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WvW and PvP Ascended Armor Upgrades

in WvW

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605

When it says Ascended WvW armor, does this work for both T2 and T3 WvW armor? Or only T2 Ascended as most people might go for.

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Huge lag and delay

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605

Denmark here. Been getting random spikes to around 4k ping the last couple days. Here’s my Tracert:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 19 ms 19 ms 20 ms []
3 53 ms 20 ms 20 ms [87.61.12
4 21 ms 20 ms 20 ms []
5 20 ms 21 ms 22 ms [195.215.1
6 42 ms 42 ms 44 ms [
7 714 ms 704 ms 707 ms []
8 3100 ms 3045 ms 3019 ms []
9 43 ms 44 ms 44 ms []

10 42 ms 43 ms 42 ms []

Another one:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 19 ms 19 ms 20 ms []
3 53 ms 20 ms 20 ms [87.61.12
4 21 ms 20 ms 20 ms []
5 20 ms 21 ms 22 ms [195.215.1
6 42 ms 42 ms 44 ms [
7 714 ms 704 ms 707 ms []
8 3100 ms 3045 ms 3019 ms []
9 43 ms 44 ms 44 ms []

10 42 ms 43 ms 42 ms []

Earlier in the day:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 19 ms 19 ms 20 ms []
3 53 ms 20 ms 20 ms [87.61.12
4 21 ms 20 ms 20 ms []
5 20 ms 21 ms 22 ms [195.215.1
6 42 ms 42 ms 44 ms [
7 714 ms 704 ms 707 ms []
8 3100 ms 3045 ms 3019 ms []
9 43 ms 44 ms 44 ms []

10 42 ms 43 ms 42 ms []

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I'm the only one with high ping

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605

Denmark here. I’ve been getting spikes like those which happend around and

Tracert on the IP GW2 was connecting to in my Resource monitor:
1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 20 ms 19 ms 20 ms []
3 19 ms 19 ms 19 ms [87.61.12
4 20 ms 20 ms 20 ms []
5 41 ms 21 ms 20 ms [195.215.1
6 37 ms 38 ms 41 ms [
7 2769 ms 2382 ms 2434 ms []
8 2980 ms 3365 ms * []
9 * 3855 ms 2666 ms []

10 3153 ms 3017 ms 2786 ms

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WvW Poll 04/28: Scoring vs. QoL (Closed)

in WvW

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605

Any possibility for you looking into visibility of commander tags for colorblind people with the QoL at some point? This would mean the world to a lot of us who barely see the tags already.

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Updating the Matchmaking Algorithm on Wiki

in PvP

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605

Hi PvP players and potential devs.

There was a post here on the Forums 2 months ago about the Matchmaking being updated.

And I guess the devs have been tweaking the matchmaking algorithm before the League came. As of now, the PvP Matchmaking Algorithm article on the Wiki was last updated April 2nd 2015.

I personally liked the transparency of the devs going out making the MMR Algorithm public as well as how they tuned the algorithm.

I’ll even just give you a quote from the blog post Finding the Perfect Match by Justin O’Dell:

To better coordinate with the community, I’ll be maintaining a page on the official Guild Wars 2 wiki that includes most of the technical details for matchmaking, ladders, dishonor, and server configuration, including all the knobs and levers currently in use. This should come in handy, as we now have the ability to tweak matchmaking on the fly. Keep an eye on the wiki page for more details as we make changes in search of a matchmaking sweet spot.

What do you say guys, anyone else but me who’d like to see the Wiki article updated?

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Squad and Say chats letter is the same.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605

One of my favorite features in-game, is the ability to put letters in front of chat messages, to show which chat it is (Map, say, squad, team etc).

However, with HoT the colors of Squad got changed into a color that I know is not the same as Say chat, but to my perception it’s the same.

Usually it wouldn’t bother me, because I can put the letters in front of messages, but both the Squad and Say chat uses [S]. This is not good!

My suggestion would be to changes Squad to [SQ] or even [D] which is the shorthand for accessing squad chat.

Hope this will be adressed (Soon™) since this broke an amazing colorblind feature in the game completely for me.

-Sincerely a severely colorblind player.

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Servers that are full...

in WvW

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605

Everybody knows that system doesn’t even work. In EU very high servers are full and full servers high.

The system is based around being “active” in WvW. We do not know the exact definition. But let’s make an example of 1 hour in WvW per week to be “active”.

Server 1 is full. It has 400 players which play 1 hour per week. And 100 players who play full-time WvW per week.

