Showing Posts For alvarez.3159:

Challenger Cup Stream?

in PvP

Posted by: alvarez.3159


No stream is pretty e-sports for one of the most important events this season.

New Official Guild Wars 2 Pro League Website

in PvP

Posted by: alvarez.3159


The team descriptions are 3dank5me.

Anyone still play celestial/hybrid engi?

in Engineer

Posted by: alvarez.3159


I tried running Explosions/Firearms/Tools Mercenary Engi with rifle. Like in the good old days. I’m getting rekt by Necros even harder than before though and now Thieves are actually a real threat. It sadly didn’t really age well, but is still a lot of fun.

Ranger 26 Jan patch notes

in Ranger

Posted by: alvarez.3159


Mender’s amulet is all I ever wanted.

Every Diamond I See

in PvP

Posted by: alvarez.3159


Successful troll is successful?
Or sore loser is sore?
Who can tell.

EU Pro League Meta [Week 2]

in PvP

Posted by: alvarez.3159


pretty sure ROM switched to Soldiers before the first game started, at least I saw him having 20k+ HP in the temple match.

Stream - Druid Only SPvP

in Ranger

Posted by: alvarez.3159


I love me some breakfast stream. Good stuff.

Fix Rangers please

in PvP

Posted by: alvarez.3159


Not sure if serious…
If yes: W H A T?

Worst Meta So Far

in PvP

Posted by: alvarez.3159


It’s probably the most interesting meta so far.

Druid Healer Confirmed - Feedback [merged]

in Ranger

Posted by: alvarez.3159


I’d rather read Forsen’s chat than the kittenfest right now in the GW2 one. People are too dumb. “omgomg brb uninstalling omgomgomg healing so op”

Ranger bugs fix 25th aug

in Ranger

Posted by: alvarez.3159


My Swoop was that really necessary?

Ranger - Needed Changes

in PvP

Posted by: alvarez.3159



You want to increase damage of traps??? What? If anything, they should be nerfed.

kitten those 600 chilltrap crits too OP

Welcome to the new HGH+FT meta in sPvP

in Engineer

Posted by: alvarez.3159


And here I was thinking I am a unique snowflake amongst all those grenadiers. Oh well, I run this:

Maybe I should try pistols too.

GG rangers

in PvP

Posted by: alvarez.3159


They should delete ranger and make it new from scratch, there is more wrong with it than right at the moment.

It grinds my gears when people make statements like this requesting that developers just “delete everything because it’s wrong” when there are people using the class successfully and the devs have demonstrated they’re currently rebalancing.

It does nothing beneficial for anybody. It’s just a waste of time to read.

Except there is no successful ranger build outside of WvW (I guess) right now. My point is just that it would be easier to make it new than to fix the incredible amount of bugs. Let me be a little bit polemic.

GG rangers

in PvP

Posted by: alvarez.3159


forum bug

GG rangers

in PvP

Posted by: alvarez.3159


They should delete ranger and make it new from scratch, there is more wrong with it than right at the moment.

Rangers counter mesmers in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: alvarez.3159


I sadly doubt he’s trolling as he was complaining in the mists. If I am wrong, I tip my hat.

Rangers counter mesmers in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: alvarez.3159


Ok, so it’s even getting worse. Level doesn’t matter at all in PvP, my NA account hasn’t seen the world outside the mist, all of my characters are level 2 and also guildless.
Condi ranger will get destroyed by most eles, as the damage is too low to counter their insane cleanse. Condi ranger has barely any mobility, so they can’t get away from anything. I don’t know what you saw dude, but you must’ve been on something pretty bad imo.
And the last sentence made me smile, thank you.

Rangers counter mesmers in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: alvarez.3159


Is this thread serious? Are you all only playing against bots? Ranger is still deep down at the bottom of the barrel.

stop lying….2012 is over long time ago….condi ranger are brokenly OP just cause they aren’t massively present on official tournies doesn’t mean they don’t count condi ranger spammabilty is just childischly easy and it’s near perma dodging is tireing your logic about them being bottom tier is plain lying and flawed and based on nothing for matches in game prove the totall opposite thing almost all classes autofail horrendously in a fight vs condi ranger……all of them yes each and every single class….think im joking? prove me otherwise: you can’t

Based on this reply I would probably steamroll over you with my condi ranger, as you seem to base your observations on a fight between a good player and what I assume were 3 5 year olds that like to stand in condi fields, which leads me to the assumption that your expeirence isn’t that high and you lack a deeper understanding of what is good and not in this format. Also why do you bring WvW observations in PvP, WvW is unbalanced as hell as everybody knows.

