Showing Posts For Zzulu.5489:

Whatever happened to "When it's done"?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


Feel free to point out any other MMO over the past 8 years that was more complete than this game was at launch. The only one I can think of would be RIFT

A lot of cracks begin to show now

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


In my opinion GW2 is the best MMO launch since WoW. It has more content than WoW had at launch too. People coming in here and calling it “Rushed” needs to gain some perspective because clearly they have none

Has Guild Wars 2 been worth your $60.00?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


Yes. I won’t keep playing much longer but I definitely got my moneys worth. I’ll be looking forward to future expansions/DLC content

Next gw2 Expansion Class?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


A bard like in the recent RIFT MMO. There’s just something very special about killing enemies with music

Bored by the game- Reasons why [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


You haven’t set foot inside the game in a few weeks when the game has only been out a few weeks? Maybe you’re bored because you rushed through to level cap like a madman and missed most of the content in the game, thinking that you would be doing “endgame progression” instead

Also, why would they need to merge servers when server transfers are free?

About the endgame [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


GW1 didnt have much of an endgame either beyond pvp. Arenanet said they wouldn’t be focusing on endgame progression in GW2 either. This is only news to the uninformed

Where are all the emotes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


Unless they’re already there somewhere I doubt they’ll start making new animations anytime soon

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


Barbershop should be free and somewhere in the game

I had no idea there were events in Gendarran Fields.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


Yeah the event system needs work. In some zones I get no events, in other zones I can’t take ten steps without running into events.

This other day I was in the Norn 40-50 zone and I had just finished a champion-event when only 5 minutes later the same event started again. Events in that zone were crazy and you could play for hours by just going from event to event. But yes, in other zones you’ll struggle to find anything to do beyond hearts for XP really…

Will we get announcements prior to the One-time Events?

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


Actually he specifically said “Other one time events might have things in the game showing warnings or count-downs until they occur”. This means some events can and will happen and if you are not in the right place and the right time you are SOL.

Well deal with it? I mean you can’t create all content in a game like this and expect every player to see it. Most people in GW2 completely miss half the content in the game anyway… I can’t count the number of people I’ve seen who leave on stage 1 of a chain-event and never return! I agree that huge, MASSIVE events should give some warning to players, but smaller to medium sized events should be more dynamic and random. Not everything should be set to a schedule

What is the offical stance on names with funny symbols?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


Why would they need a policy for them? They’re used in languages all over the world

Iron Marches - Victurus the Shattered

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


16 days later, same problem here, on another server

DE's not as common as they used to be.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


Yup, I started leveling my character after the initial launch-zerg and I am currently barely finding any events at all. Unfortunately this is really hurting my leveling progression and enjoyment of the game since the event system is the core of the GW2 leveling experience. Without it you have… a bunch of heart-quests?

I basically have to do every zone in the entire game, craft, gather every node, repeat lower level zones and then hunt for DE’s to repeat A LOT in order to level and it’s still super-slow. Half the events in a zone are either broken or not triggering and the hearts don’t give nearly enough XP to get you by.

The notification range of events need to be much bigger as well so you don’t miss so many of them.

(edited by Zzulu.5489)

Please fix events in the Fields of Ruin

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


All that says is “We know about it, we’re working on it, and we’ll get it fixed…eventually”.

No kitten, what else do you want

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


If Arenanet is smart they don’t make the cost too high. They want players to constantly shift appearances for smaller sums over time rather than one larger sum barely ever.

So many players are vain and would waste a lot of cash on this if the option was there.

How do purchasable armor skins work?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


That’s pretty terrible. Why do they keep making the stuff you can buy for this game in the cashshop so useless? The armor skins with this system would only be worth using at level 80 when you already have neat looking armor. Trying to use them while leveling would be a pain in thekitten with this system.

Why Would I Spvp?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


It would be cool with some unique PvP armor/weapons instead of having all of the PvP armor look like the PvE armor

Waypoint costs have to go.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


I agree, the WP’s are there to help players move around a zone and cut down on time so you can participate in events easier but it’s extremely costly at higher levels which means people are actually discouraged to move around at all. It makes absolutely no sense and is a huge flaw in Arenanets design.

People babbling about WP’s being a “convenience” and that they should be so stupidly expensive should probably go play GW1 so they can see a system that actually works.

Appearance Change

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


Probably in the next year or two

Seeing map/armors/stuck/weapons or other art issues?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


Race: Female Asura
Issue: Clipping/animation

I’ve attached two pictures of what I mean. Basically, the female Asura model is not holding weapons correctly. You can see that the hands are not positioned where they should be.

