Showing Posts For Xenlai.8694:

I want to give you ...

in PvP

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


what we have in rated pvp.

In pvp we have truckloads of PvE players who just troll or play only to do dailies. Quadruple cap empty points, play classes they never played before, afk really fast since all they care about is fast wins or loses or w/e. In other words, playing without care about the team or winning.

Why cant we repay that favour? Why cant i join PvE dungeons/fractals with PvE players having no possibilities to kick me.

Because rational beings wouldn’t vent their frustration on complete and unrelated strangers. Furthermore I’ve never encountered the situation you are explaining. You are either overreacting or was just a coincidence.

DD Ele is fine now, stop this QQ train please

in PvP

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


Jesus christ some of you are ridiculously bad at understanding LOWEST HP + LOWEST ARMOR = INSTA DEAD WITHOUT SUSTAIN FROM WATER/ARCANA LINE

Why dont some of you ppl use common sense and logic as to why anet hasn’t nerfed the ele sustain.

if they nerf the sustain you might as well ask them to delete the kitten class because it will literally die when breathed on.

What you need to ask is if anet can fix their rotten core mechanics that have pidgeon holed ele in PvP since day freaking 1 by forcing them to take water/arcane line.

Water/Arcane are pretty much required in ANY ele build that wants to survive longer than 5 seconds. The only ones that don’t use water/arcane are the burst eles , which, if you haven’t noticed, get downed in < 5 secs when focused upon

If anet would actually give other VIABLE OPTIONS other than water/arcane, ele’s might change. until then, you aren’t going to see a change in ele sustain.

“Longer than 5 secons”. Are you serious? Eles are unkillable right now. Stop this nonsense and fix ele already

Nice patch

in PvP

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


Is ele gonna be balanced anytime soon or should I just roll an ele too and go with the flow?

Ele is pretty balanced now. If you want to go with the flow, you should roll a Ranger or a Warrior.

No ele isn’t balanced right now stop lying to yourself. Ranger is a lot more manageable than ele. I will roll an ele for freelo until fixed

Nice patch

in PvP

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


Is ele gonna be balanced anytime soon or should I just roll an ele too and go with the flow?

How does one kill necros and mesmers?

in PvP

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


How does one kill necros and mesmers?

necro – You drain the green bar of the necro then you drain his health bar
mesmer – You land your skills on the non-clone to drain the health bar

You kill them by draining their healthbar

Why are you so angry?

Latency/Lag for EU Players? [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


I give up it’s unplayable. I wish it was a problem from my end, I could have then do something about it.

Latency/Lag for EU Players? [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


Sigh, this lag is killing me. I don’t know much about networking but I think it really isn’t a problem from my end. Followed anet’s instruction for the tracing data:

1 3ms 0/ 25 = 0% 0/ 25 = 0%
1/ 25 = 4% |
2 30ms 1/ 25 = 4% 0/ 25 = 0% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
3 29ms 2/ 25 = 8% 1/ 25 = 4% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
4 30ms 1/ 25 = 4% 0/ 25 = 0% []
2/ 25 = 8% |
5 30ms 3/ 25 = 12% 0/ 25 = 0% []
1/ 25 = 4% |
6 87ms 4/ 25 = 16% 0/ 25 = 0% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
7 80ms 4/ 25 = 16% 0/ 25 = 0% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
8 92ms 4/ 25 = 16% 0/ 25 = 0% []
7/ 25 = 28% |
9 225ms 11/ 25 = 44% 0/ 25 = 0% []
3/ 25 = 12% |
10 314ms 16/ 25 = 64% 2/ 25 = 8% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
11 —- 25/ 25 =100% 11/ 25 = 44% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
12 302ms 16/ 25 = 64% 2/ 25 = 8% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
13 —- 25/ 25 =100% 11/ 25 = 44% []
0/ 25 = 0% |
14 278ms 14/ 25 = 56% 0/ 25 = 0% []

From what I manage to tell, Telia’s and Anet’s servers are lagging to me.

Boss Blitz - The gathering of bad design

in Festival of the Four Winds

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


Alright Anet, time to blow up your mind. What if.. what if each boss location was an arena! Yes an arena!! and each arena could ONLY hold up to 25 people! OMG for real??
That would mean…that would mean no zergie fights!! PREPOSTEROUS!

