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1c undercutting is destroying competition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


Because if the amount they lose is so insignificant they don’t give the slightest kitten about it then they don’t deserve to go first.

How, “deserve”? Morally? Then everyone who tries to keep high prices “don’t deserve to make profit”, too.

Please bring henchmen and heroes back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


this is an mmo, not a single player game.

Unfortunately, yes. I guess that would be better (and as long as there’s an internet connection, they still could sell additional character slots, bag slots and so on at their item shop).

Please bring henchmen and heroes back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


I can’t expect people to invite me into a group when I can’t be sure whether I have to leave in between. It’s not social to do that, it’s only unfair.
But therefore I’ll never be able to see a dungeon. If I could at least minimize the number of affected players to 1, then I could try to find someone who suffers from the same problem, and we could try our luck…

Please bring henchmen and heroes back.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


I also agree. Nothing I would love more than a Guild Wars 2 with allies that are more patient and uncomplaining than, unfortunately, so many random players are.

Any huge profit chances from event?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


Does this “thing” involve in any way the Mystic Forge?

More probably it involved simply something else than truth. Someone who made really good profit will either tell how he has done it, or he will enjoy it silently.

1c undercutting is destroying competition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


In a game like GW2, it would be easy to deal with that – don’t “do all of the work”, then you probably won’t get “everything”, but you also don’t loose anything.
Or, what would be another possibility – think about timing.

1c undercutting is destroying competition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


I can’t see why it should harm someone or should be unfair, if it’s undercutting by 1 copper or by 5% or whatever. You make your price, other people make theirs. If they come later, maybe the only customer already bought yours, and they can’t sell. Or if they come later, they adopt to your pricing, and you can’t sell. They don’t complain that you are unfair being sooner, so why do you complain?

Skimpy clothing preference

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


Maybe ArenaNet could just make every part of the armor showing on or off, like it’s now possible for helmet and shoulders?

However, as was said before:

I want my armor to look like it does the job. Armor is not supposed to make you look sexy, it’s supposed to keep you safe.

I have more female than male characters, and I would prefer them to wear armor that looks like armor. That is, without a bikini-breast-look, what would be… sorry, but I can’t help, it would be crazy to a point exceeding idiocy. A plunging neckline is good for parties, not for the war.
I would be completely satisfied if I could give male armors to my female characters.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


The wiki says: “Retaliation does not reduce damage taken by the affected player, but damages anyone who hits them”. Therefore, as far as I understood, “reflection” is not the best term for this. The character will take full damage, and a part of it will also be inflicted on the character that attacked the character with Retaliation.

why few people use food or potion buffs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


Maybe being a noob pays off in pertinence better than buffs? ;-)

training target in Lion's Arch

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


I agree with this, it would be really helpful.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


Name another one out there that has those and doesn’t have trinity based combat.

I didn’t do idle talk about games being there. It’s up to those who claim “there are many MMORPGs” to prove their words. And they can’t. As always.

Have i wrong feeling about bot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


Botters are in my opinion still better than those people who try to artificially increase prices. Because there will always be an excess supply of crafted things compared to materials. And in this way (with farm bots), at least those who like crafting can do so.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


Idle talk, as always, “there are plenty other mmorpgs”. Name a couple, then, where
- you can level without killing, just by helping NPCs,
- you have a nice, detailed, liverly world with NPC-chats worth to listen to,
- you can craft as good equipment as you can get by other means.

Just Got The Game!!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


Well, let’s start with:
- enjoy it, take your time, the world is great (however still buggy here and there)
- don’t await to have lot’s of gold, especially not by crafting, that’s a money sink
- but be ready to say goodbye to old role schemes, they probably won’t apply
- try sPvP and World vs. World vs. World

I can only speak about myself: for me GW2 has set new benchmarks for MMORPG.

(edited by Talyjta.9081)

1c undercutting is destroying competition

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


I think you underestimate another factor: the time. Referring to the time at which people are “doing their shopping”.

(edited by Talyjta.9081)

People, Up Your Buy Price

in Crafting

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


True, but what about when you are Master at the skill?

