Showing Posts For VerdantSF.1507:

3/15 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


It would be nice if siege engines displayed the name of the guild that placed them for all to see, enemy and ally alike. Beyond the issue of this ram-griefer, I think it would be cool to see the guilds responsible for bolstering the defenses of keeps and towers.

Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


I had a different idea!

Only if we are Drew!

Drew Barrymore for TC, Lucy Liu for Kain, and Cameron Diaz for FA sounds solid.

Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

TC needs Oceanic/Asian/EU Guilds & Players!

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


I’m on Blackgate, but I have to give props to TC. It has a remarkably low troll/forum warrior population and the guilds there are really good sports, win or lose. The server would make a great destination for any non-NA guilds looking for a home.

Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

3/8 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


Fun little matchups in EB tonight. Took durios/brav and tried to snag SM, almost had it taken but GoF swarmed in in the nick of time >_>

Heheh, you should’ve heard us on TS when you busted through inner faster than expected. Thanks for the epic fights!

Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

3/8 Kain - FA - TC

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


Congrats to Kain and TC for your respective Tier wins. BG misses you!

Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

(edited by VerdantSF.1507)

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


I wasn’t sure if they would have a really strong NA contingent, but they have some really solid guilds playing during those hours. Shoutout to GoF, HB and LotD, we had our fair share of back and forth wipes on reset night, but i think they came out on top, and we were pretty much stopped in our tracks on SoRbl.

Thanks! Whenever GoF sees EMP, we know we’re in for a good fight .

Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


Kudos to Jade Quarry on Sunday night. You guys pushed really hard into BG BL, with large fights happening at NW tower, Garrison, and Hills all at the same time. The zerg on zerg fights were pretty intense, with both sides stacking might, pushing forward, and/or flanking. Kitten talk is inevitable in threads like this, but I’m really enjoying Tier 1 and the competition you and SoR are giving.

Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

(edited by VerdantSF.1507)

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


-cheers- wtg Blackgate! Apologies for poking into T1 thread! Us TC’ers miss you guys. <3 =(

We miss you, too! The multiweek thread with you all was awesome. Commander Gary Busey pole dancing… lol!

Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

2013 - BG-Kain-TC

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


It was a pleasure. Thanks for the fun, Kaineng and Tarnished Coast. Best of luck in your matches. I’ll miss this thread!

Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

2013 - BG-Kain-TC

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


Score update welcoming some new much needed friends!

Epic welcoming screenshot for Merc! Glad to have you with us on BG!

im going crazy…. tell me im not… _ BG is fighting FG and DB

We punched a hole in reality!

Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

(edited by VerdantSF.1507)

2013 - BG-Kain-TC

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


It looks like we had at least 1 person in the Lord’s room for every guild on the map at that point! Good job EA, GoF, HB, ICoa, Invi, LotD, LW, Riot, SPY, Urge, and Vekk!

Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

2013 - BG-Kain-TC

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


Thanks, but I’m a TCer.

If BG does jump up this week, though, I will certainly be rootin’ for ’em next week.

I’ve been on the receiving end of a TC beatdown when I was on CD, and win or lose, you all are always great sports. If you head to Tier 2, I’ll be rooting for you, too! The fun, friendly attitude of TC will definitely be missed.

Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

2013 - BG-Kain-TC

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


Score update please?

Here ya go

There’s the Europe primetime

BG Europeans, I love you!

Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


Poor dolyak! Here’s some beef without any dolyak suffering involved .


Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


Could I possibly see a naked Verdant or Pot wearing a quaggan backpack please for the score update? I don’t ask for much

You bet!


Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


<slips Verdant a $1 bill>

Make it two dollars!! VIP room, does that give the maps?

Sure does!


Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


As a TC wench, I personally would like to see some naked male updates.

Your wish is my command!


Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

Largest Ranking Jump?

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


I just noticed that Gunnar’s Hold on EU jumped 7 spots this week! Is that the largest jump in a single week for rankings so far? Has there ever been a larger one? I expect we’ll see lots of shifting of this magnitude this month, but to leap 7 spots pre-ranking reset is rather impressive.

Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


BG is a T1 ready server they don’t have a gaping coverage gap.

Yup, I’m on BG . I just don’t want my fellow BG’ers to get too complacent by underestimating FA.

Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

Feb 1st - BG/TC/FA

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


This match has all ready been decided. We all now that BG is going to win. TC or FA doesn’t have the coverage BG has. Primetime will be fun but its a shame the winner has been decided before the match even starts.

This may have been true for Fort Aspenwood of old, but there’s a reason people sometimes call it “Fort Janthir” these days. With the 10+ guilds FA gained from IoJ, this server is a force to be reckoned with. They’ve got the people, the time zone coverage, and the morale to make this a serious fight.

Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

Queues for WvW: The Official Thread

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


Agreed. At the very least, put people in an actual queue that has people in the order of selecting a WvW map. All this randomness, with some people waiting for 45 min, while others log in after them and only wait 5 shouldn’t be happening.

Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

(edited by VerdantSF.1507)


in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


Agreed, Woaden. Back when I played SWTOR, when I hit a queue and was #20, I’d stick around. If I was #175, I I knew I could go and do a quick errand and usually get back in time for the pop. However, it seems like GW2’s placement system in the queue is all out of whack. I’ve had guildies wait for nearly an hour, while I’ve popped on after them and got in under 15 minutes.

Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

(edited by VerdantSF.1507)

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


Thanks, Fiesty! GJ Blackgate, let’s keep it up!

Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

Maguuma/Fort Aspenwood/Dragonbrand! Jan-25

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


Kitten! Maguuma leapfrogged 4 spots?! This is definitely going to be a match to watch!

Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

(edited by VerdantSF.1507)

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


Hehe, couldn’t resist . Regardless, looking forward to a good match tonight! I don’t think there’s been this much pre-reset anticipation for our tier in a long time!

Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

(edited by VerdantSF.1507)

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


The only kitten talking I’ve seen from FA about this server battle is from a CD person saying FA is kitten taking. As for T2, feel free to point it out to me, but I have yet to see one FA person say the server is going to T2.

CD is going to be feeling the wrath of IoJ+FA as well as their new opponents. I can assure you those who transfered to FA are looking for CD blood. It’s not going to just be next week either. CD will never make it to tier 2 because the best they’l get is 2nd place in tier 3 from now on until FA moves up and frankly they deserve it. CD may very well end up like IoJ is now before the week is over and free transfers are locked.

Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

(edited by VerdantSF.1507)

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


All the drama aside, I think a lot of people on CD were looking forward to new guild tags forming a greater share of the opponents this time around. At least 10 IoJ guilds have moved to FA, including AVTR, Daze, DPS, DRGN, EPX, FIST, FUNZ, SHED, uA, and UM. Even with the addition of Dragonbrand, it’s going to feel like CD/IoJ/FA Round 5.

/edited due to new info/

Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

(edited by VerdantSF.1507)

Fort aspenwood needs you and your guild!

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


What is great about FA is the dedication our WvW guilds have. They will come out to play despite the odds. Anybody looking for a serious WvW community should definitely consider FA.

The above is certainly true. I have a lot of respect for the men and women of Fort Aspenwood and the tenacity you’ve shown. See you in WvW!

Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

Any effectively coordinated servers?

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


Sounds like Crystal Desert might be a good fit for you. Here’s a post of mine from another thread:

It’s not just a numbers game, but how well the guilds on each server communicate across the entire battle map. Once, the members of RISE were holding out in CD East Keep against a far larger force. At the same time, on different borderlands, GoF and KH were conducting major offensives, but commanders in all three guilds made sure to relay information back and forth. When the inner gates at the keep in CD hit critical level, RISE put out the call. Immediately, GoF and KH put their own plans on hold and a combined force tp’ed into the home borderland. The inner gate fell right before we got there, but RISE managed to hold them off long enough for all three guilds to come together and wipe the enemy out.

The thing is, the above situation isn’t a one-off for our server. While GoF is distracting enemies at one gate, you might find TG using catas on the keep’s walls elsewhere. When LaZY is attacking an enemy garrison, there’s a good chance that KH is cutting off all supply to it while KõME is trebbing the walls. I’ve even seen instances when other guilds were invited to an ally’s TS channel during off hours to consolidate forces, where the host guild’s members were instructed to follow the orders of a guest commander like one of their own. That’s a lot of trust and respect right there. All the guilds in CD are autonomous, but we’ve been getting better at working together.

Crystal Desert doesn’t just do big combined zergs, either. Last night, the SE tower was getting hit hard in our borderlands. The guild LaZy was holding firm against superior numbers when other guilds came to lend a hand. Even combined, we were still outnumbered, but the enemy was focused purely on the gates. While LaZy members held them off, other defenders snuck around to the SE camp to cut off enemy supply. With their supply line cut, it was only a matter of time before we were able to push out from the tower and break their line.

On another night, in EBG, when a lot of guilds’ members were asleep, five CD guilds came together on our server wide TS. RISE, NAGA, LW, LaZy, and GoF. We all worked together and had fun raiding camps, cutting supply lines, and defending towers.

Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

(edited by VerdantSF.1507)

Absorb siege projectiles

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


It’s kind of odd that engineers don’t have any skills to support siege engines. Just going by the class flavor of being mechanically inclined, they should be just as useful for protecting siege as elementalists. People might scream if engineers could heal siege engines, but it’s really no different from teams of eles who can completely block all damage if coordinated. Maybe a low, slow siege heal that would need multiple engineers to keep the machine up?

Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

1/11/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 4)

in WvW

Posted by: VerdantSF.1507


It’s not just a numbers game, but how well the guilds on each server communicate across the entire battle map. Once, the members of RISE were holding out in CD East Keep against a far larger force. At the same time, on different borderlands, GoF and KH were conducting major offensives, but commanders in all three guilds made sure to relay information back and forth. When the inner gates at the keep in CD hit critical level, RISE put out the call. Immediately, GoF and KH put their own plans on hold and a combined force tp’ed into the home borderland. The inner gate fell right before we got there, but RISE managed to hold them off long enough for all three guilds to come together and wipe the enemy out.

The thing is, the above situation isn’t a one-off for our server. While GoF is distracting enemies at one gate, you might find TG using catas on the keep’s walls elsewhere. When LaZY is attacking an enemy garrison, there’s a good chance that KH is cutting off all supply to it while KõME is trebbing the walls. I’ve even seen instances when other guilds were invited to an ally’s TS channel during off hours to consolidate forces, where the host guild’s members were instructed to follow the orders of a guest commander like one of their own. That’s a lot of trust and respect right there. All the guilds in CD are autonomous, but we’ve been getting better at working together.

Mitchcraft the Mesmer
Get of Fenris [GoF] on Blackgate

(edited by VerdantSF.1507)