Wasn’t there a post somewhere a long time ago by a dev stating that they would never fix it at least as it exists in its current form without remaking the skill?
It’s pretty simple. People don’t like to lose 1v1 fights. PU builds happen to be very strong in 1v1 fights. Therefor, people love to complain about PU.
this is a very mislead argument pyro
PU in terms of survivability is just as strong in dueling as it is in every other PVP apsect of the game that players can participate in. wvw, small scale fights, gvg, 1v?, roaming, ect.
the only place it is week. or rather pointless is conquest were stealth stops point contesting, and thats not at all related to the trait more so than the stealth mechanic.
the trait needs a nerf. it mindless gives a ridiculous amount of survivability on top of the already amazing survivability of stealth.
there are no counters or tactics that even half of the class’s can use to counter PU survivability, no way to counter disengagement potential, and no way to counter sustained dps potential through illusions while remaining undetectable and untargetable through a long and extended chain of stealths
its just too good with no skill investment needed from its user.
thus why would someone use something thats less effective and takes more skill?
this trait destroys viable diversityso in order to preserve viable diversity among the users of the Mesmer profession this trait needs a nerf/major functionality change or we will watch as the majoirty of mesmer builds are devolved in to a meta based on utilizing the survivability staple that stealth combined with this trait provides….oops seems this has already happened.
You obviously haven’t seen the pretty much buff they’re giving PU then…
Full zerk is a very touchy build, taking a lot of practice, but a 10/30/0/0/30 or 20/20/0/0/30 shatter build. Common weapons are Sword/x (pistol, torch) and Staff/GS or scepter/torch. Have a look at Vash or Joe’s videos, or Osicat’s Shattercat sticky, although Vash and Joe are strictly more full zerk, while Osi manages survivability.
What server are you on? With the new Edge map, providing we’re the same color and region (I’m EU), I’d be happy to meet up with you and run with you there.
I have absolutely no clue. I’ve been asking myself the same question since it was released, though I only have enough mats for one piece currently.
I hope this is being slated for a fix on the next patch.
You heard it here first Blurred Frenzy is weak, kitten anyone who thinks being invulnerable 2 seconds out of every 12 is strong.
Just to stop misinformation- Blurred frenzy is not invulnerability, it is only evasion now and has been for months: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/info/updates/Game-Update-Notes-June-25th-2013/first
Carry on the “discussion”
The only difference is stuff like Engineers shield stun works and retaliation works on it.
Which is a significant change to saying that it’s invulnerability.
Mesmer is still one of the least affected by retaliation classes since clones do all the damage.
Please fact check skills and don’t spread misinformation about them. Enjoy your thread.
You heard it here first Blurred Frenzy is weak, kitten anyone who thinks being invulnerable 2 seconds out of every 12 is strong.
Just to stop misinformation- Blurred frenzy is not invulnerability, it is only evasion now and has been for months: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/info/updates/Game-Update-Notes-June-25th-2013/first
Carry on the “discussion”
The only difference is stuff like Engineers shield stun works and retaliation works on it.
Which is a significant change to saying that it’s invulnerability.
You heard it here first Blurred Frenzy is weak, kitten anyone who thinks being invulnerable 2 seconds out of every 12 is strong.
Just to stop misinformation- Blurred frenzy is not invulnerability, it is only evasion now and has been for months: https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/info/updates/Game-Update-Notes-June-25th-2013/first
Carry on the “discussion”
I love watching it run and die and be on cd without doing a thing. Any news on a fix/revert?
What Ross said, or just really let’s be serious, you can run whatever you want in PvE pretty much (certain exceptions do apply) and still faceroll everything. It may not be optimal or the quickest sometimes, but you can still do it.
I myself have problems with conditions, but for two reasons. One, I’m not running sigil of Purity (which I should be) and two, not running signet condi clear to compensate. When I discussed this with Handlin, I think except in extreme circumstances, Purity + condi heal would be enough with the more active variation due to the amount of crits, plus the heavy phantasm damage to keep pressure.
Guard Defense, Guard Killer, Siege Bunker.
In the grand scheme of things this is a rather frail setup, and in fact one needing a buff (but then in turn a 1v1 nerf, yes). Because PU is terrible in larger situations as it doesn’t properly work, plus “Mass” Invisibility only affects 5 people. If the buffs were shared to everyone affected by Veil/MI, we’d be talking some group power. Ofc it’d have to be weaker then, yes
Just wanted to point out, Mass Invis affects 10 people, not 5.
Happens more often now than I’d like it to happen. Any word on a fix/revert?
So pretty much those who run these will be sub-optimal damage wise because of no ascended/legendary giver’s stats.
