Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Update : Fixed from reading a previous thread with same issue, If this happens to anyone else simply go into guild wars 1 speak to ‘kimmes the historian’ switch from account to character or vice versa then log back into GW2
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
So apparently this mail tells me my HoM points were issued wrong and I lose all skins and points? Yet my HoM IS Legitimate and whatever. what do I do to get my points back????
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Hey man I would suggest FIRE, VGA, HERO, LoS or Cake in my opinion however you can check guilds on www.rof-community.com and many guilds help each other out with each other’s missions on our server so it could be that you guest in their guild for missions. Check out the community website on the guilds page or even make a forum thread and they will contact you as soon as possible!
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
www.rof-community.com – Best place to look for a RoF guild, all our guilds do joint events (WvW and PvE) every week so check this out and I hope it helps!
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
We’re 500 gems and in silver and still unable to queue a map. Still looking for 3-4 primetime guilds, roamers etc. Public commanders are always nice too. If you’re looking to join check us out on our website ;D
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Hey, to find out about the guilds etc on ring of fire; the best place to look is www.rof-community.com otherwise feel free to pm me in game I can forward you to most the PvX guilds on our server ^^
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Hey your best bet is to visit www.rof-community.com to contact people in RoF! However if you do not wish to do this I will be in game around 9pm UK time feel free to message me then and I can direct to PvX guilds and answer any questions you wish to know ^^ feel free to send me a mail in game to remind me my character name is I Cappy I
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
If you are interested please check out our Worldwide Forum on our community website to be a part of a growing success.
If you have questions feel free to contact one of these members of RoF… Ethereal Diana, Cap Plox, Chew Toyz, Zipp Tinker, Ill Matt Ill, Hushy Bloodfur, Mattecoe, Idoxil Hougin, Raphaela Burreck .]
More interesting videos!
- We have our own Server Anthem!
*We can Dance!
*We can Sing!
*We have our very own RoF Playlist!
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Our server Ring of Fire prides itself on being a community rather than just a server and we are looking for guilds and individuals that are looking to be involved in such a community with the sole purpose of having fun together!
What the community has to offer.
*An exentensive Community Website
*A community council .
*A community TS3 server with channels for each stand alone guild and public channels for WvW, PvE or whatever.
*Pre Reset meetings and monthly community meetings hosted on the TS.
*Facebook Group.
*Snapchat Community.
*WhatsApp Group.
World Vs World
*We have several guilds that run private raids from anywhere between 5-25members.
*Currently oscillating between low silver and top bronze.
*Fairly strong night coverage.
*Guild coordination with raid schedule.
*No queues apart from maybe a small one on a single map on saturday night’s drunken raid but not really worth mentioning.
*A dedicated borderlands defence team that upgrade/siege/escort yaks and scout all for RoF BL’s safety.
*An open mic nearly every day of the week.
*Training events both for general players and Commanders.
*Drunken Raid Night every Saturday.
*Asuraball League – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZghrOh1bGfeN9SzIvdgM4eHfocs2R6b5
*Regular 5vs5 and 2vs2 Tournaments.
*Lore tours across all of Tyria.
*Parties for such living story events like the End Of LA party .
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
For the Cash we’re coming back!
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Bump for the brothers!
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Bump for the good of the drunken raid! hears how the Valentines Day Raid looked.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbGqz61LzaM
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Currently on the rise with our community booming! Check us out at the website links above
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
This May or May not be politically correct but what the hell Current state of Non-Gold league servers forces people to act in unconventional ways. This is a post to Invite Ring Of Fire Guilds, Roamers, and WvW player to check out what we have to offer.
Aurora Glade is looking for you! and you, and maybe you!
Are you looking for a welcoming community, that despite the odds doesn’t give up?
Are you looking for a challenge where we don’t rely on heavy numbers to get the job done?
Then AG might be for you.
What we offer:
– A awesome community.
– Open mic’s, WvW server events, and PvE Server events.
– Good commanders, and a lot of experienced players
– Plenty of room. Some may know that we lost some guilds recently, this offer’s plenty of space on all maps for your WvW action.
