Showing Posts For Yakubyogami.7586:
In this game, things that levitate you also inactivate your skills. This means that an outfit with self levitation would no longer be useable in combat. People buy outfits expecting to use them in combat so this would create gameplay issues. At best they’d have to sell it separately and people could combine it with the outfit with the understanding that it would disable combat skills.
Making skills inactive is not a forced side effect of the ‘levitation’, it’s added by ANet. A large issue with toy items that cause this effect is it screws with animations so either said animations would be completely unrealistic or they would have to make new ones for every body type.
Again, adding a small invisible riser under the shoes would get the effect and have NO bearing on combat. It also would require no additional modeling of any kind.
So I used to play a game called Age of Wushu (I now play the mobile version because I moved and my ping in the PC version sucks now).
Anyway… AoW had an interesting mechanic where there would be ‘random encounters’ involving different NPCs showing up seemingly randomly and doing/offering different things. Some offered quests, some offered common/rare items (playing a lot to maximize RC pops to get rare gear enhancement items was most definitely a thing in that game and while I don’t think any sort of ‘win’ items should come of a RC, rare skins and such available ONLY through a RC would be nice) and some put a death mark on the player. Seriously, we’d sometimes get a debuff that would result in some seriously OPed NPCs mauling us out of nowhere, I think because we refused to buy a beggars cake or something.
The point is, more randomness could easily be added to the game. You could base it on story progression (a ‘thank you’ NPC may be a RC possibility after completing X and Y story paths) or recent activity (daily completions, World Boss kills, etc) or whatever. But ANet would have to make the conditions for RC complex enough to not be able to be gamed or added up on Dulfy (love ya, Dulfy!).
I think random ghosts for Halloween is a good idea and the weirness with the Bloodstone event spirits popping up shows ANet has the code for it already in place, just switch models and conditions for appearance.
WoW did something similar if I recall, where quest actions reflected on maps. They had to use special instancing for it but it’s possible. If ANet has the money or resources to do the same thing is a question to be answered.
Something I saw back in the old days of EQ1, before I quit, were ‘random’ dungeons. I’d like to see those as well. They weren’t so much random as a group of 20-30 connectable dungeon map sections randomly set together in each new instance so they at least had the appearance of being random. Regular players that ran a dungeon 5x a day would learn it by heart, but occasional dungeoneers would come into a new (and mildly confusing) map each time.
I had been thinking, and outfits are generally a way for the player/character to BE whatever their outfit is. Int his case, the Mursaat outfit with back is supposed to reflect the character being a Mursaat.
With that in mind, I’d like to remark on this from the GW2 wiki: ‘The mursaat were a race of floating humanoids…’
That said, ANet could easily achieve this effect and not create any gameplay issues by putting an invisible riser under the feet, much like they do with things like the magic carpet and the Witches Outfit broom. Characters with the outfit would have the floating look (mostly) without actually levitating.
I think any outfits I missed that would be expected to have some sort of special effect could be adjusted as well. It could even be a way for ANet to increase purchases next time the outfit goes up for sale, provided they adjust the existing ones (because if they don’t a lot of purchasers will be miffed). Just a thought.
If I buy something that was clearly advertised by a company, and that company not only does not deliver with the item but doesn’t even give me my money back, I consider it fraudulent and deceiving. And its really not just the Legendarys but everything else that Anet has promised but have failed to deliver
Apparently you failed to read or understand the ToS. I will sum it up for you, though, copy and pasted from another complaint thread: ANet has a ToS (just like every MMO I have ever seen) and it, in short, states (just like they all do with varying levels of ‘legalese’) that you are RENTING access to their servers, you do NOT own any portion of this game and they CAN change anything they see fit at any time for any reason.
So, yeah
GBEW is quite obviously a troll
That said, I’m bored, so I’ll play
If you want to see ‘pay to win’, get a game called Age of Wushu Dynasty for your phone. It’s F2P like GW2 is, also with a cash shop.
GW2 sells temporary boosters, toys, cosmetics and other generally silly items. GW2 has basically 2 tiers at endgame: Exotic and Ascended, and ascended is not so much more powerful than exotic that it will make any serious difference. In addition, ascended is not only relatively cheap to make (compared to some other MMOs I have played) but it’s handed out FOR FREE.
AoWD has dailies with free stuff, yes. The AoWD cash shop also sells items to upgrade gear, to obtain gear, to learn skills and to beat the snot out of anyone with less money than you. Does AoWD have cosmetic items? Yes. Does it allow you to literally pay money to beat other people with little effort? Yes.