Jokes aside, there are many ways to implement a “no zerg” and fun content. This patch was never meant to be fun, it’s just another gold sink. A bad designed one.

Only 10 Daily Achivements?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


Is it called a PvE Daily Chest? No. If you want to be rewarded then just play the game.

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


I don’t understand. People already have the tools to meet up with their friends (party,guilds) and yet they are asking for maps and servers dedicated to them.

Take into consideration your fellow players experience before making such blatant demands. This change will make maps feel alive again. New players will get the chance to feel the joy of exploring with people as we did when the game lunched.


in WvW

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


A thank you on behalf of Piken for your bags!
Love running down your countless hordes with our 30man pug raid xD
Yesterday took and held SMC against 100+ of your blobbers with 28men, taking your towers while you ran from resp.

But sure, Gandara’s very cool.. when Piken’s offline GL fighting those gates.

Yeah yesterday was a fun day for Gandara. Lot’s of trolling with YOLO, I quite enjoyed it. Too bad Pikens tried to ruin everything with their unknown-hit-you-for-a-kittenload-of-dmg.

Holy Trinity and Compromise

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


There will never be trinity in Gw2 so No.

Evon Gnashblade - Philanthropist of LA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


The only reason he is giving us free armor repairs is because Kiel forced him to lol. He is so weak, unfit to be anything other than a trader . . and a coward

Feedback: Max Daily/Monthly AP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


Same 3 people spamming threats of how this was a bad change. Enough with the “play how you want madness”. This was what community asked and what it got.

*Precursor Rage*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


It is entirely possible to log in for 1 minute in the next year and make more money than someone that played 1000 hours. That’s the true nature of RNG.

I remember in GW1 they had those books which tracked the dungeons you completed in both easy and hard mode. Once you filled them up you got a really nice reward for it. It took me a hell of a lot of time to complete them but once I did I was so owed by the feeling of accomplishment that I had that I didn’t want to turn the books in for the reward. I didn’t even care for the reward! I wish the precursor hunt had something similar. I really miss that kind of feeling.

[Speculation] UnID'd Dye Market

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


For the love of god do NOT listen to these guys. After the patch goes live the market will be flooded with unid dyes. Prices will drop and stabilize after a week or so. These guys only want you to buy the dyes they are selling.

If the credited dyes are account bound you won’t have a flood at all, I would imagine dyes will not be marketable until after they have been discovered…..

Highly doubt it. Unless they make the identified dyes unmarketable too it would be meaningless to make the unid dyes account bound.

Please notice I said credited dyes…not all.

My apologies, I should have clarified what I meant.
“The identified dyes from the credited unidentified dyes”. Even if the compensated unidentified dyes are account bound people will simply open them up and sell their duplicated dyes. The supply will force again the price of unid dyes down. Unless of course everyone decides to save 100 unids for their gift of color.

[Speculation] UnID'd Dye Market

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


For the love of god do NOT listen to these guys. After the patch goes live the market will be flooded with unid dyes. Prices will drop and stabilize after a week or so. These guys only want you to buy the dyes they are selling.

If the credited dyes are account bound you won’t have a flood at all, I would imagine dyes will not be marketable until after they have been discovered…..

Highly doubt it. Unless they make the identified dyes unmarketable too it would be meaningless to make the unid dyes account bound.

Scarlet's Rainbow. Sell now or later?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


No matter what people say these weapons will be worth a fortune in time. It’s a long term investment though so don’t expect to make good profit any day now.

[Speculation] UnID'd Dye Market

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


For the love of god do NOT listen to these guys. After the patch goes live the market will be flooded with unid dyes. Prices will drop and stabilize after a week or so. These guys only want you to buy the dyes they are selling.

Dev Blog: Changes to Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


Enough with the whining already!

Official Stance on AFKing?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


its not botting to afk.

It IS botting. I’ve seen players in the Scarlet fight afking without wearing armor and die constantly. Then other players waste time ressing them and getting themselves killed. Are these afk/leechers not getting rewards? Their toons are getting rewards without player intervention how’s that NOT botting?

If you ever see afk/leechers just report them and hope anet does something about it.

We want our Six Minutes.. Achievement

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


Please fix anet!

Thaumanova Reactor = Important in GW2 lore

in Cutthroat Politics

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


TR = Asuran sci-fi garbage.

We need less sci-fi/steampunk and more wizards/magic.