– Fighting Spirit. Despite who we come up against, and the happenings on the server, we show up, we fight.
– A chance to make a impact on a server where your not just another guild or player among many.
– And the standard stuff, Website, TS3 (with room for guild channels) etc etc.
What we are looking for:
– Roamers, Defenders, Scouts
– Active WvW guilds, both open field and PPT focused.
– People who want to be part of a community and make a difference.
I apologize if anyone finds this in bad taste. When Anet refuse to address the decreasing server population issues we must take action oursleves. Thank you Check out our site www.auroragla.de Or contact Sequoia Mint.4803 or rakol.6382
- Taken from RoF community website. Clap Clap AG… :L This needed to be said sorry but this is just not cool.
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
A normal Saturday night drunken raid night in RoF!
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Bump for greatest drunken raids in the game! Let it burn burn burnnnnnnnnn the ring of fire, the ring of fire \o/
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Proud to be a part of this community and wouldn’t change anyone in it for the world :’) shameless bump FOR THE CASH!
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
http://www.twitch.tv/zipptinker asuraball tournament is live!
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Hey guys we are opening our community Asuraball tournament to all EU servers. It is inspired by the world cup of course. It will be streamed and recorded at www.twitch.tv/zipptinker the 1st place prize is 1000g 2nd place prize is 250g 3rd place prize 100g
Please check out this link on how to sign up and for extra info including the game itself! http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/28ts61/event_ring_of_fire_asuraball_tournament_over/
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Chew Toyz is the NA contact if you wish to speak to an American though most of the contacts on that list play very late too so there is a good chance they will be online too
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/wuv/recruitment/Ring-of-Fire-Updated-Transfer-Info Please take a look at this and feel free to whisper me in game with any questions you might have
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Player vs. Enviroment
Our PvE side of the community boast daily world events including dragons and the wurm. We boast a large PvE alliance guild which is a non rep but starts up events when they are planned, players on RoF can see on the calendar of our community website at what times these events are taking place and free to join them on any dates these are again generally held in our community TS with Large PvX/PvE guilds hosting them. A different guild hosts an event each night and while during spring tournament most these guilds are helping our WvW community daily events have still taken place thanks to the likes of guilds including [FR], [HERO], [GODS], [OATH] and many more!
Whenever new updates are taking place this guild is again used for the same purposes.
We host a monthly tournament for big prizes where we do 5vs5 tourney games for big gold prizes. While our last tournament video files corrupted we will stream and post videos of these matches taking place and these will be open to other servers after a set time in which Ring Of Fire teams get to sign up first.
Also looking at doing an Asuraball tournament inspired by the world cup (the Italians are brilliant at this!) more info to come soon on this!
So that’s pretty much all that’s happening in Ring of Fire as I post this message we are looking for Off peak hour WvW players/guilds and maybe a couple primetime guilds (to be confirmed , contact first!) We are very community based here and hope anyone that is considering, joining will be the same. If Ring of Fire Sounds like your kind of place then get in touch today!
Contacts in game
Sunreaver Duende, Cap Plox, Ethereal Diana, Wolfs Cry, Bassett, Rezzah, Suddenly Buffs, King Hutch, Zipp Tinker, Oslaf Beinir, Svaniroth and Chew Toyz (NA contact)
Visit our website! – rof-community.com
Listen to our Server’s anthem! – Johnny Cash – Ring Of Fire
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
(edited by Yes I Cap.5389)
Ring of Fire is a server who before January 2014 never received a guild transfer. Why you might ask? We were very high population, in the bronze league and generally our community was lacking. After some of the more anti-community guilds left Ring of Fire we were allowed to blossom into what we are right now; it took a while and we are still young collectively as a community. We do not focus on one aspect of the game, we embrace them all and we’ll come together for any event that needs completing. Though our WvW scene is clearly our biggest part of the community we boast a strong PvE & PvP presence within our community.
