Showing Posts For The Last Hobbit.6492:
And whether I was CS Lead or not, saying “You deserved it” is inappropriate and cruel.
When I met you at EGX Rezzed, you were absolutely lovely and signed my game with a little paw print. So, for anyone to say you deserved this is upsetting to me. You did not deserve it. No law abiding Tyrian citizen deserves to get their account broken into.
Make them pay! charr growl
Keep in mind, as others point out, malicious companies who find they are blocked often just create new names, so containing them can be a bit of a case of “whack-a-mole.” Still, we do take this seriously, and we act on RMT spammers every day. With your help, we can do more!
I’ve got a huge blocklist of RMT spam-bots and I can safely say that you’ve banned them all.
However, while you say that they pick a new name, every single whisper I’ve had since 2012 has been for the SAME WEBSITE. It’s the one that rhymes with GvG Rank. You could have blocked that string of characters ages ago. It’ll cost a heck of a lot more for them to get a new domain name and update all their bots than for you to simply add their domain into your filters. Simply discard any whispers they send and put up a flag (or temporary ban after multiple discarded whispers) on their account. Don’t inform them they’ve used blocked words.
(edited by The Last Hobbit.6492)
I love that we’re getting predictable balance patches. Quarterly sounds perfect.
However, I disliked several of the changes that create “invisible” rules that aren’t explained by the game or require digging around in the wiki or self-testing to understand.
“Scorched Earth: Enemies are now able to be struck by this skill only once every 0.5 seconds.”
– Does this mean per player? Per Scorched Earth cast? Per enemy (from all SE sources?)
– This isn’t listed in the skill description and isn’t found on any other skill or mechanic.
“When each player in a raid enters combat, their boon prioritization will be locked in based on the composition of the subgroup they are currently in. That prioritization will not change until the player has left combat, even if their subgroup composition changes while they are in combat.”
– Why not just lock subgroups while in combat? Another invisible change.
Also, the change to ‘Blood Reckoning’ was a surprise and unwanted. It was a skill that was great when used at the right moment but left you with no healing in-between. Other heal skills were buffed but this one is complete trash now. The only use it would have had (double-casting Scorched Earth) was removed by other changes.
‘Well of Precognition’ now fails thematically and in practice. It’s worthless. Could have been given a longer cooldown or shorter duration (or both) but now it has essentially been removed.
I wish we had EXPLANATIONS for each change. Like what League of Legends does for every balance update.
Additionally, balancing classes towards a middle-ground will make Raids more difficult as teams were often using the top-tier classes and builds for their pre-26th attempts. This concerns me if the difficulty isn’t re-evaluated later.
(edited by The Last Hobbit.6492)
I’ll be at Rezzed on the Thursday! (12th March)
Hoping it’ll be less packed and more mellow (as advertised) than the Friday and Saturday.
I’m looking forward to trying out some Stronghold mostly, since I have a feeling you guys will carefully restrict what we see in the PvE demo to avoid any wild economy shifts.
Q: Will there be dancing disco llamas?
(edited by The Last Hobbit.6492)
Let’s hope we get some of these changes in HoT. Especially the “flat damage increase affects conditions” and “vulnerability affects condition damage”.
Just throwing my experience in here.
Patcher checks for self-update, then goes to “Initializing” before the window disappears completely and all I have left is the icon on the Taskbar.
The patching process is still running, however, as I can see my gw2.dat increasing in size.
I’ve deleted my GW2 directory and re-downloaded and installed the client. Same problem.
Using the email, password and nopatchui arguments allows me to login and play!
(edited by The Last Hobbit.6492)
My friends got stuck on this and I went to help.
All left party except for me and the opener. We both died and saw the hammer spawn.
So I went thief, jumped into the mists and died right next to the pedestal (using teleport).
One he died too, I saw the hammer spawn for a second and disappear.
So I timed respawning with the time he died and managed to begin picking up the hammer before it disappeared.
The hammer clearly appears, with the text and “press F” dialog before disappearing.
+1 – Same issue. Seems to be related to the NPC getting bugged into the boxes.
This does need to be addressed so that people feel they are actually being rewarded for the effort of high-level fractals.
Does anyone else keep getting shoulders whenever an armor chest drops? All 5 armor chests I’ve seen have been shoulder armor. Is it possible to get others? xD
Do temporary bans result in losing guild membership?
I have an guild that I made with my friends when the game launched. I am the only remaining member.
