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Condi shatter meta - why?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


I would also not call it a difficult learning curve at all, imo it’s easier and more forgiving than power shatter, between scepter/shield and staff allowing you to take or avoid a lot of hits .

I agree.
Scepter/sword + shield and staff condi I find to be a lot easier than power mes.
Power mes I find to be one of the most difficult builds.
Builds like dh, druid and reaper (tempest maybe too) I find to be easier than condi mes though.

Condi mes is also very good in 1 on1, which I feel helps a lot in performing well.

unranked dc

in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Every 5 to 10 games or so I see 1 to 2 dcs.

Can unranked get dc protection too?
Ranked has it, so it shouldnt be hard to put it in unranked too.

When the person that dcs is not someone who you qued with,
than the game shouldnt count as a loss for you
(nowhere, not in stats/game history either)
and no loss of mmr, in case you lose.

just played a game but its not shown

in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


but it is not shown in the statistics/game history, even though that game completed the daily for me.

It only shows the game before that.

What is up with this?

Anyone else experiencing this?


in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527



A draw=considered a defeat.

You could like, make them count as a draw you know,
but obvioulsy its the better thing to do to count them as a defeat.
/sarcasm off.

Is warrior worth playing?

in Warrior

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Hello i’m a fairly new player ( 3 days in) and i’m a huge fan of greatswords so i am wondering if its worth playing warrior now? Like is it good compare to other professions?
I’m really sorry if this is a noob questions

Pve yes.
Pvp atm no.

Warrior issues fixed

in Warrior

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Warrior pvp dps build main issues.

1. No descent group support in their dps build.
They need to have some of that. Suggestions in link below:

2. Unreliable ways to deal dmg.
They suffer a lot more from blinds/blocks and other dmg avoiding tools. than other builds, while warriors are the most about bringing dmg,
so they should be good at this and not suffer the most from dmg avoiding tools.

Also having many telegraphed attacks (which are more counterable) as warrior doesnt make it easier either to make your dmg hit the target either.

Fix please.
Warrio needs to have additonal stuff to make it more wanted for a team.

Obviously there is always 1 class the weakest, but that doesnt really have to be a problem if the margin is small and if every class is a good option for something.

If a certain working playstyle of a team, would prefer a warrior over something else and another team with a different working playstyle would prefer something else over a warrior, than warrior would have their place.
If everyone would have their place like this, than it wouldnt matter much if a class is considered the weakest class..

Seems to me that warriors lack in having their place so to speak.

Group tools required in dps build pvp

in Warrior

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Link to the thread on the pvp forums.
Lets try get noticed.

Sounds like some really good solutions, this would make warriors more wanted for groups.

Lets hope that warriors get the improvements they need.

Please consider unranked mmr change

in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


You have no way of knowing whether this is the matchmaking actually working, or when the matchmaker has given up due to lack of players.

I think a much better change is to give players control over the matchmaker. If you want teammates and opponents close to your MMR, you can set those settings (and accept longer or even infinite queue times.)
If you set the mmr/class stacking/solo queue parameters to be “anything goes”, then you get teammates and opponents with compatible settings, and faster queues.

Let players decide what match quality vs queue time they prefer.

That would be fine with me too.

Getting access to parameters to reduce mmr gap, maybe class stacking etc. at the cost of que times would be a good option to have.
To have that option besides the ‘’anything goes’’ option as you call it.

Please consider unranked mmr change

in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Current system.
Currently the system throws everyone of all mmr ranges in the same game in unranked. This can mean that there is a huge gap between players in mmr and this can cause issues.

I would like to suggest to reduce this possible gap between players by by making some mmr windows in which players will be matched.

People with mmr range a-b in the same game.
People with mmr range c-d in the same game.
People with mmr range e-f in the same game.

This would match more similar people with each other, for a more better gaming experience.

If you put people from all mmr ranges in the same game, you will get issues.
People with to big gaps in mmr, experience, mindset, intentions, goals etc. get teamed up with and against each other.

Just some examples:

People who just want to fight others for a bit and who dont care about objectives (and thus have low mmr), get teamed up with people who want to play seriously with higher mmr. Their goals conflict while being in the same team.

People who are new to the game (and thus no high mmr) get teamed up against experienced players with high mmr. Not exactly fair game.
Could also give less incentive and chances for new players to start to like pvp, whereas it would make it more likely for new players to like pvp, if unranked had smaller gaps.

Better experience.
It would make a better gaming experience if these gaps were smaller.

Please consider making the mmr gaps smaller in which people can be matched with and against each other.
Like in the a-b c-d e-f example.

