Let’s rock !!!!
The Final Countdown !!!!
And inspired by a famous french movie, barely modified :
“We gonna leave our opponents spread all over the WvW maps into small pieces, Puzzle Style.”
Good luck with that, but my little demon tells me that they expect WvW to be a mess, and they most probably have some talentuous and experienced enough devs to have planned what’s going on IG ^^
I think that if you design WvW as 1v1 per map the game should be rapidly boring.
Keep 3 persons in one room and you’ll ever have a problem of 2v1 rapidly appearing.
So designing WvW as a 1v1v1 map is the best way to generate fights, also if you observe WvW you gonna see almost constantly servers using other servers fighting each other as opportunities to hijack their towers
There is no agreement guys, maybe we care a bit less to Jade Sea than Baruch, but all in all this is a good thing for us to get our opponents fighting each other for the 2nd place, which finally doesn’t function that well if you consider how we got blasted during the last prime on our homemap. But you know guys we french have some “gaulois” blood and we generally tend to fight against each other rather than agree
Yeah you come when guilds left gg. I suppose pvd is still strong on VZ? As for kodash on sfr last night. Yes I was hunting you at north camp and every where, we had 20-25 CoN and wanted the good fights not the blobs…And you wre the only entertainment until 9 cet pm,when we ended our raid as Vz come later it seems az always ….
And as I said you lead full zone zerg in Bay and think I will not defended it an call the others or what. We had 2 guild raids and 1 cmd for the randoms. We ran 3 separate groups so… yeah call us blobing again…
This is a fact that each server has its own guild raids timezones, I could complain about your russian zergs on early mornings, sure, but this is part of WvW by design, so we deal with it since there is no alternative.
About PVD I wouldn’t talk too much about it guys, you are extremely far from not doing that most of the time currently.
You SFR guys plan to keep your liquid raids active ?
Makes me launch when I read about that.
Sorry kodash and vizunah, it seems like our sfr players and commanders are too busy stroking their ego than to talk about the matchup.
We are winning, why are they so insecure? Who knows. Have fun, the fights have been a blast so far and vizunah are the masters of finding holes in your defense so each encounter you teach us our flaws. Keep it up
Being at the 1st place ever generates the same behaviors : many players come to WvW cuz this is fun & easy to win, brag about them being the best, leave as soon as it becomes harder, this is the same on every single server.
Excellent evening yesterday on SFR borderlands, was fun to repaint the map in red, long and intense fights
I dont know why these thread or this forum part exists. It is all about whining booo they blob no you blob, blob is everywhere….
About whining I don’t remember havingseen a single MMO where forums are not
mostly dedicated to that.
WvW is much about numbers of players on each side, yes sometimes skills in structured groups help, a top guild raid is definitively able to wipe bandwagons, but globally you own server rank is mostly due to the time coverage it is able to provide.
SFR now to me looks like VS several months ago : huge zergs against less active servers, I have a bit the feeling atm that SFR now is playing like VS before. VS is less active, because we are bored (very even) of GW2, and since we are a national server we have a smaller playerbase than an international one and so we are more impacted by GW2 progressively going down.
There are roamers on SFR. They just stick together, 10 of them, around the ruins to chase single players….
This weekend I mostly saw kodash roamers behaving that way.
Vizu – Jade – Augury is nearly as likely
would be awesome !
i am not a big fan of the german style, we cannot deny its efficiency but we can complain that they pushed the defensive logic another step further than us, combined with the arrowcarts mega-hardcore-boost I guess that all the servers which fighted against us and complained about hidden behind walls must be absolutely hilarious…
No no no no no
with the incoming lightish random matches, next match will be
VZ / Deso / SFR
don’t worry be happy !
Well done Elona Reach, WvW is more interesting atm, still too much based on coverage and arrow carts but well we can’t win all the time and you didn’t collapse when we came back at score this week !
This is an update since I have solved my crashes which occured during months and were extremely frustrating.
So far this is what I did :
- created a new user account dedicated to gw2 with a minimalist list of apps at launch
- cleared my video drivers with driver sweeper : FIRST uninstall your graphics drivers, then launch in safe mode 7 (F8 key at boot) as an admin driver sweeper, remove everything related to graphics, reboot, fresh install of the last WHQL drivers (ATI)
- checked my ram with memtest : bingo a problem with my ddr, each ram functions just fine but combined I had crashes → changed my ram, no crashes anymore
If you see that screen telling you your machine is overclocked or has a ram problem (webpage) → check your ram with memtest
None, sorry, those are not gamer laptop.
