Showing Posts For TeaDoa.5968:

do you want more underwater weapons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


I guess the issue is you can’t use normal weapons underwater

or can’t use them well.

what else weapons could there be suggest that insent of just asking

Guilds halls or player housing, a home

in Suggestions

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


I such a little thing(it was pretty big is GW1) but it does serve a propose.
Guild Halls are good places to hangout and meetup with you guildmate’s customize use as a craft in there. Make pvp teams.

Player housing is different but it can sever a similar propose. Just a place to go where others are not.

Just a place for your home when you want so R&R. The more you can do there crafting, action house, bank the better.

Talking GW2 expansion (long overdue)

in Community Creations

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


What I’m seeing in this thread is a lot of people who don’t understand what’s going on here.

Arena Net is completely 100% owned by NCsoft and has been since BEFORE Guild Wars 1 launched. NCsoft owns Arena Net. Every possession owned by Arena Net is the property of NCsoft and always has been.

So, NCsoft doesn’t get ANY of the sales from the sales shop directly because NCsoft gets them even if Anet gets them. That’s how corporations and parent corporations work.

Anet has bills to pay. They have employees to pay. They have expenses. NCsoft hopes that Anet will be a self perpetuating property than can keep going and making them more money. There’s zero reason for NCsoft to remove money from the cash shop. It’s theirs anyway.

No, I don’t think you are right here. Look, I have no idea about all this corporate stuff whatsoever but I do know a thing or two about game design and i definitely know ANets design philosophies and how they thrive to make a game that is a piece of art.
And NCSoft have their fingers in the development of GW2 which kitten es me off. They should be put back in their place as publishers and publish the game instead of ruining ArenaNet’s creativity. i like to remind you of a certain thread in this forum ( ) and NcSofts decision of BANNING a Cantha expansion ("NCsoft was firm in its decision to stay away from “Asian” themes and keep it “universal.”).
Plus, the great collapse has once been a Canthan Quarter until NCSoft decided that they didnt want the theme. Now it’s a big hole. All that work – lost.

I want to know how much power NCSoft has over the delopment of GW2. IF they were able to basically remove a whole district of Divinity’s Reach, why would they not be able to introduce all those disgusting game mechanics – why would they not be responsible for all the real money RNG chest bull kitten from the past? Because I’m sure they are.
So while you may be right when you say that money plays no role here, interfering in the development of the game certainly seems to be a factor – and it’s influencing the game in a negative way.

He is right and NCsoft has all the power.
Ok NCsoft owns Anet. NCsoft gives Anet all the freedom they want.
NCsoft only asks for profit in return.
NCsoft owns other developers too.
At least what I can tell they do the same as with Anet giving them all the freedom they want.
Do you get it.
GW2 would have never been made without NCsoft.

Talking GW2 expansion (long overdue)

in Community Creations

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


What I’m seeing in this thread is a lot of people who don’t understand what’s going on here.

Arena Net is completely 100% owned by NCsoft and has been since BEFORE Guild Wars 1 launched. NCsoft owns Arena Net. Every possession owned by Arena Net is the property of NCsoft and always has been.

So, NCsoft doesn’t get ANY of the sales from the sales shop directly because NCsoft gets them even if Anet gets them. That’s how corporations and parent corporations work.

Anet has bills to pay. They have employees to pay. They have expenses. NCsoft hopes that Anet will be a self perpetuating property than can keep going and making them more money. There’s zero reason for NCsoft to remove money from the cash shop. It’s theirs anyway.

Well those contracts don’t have to be like 100%, but Anet’s is. Everything Anet makes is really NCsoft’s.

Talking GW2 expansion (long overdue)

in Community Creations

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


Ya NCsoft owns ArenaNet

But Dontain is just obsessive

All ArenaNet’s money comes from NCsoft

I cant see the issue it always been that way

Why is there no GvG in "Guildwars"?

in PvP

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


I believe there is Guild Battles but you are looking in the wrong area. I said it before there old GvG is what the WvWvW is. No it is not the same but is similar in many aspects.

Underwater zone

in Suggestions

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


in future they could release, new part off gw2 and just flood all old areas (joke)
I think is good idea because underwater combat is little bit left out on this game.

Just imagine underwater wvwvw map ;D

Not sure that would work the WvWvW map

Some water map be cool there are maps that have a lot of water. But a map that is like a city under the water that would be cool.

