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Q6600 + GTX 570 = 14 fps without even many people around
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Valkaneer.7834
I have been having lots of problems as well, I have a gtx 460 and a 9860 york OC to 3.4, I have 4 gb of ddr2 800 oc to 1600. If I stand still I’m alright, but soon as I turn or start moving I drop from 50 to under 30 fps. I can’t play till this gets fixed.
Fast travel in a game does DESTROY immersion. It also destroys any sense of scale and massive size.
Look no further then WoW when they introduced flying mounts. Not only was the size of the world reduced dramatically, world PvP died. When they implemented a shorter hearthstone, teleports to zones, dungeon finder and more gryphon points, they destroyed the immersion even more. The world became empty
What utter BS. This is far from any sense of the truth. World PvP died with the implimentation of battle grounds and Arenas. BG’s and Arenas were brought on to combat GW 1. You don’t have a clue what your talking about.
Having to Authenticate every single login - also everytime I use forums
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Valkaneer.7834
I am having the same problem, I have a Router, we have Frontier for carrier, Fronter’s Westell router. This thing really gets under my skin though having to go through a long drawn out process just to log in. An authenticator would be much better, and I would pay for one.
on my ranger, i find myself switching to the axe just so i can tag every single mob I see. that way, i get XP off each of them dying, and i get a gold medal every time.
anyways, at the dying people, thats what they get for trying to melee! learn to equip ranged weapons and kite more, thats how this game is designed!
I’m not even going to take this as a serious comment. I make a post about healing rezzing, buffing, and removing conditions, and you go on about ranged weapons…….
I’m a guardian! Not an elementalist. Scepter is the worst guardian weapon we have by a long shot. My point is healing rezzing, buffing, and removing conditions should count for contribution. Since I contributed more than any scepter guardian by a long shot.
I merely pointed out the most flagrant example. Also, pistol whip is a stun, not a daze, and I am pretty sure it is two seconds, not one. You may be thinking of headshot, which is a one second daze.
I am also fairly certain that I could perma-stun you with pistol whip. I did it to a lot of people in WvW the other night, because WvW is kind of chaotic. I am guessing you do pve and spvp smallball stuff, which is why you think it is hard. Have fun with those zynga games!
I have found the vast majority of players in this game does not read or comprehend anything that’s not “I love you Anet”. Seriously you very specifically laid out Pistol whip for your example, and person after person says you have no example of this. You even said you yourself stun locked someone to death. Still they ignore that too. You even told them you have a warrior and a thief yet ppl don’t listen to that either. Sad but true.
Dragon fight, dps’ed a bit then people started to die by 5’s and 10’s. So I stopped dps and run over and help every single person I could, rez them up. I’m a Guardian, so I go buff crazy and pop 2 Elites throwing out mega heals and removing there conditions. I pull out my mace / shield and go to town laying down AoE regen, protection ECT.
Big bad dragon dies………. I got not a single thing, not even a medal…. So I asked do you get contribution for rezing and healing and buffing….. The answer was No.
What kind of game are you guys trying to make here??? Chances are I contributed a lot more than most, since not many people heal every one around them to full and remove all there conditions ….. In a dragon fight. A lot of people would of died had I not prevented it. Not cool ANet!
ANet use way points to promote there game. They said we would not have to worry about endless running. And I’m 99% sure the phrase “a small fee” was used. That is big stinky pile of you know what.
I keep getting the feeling I have been duped by ANet. Just like in GW 1. If they keep this up I will not be looking to buy a 3rd game from them. Keeping your word is important.
What I did for this was I pulled every mobs I could before the last boss. I made sure the boss was the last mob standing and when he died It completed. I read a post where a guy was saying if you leave them plauge carriers for last they explode it will Bug it out. So I made sure all the mobs died first before the boss, even the ones standing behind him by the beach, and it worked.
@ Valkaneer
A few things:
If you are trying to level by “grinding” mobs, you’re doing it wrong! You get your main XP from heart quests and events. You get almost XP from killing random mobs. If you using this technique to level, no wonder your friends are surprised by your speed of leveling.