We run with a council of 4 dedicated PvE council members and 4 dedicated WvW council members these guys are in no way above anyone in the community. These are guys that are volunteering themselves to take time out of their schedules to help the community whether it be admin issues or new events etc. They conduct regular meetings among each other and discuss various points that they will they bring forward to our weekly server wide community meeting so everyone can voice their opinions accordingly.
World vs. World
As of right now I would say post tournament we will be a stable mid table server with one of the lowest queues times in silver, for example this is reset night against Aurora Glade and Fort Ranik http://i.imgur.com/lLC6eOT.jpg We are a Home Borderland Server most of RoF will pick this as their first choice of borderland EB is generally left queue-less, unless such events like the drunken raid takes place on that map.
We have many community events each week so if your guild isn’t raiding one night and you want to WvW you won’t be too short of things to do. Most, if not all guilds on RoF tend to run an open mic night once or twice a week some nights 2 open mics may be going on at the same time. The guilds will even host training nights, most notably [icU] training up new commanders and people that are just starting to join the WvW scene. Other community events will include off peak hours events like late nights/early mornings and even some spontaneous profession raids http://i.imgur.com/hyJDeU9.jpg.
We have very few commanders that operate outside of EU prime-time so they would be a welcome sight to our server while we have a couple NA commanders its normally community run events that keeps us alive around these times. The 500 slot server wide TeamSpeak is open to anyone on the server and hosts around 200+ people on weeknights, 300+ on weekends]
We are a guild friendly WvW community and home to many great guilds, who are also very active in the GvG scene; which is another thing we fully support on RoF. As well as our large scale guilds we have a dedicated Die Hard Borderlands defence team that will build siege/upgrade/refresh siege/escort yaks all night and all day no way we can thanks these guys enough but I personally am very happy to have such a great group of people on RoF. On top of that they are also always in TeamSpeak scouting and coordinating with the guild groups on RoF borderland . Finally we also are home to a couple Havoc teams most notable being Rising Above[RA].
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Please contact us before you move to Ring of Fire if that is what you wish to do.
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Shameless bump !
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Epic fail Blactide? Only 4 camp, 5 towers and 0 keeps ^^
And all borders in queue. Our WvW players cant enter WvW and our PvE Achivement hunters just circle the ruins, work as rally bot or wasting supply. The situation is horrible atm! But its a long season, give it a week or two to let them finnish thier stupid achivements. Then we can fight for real!
This seems to be a major problem for all servers with very high population yet very low wvw population you seem to seperate yourself as communities in a way its sort of an elitist attitude; I know RoF had the same problem. We changed this we advertised a community focusing on all aspects of the game using community teamspeak for all events and hosting fun community events and trainings for “pve achievement hunters” we got to know each other WvW guilds helped pve’rs will difficult world bosses that required numbers aswell as coordination (what wvw guilds have) and PvE’rs came to WvW tagged up and gave their efforts and numbers in return after 5 months of advertising and helping each others aspects and creating a friendly community for the whole server to enjoy… Look at us now a strong community that can do any PvE event and not bad in WvW either (go ahead say we got bandwagoned) truth is we all held an emergency meeting to decide whether to accept these guilds or not because we wasn’t sure we was ready for silver majority voted silver we accepted and honestly these guilds have settled in well with our community no elitist attitudes just more trainings and open mic events I strongly advise blacktide to take after these tactics your server has a lot of potential.. don’t waste it
P.S Miss you vidar!
Edit : If you really want to beat Dzag PPT wise you have to play defensively against their strong guild zergs like HON throughout the whole primetime they rarely defend though they do have excellent scouts and siege refreshers it seems so if you struggle with numbers play on BT border keep the upgrades until the night shift which is Dzag’s weakest time. Oh and try to run tightly stacked if you see BNF guys they tend to kill stragglers in your zerg if you aren’t careful :P
source : RoF’s main rival is Dzag ^^
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
(edited by Yes I Cap.5389)
Ruins of surmia/bronze EU.
This was 2h into reset. Iz nais.