"Guild Wars 2 Is Not A PvE Game". Really?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


The first Guild Wars was generally talked about as a PvP game with PvE trappings, which was why I never played it, I’m simply not good enough, due to age and not being weaned on multiplayer FPSs or fighting games like everyone under 30.

That is far from the truth. There was and still is plenty of PvE in GW1. A lot of it is better than GW2!

Played GW1 for around 5 or 6 years. Total PvP time? Probably a couple of days, maybe not even that much.

Guild Wars 1 definite had some awesome PVe moments, that Guild Wars 2 has so far been unable to match. Then again, most of the PVe moments, for me anyway, weren’t in Prophecies. The PVe got much much better as the expansions came out.

There are things in PVe in Guild Wars 1 that literally gave me shivers. Ogden’s Epilogue to Eye of the North was one of them. Just loved that. I could watch/listen to that a million times.

There are a couple of things in Guild Wars 2 that I really like (Tybalt, Sieran, some of the Charr and Asura storylines), but for the most part, the PVe in Guild Wars 1, storywise, was pretty kitten good.

The only thing that marred it for me was some of the missions and particularly some of the mission bonuses… not for the difficulty but for how badly they broke immersion.

But yeah, I fully expect Guild Wars 2 PvE to get a whole lot better in time.

First Guild Wars 1 was a PvP game it was built as a PvP game then added PvE aspect is why I think the game was so good. Don’t get me wrong the PvE in GW1 was good. Story Wise I agree Guild Wars 1 is better I did love nightfall. But everything else is so different it is hard to compare.

Now Guild Wars 2 does not have the same feeling. It feels like the PvE was built before the PvE, but what it really is that they built a combat system and then built the world for it. This time the system worked better in the PvE world and WvW then the SPvP(that seems more like WoW’s PvP a side thing to do, and yes I know not all players thing this way. But the reason most PvP is between raids).

GW1 percentage wise had more PvP only players(I was in a mix guild many players played both but most favorite). When I played I played Hours and Hours of PvP and mostly only played the story of PvE. I were to guess I say there was a 50/50 between Favorited PvP and PvE players. GW2 might be that too but the fact that it is WvW and PvE. Sorry but the SPvP is just not as good.

So I guess my point is they are both different games. Stuff that GW1 has and even did well is not in GW2 but Stuff that GW2 has and does well was not in GW1.

Looking for a bow class...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


Just play the ranger
You Long bow has a knockback(was really useful fighting as mini boss solo), short bow has a jump back.

Could we make this a community centic game?

in Suggestions

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


did you really think the lower zones would busy

But it is better that it not in this games cause

the issue when the game came out was the swarm you didn’t even know what was going on in event.

not every event is easy to do solo but with a few people yes easy

why is it good the people that are lvled that want to explore can and new players don’t get stuck in the swarm making the game mostly more enjoyable for all

but yes having a few players is better then solo
but having 20 players other then huge bosses is worst

sudden influx of mesmers and cheese teams,

in PvP

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


how can you create a cheese team when the game is based off capture point.

Highest Population Server: Heart of the mist

in PvP

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


I didn’t know about the different lobby if in a team can play together.

I think we should question demised return on tokens

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


It’s not about the economy, it’s about the prestige. I don’t know if you played guild wars 1 or not, but if you did, think about that and what Anet’s gear philosophy was back then, as it hasn’t really changed.

If you didn’t, don’t worry, I am going to explain:

In guild wars 1 the max level was 20, probably taking casually a week, down to a crazy day for the hardcores. At 20 getting max stat items was incredibly easy, probably take you only a day or 2 more to get these. Given this, those who enjoyed the game had to have something to look forward to still, and this came in the form of fancy skins for the armor, some of which took months to get.

Anet have brought that forward, and the dungeon gear is supposed to be the fancy skin, the easy way to get the armor was meant to be crafting or buying it on the TP. Unfortunately, since it was possible to speed run CoF on launch (or at least when you could get a party into the same instance) people went ahead and decided dungeons were the easy way to get the exotics, which is of course the reverse of what was intended.

The point of this is that the dungeon armies were intended wholly to show off, pretty much, and running the easiest path 20 times a day isn’t much to brag about. That’s why the 60 token reward is for doing each path, once per day. Remember they’ve already bent on this, as it used to be 30 was the most you could get each run.

