Showing Posts For Vees.7816:

Why isn't Sorrow's Embrace more popular?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vees.7816


It’s a shame that dungeons are all about speed clears and making money. I cleared SE path 2 last night for the first time and the last boss was a great challenge and a lot of fun.

They’re all about fun the first 2 times. Then you just want the tokens.

Update to MAC client - Unplayable

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vees.7816


try deleting the GW2 folder inside of application support (don’t delete the app! just the preferences!) your keys will be retained so don’t worry, but you’ll have to reset the graphics settings. hopefully it works better!

Don’t do this if you don’t have Retna display. Someone tried telling me this and I didn’t work at all.

Regarding the new AC...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vees.7816


Yeah Kholer was my favorite fight (with experienced players) Now we just end up skipping it and lose a chest and a valuable waypoint. Why on earth was that every changed?

No GW2 Expansions or Sequels (Anytime Soon)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vees.7816


This isn’t actual news, it is something we have mentioned multiple times before. As the original interview says, and I quote:
“Expansions are definitely something that we’ll potentially look at in the future,” he explained. “We don’t have a timetable on it. We’re open to it, but I think our major focus as a studio is making the living world concept as strong as possibly can for the players that we’ve got.”

No one said we will never do an expansion, all Colin says (again) is that we are currently focusing on Living Story and other ongoing to the live game.

What you SHOULD be working on is the performance issues. I won’t play until it’s fixed.

Only lag in Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vees.7816


But ANet doesn’t care about our performance issues as long as people buy gems

Only lag in Dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vees.7816


I would kill for 50fps. I get about 15 during normal games and about 6-8 during dungeons

What is the priority?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vees.7816


Oh and I see that they only respond the people who have trouble buying gems.

What is the priority?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vees.7816


I’m getting FPS issues but ANet will work on the stupid Necro scythe. They need to communicate with us more.

What is the priority?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vees.7816


So ANet basically cares more about the money than the performance of the game.

What is the priority?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vees.7816


From what I’ve seen Anet’s priority is to add as much distracting fluff and longterm grind as possible to keep people in the game and buying gems. Fixing bugs/balance/performance issues clearly takes a backseat as it is the least profitable use of their time. Basically they’d be happier icing excrement and milking us for cash than trying to elevate the core game in any way. 6 months in and no last logged in feature, a basic feature I’ve seen in every mmo I’ve played this century, is a perfect example of where their priorities are.

There’s plenty of other stuff that needs vast improvement that has been brought up time and again, but the devs are all too busy making new backpack skins and hair dyes to do anything about it.

It’s rather annoying right?? I feel like they need a survey to ask the players what they want.

What is the priority?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vees.7816



Practically every reply to an issue involves a reasoning backing up their decision from data/feedback/QA testers.

Whoever’s interpreting the data probably doesn’t want Anet to succeed.

Alot of times, I just see them say, “We’re looking into it”.

What is the priority?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vees.7816


I think they respond to issues that they have a good idea on how to fix. All of the performance issues are extremely technical, and it would require more time to explain those than is needed to get to the minor fixes. I would rather have ANet know there are issues and be working on it rather than have them trying to explain the issue on the forums.

I realize that it would be technical, but say SOMETHING.

What is the priority?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vees.7816


It’s hard to figure out what is the priority of ANet’s when it comes to making this a better game. I check on the bugs forum and it seems that they respond to minor things rather than major things. Like someone complained that the necro scythe looked off and no one is responding to the performance issues.

At least respond to issues so we see you noticed it and people wouldn’t post the same thing

(edited by Vees.7816)

Terrible FPS issues.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vees.7816


Ever since the update, I have been getting terrible FPS issues. On a recent patch, it said you cleared up performance issues but in fact you made it worse. Nothing good came from the update.

I’m using a Mac client. I’m posting here becuase i know no one pays attention to the Mac forum. if someone is, please at least reply so we know you can hear us. I have to set all of my graphical settings to low and i get about 14 fps. I am really getting upset because I was forced out of a dungeon group because of it.

Fix now. It’s upsetting that a game is supposed to be praised for it’s graphics but I have to switch everything to low.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vees.7816


For the record, I tried it and it didn’t work.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vees.7816


PEOPLE STOP SAYING DUNGEONS ARE TOO EASY! Yes they are but then ANet is gunna buff the crap out of them and call it an improvement. Just look at AC. ANet will ruin CoF if people keep saying that.

HotW waypoint bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vees.7816


You spawn under the ground:P


No fun doing dungeons anymore?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vees.7816


There are more dungeons than just AC, CoF and fractal you know :x

As much as I hate that fact, he’s right. After failed attempts of AC, me and others are now gunna go do other dungeons. Like CoE. Unless someone tells me that’s messed up too


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vees.7816


Have you tried deleting the ~/Library/Application Support/Guild Wars 2/ folder as explained in this forum?

Have you tried the SMC reset described in the Arena Net help notes?