It can be hard to notice since the Asura are so small but it’s fairly glaring once you actually DO notice it!

Is this just my client being horribly bugged or is this an oversight by Arenanet? Maybe it’s just these specific weapon models?


Asura Weapon Animations are bugged!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


No one else having these issues?

Asura Weapon Animations are bugged!

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


I’ve attached two pictures of what I mean. Basically, the female Asura model is not holding weapons correctly. You can see that the hands are not positioned where they should be.

It can be hard to notice since the Asura are so small but it’s fairly glaring once you actually DO notice it!

Is this just my client being horribly bugged or is this an oversight by Arenanet? Maybe it’s just these specific weapon models?


(edited by Zzulu.5489)

Zone Wide Event Notifications

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zzulu.5489



My suggestion is to improve the range of the notification of events in a zone to the entire zone and not just small areas of it. I am missing a lot of events simply because I don’t know they’re happening and it’s really slowing down my leveling as well.

I’m currently travelling back and forth between the two 25-40ish zones looking for stuff to do but there are almost never any events to be found and I still have 7 levels to go until I can move onto the next pair of zones. I am simply running around aimlessly and only the luck of the draw is what determines whether I get to find an event or not.

Closer to launch there were a lot more events around and leveling was smoother because you couldn’t take ten steps without running into an event. Now, it’s not so smooth at all. Especially when many of the events in a zone are bugged – then you’re forced to go to lower level zones to try and find stuff to do there but you get a lot less XP for the lower level content.

Increasing the notifications of events to the entire zone would at least ensure players got to participate in the content when it is available. Currently, if you’re unlucky, you can run around for a very long time and not find anything to do.

Question about the armor sets from the 3 orders

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


To be fair they said very clearly that you’d be joining them permanently.

You can preview all the armors in the sPvP lockers in the mists too, so plan ahead.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


I just wanted to comment on the “you need to get a job” comments. I have a full time job. I work as a broker on our night shift team. I work 9 hours a day and have an hour drive in each direction. I stay pretty busy, but did take a week of vacation when GW2 came out. Since I get home at 1am there’s nothing outside or social to do because everyone is asleep, so I play GW2 when I get home.

While I’m not quite at the saturation point that many are, I’m starting to feel the lack of drive to do anything in game. Everything feels samey and the rewards are off. And I’m not even talking raids or gear progression- little things like no random chests in the world to rewards exploration, no suitable reward for killing challenging champions/veterans rather than menial enemies, doing an epic event over 15 minutes only to be rewarded with the same thing I would get from a 3 minute event. Things need to be further incentived- maybe not in a hardcore way, but MMOs are about reward.

I thought there were chests in the world? I know I’ve found random hidden chests with rewards in them

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


Mounts would be a cool alternative to paying out of your butt for using the waypoints.

It’s also a source of player vanity as many players want to collect mounts. It’d definitely add some flavor to the game and I don’t think it would detract at all

A way to make money in the Heart of the Mists?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


sPvP is an afterthought currently

1; The armor you earn there is the exact same armor you get in PvE but it’s much harder to get. I had to PvP for like two weeks straight to get the dry bones set but I got it at level 30 after doing like an hour of hearts in PvE lol

2; You don’t earn any money at all so you can’t buy dyes or pets or gems or ANYTHING

3; You can’t wear your armor outside of the lobby so only in about 0.01% of the gameworld

4; Your custom colors and dyes get overpainted by the matchmaking system whenever you enter a game so you’ll always look the same

5; There are only THREE MAPS

If Arenanet insists on making sPvP so entirely separated from the rest of the game maybe they could have filled it out a bit more so it would be worth doing exclusively

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


Guys, seriously – come up with some other argument other than “we play too much”; that has ALREADY been clearly debunked.

< 131 hrs got me to level 80 with 100% map explored, 1 400 craft and a full exotic set. (scroll up for ss)

I can also do a pretty good job at reciting my entire lore experience, because I thoroughly enjoyed playing through to level 80.

Name some MMO’s in the past 8 years that launched with more content than GW2 did

Allods, Aion, Guildwars, WoW, Dark Age of Camelot(not sure when this was release but I heard about it like 7 years ago), Age of Connan, APB, The Secret World…

Son, listing MMO’s without knowing what you’re talking about won’t get you anywhere. The fact that you list games like Age of Conan and APB, two of the worst major MMO launches ever, shows that either you’re trolling or you’re just a fool.

