(edited by TeamBattleAxe.3901)
Speaking of falling damage, how about casually strolling down a small decline and taking surprise massive falling damage each step?
There’s already been tons of amazing ideas posted on how to make the upcoming WvW season a success. Rather than contribute yet another wall of text, I decided to compile my favorite suggestions from the community, add in a couple of my own thoughts, and package it into a video so that’s easier to sit through than a novel-length forum post. Besides, businesses seem to dig presentations. If that’s what it takes to get our voices heard, then so be it.
Here’s the result. Don’t worry… it’s a fairly short video.
The cash grab is strong.
Is that a soda can on the bottom left of the picture?
I cannot quite tell what kind of beverage that is, can someone inform me? This is really intrigueing
Don’t worry. I’ve cracked the code!
Here’s a proposal I pieced together from several ideas posted by forum users:
(exactly one year ago! o_O)
They made it 8 seconds because the combined cooldowns of all three fireworks skills total up to 9 seconds, thus ensuring fresh stacks for each rotation.
Anet plea……
Someone needs to inform Hugh and Jessica that matchup discussion is no longer allowed.
“We want some balance,”
the masses cried out online.
“Nope. We’ll nerf fireworks.”
We will have an announcement about the NA leagues and seasons generally soon. But there are changes coming in.
“We have finished analyzing all of the data we collected. Thanks to feedback from our valued player base, we have decided to double the orb bonuses for the first season. We are also condensing NA/EU into 1 league each, so get those transfers in now before it’s too late!”
How about you keep your 2400 gems and stop trying to break our quality of life on lower tiers so you can get a stupid weapon skin?
We’re about to hit page 4. I think that’s a first for this match-up!
Here’s the tl;dr edition for those just tuning in:
Prosecute is mad because he got killed in a pvp area and decides to form a mini-alliance with some HoD guilds to make GoM mad in return. Succeeds in creating dissension on both his own server and HoD while GoM collectively shrugs and goes about business as usual. HoD hosts a hugfest so everyone can go back to being bff’s. Meanwhile, Acium makes a play at forming an alliance with the forum moderators.
In a shocking M. Night Shymaleen twist, it’s revealed that Prosecute is a former Kaineng player. Credits roll.
Wtf…your first post gets closed almost instantly, so you think it’s a bright idea to repost the exact same thing again?
Just finished uploading my latest WvW video (1080p version is still processing). This video focuses solely on 1v1 fights as a P/P thief versus almost all of the other classes. No stealth, no thieves guild, just a pair of guns and reflexes. I think Elementalist and Ranger are the only classes that got left out, but I did manage to include some fights against builds that are typically problematic for pistol thieves (phant-mesmer, retal guardian, evasion thief).
You can view the video here:
My current build info can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/mwjsh7b
The only changes I’ve made to my build from prior videos are to replace the Superior Sigil of Battle on the dagger with a Superior Sigil of Force. I didn’t crunch the numbers, but the damage feels about the same and that’s one boon less to worry about getting stolen or converted (weakness is one of the most dangerous conditions against this build… you need all the energy you can muster for those dodges).
I’ve also started trying out other types of food buffs. I’ve been using Orrian Truffle and Meat Stew for as long as I can remember because endurance regen is HUGE for this build, but thanks to the stew’s new popularity among people farming the gauntlet, I simply can’t afford to pay 20s per bite. I’m leaning towards life steal or health regen food, but I’m still playing around with ideas. As always, I’m open to suggestions.
If you dig the video and want to see more like it, you can visit my playlist over at http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLL0zgxysk21_89P-ffAS2B961HEemQxno
There’s only a handful of us stubborn enough to run P/P on a regular basis and attempt to turn it into a viable weapon-set, so if you want to support us, please like, subscribe, share, and make your own videos of successful gunslingin’ action! If you’ve got any questions, please feel free to ask.
Thanks for watching!
So, people can get PAID to Kaineng through the brackets again?
No, thanks.
The sad reality is that this tanking fiasco between KN/NSP/HoD is actually the most competitive thing that’s happened in WvW in a very long time.
