Showing Posts For Zaraki.5784:

Dev Celebration Chat on Reddit Tomorrow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


An estimed time please, even if it’s not accurate, just to make us feel more confortable with?

Time of update/patch of LS3E4?

in Living World

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


“Monday’s snowstorm caused a power outage at ArenaNet. Due to the aftereffects of that, today’s #GW2 update will be later than usual. "

and also

“We’d love to share a specific time, but we don’t have one right now. The teams are working as fast as they can.”

Directly from gw2 official page on Twitter….. :/

Claiming a Guild Hall

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


Hi, I would like to know the answer to my question before starting to claim a guild hall.
I know there’s an event to get the guild hall, well what about failing that event to claim guild hall? Do we have to pay 100g (and 400 favor) again or we can simply restart the event without paying anything?

(edited by Zaraki.5784)

Out of the Shadows Story Journal Issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


I also have this issue for the latest episode (Rising Flames).

TP buy screen doesn't open

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


Same here!!!

Eldvin Monastery Brew of the Month Club

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


Hi, I logged in few minutes ago but there wasn’t any mail with this month’s alcohol, anyone else also had this issue?

Make a raid wing where thieves are crucial

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


Just like you and others, who like thieves, there are people who don’t like thieves, like me, so it’s a no for me.

How can I get into raiding as a poor pvper

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


just like you started from rank 1 in pvp and (i suppose) you are higher now, you should start from basic pve and afrer a while trying raid, it’s the high-end pve content, it should’t be one’s first pve option

Experimental Armor Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


This ‘bug’ isn’t particular to Experimental Armor. I believe several helmets remove facial hair.

I don’t know that, I just tried this armor but it’d be nice if anyone could add armors with the same issue to this disc.

Experimental Armor Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


And this is me with Experimental Envoy Helmet:


Experimental Armor Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


I recently got the Chest of Experimental Armor from the related collection, i chose the Heavy set. Whenever I change the Helmet it change my face traits too (tested on Male Norn).
This is me without the above-mentioned Helmet (with a random one)


Bloodstone-Infused Ectoplasm and its rate

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


Finally got it on 5th week…what can I say…I’m happy, however it was really frustrating to wait more than a month to complete a collection for just one item…oh well I hope they’ll do something for those who still need it, good luck guys

Raids..Now impossible for newcomers?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


Change isn’t my issue, the issue is the people demanding clones for meta and nothing else. Sure not everyone but 90% of the guilds teaching do demand such a thing and are hostile to anything less.

Think about what you wrote: what is more likely to happen? You quitting raid/give up on your stupid “refusing meta” or “90% of the guilds teaching” change their mind? :P
Give yourself the answer because raid is possible for newcomers but not for necomers like you who are so mind blocked on a stupid idea of “not changing build because mine is better” u.u

Bloodstone-Infused Ectoplasm and its rate

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


Same situation as you, just tried few min ago and…NOTHING!!!! It’s one f***ing MONTH (4 weeks) i try chests every week and that’s the only item i’m missing in a collection which should just reward skill in raid but which is both time-gated (and it could accettable if it had the drop rate of pre-gorseval chests) AND (especially) rng-gated, very disappointed -.-’

(edited by Zaraki.5784)

Bloodstone-Infused Ectoplasm and its rate

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


RNG makes loot meaningful and interesting. I find token systems and guranteed rewards very boring.

I agree for many content (such precursor drop or such) but not for this one, Legendary Armor collection should reward one’s skill in raids and not rng!

I think it is out of place to complain about te RNG for Bloodstone-Infused-Ectoplasm after merley 3 weeks. If you still do not have it after 3 months of trying all 4 chests you might get my sympathy.

Merely 3 weeks? You dropped on first try, can you even think how much frustrating is to can try chests only once per week with ectoplasm being the last item you need??! 3 months…you’re crazy…(p.s. precursors or similar drop shouldn’t just be compared to this because they don’t block progression of anything and they can be tried to drop much more than once per week)

(edited by Zaraki.5784)

Bloodstone-Infused Ectoplasm and its rate

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


I think the droprate is fine. Got it on 2 accounts on first chest.

