Showing Posts Upvoted By Thuggernaut.1250:
I think most people play for fun and not for #eSports. So why should they accept days of getting crushed so some arbitrary system starts to work?
You could say all the bad and mediocre players should not play the first 1-2 weeks, but then the “racers” as you call them cant speed through. Not to mention people will loose MMR if they get farmed by those “racers” and get worse and worse people in their team. The whole system is a bad joke, I would even consider it a doom-loop for soloQ players. You loose because of average players on your team to “racers”, your MMR drops. You get worse people on your team. You start loosing to teams you normally would win against. Your MMR keeps dropping. The ocassional win here and there wont outweight the 75-85% loss rate you get in this terribad system.
In a nutshell, I agree with everyone. I am very disappointed in the patch notes,
There is A LOT of work that needs to be done in terms of balance (interprofessional AND intraprofessional aspects), but instead, the balance patch was limited to a narrow scope and only addressed certain parts as opposed to everything in whole.
I made a post a while back proposing arenanet to take balance more seriously, and the advice wasn’t heeded
I created a thorough breakdown of the warrior profession, and designed a complete rebalance, and the advice wasn’t heeded
These LAZY BALANCE PATCHES are destroying guild wars 2’s entrance into the “E-Sports” scene, with ridiculously volatile balance ideas and lazy fixes, such as modifications to cooldown percentage and number fixes, when there are CLEAR USABILITY FLAWS IN MECHANICS
As always, lazy way to patch things and “balance” the game. Root problem is still there.. aaaaaaaand there’s no wars again.
This is one of the cheapest, most horribly thought out -lazy- fixes I’ve seen in a long time. So you allowed a league season directly after an expansion, without ever running a balance patch over it. Which in turn caused several random defensive builds to be put into play to negate your unbalanced damage coming from a select few classes. The majority of the active players jumped into your first season, only to find the game horribly broken (100% your fault). And now to fix that, your taking the nerf bat to everything defensive in order cover up your management’s gross incompetence with pushing content out too soon.
You (Anet) caused the way everyone played in the first season. And now your doing a cover up, to cater to all the bad players who blamed “EZ” class types, and realized how horribly unbalanced things were. You’re removing every viable defensive amulet in the game. You’re already nerfing the abilities, why are you nerfing the stats now too? “something we’ll tweak until we get PvP’s gameplay closer to our vision for it”
What is your “vision”? Everyone running around as a Trickster in zerker gear, instant-killing everyone and instant-dying? Your restricting gameplay like GW1 Costume brawl. (But at least GW1 had a Rock-Paper-Scissors style of strength and weaknesses)“Every class gets one set of skills to use that we deemed worthy”. That’s fine for the snowball arena, but for PvP as a whole you are grossly corrupting what you want rather than what the player decides. PvP should be skill based, therefore the closer you make things to neutral, the more the skill is shown. Forcing everyone to be offensive is NOT making things neutral, it’s you being lazy as crap.
Why can’t you make it more Rock-Paper-Scissors. If condition builds become the new “Meta”, how about giving ALL classes access to Resistance. Therefore you have a way to counter condition damage, but open yourself up to physical? There should be a counter for every build, a way to out do what becomes the meta based on skill. You’re approach however is along the lines of “Killing the patient to cure the disease”. The reason why people pick defensive builds in the first place is what needs to be addressed, not “We’re just gonna take stuff away until such a simple skeleton remains that we think is balance-ish”
hit almost as hard as thief autoattack, such damage much wow, war viable af nao
Keep in mind, this is just a preview. Not a full list of all the changes.
Yeah, Warriors are missing some tooltips fixes.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
Thanks arenanet voor putting us back in the meta. With the +20hp on healing signet we will have so much more sustain its unbeleavable what you guys did there. This huge buff is even more then we all hoped for. Specialy the +15%andrenaline health is out of this world.
I know you guys read allot of warrior topics and this is a perfect example of it…..
W v W-r o a m e r
What are you all getting hyped for, slow down
These are just a bunch of empty PR promises – the same ones they made pre-HoT. Until they actually show us traits, skills, and numbers, these write-ups really don’t tell us kitten.
Good PR, bad transparency. Now would have been the time to talk to the community about proposed balance changes so that we can do this together properly. But I get it, Anet knows what’s best. Sure.