I’ll be honest, I didn’t even read the OP because I have seen so many of these kinds of threads throughout the years it’s not worth my time, even when I’m bored. But if you want to whine, find something reasonable to whine about.
Also, stop scamming people
Not feeling the same way, but to each their own.
Just curious then, do you think another class has an easier time progressing through pve content and maps? Particularly HoT.
Reaper. I no longer have any fear on my Reaper, I just wade into mobs and beat them to death. I do die on occasion but it’s much more rare than any other class I have (and I have all but Rev and Guard). If things get too hot, I back off, let my minions handle melee and I go staff.
I’m seriously sick of these type of threads. Druid is fine. The only place whare I feel my heals are unnecessary is fractal that’s all
1) It’s ‘where’, not ‘whare’. Your inability to spell (or even spellcheck, since the forum has that built in) hurts my brain. Please cease this torture
2) Your opinion, based on your post, seems to matter but no one else’s does. I’m curious to know why this is, and why you seem to know how to play and the OP does not.
I have a Reaper. I love my Reaper. I shelved my Necro ages ago because it felt lacking.
That said, I also shelved my Ranger for the same reason. I was actually excited about Druid, though, and wanted to play a WvW healbot with it. Then HoT came out and I got to play with it (because I never trust what we see in beta) and was disappointed. It went back on the shelf.
It went back on the shelf solely because getting and maintaining AF is simply not worth the payout, especially when I can directly compare a Druid to my Reaper and LF is SO MUCH EASIER to both obtain and maintain. At least 3 trees have some form of beneficial effect on LF… Druid, none.
They’re probably messing with it int he server room then and mucking up the entire connection. Wait, grab some chips and a Pepsi, watch a movie and come back when it’s done
It’s just you. Mine was done in seconds.
Because you and the OP are the only 2 people on the planet, amIrite?
Anyone else having this issue?
Yes. I’m not getting an error but I frequently hit 0kb/s and it just sits. I’m overseas so the ping sucks (200-300) but this shouldn’t affect the speed this much
I like to think I’m not stupid but, who knows, I may be. Please explain to me why Spite is needed to make Blighters Boon useful.
I say this because with my build and gear I end up with plenty of might, plus protection from 2 traits, and I don’t use Spite at all. I don’t pretend to know PvP that well but in PvE I’ve outlived everyone in every single group I have been in since HoT dropped (oftentimes being the sole survivor) and in WvW I don’t see this setup being bad at all.
Look at my sigils. If I gain lifeforce/health just when I get might I’ll be rolling in it, but add protection from the 2 talents and I think it’s a pretty good deal. I’m already a pain to kill even without getting enough hero points to get the GM trait.
Oh, any my actual crit is in the 40’s and add to that Death Perception and I end up with 90-100+% crit and might just rolls in when I go Shroud.
I think Perfectly Weighted giving stability on dodge, not on evade, would fix the entire issue. I also think people need to remember this is a MMO, so they can (and will) make changes after the 23rd.
I usually get 200 ping from the Philippines and I’m getting 400-1.7k on average now. Everything else I have runs fine, and as an aside I’m both a phone technical support tech but also a desktop tech so I’m not exactly clueless on resolving internet issues on my end.
Everyone else I talk to tells me they have crap ping too, to the point no one complains anymore… it’s just a given now.
This is not Everquest 1. This will never be Everquest 1. ‘Challenging’ is subjective and what’s easy for one may be hard for another. MMOs as a whole have been watered down to bring in more players, so what did you expect, exactly?
Engineer. But get a multi-button gaming mouse
Melee (Hammer/Tool Kit) / Mid-range (Flamethrower) / Long-Range (Mortar)
Any race
Can dual-wield pistols or use Hammer
Surprisingly painful if played right
I drop med packs that heal for 300-ish each every time I crit (along with mines)
Hammer has a charge, and you can use Rocket Boots
Can also equip pistol/shield combo
Engineers are one of the few classes that can do pretty much everything, though rarely as well as others who are more specialized. That said, if you’re an Engineer and in a situation you can’t handle you either can’t plan, or you plain suck. The drawback, though, is that they’re one of the harder classes to master. I would highly suggest running a full Celestial build
You DO realize that with the exception of maybe the Elementalist (maybe), the Engineer is the most complicated class in this game, right?
