Showing Posts For TylerWolff.7186:

Why do people play anything other than a war?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TylerWolff.7186


The meta is berserker DPS and when it comes to that formula warriors do it best. Anything else and you’re sub par and gimping yourself. This isn’t a troll post, I’ve played every profession (excluding engi) up to level 40 and played a necro/ele/warrior at 80 in full exotics. Warriors are pure faceroll. Walk up, smash a button or two and you walk away with a mob kill and 90% health. Other classes need to bounce around, worry about placing skills or their health bar. In fact, I never even use my healing skill because the regeneration on it does the work for me.

If the game welcomed builds other than berserkers then the other professions would be worth playing, but ATM everyone should just play a warrior.

Are Warriors really just greatsword robots?

in Warrior

Posted by: TylerWolff.7186


It seems to have always been the case that a berserker/greatsword focused warrior was pretty much optimal, but in the past you had variety in switching to axes or axe/mace. Apparently now that’s not the case and just sitting on your greatsword is the way to go? Is warrior play really that boring and the other weapons really that pointless in which using nothing but a greatsword is your best option? I guess it comes with the type of game GW2 is, no holy trinity ends up pushing everyone into the damage dealer role. I just wish carrying around something like a mace/shield or sword/shield was actually viable.

So my question is, are there really no other viable more interesting builds out there for a warrior? Or in 8 levels when I get to 80 am I going to be buying berserker gear and living on hundred blades?

Lost a gem store skin to transmute :(

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: TylerWolff.7186


I’m not sure if this is the correct forum to post this on or not, but it seemed like a good option.

I decided to level a warrior because I loved the Braham armor set so much, bought it at level 1 and have been transmuting the gear every 5 levels or so to keep the look. Unfortunately I just made a terrible mistake and transmuted the shoulder gear away. Hoping to fix the problem I bought a transmutation splitter, but sadly upon placing the item into the box, I would only be able to get the random piece of gear and the rune back from it, rather than the two original armor pieces like I thought would happen. I’m absolutely devastated I lost the armor piece and spending 15g on an item that didn’t even fix the situation was just salt in the wound. At this point all I want back is the shoulder piece, if there’s some way to refund the splitter (which I still have) that would be great as well. But I just really want the shoulder piece back

Lost a gem store skin to transmute :(

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TylerWolff.7186


I’m not sure if this is the correct forum to post this on or not, but it seemed like the best option.

I decided to level a warrior because I loved the Braham armor set so much, bought it at level 1 and have been transmuting the gear every 5 levels or so to keep the look. Unfortunately I just made a terrible mistake and transmuted the shoulder gear away. Hoping to fix the problem I bought a transmutation splitter, but sadly upon placing the item into the box, I would only be able to get the random piece of gear and the rune back from it, rather than the two original armor pieces like I thought would happen. I’m absolutely devastated I lost the armor piece and spending 15g on an item that didn’t even fix the situation was just salt in the wound. At this point all I want back is the shoulder piece, if there’s some way to refund the splitter (which I still have) that would be great as well. But I just really want the shoulder piece back

(edited by TylerWolff.7186)

Best profession in berserker gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TylerWolff.7186


So I know there are a lot of variables that have an effect on the effectiveness of professions. But when it comes to clearing maps solo and the occasional dungeon, what profession pulls off berserker gear the best in terms of damage and survivability? What would your top three choices be, and what one would be the best?

(edited by TylerWolff.7186)

Fellow necros, bestow upon me your knowledge

in Necromancer

Posted by: TylerWolff.7186


And finally, here’s an easy-to-use direct damage build that focuses on stabbing things in the face with a dagger while your Well of Suffering melts them. This build’s Death Shroud skills will are seriously hurt, too. This build is quite a bit squishier than the others and it relies on proper use of your DS for its tanking. But it’s pretty fun to use and the basics aren’t that complicated.

This last build is pretty much the one I’ve been using so far. Running in, dropping the offhand dagger 5 skill, dropping well of suffering, and then popping into death shroud and using skill 4. The AoE damage pretty much tears through everything around me, and if it doesn’t I can pop out of the shroud and clean everything up with the dagger auto attack. I was even able to solo an event with 10 grawl and a vet ice elemental using that method.