You’ll excuse my negativity, but given their track record of class balance and me getting swindled for $50 makes me a little salty.
(edited by RockSteady.7123)
Even 1 idiot knows, there is no need and no time to wait until March/ April to balance.
Doing this is like doing Harakiri.
I don’t think Anet is so dumb.
People cries and complain, is just a way to ask for help.
Better for them to handle this quick, because if they don’t hear cries and complains anymore. This mean they lost us and lost our interest. It would mean, we are so fed up, we don’t care anymore. Complains are care.
my first video i hope to get a better quality one out for you by next wed
brand new video let me know what u think
(edited by Mr Vivi Ornitier.4271)
Happy new year and sorry for the poor quality, had major issues rendering
Wow they actually said something about this… a little longer and this would become the new “Last Guardian”.
And it’s on reddit, as usual.
They should just close this forum and put official on the reddit instead.
Nooctae ( Thief ) / Encelya ( Engineer ) / Jane Crimson ( Elementalist ) / Kowywr ( Revenant )
Europe, Vizunah.
warrior has no way to regain health. I cannot come back after spikes. every other meta class can do so easily, or is a necromancer with a second health bar.
my engi and Guardian can heal their health bars multiple times, my warrior can’t even do it once.
warrior is not a viable class at all. only works vs people you eat your combo like an idiot, and honestly anyone who eats combos (especially highly telegraphed warrior combos) will be easy food.
re roll. it’s your only hope.
I done it, an I may miss warrior like hell but at least I get success.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
They have your $50. They don’t care anymore.
well if they cheat in dungeons they should get banned for it, or maybe anet should fix these bugs ? seeing they are here since day one already.
No one said they were cheating. Running past mobs is not cheating and ANet has never said stacking in corners was cheating either. But it was cheesing and many admitted to doing dungeons the fastest and easiest ways possible to get it done, get the gold and do the next dungeon. There was really no reason for the game to reward dungeoners a gold or more for 15 minutes of playtime and reward open world players a silver or two for the same amount of time played. The two rewards were grossly unequal and now they’ve been brought closer together.
If you enjoy dungeons, do them. You’ll get rewarded for the time you spent there about the same as PvE players are now rewarded for playing PvE (and it will be a better reward that PvE players got for playing how they liked for the last couple of years).
That’s like saying you should be rewarded for sitting in town exploring the same as someone who is running a raid.
If you do harder content, you should get rewarded appropriately. If they want to do Dungeons, they should get better rewards than someone who is just running around the open world exploring. Harder content should give better rewards. If everything was equal, then there would be no point in doing harder content.
At OP, the game has gone in different “directions” since its release. A lot of people were happy with the way things were, and the changes upset them. So, they come here to voice their concerns and provide feedback on why they are unhappy with the game.
In all honesty, GW2 doesn’t really have any clear direction right now. Or more like, it hasn’t had one for awhile. Things are constantly being 180’d, and then there are changes that just don’t make any sense. And then the focus keeps shifting all the time. I honestly feel Anet doesn’t know what they want to do with this game. Or they are trying to do too many different things at once, and it just isn’t working.
So yes, the post are going to get more negative as time goes by, cause people were happy with the way things used to be, and then it got changed. Simple as that. Happens with all games.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]
I tend to agree with Thug. There are some small synergies, but the opportunity cost (esp. for RR and Distracting Strikes) is huge.
And CntrlAltDefeat is right about needing more Trait line synergies (great example from Reaper).
I really think it’s the core Warrior that needs the most rework rather than the Berserk Trait line (which on it’s own is pretty nice). And the Rage skills need to be redone/improved. Headbutt is the only one that seems at least creative and fresh.
Are you a Warrior?
Do you have a Rifle?
Can you go Berserk?
If you meet all these requirements, then I greet you friend for you are on your way to the best build for the Warrior ever created. That’s right, you too can be awesome with the [YOLO] Gunflame build everyone secretly craves! If by any chance you are NOT a warrior, you can still be of assistance to those running this build by being cannon-fodder, thank you for your support.
“Wait Rifle for the Warrior sucks in general! The burst is the only redeeming thing about it and its easy to tell when its going off!”
