legendary weapon in your game without grinding, exploiting, incredible luck, spending
real money or having 100 guildies behind you…
The problem with magic find is that people are rewarded more for contributing in a fight less than they could have. So consumable duration doesn’t solve anything as that piece of gear will still give less stats but save you some money. If they increased the effect of consumables though you could even get higher stats than with any other gear which is pretty cool when balanced well.
Glad this still concerns a lot of people. Just a reply to previous post, you can get the PvE Masquerade set in PvP, there are 2 sets with the same name and icons but different skins.
Yes it does, just tested it in 3 zones on different objects. Almost every environmental target stays as a target after it being destroyed with the amount of HP before the last hit. It is really annoying. It started with one of the recent updates.
Edit: Also I remembered that probably since the same update in some parts of the UI you can see people who are downed or completely dead with random amounts of health in HP bars either on target, mousover or party UI. e.g. they have no health whatsoever but in party UI they have 70%
(edited by Zelothe.9234)
Yeah you are right about Rubric apparently you can only get the chest piece from Personal Story (unconfirmed). Also 3 pieces of commander medium armour are fro PS as well the rest isn’t in PvE.
There is a way to go first person via a third party program. But it is noteworthy that it maybe dangerous for your account as Arenanet doesn’t really like people using additional software (also if you ever try to install such software try to be as safe as possible).
Edit: But I would love the addition of first person into the vanilla game, just because of machinima movies.
Stop trolling, k thanks
This is a known graphical bug, try to search the forums and or google it since the forum search is pretty bad, you might find some solution even though it may require a total makeover kit, anyway this doesn’t belong into suggestions IMO.
Edit: this was moved to bugs so disregard my last remark
(edited by Zelothe.9234)
I will just leave this here https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/suggestions/PvP-Tribal-and-Stalwart-armor-skin-in-PvE/first#post2287532
Updated post and links with Stalwart
I bet you all, that it’s because the servers handling the instance are overpopulated and so are lagging as hell (our group had about 10 3 second freezes inside the dungeon). An official response to this would be nice.
Good question, but I can’t give you the answer. The thing is this armour is possibly the only one which doesn’t have a PvE counterpart with the same skin(I don’t know for certain that there isn’t another armour like that in heavy and medium).
Wow after 4 days I thought this thread was buried… it’s good to hear that I am not alone, thanks guys.
… also I wish they resolved the structuring of this forum, I feel like there is very little chance for anyone of the art design team (or whoever should this be targeted at) to notice, read and respond to this thread (and all other threads and involved people respectively)
I agree with Nikaido. But original post is a very bad suggestion, what if I have a bunch of friends who happen to be 2 rangers and 2 thieves or even 4 of the same class, should I be penalized for this group setup, also this is very much against the design philosophy of take the person you want not the class which was implemented very early in the design process to get rid of the traditional trinity. The fact that a new trinity of Warr, Mesm, Guard has been born in GW2 is a question of PvE balance and should be remedied through a class and skill balance changes not through some quirky forced rainbow class setup. (Also I hope that the upcoming update fixes some of this as I am sick of people asking for zerk warrs for every dungeon run)
You must love the metric system where almost every “jump” is 10^3 kilo- mega- giga- tera-
But jokes aside yeah 100c is 1s and 100s is 1g
(edited by Zelothe.9234)
Don’t know about swapping weapons but DS for necro, and changing attunement for eles works. No idea why it happens but for me it’s about 1/5 of all cases when building siege, I think the game might at some point think I am using the siege(even though it is already being used by someone else), as it normally defaults you into it, if you are the only person building, which would make the swapping weapon set fix absolutely make sense(if you are using a bundle or siege and swap weapons you drop bundle or stop using siege).
This is pretty common in dungeons even though I never figured out what caused it.
The fix that Razor suggests works for me and all my friends who encountered this bug.
Does confusion condition hit multiple times while the affected player is channelling a skill?
I just encountered this while having somewhere around 5 stacks of confusion, I was at about 3/4 death shroud life force, and wasn’t low on health, started channelling death shroud skill 4 and those five stacks downed me in about 3 seconds. I am not sure if this is or isn’t working as intended, probably the same thing would happen for almost any channelled skill (necro axe 2, main hand dagger siphon, and other classes channelled skill like Heartseeker, sword skill 2 on mesmer and so on).
