Please this. I want it. I must have it. Please Please Please this.
I love this.
As someone who is new to Ranger/Druid, I don’t know how much I can really input for the profession. Most of my time is spent on my Mesmer or my Thief (which I’ve only recently begun to love).
I have noticed that Pet Control kind of sucks. Since I don’t want my pet to die to cleave in PvP I actually keep it on Passive until I know I’ll need it’s F2 ability, or I’ll send it in to do it’s one knockdown if it’s a Canine.
There’s also a lot of sustain options for Druids, but I wonder about some defensive traits elsewhere. Like Enlargement in MM. If you’re health is dropping below a threshold, wouldn’t you want a more defensive signet to proc?
And there are other traits that seem more in line for a different line. Like Oakheart Salve. That one definitely seems like it belongs in NM.
Hello everyone. I posted a few weeks ago asking about the thief’s role in SPvP. Decaps and +1ing fights. It’s a really niche role and I’ve noticed it can really help my team dominate a map in the minimal thief play that I’ve had.
My next question is: How do you operate/rotate when you’re facing a “mirror match?” That is, four on-point sustain fighters and one enemy thief. I tend to have a hard time making decisions in this case. How do you out-rotate someone who can move just as fast as you?
I think the illusions line could use some tweaks to make it more utility-based. I think Master of Fragmentation is one of my favorite traits because of what it does for our shatters. F2 becomes a great kiting tool, F3 a superb AoE interrupt (potentially a stun) and F4 can be a stellar reflect.
I think this is the traitline that could do something better about condition cleansing so that we aren’t too reliant on Inspiration. Maybe change The Prestige to something like “Smoke and Mirrors: Torch skills transfer [2/3?] conditions to your target. Reduces recharge of torch skills by 20 percent.”
Maybe then you could even swap that trait with where Shattered Strength is in the line.
Before HoT, the focus was great with the old standard CI build because it, untraited, had a phantasm that blocked projectiles, granted swiftness and an AoE interrupt that ignored line of sight. That last part was the focus’s HUGEST draw to me as an interrupt Mesmer. When people would LoS to heal and you could still pull them.
It could be worth looking at again, if only for the mindgames. When some enemies would see the curtain on the ground, they’d waste their dodges expecting the pull. Unfortunately, the shield granted so much defense without needing to stand behind/in a phantasm, and it grants us two summons of a really useful phant.
Rocking a destroyer hybrid for the past week, will see how it fares. I have a wanderer build as well I want to test in ranked, given me a lot of success the past month.
I want to hear about this destroyer build. Before the patch, I ran the ‘meta,’ only I swapped Merc for Destroyers and used Berserker Runes. It was glass, but strong.
Ah, I get it now. So blocking the other team from getting the points and then +1ing a fight will do a ton more to bring my team momentum. And because thieves are so swift and mobile, the more time you spend not moving slows your team down. Very cool.
As a side question, I’ve typically played my thief with a Dagger-Pistol set, but I have been enjoying Sword-Dagger the past few days. I understand DP is preferred, but could anyone lay out the benefits of SD over DP? Or does that mainly come down to team composition? — mine and the opponent team.
Hey everyone. I’m hopping here for some friendly advice for when I play my thief for fun in PvP. I want to understand the circumstances of when a thief should simply decap a point (leave it gray) versus fully steal the point (red or blue).
I was under the impression that stealing was always the best because you’d be gaining points for your team. But I’ve seen strategies employed where the thief simply decaps a point, then moves elsewhere.
I’d love to hear any input.
I use perplexity, but mainly because I’ve already got gear with them and none of the other runes really call out to me. There’s no obvious choice for condie Mesmer, all of the runes are varying degrees of okish.
Is this usually in tandem with Mistrust? Is it delicious? I have a Rampager set with perplexity on it, I could beef up with other trinkets.
Solo queued to ruby using Thief/Druid. Playing with Crusader MM/BM Druid.
Glad to hear that build is successful. I’ve been running Marauder with MM/WS/Druid, but I think MM/BM Crusader is a more efficient manner. Did you use LB/GS or Staff/GS?
What’s happened is that I have no idea how to play Mesmer/Chronomancer anymore so I just stuck with Ranger/Druid — when I can.
Otherwise, I think you’ll still find ways to have fun, Chaos. Welcome back
I play glass zerk/marauder Druid with a Longbow in SPvP. I love micromanaging my pet and positioning in order to snipe and control without being touched. I love seeing my matchup and choosing the appropriate pets. Control and burst from afar, and duck out when they’re on to you. Getting top points, without ever stepping foot on a point in some cases, just because you were making plays, is a really great feeling.
