Showing Posts For They change.3526:

Bloodstone Savages [SAVG]

in Looking for...

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

Bloodstone Savages is a newly birthed guild seeking players who are looking for a like-minded group of people to play with. Our goal is to create a functioning guild where our members are active, helpful and supportive to each other.

The expectation is to build a guild where friends are encouraged to do all content with fellow members be it, dungeons, living world or map completion.

Representation will not be an issue. If you join this guild, I expect you to represent. This guild will not tell you when you have to represent. If you like us you will represent, if not I will kick you after an extended period of inactivity.

There are no requirements to join. We are accepting anyone who would like to be a part of our guild.

We have a discord channel that we are expecting everyone to use for all content.

The rules are simple. Help each other out, help recruit, if someone says something inappropriate in chat that may offend someone, whisper and correct them. Guild chat drama is not my thing. Participate as much as you can. Log onto discord and talk it will help build relationships.

You will not be judged here at all, we welcome people from all servers to join us in having fun.

If you’d like to join please PM me in game. Hope to see you soon!

They change.3526 (Guild Master)

Janthir Heroes [TH]

in Looking for...

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

Come join us this weekend for complete Dungeon runs! Multiple dungeons, all three paths! Outstanding exp and rewards! Sunday join us for world bosses and map exploration!

Janthir Heroes [TH]

in Looking for...

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

Guild Missions happening tonight. Come join in for the fun!

Janthir Heroes [TH]

in Looking for...

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

Janthir Heroes [JTH] PvE guild recruiting active players. Come join us on our epic joruney to the Heart of Maguuma. We are a new Guild recruiting active players (Especially those new to the game) Our Journey to Maguuma is our own guild set initiative to get all of our players to 80 and explore Maguuma as an organized Guild Force. As a Guild Force we will challenge every aspect of Maguuma and train our players to be outstanding PvE’rs and endorse every difficult challenge that may introduced into game.

Expectations: Active at least 4 days a week, Respectful to all members, Helpful to any new players, guiding new players through dungeons. Active for guild missions and contribute to the guild for positive growth

Benefits: As we are a new guild our level is low, but you can expect fun guild missions working towards the development of the guild. You can also expect.

?Quality Dungeon runs.
?Consistent guild map exploration.
?Daily scheduled events.
?TeamSpeak server for those who enjoy voice chat.
? And finally the most fun you will have in any Guild!
If interested please shoot me a mail carrier in game and I will get back to as asap! Welcome to Janthir Heroes!
Invictus baby!

(edited by They change.3526)

Looking for a Guild [SoS]

in Looking for...

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

Looking for a well organized guild on the SoS server. Weekly Schedule, Helpful to new players, Daily Dungeon runs, a nice little “Guild Spot” and won’t kick me out for being military and having limited time.

Whisper me in game!

Re-kindle needed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

I’ve lost so much motivation to play this game. The bad part is that I’m trying to stay interested but it’s not working. I wouldn’t say I get bored, there’s just nothing interesting to me to work forward to. I don’t like Spvp, WvW is okay sometimes when I feel like I’m actually doing something. Living Story keeps my attention. Crafting isn’t interesting to me. It’s hard for me to find a guild I like because of the one PvE server and multiple WvW servers and countless times I’ve joined guilds on different servers than I. What can I do to stay interested guys!

What is guardian "Supposed" to do

in Guardian

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

Problem is many aspects of the guardian are artificially, even stupidly dare i say, kitten.

Take Altruistic healing, there is no reason why you should be healed X times the number of allies you give boons to, instead of a grater fixed amount. Why? because most your boons already have a set max number of targets, thus you could simply be healed that amount instead of having unreliable healing, which why most people dont run it.

So overall guardian is just bad unless group play is involved? If that’s the case I’m re-rolling lol

What is guardian "Supposed" to do

in Guardian

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

I’m having a hard time understand what a guardian is supposed to do. I keep hearing mixed things and it all sounds like a load of crap from actual gameplay. I hear we’re the priests of the game and buff allies. Then I hear we are tanks but warriors are the true tanks? We have healing magic and so forth. How are guardians supposed to be played.