(Just for clarity, the confusion was from a mob, and my necro is not a glass cannon build)
They seem to disappear kinda randomly with any transformation skill (for me it was death shroud, plague, lich form), when you leave the transformation they are invisible(only sometimes) swapping weapons seems to fix it every time for me though.
Reminded me of monologues from Sin City.
Sometimes they are super annoying but today I witnessed an awesome jam session at LA with bells and horns. Just to list some melodies people were playing: silent night, harry potter theme, LotR theme, happy birthday, some of the Star Wars themes and many more
(btw I am not defending people making random noises)
This has been a question since launch why isn’t this armor available in PvE. http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/PvP_Masquerade_armor
My suggestion is to just add it to the WvW armor skin vendor for badges and/or make it craftable since those options should be fairly simple to implement into the game.
Old forum threads about this
(edited by Zelothe.9234)
Due to the time needed to fix an actual non exploitable but gameplay hindering bug I am somewhat sceptic as to when and if ever will we see big design changes like this even though after careful changes and a lot of testing and tweaking it might restore balance outside of PvP
(Just as a sidenote have you ever seen this armour set outside of PvP? http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/PvP_Masquerade_armor Well, of course you didn’t since it has been PvP only since launch…why? Nobody knows. There are several threads about it on the forums with no response from the devs(unless I am terrible at searching. How hard would it be to put that skin on the WvW armour skin vendor? So it is at least obtainable if not in PvE directly)
I still think adding in (if, then) effects for condition builds would add alot more play with conditions in pve. As for spvp and WvW condition dmg is king.
I am not exactly sure what you mean if you mean more skill synergy as in if target is chilled then you also gain 5 stacks of might for 10 seconds. Then I can assure you that there are skills that work around a similar concept, e.g. necro sceptre 3 skill does dmg based on the number of conditions on target, you have a lot of moving conditions around from your allies to you then to the enemy and so on, the biggest problem in my eyes and probably the easiest to remedy without reworking a lot of skills / then balancing other skills and so on, is the condition cap in PvE, that is mainly dungeons and world group events that require some active participation (not just a big dragon who is basically a loot piƱata that takes 5 minutes to smash…no pun on the current event)
…and in PVE it is almost totally useless.
I wouldn’t say totally useless (in dungeons), condition based builds(even warrior, thief or mesmer) can be awesome even in dungeons, but due to the cap they absolutely require everyone else not to use many conditions just to do the same dmg as anyone with direct dmg which makes direct dmg the safe choice(and almost always better) in every situation(even though some enemies who should be invulnerable can take dmg from conditions, e.g. story mode Canach who was easy anyway…and I haven’t heard of an exploit/feature which would use this fact in any major way)
If I want a condition build I should be able to target 4 out of a group of 5 mobs, inflict conditions on them and watch them die…just as quickly as I take out number 4 with direct damage. Quicker in fact.
Melting huge packs of monsters/adds in dungeon/players in WvW with Epidemic is strangely satisfying (more so than the same dmg in a straight up direct dmg AoE). Which is one of the reasons I love condition based dmg.
In response to ASB.4295 Guild Wars’s and just about any MMO’s AI is unfortunately hugely limited and I wish that one day there will be MMO AI comparable to what is in 2-4 player coop games (borderlands 1/2, diablo 3, torchlight, magicka, L4D, …) at least in dungeon encounters if not in general open world PvE and World Boss encounters (I don’t know but "aggro → attack → different attack → die or kill the player " seems kinda boring, I want to see dodging, inflicting weakness or blind or blocking when I am about to do a high dmg attack(not when it is off cooldown), but no, AI seems to react only to the players location and if he is alive or dead (and sometimes aggro switching because of toughness/ proximity / maybe dmg inflicted?)
Now for the flamey part I guess. So from my reading of your two posts, the necromancer class has absolutely NOTHING to offer besides dealing damage? I certainly don’t think that is true but the problem is that PvE content provides very few(almost none) opportunities for this. Then there are the stupid things like not being able to interact/res people in DS(haven’t tried in a while, maybe different now). Those sort of things do not require doing anything with condition caps but they are also harder to implement/balance. They also make things more interesting beyond “MOAR DDDDPPPSSS!!!!!”.