(edited by Yashuoa.9527)

Scrappers needs NERF.

in Engineer

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Watching a fotm scrapper tank every DH trap and theif burst while comboing off the other scrapper nearby to have insane leap heals and x2 turrets and x2 elixir mist, couldnt kill one at all.

All while having enough cc and damage to lockdown the DH and thief with one slick shoes

How is this even close to ok, he dipped to 1/3 health from that burst and from the dmg outout and lack of dodge rolls i assume he grabbed the marauder scrapper build from metabattle to fotm for a while.

Sounds like the dh, thief and other scrapper (lets call that one scrapper B ) were not very good if they couldnt blow up in 3v1 the enemy scrapper (lets call that one scrapper A).

Obivoulsy the dh alone or scrapper B alone, could give scrapper A enough trouble to win a fight 1 on 1.

When facing dh +scrapper B +thief in 3v1, obviously the other scrapper A has no chance.
There is even another scrapper, scrapper B, that he faces for goodness sake and a dh and thief on top.
If the 3 of them cant take more than 1/3 of the health away, than they were obviously not playing very well.

Only the heal turret resets btw on a 120min internal cd.
Not regenerative mist.

Btw, many scrappers run with a toughness amulet now, called Paladin amulet, instead of Marauder.

As explained in this thread a few times, you can prevent the leap heal. In 1on1 and especially in 3v3 with cc and killing the turret or knockback on overcharge.
Just as other tactics that can help vs scrappers.

Also people explaining a view that scrappers might need a playstyle shift to a bit more team support and a bit less 1 on 1 power. Rather than blindly nerfing.

What use are examples of a scrapper+dh+thief, unable to take more than 1/3 away of another scrapper his hp?
It does not point out that scrapper is not ok.
It points out that the 3 enemies were not very good if they cant take out a scrapper, while even having one on their own team.

(edited by Yashuoa.9527)

double/tripple classes in one team

in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


What is up with that?

A game I just played.
The team I am in has 3 warriors.

The other team has 0 warriors.

Why does our team not have 2 warriors and the other team 1?

What is up with throwing 3 of the same class in team A and none of that class in team B?

Cant they spread classes as much as possible over the 2 teams?

I have seen situations where there are 4 of the same class in a team or even 5 (Thiefs and Necros in threads recently).
Whereas they could be spread around the 2 teams more for a better class combination of the team.

(edited by Yashuoa.9527)

Boon corrupt + condi transfer

in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Do reapers really need both great boon corruption and great condi transfer in one build?
Wouldnt it be more balanced if it was great boon corruption with little to none condi transfer or great condi transfer with little to none boon corruption?

Probably, but the game needs a lot more to even consider it balanced. If you just nerfed Necro boon corruption without applying an overall fix then you’ll just have the game overrun by boon-stacking builds instead.

I dont mean nerfing one away.

More like making it a choice.
Like in their spells and traitlines. That they cant have a lot of both.

Either focus on boon corrupt with little to none condi transfer or focus on condi transfer with little to none boon corrupt.

Or maybe if you have both that it at least comes at some other cost like dmg or something.

This isn’t anything specific to reapers, necros have always had this.

Yeah I know.
So used to seeing elite specs that I didnt list necros :P.

I edited necros in the opening post.

(edited by Yashuoa.9527)

Healing signet change/Berserker stance change

in Warrior

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Can we make healing signet pulse resistance every x seconds, instead of one pulse of 7 seconds and/or maybe make Berserker stance pulse more frequently?

Reapers for example can corrupt every pulse of Berserker stance, as it pulses every 3 sec, enough time to autoauttack corrupt every pulse, unless they are stuck in cc or in reaper form (when they have no boon corrupt in reaper form through curse traitline).

Healing signet resistance you basically can forget to press if the reaper has corrupt boon/other corrupt spell ready. Your whole 7 sec of resistance gone in one go. One person with boon remove takes it away in one go.

With these changes people could still punch holes in our resistance, which could make some condi go through for a few sec,
but at least the resistance would also prevent us from taking beating from condi for some sec (people who remove it, making us take dmg for x sec, but than it would pulse back x sec later).

Currently its pop resistance, bye resistance.
That doesnt seem right.

(edited by Yashuoa.9527)

Boon corrupt + condi transfer

in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Do necros/reapers really need both great boon corruption and great condi transfer in one build?
Wouldnt it be more balanced if it was great boon corruption with little to none condi transfer or great condi transfer with little to none boon corruption?

Like making it a choice which path to go in their build?

(edited by Yashuoa.9527)

sPvP Warrior condi build

in Warrior

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Arms is actually pretty weak, b/c it focuses alot of bleeds, which is weaker compared to Confusion and burning.

Arms gives more than just increasing your bleeds.

