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I use it and like it. I use 0/10/0/30/30 My primary is Staff. It really helps with healing. There are a lot that say you cannot heal in this game but as Ele I found I can heal for quite a bit. You just have to know how to use it.
While the idea sounds good, I do not agree with it. Why have another skill do the same as another skill but for a different class. That certain skill would make the Mesmer class not so unique anymore. Its like giving the elementalists a “sheep” skill rather than moa or take the warrior’s one thousand strikes and give elementalists one thousand “lightning” strikes. Either way I do not like that form of skills. Everyone has the same skills they just look or do “one” thing different than the other.
Due to the change they made on the “Sonic Boon” build are there any other good support builds going around? I’ve tried some out but I either lack in dps or die super quick. I cant seem to find that happy medium like I did with the Sonic Boon.
I play an ele i actually find it hard to play other classes
I’m in a guild, a great one as a matter of fact. I had switch servers due to IRL friends and to my delight I was still in the same guild but I noticed that all the influence and upgrades are gone =( Is this suppose to happen or did I somehow bug this? I would assume being in the same guild should change any of that. It’s almost as if I just created it but its actually how it is with the same players and officers and such. Anywho I just curious if there is anyway I fix this or am I a lost guild member.
Oh yes please! Martial Artist!
Kick, Punch, POW make it happen guys!
You sadden me sir! you sadden me!
I like this idea.
- Summoned Weapon attributes doubled or tripled
- Change Summons similar to KITS
But I dislike this one. It’s great handing a buddy a greatsword now and then =)
- Summons ONLY for US
My personal thought is I think they should just get rid of the charges. Get rid of the axe and add two swords and or change some of the axe skills around.
Just curious why they do not fix the bugs before they change the skill. Or was the dmg the bug? Either way im ready to see the changes =)
Nice read and good advice here. I’m curious though is throwing traits into fire not worth it then? I mean is the Power in the end bad for an Ele? or rather should I say staff Ele. I would think something like power and crit is something looking into? currently I run 0/10/0/30/30 not just for D/D but for well, basically all weapons. I enjoy the support from it but I have been really wanting to switch it up to something like fire/air/water/arc – anywho thanks again for the read. Ciao
I’m no Mage good sir I am an elementalist! Forget about all that riff raff in other mmos on “Mage” class once you figure out how to work this class it’s soooo amazing to play. Myself I don’t like to play for pure dmg it just seems pointless to do when you have all these skills you can help your group out and the staff is perfect for it. Crowd controls healing dps you name it and its there. The key is to not get stuck using just one element the whole time.
I can’t quite put this into words so I will try my best.
some are quite awful please change them. Someone must have a masquerade fetish. =)
Any of you warriors out there Sword & Board Dungeons? maybe S/Shield A/Sh M/Sh alt weapon maybe some sorta two hand or Mainhand/Horn? I just curious if its viable as a warrior to be some sort of support meat “Tank” rather than the same ol two handed GS warriors I am seeing. Currently myself play a mesmer.
Cant you not just remove the buff with other skills?? like a remove boon??? Im a mesmer myself and when I see Time warp I just throw down null field. I cant believe some of these posts… because of one little skill you can only use every 230 seconds… dodge and roll dodge and roll!
Some skills are situational but not the role, and I cant say that there are any true dps classes in this game. Do some classes do higher burst? yeah maybe but relying on one skill to end the many sounds like no fun to me. Play a warrior or whatever you think is that pure dps and I promise you will go back to the Mesmer. Ive tried out all the classes and I tend to always float back to the mesmer. The mechanics are a sweet thing when you learn to use the class right.
Have you ever done a group without a warrior/guardian? try it out – Dont think of it as a dps race. mesmers add alot to the group, Also im not sure what this “kittened” means… my gs beserker phanty hits for around 2-2.5k per swing and warlock hits around 7k per cast. Add that with mirror sword etc. Im not sure what the prob is. Is the mesmer dps lower than the warrior? maybe but who gives a crap? can the warrior create an entry portal and send the group to the other side of traps? can they mass invis the group to escape impending doom? nope. Also illusions can be used as aggro, sure they die in one hit but thats one less hit someone in the group is taking. I will agree our dps could use a boost and the changes they did brought the mesmer dps down but I try not to look at this game as a dps race. I look for the support I can put in groups.