GW1 players how do you feel?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

I think most of the people using the world childish are probably young. There are a lot of older people in my guild who don’t think the story is childish at all. What most people are saying when they say childish is that it’s not dark. Some people associate dark with adult, but I don’t necessarily think that’s the case.

Even a simple storyline isn’t necessarily a childish one. Romeo and Juliet had a fairly simple storyline, but it’s not childish.

Yes Scarlet came basically out of nowhere, but the elder dragons didn’t. If she was a tool of the elder dragon, then all of a sudden her existence takes on different connotations. People simply don’t have the wait and see mentality in games.

A lot of what happens in the living story is well done from my point of view. The way the vines appeared up front and over days started poking at waypoints and then eventually destroyed some of them.

Even the part of the living story where we had two guards walking around LA and we see one being extremely prejudice against Sylvari in general because of what Scarlet did to LA isn’t childish.

I have no idea why people would use the word childish to describe the current living story.

Thanks guy for assuming I’m young, you and I are both junk holes now. Aside from your kittenumption of my age, the point I was trying to get across is this story is presented terribly have you played GW1 by chance vayne?

GW1 players how do you feel?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

iv loved the game
the original zaihtan story was a bit.. eh
but the living story isnt tooo bad. i mean i have played ALOT worse
but i do agree.
i think the reason i feel like this is for a couple of reasons.
i think its more to do with the pacing tbh
guild wars one we had clear objectives from the start and each mission more or less lead into the other
guild wars 2 seems to start going in one direction(mainly latest patch) and then go off in several tangents with each one only getting a tiny bit of love

for instance i imagine the current story in guild wars 1 would focus on 1 faction at a time for a longer period of time
with bam and air “oh please help us mum but i hate u”
“oh no he( nor leader) wont help unless u kill these guys”
i unno i wasnt told or told in a way that would make me care or take notice
it just feels like we are fighting faceless and nameless enemies repeatedly.
I understand not everything can have meaning but when everything seems to have so little meaning.

i understand the want to get rid of the quest system
but when they did that you destroyed a huge lore recourse
when i started playing i thought kitten they have had ages this must be overflowing with lore
when i start to play not even POINT OF INTEREST get a little blurb i mean really?
this was probably one of the bigger opportunitys to include some lore

sorry got a bit carried away
i love the game and i love the lore i just wish there was more of it and it just frustraits me so much

Exactly, things are just happening without clear explanation of why. I one thing I was impressed with was the dark atmosphere of them using mordremoths vines to kill Tyrians and display their lifeless bodies. It’s a start to a serious atmosphre but everything else is still too childish. The Charr were so much more vicious in GW1 and in two I’ve seen more vicious Charr in WvW than in the actual story. Scarlets death was literally the most failed character death ever. We dealt with her for so long and she didn’t even get an epic death. She woke a dragon up with a drill, big whoop.

GW1 players how do you feel?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

I find it funny that the ESRB rating is T for teen when it should be E for everyone. The writing is so childish, that I’ve seen saturday morning cartoons with a better plot line.

Whoever this writer is just destroyed the Guild Wars I loved and played for hours upon hours. They have a dumb obsession with plants too. this video is a pure example of how awesome GW1 was compared to this. It just lost it’s serious tone and was replaced by this childish plants and zombies. It infuriates me Anet still lets whatever team or person continue to write this story. It’s cancer.

GW1 players how do you feel?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

Am I the only person who has played GW1 that feels that a lot of the lore of the series is being told in a stale manner? The entire Instance with rytlock in the dragons reach was just so dumb. I mean the items were just found lying around in rocks. Whoever the writer is does everything in such a rushed manner. I also don’t feel like there’s anything to do because I liked hunting for my skills in GW1.

I’ve played every content update Anet has given us and I’m not impressed by them at all. They’re getting better, I’ll admit but they shouldn’t have even been this bad in the first place. So far all the game has offered me was map completion, crap dungeons with 5 players that aren’t even fun, a poorly told story compared to my PC from GW1’s story. I would rather pay for an expansion that’s had time taken to develop it to it’s fullest than this 2 week update crap. Could legit guild wars be a thing in the future? Like Guild vs Guild? Is any of this stuff in development maybe? Am I the only one who feels lost to where this game is going?