Correction hypothetical questioner, the Rifle for the Warrior sucks if you aren’t a raging Berserker. When you are literally on fire due to how enraged you are, Killshot turns into Gunflame, and Gunflame is the best Burst ability now and forever. 99% of scientists agree, Gunflame changes you forever. …Oh right, you want to know the build huh? Certainly, here’s what you need to have:
- If you are a Gunflame Berserker, your stats are self-explained. All Berserker, for every non-Berserker piece on you I WILL personally find an ambient innocent rabbit in the open world and Gunflame it. You are a Berserker, JUST DO IT.
- A Rifle, and your preference on other weapon set. Unfortunately as much as I would say go double-rifle to pull off something from Contra, I have been informed duel-wielding Rifles would make some thieves really sad. It’s funny because we make for better Snipers than they are right now.
- Arms, Discipline, Berserker Trait lines. You want Signet Mastery, Burst Precision, Crack Shot, Destruction of the Empowered, Burst Mastery, Smash Brawler, Blood Reaction, and Eternal Champion. …Huh? Arms Major Master? Do you really care? Also Burst Precision and Eternal Champion will be explained shortly.
- Utilities? You want Signet of Might, Berserker Stance, and Signet of Rage, I don’t care what you use for the Healing Skill, or your other Utility…I guess Outrage might be nice maybe? Hell, find a way NOT to slot a healing or 3rd utility, you good.
Runes? You have Gunflame, it doesn’t matter. Go whatever. (In all seriousness aim for Ferocity, think of the numbers!)
Anyways you got all that? Good, time to explain how it works.
So with the set-up above, you have a certain amount of flexibility before and during combat on how to approach each fight. The neat thing about Gunflame in this build is that some of the normal counters against ranged attacks in general, won’t apply. Why? Because between Signet of Might and Signet Mastery, you got enough Unblockable to make Frontline Guardians go to SPvP and play Trapper DH instead. Blocking and Reflects will NOT work, meaning the foe has to deal with you by either Blinding you (As a warrior you should know how we all feel about Blind. Hence why Berserker stance is on the bar), Dodging, or popping invuln. Stealth isn’t quite a counter as your Gunflame channel follows them into stealth, which means you know where they are.
You probably noticed I incorporated Burst Precision, and are questioning why I am not running Sigil of Intelligence. Well that’s because you are going to popping at least Three Gunflame shots and at most Four if you time it right. To gain adrenaline you need to attack, thus wasting the Intelligence charges. In other words, Sigil of Flame and Sigil of Air are probably in that handy Rifle of yours.
Eternal Champion…is actually a means of ensuring no one interrupts your Gunflame with a single CC, they would have to stack it up quickly. An interrupted Gunflame is sad, like those PETA commercials with the animal shelter animals looking at you, especially that one white kitten- wait what. Sorry, about that.
Will you be weapon-swapping? Sure, Discipline has you covered, I run Sw/Sh and in the unlikely event your opponent outlasted all your Gunflames and Berserk, I dip, duck, dive and dodge. Get them with the next Berserk.
…I think that just about covers it, seriously go nuts, we actually got some nice buffs for the build today as well so seriously, start firing away.
Also, bonus points if you have The Predator, run Action Camera, and ‘tea-bag’ your dead enemies. Have fun with the best build ever!
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”
I am tired of it too. I tried dueling with it but… It is only good for fun gameplay if you don’t mind dying all the time because of no sustain… and that is all.
I am really disappointed, they buffed the damage and that is exactly what warrior does not need…
And there lies the true problem with warrior. No sustain. it does not healp that there are so many interrupts and stuns flying about now. does anyone remember when stuns were something that showed up once in a blue moon? yeah they were scary because the took skill to pull off. The warriors main strength is combos off their skills. Earthshaker+Backbreaker+Hundred Blades for example. But now I get blind/interrupted/stunned in the middle of the combo chain every time. now not only is my combo chain broken, but i’m stun locked. Dogged march or not, my skill skill go on cool down and I cannot move. And sure, I have stun breaks…on 30-60 second cooldowns!
Take a good hard look at the warrior utility skills. look at their cool-downs. and to make maters worse, the ones we use the most cannot be reduced. Thats right, you cannot reduce the cooldowns on stances or banners. Hell, you cannot even make banners do damage anymore!
Anet has made a huge mistake with the warrior.
I tried, I really tried to like my main again, who i’ve spent over 2500 hours on. I still find myself trying to play as warrior but I just can’t make myself stick with it for longer than a few minutes at a time.
