Could we have somenthing new in the map? Like a single new area? Or a single new event? It’s becoming boring to me to play always the same things in the small portion of the new map, I’ve already did everything more than once.
I think he/she is right, I tried to tell myself it was to help them testing their servers but it couldn’t help, it was too much boring and repetitive and I dropped after 20 min.
For this reason I think I won’t play the second stress test but if you put even a few new events or a single new area, that could bring more players (including myself).
(edited by Zaraki.5784)
Necropost level = 2 years.
1- Mursaat Overseer
2- Escort
3- Vale Guardian
4- Samarog
5- Gorseval
6- Sloth
7- Keep Construct
8- Trio
9- Cairn
10- Sabetha
11- Xera
12- Deimos
13- Matthias
I did wyvern event many times but today I experienced a strange fact, after completing Wyvern event (the one at Dwaya’s Reliquary), I started suffering the same wind-push effect in a specific direction every time I try gliding in the map, which make gliding almost impossible. Apparently, leaving the map and coming back later, fixes the bug.
Anyone else have had this issue?
It’s nice but I was hoping you’d include the Jormag Dye Kit in the choice of dyes, I was so much happy to get the Permafrost Dye
yes, add more particle effects for computers to crash, let’s see the legendary enemies be attacked by high-end computer owners only…..
Technology grows every day, it’s your problem if you can’t or don’t want to keep up.
Why should people renounce to new and better functions only to allow others to continue playing with their crappy pc?
What is Mag?
Finally I’d say! Economic Legendaries I’m waiting for you! In spite of those who crafted them with higher prices muhahahahahah
Did you check carefully? Because I can use HoT elite specialization as usually in this demo.
Edit: I didn’t read that you don’t posses HoT, then of course NOT, since HoT elite specs require you to own HoT.
(edited by Zaraki.5784)
McKenna Berdrow, in your last AMA on reddit, you or Mike O’Brien said WvW and sPvP is player driven mode and it belongs to the players, and you will make the changes you want.
When did we say we want gliding in WvW??
We never wanted airships bombarding SM, that was an idea of PvE player, yet you added it.
This is why the game mode is dying.
Maybe not you, but I’ve really wanted gliding in WvW for so long.
Since it’s forbidden to expose character names here on forum, could you please pm me with his name? I need to block him.
There will be options to personalize one’s mounts? Like different colours, accessories, mount’s armors?
I know there’s nothing official yet, but what’s your thought about it?
Am I the only one who like this? I’ve always dreamed to be able to glide in WvW too!
No. Please. No.
Will the Max-Level Booster, included in every expac type (standard, deluxe and ultimate) come with a shared inventory slot as it was with HoT or not?
(edited by Zaraki.5784)
New patch is out since few hours now, why no fix to this?
I did lvl 100 today but I didn’t received Closing the Loop achi, nor any of my party, is that a bug?!
Tyvm Healix I let Kiera do the work for me and finally got that kitten achi ^^
Same here, sadly I have only warrior who can play that and it seems impossible on that class…never going past 30 :/
Hold the Line is actually trivial. Sit in the back and let the NPCs die. Anise is immortal, so you only need to get the enemies to aggro onto her first, then she’ll tank them for as long as you want. Alternatively, it’s a standard wave event, so the next group of enemies will only spawn when the previous is killed. Leave one the melees alive and simply run around.
Thanks. By staying back I at least got the achi of surviving 5 min but for the one about killing 50? I always get rekt after 30
Any tips (using warrior)?
Hold the Line/Precision Blade
Short story: these 2 achievements are impossible on certain professions.
Long Story: After many unsuccessful tries with my Warrior (always getting killed after ~3 min) I’ve resolved myself to use EVERYTHING to improve my survival chance, I used food, utility, every combat booster and allies-consumables (Seed Turret, Fire Elemental, etc). I still died after 3 min…but ehy…roundly 20 seconds later with all that….
I’ve known of thieves stealthing their way out of this or professions with very high AoE dps to kill mobs as soon as they sapwn, but what about the other professions?
Hi, I’m stucked on 2nd mission achi about surving for 5 min. I play warrior but I can’t go past 3 min. Any suggestion? Skills? Build? Traits?
Yet another example of how our PCs are watered down. Way back in the day, my Charr Warrior was “brutal”. He would have smacked that priest through a stained glass window after the words “fite me” and then gave Anise a surly glare for impugning his honor as a soldier.
But instead, we don’t even get a fight out of it. Lame. :\
That, THAT. As a Norn Warrior and Pact Commander I felt my honor smashed by letting pass that insult.
As the title suggest, what’s your best/favourite deluxe area and why (except the PvP one)?
Havoc’s Heir, Royal Terrace, Noble’s Folly, Lava Lounge and Mistlock Sanctuary.
I’d vote for the latest one, Mistlock Sanctuary because I like the low gravity thing,
Same right now was playing in the new map then dced…when i logged back (after many tries) I was back to Lion’s I’ll have to walk again :/
Patch in 10 min from now, just popped the message.
~1h now. YouTube, help me!
….I’ve tried re-doing a fractal, (something something a lot of stress in F99) and somehow, I didn’t loot the big chest the first time, but it also didn’t pop-up again when I redid it (bug or mechanical restriction?)….
It’s intended to work like that with every “daily-big-chest” like those in raid or world bosses, even if you complete the boss but forget to loot the chest/get dced, you won’t be able to get that reward again that day (that same thing happened to me a while ago on Samarog…which is even worse since i had to wait a week to get it again…).
In my opinion it looks really great. Similar to the current leg hammer but with better footsteps. I like the gold and everything.
Anyway the best legendary in ls3 so far xD
Ah! Nor at all, best one was Eureka imo.