If it sounded like I was just asking for more dmg I worded it wrong. What I meant is that there is not much use for necro and probably other classes since either most bosses are effectively immune to some effects (fear, knockdown, knockback or other means of moving the boss, and so on, due to how defiance works, this prevents stunlocking, but also greatly hinders control of some classes when reflecting projectiles and block work much better as control or dmg mitigation abilities, which is why mesmers and guardians are very popular, then there is the survivability, dps and banner support from warriors. It’s noteworthy that some encounters have a lot of adds and AoE is needed this is where ele and necro shine, ele being the more popular, but there is great utility in necro’s AoE fear and blindness from plague form, but none of that is actually really needed because in most add encounters (that you can’t skip) high AoE dps is enough and greatswords on both warrior and guardian are great for that. I would say that the main problem probably is in the design of the encounters (for example a lot of bosses have slow high dmging attacks which are perfectly countered by block, but if they were fast low dmg, block would be useless and weakness with chilled conditions would be great). Put simply in most situations in GW2 PvE offense is the best defense and bringing down the boss fast is better than controlling him.
I’m not saying" give my necro dps similar to warriors " I am saying make me a worthy class in dungeons by class or boss encounter mechanics.
(no you still can’t ress while in DS but that is probably intended to make you vulnerable while reviving)
BTW there is a pretty cool necro dungeon build revolving around supporting with wells, which I might try with some guildies
Still this thread was about condition stacks which would help with some of these problems.
I’m no expert on this, but couldn’t you just increase the duration to compensate after 25 stacks?
Unfortunately that wouldn’t solve much since often if there is even more than 1 person with condition based build there are 25 stacks of bleed 95% of the boss fight this change would make that 100% but a lot of that dmg would still go to waste, meaning that those two people would dwarf each others dps quite a bit, some people may not see the problem there but consider if 2 melee warriors would deal about two thirds of their potential dmg when they attack the same target. And the more people inflict condition the more dmg they steal from each other making them contributing less to the group.
Yep I have read something about deep wound here on the forums, sounds cool but it comes down to the fact that every condition is tracked to a player, is modified by traits and stats and of course he gets credit for it with deep wound that would be difficult but I think that in dungeons that would generally work.
That is why I revisited this issue four months after it has been said that it’s being looked into hoping it could get enough attention to attract a dev.
On other note since the so called end-game pve content according to this forum seems to be about "Are you mesmer/warr/guardian? … No? … Then get out! " shouldn’t there be some changes in PvE class balance. I am constantly reading about this new trinity and calling the rest the low-tier classes.
Are there people like me who don’t like this? I know that it is a discrimination from players but I am pretty sure that the hardcore dungeon crawlers would use other classes if they were comparable by design.
GW2- Arenanet looking into condition caps FEB 25th
Is this still being looked into? Way back we had some replies on this issue but since then no change has been made; this makes a lot of builds if not whole classes (yes I am looking at you my beloved necro main) completely worthless in PvE especially in dungeons.
(please don’t tell me that a power necro is viable; 1. it’s nowhere near mesmers/warriors and I am not just talking about dps even though that seems to be the only thing that matters to anyone nowadays 2. I have been kicked from groups just for being a necro thankfully I can do dungeons with my guild even though I kinda feel behind all the warrior dps and guardian support/utility)
Also this isn’t a thread about buffing necro or nerfing anyone else it is about an old problem with condition stacks and when I last checked every class uses conditions in one way or the other so don’t be hostile, there is already enough hate, rot and bile on these forums.
/I am not a native English speaker so please pardon any mistakes I may have made/
I actually read the forums prior to buying anything and found out that Rich Coffers were worthless and that the same amount of Gems/Gold would buy a much higher chance of a skin through regular coffers on TP. The thing that I still don’t understand is why in the name of god aren’t the skins just directly in the gem store why did somebody think that letting people buy a chance at getting the skins was a good idea of course it made people frustrated and unhappy.
Fortunately I really enjoyed myself ingame for the past couple of days since I never finished the map and thought it would be a good idea to work on that since the coffers dropped from everything. And after about 600(dunno how much exactly but I have about 2750 Zhaitaffy in my inventory) regular coffers got my 1 skin (and 13 minis which I gave away to the guild).
BTW if I didn’t really like the skins I could have made about 25g off of the coffers which I realise is change for some people (mostly CoF farmers)
agreed although it might be confusing for a new player so toggle advanced tooltips on/off?
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