Just because you were lucky and got it twice on first attempt, doesn’t mean that drop rate is fair, I tried every week since launch of w3, no luck and this is the only item I’m missing from colection which is very frustrating…

Bloodstone-Infused Ectoplasm

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


I completely agree with you, it’s the only item I’m missing from a collection which should reward skill in raid, i got all items in the first week and that ectoplasm can’t be the reason I can’t complete this achievement…I mean, now I have to wait another week for a chance (not a certainty!!!) to complete my first tier armor, it just shouldn’t be this way…

City of Hope

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


After the 3rd and final trial i should be teleported in the final chamber by the egg but, instead nothing happens and I can walk past it.


Raid Rewards - Compendium of Knowledge

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


The Compendiums of Knowledge automatically give you experience towards your active HoT mastery when you loot them from the chest. Did you not get the experience towards your masteries when you looted the chest, or were you just expecting the items to be in your inventory?

In fact both. I was expecting it to be in inventory but I didn’t see an advancement with mastery bar neither but maybe I’m wrong and didn’t remember correctly, I’ll check this again next time

Raid Rewards - Compendium of Knowledge

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


Hi, I coldn’t find in both Vale Guardian’s chest and Gorseval’s chest the Compendium of Knowledge, which should be 100% guaranteed.
Bug or what?
(Someone told me that it’s because of no more mastery to train but I’m still missing some masteries and I had one of them active the moment I opened chests, so that can’t be the reason).

Warming Grawnk's Heart

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


I can’t see Grawnk anywhere in my home instance (norn’s).
I already did last year but i read somewhere it could be done again…so…anyone has this issue too? Any chance to get it fixed before the end?
(Assuming that it’s a bug, it could even be intended as far as I know").

Hearts and Minds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


Thank you mate, in fact there was a marker, i just didn’t see it xD

[POLL] Which is your LEAST fav map in HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zaraki.5784



Hearts and Minds

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


I just wanted to repeat that mission on the story journal to get achievements, so i pressed “Replay this chapter” but i can’t see the marker anywhere to start the mission unless i first complete the previous mission Bitter Harvest. Are there any ways to start it without doing the previous mission? Otherwise it’s a very frustrating thing….having to do a mission to play another one

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


i recently completed the map Verdant Brink and got no reward i tried visiting the last point of interest for completing it and i tried logging off and going back to the map and still no reward

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


i recently completed the map Verdant Brink and got no reward i tried visiting the last point of interest for completing it and i tried logging off and going back to the map and still no reward

Same thing happened to me yesterday -.-

Still not chest :(

in WvW

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


Oop…sry I didn’t know I had to speak to the battle historian to get the chest :/
You can close this topic if you want….sorry again >.<

Still not chest :(

in WvW

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


Even after the latest update I didn’t received wvw’s spring tournament chest
Anyone else has the same issue?

New April monthly.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


Oh thank you, i thought it was duoble monthly this month because a guildmate of mine got double reward..thanks.

New April monthly.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


If I remember correctly, after the 2-achi monthly prior update (two weeks, 1-15 April), there would have to be another 2-achi monthly post update (still two weeks, 15-30 April). The point is that, as far as I know, people who had 4 monthly’s achi or more at the release of the update didn’t receive the new monthly.

WvW Bonus Chests

in WvW

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


Never mind, I solved my problem. I just had to relog to make them appear.

WvW Bonus Chests

in WvW

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


When are added weekly bonus chests? At the beginning of the new rematch or after the daily reset of the first day after the rematch? I think the second one just because i still have the same number of Bonus Chests i had before rematch and my world was 1st but a confirmation would be appreciated. Thanks.

Anybody able to access the EotM map?

in The Edge of the Mists

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


Epic fail…nobody is able to enter the new map -.-’

WvW Rank Account Bound

in WvW

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


The sum. So all your toons will be really high level if you have a bunch that have all played WvW in some way.

