Showing Posts For benhamann.9570:

Mounts [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: benhamann.9570


Why do you even want a mount? You already run quickly, you can already get to places quickly. Mounts are a solution without a problem.

No to mounts. This isn’t some terrible and decaying game. You know which one im talking about.

Why do you need things like companions and wardrobe items, or outfits? you dont. But they are fun to collect and use!

PIP Hell

in PvP

Posted by: benhamann.9570


LOL! Yes I meant 2k matches. Fairly noobish compared to many, I know. Good advice here, thanks for taking the time. I think maybe I will switch to more of a team support build. I usually only run an effective 1v1 build so I can defend points against 1 or sometimes 2 players, but I have almost zero ability to buff my team.

PIP Hell

in PvP

Posted by: benhamann.9570


Ugh. Ok, well, guess I will find something else to do. thanks.

PIP Hell

in PvP

Posted by: benhamann.9570


Question for the PvP community. I have about a 30-40% win rate in Ranked. I just got to Emerald. (Side note I have played un-ranked for years and have about 2000k matches with a 50-60% win rate and I am unlikely to magically get better at PvP at this point.) My question is, is there ANY path to Diamond or even Legendary with that win rate since you can lose pips and tiers or am I just wasting my time, assuming I am not likely to suddenly improve?

Too much condi spam, game is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: benhamann.9570


All jobs have tools to cleanse conditions. They aren’t horribly bad to deal with if you have some ability that will cleanse and you keep an eye on the conditions on you. Save it for heavy bleeds\burns\chills. Otherwise, if you are a melee and you run into an Engi or staff Necro lets say, just run the other way.

No not all classes have adequate condi removal at their disposal.

Which ones?

Sick of PvP - I'll be farming Dailies now

in PvP

Posted by: benhamann.9570


Things that aggravate me about pvp – premades and DH idiots. Other than that, I still love it. If I find myself in a premade and realize we cant win, I will at least make an annoyance of myself and draw the match out as long as possible. Or switch to a character I want to experiment with. Just avoid DH. They are ridiculously broken. Anyone who says otherwise is maining one.

Playing Gw2 again...what should I roll

in PvP

Posted by: benhamann.9570


Hammer Rev is very powerful, easy to learn and pretty fun.

Don’t ply DH. Sooo fotm and takes 0 skill. Have more respect for yourself than that.'s a secret. Don't tell.

in Warrior

Posted by: benhamann.9570


I play Rifle Zerker. Way different build. I love it. Its truly a glass cannon though. Lays down serious carnage. Have to know when to run and how to position.

Not ALL matches are bad as warrior :/

in Warrior

Posted by: benhamann.9570


Doesn’t matter, its a wash. If the class is the problem, it would do poorly in all pvp settings because if all players in unranked suck, the weakest classes will still do the worst. You follow? Cute comment though.

(edited by benhamann.9570)

Not ALL matches are bad as warrior :/

in Warrior

Posted by: benhamann.9570


I do quite well on my Warrior. Even made some people complain about it in matches after laying down close to 50k damage in 3 or 4 seconds and killing 3 of their team on a capture point. If you time your attacks right, don’t waste your CD and keep your positioning in mind at all times I find the Warrior to be quite a good class. then again I don’t play ranked because it seems to be full of doooooches.

We are now META!

in Warrior

Posted by: benhamann.9570


Pfft. I am wrecking face with my Warrior. I just came back a few weeks ago to find everyone complaining about how Warrior is broken. After some experimentation. Faces. Wrecked. Loving it actually.

please give us new maps

in PvP

Posted by: benhamann.9570


I’d be happy with them adding new or removing a couple that most people dislike. Btw, what ever happened to that map that had the under water capture point? I loved it now its gone :-(

Too much condi spam, game is unplayable

in PvP

Posted by: benhamann.9570


All jobs have tools to cleanse conditions. They aren’t horribly bad to deal with if you have some ability that will cleanse and you keep an eye on the conditions on you. Save it for heavy bleeds\burns\chills. Otherwise, if you are a melee and you run into an Engi or staff Necro lets say, just run the other way.

