Showing Posts For Tigger.8035:

Out of 10, what would you rate this year's GW2 Halloween Event?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tigger.8035



I only ran the mad king dungeon one time and made 22 gold off an item drop

Eng highest dps class.

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


and again you speak generally when not every profession has access to those utilities/access while having everything else they need on the same bar

also I skimmed, I didn’t read. Luckily you’re a person who uses actual paragraphs and doesn’t slap a wall of text in someones face.

glad we have an understanding

Main things that GW2 lacks, your opinions.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tigger.8035


isn’t missing anything imo.

out of every mmo ive ever played, GW2 is probably the best in terms of launch status

Eng highest dps class.

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035



I see it from your point a view. But what you aren’t seeing is that there is no such thing as perfect balance in MMO’s and there will always be things (Gimmicks, cheese strats, Gear Gap, etc) that certain classes or in this game professions will never be able to deal with. Targetted skills also fall into this because you can only dodge 2 times, and not every profession has the abilities and/or move slots to handle this. (ex. Heartseeker spam, Hundred blade spam)

That is what mmo delusion is. The fact that you think skill will always win in the end against EVERYTHING when in reality that’s half the case.

Like I said.

MMO pvp rarely if ever makes it into esports for a reason, and this is why

even MMO fighters like Rumble Fighter are victim to this.

Also Im not even apart of this weird DPS math going on here. I play flamethrower tank spec

(edited by Tigger.8035)

Eng highest dps class.

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


Heh, excuse me if im being blunt but… No…

i answered your question…. and your repsonse was to disregard the fact that we have alot more things to do than strictly DPS…. and you want me to tell you that you are right, DPS is king…

well, then… Yes….. you are right, Tigger. If you disregard all traits and all utility skills any class can do, then DPS is ALL that matters!!!! Woot!…… But, yuh know… when you stick all that back into the equation, then my list for you is still looking pretty solid in my opinion. Care to elaborate?

or am i understanding you wrong?

okay! here’s a brief synopsis

Exploit range and/or line of sight when choosing target, OR when you hav been chosen as a target.

dodge / block / blind /stun break before or directly after any attack of any nature in which you should avoid getting hit with…. while simultaneously executing your own attacks, and trying to recognize when your target may blind / block / dodge / break / LoS counter you.

this is why Skill, and not DPS, solely effects the outcome of all encounters…

a group that can effectively negate damage better while sustaining DPS (which EVERY class, in EVERY proff. has some DPS with secondary effects to contribute) will do much better than any group or individual who Only factors DPS…

sheer DPS doesn’t win fights. Strategy does, and Strategy does not Require maximized DPS, only sustainable. Which, Everyone can do……

to much DPS sacrifices support/utility, to much support/utility sacrifices DPS. the answer is always to find a balance. Maximizing on one or the other is never the answer… unless you are teamed with someone covering the other bases, meaning you are using Strategy, and Neither person is useless…. Concluding the fact that, DPS is not the only factor of Any game. you must find balance, with a build that suites your style. if a high DPS bursty build suites your style, then Good!! but that does not mean that any other way isnt effective, it simply means You aren’t effective in that ‘way’.

im obviously being vague, because your only response was “well make a list then!”

so i made it short and sweet…

1. Rock -> Scissors.
2. Scissors -> Paper.
3. Paper -> Rock.

someone help. where is the bold in the first quote in his post underneath it, and how is this dude speaking for all professions in his post without being general as hell and theory crafting out of the kitten

Also, how is what I posted in response to the post underneath “removing” things from his post when he didn’t even include it BECAUSE he’s being general as hell?

Someone explain.

Eng highest dps class.

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


skills that aren’t targetted.

ex. On land grenades.

basically moves you aim that dont auto focus a target and can be dodged simply by getting out of its path of travel

Eng highest dps class.

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


disregard weapon slots and utility and trait limitations as well as utility/ defensive options available to profession….and the fact that majority of skills aren’t skill shot based and you have a well crafted post.

Eng highest dps class.