As to your lack of gear and spending all your money on it? Are you aware that after you complete the hearts, that person turns into a vendor that sells you gear for prestige points? The gear they sell is pretty good and looks great. I’ve transmuted a lot of my standard armor to look like the heart gear.
I don’t understand your “woes of solo leveling” comment. It’s very rare that I am alone in any event for long. If there are no events in your zone, go back to a previous zone and you should find one. One of the greatest boon to leveling in this game is the level step down so that you can gain XP in any lower level zone. You can go from event to event to event and gain levels VERY quickly.
I’ve never had a problem with leveling speed. In fact it’s almost too fast for me at times.
A few problems with your post, #1 already know about DE’s man what level are you and if your 80 when did you get there? I run from heart to hear in a zone I will get all the hearts and never see a single DE. What do ya know, that has happened a LOT.
#2, You have really have no clue about doing lower level DE’s do you?
Ok so you go to a lower level zone and get lower level rewards. It cost me 1 silver just to rez if I die the Zones Im in only give me 3 if i get lucky and catch a DE and I get a gold medal. Me and my guild found that you lose a substantial amount of EXP depending on your level and the DE your doing. When I was lvl 19 I went to an Asura DE that goes over and over. I found once I hit lvl 25 the EXP was much slower. A few days later my guild leaders came to the same conclusions that you need to be at a DE at least 2 levels higher than you are for good exp..
My guild won’t even come down to lowbie land anymore because the rewards don’t justify the cost or the Exp loss.
Just to prove you wrong I went to lowbi and and I did a current running DE. The last DE I did at lvl 64 I got 8K exp 2 silver 90ish copper. You know how much Exp I got from noobi land? …………………. 1.6k and a whole 87 copper. That’s a 6,400 exp 2 silver losss. For the same amount of time spent, and it still cost 1 silver to use the way point
(edited by Valkaneer.7834)
I wish there was a hot zone alert for zones with a high amount of DE’s going. That way I could at least chose weather to stay where i’m at or go elsewhere. But something needs to be done about it.
I am all in favor for a hard game, I am not in favor for a boring grind of a game that GW 2 is not suppose to be. Better they fix what they advertise the game to be so it’s consistent with what they promised.
The reason I quit GW 1 is because they promised a game with no grind then I got to lvl 20 and I had to grind to get my elite skills. not cool. false advertisement so I quite the game. I hope that doesn’t happen here.
The number of events is extremly low (every region: Aurora Glade and Whiteside Ridge). It takes hours to get the 5 events needed for the daily achievement.
Could not agree more with this. My #1 pet peve in this game. DE are extreamely rare. I spent 3 hours yesterday in Mount Maelstrom and seen only 1 DE happen. By the time I made it there, it was over……….
explorables aren’t really cost effective if you think about it, the time spent for the rewards gained is very little at best, for the more difficult ones you’ll be more likely to lose gold due to the sheer amount of repairing.
of course my reply is to those who are doing full runs, not those who are just farming a single boss endlessly….
GASP! Here’s a suggestion!! Die less!! OMG WHAT A WONDERFUL IDEA!! Seriously
I stopped reading there, Fanboy alert , and yes they are worse than the flamers from Wow.
Originally I wanted to main an Elementalist, but there high damage weapons was dagger / dagger. All close combat right in your face way to close for the armor, and Dagger / dagger has no range. It seemed to me ANet purposely hamstringed them allowing them to have some pretty huge gaping holes in every build. There gaping holes are not worth the cost. Wanted to play a direct damage build not a AoE build which I hate AoE builds of any class.
The only AoE builds I like are very small AoE builds with good damage. Elementalist have huge gaping hole in AoEs that half the time don’t hit a single thing on there large AoE’s and there small AoE’s have long cast and are EZ to avoid.