Try to find a laptop with a GTX 660M in it at least.
Use memtest to check your DDR, high chances that your troubles come from there.
If so return ASAP your DDR, get a refund and change of memory brand, lurk a bit forums to see which brands provide the most stable RAM.
We know Vizunah have been in T1 since the first day of the weekly WvW reset.
You had to fight against many problems like NA guilds (RUIN, PRX etc…) and super wvw guild servers (Blacktide, SFR etc…). You got hit hard but you showed that you always can stand up. And now you are struggling again.
Im sure you will overcome the problem. But please….
Let us celebrate our VICTORY!
You do deserve your victory, there is no doubt about that.
Especially because you developped your own strategies and have a specific way of playing, which is a good challenge for us and a good way to enhance our own strategies.
This is true that VZ is losing players but it should be the same on other servers as well.
WvW is gonna change a lot in the next few months since there will be a way less players on the maps.
Personally I only come to play now with my guild raid, I don’t play as a pug anymore and I have started another mmo, a new one, and I guess I am far from being alone.
Now I am a bit skeptic about gw2 future, many players just leave the game, and WvW is getting just more boring with all these arrow carts.
I command often during primetime on our offensive bls (hence deso and vizu) and I never use AC’s to fight armys, only to destroy siegeweapons.
I would also like to ask: How many players do you personally know that left gw2. Everyone is talking about it, but noone ever gives a number or prove. Don’t get me wrong I have no reason to not believe you, I’m just wondering about the actual amount of gamers that stop playing GW2. I know only 6 players personally, so I’m always like: Whaaat? =D
The waiting queue on VZ is the best answer I can give you, now there is almost no more waiting queues on BL on prime, 2 weeks ago that was at least 30mn, and could be 1h-1h30 regularly. Personally this is almots impossible to say, I have played during a long time as a pug in a pug guild and moved to another guild some few months ago, but my very 1st guild stopped to play after a month, there were around 20 players, next guild collapsed a bit after I joined my current one and there were many players in it, some few still play, most stopped since january. In my current guild I would say 1 player per week atm.
(edited by Xispeo.1706)
Holidays in Germany
Only one small region (Sachsen-Anhalt) had school-holidays this week.
Everyone will have free next Monday. Two large regions (Bavaria and
Baden-Württemberg ) will have school-holidays whole next week.
I don’t know Germany in details, just saw that 20-30% of Germany is on holidays atm, and you gonna have more in the next weeks. I mean that’s all right, few weeks ago France was on holidays during a month and it had a strong impact on maps, this is life
… I think Elona is winning the current match because it is a 1 vs 1 with spectators…
Holidays in Germany, plus strong motivation to reach T1, combined with several weeks of massive domination of VZ which reduced level & motivation much on our side. We have almost no more waiting queue on border lands now. I don’t doubt my server is going to adapt to Elona and learn, and if VZ behaves as before our level should get better & better. Now I am a bit skeptic about gw2 future, many players just leave the game, and WvW is getting just more boring with all these arrow carts.
(edited by Xispeo.1706)
So a downgrade in drivers might actually help?
Or not…
Some reported that downgrading to 12.10 resolved their problems, especially with older ATI cards.
I tried on my machine but my system bugs when I go back to 12.10, and I don’t want to reinstall windows.
…it’s a pity that wvwvw all about who brings more people and not who brings better players.
Yep it is, gw2 favors quantity over quality, and casual players against hardcore ones since you can decently stuff a toon quite fast and you don’t even need that much the best stuff to get your character able to perform in WvW. But I still prefer that option than farming during months the same instances in the hope of that 0.00001% droping rate item that you do need to get an ’acceptable" character ^^
…If all this is because of poor memory safety in the program, well, gosh darn.
You can try the usual stuff : run memtest the whole night long, start to replace some parts of your computer, start with memory, try to find a friend who can borrow you his PSU, DDR, GPU. Also that may come from your harddrive. But i am very skeptic about hardware issues since my computer runs like a charm except gw2. I also suspect gw2 to have a problem with the older ATI graphics cards combined with the 13.xxx series drivers ^^
That’s reassuring, and yet depressing.