Berserker is so repulsive as an elite spec that we are better of without it. But why?
- absolutely selfish play that offers nothing a reaper or revenant can’t. Damage is great if you can actually hit enough to build the kitten adrenaline which decays like freakin plutonium within seconds and when wefinally do manage to berserk, our burst abilities are practically downgrades. Hammer, bow burst? OMFG ballerina on steroids.
- Don’t you dare activate zerker stance out of combat. Its like trying to get angry, but instead you become aroused and finally you find inner peace. Our passive heals are horrible and our active condition removal is absurd, requiring a hit to take effect.
- No group support. My DH can shield the whole group with shield of courage from all dmg for like 6 seconds? And that’s 1 ability! DH heal our group with our heal virtue, trap enemies, mobility is superb and you never have to feel helpless.
GM of Crew of Misfits (CoM)
Piken Square, EU
We all know the purpose of berserker is to completely devastate people with gun flame.
Any buffs that fail to improve the awesomeness of the rifle or gun flame are missing the heart and soul of what it means to be a berserker.
Meaningful berserker updates are as follows:
-addition of slow motion replays when gun flame killing multiple enemies in a row along with unreal tournament multikill announcements
-special achievement for killing heralds turtling in shield 5 with a signet of might buffed gunflame.
-ability to cancel cast gunflame to fake and enemy but then fire the next gunflame faster so they think they aren’t going to be gunflamed but then get gunflamed anyway.
-more rifle buffs because other weapons don’t matter.
-change to wild blow a so that it procs on your next attack instead of having its own strike. I want to gunflame people and see them fly into space.
-runes and sigils that specifically buff gunflame warriors.
-extra kill shot damage to downed enemies so you can finish people with it.
-epic explosion effects on people when they get blasted by the first hit of gunflame to further indicate that they just got owned.
You see these are the kinds of buffs that matter. I would say more but I can only spend so much time on the forums that would be better spent gun flaming people.
(edited by lordhelmos.7623)
Anet philosphy… Abjured doesn’t play Warrior and nothing OP about it at the moment so no need to change.
Leaderboard Peak Rankings: #2 Solo Arena | #11 Team Arena
Personally, I find that the story to killing Zhaitan and Mordremoth to be too simple and I believe they have a lot of potential to expand an to a new story arc that’s at least twice as long as the entire Scarlet arc.
So here’s my suggestions, I do apologize if its long winded or if someone already had posted similar ideas, I don’t go to forums that often, Wiki a lot, forums not so much.
1. Zhaitan is not actually dead.
a. Zhaitan faked his death because he finds that the army he raised in Orr to not be enough to actually conquer all of Tyria. Since he is bascially a necromancer and the first target marked by the Pact, he had to fake his death and let the other Elder Dragons to help kill and secretly gather a stronger army.
b. Why would Zhaitan do that? A minion master necromancer without strong minions have to let its allies do the initiation for them.
c. Technically we never saw Zhaitan’s corpse and the rest of Arah, we only saw what the Pact and Tyria wanted to believe – Zhaitan died by their hands. Can fireworks from a low mobility mother ship really bring down an Elder Dragon? We did saw how easily Mordremoth destroy the entire Pact fleet right?
d. Even if we did see the corpse, the Elder Dragons are like 10000+ years old, they should have tricks up in their sleeve/wings.
e. And to account for all of this, why is there only a couple of Orrian Royalties and 1-2 Legendary Risen Priest of the Six Gods? Shouldn’t there be more since the city of Arah flourished at least several centuries before it got sank? 1-2 priest and royalties getting slain by the Pact is like at most 2-3 generations worth of risen minions.
f. As for the Sovereign Eye and his speech about the royalties having been freed from Zhaitan’s curse as well as Trahearne cleansing the source of Orr, Zhaitan could’ve actually just let it pretend to be cleansed to get the Pact finally off his back.
g. This should be possible since we do still see all the risen active in Orr, a summoned creature should be dead if the summoner is dead. Tequatl also suddenly gotten stronger and we still have no idea why, Zhaitan could’ve been doing test runs with dragon minion enhancing techniques.