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035



Honestly the best kill you can have is how to dodge not much else. i think all round dps is very important to those who are bad and those who are good. When you kill the mob 3x as fast because of you it helps.

yea, but if you go through your burst rotation, and get downed, while i stay alive, i accumulate more damage than you…..

and everyone can dodge. how is that a valid point? Oh you mean skill matters…. because you have to know when to dodge… Yep. thats kinda the point i made…


mmorpg delusion. check

Also don’t diss 8 year olds. They’ll kick your behind in FPS and practically any game if they know what they’re doing.

mmo delusion?? care to elaborate? i get the feeling you didnt have a rebudle prepared, and this was just a quicky….

and actually, i super agree =p ive gotten my butt handed to me by lil kids in FPS’s. Its all hand to eye coordination, instead of comprehension. Theirs no counters in a FPS, its whos faster…. i nthis game, its who’s faster at clicking the correct counter… which takes…. skill… heheh….

make a list of counters for “insert strategy here” for every profession.

Engineer Sucks!... Until...

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


I love might combo field <3 I hate that it takes me 180 seconds to do it tho

Eng highest dps class.

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


mmorpg delusion. check

Also don’t diss 8 year olds. They’ll kick your behind in FPS and practically any game if they know what they’re doing.

Eng highest dps class.

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


It’s completely relevant. I’m merely giving a situation.

(edited by Tigger.8035)

Eng highest dps class.

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035




In the end Skill is greater than DPS.

This is by far the worse use of the word skill I’ve ever read

then obviously you dont read very much…

DPS is one of maybe 20-50 variables that will actually decide who ‘wins’… The most important variable? SKILL!! you can spec however you want, if you Suck, your still going to Suck.

i play a condition / alchemy spec… some people do more damage, but i dont suck. I pay attention. And that has won more matches for me than ANYTHING else…. in Any MMO, for that matter….

can we make more specific and detailed points rather than making posts like these please.

It’s posts like these that are the catalyst for putting words in peoples mouths.

But anyway, here we go. Disregarding tank/support builds and speaking on a completely offensive stand point (because only then can we discuss skill vs dps on an easier field)

Luckily GW2 is an mmorpg game with skill shots and the ability to dodge and make other players miss. luckily

Outside of the sPvP area where pvp isn’t balanced, WVW, saying skill > DPS is incorrect.

Why? because if im using all lvl 10 masterwork gear and fight someone with exotics, I will get 1 shotted.

If I do a dungeon with terrible gear against High DPS/ High HP enemies, I’ll die and be a detriment to my team, which may ultimately cause the attempt to fail.

sPvP isn’t totally irrelevant in regards to this as well.

People cried (and Probably still do) about heart seeker thieves, Crit rifle warriors, Hundred Blade warriors. Cause all you had to do was press 1 or 2 buttons and put in work. There’s no precautionary matters certain professions could take to stop that, and there’s most certainly none to stop it 3+ times in a row.

The biggest problem with MMORPGS’s is that skill doesn’t play that big of a roll, sometimes there are things you’ll never get the upper hand on and more people need to understand that.

seldomly esports for a reason, take it with a grain of salt

(edited by Tigger.8035)

Eng highest dps class.

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


In the end Skill is greater than DPS.

This is by far the worse use of the word skill I’ve ever read

What do Engineers excel at?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


versatility and the only profession who can get away with stacking healing power in an offensive build

Does anyone run +Heal gear and if so How much?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


Retaliation is not a bad stat….

Flamethrower - Flame Jet - 1 second burn max?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


what I’m saying is the burn is a 1 second duration because of how frequently you can apply it with flame jet (even more so if you reduce the skill recharge time) just by letting it run. It’s pointless to stack burn duration because of so.

Flamethrower - Flame Jet - 1 second burn max?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


precision = bleed and vulnerability. Stacking burn really isn’t worth it since it just increases in duration, not intensity. You could run 10 in explosives for the extra burn chance since flame jet is a separate 10 attacks but imo it’s really not worth it

The Rifleman -- is something like this viable in PvE/WvW?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


Define “viable”.

As it stands right now, Grenadiers just laugh at everybody else with their AoE damage, 1500 range, vulnerability stacking, and variety of conditions.

But if “viable” just means capable of doing well – Then the Rifle will do you just fine.

