Showing Posts For Thwomp.3912:

10/25: SoR/BG/TC (Gold League Round 2)

in Match-ups

Posted by: Thwomp.3912


I just wanted to say


BG – Faboose – Ranger
BG – Thwompp – Elly
BG – Thwomp Jr – Warrior

Collaborative Development: World Population

in CDI

Posted by: Thwomp.3912


Hey everyone,

I just wanted to provide a little direction here to the discussion. Firstly I want to reiterate Chris’ point in the original post: “2: We will not be disclosing information pertaining to what is currently in development.” I think there are a lot of really intriguing ideas to be found in this thread, but it’s not the purpose of this space for us to discuss what we are or aren’t doing to address the issue. More broadly speaking I wanted to clarify the types of things we take into consideration when we make large changes to WvW. One of the most important aspects of Guild Wars 2 is the spirit of collaboration that we want to foster between players. It’s a core principle behind the event system, the skills in the game, the way we created gathering nodes, etc. Simply put, if a change will cause players to be less inclined to playing with other players, we won’t make it. Changes to WvW that incentivize players to avoid others on the map or that create incentives to have a smaller general population on the map create just that problem. When we look to make changes to WvW we look towards encouraging players to play together, finding ways to empower groups of skilled players to be able to make their mark even against superior numbers, etc. Solutions to the population imbalance would absolutely have to take that into account.

In addition, we don’t release specific numbers in terms of populations, queues, etc. and I can’t comment directly on those statistics. I’d be more curious to know what people think is the reason behind the fact that score is so directly related to the number of people on a server 24/7 and how WvW could be designed differently to address that moving forward. My personal observation is that the momentum you gain from even a small period of having more people online is so large that it can’t be overcome. Which makes me think we need to be doing more to slow that momentum.

Again, this is intended to be a discussion about the design principles, and not a forum for requests for information about current projects or to request specific changes.

Thanks again for the discussion, I hope it continues to progress positively.

You must of missed this weekend Gold T1 match-up. SOR had a 20k lead they built up over the weekend. It was looking like they had the victory in the bag, for the reason you stated. Yet, Blackgate steam rolled them, and we have turned around the score completely.

I would be careful about slowing down momentum because, how would a server ever catch up if a server was able to farm PPT for 3 straight days? Such as BG did this week.

BG – Faboose – Ranger
BG – Thwompp – Elly
BG – Thwomp Jr – Warrior

Bugged Queues

in WvW

Posted by: Thwomp.3912


Queues will be fixed as part of the new map. They will continue to operate as they have since launch until then. The queue does not function as a typical queue and we are fixing it. It will just take some time. It has been a lower priority than the other things we have done and we’ve only now been able to devote the appropriate resources to it.

yussssssss! I don’t mind waiting, we want them to do it right, amirite?

BG – Faboose – Ranger
BG – Thwompp – Elly
BG – Thwomp Jr – Warrior

WvW Season 1 launch highlight reel

in WvW

Posted by: Thwomp.3912


Hey all,

Just wanted to share a video with you that I put together which chronicles the massive amount of fighting that took place this weekend.

Big shout out to my guildies in PLX you guys rock, and another shout out to Blackgate (BelieveGate) as we like to call it these days.

This is a WvW video, zerg fights are to be expected.


BG – Faboose – Ranger
BG – Thwompp – Elly
BG – Thwomp Jr – Warrior

WvW Videos

in WvW

Posted by: Thwomp.3912


here are some videos that I put together:

EMP vs Choo

T1 three way garry fight

EMP vs AGG vs Zerg

BG – Faboose – Ranger
BG – Thwompp – Elly
BG – Thwomp Jr – Warrior

4/12 JQ|SoR|BG

in WvW

Posted by: Thwomp.3912


Hey all, here is a video I put together quick from a fight that took place in Garrison last night around 5pm PSD. It was about 24 minutes and involved JQ/SoR/BG.