I think removing the damage is a good idea, given that it’s not that much damage. Also, I liked adding CC to the skill (a daze or stun would be best, but an immob or cripple will suffice) since the skill would be a double-edged sword. Do you use the utility offensively or defensively? We’d have to think more about using it.
Blargh, thanks for checking. I wonder if that’s working as intended.
Hello friends. I was able to log on briefly yesterday and had the most fun toying around with this build in SPvP:
Has anyone tested/checked if the re-summoned iMage from Chronophantasma synergizes with The Pledge and clears a condition?
It’s not anything game-breaking, I know. Just curious to know if the connection is there. Thanks!
This is what I toy with when I log on. Not perfect, but it’s fun. You can probably swap out Signet of Midnight for the mantra cleanse if you don’t like managing your blocks and blurs on top of the healing well. Then in that case, you can swap out the heal well for Mirror.
I haven’t been on since HoT dropped, but I remember condi chrono had some great sustain during the BWEs.
I ran with Sword-Shield/Scepter Pistol; Dueling/Illusions/Chronomancy. I’d use blocks/blurs in tandem with the healing well to cleanse conditions if I had to. Both sets have solid stuns and sword swaps make for some sweet shatter setups.
Slow seemed like more of a defensive condition rather than an offensive one the way it is with power. In that same vein, though Well of Calamity does power damage, it drops a lot of weakness and cripple, which are again really stellar defensive conditions.
However, confusion is a tough condition to work with that really needs to land properly. Using the same weaponset, and with PU instead of Chrono, the confusion “burst” was a really way to +1 or gank on points — blindsiding an elementalist with a confusing images + CoF shatter. It’s hard to make the most of confusion, but like an interrupt, I think people just need to find the right time to let it rip. My main complaint is that Mesmer has great application of the condition, but not many traits that really augment it.
Recent move, bad internet, working on career, yada yada.
I’ll still read the forums every day at work, have no fear. Ross and I chat from time to time about what’s goin’ on.
Tea is my gossip be’ache.
On Wednesdays, we type in pink.
All seriousness though, happy HoT day everyone. Have a lot of fun, and I’m looking forward to seeing what the WvW Division is able to do.
Recent move, bad internet, working on career, yada yada.
I’ll still read the forums every day at work, have no fear. Ross and I chat from time to time about what’s goin’ on.
Oh man. This looks like a ton of fun. I’ll likely not be able to participate.
RIP Tealot. You were a good dog.
Sorry! I didn’t mean sound argumentative, and I didn’t know that repositioning was out of the question.
—> Mirror blade is highly ineffective from range unless paired with Mantra of Distraction to lockdown target to ensure hit
It’s highly ineffective from range in a one-on-one situation, but the bounce will happen if a teammate is on point and you’re sniping. In an actual one-on-one it’s simply not a skill that is used at range. Furthermore, you don’t need Mantra of Distraction to land it.
Mirror blade into blink is a gap closer that can really surprise people, and you can always feel free to stealth before casting.
I like the idea of there being a “Master of Fragmentation”-type trait for glamours. Perhaps have it give each glamour an additional effect along with a cooldown reduction (this way, Time Warp can benefit — it’s already a strong skill applying mass Slow and Quickness).
Perhaps Null Field would gain 3-4 second of resistance to nullify damage while the condis tick off one by one.
I like the idea of Feedback appearing around both the Mesmer and the target. If not that, then maybe have it apply Chaos Armor to allies under the bubble.
Veil: Increase the stealth duration, but I think the superspeed buff (again 3 or 4 seconds) could be really neat here.
Portal: Hard to tweak it. I think that it’s pretty great on a 72-second cooldown. Maybe add a healing factor to it? Each time someone uses a portal, they are healed by 1,000-1,500.
I can’t imagine they would come up with a rune set to make use of glamours since only Mesmers have them. That being said, Temporal Enchanter could use some love. I’m having a hard time seeing what’s “Temporal” about the effects, and the only glamours that fit that theme are Portal and Time Warp.
I had a conversation with a Mesmer fellow today, about the very same topic.
I suggest to rework GS one like this:
While having a target selected and using your auto attack, a none targetable, just visual effect phantasmal version of yourself spawns at the target, wich attacks when you do.
The attack however will be the same as any GS auto attack chain, just ranged, so yes, CLEAVE!It sounds so weird I used my AWESOME PAINT SKILLS to visualize what I just said!
Someone put this in a museum.
I’m confused why CS is called out and CI isn’t. If a Mesmer traits CI and not CS, a successful interrupt will still 1) Daze the opponent and 2) Immobilize + [X-Condition] the enemy (FYI the combination of daze and immob is effectively a stun) and 3) Grant the Mesmer 5 stacks of might + [X-Boon]. There is no ICD for this. It works with MoD, an F3 chain daze, a focus pull, a Chaos Storm, a greatsword push, a sword daze a pistol stun Mirror of Anguish, anything that you reflect that interrupts and, soon, Tides of Time and Gravity well. Sorry, I forgot Signet of Domination. Zero ICD.