The old Arena Net vs the New

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

Thoughts and opinions!

I’m all for the old anet. Still iffy about now though.

Nexon and NCsoft?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

Yeah I don’t see any skills being sold in the Gem shop which is usually what P2W will be classified as. It’s usually gear, a class, skills things of that nature. I’ve browsed a few of the other threads and people say buying cosmetics is P2W? It’s a skin. As for ascended stuff, I just stick with exotics since I don’t have that much time to play. I just simply don’t try for them. 35g can be made daily doing dungeons. It’s like the stuff is there people are just lazy.

Nexon and NCsoft?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

Is it true Nexon bought a part of NCsoft? If this is true I can see why the community is complaining about this game becoming P2W. Well, I think I just lost motivation to continue playing. I will have nothing to do with Nexon.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

This thread won’t die. This game NEEDS Cantha.

Is Guild Wars 2 dying??

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

It’s their own fault for continuing to throw out content they know we don’t like. I think they want it to die. The game is obviously boring. Living world doesn’t immerse you in anything. It’s just a new piece of green stained tissue every two weeks with scarlets face on it. PvE, what is there to fight in the environment that’s challenging? Champions? Please. They killed their game, only thing they got good going atm is WvW. We told them we were bored WAY back. They still produce the same stuff. As for player mentality, it’s not boring just because anyone thinks it’s boring. If a lot of people think it’s boring, it’s obviously dying. Just because a game is young does not mean it can’t die young.

GW1 will always be better. This had potential until they ruined it. I don’t mind them pulling the attention away from the dragons. But scarlet? That’s a joke. It really is. Whenever I hear her spam “Die.. die die die… die die die!” in WvW. I just want to slap whoever does the voice over for her. Every two weeks for content is them being lazy. Instead of giving us something where we can progress and actually feel it we wait two weeks for them to give us the same stuff. It’s all just a matter of time.

Is Guild Wars 2 dying??

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

Yes, it is dying.

Alts Purpose

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

Cause this game is boring without alts. I like re-doing lower level maps than this good for nothing “Living Breathing World” crap. It sure is breathing boredom. Imagine GW2 without alts. Then you have the answer to your question.

Looking Ahead: Guild Wars 2 in 2014

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

January: the frozen alliance!
February: the sandy alliance!
March: the rocky alliance!
April: the easter alliance!
May: the spring season alliance!
June: the summer alliance!
July: the summer alliance part 2
August: the celestial alliance!
September: WvW update
October: Halloween
November: the turkey alliance!
December: Wintersday

You deserve a reward for this post. If possible, can I have your autograph?

[Merged] This game needs an expansion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

Gee guys! I sure hope they take feedback from the community! It would be interesting to see the battle isles turned into a place for GvG. So much potential!!!

Best Engineer Names

in Engineer

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

Charr: Quickshot Ironclaw

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

I love all of you Cantha lovers. <3

[Merged] This game needs an expansion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

Dwayna knows this game needs an expansion. It’s literally boring now. I’ve maxed all my character slots with level 80s because it’s more fun leveling up characters than actually playing. Anet is doing a terrible job with GW2 I just wonder how long it’s going to take for them to see.

We went from fighting dragons to taking care of a rotten plant that ran from its garden. The game doesn’t keep our attention. A good game should keep me off of the forums, not on them.

The Iron Gears [TIG]

in Looking for...

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

The Iron Gears is recruiting all engineers on the Yak’s Bend server. We are a new guild looking to pull Engineer players together. We will be a PvX guild with focus on helping players new to the Engineer profession and focusing on ways to make a group of Engineers feel useful in World vs World.

100% rep is not required and no you do not have to be on your Engineer 100% of the time I promise.