That’s for retina display

If all you’re going to do is blame your woes on a game update that others have no trouble with and your perceived second-class treatment of Mac users followed by rejecting every attempt to help you, I am exiting this conversation.

Good luck with solving your problems yourself.

You’re giving me directions for a different Mac product. Why would I listen to your useless instructions?


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vees.7816


Have you tried deleting the ~/Library/Application Support/Guild Wars 2/ folder as explained in this forum?

Have you tried the SMC reset described in the Arena Net help notes?

That’s for retina display

Let's talk about the loot.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vees.7816


Forget the armor and just give me more silver cuz obviously, being level 80 with full exotics, I’m not going to use the crappy loot. Ever.

Just save me time from going to sell my stuff and give me more money.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vees.7816


I have the same specs as Vees aswell but retina display, I have tried all of the things in the forum. Restting smc, tweaking the config files,

Don’t “tweak” the config files. There are no user-adjustable settings that need to be tampered with.

Delete the ~/Library/Application Support/Guild Wars 2/ folder to ensure none of the files within are corrupted.

Why does this solve it?

Dungeon Patch Discussion 2/26

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vees.7816


Spider Hatchlings are invulnerable even when you’re on the ground.

How do you think dungeons should work?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vees.7816


That is true. It makes no sense to make early dungeons harder than later ones. The loot in every dungeon is terrible and I sell it all.

Subtract the loot and just give me more silver.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vees.7816


Mac model? Specifications? OS?

The quality of help you receive here is proportional to the amount of quality information you provide about your problem.

Are you using a MacBook Pro with a Retina display? Did you follow the instructions here:

The quality of information you receive is proportional of my knowledge of why it’s happening. i.e. The terrible update that only came with problems


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vees.7816


Mac model? Specifications? OS?

The quality of help you receive here is proportional to the amount of quality information you provide about your problem.

Are you using a MacBook Pro with a Retina display? Did you follow the instructions here:

I’m using Mac Book but not with retina display.

2.4 GHz Intel Core i7
16 GB of RAM
OSX 10.8.2

AC spider hatchling "Invulnerable"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vees.7816


I really want a dev to respond to this cuz I feel like this is something big

Bad FPS drop - MUST be looked at immediately

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vees.7816


I had terrible FPS problems when I was doing the spike traps in p2. I wasn’t the only one in my party having the trouble

AC spider hatchling "Invulnerable"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vees.7816


Before you even think about commenting. I KNOW that spider hatchlings are “supposed” to be invulnerable when you’re standing on the edge at the beginning of AC.

This is not about that.

I did my run in AC to see the new patch. I was using my thief’s short bow to do some AoE damage ON THE GROUND and the spider hatchlings are STILL invulnerable. Idk what was happening. It just kept saying invulnerable even what I tried kiting around. Please fix.

AC path 2 wasn't bugged till now..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vees.7816


You are 2 months late.

I know I’m saying, This has never happened to me before until the new patch, so obviously they went the total opposite direction with it

Do community surveys: Customer is king

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vees.7816


I was JUST thinking about this. They need one badly. Lot of people are unhappy on what ANet has given us recently and I think the best option is to actually ask us what we want instead of hoping it’s good.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Vees.7816


Holy cow, how is it possible to have an update that makes performance worse? I have to set all graphical settings to low now just to run on 14 fps. 14! And that’s not mentioning when I go into crowded area’s, they get worse. I post on the Mac beta because I just assume that the Mac’s get the short end of the stick

Dungeons from a Midday player's opinion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vees.7816


I feel like IF anything were to be buffed in AC, the spider queen should NOT have been. That’s always were the Pug fails.

AC path 2 wasn't bugged till now..

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vees.7816


I know, it’s happened before to people where’ Detha won’t build her traps, but prior to this new update, i have NEVER had the bug where detha just stands there and does nothing. So I want to know why, and when will it get fixed

Nothing but bad since update

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vees.7816


Not just the game is bad. My computer in general runs much slower while its on and that never happens

Nothing but bad since update

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Vees.7816


I have to set my graphics all to low just so i can run on 14 fps. The AC path two is glitched. can’t get detha to build traps. No particle effects for anything. I went from 14 to 1 fps during the spike trap. Nothing good came out of the update and I am overall very disappointed.

Did I roll wrong? (Perception in dungeons)

in Thief

Posted by: Vees.7816


Sometimes I end up tanking the mob boss, which is not a good thing for your health but it kind of makes ya feel good after doing all the condition damage:)

Did I roll wrong? (Perception in dungeons)

in Thief

Posted by: Vees.7816


I am a thief. 95% of my dungeons are with short bows only. Condition damage is your bestfriend. I can stack about 14-16 bleeds all by myself and poison mobs. It really does add up. Being squishy won’t be a problem when you’re ranging and when you have two evades and disabling shot to evade AND like 10 stealth moves. Especially speed runs. They are helpful too. It comes with experience too.

Blinding Tuff...

in Thief

Posted by: Vees.7816


Throw a handful of feathers, vanishing in stealth and blinding nearby foes.