2. What the Pact Commander destroyed wasn't Mordremoth's mind, it was his/her own mind, Mordremoth now possesses the Commander from within.
a. The Pact Commander saw the same Eternal Alchemy as Scarlet, the one that slowly and steadily got her mind broken by Mordremoth. This means the Pact Commander should be more vulnerable to Mordemoth’s control, and especially if it we played as Sylvari.
b. When the Commander kill Trahearne with Caladbolg, the sword was actually corrupted already and it gave Mordremoth a stronger link to connect to the Commander's mind.
c. Why would Mordremoth do that? Simple, destroying the Pact is nothing in comparison to the capturing the Commander since he/she is the real threat, turning the Commander into his minion will guarantee the destruction of all of Tyria. There’s also the idea that the second pale tree never actually appear
d. Basically the whole deal from Verdant’s Brink to Dragon’s Stand, it’s a trap to complete Mordremoth’s invasion to the Commander’s mind. Corrupting Trahearne was actually to force the commander to put him to rest personally, and if you choose to believe, it was never Trahearne that spoke to us during the ending, Mordremoth was using his voice to tell us to finish Trahearne with the corrupted Caladbolg.
f. The Pact Commander doesn’t necessarily have to show symptoms immediately, Mordremoth would be like a parasite or virus, completely merged into its host while slowly breaking it.
3. What this can lead to
a. Arc with Zhaitan’s return with stronger army with unexplored Arah, maybe underground temple?
b. Arc with the Pact in disarray and near collapse since their two spiritual leader, Trahearne is dead while the commander is under Mordremoth's influence . Possibility begin this arc by having an celebration event for “Mordremoth’s dead” similar to the one for Zhaitan and have the commander lose control and start attacking Pact members under some illusion/assumption that they were dragon minions. This could further advance to an story where the Pact is split into two factions, one wanting to save the commander and the other wanting to kill the commander before Mordremoth takes full control of him/her. Maybe turn it that Priority scholar discover that the only possible way to lock/block Mordremoth out of player’s mind is to attain ascension which leads to opening a journey to the Crystal Desert?
c. While the player is in progress of attaining ascension to fight off the insidious Mordremoth, perhaps the player might receive a vision from ascendants of the past warning that Abaddon is taking a advantage of the chaos in Tyria/complete absence of the human Gods and is slowly acquiring power to revive himself? Possibility joined by Dhuum and Menzies? This could bring the player to Elona and gather what remains of the Sunspears to take down Palawa Joko and Abaddon.
These are just suggestions of what could happen, I mean there’s a lot of potentials with all kinds of havoc that can occur with 6 Elder Dragons roaming around and disrupting the flow of energy across Tyria: ancient seals that ward off evil deities could break, landscape change could force ancient deadly monster (like the Karka) to migrate into central Tyria, or maybe war against the Sylvari race (remember the HoT introduction where they say Sylvari can’t be trusted? well if you don’t trust something, you most likely want to eliminate it)
Perhaps even twist the story about the origin of the Elder Dragons, saying that they are actually the dark/corrupted form of the human Gods. That the Gods live their existence between the cycle of awakening (peaceful humanoid form) and hibernation (destructive dragon form). Something like a split identity for the Gods that they have no control over. We got 6 Elder Dragon and 6 Human Gods, the numbers match perfectly. This can even lead to human civil war between factions that completely cast away the God and factions that embrace the Gods as what they are (not necessarily mean that they wont fight against them, just accepting them as the balancing force in the cycle of life and death)
The point is that Elder Dragon Arcs are too simple and have no twist, Elder Dragons should be cunning and manipulative, I mean they have lived over 10000+ years right? there’s got to be some wisdom in there.
Thank you for reading.
Edit #2
Another post, sorry for length and again apologies if someone already posted similar ideas.
Its not just the Elder Dragon story that can get the improvements, I think the race and Orders of Tyria can get more out of it too. Remember how in GW1, whatever faction/order you join (such as Sunspears/Luxon) have rank promotion system that lets you get new titles/PvE only skills/prestige armor? There should be more PvE only utility skills. I think what we do with character race and orders is too little. There should be secondary quest from your character race/order that you can do for promotional points to claim PvE only skills and other rewards.
