Showing Posts For Zem.4139:

Fragmented Anomaly bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zem.4139


feel not fix… we have stun 10 sec after spawn and it feel he get 5 load without any fragment around… :/

Fragmented Anomaly bugged.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zem.4139


hi; every day , an ley line anomaly appear on map.
There are an achievment “Fragmented Anomaly”
<dispearse a ley line anomaly without it reabsorbing any fragment>
Still if he don’t absorbe any fragment , nvn how many time we do it , we don’t get this achiev.
It feel strange this old event is still bugged after so many time pass. we will never get a fix ?

LF Dongeons Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: Zem.4139


hi , im zem , i look for a guild who do every day every dongeons in speed run.
Ive 21 charachters and something like 30 ascended set.
If you are interested whisp me.

Enough with the bad Raid contents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zem.4139


yea but what is right , its the gw2 population.

- Anet have loose dongeon community after break it in past. it was something like 17% of player who never get back on gw2.
– After this they have open raid ,a content for only 4% of player ( all casual can unistall gw2 and a lot of them have done it )
– Now , they break fractal community by includ raid content in our daily fractal (cm100) ; something already impossible to finish once in 30hours is comming to be our daily ??? wtf… ppl from fractal are already leave away from these fractal…

Just best stupid idea ever…. thx anet.
Please, continu on this way , when there will be less than 30k player on game , maybe you will care about player

(edited by Zem.4139)

Anyne did 100 cm after the bug change to it?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zem.4139


ive go in with a perfect team cps-ingi-chrono-necro-druid all perfectly exp.
We have first try 1st and 2nd boss easy without any fall. we go on 3rd boss , 100% to 30% under 5min. after 30% every die. how to dps anomaly on a disapear ground while get dammage by elit mesmer atk from boss while he do his dammage’s pull in same time , while red balls every where… every ppl die under 20sec… just insane.

Pizza+cristal to condition insane nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zem.4139


okok , food is now balance… but what about the hundred gold waste for these food in our bank/bag…. its not the same food now , now , this food is useless and nobody will take anymore , this will cost nothing.
Should we just ask rebound componant to anet ?

Pizza+cristal to condition insane nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zem.4139


Hi .
I play necro and i use pizza 20%condi duration and cristal +100condipower/10%condi duration.
Now , pizza give you 100exper. and 70condipower…….. 100expert.=6% condi duration.
They have already kill the food 40% to 20% condi duration… a hard 50% nerf.
Now they pass 20% into 6% , so a 70% nerf….. NIIIIIIIIICCEEE perfect !!!!
And what about cristal ? it don’t give condi duration anymore !!! perfect !!!!!
You take insane time and money to craft your expensive stack of food/utility and anet break it .
Pizza get a nerf 40% to 6% condi duration , its a 85% nerf…… we keep only 15% of the original condi duration….
So what anet ? you don’t want we use food anymore ????

New 100cm made me ragequit Gw2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zem.4139


3 daily t4= 30min. 50min with a casual team with some long fractal.
cm100 as daily ? 6hours with furious no-life player elit perfect player is not enought to done it.
so…. if you have a job , you just don’t have enought time to done it. care of your wife , children and job , etc…. and anet ask you more than 6 hours for nothing. no reward to do this miracle ( if you done it ,like less than 0.001% of player from gw2 done it ).
So sorry for ppl who have a job this fractal is not for you.
Anet care only for ppl who have not a job and have time to pass whole life to do cm100. thanks. and still if you have more than 6hours/day to give to a single fractal who don’t give reward , it doesn’t mean you will pass.

New 100cm made me ragequit Gw2

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zem.4139


hi ; im an hard fractal player.
Ive a youtube channel on solo/duo t4 , i do some fun thing like lvl40 without armor or maitrin 98 solo with only 1finger.
When cm100 have pop , ive imediatly go on and try to ruch it with all perfect player in my friendlist and Teamspeak.
What a scam…. this fractal just can’t be done… ive pass 6 hours with my elit-team… we have not done the last boss… just impossible.
I have stop gw2 to this moment… and ive come back like , nooo , its just me , we can do it…. lets retry…. we don’t pass the second boss….
After this lot of waste of time , ive do some research about reward , i was thinking something about 300 gold or 5 ascended chest.
A fractal 10x more difficult than a raid in challange mode , with only a 5player team instead of 10 , but with no reward XD.
Just forget about doing this fractal. I think less than 0.001% of player from gw2 can done this cm100 , they are maybe less than 20 doing this in world.
This fractal is just a troll.
And a last thing , rare ppl who have done it, say they have done it only for title and will never retry this hell… so the more you wait , the less you will found ppl able to doing it.