It reduces recharge on signets.
It gives 100 precision for 1min when using a signet.
It gives signet of might (for 6 sec your attacks are unblockable) when hitting a foe below 50% hp.

You gain bleed and invulnerability stacks on crits. With invulnerability, you have an extra condition to cover your burns.

It gives 20% more crit chance on bleeding foes with sword and recharge reduction on sword.
It gives 5% more dmg to bleeding foes.
It gives adrenaline on crit and +10 condition dmg on crit (up to +250 condition dmg).

You will be able to crit enough with arms traits, to benifit well from King of fires in Berserker traitline, without needing precision on amulets, sigils and such (or you need to leap through your fire field for fire aura). As you need to crit to gain fire aura from King of fires.

Maybe strength is better, although you need to hit the interrupts in casttimes to really benifit from it though.

(edited by Yashuoa.9527)

Can a ranger solo engie 1 vs 1?

in Engineer

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


First of all, i am not here to complain about engie so lets get that off discussion.
Now coming to the point, i have been playing spvp recently on my ranger and i am doing fine for the moment, almost to div 3. Won like 12 games in a row today with me and my buddy playing together and it has been smooth sailing so far, i know things will get harder once i get into div 3 and maybe higher.
I run full offensive survival power build on my ranger, i hate bunkering and i find out i can take on most professions 1 vs 1 usually except Engie. Ofcourse i can’t solo kill bunkered builds sometimes like bunkered ele 1 vs 1 but that usually ends up in a deadlock neither one dying. However i haven’t really been able to kill engie today at all, even if you get the jump on them and get them to like 25% they shrink 2x in a row, stealth comes out of stealth with more then 50% health (still healing and regen) while dealing tremendous burst at the same time, at that point i am either running for my life or already in a downed state.
So lets cut the long story short, am i doing something wrong or should i just don’t bother trying to solo a scrapper?
I have all professions, out of them engie and necro is my least played but at this point i am really tempted at bringing out my engie for some pvp mayhem.

Power offensive ranger builds are not very suited to fight a scrapper with.
Especially if he has bulwark gyro with reflect shield toolbelt.

Your build probably works well vs several builds, as you describe that you dont have issues with a lot of them.

Just as your build works well vs several others, scrappers build works well in general, vs offensive power type builds (which your build is).

Check out scrapper build, so that you know what they can do.

Some advice is to watch out for the reflects, try stop his heal turret+overcharge turret(which is a water field)+ leap combo and make good use of the fact that most of his abilities are within the 180 range, unlike yours, who have a lot more range.

Also if you force him to use stuff like his hammer block (shockshield) at range (which also deals dmg in 180 range in front of him), than you wont be hit by the dmg part (due to him being at range). Making big part of his dmg go on cd without you being hit.
Thats the disavantage of having both attack and defence on an ability.
If he uses shockshield for dmg, without blocking something from you, than he hasnt benifit from the block.

So try avoid that such abilities are used in your face for dmg, while blocking stuff from you.

If you would slot for a more outlasting build and pick up the ranger druid elite spec with staff you would do a lot better vs the scrapper.
When I play on my ranger (with support druid style), I dont have problems with scrappers.

Maybe condi ranger does good as well vs scrapper or condi druid ranger if those are still a thing.

You know that let’s say first hit showed 2k and second hit showed 4k, it means TOTAL damage was 4k not 6k. right ?

You are correct. It shows the total dmg if a few attacks follow up frequently.
So in that example it is 4k.

(edited by Yashuoa.9527)

shout bow

in Warrior

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


So we all knew someone would make a shoutbow build and post it so here it is

Its good agaist condi which is a good chuck of the people I’m facing. A bit weak agaist spike builds.

You dont have much condi to protect your bleed and burn though.
How are you gonna try protect your condis from being cleansed?
Using cc? Relying on the few cover condi that you have?
Teaming up with teammates with other condis?

(edited by Yashuoa.9527)

sPvP Warrior condi build

in Warrior

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Some ppl asked me to post my build so here it is.
This build is probably played by some and its the best condi build there is.

Why not take arms instead of strength?

mmr drop when not playing

in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


I heard mmr can drop when you dont play for a while
and I would like to understand this mechanic.

Does this happen for each class individually or for your whole account?
If I dont play on class A for a while but I do play on B. Does mmr still drop on class A, while I play on class B?

In both ranked and unranked?
Does this drop significantly in short time?

Lets say I play only in the weekend for a while. How much does it drop, in the 5 days or so in between weekends? Tiny bit, significantly, a bit in between?

(edited by Yashuoa.9527)

kitten you Anet

in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Really? What is your answer to this?

The 4 with zero points were afk?

Reapers counter?

in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Which builds do well vs reaper?