I like the guy above that said cast meter shower and stun the guy to keep him in it. OK, but you still have a good chance with all the effort you just did to keep him there, the guy will take ZERO damage from that AoE.
(edited by Valkaneer.7834)
You should have to talk to the NPC’s to get what is important to the story line.
With DEs, you are participating in the events unfolding.
That’s the whole point of DEs. If you don’t get that, you’re missing the point.
What DE’s??? They are nonexistent, that vast majority of this game has been heart quest and killing what is standing in my way to get to the next heart quest. OK you tell me what happened to Jormag and why as a Norn am I not dealing with him, the dragon that trashed my homeland and killed hundreds of my people???? Why was the first time I really heard of Zhaitan was in a Solo quest. Even worse was not till the 3rd of 4th solo quest of dealing with Zhaitan that I found out Zhaitan was dragon, and not a country.
Unless you are there to start a DE you have no idea what it has to do with anything when it’s done, the Boss says nothing most of the time there is nothing said when its over from many DE’s. Why are centars attacking the humans and Norn? I have no idea even though I have done many centar DE’s.
I did a DE when I was in my 30’s where I found some Asura held hostage by some Oger’s which when I saved her she wanted revenge on the ogers. So I collected elemental cores for her and she used them to make a golem which went crazy and I had to kill it. What did that have to do with anything? Nothing! In the same zone I did a DE where I gathered dwarven artifacts, in the end I had to fight the fire elemental locked in it. What did that have to do with anything? Nothing! Same zone I had to fight and island of pirates so that this underwater guy could become the leader of the pirates. What did that have to do with anything, Nothing again. My point is DE’s have little to no affect on the main goal of the game.
Your really grasping at thin air man.
To me I’m disappointed in the grind this game has been. It’s worse than collection quest from Wow since I spend 3/4 of my time a level killing random mobs it seems or getting my exp from way points. The game does not nurture real group play because so long as you do a bit of damage what ever you hit you get credit for. Not that it’s a bad thing, but when you level so so much faster in a group it makes a huge difference.
People in my guild are amazed i’m still in my mid 60’s with the amount of time I’ve played. Well I have been forced to do the game by myself I’m going to laugh and laugh when they decided to make an alt and see how bad it is to do it by themselves. Also the crafting in this game has been just stupidly expensive. 8 rares for 1 item??? Are you kidding me? I’m 65 now and still can’t afford to buy my grand master manual, because of all the cost of buying crafting items I needed due to lack of drops.
In town by far the extreamely annoying NPC’s in town hearing the same phases being repeated over and over and over, or the stupid outlandish laugh in Divinity’s Reach is almost unbearable. Whose bad idea was that anyways. Even worse you can’t turn it off without also turning off things you need to hear.
The lack of basic options to the UI has been quite amazing in a bad way. I have found no way to be able to change the color of my fonts. I know they want to be different from Wow but wow has taken the color scheme of there text from other previous games. I’d like my guild text to be Green again ect.
Lack of options of camera distance which was a huge and highly asked for suggestion in beta that they did nothing about. I hate this tunnel vision being forced on us. I would like to see the world around me, but I can only see small bits at a time. Very disappointing.
The bugs right now are what I would expect from a game at release. I did not expect how bad it was originally though. I find the issues that exist at the current time to be reasonable enough though. Wow had lots of bugs months into there game and they still have some glaring bugs that they have not fixed since release. So i’m not to concerned with the bugs since I find them to be normal for a new game.
All in all if they would do something about the woes of solo leveling and * LACK OF DE’s *, and being able to scroll out on camera distance, that would be the best thing they could do for me.
(edited by Valkaneer.7834)
It’s about a billion times better than having the quest just be the text you get from the quest giver. Actually participating in the events as they unfold is magical (especially if you’re the one who starts off a chain).
Like I said, there actually has to be DE to participate in. The DE story is irrelevant, non important, what ever take your pick, because if they were important DE would be a lot easier to start / be more frequent so that we would not miss the story line.