Then other player characters, e.g. Alts or characters of newcomers, will still try to sell their items.
And you can sell your lower-level farmed materials to them, and start to think about you own legendary.

Requesting clarification on multibox policy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


You’re underestimating the necessary change in movement speed and movement route due to a second character in the fellow mode. That’s all. (I did so, too, by the way – that’s why I started experimenting and gaining experience in some games. I learned that it adds difficulty and therefore a moment of “thrill” but does not pay-off in terms of time.)

People, Up Your Buy Price

in Crafting

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


As far as I could explore these things, there’s usually a drop or buy-for-karma equivalent to things that can be crafted, except for food. But maybe things changes on top level?

If the buyer proses price was at least covering the costs of the crafting then perhaps seller prices would even drop because now the buyer has created competition between the crafters.

The profit is the skill achieved by crafting. Therefore the drop of seller price already had taken place – that’s why crafted things can be sold so cheap. Crafters take the ingredients price as apprentice’s due, and the return of selling things as a small compensation.

Requesting clarification on multibox policy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


Unfortunately, I don’t have the ability to check this. But when I last time did this in other games, I came out with longer times for two characters in difficult terrains. And usually terrains in MMORPGs tend to be difficult.

People, Up Your Buy Price

in Crafting

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


If players want more desirable crafted pieces in the game, then give crafters an incentive to even make the items.

Why? No need to buy them from anyone else for a lot of money, if you can buy things of the same quality in the TP cheaper.

If you’re looking for economy – there it is: drops are as well in terms of qualitiy and drop “for free”, however with less probability. But the probability is balanced by player number.

Do you know why there are so few charcoalers nowadays? And so few wagoners? Or litter-carriers? Crafters in GW2 have the same problem: economy doesn’t need them.

Requesting clarification on multibox policy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


I think you misunderstand how multiboxing works in this game. There is no follow, so a person just has to run several accounts on one pc controlled simultaneously.

If someone uses 1 keyboard and 1 mouse for 2 characters – then applies what you said, yes, and I think nobody will deny that this person is cheating, even not that person himself.
But is that the definition of multiboxing? I learned that multiboxing is being logged in at 2 PCs (each with screen, keyboard and mouse for it’s own) and 2 accounts at the same time. And that’s not so clear in my eyes, as it doesn’t provide so much benefits, maybe even more handicaps. And you have to pay for 2 accounts.

Requesting clarification on multibox policy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


In the same amount of time? No.
I’ve tried playing with two characters at the same time in other games, and even with a follow option it takes much more time. How much more, that depends on the territory. At some places, you have to make a single step and then wait for the second character to come near again because otherwise he will stuck. Then you have to start any action separately, and with the time to swich the keyboard and lead the second character to the right position, you’re busy the usual amount of time.
Therefore, playing two characters at the same time is not a great time saving. It only adds some need for concentration to boring situations, and need for skill to not so boring situations :-) .

Bots: Hurtful or Helpful?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


1. Can be both. As long as one is not forced to farm in the same area, I see them not as problem.
2. Much less a problem then people manipulating prices of the TP in the other direction (that is, to higher prices).
3. That’s ArenaNets own thing – and I would assume they will do their best because it’s first of all their own interest.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


Folks, please stop being hyperbolic and refusing to learn the new system. If you understood the new system, you’d know how players can work together.

It’s not very polite to impute others being kind of a mathmatical function or other nasty things, you know?
You will have a hard time to prove that I don’t understand the new system, and without that proof, you shouldn’t assume my own knowledge about myself being wrong. Thus it’s not refusal, stupidity, dementia, lazyness, lunacity or whatever – I know the new system and I found that I am missing something about (please spend attention) player interaction.

I can play a damage dealer as well as I can play a supporter and / or an healer. But I miss player interaction when everyone is only busy with doing damage. And the possibility for teamwork in GW2 is approximately as good as the possibility for playing a tank: yes, if you overcome all the limitations and obstacles of the system, then you can do so. But it’s usually better to play as the game mechanics supports, and maybe give the developers a hint that there is space for improvements.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


The good thing for them is that there are half a dozen other MMOs exactly like what they want out there …

Idle talk. Name a couple. Or just one. Only one that allows to level without killing, offers a crafting system and has lively nice chats between NPCs in a wide, well-simulated fictional world.