I’ve always played by the rules but I see people getting temporary bans that were accidental or due to a false positive on an anti-botting detection.
If I were to get a 1-day or 3-day ban, would my guild be deleted, since I am the only member? Would I be kicked from all my guilds? Would I lose my guild leader position?
This post was just prompted by some comment a friend made to me about the dangers of being the only person left in a guild.
My experience is that they don’t get involved in scamming and even if they did, you wouldn’t get anything back, they’d just discipline the offender.
If you used an insecure trading method then you only have yourself to blame. Trust the TP and be wary of everyone, even your friends.
My previous post was deleted and I think it was misunderstood by the moderator so I’ll be more clear and explain myself better.
You can buy gems from ArenaNet. Those gems can be turned into gold through the Currency Exchange in the “Black Lion Trading Company” (in-game).
If you do it that way, with current prices, it means you can pay ArenaNet $10 for gems worth 50g by current prices.
As such, working in a job and buying gems would be the fastest way to get gold. Assuming your time is limited, you work and have money to spare.
Added: I appreciate everyone who works hard and doesn’t have time to grind for the stuff they need and decide to support the game by buying gems for gold. It pays for all the free content that we get!
(edited by The Last Hobbit.6492)
I think 40 Laurels a month is plenty. I have 200 laurels sitting around unused after I’ve already buying several sets of ascended gear including amulets and magic find infusions.
1 month for an amulet sounds fair to me.
(edited by The Last Hobbit.6492)
Hi there!
Gold -> Dungeons, Champs, T6 gathering
Karma -> Tequatl, World Events
Also, don’t forget that you can guest to other servers and farm there.
Lastly, you can improve your rate by optimizing how you treat your loot. Learn what to salvage, what to sell, what to forge and you can increase the value you get from your drops.
Btw… if you want a Legendary, skip the Ascended. It isn’t worth the current cost unless you’ve already got a Legendary (or more) and have nothing else to use your assets on.
(edited by The Last Hobbit.6492)
Once the mod finishes removing or editing the above posts, please edit out this statement too
Can you people stop defining people or characters by their sexuality, gender or race? What does it matter if a character is homosexual, heterosexual, male, female, black, white, asian or asuran? Let the character be a character, defined by WHO they are, not WHAT they are. Stop demanding specific things because you “prefer” those to others or they’re “underrepresented”. Good characters are good characters, regardless of who they take to bed with them or what color they are. For all I care, ANet can add rainbow skinned gender-neutral characters that have relationships with watchwork sprockets.
My question
Recently, characters seem a lot more fleshed out and entertaining. Is this due to a specific change in how you write or just learning from experience?
(edited by The Last Hobbit.6492)
I must have “The One Ring” legendary! Find it ANet!
Strange issues occur once you run updates on a live environment. I assume they’re having server crashes. Just be patient and keep trying to login, that way they can continue to analyse under load to find the issues.
How dreadful! Best not to waypoint when a new build is available.
How “worth it” that it is depends entirely upon how much you continue to play after the fact.
Since the account-magic find is forever, the more things you kill, the more benefit you get from it.
While over 100% may not be worth it for a large amount of the player base, it is still something to strive for. It’s there for those who play the game obsessively and want to be one of the few with 300%. (If anyone has already)
Developing a way to require confirmation for a certain type of dye, and then leave the “common” dyes without a confirmation, seems a challenging design task.
Actually it isn’t.
Just bring up a confirmation for dyes that are already specified as “Rare” quality and have yellow text.
Dyes are already in common, uncommon and rare tiers.
I’d have to say this seems like something incredibly low priority but potentially simple to implement.
I’m already avoiding Tequatl.
I’m not going to keep trying to do it when 90% of the people doing it STILL haven’t bothered to read a guide / watch a video.
Black Gate did it, and I’m sure there were pugs.
End of story.
They did it by managing to get a whole load of people onto voice-comms and tell them what to do.
That kind of organisation might exist on Blackgate but it doesn’t exist on servers like Vabbi or Fissure of Woe.
Is it fair to say that even if you’re a great player, you have to be on the “right server” in order to be able to do content? Why not just delete Vabbi and FoW and merge those players into other servers?
The truth is that Blackgate got lucky to not have people sitting afk on the turrets.
So you want to solo teq, is that what you want?
No, but if they want to make it take this much co-ordination then I’d appreciate being able to pick my team.
Like instanced with my guild.