You also want sparkling vampires right?

The problem with rewarding Achievement points

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


Harder achievements should award more points, it’s as simple as that. Like the OP said, before this new reward system, AP didn’t matter that much, so no one complained that harder achievements awarded the same points as dailies. I believe It’s time to change that and i hope Anet realises that too.

I’m sure Anet realized it and will make the appropriate changes to balance the AP system. But I highly believe that they will make changes slowly as there are too many people addicted to their points

The problem with rewarding Achievement points

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


Dailies currently represent 40% of the available achievement points possible on an account, and every day that value increases. While 5 points per day may seem insignificant, realize this: 5 points is the same amount awarded for crafting a legendary weapon, for buying a full set of cultural armor for 100g, or for killing 500,000 dolyaks in WvW.

The thing with buying cultural armor or crafting a legendary is that the reward is already given in the form of the armor or the legendary. So why would you have to get another reward through achievement points.

Dailies only give AP right?

Achivement Points.

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


Category – reward
xxx AP on Monthly/Daily Category – different endless tonics
xxx AP on Dungeon/Fractal related Category – Armor set / weapons
xxx AP on WvW related Category – Armor set / +world XP bonus
xxx AP on general PVE – mini pets / Armor set / weapons / MF bonus
xxx AP on PvP – cool finishing moves / Armor set

In one of the housing threads, the idea came up to gain wall-mountable trophies for slayer achievements: Dolyak head, etc. for non-sentient races, and armor/weapon pieces for sentient races.

I really liked that!

I don’t think the entire idea of basing rewards and bonuses on specific achievements is too far-fetched; it is essentially what they’ve been doing with the living story ones for the last 3 chapters.

I like the idea of trophies! Reminds me of GW1 HoM

Achivement Points.

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


Players, if daily/monthly points count, will never need to touch any other achievement category and will be able to unlock all rewards simply from dailies and monthlies. If the point is to get people to play more of the game then that point will fail. Per time spent dailies and monthlies award the most amount of points and already award the player with laurels.

Now if you want all rewards to be based entirely on dailies and monthlies, then yes, they should count. If you want rewards to be based on how much of the game that a player has actually experienced, then they should not.

Living Story achievements award more points per unit of time played.

If greater motivation is needed for the core achievements, then award titles or increase the number of points given. But don’t reduce the available options for earning points or make one point better than another. Points are points.

Why do you want to force players to play content they don’t want to? If someone wants to wait for years to earn enough points from dailies, why is that a problem?

I want more player choice, not less…

And that’s exactly why the daily AP need to be capped. Players feel forced to do their daily as its the fastest and ONLY viable way of gaining AP.
Casuals will not be affected as they will never be able to reach the cap. I really don’t see the problem of implementing this.

Daily PVE achievement point caps

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


Does it matter how high one’s personal achievement points are at? So long as you have enough to get what you want, does the number matter?

Apparently it does. If people care about the personal AP it’s their choice and their way of playing this game. Just because you don’t care doesn’t mean everyone else shouldn’t either.

Achivement Points.

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


Guys I’ve just read that AP will reward gems. Now I’m pretty sure the AP system will be reworked lol

Achivement Points.

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


Its easy to see that alot of the complaints here are mostly from kids whom has never step into the working world .

They think that when they finally get a job,they will be the director or the CEO of the company immediately.

The concept of seniority and reward over time is hard to grasp for them. Thus the concept of having high achivement points from starting the game early and rewards unlocked from having high achievementpoints is hard to grasp for them.

They expect to reap the same rewards as others even if they did not invested the time and effort.

And in the real world the government comes and takes your hard earn money from your bank. Thank god this is a game or else anet might take our moneys from our banks!!
Anyway, I have yet to see a post which even hints of what you say. No one asks for free AP. This is clearly a balance issue.

Achivement Points.

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


The simple answer is remove the leaderboard If you don’t know what other people have you wont worry about it, or worry trying to catch up, you can just brag to your friends instead about how well you’ve done.

Please let everyone just play the game how they like, don’t alter dalies. What does it matter to you how people get their scores they’re not denying you anything.

The only thing I think would be nice is if they add to the achievements bonus like those for special events. So if you’ve spent the time or skill (for the elitists!) and done all the jumping or crafted all the gear you get a prize.