(edited by Zem.4139)

4 hr 2do 1 boss in a raid is unacceptable

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zem.4139


zealex.9410 , actually , less than 5% of player from gw2 can done raid.
Its not a majority.
all other casual can die and uninstall gw2.

reward to cm100 ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zem.4139


ive done nightmare cm more than 100 time , and it was taking 20min , or 3hours with casual , but we can do it.
This new cm100 take us 6hours to good ppl without done it.
And a “rare chance” mean like precu chance. you will never get it , still if you done 500000 time this fractal.
I ask about real reward , daily reward , not urban legend because wiki say you can get something than no one never get. ( and yea , its not because its write you can get something than mean its possible to get , when you know unreal low % drop. )
I mean , i ask what we can really get , not that we can dream to get in a parallal univers full of unicorn and living teddy bears.

reward to cm100 ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zem.4139


Hi , i ve just a question about reward from cm100.

I ve do a lot of solo challange fractal ( like mai trin 98 solo with only 1finger ) but this new cm100 , still with 4 really good player , we just can’t do it still after 6 hours in fractal. And these try have litterally drain my energy much than send me sleep….

So , i’ve just ask myself , for a fractal harder than raid itself , which reward we get to end ? 3 ascended box ? 100 gold ? ( i will never retry still for better price than this cause it take insane time, but im curious )

Still im really exp me and my friend about fractal , im pretty sure i will never done cm100 ( and never try again ) but im curious about reward.

(edited by Zem.4139)

Black Lion Chest contents?? where ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zem.4139


Djinn.9245 ; and i don’t say we can’t have an other way than money , i know we can use time or gold , but its just to much time or gold asked ;
again and again , a single item should not cost 1800 hours of work.

Usually , player who are on game online 6-7 or 12hours /day are on game because they have not enought money to have a good life , they don’t come on game to spend 1000$ , and still if they play 18h/day , they don’t want waste 1800 hours for a single item , not hard to understand… i was thinking its not hard to understand but what a pain to explain easy thing…
To much time/gold/$ for a single item i can’t do less from 9 word in a sentence to explain something easy like hell….
I can write a book about why human who get 1200$/month and want play to a game with the last freetime they have don’t want and don’t have 1000$/1800hours/25k gold
to waste for each engame item ( and if you considere there are more than hundred you can propably loose mind to count ).
But what about write a book if easy thing like To much time/gold/$ for a single item can’t be understand.

Inculpatus cedo.9234 "Games with monthly subscriptions must be scandalous’
10-15$/month scandalous ? i feel scandalous 1000$/endgame item.
I prefer pay 10-15$/month ( 180$/years ) and get free endgame item who cost you only time ( 100 hours/item its already a big part of time when you see that awesome game like skyrim can be end under 20hours and engame item take you 5-10hours each) than a game with no price limit who cost 1000$/each engame item.
15$/month mean 1800$ in 10 years… better than waste 100 000$ to get all endgame item ( or 180 000 hours of farm , choose what you prefer )

monthly subscriptions mean anet or other company have to works to add content to keep suscriber , and its not easy than just create a single item with 5min and put a droprate so unreal who put the cost over 1000$ who will let player farm 1800hours.
yea , easy way , add farm instead content… good way !

(edited by Zem.4139)

Black Lion Chest contents?? where ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zem.4139


Djinn.9245 , time is money , if you prefer don’t pay $ and use gold or farm key , for 1000 keys , it will take you ~ 1800 hours. So you will work ( farm , same thing ) 1800 hours for 1000 keys ?
If you work 1800 hours , in my state , you win about a minimum of 18000$;
So fair your trick !! really. I mean , i feel totally fine now.
Again an item should not take you an insane quantity of $/gold/time
You need to realize that $/gold/time are linked. you can’t separate this , these 3 option cost you time of life.