Were I playing a glass class, I’d be far more afraid of being caught in any CI interrupt (with, say, Empowered Illusions) than I would be with CS. Bring a stun break or two, some blinds, some stability, some blocks, some friends and some LoS.
When I was playing after the 6/23 judgment day, I still liked occasionally using the focus. Temporal Curtain provides great mindgames and can be placed pretty creatively. Also, the pull is able to interrupt when someone tries to go out of LoS.
The warden isn’t the greatest phantasm, but it provides nice defense against ranged classes and the damage can add up if you’ve caught people in an immobilize.
As Stickerhappy said, if you’re getting Moa’d and chained CC’d by a coordinated team, you were dead meat already before the Moa came into it.
That aside, if you have a problem with Moa, you’re gonna HATE gravity well on Chronomancer. Especially in the hands of a Lockdown pro.
Hope to see you in game. Sounds like an easy kill
Seriously, people don’t understand Gravity Well yet…
I totally did this in the wrong order.
1. Gravity — Cooldowns almost don’t matter anymore with Alacrity and F5. This well is CC and damage on a massive scale and it’s amazing.
2. Calamity — Nice burst, great conditions, pairs well with Chaos Storm.
3. Eternity — I like the condition removal and it’s not difficult to blur or block in the field to ensure the full heal hits you.
4. Action/Precognition — I can’t choose. I love slowing people down. Quickness isn’t paramount to me, depending on the weapons equipped. Precognition is a great defensive well and a mini energy sigil.
5. Recall — Just because it’s last doesn’t mean I hate it! I just don’t find chill all too usefull when we have access to slow and Power Block. The 5-7 seconds of Alacrity are great, but not a real reason I would take it.
I was more into Dom/Chaos/Chrono. Regardless, it was great to finally test the traits/abilities this weekend. Gravity Well is an amazing ability when combined with interrupt traits.
Oh ya, Gravity Well in a lockdown build is bliss. You can make sure they get caught in it. I had plenty of amazing setups. Did you see this one?
The Dragonhunter was targeted by the team, but then I saw he was going for that stomp. You could just hear how he thought he’d escaped safely and was going to go get a free stomp to boot. Enter the Buton
Got him again here when he thought he had me
It’s really difficult to imagine playing Clockdown without it. It’s a multi-interrupt skill that does damage (on top of Power Block damage). Combined with Well of Calamity, that’s a lot of burst…
Speaking of locking people down, did anyone manage to use Runes of the Mesmer over the weekend? I wonder if they will become a popular choice over Traveler Runes thanks to Time Marches On. Specifically for a Staff/Sword-Shield build.
I was more into Dom/Chaos/Chrono. Regardless, it was great to finally test the traits/abilities this weekend. Gravity Well is an amazing ability when combined with interrupt traits.
Actually, I think that Chr/Duel/Illu makes a pretty solid Condi Shatter build…
It totally does. I ran that this weekend with Sword-Shield/Scepter-Pistol. But if I wanted the stealth gameplay over the Chrono gameplay (for whatever reason) I’d pick up Chaos over Chronomancer.
That being said, Chronophantasma allows for some monstrous condi stacks…
That’s a really tough question, since Chronomancy seems to (VERY STRONGLY) augment a lot of our trait lines (except for Dueling, it seems — anyone agree?).
I think that I wouldn’t go for Chronomancer if I was running a Rabid PU Condition build. I’d want the bleeds from Dueling and the Confusion/Torment from Illusions. Other than that, I’m at a bit of a loss.
Chronomancer is great, but I do worry that it outshines “vanilla” Mesmer far too much. Even running a build without DE, the Chrono allows to you resummon a phantasm after shattering it, and will generate an extra clone if you had two illusions up. Also, the shield paired with mental defense allows for amazing phantasm production (while giving damage reduction and control via slow.)
The access to alacrity/slow/quickness is mostly a cherry on top for me. I feel like Chrono’s strength is that you can cast abilities more often and there is alternative clone production.
Glad to hear that it’s strong! It’s nice to break out of the Marauder/Zerk mainstream. My one concern regarding Soldier Amulet is that it lacks the ferocity to capitalize on all the extra crit chance you gain from traits. Then again, you are meaning for this to be more support than damage.
The ability for the shield to summon two phantasms if you land a block is amazing. It’s an interesting weapon set when paired with the sword. I was toying around with Sword-Shield/Scepter-Pistol for a condition build today and I found myself using S-Sh way more during the fights.