So Warden is bugged, Phantasmal Haste is bugged on many phantasms and Whaler doesn’t attack either? Ouch.
This smells like a “I got killed by a mesmer, mesmer OP, please nerf” thread…
Kudos on the clever disguise.
Left a fractal, kicked out, unable to login.
No idea about that, but I run Doom/Torment once I have a full set of stacks on my hybrid condi build. I just think it’s extra pressure with my ~50% crit chance.
To be honest, the good warriors I know really think they were buffed this patch. So much for warrior nerf.
They lied to you.
Well, I don’t think they did considering the one waded into a group of VotF and walked out the other side without much trouble. Though from what I understand most every warrior thinks they are UP anyway.
To be honest, the good warriors I know really think they were buffed this patch. So much for warrior nerf.
Bump for great justice and hoping for a fix/revert this patch.
Been running advanced scout for ~2 months now I believe. Haven’t looked back to any other condition setup except for one more suited to zerging (triforce/mantra heal) since.
(edited by Zen.4678)
Keeps failing for me in WvW, if anything moves in the slightest, it decides to follow it and get itself killed chasing.
“Get behind my warden for refl… nevermind it started running and got itself killed” has come out of my mouth more than I’d ever imagined.
I believe it’s in this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3B0Bc5hoT20
Well, it’s been a good run. But with warriors and necros getting the nerf, PU mesmers are up next. I give it til the end of January. If you have doubt, go look at the thief forum, there are at least 8 different threads on the front page raging over mesmer stealth. It’s only a matter of time before the rest of the forums go into an uproar and ArenaNet knee-jerks into a nerf.
They kind of have a point…When I first started with this build months and months ago, I realized it would become mainstream and get subsequently nerfed. So here’s to the good times.
Anyways, my question involves a new build…something with a similar level of deception. My favorite part of my mesmer (and my thief before it got nerfed to bejesus and back) is deception. I love the PU build because when I play it right, my opponent won’t be able to tell up from down, clone from me. So are there any other builds that can accomplish that?
The problem with PU is the boons that comes with all that ridiculous stealth uptime.
Shave the boons, or just cap their duration in a way that it would be impossible to achieve that broken protection uptime without heavy investment in boon duration through runes & food, and its effectiveness will be toned down a bit.Only counter is a full condi burst from a necro and MAYBE a P/D thief. I managed to kill a PU with my D/P thief, but had to rely too much on stealth myself, since I needed to let him waste all his CDs before attempting to finish him, and I was always on the verge of death, not to mention that the mesmer I fought was really bad.
I tried PU but it’s too cheesy.
Actually, the hardcounter is a well played phantasm build.
@OP: It’s not tons of people complaining, it’s 1 or 2 whiners, Go read the threads carefully.
I tried 20 20 0 30 0 and it does not work. Condi appliances are too frequent and a skilled mesmer would stand near its clones to let them take the iDuelist unload or completely reposition away from the phantasms if the opponent is a GS/Sw+Sw user.
The PU I took down while using a phantasm build were actually really, really bad. The only thing that does not work against phantasm mesmers is Perplexity as they can freely stop attacking if they notice the 5 stacks of confusion.
You played poorly.
PU condie builds absolutely rely on their opponent to attack them for the condie burst. The vast majority of condition application is achieved using clone explosions and the torment block, and neither of these are effective against someone that does not attack.
Phantasm builds have the luxury of not attacking. You simply drop the phantasms and let them go to town. If you refuse to actually attack the PU mesmer yourself, you will never get hit with torment, rarely get hit with a clone explosion, and your innate condition removal from Mender’s Purity will be more than enough to take care of any stray conditions that hit you.
That being said, a poorly played phantasm mesmer will die just as fast as anything else. This style of counter-play absolutely has a skill requirement.
This is also the reason I play a hybridized PU style. You get punished for attacking me with condition burst and punished for not attacking me by me coming at you with critical bursts.
Another bump for great fixing (or justice).
Bump for great justice (aka fix)
I use focus a lot myself and it’s quite frustrating to not be getting projectile blocks/reflects in WvW.
Have we posted about this in the bug forum?
Going to test out something like this:
Not a damage/survivability blend, but an obnoxious, mostly tanky blind spammer, with extra condition duration for chaos storm/woc conditions. Not completely sold on it, so haven’t bought gear yet.
Do you leave footprints when in stealth?
I have been wondering about this for a while. ^^
No, you see your own while in stealth but enemies will not see them.
Bolt clones keep their footprints as well.
0/20/30/0/20 Flimp style is still viable now and will be better with the change to IC.
Make the reveal debuff apply to mesmers already!