You see? Idle talk, that there are “so much others”.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


Each character is doing something for every other character: you can swap off aggro, throw down fields, throw out finishers, throw out AoE heals, debuffs, buffs, etc. All the while, contributing to DPS and crowd control. In other words, like a real team, ….

But it’s quite useless. Aggro control and foe control – why? For what good? Everyone can deal with an enemy as well as I can, so there’s no need. Buffs and debuffs? Every class has a good amount of possibilities to handle this. No need to intervene. Combos? How to avoid some random (so-to-say accidental) finisher thrown before my own signals has reached the server? You can’t plan any combo. So… what sense does it make?

Everything one could “do for others” they can do as good for their own, or just wait for random occurence. No need to intervene.

There are many, many places for gamers like you OP.
They’re in every other MMO out there.

Oh, funny you mention it. Could you just give one or two examples of MMOs where
- one has an environment with vivid NPC dialogs to listen,
- can achieve level with crafting, or gathering things for NPC, or whatever but without killing,
- can group or solo as you like?
No? None? NONE of all “the other MMOs out there”? Then… oncemore idle talk.

Why less than 50% crit chance?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


I did some math by my own now. Basically, I assumed a power of 1000, weapon damage of 1000, all other values as given at lvl 80, and 30 trait points, equal to a filled trait line, and calculated the total of normal damage. Filling the power trait line gaves roughly 30% more damage, precision led to 10% damage increase and crit damage only to 3%.
The high result for power is easy to explain – it also affects the normal damage, and that occurs quite often when crit chance is only 4%. The benefit of crit chance over crit damage is explained by the 50% bonus to every critical hit. Investing in critical damage therefore is less effectiv, as the bonus only occures in rare cases (as given by the lower crit chance).

@ GummiBear: I am still on the search for a mathmatical simplification for the boon and condition parts of GW2. But the different cooldown times make this a difficult task. I wonder whether you could give some abstractions to mak a little bit math with this?

what does kitten even mean

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


But honestly… replacing it inside common words like full (.f.u.l.l ) and funny (.f.u.n.n.y) doen’t make a lot of sense, does it?

Why less than 50% crit chance?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


One question I have to your first answer, Helequin. You say:

The trouble with crit chance is that is has a diminishing return in terms of it proccing.

I don’t think so. If you raise precision for 21 points, you’ll get 1% more critical hits. And that won’t change. So… I can’t see any “diminidhing” except a relative one, relative to the value already obtained. But this will happen to any value.

What I can confirm is that power is the best stat to increase, in terms of damage. I just did a couple of simple calculations, keeping all values fixed and only adding “one complete trait line” (or the outcame of 30 points spent) to one of the values. The total amount is of course depending of the foe’s armor (except for condition damage).
However, spending 30 points in the power trait line gives 3 times the increase as spending them to critical chance or critical damage. Increasing the condition damage seems to be in the same range of magnitude like the both crit values, however in this case I’m very unsure whether I did a correct abstraction.

For toughness, I found a diminishing also in the absolute outcome. If one has only a very weak armor, the trait line bonus of 300 points will absorb more damage, as if one already is very well-armored. (The increase of the minimum defense 1800 to 2100 will reduce the damage 3.5 times stronger than if the increase is from 3600 to 3900.)

1 Extra Utility Slot - A Serious Discussion

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


I’m in the 4US group…

I wonder whether it may arise a balancing problem, but… ah well, it’s a good idea, like so many here. And i really fear it will “go the way of all good ideas around here”…

Why less than 50% crit chance?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


… but most (of not all) classes in fact have traits that make you proc some sort of condition when you crit, …

Yes, and then, I would argue, you are not focussed on condition damage. Then you have kind of a mixture. So yes, it’s true, I didn’t list the full variety of reasons for and against high crit chance values…

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


The game was designed for everyone to be self reliant to a pretty large extent. It actually forces every char to pack a burst self heal.

