Showing Posts For Vaelic.2497:
I mean……. come on
wait.. they addendum it to the august 20th note? that makes sense, considering it’s 8/28. NOT
no one to group with and on a very high pop server. should I just move to Queensdale?
this is still an issue, 1 year later?
yep, it is terrible. loot in this game needs a revamp BIG TIME
agreed! guild stats etc!
like WOW has, so you know which dungeons you ran and how long until you can run them again for daily etc…
It’s worth noting, while they said we’re not working on new versions of the home maps currently, they didn’t say anything about new maps in general…..
Also I’ll throw out that the work our WvW guys are doing on culling and progression systems are extremely large, these are feature systems unto themselves. For example a lot of the culling work requires re-building almost entirely the way our game compiles, loads, and handles assets in general. For many companies, this task could literally years, we’re trying to pull it off in a matter of months, these guys are rock stars.
I know some of you got the impression there isn’t much development going on here, but I was to clarify you couldn’t be more wrong. There is a boat load of very serious WvW being done, much of it they discussed in this interview. Major features require many month long projects, our hope is you’ll start seeing the major fruits of those labors starting in our February update.
You’ll hear more details from our WvW team once stuff gets closer to finalized and tested, but we think you’re going to be thrilled with the stuff that’s coming. As an old DAoC fan, I’m freaking stoked about what these guys are doing.
Colin, THE BIGGEST issue with WvWvW right now is that it is POINTLESS…. It has no barring on the normal PvE world and it should, just like DAoC did with darkness falls etc…
Right now it’s just a game of planetside…. capture a keep and lose it 5 minutes later. rinse repeat.
event basically ruined because we cant do it with friends
same issue here with WvW
what gives? sits at loading screen for any WvW zone
a toy train that circles the map with the small villages!
Wait since when is he no longer composing the music??
awhile ago he announced his departure
seems intended, sadly
same….. bugged
the wait time is ridiculous
the point of a winter event should be FUN, not frustration….
its just ridiculous diruption
seriously…… at least 5… ridiculous
what a TERRIBLE time. really? in the morning when ppl work?
ah. shame. would look great in dx11
which one? thanks!!!!!!!
stormbluff isle is hopping constantly
just got my account back, even with email authentication on. gold was stolen
my gmail account had been compromised and I finally got my account in GW2 back (stolen). i created a new email and would like to change it on my gw2 account. can I?
it needs to show:
last login date
member status (officer, guild leader etc…)
yes yes, I know you go to the karma vendor, but what Warhammer did right with the public quests was have an instant loot reward for the top 3 ppl that participated
AC groups were not working on stormbluff isle tonight
where’’s the fun sitting in a queue for hours?
it can be hours until you get in WvWvW
what fun is that?