You should only join this guild if you like playing Engineer in World vs World and feel comfortable changing your build to try different setups in different combat situations. I feel engineers can be extremely powerful if used with coordination. I’m talking about having Grenade Engi’s, Flame thrower Engi’s, I want to see the use of different kits on the combat field aside from the regular tag and zerg.

These types of guilds are not for everyone. If you are willing to try something new please I encourage you to join us. If you are just starting off and you made an Engi, I also ask that you join us. If you are on a different server and plan on switching please let me know. I will make sure the guild itself is fun for both PvE and PvP players. Reply here or send me mail in game if you wish to join us!

Wheels keep turnin, we keep fighting!

What is Egineer's "Core Role" supposed to be?

in Engineer

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

Engineer is in a pretty strange place for wvw. In roaming/small scale combat, they can be gamechangers, but in zergs, our strongest weapons either get eaten by retal or don’t bring enough to be worth it in zergs. We have relatively low cooldown water fields (Though they are short, so timing is important) and so many blast finishers it causes ele’s to cry.

Makes it seem like we should go for a supporty role, but that, again, is only decent in small scale.

I took part in gvg as an engi, and would spend my time getting ignored and then stomping their backline necros and eles.

DON’T GO CONFUSION BUILD. Perplexity is just stupid, don’t do it.

Well looks like I’m not going to be using engi anymore unless I get a legit bazooka that can blow things up or turrets that actually accomplish something in zergs. I want to feel useful in zerg fights. Not just sitting in the back.. Can we get something for WvW? I don’t do Spvp because I simply don’t like it, it’s too small.

What is Egineer's "Core Role" supposed to be?

in Engineer

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

Just got my engineer to 80 and having a hard time trying to understand what I’m supposed to be doing in WvW. Turrets are virtually useless unless you want to see them get beat up in zerg fights for your own entertainment. Flamethrower kit is just a death sentence with retaliation on just about everyone. Grenades an be fun if I can find a choke point to throw them. The only thing that upsets me about that is line of sight on a keep but it makes sense other wise it would be a little to over powered.

I keep being told Pistol/Shield is the way to go but I like my rifle. It feels like the traits and current kit of engi is trying to force me to play a confusion rabid build to have fun in WvW. Anything else I literally get blown up. I tried to go all support/healing engi but then got told it’s virtually useless by some big time guild. So what’s the deal with engi? What are we supposed to be doing? :/

I would love for someone from anet to answer this one for me. I mean we have elementalists who are basically good at everything. “Let’s turn our mages into ninjas they said!” Warriors do a lot of damage and have the escape potential of a cat. Necros blow everything up and you’re screwed without condi removal. Don’t get me started on mesmer. Guardian seems okay. I just don’t know what’s up with his class system tbh.

[Yaks Bend] LF PvE orriented guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

Looking for a friendly PvE guild with daily dungeon runs, fractal runs, guild missions, events, world bosses and more. If you think I’ll like your guild send me a message in game. Beware, I’m picky.

Why do people stop playing GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

Because the game doesn’t immerse you in the world in these two week updates. 5 minute dungeon with a cut scene and let’s not forget the lack of permanent content. The game is literally going through a lump right now. I started playing GW1 again because it’s actually fun. I have no clue what they are doing or trying to do. But if you’re getting bored you may as well take a break from the game until it gets interesting again.

I normally log on now to do CoF, AC and then log off. There’s not really any good reason for me to stay on long enough since half of my guild has quit.

Collaborative Development Topic- Living World

in CDI

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

Hello everyone, unfortunately I don’t have any great ideas to share like some of you others have (Which are truly genius) I just wanted to give my piece of what I enjoy and don’t enjoy about the Living Story. I like that the content is flowing every two weeks. It’s cool and it keeps me busy since I do many other things in my play time. What I don’t like is how it doesn’t give me that Guild Wars feel. When tower of nightmares came I thought we would see much more than a 6 minute instance and achievement point grind. I’m simply not having fun anymore because there’s nothing else to entertain my mind. I’m one of the players who believe story plays a real important part in a game such as this. Others would disagree as long as they can play the game but where’s the mystery at? Now I can just guess that Scarlet went back and time and made it possible for Kormir to ascend. (For the love of Dinky please do not make that so or I will quit so fast)

My point in all this is Living Story has potential. I think it just needs a better writer and definitely better execution. Guild Wars 2 has now officially turned into plants vs zombies.