I’m just worried about how it will translate to dungeons since getting into melee range is asking for death.

Fellow necros, bestow upon me your knowledge

in Necromancer

Posted by: TylerWolff.7186


The following is all PVE related. Thank you for your time.

Alright, so I’m up to level 40 and still haven’t completely decided what build I want to go with. Up until this point I’ve been enjoying D/D & A/W for my weapon choices, and going power/precision, planning on traiting to vamp off of crits. But having gotten a D/D Ele to 80 quite a while ago, I remember how punishing Orr is for a squishy melee caster. Therfore, I thought I’d remove the A/W and throw in a staff. But with me focusing on power/precision I feel like the conditions are going to waste since they’re not as potent as they should be. I wouldn’t really mind doing a condition build, but with how conditions work on champions/bosses, I don’t want to be kitten.

Anyway, enough blabbering. Would someone be kind enough to clear the fog in my head and sort of give me a run down of good builds? It would be a great help.

Even more game issues.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TylerWolff.7186


I’m not gunna lie, this is my first time examining .dmp files. It looks like a 124 BSOD which equates to the processor wanting more voltage. I encountered this error a lot during my overclocking testing, but I’m not sure how that translates over to an AMD processor, if at all. You don’t happen to have your processor overclocked or have your motherboard set to automatically overclock, do you?

I shut off overclocking in the catalyst manager because I seen somewhere that it could cause issues. But the switches on my mobo are still set to overclock. So I don’t really know if anything is overclocked atm. Even if they are, I’ve played with the current settings of my computer before. I don’t know why its having issues now. How would I increase the voltage to my processor to see if that’s the issue?

Even more game issues.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TylerWolff.7186


System specifications please, give us everything you can. BSOD errors and dump files, give us all the niddy griddy stuff about your computer.

I’m a bit of a noob when it comes to system specs, so if I leave anything important out I apologize.


Processor: AMD Phenom II X4 955
Motherboard: Asus M5A88-V EVO
GPU: AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series
OS: Windows 7 64bit

DMP from my last BSOD

DMP I created from GW2 on my last crash

Even more game issues.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TylerWolff.7186


Ever since I started playing again I’ve had a combination of freezing, crashing and BSOD’s. I’ve searched countless fixes for it but still continue to have issues. Today its been nothing but crashes to where I have to ctrl alt delete and shut the client down. After which I have to restart since for some reason the crash leaves my computer unusable. I can play countless other games fine, except for GW2. It would be great if I could get some help to fix whatever issue this is.

Game crashing and BSOD's make me sad.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TylerWolff.7186


That is because you need to go to C:\windows\Minidump, the other path is not so much a path as a environment variable, which value is the location of the system directory, I list this one also because sometimes the system directory might be on another named drive, default is C, but that is not always used, so giving the variable it will always point to the system directory no matter its install location.

In either case, use the variable to get to the folder and copy the dmp file to the desktop to make it easier to find, or when in the upload window follow the path to C:\windows\Minidump

Says I can’t upload dmp files

But if it helps you at all I looked at blue screen report and it said the crash was caused by “driver: ntoskrnl.exe”

Game crashing and BSOD's make me sad.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TylerWolff.7186


The log will be in

which should be C:\windows\Minidump, you should be able to put
into the windows search bar in the start menu and hit enter and it should open the folder, then upload the newest dmp file.

It shows up when I search it from the start menu, but not when I search it from the “browse” button when I try to upload it.

Game crashing and BSOD's make me sad.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TylerWolff.7186


Please post the .dmp file from the BSOD’s.

How would I do that exactly?

Game crashing and BSOD's make me sad.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TylerWolff.7186


So a few days ago I decided to come back to the game and since then have been experiencing issues I never previously had. Randomly while playing the game will either crash and I’ll have to use the task manager to shut it down. After which my computer acts strange. Browsers won’t open properly and when they do they look incredibly buggy before crashing. Other times I’ll get a blue screen of death. I’ve searched the internet for fixes the past two days to no avail. Hopefully someone here can help me.