Reapers drive me kinda crazy.

So I would like to know which builds do well vs reaper, so that I can play those from time to time and beat some reapers to feel better again :P.

Also do you feel reapers are to strong now or not and why?
If they are to strong, which changes could be done to reapers/other classes to keep reapers good enough, while changing some stuff?
Could also be something like maybe making them require more effort, having a more difficult entry lvl.

Greatsword instead of longbow?

in Guardian

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Dh with greatsword instead of longbow.
How would that do?
You would have less issues with reflect mechanics.

Not starting with full AF anymore?

in Ranger

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Anyone else got a strange bug with the CA icon size at the start of the fight

Its huge. Almost fully overlaps the CA bar.

How to make warriors more wanted

in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Warriors are not in a great spot. One of the main reasons is I think, because in their dps build, they dont bring much to a group apart from dps and cc.

That is an issue, because the other classes generally do bring team wanted tools to the group in their dps build, apart from dmg and cc.

Warriors should be able to provide some wanted team tools in their dps build.
It doesnt have to be a lot. Some are more supportive classes than others.
It just has to be enough.

Something fitting that warriors can bring:
-Power and condi dmg reductions for the group.
-Vit boosts (outside of banner).
Suggestion by The Chaos4231:
-Uncorruptable, unstealable etc. cc immunity mechanic for the group for a few sec.

Maybe not all of these in one build,
but such things can be added to existing spells and traits that we can pick in dps builds.

Rousing resilience.
On top of what it does for the warrior, it could also provide x to the group for the same duration. That x can be a certain amount of toughness or other reduction vs power dmg for the group for example.

Please share your view.

Not starting with full AF anymore?

in Ranger

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Todays patch.

Wilting Strike: Fixed a bug that prevented this trait from functioning with Heart of Thorns pets.
Companion’s Might: Fixed a bug that prevented this trait from functioning with Heart of Thorns pets.
Primal Echoes: Fixed a bug in the skill fact that indicated an incorrect duration when using the Moment of Clarity trait.
Astral force is now cleared at the beginning of a PvP match.

So the match begins with an empty bar of Astral force?
Was that really necessary?

(edited by Yashuoa.9527)

Warhorn unblockable gone. Cyclone pull range.

in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Okay so in todays patch, you remove the unblockable part of cyclone (warhorn #4).
Why if I may ask?

Warhorn already struggles. Having this unblockable cyclone was one of its good things.

Cyclone has only a 180 range pull, so pull wise it doesnt really do much at all.

However it was unblockable, so it could still be used vs blocks.
Now that use is gone.

Now that the unblockable is removed, can we at the very least, tripple the range at which it will pull the target? So that the pull function can work decently.

(edited by Yashuoa.9527)

Taunt is a condition right?!

in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Taunt is a condition right?! So why is it that I can’t transfer it back with my Reaper skills (plague signet and suffer) back to it’s source?! They don’t have many times stability… Kitten fix this! Or correct the “transfer conditions to enemy” to “transfer conditions to enemy with the exception of taunt”. I don’t care about excuses!
And don’t come with that that conditions are transfered with priority and with x number, I had only taunt on me many times!

You wont transfer it with plague signet, because you stunbreak the taunt with it.
So there is no taunt left to transfer.

Reason for unranked mmr design?

in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


as far as I know, as you improve you get matched against players with higher MMR, for example, I havent played a match on forest in which anybody on the team rushed beast in MONTHS, because (I think, could’ve been luck) my mmr is above average

As far as I know you dont necessarily get matched with better players in unranked if your mmr goes up.
Probably can happen if lot of people around your mmr are online and queing though.

From what I know it can match people from all mmr ranges in the same team.
Same goes for enemy team.

It just tries to get equal combined mmr of all members in both teams.

So if team A has 5 members with various different mmr players, than it will look at the combined mmr of those players. Lets say its 800 combined if you count all mmrs of the players in team A. Than it will try to get a combined mmr of 800 in team B as well.

Reason for unranked mmr design?

in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


What is the reason for the design of mmr in unranked?

As I understand it puts people from all mmr ranges, in the same match, with and against each other.

It will try to look if team A, has as much mmr combined, if you count the mmr of all players, as team B.

But in both teams can be players with huge gaps in mmr.

Players with big gaps in mmr, skills, intentions, mindsets etc. all in the same game with and against each other.
Obviously this is bound to give issues.

Why not decrease the possible gaps in mmr between teammates and opponents?