No achievement on killing bosses in Mad King

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

We are currently investigating the issue, it appears to be occurring on random servers.

Meanwhile at Bad CO.

Living Story - I don't like it

in Living World

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

Okay, before we all get heated since there are other topics like this one out there let me clear one thing up. Livin story has become nothing but champion farming. This game, is champion farming. I can’t load into any map without seeing people asking where the train is. I honestly don’t see how people can run around for hours farming these champs. It’s stupid and honestly annoying.

What gets under my skin i how the living story is becoming cancerous to the game. Sure, I like that Anet is trying to do something. But look at Tequatal. It’s like they sprinkled sugar on him and within one week it was all licked off by us. I’m getting bored because living story is nothing but some dumb skin, a mini-game, a zone hat’s only there for a few weeks. (I still have no clue why the portal to the crown pavilion is even there.)

So what is it I do now? Well I started playing the original Guild Wars again and browsing the forum more. That’s how bored I am and this game should honestly be re-named to Grind Wars 2. There’s nothing exciting to do anymore! I can go WvW orSPvP but after about a good hour or so I feel like doing something PvE wise. Oh wait, scarlets minions are attacking Blazeridge Steppes! Meanwhile in mapchat… [x waypoint] Champs up!

Things have gotten stale. I find the forums more entertaining than the game itself right now.

Despicable [Me] (Yaks Bend) is recruiting!

in Guilds

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

We had an awesome run tonight! The offers still open for anyone who would like to join!

Despicable [Me] (Yaks Bend) is recruiting!

in Guilds

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

We are still recruiting all of you active WvW players! If you’re interested feel free to leave me mail or an in game whisper at any time!

Despicable [Me] (Yaks Bend) is recruiting!

in Guilds

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

Here’s a video of a song someone made for our guild leader! It’s quite funny!

Despicable [Me] (Yaks Bend) is recruiting!

in Guilds

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

Dedicated player looking for a Guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

Despicable [Me] would love to have you Camerz! We are a WvW guild on Yaks Bend and we are recruiting. If you would like a guild that can give you that amazing WvW thrill and find some days off for PvE we’re your group! We do Guild missions, dungeons, Spvp pretty much everything. Ventrilo is required however. It’s so we keep everyone on the same page with no confusion. Hope to here back from you soon!

Despicable [Me] (Yaks Bend) is recruiting!

in Guilds

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

Also, please feel free to use our forums and check us out!

Despicable [Me] (Yaks Bend) is recruiting!

in Guilds

Posted by: They change.3526

They change.3526

About our guild:

Despicable [Me] is a growing guild that averages around 25-35 members online during our WvW nights. Our guild is composed of members new to the Guild Wars universe and veteran players from the original Guild Wars. If you are new to Guild Wars 2 or an old Guild Wars player, we would love to have you join our ranks and be part of our amazingly fun community. Ventrilo IS required in order to keep everyone on the same page and to avoid unneeded confusion.

Below is a look at our current schedule during the week. Please keep in mind that our prime time out on the field is on the days listed with WvW. We start porting into the maps at 6:00 PM Central US time to 11:00 PM.

Weekly Schedule:

Monday: PvE Day (Do anything PvE that you like, this is to help build influence to help sustain the guild and so forth.)

Tuesday: WvW day.

Wednesday: WvW day.

Thursday: PvE/Guild mission day/ WvW jumping puzzle.

Friday: WvW reset, big WvW day.

Saturday: WvW day.

Sunday: Do whatever you want day. (This is our off day, do whatever you like!)

We also ask that you be partied up with someone in the guild. This is to help those who lose track of the group and to get them back to us as quickly as possible for re-grouping and other purposes.

Here is a video of a highlight of ours from the week of 3/8- 3/15:

If you’re interested in joining us we would love to have you! Send an in game message to the following people for invites or information.

They change.3526

Hope to see you soon!