What I really ask myself now is:
What’s the sense of building groups for dungeons??
Why, why on earth should I group up with 4 others if everyone is doing his own stuff? What’s the sense of being together if… there’s nothing to do for each other?

In this setup, dungeons are really only worth farming, because that’s something a damage dealer can do best. Give everyone 1/5th of it and let them be done solo… or make them so hard that you need half an hour or more to detect all the most efficient combos and cross-reacting traits, boons and so on that allow a group to be more than five damage dealers, constipated by necessity.

(edited by Talyjta.9081)

Why less than 50% crit chance?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


In the wiki there’s a table of damage increase by critical chance vs. critical damage. I learned from it that critical chance is to prefer. My own limit for permanent increase therefore is 80%, for the remaining 20% “Fury” is responsible.
The other case is if one focusing on condition damage. Because this damage cannot crit, one can leave out precision and critical damage more or less… so in that case 40% would be too much, in my opinion.

Guild exploit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


If you’d REALLY like to metaphorically body slam these kittens, post the guild’s name and server here.

That may not “survive” its first contact with a Moderator reading here… They seem to be restrictiv about giving other peoples account names and so on to the public when it’s in a negative context.

Guild exploit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


Well, I would call it first of all a social problem. Aren’t there enough guildes of the same size and influence to join? Ask your friend to come with you and leave.

The problem is that the guild tools can be used and misused, and complete security against misuse will usually mean also complete uselessness for those who could use them responsibly…

Armor value customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


But that will only apply to fixed combinations, won’t it?

Requesting clarification on multibox policy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


And exactly what is the basical legal (significant) definition of “multiboxing”? Without that, stating the legal state of whatever is… not really helpful.

Armor value customization

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


I agree – for every piece of equiment. (Oh, wait – except bags.)
As for unbalanced combinations, which might that be? Precision + critical chance? You can already now get a value that just waste potential, because more than 100% are worthless.
Any else that is really benefitting? I can’t see any that would exceed the usefulness of existing combinations. It just would give you more freedom, so… really, why not?

My guild left me for another game. :/

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


No, they didn’t screw me though. Only 3 left, and they left me in charge. I don’t want to screw the other 16 because the 3 left.

And I think you’re right.
What if someone can’t login actually, but by chance had represented another guild when he was online and would still like to stay in the community?

It would be good if you could see at which time the guild members hab been online, then send them a privat message and a “reminder” message and kick then when they don’t answer in spite of being online. That would be fair, in my eyes.
But as it is now… It’s really hard to tell whether someone has forgotten about the guild or whether he is just offline for this time…

Requesting clarification on multibox policy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


Yes using a GPU driver is botting… /Facepalm

Easy to jeer, isn’t it? Now let’s hear your arguments!

Requesting clarification on multibox policy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


Well, to say it in other words: I am in a trembling uncertainty about those legal things. You could even claim that the use of the most actual graphic card driver will “allow to play faster, better, longer, or more accurately” (due to less lags, for example). Or the usage of a voice chat, especially in the WvWvW or a dungeon. So… where’s the boundary now?

Requesting clarification on multibox policy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


Being “afk” is always cheating, then?

Precursor solution.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


It has value because they are using it as a lure for their event, if they did it like you said that lure would be gone, and only those who are on will receive anything again increasing the lure.

Isn’t the event itself “lure” enough? Seeing things happening, being part of something bigger? Playing the game just for playing the game, enjoying the adventure?

No, I’m not sure whether it wouldn’t be better not having other lures. They only increase the number of lags and people fidgeting around.

In my view Legendaries should be account bound not sellable + SB

in Crafting

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


And? Things like that can always happen… that’s not linked to “legendary” equip.