That’s the problem with gw2, I am a calm person but am getting very bored of all these crashes, especially since I know that if I run another major mmo I won’t have any crash at all, which was the case with the mmos I played before gw2…
Don’t feel alone, you aren’t.
GW2 gets corrupted quite often on my machine, I now run gw2 with the extension “-repair” before every session.
Many players crash as much as you, since a long.
I wonder in what some Viz are dreaming. I was killed 4 times by a Vizu blobb this week, and I was part of wiping 23 Viz blobbs who were NOT less players than we were. On the first day a Viz zerg ran away from 15- ppl. We all saw it. We all laughted on TS.
I was part of wiping Viz-zerg who got the high ground. So pls Vizs stop only saying “We wipe ER” and forget the “but we get wiped two times for that”
Maybe Viz can learn sth from ER in open field fights.I know Viz is a good server. Noone can deny this. But stop changing realitiy ’cause ur loosing after Points.
Greetz to ER & DESO & VIZ !
Please please don’t start the same bashing here than in the previous thread.
We all, on every server, can describe the same behaviors in game.
Yes I also saw some much larger ER bus running away of our much smaller guild raid bus.
Yes we all laughed when it happened.
Good to see ER stronger than ever, we have some challenge now on the maps.
You have your own playstyle and are very good at defending towers with siege weapons, which is good to learn new tactics, thanks for that.
Also since you are in T1 I regularly see some of your bus not moving at all when we charge you and wipe you, I have no idea why, it looks like you don’t react very fast in open fields, so probably the reason why you can read that some of us consider you as weak on open fields, but you are learning as well so it should get balanced soon.
Happens since months to many players, I don’t think we will get the problem solved some day, but I keep sending my crash reports now, just in case they try hard some day to solve all these critical bugs in their game.
Same boat since launch, I don’t want to try to estimate the amount of time I spent to try to find a solution against crashes, deadlocks, and gw2 stopping because my lapto kitten upposed to be overclocked, too hot or my ram supposed to get buggy.
I crash around 1 time per hour of play, and since I almost only play WvW where crashes & bugs occur the most by far, combined with waiting queues I just run mad.
I keep playing cuz I don’t want to leave my guild, but as soon as a new mmo with decent wvw pops I won’t be here anymore and will try to avoid as much as possible ANet games : during my searches on google I realized that many bugs we face now were present in gw1, so if they failed or didn’t even try to correct those in years I have no hope to see things going better with these devs/structure.
So far I noticed that playing cable-connected through a rj45 instead of wifi reduces a bit crashes, also I tend to launch a repair before playing since gw2 seems to get self-corrupted very easily.
Generaly when we attack a huge bandwagon and are inside it the game just crashes, 90% of the bugs are related to missing models so related to the 3d engine anyway.
Hi all,
Didn’t crash today which didn’t happen since a long long time.
I have created a new account on my machine, dedicated to GW2, and minimized as much as possible the apps and services at launch.
I also cleared my graphics drivers considering that method :
plus driver sweeper after
Then reinstalled the last WHQL drivers (ATI)
So it looks like there was a problem with an older version of the graphics drivers.
I still had yesterday a deadlock due to the sound engine crashing btw.
edit : another crash related to 3D engine last night so it didn’t solve the problem, so most probably the 3D engine of gw2 being bugged and not corrected
(edited by Xispeo.1706)
Welcome Elona, thank you to come to refresh T1, thank you as well to the few WL still playing on Deso : we have now opponents !! Yeeeepiiiiii !!!
I even have deadlocks now, considering stoping GW2, obviously critical bugs are not corrected in this game.
Just a bit more time and that thread gonna be an argue between french trying to write english … If we even start to flood here…
…Well I’m talking from my experience, which was whenever our 10-15 man group came across Vizunah in equal numbers then they’d run away into a tower/keep or wait for the blob to help them. Would only ever engage when they outnumbered us and that seems to be a common theme amongst those who speak of Vizunah’s play style – we can’t all be wrong, can we?
I can tell you that not every VZ player plays that way, since we regularly wipe against larger bus we engage, and sometimes we succeed to wipe bigger groups Depnds much if you face an experienced guild raid or not.
