Showing Posts For Ventari.8257:

Ferguson's Crossing, how is roaming there?

in WvW

Posted by: Ventari.8257


Orrrrrrrr you could join Kaineng where you are welcome to join my guild which I plan to be a small roam/WvW PvP focused guild. Join kaineng so you can have more of challenge

Kaineng rising from the dead.....

in WvW

Posted by: Ventari.8257


as a returning player who cannot wait to get back into WvW (bulding new pc old one stolen current cant handle WvW) i think an honest answer wold be that kaineng was a fotm server at start and since lots of players are returning that played at start it has seen a good boost in numbers therefore helping out in WvW/ Im def happy tho cause its my home and im not moving! seeya on the battlefield!

Thoughts on WvW abilities.

in WvW

Posted by: Ventari.8257


i agree, if they are going to make it where you can carry 50% more supply than before than i say it should be 50% more damage to guards etc, even if this mean buffing the guards health/ damage a little.

overall i was extremely extremely sad when i saw the guard damage/reduced was only 5% i was honestly expecting something major at least for the 5th tier not just 1/2/3/4/5%

Thoughts on WvW abilities.

in WvW

Posted by: Ventari.8257


ya and thats my point, i think that basically if decide to spec into the guard thing, which lets be honest is the best out of the abilities for soloing…the only one useful at all really why not just make it so that you can have 5 guards on you and if you are good still manage to kill a player as well.

Thoughts on WvW abilities.

in WvW

Posted by: Ventari.8257


youve taken towers, or camps with no players defending.

Thoughts on WvW abilities.

in WvW

Posted by: Ventari.8257


a mesmer, but many classes can’t, and also she solos it alone yes but one person shows up shes gonna have to run instead of being ale to turn and fight. but well see what happens overall i think they could have promoted smaller group play in this patch and the oppositte is happening, to me its a shame.

Thoughts on WvW abilities.

in WvW

Posted by: Ventari.8257


grouping as in taking a keep yes a solo/duo group cant do kitten when 4 guards are on top of them plus a player and pretty much the same for a 5 man. If they were able to have more % reduction from guards they could just ignore them kill players and smaller groups coulda take towers and camps with much more ease.

Thoughts on WvW abilities.

in WvW

Posted by: Ventari.8257


Title says it all!

My main opinion is its a good start, however i think these should be used to to promote smaller group play, i must admit iw as sad when i noticed that reduced guard damage was only a max of 5%….. and 5% more damage. IMO we should be able to take considerably less damage from guards because guards are one of the major tings that promote grouping up etc. If we had W3 abilities such as reduced guard damage then a small 5 man group could take a keep ninja style AND be able to fight off other players whiloe the guards are on them which is pretty much impossible atm, thats my 2 cents whats yours?

Please undo the 25 fightmarker

in WvW

Posted by: Ventari.8257


honestly this is the BEST decision they have made. Learn to strategize have scouts it forces servers to use more teamwork and coordination. don’t be mad because WvW got a little “harder”. man up and deal with it it is truly an amazing change because its possible for small groups to accomplish more now and also for more “ninja” bd tactics to succeed.

maybe drop the number but still it a great change period end of discussion.

WvWvW-(W3)-Meta/Strongbuilds. Sticky me

in WvW

Posted by: Ventari.8257


It’s my opinion that truly there is no “secret” builds in the game at all at this point lol. I mean there is only so much.. yes im sure some people run this instead of that but the base and core of most strong* w3 builds is the same. ex. AH guard.

WvWvW-(W3)-Meta/Strongbuilds. Sticky me

in WvW

Posted by: Ventari.8257


Saved… You never know! For now help me fill the lists!

(edited by Ventari.8257)

WvWvW-(W3)-Meta/Strongbuilds. Sticky me

in WvW

Posted by: Ventari.8257


Dare I say the word meta…. however my purpose with this post, and what it might become is to gather approved strong** W3 specific builds. For whatever purpose and to have these builds and links posted here on the W3 forums so we dont have to comb the class forums.

Good Idea?






1. AH Guardian –



1. Well Rounded Mes.

(edited by Ventari.8257)

Future powerhouses of W3, Who will rise?

in WvW

Posted by: Ventari.8257


I want to start a nice! thread where people civily! dicuss thier opinion on what servers will become elite after the free transfers close. I think that with free transfers closing the coming month or 2 will be the biggest months and honestly the start of a new w3 era.

What say you?

Server Q's and transfer decision.

in WvW

Posted by: Ventari.8257


thanks alot for the replies. does anyone happen to know what server prefers NOT to zerg, as i love small scale encounters and just roaming solo, what server would welcome this?

Server Q's and transfer decision.

in WvW

Posted by: Ventari.8257


i was considering kaineng. but q times are a huge turnoff especially since i like to be able to get into EB. thank you both for the replies, im thinking.

