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Season 8 My Match Making - Response Please

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


I think everyone that plays has the same issue. I think it is the difference between being the best player on a team vs. The lower rated player on a team. Combine that with the wide MMR band that is allowed and you can end up with some pretty large skill gaps.

helseth played as kittymeaomaeo (sp) he did not have a 100% win rate. thought it was more in the 70% range. That was arguably the beat player in the game playing on a class that has the most carry potential. So you need to accept you are going to get matches that are not winable.

If you are truly 1v3 and your team is losing, maybe it would be better to find the strong player on the other team and neutralize them so the weak players on your team can face the 3 bad players on their team.

I don’t think anyone wants to go into a RANKED match and feel like they have 0 chance at winning. I shouldn’t have to accept that, and is the reason for so much salt. What anyone wants is a system that consistently pairs them up with folks of their skill level. That’s how matchmaking should work.
I expect unranked to be a kittenshow, ranked shouldn’t be.

Match Manipulation - Solo/Duo Is The Problem

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


It’s a real shame people have to cheat in a video game to get ahead. Messes up things for anyone who wants to get some enjoyment out of their playing time.

5k Club, keep this thread live!

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


5K + games, and still suck. GG


Let's do away with forced 50/50 match making.

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


I could not have possibly carried this match any harder than I did. Even though this was the worst match I have seen in a very long time, I do often get situations like this where there is no potential win to salvage from the match, regardless of how good of a player you are. Am I the only one being given impossible matches like this? Matches that are so bad, that you actually sit back and wonder “Was this even real? Is it even possible for players to be this bad or am I being trolled right now?”
~ Serious question by the way. I’d like to hear what other users have to say about this.

It is kitten near impossible to carry a team of 4 really inexperienced players(I’m being nice).
I have had many matches this season like you described playing out. It seems this season however what’s different from the last 3, is that the ants have found a way into the cookie jar and completely ruined the darn thing. I no longer recognize any names, and most have little to no AP.

You know MMR hell is real. If you don’t progress fast enough through the divisions within the first week, consider yourself screwed, especially if you are an established long time PvP’r.

yay for wings? I’d settle for some decent pvp.

Something I Feel Must Be Said To All Rankers

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


there was no salt in my game during the ladder season. Now? I’m the Bonneville salt flats due to the high pleb population in ranked.

S4 : first impressions

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


Got to x7 legend last season, but so far:
This seasons matchmaking…literally trash
This seasons queue times in sapphire…trash
Trying to find a viable elementalist build in a kitten meta…beyond trash
Going back to Overwatch now, k, thanks, bye.

Reached mid diamond each of the last 3 seasons.
I agree with your observation of the current season. Not really going to bother with this season since nothing substantial has changed.

Season 3 ends, share your stats and feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


My stats:

Started the season in Sapphire
Played solo queue mostly
Alternated between Ele, Warrior, Engineer, Necro
Win percentage 49%
Matches Played 539
Finished Diamond Tier 6
Longest loss streak 10 games, longest win streak 7 or so

Feedback & suggestions:

Overall extremely frustrated with matchmaking. Teamed constantly with players who acted like they never played a match in their life. (crappy builds, “PRO” thieves, run into the point and explode in 2 seconds)
Matchmaking needs major work. To many blowouts to be fun or entertaining. Better build diversity needed. The yo-yo effect of long winning or losing streaks needs to be looked at, if Anet is in fact stacking teams in a match, that should be stopped immediately.

Season 3 ends, share your stats and feedback

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


Season 3 was terrible in every way concerning match making and account favoritism.

There are plenty of other threads with strong details that explain what was wrong with season 3. I don’t feel a need to rewrite it all here but there are two things to highlight that ruined season 3 for me:

  • Main accounts struggling hard to reach legend whilst alt accounts played by the same player, with far fewer matches played, ride to legend quickly on almost a pure win streak. Arena net really needs to sort this out or there will be even more players walking away from ranked spvp in Season 4, myself included.
  • The yo yo effect Get a win streak, then get a lose streak. This needs to end. We need to remove the “Strong Team A vs. Weaker Team B” function and make ranked work more like unranked, where an average party MMR is placed against an average party MMR but also remove any function that creates a Team A of higher MMRs who are favored to win. It needs to stop.