APB is not fun?
And maybe you didnt enjoy age of conan but I have a friend who swears by it.

Kinda like how you’re swearing by Gw2.

How about Borderlands?

APB went bankrupt, Borderlands isn’t an MMO and Age of Conan almost destroyed Funcom.

I wish everyone here had played Age of Conan at launch, another AAA title with a huge budget behind it. Around level 40 (out of 80) of that game you simply ran out of quests and had to grind to 80. It felt like pretty much every aspect of the game was broken or bugged. There was no functioning endgame content, stats on all armor didn’t work (and there were barely any armor sets to begin with!) there were classes that could one-shot other classes with one ability, the PvP features were broken, female characters did 25% less dmg than male ones, server crashes, numerous exploits and horrible performance was what made 800.000 players quit the game in the first few months, forcing them to close down almost all their servers in the aftermath.

I can only assume that the people who complain about GW2 as far as content goes have actually never played another MMO at launch apart from WOW in their lives – or they are trolling. There are a lot of things to complain about in regards to GW2 but content delivery is not it.

(edited by Zzulu.5489)

Re: You should have researched the game before buying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


Hardcore raiders are awful and are always the extreme minority but they always make such noise on forums all the time.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


Guys, seriously – come up with some other argument other than “we play too much”; that has ALREADY been clearly debunked.

< 131 hrs got me to level 80 with 100% map explored, 1 400 craft and a full exotic set. (scroll up for ss)

I can also do a pretty good job at reciting my entire lore experience, because I thoroughly enjoyed playing through to level 80.

Name some MMO’s in the past 8 years that launched with more content than GW2 did

Allods, Aion, Guildwars, WoW, Dark Age of Camelot(not sure when this was release but I heard about it like 7 years ago), Age of Connan, APB, The Secret World…

Son, listing MMO’s without knowing what you’re talking about won’t get you anywhere. The fact that you list games like Age of Conan and APB, two of the worst major MMO launches ever, shows that either you’re trolling or you’re just a fool.

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


Guys, seriously – come up with some other argument other than “we play too much”; that has ALREADY been clearly debunked.

< 131 hrs got me to level 80 with 100% map explored, 1 400 craft and a full exotic set. (scroll up for ss)

I can also do a pretty good job at reciting my entire lore experience, because I thoroughly enjoyed playing through to level 80.

Name some MMO’s in the past 8 years that launched with more content than GW2 did

I don’t have to, this isn’t a thread directed at comparing GW2 to other MMO’s. This isn’t about what other games did well or didn’t do well.

This thread is focused on GW2’s experience at level 80. End of story. If you have an argument for or against that, then post it; but otherwise, stay on topic and keep ur irrelevant fallacies out of the thread.

You mean you can’t, because there are none.

Let that sink in. Then stand back and consider the fact. Maybe you’ll come to the realization that the only way you’ve burned through all the content there is at this point in time is because you play far more than the target demographic Arenanet has been aiming for. You are essentially complaining about lack of content in the MMO that has delivered the most content in the genre in almost a decade.

If you are displeased with the amount of content in the game you can always take a break. There are no monthly fees and you can quite easily do so.

They have said from the start that their priority was not endgame, it was the whole game.

(edited by Zzulu.5489)

Orange circles indicating where events are.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


How about just giving every player the ability to see all events on the map. What’s the point of obscuring content like that from players when it is the main source of XP income for the leveling.

It’s dumb

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


Gimme my gold back bros

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


Guys, seriously – come up with some other argument other than “we play too much”; that has ALREADY been clearly debunked.

< 131 hrs got me to level 80 with 100% map explored, 1 400 craft and a full exotic set. (scroll up for ss)

I can also do a pretty good job at reciting my entire lore experience, because I thoroughly enjoyed playing through to level 80.

Name some MMO’s in the past 8 years that launched with more content than GW2 did

My personal opinion on endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


It’s pretty funny watching these guys who clearly play 8+ hours a day, every day, say that they have run out of content. That’s what rushing through content will get you. This game has, by far, the most content at launch compared to any other MMO launched since WoW. Even WoW itself only had a few dungeons and two raids at launch as its endgame content (one of which was just a single room) and it didn’t come with half the amount of armor sets or voice acting or PvP features GW2 arrived with.

Not sure what you expected out of GW2 but you only have yourself to blame really.