Rangers counter mesmers in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: alvarez.3159


Is this thread serious? Are you all only playing against bots? Ranger is still deep down at the bottom of the barrel.

Anet, address this! Off-hand radius/range

in Ranger

Posted by: alvarez.3159


This needs more attention.

[PSA] Water Spirit Infinite Healing

in Ranger

Posted by: alvarez.3159


Last time I checked Daze and Stun were the same in PvE.

PvP builds

in Ranger

Posted by: alvarez.3159


I tried to run a similar build with crusader’s ammy. Went into Nature Magic instead of Skirmishing though, which lowered the damage quite a bit but the survivability was pretty great.

PvP builds

in Ranger

Posted by: alvarez.3159


Currently a Trap/Survival hybrid, snake and spike trap are REALLY good.

Ranger tPvP Viability after Patch?

in PvP

Posted by: alvarez.3159


I actually had decent success with a crusader’s shout ranger i quickly threw together. Amazing mobility with double melee and pretty decent sustain and the burst with Remorseless+Maul and sic-em+owl is pretty great if it connects.
It of course needs further testing, but it’s interesting at least.

Ranger Revamp Discussion/Feedback Megathread

in Ranger

Posted by: alvarez.3159


That was never the case afaik.

Ranger Revamp Discussion/Feedback Megathread

in Ranger

Posted by: alvarez.3159


Is Poison Master’s new -66% healing not catching anybody’s attention? Or does nobody care because it competes with the new Sotf and EB? :o

It totally has my attention, especially now that poison may or may not stack Kappa. I would love to run Poison Ranger. Too bad I would have close to 0 condi removal, so SoR and Healing Spring to the rescue I guess.

Let's Talk PvP Builds

in Ranger

Posted by: alvarez.3159


The build i run right now is pretty similar, as I just love the mobility of double melee. I actually run Carrion with Scavenging Runes and Poison Master. Pretty sick damage stats and the high Fury uptime and Int Sigil on the GS make up for the lack of critchance. I really do miss my Majory’s Axe Skin though.

add sinister, dire and nomads amulets

in PvP

Posted by: alvarez.3159


sinister and zealot yes, dire and nomad definitely no

Can we get a congratulations to ORomNG?

in PvP

Posted by: alvarez.3159


Congrats guys, the oRNG -Abjured games had some insane plays, very nice advertising for this game. Also the production of the show was miles ahead of china’s from what I’ve seen.
Especially nice were the short introduction vids. I have found 3 of them in the vod, but can anyone tell me where the dankest introduction is located at?

[EU] Weekly Academy Gaming Cup

in PvP

Posted by: alvarez.3159


Praaaaaaise the Grouch!

Halting Strike

in Mesmer

Posted by: alvarez.3159


Yea it’s worth it:

And yes, this is in PvP.

Power Shoes and Inventions question

in Engineer

Posted by: alvarez.3159


you can simply play the standard cele rifle build with 4 in inventions instead of tools, I would suggest an Energy sigil though.

Revenant build!

in PvP

Posted by: alvarez.3159


I was thinking about building my Rev too already. But i was thinking about a power-based one or even Cele. I would probably go 6 into Corruption too, with slightly different traits tho. The Heal on incoming Condition sounds pretty decent. The trait that triggers banish enchantment has a 25 sec ICD, so in my build the extra damage per condition might be worth it. Now I would go 6 into Invocation, mainly to pick up the trait that either heals or damages on Legend swap, the stun break minor trait and the trait that gives you 2 stacks of might every time you get below 50 Energy with no ICD.