Server Q's and transfer decision.

in WvW

Posted by: Ventari.8257


Im trying to make my transfer decision and im thinking that i want to transfer to the highest tier i can that has very little q times. I was thinking any t2-t4 server. I really just want a server that has active players and that i can have fun in. halp me?

Guild Wars 2 Competitive Game Analysis

in PvP

Posted by: Ventari.8257


ok my 2 cents. bunkers arent that op. they can and will die, also they do take skill to play well. if a team has a bunker, then you can strategize around it, its easy be more mobile, take the objectives (creatures, treb, lord) these are all ways to “counter” the bunker meta. The problem is people just arent doing it.

I agree that something needs to be done about spawning, i think that the timer should be 30 secs not 20, i also think that it is plausible for kills to be worth more points.

Also to state that a full wipe doesnt matter is simply ignorant. because any good team will make sure they timer stomp them, and they will get 25 points, and they will be able to cap at least one point, sounds like a game changer 2 me.

Hold up, wait a minute let me put some.....

in PvP

Posted by: Ventari.8257


Srsly. Stop complaining, the game is fine and balance is pretty solid. Discuss.

5v5 servers the Only thing that ought to be added to spvp NOW.

in PvP

Posted by: Ventari.8257


i understand the pov of those saynig “soloq free tourneys” my largest argment for that is the following.
1) the % is much higher to get rickrolled first round by organized teams which makes it harder to test builds
2) my proposal ought to be very very simple! ( i think)

I desire more things to do at max level

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ventari.8257


i would like to ask the OP and all people who are complaining, do you have top tier dungeon armor, and leg weapons?

The Importance of Roaming small groups in WvWvW(AKA Gank Teams)

in WvW

Posted by: Ventari.8257


yes this is exactly what people need to realize and im willing to bet servers that introduce this tactic and expand on it even more will find themselves dominating the wvw matchup because imo this is the premier strategy divide and conq

5v5 servers the Only thing that ought to be added to spvp NOW.

in PvP

Posted by: Ventari.8257


yes I wanted to bring it to attention since to me it seems like the easiest way for anet to make people happy im helping them out here!lol (hire me anet) yes that is what i am asking for both, i remember a while back in a pvp blog there was a screenshot of a server list and it had 5/10 and like 12/18 i think? i know there were 5v5 hot join servers in at one point why are they gone at release?

5v5 servers the Only thing that ought to be added to spvp NOW.

in PvP

Posted by: Ventari.8257


yes i hope that this thread grows because imo. it is the simplest and easiest way to keep people happy about pvp in its current state. i think alot of the complainers are usually in the 8v8 matches, let them play 5v5 which is what things should be balanced for anyway.

5v5 servers the Only thing that ought to be added to spvp NOW.

in PvP

Posted by: Ventari.8257


exactly my point i only bring this up because to me it IS a glaring issue and i dont know what anets, corporate master plan is or whatever lol. but i really dont see how this would be a difficult thing to accomplish. but like i said i do not work for anet idk.

5v5 servers the Only thing that ought to be added to spvp NOW.

in PvP

Posted by: Ventari.8257


Topic says it all. Some people myself and many of my friends included really do not like the 8v8 style of gameplay. It is more zergy, less skill based imo and for people with lower end pc’s it causes framerate issues. So why are there no 5v5 server anet? I am so extremely happy with what you have done with the game. However, There are 100’s of empty servers, so the question is why are there not 5v5 servers. I and other players should be able to go to 5v5 servers so we can properly test builds meant for tourney’s.

p.s. i know you can just join smaller servers, but they are usually always unbalanced games because of people joining/leaving.

5v5 servers so that we can properly practice in a more tournament like setting.

(edited by Ventari.8257)

sPvP - things to come.

in PvP

Posted by: Ventari.8257


Its so funny all of you are a bunch of whiners. 12k people have viewed this thread and maybe 200 have posted? Clearly the other 11k people read this post said aweswome im going to go back and enjoy the pretty sweet pvp/other aspects of the game. You are saying the game is dying like are you serious. Your trolling abilities are unmatched.

LoL now the largest e-sport game in the world and possibly of all time did not have ranked queues for at least a year I believe? They Just recently implemented a limited spectator mode.

Get real people Anet have done a dern fine job. The pvp is fun and i personally see lots of potential for competitive play. Anet had great spec mode in gw1 as well as ranked ladders. I have complete faith that these systems or “other” great improvements will happen to spvp and they will happen fast.

I predict things such as 10 man servers. Paid tourneys etc happening within weeks or even a week. Spectator and very precise 1 in world 5 in world 324 in world ranking within 3-6 months. Arenanet is good havefaith.