I don’t think it’s possible to meet a bigger zerg than Viz
Not all VZ plays as a bandwagon.
We also roam and guild raid.
From my perspective I can tell you that I regularly see SFR or Deso bus which are so huge that we wonder how that’s possible, I guess you have the same feeling.
…Well I’m talking from my experience, which was whenever our 10-15 man group came across Vizunah in equal numbers then they’d run away into a tower/keep or wait for the blob to help them. Would only ever engage when they outnumbered us and that seems to be a common theme amongst those who speak of Vizunah’s play style – we can’t all be wrong, can we?
I can tell you that not every VZ player plays that way, since we regularly wipe against larger bus we engage, and sometimes we succeed to wipe bigger groups Depnds much if you face an experienced guild raid or not.
… ZDs is our flagship nowadays. Nothing but respect for those crazy Russians for still sticking to SFR after all this madness.
As long as we have guilds like that to carry on the SFR legacy , we will always bounce back . Don’t count us out for too long!
Franckly ZDs is a good opponent, I appreciate to fight against them, this is generally a good challenge. I expect to see you guys back on your track, saddens me to see how suddenly your server went down. WvW is no fun against no opponent.
We rather worry about having some opponents atm, don’t say it too loud or you will finaly have a complete bus rushing you :o
Thank you for your attention, I attached the file from Game Advisor.
…I talked to some vizunah guys when I was guesting on their serv during my search for uncontested temples in orr few days ago. They said “Yea we have 4 hr queues” so I ask why don’t you guys split to other FR servers then? It would be more balanced competition and you wouln’t have to play at nights and no queues, win-win for you and for us also. And he say “Oh we tried but it’s no fun”.. Now I see ^^ Not being on server that is not winning is no fun? Geeez x_x Like you get anything for winning..
We didn’t leave our server when we were losing.
We like our server, I started on this server and don’t want to go somewhere else.
Btw the 4h queuing was some time ago, longest I can see now is around 2h, maybe 3.
- Crash <—*
Exception: c0000005
Memory at address c2a0000d could not be read
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 2468
Cmdline: -nomusic
BaseAddr: 00400000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 18059
When: 2013-05-01T22:52:47Z 2013-05-02T00:52:47+02:00
Uptime: 0 days 5:52:13
Flags: 0×1
- Error Logs <—*
cing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1512065984907714361’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1512065984907714169’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1512065984907714174’
Model ‘0×082239’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00e36b’ from parent bone ‘rgriphand’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×08223f’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00e104’ from parent bone ‘headgear’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×00645e’: Can’t link child ‘0×00d28d’ to parent bone ‘kneel’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×00645e’: Can’t link child ‘0×00d28d’ to parent bone ‘kneer’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×08223a’: Missing anim or fallbacks: bghhit
Model ‘0×0036a5’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtidlerunf
Model ‘0×00645e’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00d28d’ from parent bone ‘kneel’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×00645e’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00d28d’ from parent bone ‘kneer’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×082239’: Missing anim or fallbacks: sghhit
Material ‘0×034fc5’ is missing textures.
Model ‘0×006630’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Model ‘0×00e104’: Missing anim or fallbacks: zeropose
Model ‘0×08223f’: Can’t link child ‘0×00e104’ to parent bone ‘headgear’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Material ‘0×034fc5’ is missing textures.
Material ‘0×034fc5’ is missing textures.
Model ‘0×082240’: Missing anim or fallbacks: wghhit
Model ‘0×08223f’: Can’t link child ‘0×00b20e’ to parent bone ‘fxwristr’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×08223f’: Can’t link child ‘0×00b20e’ to parent bone ‘fxwristl’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×08223f’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00b20e’ from parent bone ‘fxwristr’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×08223f’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00b20e’ from parent bone ‘fxwristl’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×080b24’: Missing anim or fallbacks: qgrthrow
The mac version is based on a windows one, which is aleeady very bugged.The last time i tried the mac version it was so unstable in WvW that i went back to wibdows.