Sure, you can go Turret build and just drop turrets, autoattack with your rifle and go play with your dog, but if you want you can kit out and do pretty much anything with an Engineer. In fact, the number one complaint I hear about Engineers is that they are too complicated
And you’re complaining because ANet didn’t make us MORE complicated? No one else is being made special, they’re just getting an extra layer of complication on already simple classes
I’m a fan of Entropy…but I like the purple glowy bit to it. Got one stored away, waiting for the time my engi can use it.
Seconded. I have a WupWup Hammer skinned with Entropy, with a Sigil of Torment and Sigil of Fire for added AoE chaos. May not be the BEST Sigils but they do nice AoE damage and the Fire effect is nice.
I also like The Ugly Stick if you want raw barbarism.
Ranged OH, IMO. Most say LB, but I’m going rifle simply because my Engineer has an Ascended rifle and I have no ascended longbow.
Some fights you really do not wanna melee (like the boss at the end of the reactor fractal) even if you’re specced for defense
I think the Molten Staff is reasonably decent-looking for the cost. The top is a bit big (bo staves would be better) but it’s all spikey and firey which sort of suit us
After seeing the announcement post by ANet I’m thinking we’ll get an outfit and staff skin, much like Warriors get a unique torch skin if they go Berzerker. I also think these changes will open up more options for the gem store for ANet, and you know how they love to sell us things…
I think they should make the buffs and debuffs represent an actual marriage.
- The first year of marriage you get +10% Power, +10% Magic Find and +10% runspeed (to represent ‘your heart being light’)
- The second year you should get +5% Power, +5% Magic Find and no runspeed buff (percentages replacing Year One, not adding to them)
- The third year you should get random conditions, starting with 1 stack each and by the end of the year going up to 5 stacks of the following: Torment, Weakness, Chilled, Confusion, Slowed and Fear (fear increasing duration instead of stacks).
- If you get a divorce in-game or either partner is offline for more than a week (7 consecutive days, must be on minimum of 2 hours per login with no AFK booting from the system) then you lose a random percentage of all your banked/bagged stackable valuables and coins, the range being from from 30%-80%.
I think this would more realistically represent marriage.
Question: is there a way to upgrade from HoT basic to HoT ultimate?
As I understand it, there is not. Assuming this is the case, I’m a bit curious on if there is a way to get a refund for my expansion so I can flat-out buy Ultimate and, if so, how annoying the process is. As it stands, unless ANet provides us a way to upgrade the expansion type (and the fact they failed to do so from the start makes me question their planning skills), they just shafted themselves out of $50 from me (and I suspect others who changed their mind later).
When you sell any digital product, or any product for that matter, unless you have a very good reason to NOT offer easy upgrades, it is bad business to not do so. Even ‘hard’ items usually offer accessories you can buy at a later date.
Also, if this has been asked and answered, please link the thread, I did not find it
My biggest gripe with using mainhand sword is that it’s incredibly hard to stay on the target.
- Sigils, perhaps? Sigil of Ice provides chill. You also have phantasms and clones that stay on the target quite nicely
Melee mesmers desperately need is much more access to cripple and weakness.
- Have you heard of Sigils?
Blurred Frenzy needs to give invulnerability instead of evades like it used to. Half of the time you can’t use it because you’ll do more damage to yourself than to the target because of retaliation.
- Or you can watch your opponents buffs and not use it when he has retaliation
All phantasms should spawn the way Phantasmal Disenchanter does, in relation to the target’s location and not the caster.
- Agreed
The trait, Maim the Disillusioned, that applies torment on shatter should also allow sword auto attacks to apply torment
-Again, sigils
Go with Celestial armor. It takes time to make (30 days for the full set of 6) but is well worth it. You won’t always want to be in condition spec and Celestial gives you better stats overall.
I personally use Superior Rune of Perplexity on my gear, but I also run Sw/Sw + Staff (to be Sw/Sh + Staff in HoT). With Signet of Midnight and a Giver’s Staff I get +100% condition uptime and +40% to the rest. My condition damage is a bit less than my Necromancer but my melee options are better.
By the way, if you DO go Chronomancer in HoT, you get a 25% runspeed boost in your trait line so Traveler’s Runes will be less desirable. I run with Decoy, Signet of Midnight and for PvE it’s usually Phantasmal Defender of Signet of Inspiration depending on my needs (iDefender is sweet for melee types).