The mats will absolutely drop in WvW. In addition, generally speaking, we are putting a heavier emphasis on finding long-term solutions to redressing the reward imbalance between PvE and WvW. I can’t claim they will ever be 100% equal all the time, but we would like it to never be the case that you are choosing between playing WvW and getting good rewards. The two should be one in the same.
Upgrade the rank chests to include one guaranteed rare like world boss chests, and hook us up with dungeon tokens from rank/champion chests and random drops so we can get our cool-looking armor and legendaries without grinding PvE content. Or at least let us buy tokens with badges of honor if that’s easier to implement. That’d be a good start.
Then add some more cool finishers to the gem store so we have something to throw money at.
Welcome to WvW, where the points don’t matter and no one wants to fight each other!
What do you think about when somebody says “World versus World”?
Well, my personal thought is “wasted space”.What do i mean? Just look at attached image.I marked places, that are wasted from pvp prospective.There are nothing important there worth fighting.So at least(that is my evaluation) one third of the map is wasted, this third is not going to be used for it’s primary goal: pvp.
What do you think?Do you agree that all this place is wasted?
I disagree.
As a thief, my map looks a little different.
Arenanet likes having a care bear game. Aww did mean ol pvp players kill you? That’s okay we’ll move this stupid PvE thing somewhere close to bad AI NPC’s so you don’t have to worry about it.
Well, since Anet made it rain with free badges of honor from achievement chests so that the PvE crowd wouldn’t break a nail trying to get their gifts of battle, I want free dungeon tokens without having to set foot in NPC land.
I’m not going to be around a computer tomorrow for the live QA session. Anybody want to be a pal and post this to Devon for me? It’s a proposal to balance league play.
It’s interesting to note that the gap in rating between NSP and IoJ — the bottom two servers in Silver — is greater than the gap between Kaineng and AR — the top and bottom servers in Bronze.
For those people on GoM and AR: what do you think would be the state of your servers after fighting two (non-tanking
) NSPs every week for 7 weeks?
It’s actually going to be worse than that for NSP: NSP will be facing servers with 250 – 500 more ratings points for 7 weeks. That’s like GoM or AR facing servers like: NSP, IoJ, CD, YB, BP, Ebay, DB for 7 straight weeks.
The difference is that both GoM and AR would nut up and keep playing.
I’m just glad that they made the decision to push ahead with leagues in their current form despite population imbalances because CLEARLY there are no better alternatives or easy fixes.
Two of us on GoM are participating in the Extra Life 25-Hour Gaming Marathon charity event this year. We kicked off at around 8 AM this morning and are playing non-stop until 8 AM tomorrow morning (plus the extra hour for the time change) to raise money for Children’s Miracle Network hospitals. I’m playing mostly GW2 (gotta get my mesmer to 80), plus some SMITE and a little bit of Divekick.
If you want to tune in and keep us company (and help us stay awake for the whole marathon!), check us out at:
www.twitch.tv/BanditoTV and www.twitch.tv/Tempestbrewer
If anybody else is participating in Extra Life, please post your info too!
I posted this one in a thread a few weeks back:
Two baby quaggans doing a jumping high-five over your victim’s corpse.
I just want a finisher that has two baby quaggans leaping up and high-fiving each other over my victim’s corpse. Is that too much to ask?
2- Pug commanders do work and efforts and carry servers more than guilds
6-Anet (PVE>PVE>PVE>PVE>Spvp>dungons>scarlet>quaggans>WvW)So true!
Dont make me laugh .
The order is LS>Scarlet > PVE >Quaggan> Dgns > WVW >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SPVP.
If you don’t agree with me, clearly you rarely play SPVP at all.
Let’s see which mode gets more dev attention, at least on the forums. Count the red posts.
So, is Grouch gone already? We’re going through these community coordinators pretty quickly these days.
Sometimes i paint myself orange and lie in the grass and pretend im a carrot.
What if someone come with a sickle and cut you-know-what out?
Im a rolling carrot, i can roll at up to speeds of 60 carrots per hour
Where’s HoD’s [VLK] Jack o’ Lope herd when u need em…?
Probably busy dodging silver league.