- Crash <—*
Exception: c0000005
Memory at address 87a8aac4 could not be read
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 3412
Cmdline: -nomusic
BaseAddr: 00400000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 18059
When: 2013-05-01T06:25:59Z 2013-05-01T08:25:59+02:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:10:39
Flags: 0×1
- Error Logs <—*
‘rgriphand’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×016186’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00df13’ from parent bone ‘aura’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×005e8d’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00ce02’ from parent bone ‘rholsterback’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×005e8d’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00ce02’ from parent bone ‘lholsterback’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×007209’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00df13’ from parent bone ‘rgriphand’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×016186’: Can’t link child ‘0×00ce0b’ to parent bone ‘aura’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×082239’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00e103’ from parent bone ‘headgear’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×082239’: Can’t link child ‘0×00e103’ to parent bone ‘headgear’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×082239’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00d921’ from parent bone ‘fxwristr’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×082239’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00d921’ from parent bone ‘fxwristl’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×00e103’: Missing anim or fallbacks: zeropose
Model ‘0×016186’: Can’t link child ‘0×00cea4’ to parent bone ‘aura’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×016186’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00ce0b’ from parent bone ‘aura’, there’s no bone with that name.
Couldn’t launch missile from point ‘skillfx’ for skill ‘OrWCq.YY4Ws’. No model found for launch type 0.
Model ‘0×0059a8’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtalrtrunf
Model ‘0×00f4ed’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Model ‘0×08223a’: Can’t link child ‘0×0102ea’ to parent bone ‘lholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×08223a’: Can’t link child ‘0×0102ea’ to parent bone ‘rholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×08223a’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugelogging
Model ‘0×016186’: Can’t link child ‘0×00e2ff’ to parent bone ‘aura’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
- Crash <—*
Assertion: activeBlock == next→prevPhysicalBlock
File: ..\..\..\Core\Platform\Common\MemAllocatorTLSF.cpp(462)
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 2280
Cmdline: -nomusic
BaseAddr: 00400000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 18059
When: 2013-05-01T06:11:44Z 2013-05-01T08:11:44+02:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:18:31
Flags: 0×1
- Error Logs <—*
ink child ‘0×00fbf7’ from parent bone ‘rholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×08223f’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×0102ea’ from parent bone ‘lholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×08223f’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×0102ea’ from parent bone ‘rholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×08223a’: Can’t link child ‘0×0102ea’ to parent bone ‘rholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×08223a’: Can’t link child ‘0×00fc16’ to parent bone ‘lholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×08223a’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00fc16’ from parent bone ‘lholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×08223a’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×0102ea’ from parent bone ‘rholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×00dca2’: Missing anim or fallbacks: zeropose
Model ‘0×005e31’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugtalrtrunf
Model ‘0×005ebe’: Can’t link child ‘0×00d28d’ to parent bone ‘kneel’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×005ebe’: Can’t link child ‘0×00d28d’ to parent bone ‘kneer’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×006e1b’: Missing anim or fallbacks: sgtalrtwlkb
Model ‘0×00ed79’: Missing anim or fallbacks: teambupdown
Model ‘0×080b24’: Missing anim or fallbacks: ugmsprint f
Model ‘0×082239’: Can’t link child ‘0×00e21b’ to parent bone ‘fxwristr’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×082239’: Can’t link child ‘0×00e21b’ to parent bone ‘fxwristl’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×00df13’: LightningSetActionPoints: destination action point ‘fxwristr’ not found on model ‘0×082239’
Model ‘0×00df13’: LightningSetActionPoints: destination action point ‘fxwristl’ not found on model ‘0×082239’
Model ‘0×082239’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00e21b’ from parent bone ‘fxwristr’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×082239’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00e21b’ from parent bone ‘fxwristl’, there’s no bone with that name.