Why not add a truly difficult dungeon? I even did Arah p4 with a bunch of random pugs last night and that one is supposed to be “the hardest”.
People were messing up the Scarlet attacks at first, too.
Give it some time.
And the Clock Tower jumping puzzle.
And every dungeon, ever.
Do you not see the difference?
In the jumping puzzle, YOU can improve and finish it.
In the dungeon, YOU can choose your group.
NEITHER of those are true of Tequatl.
+1 rename it now!
Why not… invite me.
I’ve got full ascended gear. Got my legendary Sunrise.
I’ve done every dungeon path in the game. Done fractals to 40+.
Yet Tequatl is way too hard.
Because not everyone is like me. Most players aren’t organized, don’t have a good build, don’t have max armor/weapons/trinkets, don’t know how to use their skills.
Should I then find content impossible to complete entirely because of the average skill level of my world?
- Join the event
- Tag some mobs
- Fail the event because its impossible to succeed
- Gold badge and daily done.You wanted tactics. This isnt sarcasm. I’m serious.
100% of the time, the players on the turrets are either noobs or trolls.
The Last Hobbit wields a Ragey Greatsword of +1 Rage.
Twilight Arbor Forward/Up kills The Last Hobbit and adds one rage stack.
Nothing I can say has not been said before. Simply: +1
I’d love for them to refresh/increase the duration each time you strike an enemy.
To mean that, as long as you stay in the fight and don’t go down again then you can fight for longer.
If they kite away and prevent you from hitting them, you die faster.
Completely unplayable. Just had a whole 60 second skill-delay on everything while assaulting a Tower with 20 other players.
Huge network lag whenever I am anywhere near a WvW zerg. Nothing else lags.
It’s absolutely awful for me too and I’m on 78mbit fibre-optic BT Infinity.
I have very little issue elsewhere, even at large-scale world events it’s not too bad.
But in WvW, around large fights, the lag is insane. Skills often take 10+ seconds to activate, I find myself running into door portals for 10 seconds, then rubber banding back for another 10! (Bear in mind, that during this whole issue, my FPS is a steady 60.)
Considering I’ve completed everything else, I’m kind of at a loss. I’ve got very little else to do on GW2.
I do think the Warrior class would be more suited to a kind of Berserker (yea, I know…) class that gets stronger at lower levels of Health.
This would make the Warrior a much higher skilled class, since the best players would optimize to go risky until low hp and then unload ranged burst.
I would like to see more damage offloaded to burst skills since usually I see an actual lower DPS (not per-hit obviously) from Burst skills than just the #1. This is most pronounced on the Harpoon gun and Rifle, since their burst skills take woefully long to fire.
Gotta love how 30 points in Discipline gives you a MASSIVE… 3% increased burst damage… woo? (Don’t get me wrong, that line has some great traits.)
My biggest concerns for Warrior is simply a lack of options. I run pretty versatile builds but I’d never touch off-hand sword or shield. They just seem to have TERRIBLE skills.
I’m a fan of shouts since “Fear Me!” is a god-send in WvW, “Shake It Off!” is infinitely useful and “For Great Justice!”… well, it’s just too good to not take.
There’s a lot done right but that’s probably what makes me want more.
“You will die!”
Your ‘Hundred Blades’ deals double damage and you are invulnerable while you swing your Greatsword at the thin air that used to contain an opponent.
There, instantly the most popular Warrior elite ever.
Things better about Guild Wars 1:
- PvP was flat-out better
- Skill diversity gave more control over builds.
- Combat was more calculated and less hectic. Highly time-based without being frustrating.
- The dungeons are so much better. (loved UW, FoW and SF)
- Achievements felt important
- Caters to the hardcore audience
- The events just seemed better… hard to explain…
Things better about Guild Wars 2:
- Exploration is actually enjoyable. The first time.
- Helping and being helped by strangers is awesome.
- Easier for casual gamers to pick up.
- More features / activities. More social.
GW2 provides the illusion of choice when it comes to builds. Losing the trinity was a dumb thing to do.
GW2 caters to the Casual gamers while alienating Hardcore gamers. All the FUN parts of the game are designed for casual gamers, like WvW (for instance) whereas the dungeons are nowhere near the quality that they should be. They’re an insult.
My MAIN disappointments?
GUILD WARS 2 has no Guild Wars at all. No GvG?!!
Skill versatility? What’s that?! There’s about two viable builds for each profession, everything else is trash.