Showing Posts For Vazir.5867:
My warrior Brimhorn
And the wiki actually says 200 20px (which must the placeholder for the ticket icon) AND 250 badges
(edited by Vazir.5867)
ooo broski hiiii i am the nub mes u duelled earlier
if someones looking for condi help, ask that overpowered scumbag, he literally stood 2 h in os and didnt loose a single duel
Well I’m the GH charr-ele that got rolled in his new clip :p
Butt I had Stone Heart equipped at that time due to that very nasty VV-thief from AG.
(edited by Vazir.5867)
What armor is that? (I know the headpiece but the rest?)
My S/M leather-mesmer
Trickster chest
AC pants
T2 Charr boots
and some random gloves
@Aztec 9/10 because Charr kitten is the best looking in the game
My mesmer without skirts and other non-charry stuff on the armor
(edited by Vazir.5867)
My S/M leather-mesmer
A little bit of stuff from reset.
Look mah, I’m on teh interwebz
That’s it, after reading this thread I have decided to move/take a vacation on Vabbi. See you tonight ladies and gentlemen… and Molenda
Sorry, we’re full. We don’t need any good roamers in here!
But YAY!
PS: Run hammer build so you can 3 shot AoE Blacktide players.
I’ll bring my green axe, cottoncandy greatsword and my pocket mesmer.
That’s it, after reading this thread I have decided to move/take a vacation on Vabbi. See you tonight ladies and gentlemen… and Molenda
Feel very proud of yourselves [Drgr]; you do great outnumbering your opposition.
I’m sorry for our blobbyzerg 4-man guildteam
where are all FSP roamers? i only find GH!
The drama seems to be thriving.
Now the only thing lacking is some solo roamers in this matchup.
Time for a date perhaps?
Pff, my GW2 is set up to be played via email, I send my commands through email and I receive the enemies moves through email and if got below 75% hp is because the last moves were caught in the spam filter
So Jathres is on a vacation on GH?
Got quite an amount of new members over the last weeks/months.
Had some nice fights with Drgr.
Just can’t understand the need of some of your guys so spam /laugh after killing 3 People with Nine. Hope it was just an execption.
Oh that must be our evil scientist Asura engineer, chucking that amount of strange elixirs and potions have a strange effect on you
Had some nice fights so far and I see more BNF-people than I’m used to
(edited by Vazir.5867)
This match-up gets two Brimhorn thumbs up for the nice small/roamer fights. Haven’t been on UW border that much due to the lag.
ok, if any of you gunnars ever again talks any QQ bullkitten about soloroaming, i’ll portmesmer on you for a whole month! been running solo the whole matchup and it’s IMPOSSIBLE! to get a 1v1 against any of you. you run away until you find at least 3 other chickens and THEN come back. srsly, i’ve never seen anything even remotely as cowardly as you guys.
I think the main issue is that solo roamers / small groups don’t play on their own borderland. I’m a solo/small group roamer but im always on one of the enemy borderlands where I can flip camps and occasionally ninja a tower.
It’s more effective to run in a big group as a defender to cap things back fast as possible and I see this on your borderland too so it’s not a Gunnar’s issue only.
TLDR; You roam on our bl and our roamers run around on yours or dzags borderland.
Thanks to ÄÄ, GuM for the 1v1’s and the occasional 1v2 1v3 :P
That fight with the 2 GuM guardians lasted forever, very nice fight, I have to admit that I tried to kick/fear you off the hill several time
I must thank APE for the fun and intense fights yesterday on your bl, we were the bunch of randoms on the middle island
We all use golems. all siege up our keeps and try to keep enemies out with AC fire.
Or at least we should try to.We all use trebs for prolonged siege.
Or at least should, when it makes sense.So…
Can we all please drop the siege whine wars?
The first big whine was pug vs guild teams issue, then these forums saw the whine about blobbing, and now it seems it’s siege whine time. Can we do our best not to feed the whine beast, please?We’re all trying to do our best given the resources we have, be it guild groups, roamers, golems, ACs, trebs or t3 sieged up keeps. Nothing to whine, worry or cry about. This goes to my server-mates as well.
Best post ever
GS-warriors are one of the fastest classes ingame, nothing special about paavotars speed.
/salute, ya we had some great fights, ty GuM and ÄÄ. I hope this week will be a better one for all of us, see you on the battlefield.
(edited by Vazir.5867)
Don’t think people will duel on reset
Thank you for the small fights this week AS, UW and big boooooh to Anet for letting the scores to keeping ticking while the servers were offline.
Special thanks to the warrior from SWD for the duel, we tried atleast, but with both using healing signet the duel could have kept going on forever
And I haven’t found as much small scale roaming as I thought I would, care to inform me where your usual hideout spots are?
Aye, I have been looking for it too, real small scale roaming that is, not omgpr0guild 30+ players :P
/wave to that Charr elementalist from GuM yesterday, we both saw that our 1v1 wouldn’t end anytime soon Nice fight while it lasted tho
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I’ll just leave this commercial here…
edit typo
(edited by Vazir.5867)
Scrap Fast Hands, they should give us a whole traitline with minor traits that are dedicated to reviving instead! … oh wait..
I’ll just leave this here…
The heal sig is a typo. The numbers are correct but it should say per second. Yes, that is correct, 392 health per second.
Ah nice, ty
Aye, Healing signet thingy confuses me, hopefully it’s a typo and they mean adrenal health or else it’s a nerf for the signet…
(edited by Vazir.5867)
Better listing from Kratos
(edited by Vazir.5867)
The “lol” and the “?” buttons are pure gold
What is this…? A matchup thread where everyone is polite to eachother, Anet should reward all three servers for this ;P
When you see Black Powder go down, maybe you should try standing inside it so that they can’t HS without hitting you, which, amazingly enough, breaks their stealth and gives them Revealed.
Only works if the thief is already stealthed, if he is visible and you stand inside BP he will get away, his HS will hit you and give you damage and stealth to him.
aye nothing game breaking there, the tome will save you 10 mins of playtime :P
Thank you Riverside and Piken for the fun fights, gl with your new match-ups.
And to my MM buddies, it’s an honor as always to run with you, see you next match-up!
/Brim “Hey my greatsword is made of cotton candy” Horn
Another Box of Fun delivered, courtesy of me and my bunnies. Plus one very friendly BNF friend who sat with us for a while.
Lovely evening
Behold the RiOT blob, on the left of that picture: was another lovely evening, fighting civilized people :-)
Aye! Blobbing since launch!
So you are the evil thief that keeps 3-shotting my poor Charr warrior
Greetings to Ruttna from Dgr. Had a lot of fun fighting you and your guild tonight ^^
(Just in case you can’t remember: I’m the little asura mesmer that chatted with you all the time
I will deliver those kinds words to our revered leader since the old slackbag won’t come to the forums
We should be able to hide all kinds of armorparts, they’ve done it with the gloves last patch now my fierce charrs wait for hideable chestpieces
My collection of Charr’s
First up my ranger
My ranger with Rox bow and quiver
I see a familiar name on that picture, who I thought was on Piken!
But, well done [MM] and friends in EB.
That screen was soooooe fabulous
Nice fights on RoF bl between Vale and Briar, /bow to [xWx] guildgroup, crazy amount of guardians, you had heals flying everywhere.
Hi to the D/D Ele from PI (RoF) and the P/D Thief from Ersch? (Dz) for a great 3-way fight at Hero’s Lodge yesterday, sadly I drew the short straw for being the warrior in this fight and I had to retreat to the safety of our campguards :P
(edited by Vazir.5867)