Perspective: How Other Classes View Us

in Mesmer

Posted by: alvarez.3159


I find especially one response quite odd. As Engineer and Mesmer are my mains, I have to say that the Mesmer is usually in favor in that matchup. I am also pretty sure that some of the toptier Engis share that feeling.

Mele in PvP

in Ranger

Posted by: alvarez.3159


I was testing something similar to this
It’s fun to use, has good sustain (3 Leap and 1 Blast finisher for your HS, yey) and the quickness surprises a lot of opponents. It’s not perfect or anything and quite useless outside of 1v1s, but quite nice for sidenode fights.

(edited by alvarez.3159)

Thanks for Promoting the Tournaments In-Game

in PvP

Posted by: alvarez.3159


Chaith confirmed PvE Hero.
A reminder like this was really overdue though, good job.

(EU) Unplayable lag

in PvP

Posted by: alvarez.3159


It seems like us poor germans are being hit the hardest here. After a couple of mails with customer support I was asked to contact my ISP.
The PingPlotter on the other hand showed me that everything was fine until the signal reached the Frankfurt server.

(EU) Unplayable lag

in PvP

Posted by: alvarez.3159


Yesterday I was fine until like 17:00 CET, but today, it became unplayable already at 13:00. Good thing I got a second account on NA that doesn’t experience such problems.

Ranger Druids

in Ranger

Posted by: alvarez.3159


Staff is my wet rangerdream.

Krait rune (6)

in PvP

Posted by: alvarez.3159


Lol? The entire Necro class doesn’t strike you at all? Wells/ marks etc etc all unblockable. You yourself have things that are unblockable. Why don’t we nerf your unblockable skills first. The trait isn’t OP and is fine the way it is. No one uses Krait runes anyway (minimal to matter).

Except almost every single Condiranger and i guess some condi wars. On another note, I don’t really see a problem, those 3 condis won’t kill you if you do dodge Entangle.

[PVP] 4/4/6/0/0 CI vs 4/4/0/0/6 Shatter

in Mesmer

Posted by: alvarez.3159


And, since we’re talking about this, I proclaim Condition Shatter MtD to be the best~

Once there is a Sinister Amulet in PvP, maybe.

[PVP] 4/4/6/0/0 CI vs 4/4/0/0/6 Shatter

in Mesmer

Posted by: alvarez.3159


I am a huuge fan of CI specs, but it does fall a bit short in overall usefulness, especially if you’re solo. Noone’s gonna take advantage of the interrupts, which sadly aren’t too reliable, because you will wanna keep them for significant spells. So you can’t really plan attacks because you have to react to your opponent.
It does need a little buff.

Gunnar's Hold - the current state of things.

in Looking for...

Posted by: alvarez.3159


Who are the decent guilds on GH these days? I might consider leaving HotM to participate in WvW again.

Recent matchmaking issues

in PvP

Posted by: alvarez.3159


Mmh, someone has to win if everyone loses, right?
Well I’m on the losing side also.
But with matches like 3 Thieves vs 3 Mesmers. Which is dumb as hell.

Relevant to your interests: Upcoming Balance Changes

in PvP

Posted by: alvarez.3159


Dem Ranger Torch buffs <3
Nothing for my Mes (except for maybe Time Warp)
Engi maybe gets a new Sigil instead of Battle.
Also Sigil of Torment is great for my Ranger and Necro.

But. Why that stupid Sentinels Amulet and not something useful like Sinister or Zealot!

International ALL-STAR Karaoke Tournament!

in PvP

Posted by: alvarez.3159


OMG, that will be so cringeworthy and awesome

Shatter Mesmer tPvP all around guide

in Mesmer

Posted by: alvarez.3159


Thanks for that!
I liked it, it would’ve been of course better to use actual gameplay scenarios for a kiting example, although I have to admit that those are probably hard to find. A guardian trying to autoattack with a hammer isn’t exactly what you will find in a real match

Shatter Mesmer tPvP all around guide

in Mesmer

Posted by: alvarez.3159


Would love to watch it to give a little bit of feedback, but I can’t even manage with a proxy. Thanks Germany.

Engineer is just so broken - 10 balance steps

in PvP

Posted by: alvarez.3159


Hahaha, this is almost better than your Mesmer thread.

9/10 Troll.