I survive zergs of 10+ people in WvW with flamethrower spec. thieve’s aint 2 shotting me

@ OP

the advantage you’ll have over everyone else atm is that sigils work for you. GLHF it’s completely viable cause with precision and utility goggles you can cap vulnerability quite quickly!

What do you *love* about your Engineer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


Build options

The fact that I can be tanky as hell and still do tons of damage (flamethrower spec)

I can do a kitten load of damage that’s also aoe and long range (Grenade kit)

Provide a Very useful Niche (Perma light combo fields with Elixir Gun, Perma Weakness with Elixir Gun, 1 man vulnerability cap stacking with rifle and utility goggles)

the only things useless about the class are just the effects of bugs which will be fixed (hopefully)

Can I be a NON-KIT engineer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


Rifle + Utility goggles = the easiest 1 man vulnerability cap in the game.

Would pay money for this feature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tigger.8035


Not a topic on the first page.

Would pay money for this feature

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tigger.8035


Dual Build Option.

why? Cause the class I play has so many fun build options that I hate blowing in game cash just to switch specs.


Problematic Skills

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


We need traits that choose which transformation you get…. I know for one the Giant is more useful for me on flamethrower because it sky rockets my HP to 40k and I tank kittening everything.

I hate the randomness of it…..

New engie help, flamethrower.

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


3/5 of the flamethrowers skills need to be fixed/reworked

But with alot of precision you can let flame jet run and stack a ton of bleed and vulnerability.

Flamethrower- Please fix

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


to all those wondering why Juggernaught gives toughness, Take a look at some traits and Runes, and yes, Napalm and Smoke vent needs some revamp, and Skill 2 needs to be fixed

also why rifle skills instead of the vulnerability/cool down reduction traits in your build?

(edited by Tigger.8035)

RANT: About the Engineer forum.

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


The only thing engineer needs include

sigils to work on weapon kits

Flamethrower bugs need to be fixed

More weapon kits (I’d kittening love Tybalts sniper rifle as a weapon kit)

Bugs in general need to be fixed

Grenades need to be more user friendly

Tool Kit needs to be buffed

Turrets need decent stats that are indepent from yours like ranger pets

rifle skills need a rework

More boons on elixir use so we can abuse that sexy bonus damage trait

that’s about it.

it’s quite hard to play as a con build engineer please buff the pistol and elixir gun

It’s hard to play as a condition-anything in this game because conditions are underpowered in pve

Engineers and Aggro: Does Everything Hate You?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


hit more enemies, they aggro you

Should turret dmg scale with our stats?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


They should be like ranger pets with their own stats, and DECENT enough stats so that they do damage and survive

Good News For Grenade Kit'ers Who Don't Like Button Mashing!

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


Carpal Tunnel isn’t good design, and the “keep skill a factor” makes me question some people… seriously.

People don’t use grenades in PvP, and what defines “Skill” in PvE? Do you even know? It’s not the ability to aim ground target skills, cause it’s not hard to hit something, It’s the ability to understand and beat gimmicks.

The main reason why engineers are so scarce is because there are so little build options and the best DPS they have to offer is so irritating to use that people re-rolled.

If people want damage with less pain, they play a different class which they have been doing for a while now.

It’s not fun and you people who say such stuff like “keep skill a factor” Obviously own mice with extra buttons and keyboards with macro features.

Graphic Fail

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tigger.8035


Ok. this doesn’t happen on any of my other characters. When I try to preview dungeon sets on my asura, the sprites mess up badly.

Does anyone else experience this?

CM item shop no light armor helmet

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tigger.8035


Obligatory 'best name I've seen' thread...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tigger.8035


someone on Yaks bend named Prince Charr Ming

Superior Rune of the Undead

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tigger.8035


6 part set has a bonus that gives extra condition damage based off 5 percent of your toughness.

What I wan’t to know is (preferably from a dev) does this stack with the mesmer passive that does the same thing?

Female Armor Skins

in Asura

Posted by: Tigger.8035


cultural armor way made for the race.

You want armor that goes with the class? 30 gold for Zojja’s top with the gauntlet sprite

Cutest Asura Contest

in Asura

Posted by: Tigger.8035


Zojja wins.