2h into reset and all 3 servers and around and above 20k? seems legit
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
I’m glad to be the underdog in the silver while we obviously won’t stand a chance at winning it’s our chance to prove how strong our community is we often had midnight, morning events so I hope we won’t just be a walkover for you folks :P
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Shameless bump! DoA, icU, DOOM, NR, RA and AV have settled in nicely with our community and I’m hearing great things about them, despite me not being able to be online too much this week, Awesome work!
EU Primetime Queues at the moment consist of normally 2 maps from what I’ve seen recently of about 5-20people each so yes our primetime is very stacked we have our raid schedule set up and progressing so we can manage our queue times fairly nicely at the moment and maybe have room for 1 more guild(please contact us first need to hold a meeting with the community to discuss this) and perhaps a few havoc squad guilds. Though outside of EU prime we are queueless on all maps maybe EB will have a queue depending on a community event (morning wood raid to stop german breakfast event, or midnight community raids), In which case we are welcoming all other timezone guilds/commanders/havoc squads to RoF in an effort to help us out in the upcoming silver league next week.
PvP wise from april 15th patch we’ll be opening up a regular RoF PvP Tournament with large sum gold prizes to the top teams. We’re planning on streaming and commentating over all of our matchups to increase the popularity of the event. see (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ANUHCdNS_c)
We also run a lot of Asuraball tournaments and friendlies (the Italians are very good at this, beware!)
Our PvE side of the community is strong though have been slacking recently due to helping the WvW side of the Community push to silver of course though they still do daily teq events and weekly wurm events as well as organised champion trains and anytime they need help our WvW guilds return the favour, there is no pve, pvp or wvw community on RoF it is just the community; we’re one community focused on every aspect together. Our different aspect council members regularly holds meetings to discuss matters on each aspect and reports to the entire community at our weekly community meetings on Thursdays with their ideas.
Please note to contact us before transferring if you wish to join us, we are a very tight knit close community and plan to keep it this way it’s what made us as strong as we are and the reason we looked like a potential new home to all these great new guilds.
You can contact :
I Cappy I – community admin. (with the help of two lovely people)
Sunreaver Duende, Eveline Coldbringer, Thorn Stars -WvW council members
Zipp Tinker, Ethereal Diana, Rezzah, – PvE & PvP council Members
Oslaf Beinir, Svaniroth, Hule, – the Helpful Cool Guys
Chew Toyz, Edward Midnight, L O Y A L T Y – NA contacts
Billaboong, Cappucinno, Tristan Of Illusion – Italian contacts
Hope you consider us and get in contact. Transfers to RoF are only 800gems until the 27th and while we are not a free transfer I personally see that as a good thing
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
(edited by Yes I Cap.5389)
Bumping for the best community a guy could ask for!
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Hi guys, I’m sure a lot of people have heard about the influx of guilds that are going to be joining RoF on the 18th onwards. As a community we want to watch our queues and we would like to ask that you please don’t join us without talking to us first; as EU prime time is looking like it will start to arise queues on 1 or 2 maps (rare sight on RoF. :P) We will discuss at “emergency” community meetings about your transfer ambitions as we are still a small progressing community that need to cater for everyone that is already here.
That being said in the other time zones we are still lacking plenty of people so feel free to contact me in-game or mail me on here or for more info.
Thank you and welcome to all the guilds that are planning to transfer this week (I won’t name any in case they didn’t want me to)
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
After defeating Miller’s and Arborstone last week by a good 50-60k margin. it’s clear our community has improved. Sadly RNG put us back against BT and WSR despite being 4/5 ranks above them and we aren’t likely to gain much rating and we’ll almost definitely lose out on getting our goal of rank 18 this week. However collectively as a community we’re planning to use this week to train up new commanders and host random events for our pve community to come and see why we enjoy WvW so much while also helping the PvE community of RoF with their own events since they help us a lot too.