It all boils down to this:
A well-played Engineer is well worth having in any Fractal. A poorly-played Engineer is worse than useless, they are dangerous.
Engineers may not be top-end DPS, but they have their uses, and they have more tricks at their disposal at once than any other class I have seen. They can heal, melee, range, AoE or single-target. With the right skills slotted, catching and killing one is two steps from impossible.
Me, personally? I use Flamethrower, Rifle and Mortar with Slick Shoes and Rocket Boots. Works as well in PvE as it does in PvP/WvWvW and makes you very difficult to catch. I also use Bunker Down to help my groupmates without having to actually heal them manually (and those med packs add up FAST).
I do suggest that if you do not have a gaming mouse, though,you get one and learn to use it. Being able to swap kits with a twitch of my thumb is much easier than mucking with a keyboard, especially when dodging backwards while running from a boss because the rest of your group is dead.
No, what I am saying it that you are wrong. Period. I made that pretty clear, and you don’t need to be an English major to understand it.
Large ‘raid’ guilds share one theme: they treat games like jobs. It’s been that way forever. Room for error is minimal, gameplay is theorycrafted (something that you simply cannot apply support roles to) and most of the players have similar (or exact) builds.
Not everyone likes to get off work, go home and return to another job. Just because you have numbers to say X is better than Y does not mean it is. In a purely mathematical world where everything can be assigned a numeric value, sure, but when you deal with things like a MMO that is much, much harder. In fact, the only real metric people go buy is, surprise surprise, DPS. I have seen SO MANY groups fail because no one bothers to use tactics, support or even think.
If you want to treat GW2 like a job and get through as much content as quickly as you can to amass virtual currency to buy virtual items to feed your kitten that no one really cares about then yes, your are right and non-DPS builds are useless. If you want to play a game to have fun, help other people have their fun (even if they run a Zerker build) by playing support (if that’s your thing) and explore a game’s potential then you are very, very incorrect.
It boils down to perception. But if all you want to do is treat a game like work then any game works. And as far as your ‘LOL, they removed the trinity so your argument is invalid’ commentary, they removed the trinity because too many people were either like you and solely DPS-focused or forced by people like you to be solely DPS-focused, not because it didn’t work.
And if DPS is the only factor then please explain to me why Guardians are so desirable in fractals. No, really, go ahead because their DPS can’t regularly match that of a Zerker Warrior, even if the Guard is Zerker themselves.
Oh, and one final thing before I log off for the night… saying that only DPS classes and meta builds for said classes are relevant to play is a major insult to the designers that added classes that can heal, support, etc.
Mmmkay, I’m gonna end this thread here.
1) Fay: I have played MMOs for 16 years (no, that is not a typo) and can tell you for a FACT that you are wrong. I could list a slew of reasons but honestly, my time is better spent doing less boring things.
2) There is no sense arguing with Fay because he/she is dead-set on their opinion and will not listen to reason
There will always be 2 types of people: those who treat a game like a job (do it as quickly and efficiently as possible) and play to inflate some sort of online ego while thinking others care about their ‘achievements’ or ‘power’, and those that play games to have fun and like to explore different facets/possibilities within a game. While these two types can co-exist, they are much like oil & water: they may blend when shaken hard enough but they never truly combine well
(edited by Yakubyogami.7586)
In no properly (or even reasonably) balanced MMO has a hybrid/utility ever matched a pure DPS. Ever. It’s been that way for at least 16 years and will remain that way probably forever.
The Mesmer is not a DPS class. It never was. The three main DPS classes are Thief, Warrior and Elementalist. Others can come close, but the more utility they have the farther behind they fall. if you’re in a group/guild that ONLY cares about numbers then you should bail ASAP. They either A) Treat the game like a job or have no appreciation for that one guy that is protecting them, helping them or is the only one left alive after they all croaked and ends up soloing the last 20-50% of a boss because the rest of them don’t know how to play.
Anyone that compares Mesmer DPS to an actual DPS class needs to play another (non-MMO) type of game. Age of Wushu is good if you have the ping, that entire game is based around PvP and pure DPS
(edited by Yakubyogami.7586)
Can’t link right now, my main system farted and I have to use my fiancees laptop…
I went with the Zodiac Light Armor, a Bonetti’s Rapier and the white Ascended shield with the see-through dragon wing backpack. overall the look is very Chronomancer-ish and I have not seen ANYONE in the Zodiac set. Ever. It’s very strange…
Nevermind, found em
Thanks. I don’t want all 6 pieces though :-/ Just 4. Where can I get recipes for the 4 I want? (All but chest/shoulders)
Hey all. Minor issue here… or a major one
My tailor is 425 skill. She has not made any Celestial armor yet (though she HAS made 2 Wupwup insignias). I am attempting to make 4 pieces of Celestial armor for my Mesmer to compliment the 2 Wupwup pieces.