Joining an Order should have its perks
Something like this:
Joining the Order of Whispers and completing certain side quest allows you to purchase/learn PvE only stealth/crafty skills such as:
1. Stealth mines/traps/gadgets
2. Dagger/pistol/rifle weapon kits
3. Shadow stepping/stealth tricks
4. Turrets
Elite Utility: gives permanent stealth as long as weapon is sheath
Vigil would be:
1. Banners that gives bonus stats vs certain monster types
2. Reinforcement summoning shouts
3. Defensive stances such as giving protection with struck
4. Signet such as increasing maximum health
5. Physical skills that can AoE/counter/block
Elite Utility: mark a target area and summon a delayed heavy damage bombardment
Durmand Priory would be:
1. Target stats modifying manipulation skill
2. Spirits that increases condition duration
3. Wells that causes condition that necromancer/chronomancer wells doesn’t cause, ex: confusion/burning/chill
4. Offensive cantrips that enhance that next weapon skill ability, such as adding damage modifier or cc like daze/stun/cripple/immobilize
Elite Utility: summon ancient spirits to tank/attack for you.
Racial utilies should also be adjusted to be comparable to profession utilities and be able to earn new ones by completing racial mission. I mean for human elite racial skill we have Avatar of Melandru, Reaper of Grenth, and Hounds of Balthazar. Where’s the elite for Lyssa/Kormir/Dwayna?
Another example of additional racial skill/sub-racial order for players to join would be:
1. Asura joining the Peacemakers or perhaps a “less violent group” of Inquest
2. Sylvari joining the Wardens or forming a new version of Nightmare court
3. Norn joining the Shamans or joining “Viking like” groups
4. Charr continuing building the war band that they never actually finish building from the story
5. Human joining the Priest of human Gods/Seraph/Shining Blades/Ebon Vanguard
What I suggested above doesn’t necessarily have to be like 5-6 skills with tons of benefits, it could be split into 10-20 utility skill per order.
It would be nice if racial skills and the skills I suggested to be categorized into skill types for trait benefits. Of course these skill have to be PvE only considering its strong potential, but remember how GW1 had those crazy strong skills too?
Also take into considerations that a lot of monster we got now can pretty much 1-3 shot you regardless of armor and health. I mean even if you have 5k armor with 20k health (4k + Rousing Resilience 1k), you can still get 1 shot by a stray attack. What’s the point of taking toughness over offensive stats then? I kinda want PvE only toughness stat buff against monster
That being said considering the Order skills to be more beneficial to certain profession, I think that as long as the player reaches the rank Pact Commander in the story, they should be allow to do mission and learn skills from any Orders. Maybe even get Pact Commander utility skills.
The Point is that the GW1 we love have like 1k skill to choose from and they have more interaction with the factions/orders you joined. GW2 should have that as well.
In addition to the points above, I think we can get Mastery systems for the Orders of Tyria and Racial factions as well. Again only applicable to PvE only
Thanks for reading.
(edited by Shiranui Ariosu.8305)
Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: hurrado.2346
Hell, I played EQ and FFXI – I can talk grind all day.
Some may not feel this new system is a grind. Many do. Ultimately it’s up to ANet as to what sort of game they wish.
In any case, after all the volumes written – I still have yet to hear anyone discuss how having Elites upon release would destroy the game. Opinions on that are yours, truly, and we’re all allowed them, of course.. They may differ from mine. As I stated previously – I am waiting for someone to show how giving us the Elites mainly right-off would have caused so many problems that it would ruin the xpac/game.
I have a feeling it will be something along the lines of these answers:
“Bla bla bla no endgame, bla bla”
“You got to work hard to earn things in a game! This is ’Merica!”
“Well progression, dummie, don’t you love playing for hours and hours on end on all your characters to play a spec that isn’t any better than any of the prior traitlines?”
“If I can do it, you can do it!”
“It’s not really that bad if you just farm for 24 hours straight, I did it, so why can’t you?”
“It’s like leveling up, only with a suboptimal build that is essentially useless in any group content as you don’t have all the traits etc…”
To me, the death knell was the decision to pursue the Living-Story-Platform-Gaming-Jump-Puzzle concept in lieu of the open-world, exploration, party-on-the-fly game that attracted so many of us.
Plus, they should have monetized WvW. In the early days, I would have gladly paid to participate if they had shown a commitment to improving WvW.
They took a game of exploration and wonder and transformed it into an grinder.
HoT doesn’t have enough content. That’s why they padded it with grind. What’s surprising is how many people are eating it up.