Scrappers needs NERF.

in Engineer

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


ranged weapons on the thief is either Pistol main hand (which noone will use since it’s bad) or shortbow, which isn’t a bad weapon but if you think you can kill a scrapper using shortbow you are more than wrong
furthermore shadowshot is the only ranged gapcloser that does dmg by default, the other e.g. steal, shadowtrap, Infiltrators signet or shadow step do not do dmg (only steal when traited)

I am not talking about ranged weapons.
I am talking about range.
The range on a weapon.
That can be a melee weapon too.

You said that scrapper has more range than daredevil.
I pointed out how that is not true.
Dagger has also better range than most hammer attacks(except the hammer leap and the immobile lightning field).
Both dagger #2 (preferably below 50% hp) and shadowshot are spammable as long as you have initiative.
Both have a lot more range than the general scrapper melee attacks.
One will kite a scrapper way easier than a daredevil.

Staff also has more range than hammer (and some defensive + offensive stuff too, like evade attack and leap, evade and attack, weakness and attack, blind and attack, attack and reflect on auto (on part 3, not instantly available though) and no cds on any).
Not talking about which weapons are better or anything. Just pointing out range and functions.

Again, also not a complaint.
I just want to correct this misinformation about hammer having more range than daredevil, which is incorrect. One of the scrapper hammer weakness is its low range.

what you forgetting is that heartseaker and shadowshot are skills that bring you closer to the enemy so it’s not a skill you can use to kyte (unless you try and somewhat jump away with heartseaker)
Furthermore yes we have no CD on skills, but we have to spend ini, e.g. just using blindpowder and heartseaker to go invis uses up 9 ini, which is a lot since almost every skill costs between 4-6 now since thief is op and must nerf
well we’ll see what anets does today, i don’t think there will be any balance changes, but there will definatly be something new in the gemstore xD

I already mentioned the initiative.
I just pointed out that daredevil attacks (dp and staff) are more difficult to kite for the opponent, due to a higher range on them. Nowhere did I say that heartseaker and shadowsthot keep you at range or anything.

Did they say there would be balance changes on the 23rd?

Group tools required in dps build pvp

in Warrior

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Hi! I’m noob, but got an idea in my mind. What do you guys think about a new unique mechanism, like the mesmer’s alacrity, an effect, which give you cc immun for a few sec ( dunno how much sec will be good, and not too op, it’s a mechanism, so cannot corrupted, stolen the stability, it can be bound to the berserker line, or to the warrior’s cc skills). It will give place to the warrior in PVP I think, because so much cc flying in pvp nowadays, and this mechanism can guarantee the cc immun, the teammembers can switch their stability given skills for something else (sorry for my grammar mistakes)

Cool idea.

Immunity against cc is indeed important.
It would be fitting for warrior and something that would be wanted for a team.

We could possibly have:

-Power and condi dmg reductions for the group.
-Vit boosts (outside of banner).
-Uncorruptable, unstealable etc. cc immunity mechanic for the group for a few sec.

Maybe not all of these in one build, but these things would be fitting and could make warrior more wanted I think.

(edited by Yashuoa.9527)

Scrappers needs NERF.

in Engineer

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


ranged weapons on the thief is either Pistol main hand (which noone will use since it’s bad) or shortbow, which isn’t a bad weapon but if you think you can kill a scrapper using shortbow you are more than wrong
furthermore shadowshot is the only ranged gapcloser that does dmg by default, the other e.g. steal, shadowtrap, Infiltrators signet or shadow step do not do dmg (only steal when traited)

I am not talking about ranged weapons.
I am talking about range.
The range on a weapon.
That can be a melee weapon too.

You said that scrapper has more range than daredevil.
I pointed out how that is not true.
Dagger has also better range than most hammer attacks(except the hammer leap and the immobile lightning field).
Both dagger #2 (preferably below 50% hp) and shadowshot are spammable as long as you have initiative.
Both have a lot more range than the general scrapper melee attacks.
One will kite a scrapper way easier than a daredevil.

Staff also has more range than hammer (and some defensive + offensive stuff too, like evade attack and leap, evade and attack, weakness and attack, blind and attack, attack and reflect on auto (on part 3, not instantly available though) and no cds on any).
Not talking about which weapons are better or anything. Just pointing out range and functions.

Again, also not a complaint.
I just want to correct this misinformation about hammer having more range than daredevil, which is incorrect. One of the scrapper hammer weakness is its low range.

(edited by Yashuoa.9527)

No Guardians, Thieves, or Warriors

in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Scrapper damage coefficients arent a problem.
That is a misunderstanding that they are.

Hammer 2 : x2:2
Hammer 3 : x3.0
Hammer 4 : x2.5
Hammer 5 : x3.6

Do you realize how enormous those are. I play Scrapper, its my secondary, and I find it INSANE that Hammer 2 often hits harder than something like backstab.

I already explained that coefficients are misleading if you look at it that way.