(Talking about the PvE game now)

The game has never been about trying to catch up with some one, an ongoing evolving game can not be played like that. Some one will always miss an event, you can’t roll things back for them or holt everyones progress because some players buy the game later or can’t spend as much time in game. Do you suggest that special events don’t have rewards in future because people who buy the game next year will have missed them and it wont be fair?

It’s a game not a competion, if it was we wouldn’t be able to all farm the same nodes and by the sounds of things it would end up like WOW, with everyone beating each other up for things. That’s why we’re all playing GW2 for the co-operation not the fear of being mugged in game.

If you want a competion, leaderboards etc or you want to show off your skills and great game play do PvP, if your not getting the recognition there for your hard work ask Anet to change some things. I don’t do PvP so I don’t know what it’s like for rewards and stuff.

So for now I’d say wait until we see the new changes and then you can complain but don’t try to take away other peoples rewards for what ever reason you think.

The leaderboards are not the issue here. The issue is that the achievements are unbalanced and need a fix.
If the leaderboards were the issue this thread would have been made a long time ago.

If anet decides to let the dailies be what they are, then they should at least balance WvW achievements and the rest that take weeks, months, years (!) to complete yet give too little AP.

Balancing achievement points

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


I dont understand why people are so terrified of the idea of reducing the AP from dailies.
The system is obviously flawed. Dailies shouldn’t give more AP than a maxed slayer achievement or weapon mastery.

If its broken it needs to be fixed end of story, calculate your losses and move on.
Seriously I haven’t seen this amount of illogical arguments since I left the LoL community.

Achivement Points.

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


I think you are just afraid that people will catch up to you.

nope. i think it is the other way round.
people with less achievement points are envious jealous of those with more achievement points.

The current AP system is broken and dailies is the primary factor for that.

nope. it is not broken.
it is working fine as it is intended to be.
dailies are working fine too. not broken.

Dailies deprive players from catching up to other people no matter how god like skillful they may be.

what catching up? what are you talking about?
there is no need to catch up. ever.
what god like skillful are you talking about?
you got it all wrong!
achievement points never was about skill.
achievement points is about time spent playing the game.

If they missed their dailies they will NEVER be able to catch up.

there is no reason to catch up.
the leader boards you say?
that is for those who played from day -3.
late comers do not have a chance on the leader boards? yes.
yes! exactly! late comers do not deserve to be on the leader boards.
you want to be on the leader boards? play from day -3.

If they are better than you (more skillful) they SHOULD be given the chance and tools to not only catch up to you but to even surpass you.

nope. not going to happen.
again, you are mistaken.
achievement points is not an indicator of skill, but time spent playing the game.

If they are not better than you then you should rightfully have more AP than them.

again, achievement points never was about being better.
it is all about spending more time playing the game.
stop being so jealous already!

P.S logging for 20 min a day and jumping all over Kryta for daily does not require any kind of elite skills.

it takes time.
enough with the skill talk already.
your argument is invalid.

First of all I was playing since day -3. No, I was playing since the first beta + stress tests, so dont go there.

Secondly, you yourself said that achievements are based on the amount of time spent in the game doing an activity. I’m ok with that really. It IS some sort of achievement. But dont deny that skill should NOT be a factor for an achievement.

And finally, since achievements are based on the amount of time spent in game, then why the hell does the slayer achievement gives so little points and takes so long? You contradict yourself and thus make my argument valid.

Achivement Points.

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


I did all points in all dailies/living stories/events since headstart including that frustrating crap toss and I want to be rewarded for that because it took lots of time and effort.

You can call it elitism or whatever but if you are too lazy to do it before or you bought game too late.. well its not my problem. I want to be rewarded for my effort not punish by you laziness.

I think you are just afraid that people will catch up to you.
The current AP system is broken and dailies is the primary factor for that. Dailies deprive players from catching up to other people no matter how god like skillful they may be. If they missed their dailies they will NEVER be able to catch up. If they are better than you (more skillful) they SHOULD be given the chance and tools to not only catch up to you but to even surpass you. If they are not better than you then you should rightfully have more AP than them.
P.S logging for 20 min a day and jumping all over Kryta for daily does not require any kind of elite skills.

Achivement Points.

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


I believe the balance of the current achievements is off. The dailies give too many achievement points for the amount of time required (150 AP/month 300 AP/month with PvP daily). Not all people have the dedication (loyalty? grindiness?) to log in every day and specifically aim to do the dailies.