I love these. Nothing wrong with blinding foes. It’s useful to get an extra attack from stealth. I’ll happily cash in all my bonuses from the Shadow Trait line for going into stealth. I don’t want to burn all my skills or initiative to go into stealth all the time and since these beauties come free from stealing so often, especially in TA, I don’t have to.

What’s better? Getting one extra attack in or being able to freeze, poison, vulnerable, a mob all in one attack? Skull fear is even better cuz then everyone gets a free shot. Or Whirlwind axe where you can destroy the mob. Or tooth stab where you can hurt the mob and make it bleed (I think it comes with stacks?) I’d take anything over going stealth, where I have sooooo many abilities to go stealth in. Never have I found Blinding Tuff useful

Blinding Tuff...

in Thief

Posted by: Vees.7816


What you steal from an enemy largly(if not entirely) depends on what the enemy actually is.

In other words, stop stealing from rabbits expecting to get Whirlwind Axe.

I couldn’t help but to facepalm at that response

You’re assuming I’m completely kitten about thief. I know how steal works. It depends who I steal from. But it’s weird when I get all these other random steals from one single mob. Half the time it’s blinding tuff, half the time it’s something else. It’s rather annoying. Blinding Tuff is the go to for mobs that really don’t have anything to steal and I wish it wasn’t like that.

Blinding Tuff...

in Thief

Posted by: Vees.7816


I swear, more than half my steals are blinding tuff… It’s such a useless tool in dungeon. I got 5 other abilities to make me stealth and blind and stealing another ability to do so is very irrelevant. I want steals such as Throw Gunk or Tooth Stab or even Whirlwind Axe. Hardly get any of them.

Nerfing any stealth will harm party PvE

in Thief

Posted by: Vees.7816


The fact is everyone will always have a complaint about other professions, I hate Mesmers Clones in every way and I hate the Mesmer for that, but I don’t sit around and QQ saying they should be removed cause their part of the mechanic. The fact is everyone will have atleast one complain about the other professions because their sore losers… They lose a duel, they QQ, they complain… Instead they should work around it and try to counter the thing they don’t like. Stealth can be countered to some degree if a player is smart enough

Exactly. Good point. If stealth should be nerfed in WvW, then warriors should be weakened in WvW, ele’s should only use 2 elements in WvW etc etc. People need to stop complaining and realize what they’re saying

Spear/Lance as land weapon.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vees.7816


In every RPG that I played, my favorite weapon has always been the spear/lance. I think it would be cool ANet somehow tied it in with Ranger or maybe make a new profession with it. I know it would screw with a water weapon but maybe try to find something else for it?

Nerfing any stealth will harm party PvE

in Thief

Posted by: Vees.7816


Noone is nerfing stealth lol.

Oh I know. There are many people who would like it nerfed tho. I’m just telling those who think it should be nerfed.

Nerfing any stealth will harm party PvE

in Thief

Posted by: Vees.7816


I hear too many people complain about WvW stealth and how they can’t get them. They don’t realize that in dungeons, thieves use stealth a lot to help the party members. I usually do dungeons with three thieves (including me) and two guards. We all include Shadow Refuge to stealth the downed player and ourselves to rez people. I have helped every single PUG that i play with, with this mechanic. And since we don’t have the best defense, we use it help ourselves

Thieves are great for dungeons if they equip the right skills such has SR and Caltrops.

Why do raids seem unattractive to people?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vees.7816


Hah, hah, hah. You’re assuming guild missions won’t be raids.

No, I completely forgot about the fact that there’s gunna be a thing called guild missions at the time I posted this. Nice try though.

Why do raids seem unattractive to people?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vees.7816


raid dropped gear could have unique armor/weapon skins, crafting recipes, etc.

That’s pretty precisely why I don’t want to see raids in this game, EVER.

What if they don’t have unique drops?

Why do raids seem unattractive to people?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vees.7816


I don’t have much MMO experience. I have never done raids before. They seem to be quite fun. Plus it’ll just add more content to the game. It’s something more than a 5 man dungeon. I see people TRULY do not want raids. I feel like they would be more teamwork. Maybe have raids that require different amount of people?

If people truly do not like raids, then just don’t do them? I feel like that’s a simple solution.

AC Protect Detha and traps -

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vees.7816


I kind of figured that I was going against two spawns at the same time. There’s just no way you could finish that cleanly. If it was on purpose, then it’s the most pointless fight ever.

AC Protect Detha and traps -

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vees.7816


I’ve had runs where it was cake and I had runs where it was a wreck. Usually a wreck:P. It’s hard do run when rangers are setting spike traps and ele’s doing the power.

What kept happening was they ALL went for one person in the party. 8 vs. 1, you’ll lose that battle 10/10 times. Then they go to the next, then the next, until you have to WP back. Yeah we eventually finished, but we only took out one person each time we got wiped out. Then we finally narrowed it down to 3-4 and got them all at once.