Backstab is 1 instant hit.
Several hammer attacks take longer, are channels or multi hits.
You can fit multiple 1hit isntant attacks from someone else in that duration.

So if you count up the coefficients and dmg of those multiple 1hit instant attacks, you will get more dmg and more coefficient total, than the hammer attacks.

The hammer coefficients are misleading.
You also need to look at time it takes to do that dmg and amount of hits.

Stuck in wall

in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Would be welcome if they fix this and implement some button or option to get free or respawn at base or so.

Otherwise a knockback can basically turn a game into 4v5.

Firstly, yes this sucks and there should be a faster way to get out of the wall, but there is a button to get unstuck. (actually a few)

logout->character select-> log back into the character of your choice

if you exit the match, and go right back in, you can be back in the game and unstuck within 10-30 seconds depending on the speed of your computer.

I’ve never spent a whole game stuck in a wall, and if I was your teamate I’d be annoyed if you didn’t just logout/in. It doesn’t take long and solves this issue.

If you didn’t know, then I hope that helps in the future, because expecting something like this to get fixed is going to probably take a long time, if ever.

Edit: wanted to add if someone is confused as well, this does not give you a loss. If you get back in within 2 minutes.

I had thought of this as well.
Trying to relog to fix the stuck, but I got a message about desertion or dishonor or something when I wanted to relog,
which made me think it wouldnt work to solve the issue.

Thats why I didnt do it.

Now I know it works. So next time I can go for this option. Thanks for the info.
Still relogging is far from ideal for unstucking.

Scrappers needs NERF.

in Engineer

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


@ Manuhell.
Good points.

and do all this while wearing a marauder amulet is the problem. If you had to sacrifice damage to obtain that survivability it would be perfectly fine, but you do not. The damage coefficients on hammer along with the passives and survivability of traits + utilities are too much.

I honestly would be ok with engineers being able to take that amount of beating if you cut 30-40% of the damage they could do. Or keep the damage and make kitten sure they are dropping with ease while wearing a marauder amulet like the rest of the game.

Many scrappers run with Paladin amulet.
DH has good survival for a Marauder.
Power herald even uses zerker amulet and has great survival.
Druids with Mender (no toughness) can stay alive quite long and deal good dmg.
So its not like they are the only ones with good dmg and survival.
Reaper has become a dmg + survival tank.
Its not like the rest of the game cant do dmg + survival (all the mentioned ones bar druid maybe, also do more dmg than scrapper and have more range).

Also you dont understand the coefficients.

Obviously an instant 1 hit attack, will have a lower coefficient per hit, than a channel multiple hit spell. The coefficients of scrapper multihit/channels are the coefficients of all hits total counted.

A non-scrapper can do multiple, 1 hit attacks, in the duration of the scrapper channel.
If you count those multiple 1 hit attacks, not only do you get more dmg, but also a higher coefficient than the scrapper.

There are attacks with lower coefficients than scrapper hammer multi hits/channels and who also do more dmg than the scrapper multi hits/channels.

The scrapper coefficients are misleading.
They are not generally higher than other classes their attacks.

Also Scrapper attacks are almost all around the 180 range mark or lower even.
Meaning you can stay out of its range really well.

1 Autoattack 130 range.
2 180 range.
3: Multi leap with 240 radius and 1000 range.
4 170 range (and only from the front).
5 1200 range iimmobile pulse field with 240 radus.

The sustain you can cut a lot by preventing the overcharge heal turret + leapfinisher combo.

Anyway as earlier said, scrapper should be made a bit less good in 1on1 and better in group support. Playstyle shift rather than nerf.
This would tackle the 1 on 1 complaints.

Daredevil, i mean come on, i strong hit and the DrD is so low he has to back out and reset or might even be dead, by your logic that hammer is a close range melee weapon it needs sustain and survivability then why are thieves so squishy (I know why I’m just making a point here)

The discussion about hammer being a close range melee weapon and what it therefore needs (like sustain etc.) was a discussion that started between you and Mov1246. You confuse him with me.

I replied to that, how the comparision didnt work.

If scrapper needs sustrain for being in melee and if Daredevil is melee too,
than it doesnt have to mean that Daredevil needs sustain too.

Daredevil deal dmg differently than Scrappers.
Daredevils deal with opponent dmg differenty than scrappers (more avoidance rather than tankyness).
Daredevils have a different role (with their mobility, recap, +1 style) than scrappers and both have different tools.
They are different and need different things, even though both are melee.

Also really, daredevil has a lot bigger range on attacks (not only counting gapclosers, which they have more off too). Saying that scrapper has more range in general than Daredevil is just incorrect. Not really a complaint or anything. Just want to point out that its incorrect.