Server 2 is not full. It has 400 players who play full-time WvW per week. But only 50 players who login for 1 hour per week.

If the current Server Capacity is 475 “active” players. Which is calculated based on how many people on different servers and their difference, which is my understanding, not nessisarily true. This means Server 1 will be full and have less players most of the time, where Server 2 will not be full but have better coverage.

I am pretty confident that this is what is currently happening.

To make it even “worse”: When a full server goes below server capacity, it will only have 1 spot open and someone will most likely “snipe” is really quickly, closing the server.

Disclaimer: This is a theory based around some limited knowledge about the server capacity system and is not nessisarily true.

Exactly this i the only way to truly fix (well maybe not fixx 100% because that wont happen) servers. The still do not have enough people to sustain 24 servers NA and I’m not sure about EU but I suspect they don’t have enough players to sustain 27, so delete at least (at least is the key words) three servers. I personally would just get rid of everything below T6 possibly T5.

It’s a solid solution but can possibly displace a lot of players from their guilds etc. I think a better solution would be to force Tier 1 to be Full at all times and allowing other servers to be dynamically full as all servers currently is. This would make sure other servers could grow bigger and displace people a bit more.

Seafarer’s Rest – Get off Me [LAND]
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(edited by The Geil.8605)

ESL is what?

in PvP

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605

Electronic Sports League.

However, their brand changed some time back to just use ESL in the future which is why you rarely hear the meaning of the abbrevation.

Source: I’m a former Social Media Specialist at ESL. And this:

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Enhanced Squad UI Feedback

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605

The good:
- That the Squadgroup is not a different color but instead a different shape. I’m colorblind, so visual ques other than colors are really nice.

The bad:
- Having 50 man being blue names makes it incredibly difficult to see the blue commander tag. Commander tag really needs to be shown on top of names.

The missing:
- A setting to choose if people can make squadgroups themselves or if it’s the squad leader only to do so.
- Joining a squad while in a party should request the party to join the squad, if voted to do so, put them in their own subsquad as default.
- Squadgroups should be able to see boons and conditions somehow. This is important for cooperation.

I’ll update with more as I notice it.

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(edited by The Geil.8605)

Enhanced Squad UI Feedback

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605

So, I left my party and tagged up when the beta went live.

However, I am now unable to leave the squad. Other commanders have same problems as well where we are Unable to access the party/squad UI properly.


EDIT: Fix found. You will have to completely restart your game.

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(edited by The Geil.8605)

Character Select Redesign

in Community Creations

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605

The only problem I can see is how it looks for new players, they only have access to 5 slots (or maybe 6 with HoT). The only look was designed around that, the new one might not look too good if you don’t have 28+ character slots.
They can fix that by making it change dynamicly.

Everything is possible. I just posted a sample of only 5 and 10 characters over on reddit, as well as having a smaller screen.

Small Screen
5 Characters
10 Characters

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Character Select Redesign

in Community Creations

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605

With the latest debate about the character select in Guild Wars 2, I thought I wanted to give my suggestion on how it could be improved.

If you want to read more about the process, then check out my blogpost about it.

Reddit Mirror


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WvW Stress test - Poor selection method.

in WvW

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605

Since Anet consider WvW to be PvE, that means the most active WvW players are PvE farmers that’s never been in WvW.

Its perfectly logical if you think about it.

It actually makes sense. Mostly playing WvW myself, but I’ve always felt like WvW was too attatched to PvE. PvP and PvE is completely seperate, but WvW, the third gamemode has a forced connection to PvE. Yieks.

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WvW Stress test - Poor selection method.

in WvW

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605

Honestly, I was a lot more into the EotM selection method of letting guilds apply. I feel they treat us like children, when they are like: “Stress test” when it is obviously a “Promotion Test”.

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Online Guild Emblem Editor

in Community Creations

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605

Amazing site. Really cool

Made a shortlink for you that is a bit easier to use:

This will also be added to the next version of

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(edited by The Geil.8605)

API CDI 2015

in API Development

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605

Timestamps for when an account is finishing an achievement would be pretty nice for creating timelines on an account. If we’ll get access to what loot people get, then a timestamp for those would also be appreciated.

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API CDI 2015

in API Development

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605

Some of these are most likely a mix between /v2/account- and /v2/character-data, but I was just brainstorming of all storts of information that would be nice to see somewhere in those.