Critical damage scaling on power?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


Let’s have a look to the Runes now.
Superior Runes of Balthazar give 25, 50 and 90 points bonus to the damage (because power is converted to damage 1:1). The increase of average crit damage is therefore
(1.25 * x) = 1.25 * 25 = 31
(1.25 * x) = 1.25 * 50 = 62
(1.25 * x) = 1.25 * 90 = 112

Edit: I forgot one thing – not only the critical damage is increased in this case, but also the normal damage. Thus, one has to add half of the points (because if 50% of the hits are crtical, the other 50% are normal). The increase of total damage therefore is 31 + 12 = 43, 62 + 25 = 77 and 112 + 45 = 157. /Edit

Superior Runes of Rage give 2%, 3% and 5% of critical damage. The increase of average crit damage is then
(b * y) = 2000 * 0.02 = 40
(b * y) = 2000 * 0.03 = 60
(b * y) = 2000 * 0.05 = 100 .

Thus, if you only have 1 rune slot free, take Rage, from 3 slots on Balthazar.
Edit: With the overall damage taken into account, Balthazar is the better choice. /Edit

Now have a look to the trait lines. You can invest points in a primary attribute in a ratio from 1 : 10 . Or you can invest the same points in critical damage in a ratio of 1 : 1% or, numerical, 1 : 0.01 .
In this case of 1 point spent and under the assumption of a critical chance of 50% you’ll get
(1.25 * x) = 1.25 * 10 = 12.5 and
(b * y) = 2000 * 0.01 = 20 .
Even with the highest critical chance possible (leading to 1.5 * x = 15) you’ll never get the bonus from increased power that equals the possible bonus from increased critical damage.

(edited by Talyjta.9081)

Critical damage scaling on power?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


Lets assume my mathmatical English being influenced strongly from German (I’m sorry if the words I choose are incorrect) and as shortcuts
a = avarage damage
b = base damage (all non-condition damage)
1/2 as normal increase from base to critical damage (from 100% to 150%, that is equal to from 1 to 1.5 = an increase of 0.5)
p = probability of crit
x = amount of increase (addition) to b
y = amount of increase (addition) to 0.5

Please hold in mind that x is something in the range of 25 to 500, while y is in the range of up to 0.5.

The basic formula is
a = b + (1/2 * b * p) = b + (b * p/2) = b * (1 + p/2)

Now, b is increased by x to result in the avarage damage a*:
a* = (b + x) * (1 + p/2)
a* = b + x + ((b + x) * p/2)
a* = b + x + (b * p/2) + (x * p/2)
a* = b + (b * p/2) + x + (x * p/2)
a* = b * (1 + p/2) + x * (1 + p/2)
If p shall be 50% or numerical 0.5, p/2 is 0.25, resulting in
a* = b * (1 + 0.25) + x * (1 + 0.25)
a* = 1.25b + 1.25x
Thus, compared with the first formula, we get an increase of x * (1 + p/2) or, with p = 50%, 1.25 * x.

Alternatively, 0.5 is increased by y to result in the avarage damage a°:
a° = b * (1 + p/2 + y)
a° = b + (b * p/2) + (b * y)
a° = b * (1 + p/2) + (b * y)
If p shall be 50% or numerical 0.5, p/2 is 0.25, resulting in
a° = b * (1 + 0.25) + (b * y)
a° = 1.25b + (b * y)
Thus, compared with the first formula, we get an increase of b * y.

Now what’s better, (1.25 * x) or (b * y)?
You remember that x is up to 500 and y is up to 0.5? You have a different “range” of x and y. Also you have a different “range” between 1.25 and the base damage. Base damage is around 2000 (900 from the power attribute, 1000 from the weapon damage, and 100 from round-off error).
If x is as much higher than y as the base damage is higher than 1.25, than the alternatives are equal. Or in an equation:
x/y = base damage / 1.25 under the assumption of a crit chance of 50%.
Otherwise, you have to calculate:
x/y = base damage / (1 + (crit chance / 2))

(edited by Talyjta.9081)

Possible solution regarding the Karka fiasco?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


Counting the bags had been my first thought, too…

In my view Legendaries should be account bound not sellable + SB

in Crafting

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


But still: it’s too late now, and, well, the system that’s immun against exploits is still to be found…
There’s a gap between theory and practice.

Additional stats on hero screen

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


Did you check the tooltips of the secondary attributes?