Having to piece together a story from NPC’s you have to listen to is garbage. 95% of what NPC says is annoying and have nothing to do with anything. I turn off NPC volume in towns because they are so very very annoying. I hate the constant repeating of the same phrases over and over. Or the extremely annoying HA, HA, HA! In Divinity’s Reach that is non stop. I have never seen such an annoying thing in any game.
You should have to talk to the NPC’s to get what is important to the story line.
This is an easy easy topic to disprove. Dynamic Events have no story because you actually have to have them going for there for your topic statment to be correct. If they had a story that mattered Dynamic Events would be happening all the time so people don’t miss the story. But that’s not the case is it. I can count on one hand how many DE I have seen today in 6-7 hours of game play. DE are non existent from what I have seen. Each may have a story for its own little DE, but what does that have to do with the World and what does that have to even do with the name of the game. I have not seen a single DE that mentions guild wars.
I am a Norn, I am level 64 yet what ever happened to Jormag story? Every thing had something to do with Jormag up till about lvl 25 then, nothing. This game is not about Jormag, it seems to be about Zhaitan, I never even heard of Zhaitan till a solo quest in Lions arch at about lvl 35 i think. Out of no where it goes from one thing to another and makes little to no sense. Sons of Svanir to Jormag to Dreg to saving Eir Stegalkin’s group to Zhaitan. Only reason I know any of that is because of Solo quest line not because of DEs. And you want to talk abou abrupt changes and directon shifs? I still don’t see why I am not on a quest line to take down Jormag.
There is no path to travel. They said the game was made for eveyone to have there own story, but what story is that? I will tell you mine. I have walked around aimlessly for 64 levels trying to reach the correct level for the solo quest line. Solo quest is the only thing that has a story line, and that is lacking as well, Solo quest only started to take a real path once I joined the Vigil. But still the game makes little sense in between.
Most of the DE are all under one statment. “(X) person needs help, go help them”.
(edited by Valkaneer.7834)
I compleatly disagree with the other posters here. I am currently lvl 64 and dynaic events just don’t hardly happen anymore. When there was lots of people in the low level zones I use to see them all the time, but now I see very few. Today I have seen maybe 3 or 4 and I have been on the game most of the day.
Leveling has been sooooo slow solo. I have been surpised at how bad the grind has been without dynamic events. It has been this way for me for over 30 levels. From what I can see dynamic events seem to trigger based on how many people are around. Since the lower levle zones are no where near full I just don’t see them anymore. I have been in Mount Maelstrom all day, I went for over 3 hours without seeing a Dynamic Event. If you don’t have a group to join in, solo leveling is realy realy bad.
What’s worse is #1 and #2 don’t even match up. If you try to use #2 every time it’s up you will cut off the 3rd swing on #1. So you have to go 2 full rotations of #1 to One #2.
Hey I got one for you OP.
Today I spent my time rezing other people in an event person after person getting one shot by a boss. Some time into the fight I died. Can you think of what happend next.
Oh ya, thats right they just walked right by me and left me there… after I rezed almost evey single one of them. Most of them when in there down state so they never realy died. But when it was my turn they all stood there and did nothing….. Perhaps you could ask them to stop being so selfish and rez the guardian with the AoE full heath heal.
Yes I agree, 3rd swings on #1 is so very slow. Once people get use to dodge hammer will be pretty useless.
GS #4
Perhaps try it yourself sometime, it’s not hard to buy a few weapons and bang on some stuff on your own.
Look at almost every other MMO out there. Massive inflation and overall trainwreck economies. WoW being a fine example. Scaled waypoint costs ensures having just 1 gold is actually pretty awesome and valuable and buying basic stuff doesn’t cost your newborn baby and left arm.
I disagree with this. Things will always cost at a level more of a % on the TP. Just because we had more money would not mean a lvl 50 weapon would cost all your gold. You can make them for a certain amount yourself. If you haven’t noticed things already cost your newborn baby and left arm. Ever try having to buy Rares for your crafting???