Seen a tech support was asking for a game advisor report so I attached mine.

Thanks in advance for anyone who tries to help.


Game crashes again. Here’s what was listed as the crash reason

  • Crash <—*
    Assertion: retVal >= 0.0f
    File: ..\..\..\Engine\Audio\AuUtil.cpp(374)
    App: Gw2.exe
    Pid: 224
    BaseAddr: 00400000
    ProgramId: 101
    Build: 18997
    When: 2013-06-02T16:48:01Z 2013-06-02T09:48:01-07:00
    Uptime: 0 days 0:03:32
    Flags: 0×1

(edited by TylerWolff.7186)

{BG} Make Your Best Whale Noise [Noiz] PvX

in Guilds

Posted by: TylerWolff.7186


Joined a week or so ago and have really enjoyed the few times the guild has done stuff together. I’m excited to see where the guild goes once more people join because I can tell it has potential.

My biggest issues with Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TylerWolff.7186


So I’ve been playing almost every day for the past few months and have come to the conclusion that, while being an incredible game, Guild Wars 2 doesn’t entertain me as much as WoW did.

Now before you freak out on me for bringing up WoW, I’m doing it because that’s the only other MMO I’ve played and have compared my experience in GW2 to that of my WoW experience.

Playing GW2 has made me realize how much I loved the loot system in WoW. Sure having my gear be determined by a random drop and roll of the dice could be annoying. But the feeling of pure nerd joy I got when I had an off hand I wanted SOOO bad finally dropped in heroic halls of reflection totally eclipses any amount of joy I’ve ever had (or more like not had) while getting gear in GW2.

Another huge issue I have with GW2 is the lack of end game content and dungeons. Running around Orr feels like torture with the respawn rate and density of the mobs, I feel required to bring a friend. And 100% map completion? I just did that for the past 80 levels, I don’t want to do MORE of the same once I hit level cap. As for dungeons, the majority of the time they’re treated like these horrible experiences. People don’t want to be there and find ways to make it go by faster. I don’t think I’ve ran a dungeon yet where mobs haven’t been skipped or bosses glitched. And by the end of it I have a bag full of blues and green, no upgrades, and a sense of disappointment.

And last but definitely not least, there’s no competition in PvE. I loved the competitive feel of WoW PvE. Spending time getting BiS gear and then going into a raid and doing enough dps to be recognized was awesome. In GW2 your contribution to your group goes unnoticed unless you’re reviving someone.

In closing, GW2 has an amazing template with its combat system but has nothing to keep you logging on and working towards a goal. I’m not going back to WoW because I don’t feel like its worth 15 bucks a month and I’m only sticking around with GW2 because I don’t have to pay 15 bucks.

End vent.

(Jade Quarry) LF an active PVE guild.

in Guilds

Posted by: TylerWolff.7186


I’ve been bouncing around guild but haven’t found one I really liked yet. I’m looking for a PVE focused guild that has active members who do dungeons, fractals, map clearing, events etc. Also a guild that isn’t overbearing when it comes to rules. I don’t mind representing since I’m looking to stay in a single guild, but I don’t like being told I’m required to use or have a chat service like teamspeak, mumble, vent.

I’ll be around in game so feel free to message or whisper me.

(JadeQuarry) Looking for a game buddy!!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: TylerWolff.7186


So I pretty much solo’d my way to 80 and have been soloing stuff since then as well. GW2 is fun but seeing as this is a MMO I’d love to have someone to tag along with. I’m fairly new to the game, only been playing about a week, so I’d be more than happy to travel along with someone more experienced with the game who can offer me advice on things like dungeons, crafting, WvW or PvP. I have a guild but it feels more like a chat room rather than a place I can find friends to run around with. I just think having someone to explore the game with and say “Hi” to when I log on would make it more interesting.

I play a dual dagger Elementalist who I’m pretty good with (I think). I mainly PvE but I’m open to trying WvW and PvP. I haven’t done a whole lot of it cause it feels a little overwhelming. I also like long walks on the beach.

I’ll be around so feel free to say hey.


Also, I live in California so I’m on pacific time.

(edited by TylerWolff.7186)