- Crash <—*
Assertion: !index || m_refArray[index]
File: p:\code\arena\services\IdMgr/IdMgr.h(88)
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 3900
Cmdline: -nomusic
BaseAddr: 00400000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 17834
When: 2013-04-30T07:38:53Z 2013-04-30T09:38:53+02:00
Uptime: 0 days 0:21:22
Flags: 0×1
- Error Logs <—*
l without LinkComponent
Model ‘0×0137bf’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Model ‘0×00f4ed’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Model ‘0×0137bf’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Model ‘0×012225’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Model ‘0×00f4ed’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Model ‘0×00f4ed’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Model ‘0×012225’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘loAhc.dMYcv’
Model ‘0×00f4ed’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Model ‘0×012225’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Model ‘0×00f4ed’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Model ‘0×00f4ed’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Model ‘0×00f4ed’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘loAhc.dMYcv’
Model ‘0×00f4ed’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Model ‘0×00f4ed’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Model ‘0×00f4ed’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Model ‘0×00f4ed’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Model ‘0×00f4ed’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘loAhc.dMYcv’
Model ‘0×00f4ed’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘loAhc.dMYcv’
Model ‘0×00f4ed’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Model ‘0×00f4ed’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘loAhc.dMYcv’
Model ‘0×00f4ed’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Model ‘0×00f4ed’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Couldn’t find projectile effect for skill ‘loAhc.dMYcv’
Model ‘0×00f4ed’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
Model ‘0×00f4ed’: UnlinkModel called on CModel without LinkComponent
- Crash <—*
Exception: c0000005
Memory at address 00000000 could not be written
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 2924
Cmdline: -nomusic
BaseAddr: 00400000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 17834
When: 2013-04-30T00:02:15Z 2013-04-30T02:02:15+02:00
Uptime: 0 days 3:25:44
Flags: 0×1
- Error Logs <—*
0×00fc1b’ from parent bone ‘lholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×08223f’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00fc8a’ from parent bone ‘rholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×08223f’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×0102ea’ from parent bone ‘lholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×08223f’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×0102ea’ from parent bone ‘rholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name.
Texture missing mip chain: 0×0720c2
Texture ‘0×02fe5b’ dimensions too small
Loading ‘0’ texture failed
Texture ‘0×02fe5a’ dimensions too small
Model ‘0×010cbb’: Can’t link child ‘0×00df68’ to parent bone ‘root’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×00d2da’: Missing anim or fallbacks: hitt
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1512074351504006668’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1499643904400563432’
Content is referencing a propID that doesn’t exist propId=‘1499644488516115694’
Model ‘0×010cbb’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00df68’ from parent bone ‘root’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×005eff’: Can’t link child ‘0×00d16b’ to parent bone ‘wristl’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×005eff’: Can’t link child ‘0×00d16b’ to parent bone ‘wristr’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×005eff’: Can’t link child ‘0×00d28d’ to parent bone ‘kneel’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×005eff’: Can’t link child ‘0×00d28d’ to parent bone ‘kneer’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×010da7’: Can’t link child ‘0×00cf79’ to parent bone ‘fxtip’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×005eff’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00d16b’ from parent bone ‘wristl’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×005eff’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00d16b’ from parent bone ‘wristr’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×010da7’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00cf79’ from parent bone ‘fxtip’, there’s no bone with that name.
- Crash <—*
Assertion: (buffer→bitMask & alloc→bitMask) == alloc→bitMask
File: ..\..\..\Engine\Gr\Dx9\Dx9Buffer.cpp(1166)
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 2924
Cmdline: -nomusic
BaseAddr: 00400000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 17834
When: 2013-04-30T00:02:07Z 2013-04-30T02:02:07+02:00
Uptime: 0 days 3:25:36
Flags: 0×1
- Error Logs <—*
ing to root instead
Model ‘0×08223f’: Can’t link child ‘0×00fc1b’ to parent bone ‘lholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×08223f’: Can’t link child ‘0×0102ea’ to parent bone ‘rholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×08223f’: Can’t link child ‘0×0102ea’ to parent bone ‘lholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×08223a’: Can’t link child ‘0×0102ea’ to parent bone ‘rholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×08223a’: Can’t link child ‘0×00fc16’ to parent bone ‘lholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×08223a’: Can’t link child ‘0×00fc07’ to parent bone ‘rholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×08223a’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00fa25’ from parent bone ‘lholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×08223a’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00fc07’ from parent bone ‘rholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×08223a’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00fc16’ from parent bone ‘lholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×08223a’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×0102ea’ from parent bone ‘rholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×08223f’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00fc1b’ from parent bone ‘lholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×08223f’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00fc8a’ from parent bone ‘rholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×08223f’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×0102ea’ from parent bone ‘lholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×08223f’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×0102ea’ from parent bone ‘rholsterhip’, there’s no bone with that name.