Speaking as someone who recently moved to a tier 1 server, that $25 was the best $25 I’ve spent in entertainment in awhile. For me it was either spend $25 to server transfer, or quit the game. I was having fun in WvW, when the server had good WvW participation and good leadership. But ever since some guilds transferred off, it just hasn’t been fun for at least a couple of weeks straight. Of course all these server transfers just entices Anet to not fix these coverage/participation/imbalance issues with WvW.
Highlighted the important part.
I’m glad you’re enjoying a better gameplay experience, but every person that pays a transfer fee is basically just agreeing with Anet’s “Pay us or get kittened” stance on WvW.
The thing about Engineer’s use of the Perplexity Runes is that the main tools/kits/weapons that we use to proc Interrupt or add Confusion do very little damage in and of themselves. Static Shot, Magnet, Prybar, Shield, #3 Bomb – none of these are very powerful.
what does it matter when the person sits there with 25 confusion stacks and can’t attack back…
look at fireworks thief, he didn’t even use any weapon dmg and thieves can’t even get such high stacks like engi
That’s true, but it’s very difficult to manage the cooldowns on fireworks to maintain maximum popping efficiency. Perfectly balanced, in my book.
If your group can’t kill a single person who has to stand completely visible in a small circle to contest it, you really don’t deserve that camp/tower/keep/etc.
Dear ANet:
I’m writing this letter in regards to possible job opportunities as posted in your careers section. As I understand things, you are in search of Game Devs, Coders, and persons with considerable skill in IT. While I have none of these skills, I do however have the one skill that you seem to prize most (as evidenced by the coding done for the RNG which sets up Server v Server matchups), I too like to drink on the job. I am a home brewer and maker of fantastic beers, should you hire me, I can promise the office will be fully stocked at all times with Hefeweizens, stouts, lagers, and anything but Natty Light.
Please find attached my resume, and I look forward to hearing from you.
Screw Ellen Kiel and Evon Gnashblade.
I’m voting Laethwyn ’13.
I wouldn’t be surprised if at some point Anet decides to merge all PvE (except maybe Lions Arch) into maps no longer affiliated with specific servers. WvW and Lions Arch (maybe racial starter cities) would remain affiliated with specific servers.
Some merging server shakeup would be interesting to see. I would hope that after the seasons end Anet would create a sliding cost-scale where Anet judges the participation in WvW (rather than the total number on a server). The most populated WvW servers would cost a significant amount to transfer to and the least populated WvW servers would be free.
No merging actually needs to occur to get balanced scoring.
Hope HOD and SF like playing with eachother because GOM is pretty much done for the week. This match completely sucks and nobody wants to play. Will be glad when it ends. And to the SF who danced on my body…show some class. You are winning. Oh and that 70 man zerg that pummeled my group….Did it make you feel better???? Was that really neccessary? All that Bravado. There will come a time when you are in GOMs shoes and be a low population server try to remember that.
And honestly, GoM is pretty bad about corpse-dancing, corpse-jumping and laughing and crying when they kill -US-. But oh well. If that offends you, maybe you need a thicker skin.
Don’t get too caught up if you see emotes fill up your chat log. Here at GoM, we often /sit spam our own fallen allies. Unless, of course, our fallen comrade is a ranger. Then we buy candy corn and puke on him because he should know better than to bring a ranger into WvW.
There’s your problem. You’re hitting 3 instead of 1 sometimes. l2p baddie
geez taquito, Obs was right…you need blast finishers too dude…
Ty , Mr Taqutio and Mrs honeybuns. I will work on it.
11111511111511111151111115 five for blast finisher right ? 1115111115
I am but a mere PvP’er and lack the intellectual capacity to learn the higher skills necessary to be a WvW zerger. Mrs. Honeybuns has a proven track record of success and can help you far better than I.
But, as promised, here is a new instructional video on thiefing for my friends over on NSP. Please forward especially to Timada so that he can one day have the chance to win a fight.
We decided to beat Morpheus down and take both pills. Looks like this rabbit hole is leading us to first place.
Go away. I’m trying to enjoy the Steam sale going on and I don’t need no stinkin’ AR shenanigans keeping me from living the dream of playing Skyrim as the Incredible Hulk and driving around in a convertible as I face-smash puny dragons.