If you were to go more support in your build, would you sacrifice the Chaos line for Inspiration? Summoning an iDefender and iAvenger in one block is really nice for clone generation.
Why Pack Runes? You could go for something like Lyssa, which would up your crit chance while adding some duration to slow. Altruism would add some might-stacking, or Runes of Rage will up your ferocity and the damage you can do while you have fury.
Pack Runes always struck me as great for roaming, but if you’re going for a “brawler” vibe, the need to quickness doesn’t seem too dire, especially when Chronos get the 25% speed boost.
That video is painfully accurate (except, I actually look just like Miguel ). xD
and that was a terrible roll upI’m truly and honestly honored though man, NAH MEAN!? I’ll show you how to make Ross run his jeans jacket in no time.
On topic though.. This thread does make me wonder if we could be a bit more active in discussing traitlines and balance on the forums (which are read by atleast one dev at least some of the time). An idea forms..
I’m rusty, but I think I’m capable of getting Ross’s jean jacket 50% of the time. A tight 50%…
If anything, that video is a great analogy to how Mr. Chaos A. is a friendly, approachable teacher who can show a meek person how to take out an opponent.
Basically, UR WELCOM
I propose high tea
All day, ‘erry day, n’ah mean!?!?!
That.. Is how I actually talk. =[
This is probably exactly what would happen if we were friends:
Anyway. I’d sign whatever petition needed to make the MPU. Sorry for derailing slightly.
I propose high tea
All day, ‘erry day, n’ah mean!?!?!
You forgot.. It’s also a stream of projectiles. Which means.. Bodyblocked, absorbed, blocked, reflected..
… Or my favorite, the humble dodge that negates 90% of the attack.
Pfft, who dodges in this game?
Yeah right, You only have to dodge the Phantasm right? You can ignore the mesmer completely right?
/end of argument.
kitten off and kittenpost somewhere else, you kittening troll.
I love kittens, but please don’t call Stickerhappy a troll.
Really? kitten -N-A-L gets blocked?
While Druids do look fun and interesting, I bet they can still be locked down. :P
Yup, that’s the rock to the druid’s scissors at the moment. Not a single sun-breaker or source of stability in the new stuff. So in non PvE scenarios, a pure druid would spend his time interrupted, stunned and immobilised. You’ll probably only ever meet hybrid builds.
Um, you realize that Druids are still rangers, right?
I mean, it’s not like Blink, Midnight and Decoy are Chronomancer skills. Druid still has stunbreaks because ranger has stunbreaks.
You’re completely right. Everything in the Ranger’s kitten nal will also be in the Druid’s kitten nal. That being said, it’s not impossible to lock down a ranger. They do have many sources of stability. With the exception of the elite shout, however, it’s not too hard to rip the stab that comes from utilities and traits, and then land an interrupt burst.
But yes, the elite is dangerous because it will refresh the boons. But there are other ways of locking someone down, such as immobilize and blind (something Mesmers have plenty of access to).
You still owe me some ranger training sticker! You set me up with an awesome build and taught me how to press 2.
Ugh, I need to get my internet working correctly. I totally want some Ranger training too… The LB-Crusader/Remorseless build looks like a ton of fun.
While Druids do look fun and interesting, I bet they can still be locked down. :P
I think there was a line I read somewhere that there will be damage and mechanics than cannot be dodged in upcoming content.
I’m rusty anyhoo, but:
Pay more attention to the enemy and my own personal placement in the fight. This goes more for when my greatsword is on cooldown and I’m not running around the fringes, but I’m always terrified to run INTO the fight. Along with this, and when playing lockdown, I need to capitalize on the interrupts more, chain them correctly and conserve clones to strip stability when an applicable enemy reacts.
There was a point when I was really good at dodging to avoid damage, then that changed when I started running PU. That needs to change back.
And finally, the be-all, end-all for me: Perfect handling condition classes without running any condition cleanse. It’s possible.
Will watch when home. I miss these. A lot. Who still plays? Or am I the only one who had to call it quits for a bit?
So I’m doing alright then. Good to know.
Arrogance is another sign of a good Mesmer apparently…
You know, this thread was honestly intended to see how people analyze their opponents… And yet only one other person actually answered the question. =[
Dad made me feel guilty
Here’s what I think separates the two: A good Mesmer will always have a way out. Especially in PvP. Mesmers are a +1 class and not Bunkers/Point holders, at least not conventionally. I think that always having that ability to quickly move from Home to Mid (or a move like that) is extremely important. We can do large bursts every 10 seconds, but we can’t escape every 10 seconds. Managing our stealths, blurs, blinks and ports is tricky business. We’re not a Cele class that pops cooldowns and wades into the thick of it.