Black Lion Chest contents?? where ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zem.4139


Clear Black.9206 ‘Please dont base your argument on a rather outlandish statement such as this. It is such an exageration I couldnt take your post seriously."
>Because a virtual item who cost ~1000$ can be take seriously ?
yea i agree you can get with 0$ and don’t get with 10 000$ but its why is exactly not serious.
An item should not cost this much $ or time or gold.
and i’ve hear about non permanant contrat. maybe its to expensive too , you have think about that ?
If i hear you , waste a life for endgame items is fine , its just a part of game WTF dude its a video game ! you realize company doing this scam 25 years ago ? they had been attack in justice for scam !!
But today in 2017 every company who create MMO ask thousand $ for some single item and because all these company do these scam its fine , normal , nothing is wrong.
Let them continu to push out more insane quantity of monney out of player pocket… yea really fine , really fair.

shadowpass.4236 “If you could get every item in every game for less than the cost of the game, everyone would have the best and rarest items the game has to offer easily. Literally you can look at any multiplayer game and there will ALWAYS be items that if you converted their in game cost due to rarity into real life currency, will cost more than the game.”
>>I don’t say everything should be get under 1 hours , i say 2000 hours for a single item is to much. and its to much because you have most hundred item like that.

(edited by Zem.4139)

Black Lion Chest contents?? where ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zem.4139


a mmo don’t include gambling ( if you mean game of money ).
And you don’t unerstand an item in a VIDEO GAME should not ask you thousand $.
you feel its right to fix a droprate who put a value on an item out of thousand $ in a video game ?
Do you do it on purpose or just refuse to understand the absurdity of the thing?

an item in a video game should not cost 1000$

in reality an item should never cost more than the game himself. because its not fair for player who buy the game who can’t acces to all item from the game they have buy ! simple ? not ?

Black Lion Chest contents?? where ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zem.4139


shadowpass.4236 , you undersand what i say or not ?
I don’t spend any money in , i explain how its stupid to ask this inifnite money to a single virtual item… i just highlight how it’s stupid to not put a limit on price item , to not put a limit to not let a droprate pass under a % who ask you this quantity insane of $/time/gold.
A game should be finish by all player , but when in history , online appear and especially MMO appear , conpany take right to ask insane mont of money to get endgame item , its not fair !

(edited by Zem.4139)

Black Lion Chest contents?? where ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zem.4139


Ariurotl.3718 , so because all of you are billionar and think 1000$ is just a bad day for you , i should agree that 1000$ is nothing important… i should think 1000$ is just like a baguette ? we live in same world ? because in my world 1000$ is a saving money get in 2 years for most of 99% human in world who have not a boat from 30 meter in the garden from his castle.

But yea Ariurotl.3718 , maybe im wrong and maybe 1000$ for a single virtual item is nothing , maybe all this time i’ve live in matrix or an other paralel univers with unicorn where money can get easely on a tree.

And yea if 100 , 1000 or 10k people say me i can get 1000$/day and waste it on gw2 , i say ok , just show me how.

(edited by Zem.4139)

Black Lion Chest contents?? where ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zem.4139


so , yea some have get keys by map completion , some other by gold , some other by $ , but in each , they have waste time. so , waste more than thousand hours to get a single item in game is fair ?
so if you want all endgame item , you have to spend more than 1 million hours to get it and its fair ? so nice , an human life from 80 years should be enought to get all , nice , I am reassured.
If some player sell it back for less , its fine , it will take you only 40 years instead of 80… perfect !
so , not define a limit about an item price is fine ?

Berelious.3290 “For starters, those videos were made by an individual who is not associated with ArenaNet” sure anet want get your money , they will not show how droprate from these item doesn’t exist !!!

Berelious.3290 “P.S. By the way, did you even look at when those videos were posted?”
> yes i’ve see , from start 4years ago , and in summer 2014 but hey , do you think anet have change anything to fix this ? get a look how many gold it cost when player sell back and you will know t : the answer is no.

Dawdler.8521 “This is like being shocked that you bought a thousand $1 lottery tickets and only got like $200 in loot instead of that $50 million big prize they brag about in their advertisement.”
> dude you know what a game mean ? you know you have already pay your game ?
you know real loto give you money when you win ?
Because in this game , you just waste time in a vrtual world and waste real money for virtual item who will make you happy maybe 30sec.