T I would love to see events spawning even with just one person going by, or just by themselves even..and if there’s not enough players? Well spawn more NPC’s! The world should still be happening no matter what.. it’s supposed to feel alive but it felt dead.
And I can’t blame players either for not coming back to the older events because they are just as hard with the exception of maybe 1-15 .. but after that downscaling pretty much makes you just as killable as anyone else, and you aren’t rewarded for your level but you still need to PAY for your level to travel around and repair yourself. It makes no sense but I have faith they are looking into this.. I don’t see how it won’t be fixed but obviously something that’s very challenging to balance so that it’s not just a matter of finding the easiest event in any given zone and zerging it.
These two quote I very much agree with. The world does seem dead to me. This hit the Nail right on the head. Everyone in my guild is up doing WvWvW but the que’s are hour+ long to get into it. Sometimes it takes more than 2 hours to get into WvW.
Thing is you normally can see an event pop a long long ways away. Many times Half a zone away and you will see it on your map. Thing is I’m not seeing any events pop. And just like you said the cost to travel is way to much to justify it when you do see one. I am still trying to get my Grand master manual. I am still a gold away and I just can’t seen spending 2 silver to travel up and down the very same zone I’m in.
I am a Norn and have been questing the Norn zones (Gates of Madness), which moved me into Maelstrom’s Bile eventually which is where I am now. Now I have been playing solo most of the game since most everyone in my guild took a full week off and got to level together in groups.
My question why is it I hardly ever seen dynamic events? I’m lucky if I see 2, in 3 or 4 hours. I see no way of triggering them by myself when there is nothing there to get one started first, such as a collection quest. I have found it so very very tedious to level in this game. It is one of the most unpleasant leveling experiences I have ever had in any game. I am level 63 now, it has been this way for over 30 lvls. Level 4o-45’s centar dynamic events was the only exception to this.
Solo quest is what I get to look forward to, and they are far and few spread apart level wise. When I first stared the game there was dynamic events going all over, sometimes I would see 3 going at the same time in the first week. Now it’s a Dynamic Event wasteland. For some reason It seems to me there were more where there were lots of players. Grinding heart quest, and spending hours killing single mobs is not my idea of fun.
Dynamic Events are fun …. When they actually happen.
This is my list of OP classes. Pick one of them and you can’t go wrong.
Warrior, Guardian, Necromancer, Thief, Ranger, Elementalist, Engineer, and Mesmer.
Seriously you can’t go wrong with one of these, there all very very OP. Just read the forums you will see!!!!
Well to start out I guess I will give a bit of back round and some starting point information. Engineer was my first pick for a main, but due to them not making any sense to me in the way in which there mechanics work and lack of information on them I rolled a guardian. I still am very interested in engineer class and am eager to learn how they work. Lastly as of right now my question all come from a PvE stand point, my engineer is at the moment level 23.
My question has two parts. # One is, what stats and traits go with what weapon. #2, are kits or elixirs suppose to go with any particular weapon, or does it not matter at all. For example can elixirs, kits, and turrets go with any weapon.
I have been very confused by which stats and traits go with what. I have seen some people saying Power / Explosives goes with Rifle, and Precision / Firearms goes with Pistol. Then I have seen some say Rifle takes precision and condition ect. I can’t find anything solid. I don’t know what to stack with Rifle because there is so much discrepancy between post. Some say condition, some say power, some say precision ect. I could use just a little bit of help determining what stats / traits go with what weapon.
I normally play what ever weapon I find that has the highest damage, but I think I like rifle better. Is a Rifle’s damage considered and explosion? I once read a post that said rifle damage was.
Also one last question, I see people out there saying there having and EZ time on there engineer, but every single one of them has been using the bomb kit. I really don’t care for bomb kits. Bomb kits are so gimmicky, you run around in a circle and throw down bombs. That to me is the most sad use of skill and most boring. Is there other builds that are just as effective but don’t use bombs?