The problem is this: when I go to the discovery tab, my Celestial Intricate Gossamer Insignias do not show up. I have split all 4 and have the gossamer pieces needed for the armor (which DO show). It is also not available at the mystic forge (which was expected but I figured, maybe a change I didn’t hear about and all).
Any ideas on what the issue might be? Did they take Celestial out of the game, am I messing up, or is there a bug?
I am prepping my house to sell so I can get married. I was busy stripping paint, removing wallpaper, patching walls, cleaning to prep for painting and changing air registers. Excuse me if Guild Wars was not on my mind.
I’m glad your life is so incredibly simple that you can think to yourself, daily, ‘oh yeah, let me log into Guild Wars real fast!’. Congratulations. The world doe snot revolve around you, though, no matter what you have been told.
Mirta, you seem to miss the point: they released it for ONE DAY
Your whole ’you’d have to wait 6 months regardless’ stance is pointless. The fact is simple – ArenaNet pulled a stunt to milk habitual players for money and left the players with actual lives to live out in the cold. If they sold it for a week and people missed it then OK, I see how no one has room to whine but that’s not what happened.
The issue is not with whether we have to wait for a re-release of a skin or not, it’s with the marketing stunt that ArenaNet pulled specifically designed to milk money out of people and slap casual players in the face.
And there is a 4th group: those with actual lives that didn’t see the announcement and didn’t log on yesterday, so missed out until who knows when (whenever they return)
Laugh all you like, but some of us have lives to live. Some don’t.
I just wanted to thank ArenaNet for screwing some of us out of an actually decent item by having a ONE DAY sale. Whether it returns later or not is irrelevant, not everyone logs on daily because some of us actually have lives to live.
I, for one, don’t particularly care to wait 6 months for an item that actually interests me because some tool in the office said ‘hey, let’s do it for one day only and see how many rush to give us money!’.
but they fly in an arc you will miss 90% in pvp and about 30%-40% if you try to hit a moving mob at that distance.
This is true, but the Engineer can do something Rangers cannot: damage at 1500 range through walls. While the shrapnel (explosions) will not go through walls, the grenade effect (blinding, chill, poison, etc) will as well as all associated traited effects.
Flamethrowers, while shorter range, also go through walls and doors.
I put Perplexity runes on my Engineer for WvWvW. No matter how good Mesmers are, you can’t beat the (traited) 1500 range on Grenades. Add the cripple and vulnerability you’ll get from those to Confusion and you’ll just make people tear their hair out.
im mainly a wvwer
in pvp i use my engi and its not really the piece of cake people claim because i dont try bunker like everyone i aim to make as most points as possible.
Learn to play. That’s about it.
Engineers are irritating up close (concussion bomb anyone?) and a nightmare at range (1500 range on grenades > everyone). If you’re facetanking people in WvWvW then you’re doing it wrong because EVERY class will suck against a group.
IMO Engineers and Condition Necromancers are nightmarish in WvWvW. Sure, you can face organized groups who can cure conditions but between the Engineers range and the fact Necros can literally spread every condition in the game to every player within a fairly large range with one button and you have a little bit of terror.
Either way I want to actually be able to play my engineer without feeling like a scrub playing the easiest and most OP profession.
This part here makes him a troll. There’s no way to argue it.
How can the least-played profession be the easiest and most OPed? I personally find the idea of playing a kit Engineer without a gaming mouse terrifying (fortunately, I have one).
Now if you want OPed, let’s talk Warrior. Yeah, I won’t even finish that because I don’t need to.
Seems to me all ‘pets’ in this game are buggy, except maybe Ranj0rs. Necro pets have a long complaint list, Guardian spirit weapons and our turrets. I would think if ANet fixed one it would probably fix all 3…
Yeah I didn’t like this heal, and for 25 points that’s got me a bit irritated
Mine is named ‘Harbinger of Chaos’
Pretty appropriate, too… he’s an Asura and does tend to create chaos anywhere he goes. I’m proud of his name :P