I can’t trust i’ve to explain the life and what real money is for an human….
Some of you are totally disconnect for real world and totally lost the notion of money….

(edited by Zem.4139)

Black Lion Chest contents?? where ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zem.4139


you can maybe win it after 1000$ , but for some other its 2000$ , maybe 1 day a player will get it for 500$ keys , but its still to expensive for a virtual game.
Life is enought expensive to not waste 1k $ for a virtual item.
But guys…. 1k $ !! do you realize the reality of the real money ? or are you billionnar and you don’t care about all these poor human who can’t get more than 1200$/month and who have not 40$ to eat after pay all bill.
You reallize how much money is 1000$ for a single virtual item ? its not a game , no one will buy a game for 1000$ , no , its just a single item IN this game ! you realize ?

Black Lion Chest contents?? where ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zem.4139


i don’t want permanant contrat , im just shocked what a scam is it.
Something like this should not happen in a game. I can understand after pay your game 40$ , dev need money to continu game… 1$ for this or for that , 10$ for player who want more and maybe , 100$ for hardcore fanplayer who want extrem reward ( its already 2.4x price of game for a single item ) but 1000$ its just…. there are no limit ? so sell item for 10000$ or 1000000$ , ppl have so much money they need to waste it…

Black Lion Chest contents?? where ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zem.4139


its a game who cost ~40$ and a single item in this game cost more than 1000$ ? yes im shocked.
And im shocked that this single virtual item alone cost more than a real car in real life.
And you don’t feel any problem ?
Player should mortgage house to get endgame items ?

(edited by Zem.4139)

Black Lion Chest contents?? where ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zem.4139


Hey ,
I’ve just found this on youtube :
=> open 500 Black lion chest :
not a single permanant contract !! what a scam !!!!
=> open 1000 Black lion chest :
and only 1 single permanant contract……..
1000 keys ( about ~~ 1000$ !!!! u can buy a real car for this price dude !! ) and 1 single contract ? really ?
I ve never see a worst publicity to sell keys…

To conclude :
After get a look on this , im pretty sure i will never give a single $ to buy a single keys… what a scam.
I will not waste money and gold for nothing.

(edited by Zem.4139)

Fractal updates needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zem.4139


hi friends ,
1 : difficult but fine , main problem is you can’t do it if you have not ranged weapon for oil.
2 : if you are not necro or guard it will be difficult , but is fine as thief with shadow refuge , ranger can tank with pet , mesmer sealth+clone , ingi have sealth to with gyro.
ele… can die , like everytime >< okok joking , he take reflect earth from staff and relfelct shout from cataclyst , so , heal as water and fine ?
3 : agree , a little more gameplay should be fun. maybe a day when we will have an aquetic extension with interest port to aquatic.
4 : its not fun because you have done many time but its still a good gameplay , funny mechanic.
5 : its a different gameplay than every other fractal but its like this and i think its fine like this , add something before and this fractal should be too long.
6 : when i see i can solo it with 1finger , i think a normal group 5player with 2hand can done it.
7 : nothing to say on this one , probably fine.

Not every Necro is bad...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zem.4139


FrostDraco.8306 , ive done cm100 , everyday as daily.
But i’ve stop cause most of people can’t done it…. im every time last alive (and when im in group , im not death magic or blood magic , just full dps ) , dying to try to rez them , can take 20-25min with good ppl as daily , like 2h30 with some other…
So i’ve stop CM100.
But i will probably solo the first boss from cm100 , probably….with 1finger….maybe
I need a new video for my channel :p

Not every Necro is bad...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zem.4139


sure , but its a solo , and with only 1 finger.
Imagine all possilbilities with 2 hand and meta-build
the problem mentionned here is people who say "necro are not skilled lol , kick "
or “necro have not enought dps lol , kick”
but these 2 point are absolutly wrong.

(edited by Zem.4139)

Not every Necro is bad...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zem.4139


I was kicked from cm100 because i was necro… lol
they have probably never see this :
And some people continu to kick necro because they think player are not goo enought…

Solo MaiTrin98 1Finger only

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zem.4139


3 try ;
I already work on a new one , i hope it will surprise people
[Edit : after 2day without eat , my body is near to break and my nerve will burst… i work on somthing near to be impossible , it will probably take me month , but i need a break , so i will not upload anything for a moment]

(edited by Zem.4139)

Solo MaiTrin98 1Hand only

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zem.4139


Solo MaiTrin98 1Finger only

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zem.4139


Hey ,
soooooooo…. my masterpiece <3
Solo MaiTrin lvl98 with only 1Finger enjoy^^

If you can help me to upvote reddit post , it will help me a lot to support my works !