With a new guild joining next reset we still have no queues and room for about 3 or 4 guilds at EU prime while other time zones we’re pretty much empty except a couple American commanders etc. (normally its EU people playing early/late) We have a dedicated home borderlands team that defends pretty much 24/7 on RoF BL scouting and refreshing siege and their all on TS at all times of the day. We also have our guild groups running public events off EU primetime hours to encourage the publics to attend more often. As the Non-Official Italian Server we have an abundance of Italians, yes but don’t worry while they have their Italian channels and ALLY they still give their efforts to the community and often run public events and have a lot of great commanders that often take the publics on EB or Home borders(yes they command in English then) Our guild groups have a raid schedule so that we can coordinate with another guild on any borderland we normally go to enemy borders and will be coordinating with a different guild every night and rush back to our home border if they need help and we get word from our scouts.
We can offer your guild a friendly active community, a 500 slot community TS which your guild can have a channel in and chocolate bananas!
If you have any questions, mail me in game
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
we have a stable community at the moment, around 5 WvW guilds who will raid every night and a lot of PvX guilds but they do around 3 or 4 raids in WvW every week, everyone knows each other here we all get along for the most part and try to help each other out, if you were to join our server I’d strongly recommend you joining the community and taking part in our events (drunken raid night Saturday 7pm gmt) check out rof-community.enjin.com for more info
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Shameless bump! Great growing community love the border hoppers team and the RoF borderland defence. Solid groups of guilds playing every night some small some big(see first post) and last of all lots and lots of Italians girls.. forgive me later Italian ALLY! :P
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Love this matchup! Spent most the night wondering what the hell was going on with fort ranik and if they have died but eventually around 9pm GMT the blobs arrive in force good fights on Dzag Border, took both servers to rip bay from our grasp in the end hitting both north and south gates
On another Note CC looking for GvG’s mail me in game to set one up or visit gw2gvg.com we’re the only RoF guild on there at the moment as NaZ doesn’t exist anymore so shouldn’t be hard to find.
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Come on, its one of the last forum threads we’ll ever see on this matchup forum and there is no flame wars, I’m disappointed. There is nothing better than checking the forums on my lunch and reading some good arguments (I will miss this severely) but for now… I need to start something here so ummm
Jd well you managed to pull like 30= together the other night you guys are now running bigger zergs than TaG. So since everyone likes to say TaG blobs, you guys are now blobbier! CC has been blobbing with the pugs all week due to low numbers for the festive season but I’m sure TaG, ALE and kitten are still running as guild groups without blobbing (unless AS garri) RoF has our own song for that; We built this city on rock and roll = We blobbed this garri on Arborstoneeeeeeeeeeeee!
AS whats going on? seriously only about 25 golems killed on the weekend.. You’re slacking and you know it get in TS get a community meeting and raise it to at least 75+ golems! You’re boring us kitten.
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Haven’t been able to be online a lot made it for the last part of RoF’s drunken raid night which is always a good laugh. I’m back now so CC should be running events every night including Christmas day!
CC looking for GvG’s this week 15vs15 mail me in game to set something up
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
More Trashtalkers that refuse to meet us even numbers in the arena.. lame [BS] is 10x better than SanG so don’t know what they’re talking about xD I don’t think I’ve ever seen any SanG survive our first push ;D… yes I will back this up by challenging you guys to a GvG message me in game
Great Fights yesterday [BS] your duking impressed me to say the least but only criticism would be for you guys to work on periphery. Hope to fight again soon! and look forward to fighting RBL for the third time on Thursday, you guys are always fun to fight
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Are you seriously saying RoF has a morning crew? wow.
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Why are you complaining about all of this, RoF and BT have the exact same problem xD RoF has never had a guild group join them before and our main population is very PvE heavy and Blacktide underwent a mass exodus (I think, I could be wrong about that) and with BT war taking all the wvw’ers off that server they are left with next to nothing but the polish guilds like RBL HI and HoD.
So please don’t complain. In fact Underworld might now become the third server to complete the RoF Dzag area we have been search for a third server on the same level as us for way too long since the RiOT, VcY 3rd era of the RoS bandwagoning ruined our last one with GH… RoF vs Dzag vs UW might be the new perfect fight
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Hahaha, where is your video from last night on BT border mate? or didn’t you like getting wiped so many times and teabagged by everyone.. the worst thing about last night is 3/4 of our zerg was drunk as it was drunken raid night and you still couldn’t kill us xD.