The PoV is from my elly [EMP]Thwompp, and I speed up the video to about x2 speed.

Enjoy, and as always, thanks for the fights!

BG – Faboose – Ranger
BG – Thwompp – Elly
BG – Thwomp Jr – Warrior

March 26th patch broke WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Thwomp.3912


this is why they need to implemented orbs back to the game!

BG – Faboose – Ranger
BG – Thwompp – Elly
BG – Thwomp Jr – Warrior

Increase the size of WvW zones?

in WvW

Posted by: Thwomp.3912


Just copy daoc’s model.

You can travel between 3 realms, there is an island, boats for quick travel when you do not have ports open to your keep. Make the port in area near Lowlands/Bluevale milegates that connect to the island.


Haven’t they, basically? You can quibble over small changes but they have the 3 factions, 3 frontiers plus center (which was just an island in DAOC)…but they’re pretty much following DAOC model here, let’s be real…

They’re almost there, but the three battleground are disconnected, you can’t travel between the three unless there is 0 queue. And if the start points were to be transformed in to mile gates, rather then portal hubs, it would take a lot longer to get from realm to realm.

Example: I am JQ, therefore when I port in to WvW I’m sent to the JQ Citadel. I see I have a force fighting on BG for garrison. For me to join that battle I would either:

A) Run the island to get there
B) Take a boat that travels to the BG battleground.

Remove the instant port unless you own a keep and it has been upgraded/un-contsted

BG – Faboose – Ranger
BG – Thwompp – Elly
BG – Thwomp Jr – Warrior

West Coast server?

in WvW

Posted by: Thwomp.3912


Is there a West Coast server that is excelling in WvW? I’m currently on Sea of Sorrows and it seems all the big guilds are Oceanic, so it’s a slaughterfest when I’m on WvW’ing.

JQuaggen all day.

BG – Faboose – Ranger
BG – Thwompp – Elly
BG – Thwomp Jr – Warrior

For all you guys who keep..

in WvW

Posted by: Thwomp.3912


Jelly much? You obviously have no idea what gvg is, move along.

BG – Faboose – Ranger
BG – Thwompp – Elly
BG – Thwomp Jr – Warrior

Increase the size of WvW zones?

in WvW

Posted by: Thwomp.3912


Just copy daoc’s model.

You can travel between 3 realms, there is an island, boats for quick travel when you do not have ports open to your keep. Make the port in area near Lowlands/Bluevale milegates that connect to the island.


BG – Faboose – Ranger
BG – Thwompp – Elly
BG – Thwomp Jr – Warrior

[Video] T1 GvG/Zerg Bustin

in Community Creations

Posted by: Thwomp.3912


I would like to see some vids of GvGvG. Any guilds doing these on a 3 way action? That would be something worth seeing.

There was three way action in this video

BG – Faboose – Ranger
BG – Thwompp – Elly
BG – Thwomp Jr – Warrior

[Video] Ranger WvW Skirmishes

in WvW

Posted by: Thwomp.3912


Great solo video, such a clutch rez up on lowlands Vista

BG – Faboose – Ranger
BG – Thwompp – Elly
BG – Thwomp Jr – Warrior

[Video] T1 GvG/Zerg Bustin

in Community Creations

Posted by: Thwomp.3912


They’re not for everyone, Large-scale GvG took some getting use to. Thanks for checking it out!

BG – Faboose – Ranger
BG – Thwompp – Elly
BG – Thwomp Jr – Warrior

(edited by Thwomp.3912)

[Video] T1 GvG/Zerg Bustin

in Community Creations

Posted by: Thwomp.3912


Fights from 3/18 EMP/Agg GvG, followed by some good ol’ fashion Three-way WvW.

Was an amazing night!


BG – Faboose – Ranger
BG – Thwompp – Elly
BG – Thwomp Jr – Warrior

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Thwomp.3912


Hey everyone, here is a link to the action last night (3/18/13)

Was a blast, thanks for the great fights Agg, SoR, thanks for the surprise

BG – Faboose – Ranger
BG – Thwompp – Elly
BG – Thwomp Jr – Warrior

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Thwomp.3912


Thanks for the GvGs today EMP, looking forward to more fights in the future!