Solo MaiTrin98 1Hand only

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zem.4139


Hi , no , im not Goku , im not good like him ;
But i try my best

Solo MaiTrin98 1Hand only

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zem.4139


Hi ,
Ive stop some challange from ages , but i m ready to work on some new now
So , i hope you will enjoy this one !!
SOlo MaiTrin lvl98 with only 1Hand^^

[edit] if you can help me to share on reddit ( by upvote reddit post )
it will make me happy^^ ( facebook twiter , etc )

(edited by Zem.4139)

Matchmaking is broken : solution

in PvP

Posted by: Zem.4139


i’ve port a lot of different solution , but i’ve an other one.
An option " i don’t want play with this player anymore" and works for 5 games
an other" i want play again with this one." and works for 1 game

(edited by Zem.4139)

Matchmaking is broken : solution

in PvP

Posted by: Zem.4139


an other problem is when i win 500-56 , i win 14point , and when i loose 499-500 , i loose 14 point too.
Ah i forget , statistical mean nothing again…. yea , u see no problem here too , i understand.

Matchmaking is broken : solution

in PvP

Posted by: Zem.4139


so , solution is to change nothing and let people get carried , and let good player stuck in silver ? com on.

-an other solution is to open some mod 1v1 or 2v2 , it will be more representative to your real lvl. For sure , with less point to loose and win , but it will be an other solution.

-an other solution is to include a public to 5 player , these public don’t win point but can add +1 to player who deserve, and -1 to player who deserve it too. it will be anonymous , no name and skin viewvable.
yes but why a public should loose time to this ? they will not win point , but they can progress to reward. It can be a betting game too.

com on.
there are a lot of other solution like let team from 5 player in ranked , and a lot other.
But ranked matchmaking actually don’t work like this.

(edited by Zem.4139)

Matchmaking is broken : solution

in PvP

Posted by: Zem.4139


i’ve just done a game , we have loose , we have get a group from 2 player in ranked :
1 have 1k achiev , the other have just buy the game , they have go both of them to close at start.
when we have see this , all of us have cry , but don’t care , its ok , new bronze player who have never pvp 1 time before can join us and down point from good player.
they are not silver , they have just begin in game , but they still can join ranked and join a silver party ?
obviously we have loose , and ppl like me with skill have to endure this and continu to loose point.

But don’t change anything is perfect , matchmaking is actually fine.

(edited by Zem.4139)

Matchmaking is broken : solution

in PvP

Posted by: Zem.4139


but game based on 500point and good player stuck in silver/bronze is fine ?
and as i’ve say , i can carry with ingi/war/thief/guard/necro and do beetween 25-40% on all statistcal with these. ( and i don’t care about metabattle or other thing for ppl who can’t connect brain by their own )
there are only noob player no brain can easely play necro/guard to win to think its the only way to win.

i will say again by an other way , who is more usefull :
-someone who protect our point , and fight on point and do kill after kill ?
-someone 1v3 who fight out of point , and don’t kill anyone , and just take risk to die ?

(edited by Zem.4139)

Matchmaking is broken : solution

in PvP

Posted by: Zem.4139


“His grammar is so bad”
im so sorry Forsty.7968 to not be born english man. really , excuse me.

Lord Hammer Hand.4815 ,
so the solution is to do nothing and let good player who have a platinium or gold skill level stuck with silver or bronze , right ?

-you agree the win team win point , and loose team loose point , so you agree win team are better than loose team ; and for this win/loose , you refer to point/500 , right ?
-but you don’t agree the last player from win team is worst and need loose point or the best player from loose team need win point , to refer to statistical point ? right ?

say no more ><

“im so usefull i do 1% dammage 1% heal 1%kill 40% death 0% defend 0% atk but it dos’nt mean nothing , let me trust im usefull”
and maybe accept reallity and stop troll is an option ?

because if statistcal doesn’t mean nothing , a team who win 500-123 mean nothing ? you didn’t agree with that ? roooo what a surprise…..

its based on statistical , that you want or not. sry.