Texture missing mip chain: 0×0720c2
Texture ‘0×02fe5b’ dimensions too small
Loading ‘0’ texture failed
Texture ‘0×02fe5a’ dimensions too small
Model ‘0×010cbb’: Can’t link child ‘0×00df68’ to parent bone ‘root’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×00d2da’: Missing anim or fallbacks: hitt
- Crash <—*
Exception: c0000005
Memory at address 000003cf could not be written
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 2740
Cmdline: -nomusic
BaseAddr: 00400000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 17834
When: 2013-04-29T20:35:36Z 2013-04-29T22:35:36+02:00
Uptime: 0 days 3:13:51
Flags: 0×1
- Error Logs <—*
parent bone ‘fxwristl’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×00d2da’: Missing anim or fallbacks: hitt
Model ‘0×082239’: Can’t link child ‘0×00e36b’ to parent bone ‘rgriphand’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×00d608’: Can’t link child ‘0×00e07d’ to parent bone ‘fxtip’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×082239’: Missing anim or fallbacks: gghhit
Model ‘0×08223f’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00d28d’ from parent bone ‘fxwristl’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×08223f’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00d28d’ from parent bone ‘fxwristr’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×082239’: Can’t link child ‘0×00b20e’ to parent bone ‘fxwristr’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×082239’: Can’t link child ‘0×00b20e’ to parent bone ‘fxwristl’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×00d608’: Can’t link child ‘0×00df68’ to parent bone ‘root’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×00df13’: LightningSetActionPoints: destination action point ‘fxwristr’ not found on model ‘0×082239’
Model ‘0×00df13’: LightningSetActionPoints: destination action point ‘fxwristl’ not found on model ‘0×082239’
Model ‘0×00d608’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00df68’ from parent bone ‘root’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×082239’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00e21b’ from parent bone ‘fxwristr’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×082239’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00e21b’ from parent bone ‘fxwristl’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×0100c3’: Can’t link child ‘0×00df68’ to parent bone ‘root’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×00d608’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00e07d’ from parent bone ‘fxtip’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×0100c3’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00df68’ from parent bone ‘root’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×082239’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00e36b’ from parent bone ‘rgriphand’, there’s no bone with that name.
Since I crash a lot, around 3 times per evening, am gonna start to post my crash logs here :
—> Crash <—
Exception: c0000005
Memory at address 000003cf could not be written
App: Gw2.exe
Pid: 2740
Cmdline: -nomusic
BaseAddr: 00400000
ProgramId: 101
Build: 17834
When: 2013-04-29T20:35:36Z 2013-04-29T22:35:36+02:00
Uptime: 0 days 3:13:51
Flags: 0×1
—> System <—
Name: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
IpAddr: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Processors: 8 [GenuineIntel:6:10:7]
OSVersion: Windows 6.1 (64 bit)
—> System Memory <—
Physical: 4175MB/ 8102MB 51%
Paged: 4243MB/ 8100MB 52%
Virtual: 2249MB/ 4095MB 54%
Load: 48%
CommitTotal: 3857MB
CommitLimit: 8100MB
CommitPeak: 3893MB
SystemCache: 4864MB
HandleCount: 42011
ProcessCount: 67
ThreadCount: 945
—> Process Memory <—
Private: 1546MB
WorkingSet: 1474MB
PeakWorkingSet: 1509MB
PageFaults: 3244911
[DbgHelp.dll is C:\Windows\system32\dbghelp.dll]
[DbgHelp.dll version 6.1.7601.17514 (64/32-bit compatible)]
—> Thread 0×8d4 <—
—> Trace <—
Pc:000003cf Fr:3820ea44 Rt:009b5418 Arg:dfa6faf7 00000000 00000000 072ac790
Pc:009b5418 Fr:3820ff80 Rt:009bacfc Arg:00000000 767533aa 072ac790 3820ffd4
Pc:009bacfc Fr:3820ff94 Rt:77e29ef2 Arg:072ac790 4f9b8a4f 00000000 00000000
Pc:77e29ef2 Fr:3820ffd4 Rt:77e29ec5 Arg:009bacf0 072ac790 00000000 00000000
Pc:77e29ec5 Fr:3820ffec Rt:00000000 Arg:009bacf0 072ac790 00000000 00000000
—> Thread registers <—
eax=000003cf ebx=00000000 ecx=11cf58b0 edx=11cf56c0 esi=00000000 edi=00000001
eip=000003cf esp=3820ea48 ebp=3820ff80