Posting a link to this thread -> as it perfectly details my first listed problem.

Trevor, my experience has been exactly the same. Season 3 was terrible.
I would really like fun competitive matches, Instead I found myself on the wrong side of the worst blowouts ever seen in ranked.

Matches defying odds.

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


The game seems to punish those with a relatively high MMR that did not advance fast enough through to legendary in the first 3-4 weeks.

That has been my experience through all 3 seasons.

Through grinding even super really terribad players can get in to Ruby, unfortunately when your pip range is saturated with new players those are the types of matches you are going to have.


in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


There are actually decent players stuck in the death spiral. Sometimes even 5 of them are put together and they win a game.

What happens though is that with these actually decent players who got trapped in the death spiral are some kind of bad players. So what you get with these low MMR made teams is a couple decent players who are sandbagged with a couple not great players AND then matched against 5 players with higher MMR. Rinse and repeat.

These players stuck in the spiral will continue because every match they are being sandbagged. All it takes is getting stuck with one useless player and the match is basically lost.

Team building should be based ENTIRELY on pip level and not on MMR. Basing it on MMR is bs.

I finally had a decent win streak going the other day and what do I get to face? PZ running alts through sapphire because they can’t get a match (queue fixed???). But I guess that is another matter.

Ya, I’m stuck in a nasty rut with no sign of it ever letting up. lets face it if you don’t have a semi dedicated team you are screwed.

Your League Experience for S1

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


High MMR players that YOLO que’d really got the shaft at the start of the season.

Ruby, was by far the absolute worst. A lot of the players in this division had absolutely no business being there, still the only way they got there was through sheer grinding. Queue’n ranked in the past you knew you’d get a decent match. Now? Holy guacamole it’s like these folks have never played this part of the game before.

Had I not spent so much time up and down in that division I would have made it through to legendary, but ultimately ran out of time. I was happy to make it into Diamond, in that division at least 90% of the time folks knew their class and played like they wanted to win.

With the META the way it was this season, the league overall was NOT FUN at all. There was almost no counter play, 2 classes were kitten near useless no matter what spec they ran. Winning was more about dumb luck, you didn’t get a poorly played thief or war on your team, or someone DC’d or flat out refused to play and AFK.

That behavior alone is enough to make even the most seasoned vets say KITTEN this and ride off into the sunset.

Hoping season 2 is better.

Suggestion: Nerf Warrior and thief,

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


That look you make when your team has 2 thieves and 1 war.

Stuck in Ruby for over 2 weeks?

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


its total random no matter how good you are. you can be the best player ever. you will stuck in ruby diamond etc if you don’t get players that good at teamplay to take you to legendary if you are only doing solo q.

exactly. I’ve seen the gamut… rage quitters, match throwers, sandbaggers.. YOLO que really is a crap shoot since most of the PvE grinders found a way into Ruby and are stuck there.

Game has never been more frustrating to play

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


Seriously I can only play PvP in 1 hour bursts now before I get too angry at the game and stop.

I’ve never in any point of my GW2 life had this issue, the game is at a massive all-time low and lots of people are going to be leaving the game – even those who don’t certainly aren’t going to be recommending the game to anyone.

And everyone knows what problems there are with the game because there have been non-stop complaints on the forums since leagues.

It’s pretty bad right now.
Might as well call it a career and play something that is actually fun.

Ruby = Amber

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


It’s because hitting ruby requires no skill. All you need to do is grind and you will hit it. And by this time, all the pve heroes have had more than enough time to hit it so..

It isn’t just ruby that takes no skill. I know people in legendary who got there by playing on a premade with a ton of bunker mesmers/condi revs when they were completely broken.

As soon as the strengths of those classes were reduced, it became obvious those same people didn’t know how to rotate at all. So what did they do? Switch over to stronghold, use the broken stuff there, and continue to advance from diamond to legend. Of course, they’d always add in people from division 1 and 2 to get better matches.

Moral of the story: the division means nothing. If someone wants to be in a high level, it is easy to do it.

It’s easy to do it if you exploit the ever living crap out of it. It also defeats the meaning of actually achieving something. I doubt anyone who has gotten to the upper rank’s while exploiting it have any idea of this concept.