Try to play a mesmer before posting on the forums, maybe you’ll notice that we already get the revealed debuff, and in many silly ways (bouncing attacks for example)
How would you react when I told you that the most Mesmer players go in stealth whiteout even knowing that they had the debuff? The Mesmer IS the only class that has a stealth skill that ignores revealed debuff. It’s just a single spell but I also think that they should fix this problem.
When a Mesmer uses decoy he’ll always be hidden even if he got the revealed debuff!
~ Me Games Ma
It’s not the only class. I watched a thief stealth on his fall damage reduction trait while having revealed (unless it ended right before his impact which is unlikely as he was targeted and I didn’t see it go down). And no, it does not need “fixed.” Its duration does not stack with other stealth skills.
Dear Mesmers,
there are other builds than S/T x/x/30 with PU, ya know?! I know it takes more effort but maybe try it some time. <3
You neglect x/x/30/x/x, as not all run 20/20/30. Some will run 0/20/30/0/20 old school Flimp/Seven Mirror style. You also neglect the 20/0/30/20/0 fun builds. Just because it’s x/x/30/x/x, doesn’t make it x/x/30.
A friendly hybrid mesmer (that happens to be 20/20/30, no perplexity, but never what you’ll expect).
Scepter/Focus, Sword/Torch The tormenting sigils are only on swap of full stacks, however. I would never use them otherwise.
I have 14s AoE torment on 7s cd. Just another condition they have to remove between scepter block applications.
Stacking sigils stack on anything you tag except ambient creatures.
Have a look at https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/mesmer/Melee-Train-Mesmer/3092814
There’s 2 specs there from Doiid that should do you quite nicely.
I do expect every single fight I enter for the enemy to disengage and run away unless outnumbering and relying on friends/team as the majority I encounter while roaming are warriors, thieves, and engineers.
I agree with Ross’ assessment, damage wise, I do like the build; mobility wise, I don’t. You have 14s of stealth providing nothing is on cd. I get chased across maps quite frequently so that is not enough to get away, especially with an untraited blink and no swiftness or movement speed increase.
I’m going to make an infographic at the end of this week entitled Average Number of Players to Kill Me. Right now, UW has more skill, they only take an average of 4 to kill me. AM is currently averaging 7. Get working.
So is all of Abbadon 5+ v 1 fights? No one wants to fight unless it’s heavily outnumbering or if there is a 1v1 as soon as there’s trouble it goes to 5+ v 1.
Played a bit with by messing with the armor- why not put a celestial head, chest and leggings, coupled with maintenance oil and fancy potato and leek soup? Bit more toughness, vit, and crit damage for a little loss in power.
why don’t GH just simply have 1 vs 1 fights instead of having to double team all of the time? The only GH I have seen respect 1 vs 1 fights are members of [TEO]
edit: I lied, now even [TEO] are double teaming me
where’s FURY? they’re the only ones so far (apart from hihey who actually beat me 1 vs 1) that I can get a decent fight out of :L
Same with AG. I can’t ever get in a 1v1 without 1-4 others jumping in.
Just had a 1v1 going with a mesmer, when it got bad for him 4 of his guildies jumped in with one other non guildie.
Why Rampager armor? The toughness of the build seems a bit low for 50% zerging.
Kylia’s Triforce build modded to suit your needs perhaps would work, which is a 20/0/0/20/30 setup, but you’ll lose Illusion bleed on crit, not Elasticity as Chaos said.
BNF is still on Dzago :p
One Member is zerging with another guild a bit on Miller right now though. Regarding Vabbi, a few of us have second accounts to play on Vabbi when it is too zergy in the Dzagonur Matchup.
Also such rumors are quite funny :p Just yesterday somebody asked me if i tried to join an Zerg guild and i was quite suprised because i never had really any Contact with that Guild not to mention that i surly never tried to join ^^.
Aha, so my eyes didn’t deceive me. You guys were great fights (and apparently famous with all the rumors) the last time I was against Dzagonur, so a shame you aren’t on Miller’s, but I can completely understand why
I swear when I was fighting last night I saw a [BNF] on MS border. I didn’t think my eyes were that bad. They are always awesome fights.
Different BNF maybe? I don’t see why they would transfer from Dzag since it’s probably the strongest bronze league server.
AG seems a lot more blobby than what I remembered, and most of the roamers I’ve seen seem pretty bad. Lots of PvE’ers stepped in WvW?
But I’ve still managed to get some great fights. :P
I thought the same, but I swear I saw Bitte Nicht Futtern. Dunno, was hoping one would see and say “Hey yeah, it’s us” but I’m beginning to doubt my eyes now :P