Ok thank you ^^

WvW Rank Account Bound

in WvW

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


When Anet will put the rank wvw rank account bound, the new rank will be the sum of that of all the characters or the highest one?

[For exemple: if I have 3 characts, 1 with 75, 2 with 75 and 3 with 20, my new wvw rank will be 170 (75+75+20) or 75?]

(edited by Zaraki.5784)

Goldseller Spam

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


Different accounts.

They are continuing because people are stupid enough to buy gold from them.
As for the website, it is not much ArenaNet can do about that.

Who has the power to get them to shut down their site for good?

There are a bunch of legit gold traders that sell for $0.10-$0.95 per g.

Though you do have to look hard and make sure he’s not a scammer.

It’s not legit to sell in game gold for real money gold even if the rate would be 1000g/0,01$

And what about the second part of my first post?

(edited by Zaraki.5784)

Goldseller Spam

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


Each of us will certainly have received a mail in game from pvpban_k at least once. I suppose everyone has reported them for selling gold. So why are they continuing to send mails and their website is still open as if nothing happened?!

If in the title of the topic or in the text I write “pvpban_k” without the “_” i get “I AM A GOLD SPAMMER. PLEASE REPORT ME BY PRESSING THE REPORT FLAG ICON IN THE BOTTOM RIGHT OF THIS POST!” Why???

(edited by Zaraki.5784)

Can't post a mess

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


The Clockwork Chaos forum has been archived and is no longer open to new posts. All living story subforums are archived after the chapter has ended.

Oh…got it but there was a topic i was interested in, it was called “ATTENTION everyone who has the 12/13 glitch” and because i have the same bug i wanted to talk about it, willing to know if there were news so do you know a place where I can talk of it on this forum? Thanks.

Can't post a mess

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


I wanted to post a reply in a clockwork chaos topic but it said me i’m not allowed to post a msg in this forum. Later I posted a msg in a tequatl rising’s topic and it allowed me. Anyone can tell me the reason of this?

Fastest Teq Kill Recorded

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


3:54 in a ts organized OF today

Make Fight Timer 20mins There Tequatl Fixed

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


Imo they should just make it every 20% for the mega-laser event instead of 25. That would make it easier, also more rewards, which are already not enough considering how much time people spend in there and get nothing. Its currently a net loss if your dying alot and not even making it to 75% like most overflows.

Currently no real reason to fight him. Anet needs to up the rewards for failing and completing, or add loot to mobs back.

NO this is not needed it just need’s 5 more min’s that is all overflows will not be a problem in 2weeks when no one doing Tequatl

5 min??! At least 15 more min…

any thing more then adding 5 mins make the fight to easy

Think this way: the best of most servers is 60% in 15 minutes —→ 20% every 5 minutes; so if you add 5 more minutes the max you’ll achieve is 40%….

Make Fight Timer 20mins There Tequatl Fixed

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


Imo they should just make it every 20% for the mega-laser event instead of 25. That would make it easier, also more rewards, which are already not enough considering how much time people spend in there and get nothing. Its currently a net loss if your dying alot and not even making it to 75% like most overflows.

Currently no real reason to fight him. Anet needs to up the rewards for failing and completing, or add loot to mobs back.

NO this is not needed it just need’s 5 more min’s that is all overflows will not be a problem in 2weeks when no one doing Tequatl

5 min??! At least 15 more min…

Ascalonian Catacombs - p1 - solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


I could snatch a tip: something like walking on the ceiling…..any clue?

Ascalonian Catacombs - p1 - solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


Could someone tell me how to soloing this path?

Magic find on ascended items

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


It’s different, lunaria has celestial stat and mf on that kind of stat is permanently removed with nothing to compensate.

SAB - W2 - Z3 - TM

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


With the latest update, the jump at 14:40 of this video has become impossible.

[merged] Can't login 42:0:9001:4131

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


Now it seems to work. -Seafarer’s Rest

[merged] Can't login 42:0:9001:4131

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


Same, Seafarer’s Rest.