Showing Posts For Toxe.5340:

Condition damage mini guide

in Engineer

Posted by: Toxe.5340


2. Duration seems to do nothing unless it actually gives a full second increase. This one was less well tested, as we don’t have damage meters yet to my knowledge(I may go test this more thoroughly tonight unless someone else already has). Increasing the bleed duration of my pistol shot to 2 and 3/4 of a second did not seem to yield any bigger or smaller ticks(I would asusme if it did anything you’d either get a tick, and then 1 and 3/4 of a tick of damage, or 2 1 ticks, and then 3/4 tick). The important thing here is that you want to make sure all your moves are exactly on the second marks or else the condition duration is worthless(this is true only for poison/burn/bleed). This is very bad for our pistol 1’s bleed as you need a full 50% increase in bleed duration to get it to another second.

If this is true then this would be rather bad. Let’s hope not.

Engineer explosive shot is way too weak

in Engineer

Posted by: Toxe.5340


The bleed could be longer and the explosion radius and direct damage higher. That would be a start and fairly simple to implement.

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Toxe.5340


WoW-style arenas are the worst kind of PVP possible.

Playable Skritt

in Suggestions

Posted by: Toxe.5340


As someone who played a Rattonga in Everquest 2: Yes, I’d love to play Skritt!

Weapons not affecting kits, is this intended?

in Engineer

Posted by: Toxe.5340


I just wanted to prevent people from discussing whether or not it is intended. We do know it is a bug.

Well, obviously we do not, otherwise I hadn’t asked this question on the new and shiny official forums.

BTW, it would be nice if one of the Devs could clarify this or give further input.

This game needs PvP Arena

in Suggestions

Posted by: Toxe.5340


WoW-style arena is the worst form of PVP ever.

What races would you like to play as in the future?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Toxe.5340


Skritt, of course.

Weapons not affecting kits, is this intended?

in Engineer

Posted by: Toxe.5340


When you equip a weapon kit like the flamethrower or the grenade kit you lose the stats of your weapons and sigil bonuses.

Is this intended?

From a realism standpoint this might be valid (after all you put your weapon aside to pick up another one) but in my humble opinion this is detrimental for gameplay and fun. If I am running aroung with a weapon kit all the time why would I want to try to get a better weapon? This kind of takes the fun out of finding better items.

“Yeah so I just found / bought a better weapon. Big deal, it won’t benefit me in any way… So why bother?”

Gameplay + fun should come first, before realism. Devs, please change this game mechanic.

Something absolutely amazing! Gj on this A net! I think...

in Personal Story

Posted by: Toxe.5340


Agreed, fading out all other sounds and only playing the music was a great touch. Very well done.

Why I think that crafting is broken

in Crafting

Posted by: Toxe.5340


Crafting needs a huge overhaul. The amount of time and gold that needs to be spent in order to level your crafting skills is ridiculous.

What? Crafting is already simple and easy and until you hit level 385 there is no reason to buy any stuff from the Trade Post.

I see nothing wrong with the crafting system and in fact, comparing it with other MMOs, I think it’s one of the better ones.

You should never try crafting in Everquest 2.

Downward spiral from 50 onwards (unmarked spoilers)

in Personal Story

Posted by: Toxe.5340


Looks like our personal stories were a little different, but I agree that it went downhill from 50.

Personally I found Trahearne really annoying and one thing that bothered me was that he promoted me to Commander and was giving me all these special tasks to execute and yet most of the missions he was joining me. Why giving me the tasks in the first place when he will come along anyways? Why doesn’t he simply command the mission himself and be done with it?

Oh and why is the supreme commander of an oh-so-important multi-racial dragon-killing world-saving alliance doing all the dangerous missions at all? Shouldn’t he be staying in Fort Trinity, out of harms way, and keeping this whole operation running and, well, staying alive? Why not let his new and fancy Commander do all the dangerous missions alone?

The Death of a Hero and Friend [Spoilers]

in Personal Story

Posted by: Toxe.5340


Yeah, the title of this thread is really bad.