(edited by Zaraki.5784)
It doesn’t seem legendary! Not appealing at all to me, at least compared to The Juggernaut.
Just name the server who does so, I’m curious xD
I hope you’re joking, while it’s possible that a person with high LIs is a noob, on average this possibility is low. Hence being able to to chose between high or low LIs player is our full right.
Moreover, according to what you wrote, removing only LI or armor stats wouldn’t help at all since there are other means to test a player: precursor/legendary armor, raid minipets and titles.
(edited by Zaraki.5784)
Is this a joke?
No, it’s what I really hope…
The items on your list are based on player accomplishment and/or dedication; there’s almost no chance that ANet would ever agree to unbinding LI, reward track potions, mystic clovers, or ascended anything. Similarly, luck is clearly designed to up account bound magic find, so it can’t be unbound without changing that entire dynamic.
Charged quartz seem reasonable, except we can already stock up on plenty using Wintersday Gifts (which drop plenty).
Finally, tomes of knowledge… well, I know that plenty of people would love to be able unload what they consider to be too many, but (a) they can easily be converted into spirit shards already and (b) they are still intended as rewards to the account, not meant for sharing.
So you might want to reevaluate which account bound items you think ANet should reconsider
Oh really, since when things you get so abundantly have become unsellable like bloodstone, empyreal and dragonites? I get them as much as blue and green weapons/armors…I can sell the latter, why not the firsts since they require the same amount of work to get?
About mystic clovers: they don’t require nothing but luck and materials need to bet for them are easy (aside from personal wallet) to get. Obsi and phil stones are really cheap and ecto+mystic coins can be bought on tp, we can sell lucky-only things like weapons only dropped by certain events, why not mystic clovers?
About charged quartz: as you say we can get them from wintersday what? If they would also be sellable that would be a nice add, making them even easier to acquire and giving a chance to those having tons of them to sell them.
About tomes: they can be converted to spirit shards but spirit shards aren’t so fast or immediate to convert to gold. About they being meant as rewards not shareable it’s exactly what I think should be changed.
Both are ways to sink materials from the economy. Without such sinks, the game can suffer overstock of mats as well as gold. So making exotic soulbound on use means that someone else has to make (or buy) their own gear after you’ve used yours.
Actually, it’s not so much the soulbound items that get on my nerves I suppose. It’s all the account bound ones. And again, I understand why some items need to be account bound, but the amount of them that are is silly.
What currently account bound items do you think should be made tradeable? How will that impact supply & demand of such items, including whether those items feel valuable?
-every ascended mats(bloodstone, empyreal, dragonite, globs ofdark matter),
-ascended armor/weapons (except few named ones),
-also legendary insights,
-wvw/pvp xp potions,
-essences of luck and tomes of knowledge.
These are the first I think to, maybe more imo.
-charged quartz
-mystic clovers
(edited by Zaraki.5784)
Completely DISAGREE.
I never play fractals except for Aquatic Ruins whenever it’s daily.
Chryis M……
Bets are on!
Where did you get that info? WHEREEEE?
Edit: Twitter
(edited by Zaraki.5784)
The abolition of condi meta with the subsequent coming back of power builds.
They increased the potential rewards for participating in WvW. Its a net buff in terms of overall yield from WvW. You don’t get compensated for an overall buff.
It doesn’t seem totally right to me, and for those not playing WvW it only caused a loss.
I know you think something like “Well, if people don’t play WvW they don’t deserve any bonus from it.” still it was a bonus who was always there and it being removed without any compensation seems unfair to me.
Because it was always existed before, hence it’s a loss now (that applies to WvW too obviously).
With WvW update, Anet removed Power of the Mists. Why didn’t they put some sort of compensations in PvE for that?
Just received mine.
Thank you, much appreciated
Just know the fact that running such a build will prevent you from joining most t4 party since people want meta and tank (ps) warrior isn’t.
Let it be longbow please! Current legendary longbow only suits sylvaris
As the title suggests it’s really annoying to not being able to switch character while in WvW queue since after that we have to start over the queue again. Because I’d like to move items between characters or because I changed my mind and I want to go to wvw with another charater or simply because I want to change character whitout any important reason but I can’t for the fear of losing progression in the queue.
Could you do something about it?
(edited by Zaraki.5784)
Didn’t they nerf this farm by increasing the respawn rate of centaurs?
And? what does that have to do with the old tools being objectively inferior to the new ones?
On one hand you have a tool that gives you a certain QoL. On other hand you have a tool that offers you the same QoL and a few extras. The second one is just plain better.
Not if you’re trading off a more preferred visual effect instead for very tiny gains per swing.
I bought the watchwork only for the “tiny gain” then I bought 2 other infinite random tools (not even caring about their skin) just because there wasn’t any infinite “tiny gain” tool yet. Now I feel quite scammed by anet…
Aren’t recepies account-bound, so that you can use them on any char and all will automatically learn them, too? So no need to move anything.
I don’t know that, I mean, these recipe themselves are acc-bound but idk if when used they teach their recipe on every char or only on the one who used them, I actually didn’t buy any recipe yet (because I don’t wanna waste 5g just for trying since I’m not interested in other armor sets except heavy which I already have).
P.S. Of course, that doesn’t make it less strange that you can only buy them on specific characters…
Are you (or anyone else) having the same issue or it’s just me?
(edited by Zaraki.5784)
I don’t know if it’s a bug or not but I can’t buy precursor armor recipes except with characters of the same armor type of my first chosen precursor armor weight from achi (heavy).
e.g. I can buy every said recipes (heavy, medium AND light) with war, guard and rev but not with others, of couse I can move them with bank but it still sounds like a strange bug.
(edited by Zaraki.5784)