Not much glory from defending a point?

in PvP

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


Yeah, basically if you try to defend you’ll end up with less points. If you run around capping and killing creatures you’ll end up with a ton of points

Do not add LFG Dungeon Finders

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


It’s a romantic notion but the reality is that with the current system I can never seem to find any groups to run dungeons with. I don’t have all day to stand around asking for people to join me. So far I haven’t seen any dungeons so I’d gladly welcome an automated system that let us sign up for dungeons. Maybe I’d get to actually see one then!

I really need an "event finder"

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


Is there any reason at all why we can’t see all of the events on the map? I don’t see the point of limiting the range of the notifications, it just means players miss a lot of content constantly

Unpleasant lvling experience, so very very few Dynamic Events...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


I hope Arenanet looks into this and fixes the event system now that the zones aren’t packed with people. Leveling is really slow at the moment

Unpleasant lvling experience, so very very few Dynamic Events...

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


I have to agree with the op of this thread.

I seem to enter a new zone, run around doing the hearts, get like 2 levels, see maybe 2-3 events and then just see nothing else for the next half hour or so. It’s not fun running around like a headless chicken trying to find events all over a zone just so you can progress. Events are far too rare and too hard to find at times. Since they are so important to the leveling they need to happen more often or be more obvious when they’re ongoing.

Maybe Arenanet balanced the game around huge population numbers and now that the lower level zones are emptying out the dynamic event leveling is breaking?

(edited by Zzulu.5489)

Ability to Re-Adjust Physical Appearance...

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


Of course, even just a barber would be cool.

Update on Trading Post

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


Guess it’s time to sign up for twitter to get updates from the devs. It does kind of seem silly that you don’t post that stuff here as well at the same time. Surely your community reps can deal with this

Why must i look like a noob at the character select screen?

in PvP

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


If you wanna look cool you better go do PvE. Same armor sets as you get in sPvP but less time invested and you can wear the armor everywhere =)

Why do I have to wait 4 minutes for a Tournament to start?

in PvP

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


I agree. Once all players are in the map there should be a max time limit of 1 minute before the game starts. 4 minutes does not sound like a lot to some but if you do a lot of tournaments it really starts to add up. It’s a big waste of time

Isn't it time to start talking about content patches?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


Haha, Dream on.

WvW feels a lot less "epic" than I imagined.

in WvW

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


I’ll begin by saying that over my time of WvW, I felt more like playing an RPG version of Battlefield 3 than I did playing a open PvP game. In general, everything was very fast-paced. Over the course of an hour, we layed siege to 3 bases, lost them again, took 5 resource hubs…lost them again etc. Taking these bases felt more like capping a flag in BF3 (and it was almost as fast), than it did conquering a fortress.

Well put. Taking a keep does not feel like an accomplishment because you know it’ll be lost within an hour or two (or a few minutes…) if your realm setup is even close to balanced. So you end up just running around capping circles (which can get recapped immediately afterwards).

It feels pointless and cheap.

Taking a keep should be a big deal, it should reward the players in a big way and defending a keep should be incredibly attractive for the player to do. I personally feel this is not the case currently.

Skirmishes and smaller battles should take place at all the other points of interest like supply camps and towers, but keeps should actually require a big effort and make a massive TANGIBLE difference when taken.

(edited by Zzulu.5489)

Theres No grind.... ._.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


Yeah those things are just cosmetic stuff and is the kind of stuff you should be working on until the next DLC/Expansion

I think people have been conditioned by sub-MMO’s to think that they need to be able to get all the stuff within a short timeframe but with a free to play game like GW2 you have literally all the free time in the world to get that stuff. So take it slow and rejoice when you finally do get your super-fancy-cosmetic-toy

Game is dying, so what are you doing to fix the only content you have?

in PvP

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


troll appears to be successful

PLEASE let us wear our sPvP gear "outside"...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


just wondering.. if you like PvP so much… go play WvWvW… thats the REAL PvP

structured PvP is arena’s as in WoW or Scenario’s in Warhammer.. Thats fun but the REAL battles are in WvWvW

Well too bad the pvp gear rewards for WvW are horrendous as well then. It does not feel like Arenanet thought this PvP reward system through very well.

My only choice of progressing in PvP is to either spend an absurd amount of time in the mists on the same 3 dull maps (it’d take me months) to get the same armor PvErs get but only get to wear it in a lobby OR I can run around WvW trying to gather up literally THOUSANDS of seals to buy one set of terrible looking WvW armor. That’s it. That is all there is

(edited by Zzulu.5489)

Raid on the capricorn, just get rid of the map.

in PvP

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


I like the map, it looks pretty nice and I don’t mind the sharks. They serve a pretty obvious purpose but are still easy to bypass if you have even the slightest bit of sense