If you think you’re that great put your money where your mouth is and GvG us
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Reset on RoF border:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DBOZfWYMoAoGlad you put that video up shows TaG the numbers we were facing
Shame you guys ran with commander tag you were like 30+ as it is :P we had 25 though so can’t complain Had some great fights with you guys tonight but I will say stop build bloody superior arrow carts when we’re nice enough to come fight you out in the open anyway! :P and GvG this week?
And you stop hiding and camping from keeps, numbers was even. On RoF border was only 3 of our guilds in 2 groups, commander tag helps to rush and coordinate , no worry, we have so low ppl that it doesn’t have any impact on our numbers.
Really? Numbers even? I think you can tell by the video they weren’t haha. I don’t care about the numbers being even or not and look at your video again if you think we were waiting inside keeps and camps we came outfield to fight you every single time except when we were rushing to save bay LR or camp if you really want an even fight then GvG us but there is one catch. You can’t build AC’s in a GvG :P
We were running without commander tag we had a commander running a separate zerg on the map but we were constantly fighting your blob so they could cap everything back, RBL was with you a lot too but with that I can understand they were running around 15-20 but kudos to you guys for charging us and giving us a fight
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Reset on RoF border:
Glad you put that video up shows TaG the numbers we were facing
Shame you guys ran with commander tag you were like 30+ as it is :P we had 25 though so can’t complain Had some great fights with you guys tonight but I will say stop build bloody superior arrow carts when we’re nice enough to come fight you out in the open anyway! :P and GvG this week?
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Any Arborstone or Blacktide Guilds that wish to have 15vs15 GvG’s this week mail me in game Reset was fun on RoF border for a fair amount of time if it continues this way throughout the week I’ll be happy
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
So bored in this matchup Drakkar have you tried splitting into 2 groups on the map to get some fights, surely this matchup is boring for you too 80 man monobuses that can only be countered with another blob but of course we can’t blob because blob vs blob = lag
On which note [CC] is still looking for a GvG on Tuesday at 7 or 8pm gmt 15vs15 surely theres got to be some german guilds that can fight with even numbers and no siege or tower to hide behind?
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
Didn’t see a thread for this so started one, let the trash talk begin
[CC] Want GvG’s 15v15 for real fights without siege and blobs haha pm me to set something up
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
i see, the RoF whiners are still competing with RoS for “whiners of the year”. if both your servers would put all their effort in game instead of this forum, who knows …
We have to try for something since drakkar already safely secured…
- Most arrow Carts in 1 keep
-Most money spent on fortification upgrades in 1 week
-Server to lose the most t3 keeps in 1 week
-Most open field siege in regular meetings with zergs half their size
-Most times running away when seeing a guild tag
-Server to field the most upscaled rangers
-Least amount of respect for people duelling
-Server with the most mesmers who regularly die at water gates and get ressed when people are watching.
-Server with the most guilds that transfer to enemy servers LA to patronise them.
-Most Boring server to fight
-Highest effort to compete for PPT (on par with vizu)
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!
While I don’t think their was an actual alliance going on in EB last night. Both BT and Dzag both focused only us for the first 2 hours or so. At one point we opened SM outer gate and left so the blacktide blob passing durios would see it and attack it/take it off dzag. The blob saw the outer gate, even stopped to look at it… then ran to Quentin. Everytime we hit dzag to encourage blacktide to hit them too blacktide still hit us everytime we hit blacktide to encourage dzag to attack them. DZ still attacked us. I could totally see why people would consider it double teaming none the less I’m impressed at the amount of times it took DZ to wipe before they gave up attacking us, I personally gained a lot of loot and exotics. Twas good fights but in the end you couldn’t kill RoF’s morale we just kept on fighting on both fronts ;D.
Ring Of Fire :D Jonny Cash Guides us!