Ruby = Amber

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


It’s been rough. I’ve always prided myself on being an asset to my team. Unfortunately you can only carry so many bad’s with the current meta.

I wouldn’t be so salty if the matches weren’t so lopsided. Good solid hard fought matches are one thing, cant complain either way… what most have seen and myself included is absolute garbage.

Meta isn't really the problem

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


I think most agree that the current setup for pip reward/loss is utter garbage. this has incited true feelings of rage from a lot of long time pvp’rs. No one likes to lose progress for something they have 0 control over, its infuriating. Teammate DC’s at start of match, never comes back, LOSE A PIP. GG.

Somma is playing on his Necro actually, on a build of his own making.

Road to Legendary.. Here's how I did it

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


Any tips for playing Tempest? Ele’s been one of my least played class but since my main is mediocre now I seem to have a lot more success with it in solo Q. So any advice would help.
I’m so close to Ruby and having lotta bad luck suddenly. Needed 1 win to reach last tier and lost 2 pips in one game and continued into a losing streak of doom.

Try switching your neck to Cleric. the group heals are great and you can hold a point much better against some of the tougher specs. The extra healing makes all the difference in a team fight which is your strong point.

Road to Legendary.. Here's how I did it

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


I forgot to add, if you’re on a losing streak, stop playing. Take a break and do something else. Watch a video, an episode of your favourite tv series, whatever. By doing this, you are 1. Preventing yourself from ‘tilting’ and 2. Q-Dodging your ‘bad team mates’, so you don’t get stuck with playing with the same people over and over again.

Edit 2: Thanks for all the positive feedback, glad this helped!

This pretty much. I know a lot of have been on “those streaks” where you are thinking…. wtf did I do to deserve this?

This game has become purely unsatisfying...

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


Would have been nice to get a huge overhaul before the winterbreak : P, its back to college when they start discussing the new changes with us ;_; .

And yes, I agree. There should be a limit to how much you can block/evade/invuln spam. Like a 3-4 second timer before you can use another one like stealth for instance[I don’t know how bad this would be].

Immunity timers would be great.

I cannot fathom why Anet would go this route… No one likes losing control of his/her character for an extended period of time. other MMO’s found this out the hard way, and now Anet is going down the same rickety path.

Fix ur DC=2 pips lost

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


Out of roughly 12+ games played last night a group of friends and I lost 2 games. The very last game I happened to have a minor power outage which had caused me to DC causing not only my team to lose but on top of that my party members to lose two pips. I had no issues with connectivity in all the previous games. There is a difference between rage quitting afk and actual disconnecting due to issues. Thanks for the 15 minutes of dishonor on top of already feeling bad for my teammates who had to lose their pips and sit thru that 4v5.

Had the same thing happen to me. Game completely locked up and not even task manager would let me close it.. needless to say by the time I got back into the match, we were losing and eventually lost the match, lost a pip and I’m punished unfairly with 15 minutes of dishonor for the game crashing.

GG Anet.

so 14 losses in a row...

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


A lot of Rubies and even some Diamonds do not belong, skill-wise, in their division.

They illegitimately got there by tanking their MMR. I know players in Emerald and Sapphire that are far better pvpers than some of scrubs I’ve encountered in Ruby and Diamond.

I’ve seen a large tank in quality as far as skill goes in ruby as well. Maybe its just the first tier, but the matches have been so lopsided its not even fun.

Too much qq in this game

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


current meta is absolute garbage, its unintuitive, and boring as hell.

Most Common Mistakes Made by SoloQers

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


Don’t engage in unnecessary fights off point. It’s tough to scrape you off the ground if you keep needlessly dying to far from the objectives.

Fun for the few at the expense of many

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


Ya, It’s just not fun and seems more like a waste of time when you face matchups like that.

How Do I get past tier 1 sapphire?

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


you are playing ele without focus, that explains alot, like almost everything, you need the focus , warhorn is useless as kitten

Disagreed. I play with sticker a lot and he plays ele quite solidly with warhorn, that’s not he problem.

The problem is that the league system punishes players that had fairly high MMR before leagues when they soloqueue by pairing them with new or inexperienced players that lack rotational and mechanical skill, causing horribly imbalanced matches. I’ve been lured with some of the worst people I’ve ever seen over the past few days going up against well known streamers and competitive players and it’s just sad. I lost 14 games in a row last night, when is that ever supposed to happen?