(edited by Yashuoa.9527)

No Guardians, Thieves, or Warriors

in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


I mean, it doesn’t take rocket science; this game has 9 class so , at least , 4 classes are garanteed to be left out.

Thats does not have to be correct at all.
Previous season only Warrior and to some extend Thief were left out (as in low to no rep).

It could be that all 9 are part of it with noone left out.
Like if several different combinations of classes work well.
That way none would be left out.

Stuck in wall

in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


I have had several times that someone with a knockback, knocks me into a wall (literally into it). Next I am stuck in there and cant get out, unless an enemy kills me with aoe through the wall,
but if they dont, then i am stuck there all game.

Would be welcome if they fix this and implement some button or option to get free or respawn at base or so.

Otherwise a knockback can basically turn a game into 4v5.

Balance soon?

in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


With one-hit I meant it can erase 70-80% of my thief’s HP-pool. In that time the ranger can also use its LB or GS to do some AA’s while I’m stunned from his wepswap/utility.
Basically for me thats being one-hit as it only took one burst.

Almost everything erases that amount of hp from a thiefs hp pool if the thief doesnt dodge, bandit defence, interrupt or some other method to avoid dmg though :P.

Please don’t be that guy taking every single word seriously.

Exaggaration can make something a sensitive topic.
I believe its better to be a bit more careful with choice of words, regarding these balance issues.

(edited by Yashuoa.9527)

Balance soon?

in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Those OP’ness stated above is just making the pvp matches make very toxic. Every team is now running 2 Revenants, 2 Scrappers and an Ele. Great.

Where were those double scrapper teams?

The rules only allowed doubling up with a single class, and they chose revenants.

Meaning there were no double scrapper teams.
So the OP shouldnt create a picture as if there were.

Again, pls read the whole forum where I said (2 times already): where did I say I was talking about Pro League exclusively? I know you’re all protecting your babies but something gotta happen.

It doesnt matter if you only talk about pro league or more.
There is no mass plague of 2 rev, 2 scrapper and 1 ele teams. Just because you happened to run into a few, doesnt make it so that everyone is running this.
I havent even met a single one of these, so there cant be to many.

No need to jump to personal attacks about people protecting their babies.

Someone is obvioulsy gonna disagree if you exaggarate and describe several images of things that are just not true. That isnt helping the cause of balance.

I want balance just as much as anyone else who wants balance, but what you write isnt helping.

Stuff like bristlebacks onehitting (not true. Not even if someone doesnt avoid the attack and gets the full channel). Druids may need some changes (nerfs in some areas and buffs in others) but saying bristleback oneshots is not helping. Also according to you, you dont meet druids, so they cant be much of an issue :P.

Rev being a worse version of scrapper, yet gets doubled up in pro league and not scrapper, so its unlikely that rev is a worse version in all those mentioned areas.

Somehow Reaper doesnt even get a mention (arguably one of the bigger issues).

Those invisible dh traps are bugged and should get fixed indeed.

(edited by Yashuoa.9527)

No Guardians, Thieves, or Warriors

in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


I really do not think that mesmer is in a bad spot as because it lacks X Y or Z. Simply the some of the other classes are too strong at the moment. And it has been said time and time again that now we need shaves and not power creep.

- nerf chill damage and/or application for Reaper
- reduce Bristle F2 damage
- shave Shiro a bit, perhaps the on dodge endurance gain from 50 to 25-30
- reduce scrapper hammer damage coefficients a bit and tone down survivability a bit

Take it from there and see what happens.

Scrapper damage coefficients arent a problem.
That is a misunderstanding that they are.

Obviously the coefficients are higher than some instant 1 hit attacks,
because several Scrapper attacks are channels and pulses that make several hits and take x sec.

So obviously you gonna end up with higher coefficients total for all hits on a channel combined, but its not higher per hit than several other classes.
Attacks with lower coefficients, can do higher dmg than scrapper attacks over the same duration.
You can fit several 1 hit attacks with lower coefficients from other classes inside the duration of a scrapper channel and add up with more dmg total.

Scrapper should maybe become a bit less good at 1 on 1 and more focus at support but the whole essence of scrapper is its survival. It should be good.

Reaper and Shiro I agree.

Druid Bristleback dmg is quite easily avoidable
Maybe make the attack more clearly visible and reduce the cooldown and casttime a bit but also the dmg.
So that its less burst, but not less dps and/or compenstate in some other way for the reduction in burst.

(edited by Yashuoa.9527)

Balance soon?

in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Those OP’ness stated above is just making the pvp matches make very toxic. Every team is now running 2 Revenants, 2 Scrappers and an Ele. Great.

Where were those double scrapper teams?