If you can farm a set of armor in a day then nobody is going to look at you and think “wow, he really put the effort in there” which is what I used to think when I saw someone with chaos gloves in gw1 (until a couple years had passed anyway).

Sadly, CoF armor has already lost it’s sheen thanks to it being so heavily farmed, which is a shame as it looks so nice. They’re just playing damage control on the rest.

Sorry for the wall of text btw.

That’s just balancing the token amount issue what the system does is punish you for trying to get it fast. Is that really the right way.

No one will do Story Mode!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


I think it be best if the option to not have to do story to get to explorable

I think we should question demised return on tokens

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


People are questioning the speed clearing debuff mad even. I understand it needs there to stop farming on items. Why punish players they not trying to they don’t want you to farm out one area over and over.

But tokens are account bound(use to be character bound(not sure which be better now)). And the Armour/Weapon you buy will be at least account bound(likely character bound). What is the reason to limit a player that really wants to get that set it will be bound to you no matter what.

I understand why you should only get tokens if you beat the dungeon. But I don’t think the Speed Clearing Debuff should affect token amount(if it still is) It doesn’t affect the economy just your character and whoever else if with you.

~HUGE LIST of improvements~

in Suggestions

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


Everything you asked for seem ok
Inspection is just so I can see the names of items they wear they don’t even need to add stats.

You said eSport.

in PvP

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


They are not creating a rating system they will create a circuit like in the first game likely
Day tournaments they mouthy they yearly. Then if an eSport come out of that it be much later.

Gw2, moba, and you

in Suggestions

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


this has no place in GW

I don’t think the game type fits so I agree

Now some random facts

League of Legends made the term
MOBA = Multiplayer Online Battle Arena
I still think is an awful term

Defence of the Ancients made the term
ARTS = Action Real-Time Strategy
I like it better but it has an issue if you search it what do you think you are going to get.

sPvP Class Statistics over 39 games!

in PvP

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


Have you been doing this between servers?

The reason I ask, is if the data is taken only from a few servers than the data is likely wrong.

For instance, if you took 10 of those games from the same server (going back to back), the classes make up is likely to stay very similar from game to game. Moreover, it could account for various rankings. One good player in multiple games would skew the average points for that class.

sPvP is cross sever you could face anyone from your regain on any sever.

Taking them self out of the data would mess it up what if they are the best player. They are a player just like anyone else.

There is always the flaw of the fact that some build go for more point then other builds. But the data is still good its nice that you didn’t add the worst played people think it says something but it doesn’t really.

Use an utility skill in the elite spot.

in Suggestions

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


@Doombringer well spoken although I don’t think you are correct.

Options will never hinder a higher skill player because they learn to use the options to there advantage. In theory this promote lower skill players I don’t see that as a bad thing.

GW2 is not D&D and if the idea is wrong it should be changed. GW2 is an action game and the elite’s don’t work on nearly the same scale as D&D.

I also think you are wrong the elite skills are not based on D&D but based on the rise off the rise on DotA like games and yes those elite skills are about timing. In general in DotA like games the elite is core of your skill set enhancing your ability to use you other skills effectively.

In GW2 you don’t have a skill set you choose your skill set and there is the problem. So what did they do they made the skill do something completely of the beaten track. Now this could be good or not be good. Like I said for me it doesn’t fit what I like to achieve in my build.

But I have a spirit ranger as well and the elite is amazing especially in WvW. I think it is not about timing in this game but about what you like to achieve and combat fits that attitude.

Use an utility skill in the elite spot.

in Suggestions

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


The OP is kinda solving the wrong problem here. If a utility is more appealing than the Elite, then the problem is the Elite skill. So allowing a utility to replace an Elite doesn’t solve this “weak Elite skill” problem – it only sweeps it under the rug.

So instead, in my opinion, either Anet re-balance the Elite skill or create new ones that is slightly stronger that the utility of your choice. They created an Elite like this in GW1 (a stronger version of the weaker one) so therefore they can make it again.

No the Nerco skills are not weak is just the fact that most don’t allow you use your utility skills when using them. And the other one is fine. I just like a different skill.

Use an utility skill in the elite spot.

in Suggestions

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


No. Elites are supposed to give you a very good bonus and have a very long cooldown. Allowing you to bring four utility skills, instead of an elite, would allow for exploitation.

