supposed to celebrate now if you don’t know half of the people or the guilds in a map. Especialy since you can’t even understand what is the name of their guild or character since it’s writte in french or german, while I was supposed to be paired with people on English servers.
I’ll be happy when a Dev speaks in this thread and shares his/her opinion about our concerns.
That’s all that matters, a sign of good will from them.
As I’m writing this Metrica Provice has been added to the Megaserver list. I’ll see how the RP goes there but I expect too many people passing around without a cloue on what is going on. Or down right trolling.
Please, if you can contact any developers and point them to this post it would so much. Of course do it in a polite manner. Just a way to expose openly what our fears and complications are. And the suggestion we posted.
Also if some one could copy their posts and place them in the Suggestion section of the forums it would help.
Maybe this will shake up Anet a bit. As a roleplayer I just want a pat on my shoulder (and working chairs) with a note that they care of our style of gameplay.
That would be it to make me happy.
What are the concerns from the rest of the community at the moment? Besides the fact that it’s hard to find people from the servers you loved now in this mass of faceless people?
I’d like to add how I feel about this situation for those that don’t get it.
Right now the megaserver on the main hub cities feels like as a schoolbus just busted through my house door and a bunch of teenagers are making a party in my house with alchool and hookers. While I was trying to relax, have a tea and read some Tolkien. And on top of that some at time call me a nerd for reading it.
It is a silly comparison but it’s not that far away from the truth. It’s not the nail in the coffin for RP yet. But the feeling of abbandon could very well be.
I have one suggestion about this issue.
Give us all a choice. This is what I feel lacks and is now being taken from us who enjoy the Role Play and from those who hate it.
It’s all about the fact that now both sides are forced into a mash up of a map. Leaving the Role Players with less free, and also making more likely for the people that don’t like roleplay to meet us while they are farming.
This pleases no one, at least on medioum and high poluation servers. If this could be directed to only low population servers while leaving the old system active for the rest, then this would work. Now? It doesn’t because it forces different communieties to clash with each other while at the same time diving them.
It won’t take long before a RP event clashes with a PVE Guild event, and then both sides will be at each others throat saying that they ruining their fun while also filling space that could be used by members of one of the two sides.
In the end what we miss is the choice and the freedom to decide on our own the experience we like most. This could be easly fixed by giving the players the possibility to chose on which map we’d like to be. Maybe Rata Sum 1 is too crowded. All right maybe I can move to Rata Sum 7 and bring my friends there.
This is what we need, a system like the one in Guild Wars 1 that allowed us to chose where to go when we want. And if you could name one of this sub map as “Role Play” this would be HUGE.
And by huge I mean huge. Right now Role players on gw2 had always to adapt, the simple fact that there’s no main RP server was always a problem. In time Piken Square and TC managed to fill that hole but they are not recognized by the game.
This is where the issue lies, we roleplayers, a part of the community feel like we are costantly given the short end of the stick and we have only to work around it.
The simple fact, of giving us a sub server named for Role Play would the sign that Anet cares a little bit about us. That sign that they appreciate our way to enjoy the game and want to support it.
But as it is right now we feel like we’ve been booted and many are saying they’ll move to another MMO or never spend Real money on the gem store.
And if the roleplay keeps being crippled like this, I may follow them somewhere also. And this brings me only sadness.
I guess the best way to get us heard is trough our money.
I’d gladly pay for a Canthan expansion. I payed for the first one, and I loved it, why I shouldn’t do it again now that I know and like Gw2?
I started my Guild Wars experience with Factions. I loved the art style, the music, the story, the lore, the very feeling that the world gived to me. Expecialy i loved both the Jade Sea and the Petrified Forest.
I have so many good memorys of Cantha and the whole Faction expansion. And I hope, i realy do, to see that world that amazed me, what seems ages ago, rebuilded and reshaped in the amazing world that is Guild Wars 2.
Don’t rebuild what was to begin with a very beutiful world in the next game of the series seems a crying shame to me. I’m amazed of what you did with Divinitys Reach, Hoelbrack, Lions Arch and what you’re continuing to do with the whole world. Wow, i even love the art style of Orr!
I can only imagine what beutiful locations you could create in a such lush enviroment like Cantha and how the story could progress now that the Empire has suffered so much.
I seriusly hope that my words, and those of all the people that posted here before and after me, will show the love of the community for that zone and his story.
(edited by Synesh.1094)