cs=0023 ss=002b ds=002b es=002b fs=0053 gs=002b efl=00010286
ecx-32 11CF5890 01489628 00001a46 00000001 00001a46
ecx-16 11CF58A0 11cf6400 0000521c 00000000 0000521c
ecx 0 11CF58B0 11cf56c0 000027f4 ffffffff 000027f4
ecx16 11CF58C0 01489628 0000102a 00000001 0000102a
ecx+32 11CF58D0 01489628 00004224 00000001 00004224
ecx+48 11CF58E0 01489628 00000a16 00000001 00000a16
edx-32 11CF56A0 01489628 00003691 00000001 00003691
edx-16 11CF56B0 01489628 0000290d 00000001 0000290d
edx 0 11CF56C0 11cf5ac0 000003cf 00000000 000003cf
edx16 11CF56D0 11cf5810 00001118 00000000 00001118
edx+32 11CF56E0 01489628 000027fd 00000001 000027fd
edx+48 11CF56F0 01489628 0000180d 00000001 0000180d
—> Code <—
—> Error Logs <—
parent bone ‘fxwristl’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×00d2da’: Missing anim or fallbacks: hitt
Model ‘0×082239’: Can’t link child ‘0×00e36b’ to parent bone ‘rgriphand’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×00d608’: Can’t link child ‘0×00e07d’ to parent bone ‘fxtip’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×082239’: Missing anim or fallbacks: gghhit
Model ‘0×08223f’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00d28d’ from parent bone ‘fxwristl’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×08223f’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00d28d’ from parent bone ‘fxwristr’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×082239’: Can’t link child ‘0×00b20e’ to parent bone ‘fxwristr’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×082239’: Can’t link child ‘0×00b20e’ to parent bone ‘fxwristl’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×00d608’: Can’t link child ‘0×00df68’ to parent bone ‘root’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×00df13’: LightningSetActionPoints: destination action point ‘fxwristr’ not found on model ‘0×082239’
Model ‘0×00df13’: LightningSetActionPoints: destination action point ‘fxwristl’ not found on model ‘0×082239’
Model ‘0×00d608’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00df68’ from parent bone ‘root’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×082239’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00e21b’ from parent bone ‘fxwristr’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×082239’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00e21b’ from parent bone ‘fxwristl’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×0100c3’: Can’t link child ‘0×00df68’ to parent bone ‘root’, there’s no bone with that name. Linking to root instead
Model ‘0×00d608’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00e07d’ from parent bone ‘fxtip’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×0100c3’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00df68’ from parent bone ‘root’, there’s no bone with that name.
Model ‘0×082239’: Can’t unlink child ‘0×00e36b’ from parent bone ‘rgriphand’, there’s no bone with that name.
—> DirectX Device Info <—
VendorId = 0×1002
DeviceId = 0×6741
Version = 8.17.0010.1191
Description = AMD Radeon 6600M and 6700M Series
Compat = 0×00000000
VidMem = 4095 MB
Dear Vizunah!
You must understand the frustration of the other servers.. Let me put it this way:You are driving a car and stop at the red lights. There’s a car next to you and you are having a race. Lights turn green and you both hit pedal to the metal. You accelerate to 100km/h clearly leaving another car far behind you and start to slow down. You brake for few seconds until the other car drives by with huge speed and keeps on going. You stop at the next lights and he claims that he won because he passed you and the finish line was further ahead. Yeah right..
It’s clear to everybody that WvW match is a week long and actually the car driver knew that too, he just ran out of fuel. The race was all about who can drive further and not the fast driving after all. We needed 10 litres fuel to finish but only had 5. We were way faster but still couldn’t win from the very beginning
What we want is to drive fast! We want fast races and the winner to be the fastest! We don’t want long races and winner to just have the biggest fueltank! Unfortunately the only racetrack we have is this one-week-long..
Hmm.. maybe building new smaller racetrack wouldn’t be that expensive?
Peace \,,/
This is why I tend to compare VS as a marathonians server while SFR and especially Deso are sprinter servers. Nothing wrong with that, but this is just logicaly that VS finaly dominates.
(edited by Xispeo.1706)