Example: Greatsword Ranger, with Muddy Terrain, Quickening Zephyr, Signet of Renewal, and Lightning Reflexes instead of Rampage as One. Now, instead of having stability, he has an instant evade, vigor, and stun break, weapon swap gets him fury and might. Suddenly, he’s got a better stack of buffs than his elite would give him, and can do this burst every 36 seconds instead of every 120.

And that is why this is a bad idea.

Better? It is not better you don’t get stability which is like the best boon. You don’t fury for 20 seconds and the fact the Lightning Reflexes jumps you backwards. So the escape is nice if that’s what you want but greatsword build is about charging. So why is this better. Nice looking at the facts.

Use an utility skill in the elite spot.

in Suggestions

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


This would unbalance things.

oh really why don’t you explain how it unbalances things

It will change the balance. For the most part people will use elites being they are the most powerful skills.

(edited by TeaDoa.5968)

Use an utility skill in the elite spot.

in Suggestions

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


I know that in general elite skills are better and so fun.
But I am playing a Necromancer in sPvP and none of the elite skills fit my build so barely use my elite skill.

I think this would be really nice in sPvP if not else where in the game.

everyone kicks necromancer

in PvP

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


Na dude nerco’s are powerful
I seen defensive minion nerco build just try to take there point solo
I haven’t build a 1v1 nerco but they are good guardian counters
My build is more aoe damage/support good in team fights not so good solo.

Give PvE Guilds a Reason to Exist

in Suggestions

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


The dungeons and Orr are well built

But the large scale event I agree they should add more difficulty and being more organised. They want a game that everyone can get involved that is cool I don’t see a reason why it keep winning if people don’t play smart. This could be a design flaw. There is much more then can add to GW2 and will be.

I suggest a "Delete all junk" option in the inventory.

in Suggestions

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


Ya but if there is no vendor around I could see reason for it

Easy fix for end-game/dungeon rewards

in Suggestions

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


I think the best reward is a better group is better at it. I don’t know where this dungeons are worth it attitude I think it is more on how Anet made everything else so good.

GW2 dedicated page similar to WoW Armory

in Suggestions

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


Hello, guys. Will you agree with me if i’ll say that having something like WoW Armory would be really cool? You could check scads of statistics regarding characters, guilds, sPvP, WvW, etc. You could also show your character to your friends and vice versa and boast about your achievements.


Yes, Yes, No, Yes, Yes/Maybe.

I think they are just working on the game right now.

But they want to be careful what they add into such a thing achievement be bad unless they are private then it be fine.

Being able to look at gear and your character be cool. You representing guild and sever fine.

Things like your sPvP bad idea. If it is also private that be OK.

It all depends on what can you see and what can the rest of the world see. But a place where you login and show your friends stuff that be fine. If it just shows your gear that be also fine gear most;y about look anyway.

(edited by TeaDoa.5968)

Weapon Suggestion Crossbow

in Suggestions

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


I know this has been suggested before but I wanted to as well

1. Warrior
2. Guardian
3. Engineer

Warrior is the ultimate weapon user and crossbow were much the sniper rifle of its time. And that’s how a Warrior should us it slow attack with power shots as the other skills.

Guardian is on the often represented in movies and games as used by holy warriors. Although there may not be a good reason for this having it on the Guardian does fit this. Have it as a mid range with well guardian like spell arrow skills.

Engineer is all about the technology so having a repeater crossbow could work for them.

I know I didn’t add ranger but I am not sure it fits there play style. The way Anet created them.

New Weapons: Greataxe and crossbow

in Suggestions

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


I think a greataxe might be in the works already.

But a crossbow that is a great idea. Crossbow are a funny weapon the first power weapons but slow to reload. It is faster now but still not as fast as other bows they are they are accurate and powerful.

Less killing = Less reward?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: TeaDoa.5968


It seems like you may be having two issues right now with events.

The first and something that needs some fixing is supporting in a fight. Giving boons, removing conditions, blinding or other disables on the enemy and what do you get a bronze and no loot. It seems to me this kind of teamwork should be rewarded not the other way around.

The other on is aoe adds over killing the boss. I am not saying kills adds should be less rewarding but cause of the loot drops on the adds it is more rewarding then killing the boss. This issue is not too big but does make people want too play the person that can kill all the adds as well as hitting the boss.