One thing that’s been glossed over so far is the timing of the situation. You guys chose to take your T8 project server out for a spin during the holidays. The influx of new players who got the game for Christmas that we low tiers so desperately needed? Yeah, their WvW experience was one and done. Nobody in their right mind would want to give a situation like that a second chance.
This goes back to the whole respect thing. It’s perfectly within the game rules and your right as a player to play on whatever server you want and transfer as you see fit. That’s fine. If that’s how you want to play the game, then so be it and more power to you. But you need to understand that your enjoyment of the game is coming at the expense of ruining the enjoyment of other players whose only options at this point are to either transfer themselves or simply not play. It’s up to you whether you give a crap or not, but at least understand why everyone is so angry about it.
But, it happened and the tiers will eventually re-stabilize. And it’ll happen again, and re-stabilize again as long as transfers are unlocked. No point in arguing.
(edited by TeamBattleAxe.3901)
If we want to even things out, GoM should send ET and FC 1/3 of their night crew each.
[This is meant as a joke. Please don’t yell at me for whining.]
I’m not sure how KWBH for FSU swap would even things out. They are one of the biggest guilds on ET. FC would get 100+ people and ET would get 20 commanders? Either way, I don’t see ET becoming completely imbalanced by an influx of 20 people even if they are highly skilled. If this actually happens/is true/aliens/government conspiracy.
No kan haz!
We haven’t gotten transfers. GoM has always had a HUGE PvE population. When most of our WvW guilds left, we couldn’t really attract any outside interest because our server carried max transfer cost 24/7 even while in T8 (as opposed to much larger WvW servers like Mag/DB/FA that would occasionally dip into “high” population during off-peak hours).
What you’re seeing are the achievement hunters finally dipping their toes into WvW content for the first time. Tons upon tons of fresh commanders and full armies that are on the field, learning how to use siege, how camp buffs work, why you shouldn’t chase enemies into their spawn, why charging face-first into a full line of AR ballistas on the lord room bridge at Mendon’s is a terrible idea, etc…
Hopefully, we’ll be able to convert some of those numbers. Several of our core guilds have been working with the new players to train them on how to fight and how to modify their builds for WvW survivability. So far the response has been very positive.
Hopefully, AR/DR can retain some of their new players as well.
There’s your problem. You’re hitting 3 instead of 1 sometimes. l2p baddie
geez taquito, Obs was right…you need blast finishers too dude…
Ty , Mr Taqutio and Mrs honeybuns. I will work on it.
11111511111511111151111115 five for blast finisher right ? 1115111115
I am but a mere PvP’er and lack the intellectual capacity to learn the higher skills necessary to be a WvW zerger. Mrs. Honeybuns has a proven track record of success and can help you far better than I.
But, as promised, here is a new instructional video on thiefing for my friends over on NSP. Please forward especially to Timada so that he can one day have the chance to win a fight.
This is good, ty. I take notes so I can study up and learn. This build is hard and very confusing, but I practice: 444444222244444244444442222222222222222. Right?
I see what you did there, you sly devil you.
“Yeah dude… GoM have less people than ET and won Bronze League without losing because they are good and you are all bad… Stick with it.”
It’s pretty much what I’m reading from GoM posters…
Might want to read things a bit more slowly then, since apparently you missed the part where I said we had a HUGE influx of players for the season. I just pointed out that they weren’t transfers.
l2forum gosh
Sorry to hear about Zero AR enjoyed fighting them at night.
More transfers from tier 8 to 1? Oof. Get your kitten together ArenaNet.
Reposting for great justice!
Former content creator checking in. On the off-chance that anyone emails/posts any of my old videos as a suggestion for Anet’s compilation, please don’t waste your time.
Permission denied.
ET celebrating our win
good luck folks.
Congrats, ET!
It was well deserved.
sword chucks, yo
well… eb in tier 2 would keep geting 3rd place anyway… and loose every single match up.. u’d just get more winners… not make them more competitive
Oh, well there’s the problem. WvW isn’t a competitive game mode. It’s just coverage wars between servers stacked with casuals.
Some guy stole my golem and ran it off a cliff while saying over local chat “waste of 1 gold”.
My favorite line in this entire thread.