Don’t get me wrong, its good that dailies give achievements but its just too many.
Anet should either:
1) cap the AP from dailies,
2) balance the rest of the achievements
3) reduce the amount of AP from dailies
4) allow people that don’t have the flexibility to log in daily to be able to earn the dailies they missed.

A daily equivalents 500 giant kills?? It’s wrong!

The new JP is awesome

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


The people who are complaining that it’s too easy are talking about the mesmers portaling everyone to the chest from the nearby waypoint outside the puzzle.

No, there are even videos showing you step by step how to complete it.

As to the OP absolutely. This entire jp was designed to punish anyone not playing asura/sylvari/human. I can dot his easy on my asura/sylvari and I found the puzzle to be kind of boring on them. On my charr, screw it. It’s not even difficult because of skill. It’s difficult because of the camera, the way my guy will get down on all 4s (wish they would add an option to disable this) etc.

It isn’t difficult because of the skill of the jp. That’s just bad design. It’s an artificial difficulty, similar to the aether blade retreat. Instead of putting work into making difficult content they took the easy way out. If you have an asura save yourself the trouble of doing it on anything else. Once you do though you will probably feel the same way I did. The puzzle was too easy. I think that os, and the skipping stones are good jumping puzzles. They are fun, and only in a few spots is the camera the issue. I wish it were none, but that’s just how it is setup.

Yeah it was specifically designed to punish the norn and charr. God anet why you so evil to actually spend extra resources and time to specifically punish norn and charr

Shut down Frizz lab

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


If you stand behind a box the golems cannon pull you. You can play safe and throw your aoe damage and then hide behind a box, once you see a wall coming head to another box and repeat the process. The animation of the golems before they pull can be seen if you pay close attention and dodge out of the way.

Another tip. Golems will always pull as soon as the short laser hits them and will not pull again until the laser hits them again.

Aether dungeon needs radical nerfing

in Sky Pirates of Tyria

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


I think anet NEEDS to implement a Normal mode and a Hard mode for dungeons, similar to gw1. Rewards of course will be better in hard mode but this way both casuals and hardcore players can enjoy the content.

Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


Greed? I opened over 2000 coffers, no ticket, and you guys tell us we are greedy?
I would rather do a 2h dungeon with a couple of Mad Kings Clocktower type jumping puzzles to earn my ticket than to keep opening chests in hopes that RNG smiles to me (exhale)
I would throw away a ticket that is just given to me. I want to EARN my ticket

wanna check for bug with Fotm dailies

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


1. No
2. 8
3. 0

FOTM exotics non trade????

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


Be happy you actually find exotics. Some people never got one, even account bounds.

Can't progress because RNG hates me

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


The less effort you put in finishing a dungeon the better rewards you will get. At least thats my conclusion after seeing worthless heavy piles of meat getting exotics and rings while I get nothing. This is not a skill based game its a luck based game so let others carry you throu the dungeons. And remember, if the group wipes for 3 times, its not worth for carrying you. Leave and find another one.


in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


Have a mesmer in your group to place a portal

3-manning Fractal bosses is not fun....

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


It worked great for my guild. I must admit these dungeons are simply amazing.
Anet..I salute you

Ascended Items - Survey

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


Players that actually enjoy the game do not spend to much time on the forums. They spend their time playing the game. This survey is a biased joke

Floating Troll Runestone

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


No mean to spoil anything but one of the events that will take place will require the players to go out in the world and find a way to be able to hurt the Kraken! (?) That may be a part of that quest

State of the game as i see it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


They are giving you a new dungeon which, from the looks of it, it will hook players for quite a while. I also suspect that the reward system for current dungeons will also be improved which will fresh up their replayability

Thank you for the Free Content Updates!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


Thank you anet for the free content updates! I don’t like a gear treatmill but I’m not stupid enough to judge a whole game based on a mere article. Can’t wait for the event! My whole guild is very excited!!

Dear GW2: I don't want to be *your* hero.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


It’s very simple. Most people want to be heroes, want to kill the bad guy and save the princess. I like your ideas, it would indeed get me exited if implemented but deep inside, I still just want to be a hero and save the cute princess

Protest: Boycot the lost shores event

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Xenlai.8694


Me and the rest 99% of players will be enjoying the new content. Carry on with your “boycotting”. Lol