(edited by Zem.4139)

Matchmaking is broken : solution

in PvP

Posted by: Zem.4139


As i’ve say , if you don’t finish to die , because you will give 15sec to 3 player to kill all your friends.
and still imagine if you don’t die , and your friends win 4v2 , they come help you and you win games on all point. i don’t see any problem.
its totally impossible to finish last from a team on % if you don’t die , and kite 3 player all game.

And a last thing , you mean a player who don’t protect or atk any point but do 1v3 is more usefull than me who protect and defend our capt point while in same time i kill enemi ?

(edited by Zem.4139)

Matchmaking is broken : solution

in PvP

Posted by: Zem.4139


And if you die 1v3 after , you give to ennemi 15sec of your death to these 3 player to kill your friends while you are not here.
an other way is , if you friends are 4v2 ( while you are 1v3 ) , and they loose , they will have less % than you , so you get usefull , and it will be see on %

i explain more , if you do 1v3 , and your friends loose 4v2 : they don’t heal themselve to survive , they don’t do enought dommage to kill 2 poor player while being 4 !!! and they don’t kill them. So your friends 4v2 do 0% heal 1% dammge 0% kill .
You , you are still 1v3 and your % grow up. ( if you stay alive )

(edited by Zem.4139)

Matchmaking is broken : solution

in PvP

Posted by: Zem.4139


you have not infinite dodge or block , especially if you kitte 3 player. you need to heal.
and i’ve never see someone kitte 3 player more than 20sec , or they are especially bad.
and maybe you should be more usefull to help to kill enemi where your friends need help.
Look my screen , i don’t kite 3 player , but try to say me i’m not the number 1 usefull in team.

Matchmaking is broken : solution

in PvP

Posted by: Zem.4139


if you get 3 player busy , your dammge will incrass a lot , because u hit 3 player , still if its not a lot ; so , your def will incrase a lot higher than 30% too. and for finish , your healing stat will grow up like never if you fight all game you v3.
Connect brain please.

Matchmaking is broken : solution

in PvP

Posted by: Zem.4139


do you know , you don’t firght afk player right ? they move too ? they fight too.
If you kill them and protect def/atk point , your rotation is good and it will be show in statistical about dmg/kill/atk/def , your rotation is good ? atk/def will grow up.
I dn’t know if you are read everything or if its a troll….
If all player on team do it like me , how ennemi should win if they loose and die on every point ? i mean , if we kill them , its because they die , so if they die , they have not capt point , if they have not capt point , its because we capt it.
Im feeling stupid to explain this but it feel i have too.
im fighting on point you know … these statistical , i do it on point , to fight where it need to be .

(edited by Zem.4139)

Matchmaking is broken : solution

in PvP

Posted by: Zem.4139


[edit : im not english , but i don’t use google translate , sry if my english is not perfect]

Hi ,

I’m so tired this season , we can’t get up.
I was legendary , but now , i can’t group more than 2 , and i’ve to carry headless chicken in silver.
Every game , i’ve best dammage , best kill , best rez , best all.
I do beetween 25-45% everywhere ( 60% sometime on heal/def )

I can hear some genius say statistical mean nothing and someone can be usefull without good statistical…. wow genius !!!
You mean a guy , who have under 10% dammage , 10% heal , 10% kill , but have 30% death is usefull to team ? wow… i can’t imagine how genius these people are.

We have 5 player in a team , 100%/5=20%
If you do more than 20% , you are usefull ( you can count % death to negativ ) if you do less , useless.
Of course there are heal , and they will not do 20% dammage or kill.
A good heal do 10-12% dammage , 55-65% heal , 10% kill , and can easely do 30-35% def so average is easely equal to 20% or more.

So statistical mean everything how you are usefull or not , still if you are heal.

Finally , to go back to problem , how can i’ve every time 25-45% everywhere and still locked in silver ? i should be gold or platinium. Because im not good enough to carry ?
Problem is if you have a guys A ( in silver but with a platinium lvl skill ) , a guys B ( same , in silver but with a platinium lvl skill ) and they fight in silver , they have each 4 guys C ( silver Chicken ). Some time A win and get point while B loose point , some time B win and get point and A loose point , so , finally A and B stay in silver. still if they do all job.
A and B will not every time fighting each other , but im sure there are a lot of other good guys who will fight and loose and have nothing to do in silver.