Account API
		Mail Carriers
				Main Hand
				Off Hand
	sPvP (Account Specific)
		Games Played
			Ranked Games
			Unranked Games
	PvE (Account Specific)
			Stories Completed
			Paths Completed
	WvW (Account Specific)
Character API
		Current Disciplines
		Discipline Levels
	sPvP (Character Specific)
		Games Played
			Ranked Games
			Unranked Games
	PvE (Character Specific)
			Stories Completed
			Paths Completed
	WvW (Character Specific)
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Can't enter WvWvW this reset(SFR)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605

We can access now, but the matchup should be reset.

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Can't enter WvWvW this reset(SFR)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605


We have people looking into this issue. Are you receiving any error messages?

Thank you in advance,

No errors. The Queue is just completely stuck and not moving. Not a single one from SFR can get into our own BLs

My location is Denmark. ISP: Fullrate. But doesn’t really seem to matter. Everyone from my server suffers from this.

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Can't enter WvWvW this reset(SFR)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605

This would be nice if it’d get fixed

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Zommoros told me a secret

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605

I’ll just leave this here in anticipation…

lool just saw yours :P

Too late

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Zommoros told me a secret

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605

I’ll just leave this here in anticipation…

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Can't buy gems! Bug in the gemstore

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605

Just gonna leave my comment to this and say I got problems aswell. For me it’s Paypal pop-up not occuring.

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Marketing GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605

OP, how many two year old games did you see marketed at PAX? I’m curious because I don’t really know of many games that hit shows years after they release.

This is not just a game that’s two years old. For all we know currently, there’s going to be a second season in Living Story which have potential to be even bigger than season 1. And season 1 was bigger than what I would call an expansion.

I was a Dreamhack Winter 2013 and Blizzard i.e. had a booth for Reaper of Souls. That’s an expansion and expansion content, just as the living story is the expanding world of Guild Wars 2. That is why they should be at as many convensions as possible and market the new content. They even did a great job at PAX last year with the preview of Tequalt. Do more of that and do it publicly in the Expo area. That would definetly bring more attention to the game, especially because it’s an “old” game. That would get the word even more out there because people would be wondering why they do it.

And then, I’ve never heard about GW2 Event Marketing outside the US. Get to EU. We got tons of events aswell where you can join in. ;-)

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Amazingly big Necromancer Raid

in Community Creations

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605

Aurora Glade did this. Well, things got whiped and we put up a record at 40,29 seconds to take down a reinforced gate without siege.

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Let's celebrate the dragon bash again.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605

Now, a lot of people have actually managed to kill tequatl. A dragon kill. A bashed dragon.

Let’s celebrate again with a small song.

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Auroraflow Overglade finally did Tequatl!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605

On a related note, what happened to your Megalaser in that video is not really a bug. You can see an Abomination and he bends over to do his charge attack against a player, but the Megalaser is in the way. It’s similar to the Fiery Greatsword glitch, and repeatedly strikes it.

Abominations do not spawn during the Battery Events, but they do attack the Turrets. Just be careful against those!

We did send the video to the support. And I have done an analysis of the video after we killed Tequila, just to make sure what happened. I updated my support ticket with a suggestion to them where we should be able to see how many percent, since the megalaser event is at 25%/50%/75%. This would help to prevent failing it like this because of some people would be able to run at 26%, instead of starting to run when the event goes up. Hope they’ll take it into concideration, because it was such a frustrating moment.

The megalaser vent vulnerable and then 10 sec later, instadeath. We didn’t have any chance there…

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Auroraflow Overglade finally did Tequatl!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605

Psst… The video is now online

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Auroraflow Overglade finally did Tequatl!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605

So, Aurora Glade, went into the same overflow and did Tequatl, with over 120 people on TeamSpeak devided into 3 structured channels!

First, we did it down to 1% left and the time ran out.
Then we got a bug where the MegaLaser got instagibbed as you can see in this video:
THEN! We got around the best of three, and we got him.

Video of us killing Tequila!

Thanks to [Fun] and [MGK] for joining with so many people! You made it so fun to do it and that moment when everyone just screamed, that is my best moment in gaming. And thanks to everyone else on TS aswell!

Seafarer’s Rest – Get off Me [LAND]
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(edited by The Geil.8605)

Leagues Alone Create a Progression System

in PvP

Posted by: The Geil.8605

The Geil.8605

This would have worked at launch, when the game had a healthy pool of players. It’s too late today. The leagues would be way too small.

It is definetly not too late. The system just need to clarify the 3 tiers in percents instead of some score. That way it will be easy to destinguish. And then they should match the whole EU PvP together to one server and same with NA. That way there would always be someone in each tier and if they put the PvP part into one massive server og servergroup, then there would always be someone to play with, which would give a living feel to the PvP community.

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