Thanks in advance for anyone willing to help on this. Just seems to me there is hardly any information out there, and worse you can’t hardly trust what people say. Reminds me of what Wow looked like before Elitist Jerks.
Thanks again.
Yea most people hit it on the money… simple just dodge.
A lot of complaint about heartseeker too, but A LOT of people fail to realize that a thief completely traited for damage and crit, completely set and jeweled for damage and crit, if heartseeker doesn’t crit it does between 1-2k damage depending on your health. Most of the time when you are getting dropped quick and see heartseeker spammed on you. You are 9/10 either not paying attention to your health before the spamming begun, or had 1 or more enemies in ADDITION to the thief beating on you from range.You can test it if you don’t believe me, even as fully offensive build, if you do a single #1 dagger attack chain and then spam heartseeker, and even if the target does not dodge, 8/10 they will STILL not be below 40% hp. You will also have used up all of your initiative. There are quite a few classes out there that have MORE mobility then a thief that can do equal or more damage in the same time as a heartseeker spam.
Pistol whip, complaining about is just silly no offense. The only time it actually works is when you have quickness (could argue venom). Thats quite a cooldown… and being reliant on 1 single effect is NOT what the class is designed around. So if anything pistol whip needs to be buffed majorly in the activation department, even if the damage is toned down.
Pistol Whip needs to be BUFFED? LOL? It’s easy mode stun + almost 20k damage. GG.
Second, you’re not doing 1 attack chain then spamming heartseeker. All you gotta do is 15k crit backstab with assassins signet then spam heartseeker. gg dead in 2 seconds.
Thieves are extremely OP, and it’s obvious you are one and is just afraid of not being OP anymore.
30K Hp with 30 points in toughness that 15k is not going to happen and certainly not a 20k Pistol whip. I have yet to find a thief that eats my lunch. They might beat me, but I have never gone down to a thief in less than 5 sec like your making it sound like.
Only time I have died quickly to a thief well, there was 2 of them and I got knocked down.
Hey guys first of all I have been participating in tournaments, and in every beta weekend. I have roughly 85% W/L ratio and I do know quite a bit about builds. So the feedback that I will be giving will be based on my experience.
First of all:
Perhaps I missed it, but I never saw what class you are playing. Giving a list of what needs to be buffed and nerfed without listing what your playing kinda makes your post meh.
For instance a warrior can just about negate every thief skill you listed as needed to be nerfed. A guardians and Warriors can 100% negate and unload if done properly ect. Guardians can turn and unload back on the Thief and make him eat his own bullets. There is a lot you did not consider in your post.
You have written the first post I have ever seen saying warriors are in need of buffs. Every other post I have seen says Warriors are face roll. So far from what I have seen of warriors is they are a well rounded class.
So I’m not sure where you are coming from, and a starting point would be good.
I am very… well… angry about this change. My main is at lvl 58 and I have been stocking every cooking item i could for my lower level characters. Getting the matts you need for professions has been very difficult. In other games you go where you need to get what you need Gather or kill what you need to get the matts then you can make the item.
This game has been the worst crafting I have seen so far. Since you have to rely on large amounts of rare drops. My main is a weapon smith. It takes 27 ore and 8 rare items to make a master level weapon. That is insaine.
Today I logged on my lower level character who is now in his 20s. I figured I would start to level his cooking farther, and come to find all the time I have spent banking and gathering items has been worthless due to this patch change. In weapon smithing you only need to buy 1 item. The Ore and Wood is fairly ez to get, the rare is the hard part. Now cooking seems to be even harder than weapon smithing. So now what I have to go back to lowbie land and farm mobs for junk exp to get what I should already have had.
This is unacceptable, I seriously hope this change was not made to force people to buy more from the TP. My opinion of Anet will go down drastically if that is the case. I would rather of payed for a sub than to deal with the extremely unfun grind for low level matts. This is the worst kind of grinding too. You grind low level stuff for stuff you may or may not get, for garbage exp. Very very poor choice Anet.