I have mad respect for your guild!



Great fights AGG, the first two rounds def put us on our toes and made us re-think how we were doing things.

Had a ton of fun

BG – Faboose – Ranger
BG – Thwompp – Elly
BG – Thwomp Jr – Warrior

Guild vs Guild video EMP vs Choo

in WvW

Posted by: Thwomp.3912


Hey all,

This weekend EMP and Choo had the chance to do some 30 v 30 Guild v Guild. Had a blast with everyone, had some good matches that I wanted to share with anyone interested.

The pov is from my Elementalist. The first 5 rounds I’m staff, the last 5 I’m DD.

This was my first time doing anything like this. So it really was a learning process. EMP worked on evolving tactics each fight, I wasn’t feeling that great of an effect using staff, so I decided to switch over to DD and I instantly felt useful.

Hope you all enjoy, thank you everyone who was involved with this video, I haven’t had this much fun in PvP since DAoC 8v8.

BG – Faboose – Ranger
BG – Thwompp – Elly
BG – Thwomp Jr – Warrior

Why Orb Removal Will be Very Bad for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Thwomp.3912


Why not just have harsher punishment for those who hack the orbs? Would be really easy to detect, especially with the community on guard almost 24/7.

You hack the orb, perma ban, plain and simple. You can still work on different mechanics, and making the orb more secure on the side.

But I really feel you’re shooting yourself in the foot here. Unless you come up with an alternative within the month, WvW is really going to lose it’s appeal. The only reason for taking tower and keeps was for orbs, which in turn also was for points, which lead to realm pride. Now the main focus is just going to be farming points, which is going to get boring.

I’m still going to WvW, don’t get me wrong, I just hope the popularity doesn’t diminish.

BG – Faboose – Ranger
BG – Thwompp – Elly
BG – Thwomp Jr – Warrior

Perpetual bar brawl, what happened to it ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thwomp.3912


“Long term we’ll absolutely be adding more activities as well, but we want to make sure we’ve got loads of stuff to do at level 80 in PvP, WvW, and PvE using your characters core skill-bar first and foremost,”

If you add a realm rank system similar to DAoC, you will hands down have the best game to date.

BG – Faboose – Ranger
BG – Thwompp – Elly
BG – Thwomp Jr – Warrior


in WvW

Posted by: Thwomp.3912


This has been my favorite matchup hands down. Only thing that put me off was yesterday when JQ was trebing Longview, and SBI came and took out our trebs from the back as we were fighting IoJ; rather then attempting Cliffside, which would of yielded a better result then being wiped out and getting no towers.

Either way, awesomeness is all I can say about this matchup, some intense fights, and nail biting going on.

BG – Faboose – Ranger
BG – Thwompp – Elly
BG – Thwomp Jr – Warrior

JQ vs HoD vs SBI thread/updates/screenshots

in WvW

Posted by: Thwomp.3912


really they need to add incentive to WvW. A Realm Rank system like DAoC would do wonders for the game.

BG – Faboose – Ranger
BG – Thwompp – Elly
BG – Thwomp Jr – Warrior

(edited by Thwomp.3912)

dry toast pvp, harcore pvpers from daoc/warhammer bored. couple of ideas

in WvW

Posted by: Thwomp.3912


I would also love to see some incentive added in to the WvW realm. Not gear, but something along the lines of Realm Rank system we all came to love in DAoC.

I remember being able to search who had the most Realm Points in a session, and who also had the highest RP/death ratio. Gawd, those were the good times.

I 100% agree with brining death spam back, was a great way for groups to find other groups as it would give you who killed whom, and in what zone.

BG – Faboose – Ranger
BG – Thwompp – Elly
BG – Thwomp Jr – Warrior