Showing Posts For Tuchaka.2689:
i use 1h sword +warhorn and with quickening zephyr is extremely powerful , sucks being rooted with animation for sword though
great post OP i could not agree more especially with……..‘The cost of crafted items are completely out of balance with drop rates.’
i have stopped crafting because with the money i make off selling mats + regular drops, rather than using a salvage kit, i can afford pretty great gear anyway….so why craft….
I think its very fixable and yes i like this game quite a bit as well, however if i was dedicated crafter i might feel very disappointed .
great video thanks I replaced my bear with the murellow and am much happier for it
this is exactly the kind of feedback Anet needs to hear , this class is broken and without these kinds of posts nothing is gonna get done. Sympathy grow up , no one writes these posts cause they want sympathy from kitten strangers, its for Anet if you have nothing constructive to comment on then your as useless as you ‘think’ the OP is, at least he is trying to get this class fixed.
When i have healing spring out i am very survivable in melee + with birds and the buff from warhorn + the poison from the evade attack( serpents strike?) and if that is not enough quickening zephyr i have burned down skill point challenge mobs easy and fast this way.
ya people are right i even worked steady focus into my build since if figured well dodging is dead when my sword is out so might as well get compensated for it.
i think it works pretty well on ‘open’ ground but i have missed often because a single thin tree was in the way or a rock etc. basically you have to do this on open ground only or it misses. It’s great for one you know the mob is loading up for a big attack ….they miss and get poisoned so when it works as intended its a great ability.
ya i have gotten the obstructed message when tall grass was in between me and the mob, really frustrating
ya i hate it when someone’s pet just came through a gate and your like ohh i need that one…..wahhhh….wahhhh…..sorry can’t have it….it’s a tad annoying.
same here tired of being rooted in a game that stresses action and movement combat
i find every classes downed skills to be fairly useless except fort the xp people get for raising you. One possible exception being the thieves teleport ability which doesn’t even help most of the time, but occasionally it will literally save your life.
i just kill everything i see on the way to DE/renown hearts +explore seems to be working well.
1h sword + warhorn is great loving being able to buff allies , run faster + call in the birds and poison the guy at the same time wicked combo with quickening zephyr.
while my ranger could use with some bug fixes honestly i think my toon is borderline OP
yep same here not working
its supposed to sting when you loose a pet quit trying to make no consequences for making tactical errors in game.
ranged pets for boss fights , eagle/polar bear for pve dps or tank depending on what i need but i use the eagle for most standard pve stuff.
hmm never even considered this probably cause we have so many choices but yep no turtle not sure i am bothered by this , but ya does seem odd since basically the entire animal kingdom is represented.
ya i have had issues with F2 and my eagle as well
honestly i feel borderline OP with quickening zephyr 1h sword + horn
ya frankly the way this feature is implemented almost makes me feel like i am being punished for using it correctly
one of many steps to combat gold farming since the little buggers like to transfer gold from one toon to another so that the amount they are carrying won’t look quite so suspicious . .
i switch off between GS and double axe for a pure dps spec for pve only.
here are some specs you might wanna look at
if you put 10 points into arms you get the +40 to precision for every open signet slot you have , the ones on your character you equip not abilities. you will be a crit machine with that.
What i did notice is that the higher you get in levels in this game the more states the enemy is gonna throw at you, specifically knockdowns. I found my GS abilities frequently getting interupted by knockdowns if i was not a smart player.
So as the levels progress greatsword becomes less appealing to me at least, in some cases it requires the use of an ability to even be able to use it, rather than an ability to just boost dps or something. But it hits super hard no doubt at that.
ya i got mail from one as well only once and i been playing since headstart would be nice to at least feel like i am doing something toward banning them .