Im still stuck on that one myself, but for dungeons I tend to run in with Greatsword and staff – Feed back, Null field, and Time warp are your friends. due to the Chaos storm nerf deal you cant apply buffs and conditions as fast as before but the wind of chaos is still pretty nice for group support. As far as dps, its hard to judge with mesmer but feedback adds a ton when dealing with ranged. You just have to remember something this game isnt like other MMOs where you have a Tank, DPS, Healer – sure you can trait “tank” healer" dps" but I found that if you trait lets say purely “tank” you lose that extra dps and or you trait dps you lose that surviabilty. I cant tell you how many times ive seen warriors and or guardians just run in with all signets and expect to kill everything in one hit…. it just doesnt work and you find yourself reviving them so much to the point you vote to kick them.
What is everyone using? Im using bloodlust, I feel it just doesnt cut it in dungeon groups. Also what runes are you all using?? my build is 30/20/0/15/5
power/prec and support build. I would link the build but Im not that very interweb savy.
I love Moa Squawk!
Depends on how you play I suppose. I tend to not join those groups where warriors and guardians just use there “dps traits” only and you know who you are! it usually ends up them dying constantly. I myself play a mesmer and find it quite exciting to group with elementalists that drop those lovely weapons. Ive been grouping lately with ranger,Mesmer (me), ele, engineer, thief and we do quite well – I’d try a support role, I find it very fun to play.
Please delete your mesmer and start a warrior and be like all those other noobs out there who cannot grab ahold of this class. Thank you and good night
“- Mesmer pets do more dmg then us with out whole kit.
We dont have pets! we have bombs!!
Just so you know as a Mez I do not like to fight you guys.
I am going to kill your warrior with my elementalist! – Bunzy
Rock on Bunzy!!
Sebyos, I love you. Thank you sir, thank you for reading my mind and posting this lovely post. I have a short story if you will…
Group of five walk into Twilight Arbor (exp)
Four of them are warrior (I know right!)
All of them dps traited
Me a Mesmer
They die at least fifteen times
I died once…
Thank you sir thank you!
comparing the Mesmer to the Necromancer and all other classes that has pets the illusions die in 1 hit of all creeps ever since i started the game. its not even strong dps, the illusions deals to little damage and has a to high cool-down in order to have that major weakness. i know they deal major damage when they are setting themselves up and manages to get there illusions out, but it takes to long when they die of 1 hit, even the phantasmal warden witch is suppose to take damage for you dies in 1 hit
the illusions should follow you so that its harder for players to see where you are.
its suppose to be a tricky class and now its not even close to tricky. this class needs buffs.
Your crazy yo, you just gotta learn to play it.
Am I the only one who has found dungeons exciting and fun? True I havent done the explorable modes but they are supposed to be the break neck hard modes of the game. They are for well co ordinated and focused groups looking for a serious challange. Storymode though Ive found mostly fine. Sure we have had wipes but its hardly been zerging or chain running from the last waypoint.
Or a twin axe warriors really OP?
What in particular are people finding hard and what is it that is killing people so much? That seems to be the issue. Is it an error in how we have been learning the game or is there a particular issue that makes the instance unbalanced.
You guys should really give some detailed feed back such as which mobs and which mechanics those mobs have which are making it too difficult.
Im not a big fan of a cross the board nerf since I dont really like the idea of dungeons in GW2 turning into the same mindless rushes we see in other MMOs.
I missed this reply! I can’t agree with you more! I had and still having a blast with them. So nice to see it ACTUALLY take a bit skill to play games now!
I thought the dungeons were amazing-ly fun! ok, so the little item was crap and the end but the experience was great!!! It feels good to play a game not having to be on top of some “Meter” or you get kicked! also I love how all classes come together in some way or another and I cant fathom how any player cant see this… Again! so you get a junky item from story mode, “wah wah where are my uber loots” in my opinion go back to those games where you have to grind over and over and over for loot that will soon become obsolete anyway. For me that was undesirable as all players differ I suppose.
Anywho my 2 copper