The rules only allowed doubling up with a single class, and they chose revenants.

Meaning there were no double scrapper teams.
So the OP shouldnt create a picture as if there were.

(edited by Yashuoa.9527)


in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Unranked should get a different mmr system.
Just less wide gaps between the mmr of players in there
and it should be lot more pleasant.

Obviously if you are gonna throw people from all mmr ranges in the same match, it is gonna give issues.

unranked mmr systeem needs change

in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


I’m getting a lot of really close games in Unranked, a few less then 10 point matches. In my anecdotal evidence, it’s working really well.

For me it fluctuates bigtime. From close games to uber easy wins, to bad llosses.

Which makes sense because it strikes with how unranked mmr is designed.

Regardless of you having had some close games, what do you think of the stuff that I bring in, in the opening post?
Wouldnt you think it would be lot better if unranked mmr has less big gaps between players?


in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Shouldnt matter if better players have come back.
They should be in his team as well.

Unranked mmr system is just really bad and can cause silly stuff like huge win ratios and huge loss ration due to people from all mmr ranges being thrown together in matches.

Balance soon?

in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Those OP’ness stated above is just making the pvp matches make very toxic. Every team is now running 2 Revenants, 2 Scrappers and an Ele. Great.

Where were those double scrapper teams?

unranked mmr systeem needs change

in PvP

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


In ranked, people with similar mmr will get matched (at least in season 2).

In unranked this is not the case.
It can basically match the person with the lowest mmr and the highest mmr together in a game.

Combined mmr.
Unranked looks at combined team mmr (the mmr of all teammembers combined) and will try to get similar combined mmr in the other team.

Team A.
Team member1: 100 mmr.
Team member 2: 25 mmr.
Team member 3: 75 mmr.
Team member 4: 200 mmr.
Team member 5: 100 mmr.
Combined mmr: 500.
(The numbers could be different. As mmr is hidden. I am just trying to give an example of possible gaps).
Now it will try to get 500 combined mmr in team B too.

People with completely different mindsets, intentions, goals, skills etc. get matched in unranked with and against each other.

This obviously gives issues.
-Someone who doesnt care about winning, who rarely pvps (low mmr), who just wants to run at some people and fight
and someone who wants to play seriously and try to win (lot higher mmr usually),
get matched together.
-Someone really experienced and skilled with high mmr and someone new to the game playing his first few matches (low mmr) get matched together.

This obviously gives issues.
-You dont want to get teamed up with people who dont try to win, when you do.
-People dont want to get owned by someone way out of their mmr range and skill lvl (that is discouraging for new pvpers as well).
-People genenerally dont want to win without challenge either.

More pleasant.
It will be a more pleasant game experience if you make the mmr gaps between teammates less wide in unranked.
That will increase chances that people with more similar mindsets, intentions, goals, skills etc. will be matched with and against each other,
which gives a more pleasant gaming experience.

Dragonhunter invisible traps bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


It still happens that at times that dragonhunter traps are invisible after having been activated.

So for example an enemy dragonhunter lays down traps.
A teammate or myself walks over the radius and activates them.
After this the trap is still invisble, even though it has been activated.

This is quite an issue as you cant even see the blue ring in which you have been trapped.

Doorbreaker stealth bug still exists

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Enemy uses stealth on doorbreakers in stronghold.
The doorbreakers gain stealth and are attacking your door, yet are not unstealthing.

How is this okay?

I thought this was said to be fixed (when Stronghold was disabled for a while), but apparently it isnt fixed.

Really annoying when the enemy does this and you cant see the doorbreakers, even when they hit your door.

Please get this fixed.

Doorbreakers should unstealth when hitting doors.

Banners pve pvp (defence)

in Warrior

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


Banners have group stat boosts.

Regarding the defensive banner, would it be to good in pve if they made it into 170 (or more) toughness and 560 vit?

This might be a nice boost for pvp, regarding your amulet choice in a team with a warrior in that case (the huge need for vit on amulet for some classes wouldnt be there, if they have a warrior who can bring that amount of groupvit).
It would give dps warriors more groupwanted tools this way.

Or could it give different amounts in pvp and pve?

I am brainstorming a bit about what could be nice pvp dps warrior group utility
and was wondering if this could be among them,
or maybe some other form of group statboost option.

(edited by Yashuoa.9527)

Nature magic, allies aid

in Ranger

Posted by: Yashuoa.9527


The trait in Nature magic called ‘’allies aid’’ has a ‘’Search and Rescue’’ too, but its still the old one. Is that suppose to be the new one too but did they forget to change it into the new one?

Its quite odd that both have the same name ‘’Search and Rescue’’.

That trait should either have a rename or become the new ‘’Search and Rescue’’.