Mez in the Dungeon

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


Chaos Storm + Radiation field have made dungeons easy mode for me so far.

One vs one against Thieves

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


Distortion is instant win for me (since I use dual swords I have a low cool down source of it as well as an illusion from a block that I can just cast F4 to get)

the scrubs will spam their initiate away and never hit you, and if you trait for the retaliation they’ll kill themselves

they also kill themselves off confusion aswell.

Grandmaster Traits

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


Mantra of Recovery > all other healing spells imo.

The instant heal is really just too good in dungeons

Asura Personal story bug

in Personal Story

Posted by: Tigger.8035


encountered this during Protest too much

Name of this sodding sick piece of armor.

in Asura

Posted by: Tigger.8035


Citadel of flame shaman reward exotic gear

Post Your Build Thread

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


PvE AoE Hybrid Racial build I developed mainly for dungeons

It focuses on condition damage and survivability, as well as moderate DPS and buffing allies.

utilizes condition damage and power for dps, and vitality gear to pair with toughness traits that are required for the condition damage bonus from toughness

please copy the link and paste it in a new tab to see it

I’m still debating between dual swords or sword + pistol as the switch.

leaning more towards dual swords because I’m quite fond of blocking (cause it beats ALL annoying gimmicks such as pulls, etc) and the melee clone is more likely to die and give bonuses quicker

(edited by Tigger.8035)

Innovate Crafting to WvW

in Crafting

Posted by: Tigger.8035


I hope a system like this gets implemented in the future.

I mean, what’s the point of having artisan boost in WvW when all it does is encourage people to take up queues just to craft there and not do anything productive for the match?

It would be awesome if you could use crafting to help out your team in WvW, whether it be to:

allow yaks to carry more supplies

giving keep guards better gear and sustainability

reinforcing structures without the need to pay out of your own pocket

I mean the materials to do all this stuff exist within the WvW world area, It would be really cool if you could innovate a system like this into WvW

Phantasmal Defender Vs Null Field

in Mesmer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


Title FAIL. I meant Phantasmal Disenchanter

In pvp.

It boils down to Phantasm vs combo field.


Havroun Grechen

in Personal Story

Posted by: Tigger.8035


Have those animal rights activist been sending you hate mail lately Arena Net?

I'm a mesmer. Explain this to me

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


All his opponents were upscaled to 80 as in this thread is stupid.
Also his build is purely offensive. A *thief*will kill him with 3 crits (Steal, C&D, Backstab).

Heart Seeker Heart Seeker Heart Seeker Heart Seeker Heart Seeker Heart Seeker.

Dunno why people think thieves are so faceroll when all you need is to do is hit them once with an immobilize and unload everything on them in 2 seconds.

Fire a net shot, Doesn’t hit? Drop a Supply crate, if the crates hits them they’re stunned, and then they have to worry about the net turret.

(edited by Tigger.8035)

Charrzooka. Is it worth it?

in Charr

Posted by: Tigger.8035


It does the deeps. If only the number 5 skill had a shorter cool down and the heat seeker missle was the equivalent of warriors killing blow

Is this the end? The barrier separating engineers from the rest

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


> Necromancers Suck

> Ranger sucks and is too bland

> warrior is so boring

> Engineer Sucks

> Elementalists are beyond underpowered

I wish every forum had moderation like smogon. Instalock all repetitive threads

Are spirits as bad as people say they are?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tigger.8035


That’s not what I’m getting at.

your comparison is bad because not even a rookie driver would lose that race.

and yeah I’d still win cause I get the boons and survive with my combo fields like I have been against heartseeker spam thieves and hundred blade warriors

Are spirits as bad as people say they are?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tigger.8035


That is by far the worst comparison I’ve ever heard in this decade.

Are spirits as bad as people say they are?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tigger.8035


dunno bout you guys but i’ve been winning in sPvP with spirits.

Storm’s attack does alot of damage and the chilling from frost and immobility from stone is really good with a Jaguar/Raven with some precision and critical damage

that and people are so bad mechanically at this game I become hard to target and hard to kill

and they are useful when they die cause… with traits you get the benefits