My experiences EXACTLY. I have never seen such abysmal play in ranked.. until leagues.

Do Leagues bring toxicity?

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


About the 50% ratio, yes, and i think it’s fair, i personnaly know i won’t get past ruby and i’m fine with it, people who go past that 1/ team queue 2/ are better than me.

This is actually, despites its flaw, a system that will reward the best, like it should be.

It rewards people that can team queue 100% of the time.

Funny thing about that, every time I team queue with more than 3 people, the 50% thing kicks in. But when I play solo or with 1 other or with 2 others, I just jump through the tiers like I’m skipping daisies.

In yoloQ I usually get grouped with folks who obviously got to there due to having extremely low mmr and gaining pips, or put on those 1 war 2 thief teams… When grouped with 1 or 2 others its usually 50/50.

I’m salty as the day is long, the Bonneville salt flats got nothing on me.

Do Leagues bring toxicity?

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


Ofcourse it does. And there’s nothing wrong with it. Competitiveness brings the salt out. You have options to deal with it.

Yes, Vinegar.

Do Leagues bring toxicity?

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


About the 50% ratio, yes, and i think it’s fair, i personnaly know i won’t get past ruby and i’m fine with it, people who go past that 1/ team queue 2/ are better than me.

This is actually, despites its flaw, a system that will reward the best, like it should be.

It rewards people that can team queue 100% of the time.

Remove Pip loss

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


No, it is a good system. Otherwise its just like getting rank 80. You advance slow, but you will get there… If you get stuck in a division, not advancing at all, then it is there you belong.

This isnt made for soloQ. It is made for teams. If you join solo then you cant get in the highest division. Find a team to play with.

I for one do not expect to reach higher than 3. division if i play solo.

Win a pip lose a pip. it absolutely punishes any soloQ. I’ve basically advanced nowhere in 3 days upon reaching emerald. Crap system is crap. Trying to defend it by saying get a team is a joke.

A Message from the PvP Team

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


It is very funny to lose the day for nothing, I had the same problem as you because I play solo q and I often fall agains teams organized.

It is beyond frustrating to basically progress nowhere after hours upon hours of gameplay. I loved it when ranked matches came back…
Now I’m wishing it never had.

I am considering un-installing.

Bring back solo queue [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


Solo queue should come back.

I would happy even if there would be just 2 spvp conquest game modes:
- solo
- premade team

Both could be ranked to avoid splitting the small spvp community even further. Thus there would no longer be unranked (you can always test your builds against the NPC or using custom servers).

And it should not include any of the broken/badly designed maps, namely: Skyhammer, Courtyard and Spirit Watch (these 3 maps don’t appear in ranked anyways). The game should never force players to play those maps. I have had 500-0 win and 125-500 loss in Courtyard and almost similar blow out scores in the above 3 maps. I prefer more even scored games e.g. 450-500 win or loss, not a total faceroll win or loss.

Exactly this, and I’ll one up you… Get rid of Practice/Hotjoin completely as well.
I am mostly OK with un-raked. That is where “practice” should be anyway.

Foefire - Lord kill without destoying gates

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


A witnessed a warrior do this today in a ranked match in Foefire. On the south end of the red base the is a spot where they can easily jump the wall with a precisely timed leap. Up until today I was not aware this was even possible.

He was reported. I hardly think that this is intended and could indeed be considered match-breaking.

Blocked players in queue

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


It could and would get abused. Don’t want to play against person X because they keep beating you? Just block them.

Block and report bad behavior. Let A-net decide what they want to do.

I don’t have a problem playing against blocked players at all. By blocking them I no longer have to listen to their stupidity or trash talk. No use bothering to report them either. Unless its some extreme case I doubt they would take any action or send some kind of reprimand.

Oddly enough some of the worst trash talking offenders have posted in this thread, some of them have resided on my blocked list for quite a long time….

Whats With The Bad Match-ups again?

in PvP

Posted by: Zoricus.2439


Aaaaand another SoloQ vs Premades again!

Can I also please get ppl in my team who want to win?

SoloQ sucks with matchmaking the way it is now. The comps Ive been getting are so bad, like the 3-4 thief team.. smh.