An other problem is to fight in silver 3 and fall with bronze 1 who have never pvp , just bought the game and have 1500ap and don’t know what is a close….
you can laught but im serious about that , its happen regulary , and when i ask them after they say they have right to rank like other still if they have never pvp before.

Its a real problem , but there are a solution !!
A team win , the last from this team loose point , because he are not usefull , and have nothing to do in silver , carry by good people who need get up.
A team loose , the 1st guys from this team win point , because he have do all the job , and he have to go gold instead go to bronze.
We can extend this solution to the 2 last from win team , and 2 first from loose team.
And the last from loose team loose more point , and the first from win team win more point.
It will solve all problem , and people will fight in the division they deserve.

I hear same genius from the last time say " yea but its not good , all people will play only necro or guard’.
Omg…. i can do 25-45% everywhere as guard-necro-war-thief-ingi , and i can heal as ele like the plan i’ve say earlier. If i don’t play ranger or rev , its because im not good enought to carry with these , but you can be sure you can with these too.

And it’s not finish! we have a second effect from this solution.
People will not AFK in game anymore , cause they don’t want be the last from team and loose more point.

[EDIT] more other solutions :
-an other solution is to open some mod 1v1 or 2v2 , it will be more representative to your real lvl. For sure , with less point to loose and win , but it will be an other solution.

-an other solution is to include a public to 5 player , these public don’t win point but can add +1 to player who deserve, and -1 to player who deserve it too. it will be anonymous , no name and skin viewvable.
yes but why a public should loose time to this ? they will not win point , but they can progress to reward. It can be a betting game too.

An option " i don’t want play with this player anymore" and works for 5 games
an other" i want play again with this one." and works for 1 game

An other is to give more point to win 500-49 than 500-499
An other is to loose less point if you loose 499-500 than 49-500

A preset before ranked , you have do some 1v1 , if you can’t survive ( i say nothing about win , just survive ) 1time on 50 1v1 you have nothing to do in ranked.

So , say me what do you think.
(i let some attachament , to protect me from stupid thing like " if you loose , its because you are bad" )


(edited by Zem.4139)

CM100 : can you ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zem.4139


Amicable Pugs.4503 , im not english , really sry for this.
ADTempys.6382 maybe soon as guard
At this moment , i just need do my daily cm100 fast in group :o

CM100 : can you ?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zem.4139


Hey ,

[edit : my english is far to be good , sry]
I do my daily CM100 every day , and im so tired to found player who think its easy and they come and leave after 2 fail. Every player who come , come to see they die and fail , and leave , and waste my precious time.

I don’t need to found good player , i need to found perfect player who want do their daily cm100 every day in 30min , not in 3 hours.

I know , perfect player doesn’t exist , but if i can found some player near to be perfect , it should be fine maybe…
so if you are tired like me and if every time you are the last alive in this cm100 , whisp me ingame , and we will probably get some fun^^

(edited by Zem.4139)

MF : worst scam ever ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zem.4139


when i speak about gold , i don’t speak about money but yellow item.
In french we use term “gold” to speak about yellow item , sry for this missunderstand.

MF : worst scam ever ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zem.4139


Wanze.8410 , i’ve never speak about event reward or containers , i just look drop about mob.
Amaimon.7823 , if an item drop 1% chance (with 0%MF) , with 802% it does 9,02%.

But gold and T6 is not about 1% ; its just gold or t6 its not a very good drop btw. but also this can’t be drop. so there are a problem with mf.

MF : worst scam ever ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zem.4139


Hi ,
I’ve get today in silverwaste 802% MF , and i just don’t get any little gold or T6 componant.
I don’t speak about precursor or exotics nooo , absolutly not , just little gold or t6. also this can’t be drop with this insane MF.
After 4 years , this was never fix. Always same account who get all , and other account nothing , and MF doesn’t count at all.
I m so tired from this.


Poison trail is way over the top(?)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zem.4139


delete reward from dongeon , and loose all dongeon community..
don’t learn from this misstake , do one other.
delete possibility to done swamp , all player stop to play this one.
don’t learn from this misstake , do one other.
add stupid poison 2 shot in fractal to loose all fractal player. will not fix it.
fix in your dream.