CoR still does not hit at end of range.

in Revenant

Posted by: benhamann.9570


Try again please.

Why did they make Maguma so hard?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: benhamann.9570


I ONLY play solo. No issues here. A little challenging, but so what?

More Grand Scenic Lands

in Living World

Posted by: benhamann.9570


I agree. It seems like I started to notice this new approach to level design with SWTOR (hated it), and I definitely see elements of it in GW2, which is a shame. No other game has the beauty that GW2 does imho, and I don’t want to see them start to get lazy and force players through tunnels like they have started to do with this expansion.

How do I enter PvP and WvW?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: benhamann.9570


There are icons at the top left hand side of your screen. Mouse-over them until you find pvp and wvw. Also, check your keybinds to see what shortcut keys will get you there. I hit “p” to enter PvP but I thin I may have changed it from the default.

And yes if you go that route you get placed in a pug unless you are in a group when you queue up.

So I wanted to try a new class today....

in PvP

Posted by: benhamann.9570


I just came back after almost a year. I have played maybe 100 matches over 3 weeks. I ALWAYS queue solo and always have. I have no idea what people cry about. I do see some premades. Sometimes they stomp us, sometimes we stomp them. It is really not that much of a problem. It makes the win that much sweeter if your PUG team beats a premade. In fact, it didn’t even occur to me that people were so upset about it until I was here looking through the forums. Why must people cry about everything under the sun? Life aint fair kids! Adapt or quit.

GW2 is not an easy game, pvp wise. Every time I come back after a hiatus I spend more time watching the new finishers being slammed on me than anything else. Then I start to learn and adapt. Then it gets fun :-) I don’t care what the haters say, this game has the best pvp available and it has since it launched.

(edited by benhamann.9570)

Why is there no counterplay to rev skills?

in PvP

Posted by: benhamann.9570


I’d say if Rev is causing you particular difficulty, play a build that counters it. Every job has the tools available. People get used to their builds and don’t want to have to tweak them (understandable), and they would rather just have ANet nerf a class down instead.

Balancing Revenant (PvP) with Minimal Effort

in Revenant

Posted by: benhamann.9570


50% reduction on US? 33% reduction on CoR? Thank God you do not work for ANet! Class would be gutted.

Coalescence of Ruin too much damage

in Revenant

Posted by: benhamann.9570


When I first started playing Rev I was like ‘kitten I can hit like a truck’ after a few lucky hits under the right conditions. It is rare to hit for anywhere near 10k in pvp. I hit someone once for 8k and freaked out. I don’t think I have seen 10k yet after over 2 weeks of pvp. If you stand at range and try to kite a Hammer Rev, you are the problem. Get in melee range and the hammer damage drops by 2/3.

Delay Lag since patch last night

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: benhamann.9570


YES! I am not crazy!!! Ping seems ok for the most part but the delays are driving me crazy. jump and try to immediately open your glider to see what I mean. It must be some server side performance issues.

Make sure to /bug it.

Latency issues today?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: benhamann.9570


Anyone else seeing sporadic ping times today? I’m jumping anywhere between 60 and 300ish, but even when it is low I see a noticeable delay with skills firing. Checked for overall speed as well as latency and consistently can stay in the 25ms range. That seems to rule out my ISP. Strange thing is I haven’t seen anyone else post about this today.

Client Crashing constantly [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: benhamann.9570


Same thing happened to me in the meta event this morning. Crash, then no reward. So utterly sick of this issue. Happens about 3x per hour.

time to nerf mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: benhamann.9570


One shot?? what is this build. Although my Mez can win most fights over time, unless I am being attacked I do very little damage, and when I do, it is not spikey at all. My complaint has always been lack of burst.

Near impossible to win as mesmer

in PvP

Posted by: benhamann.9570


My PU condi mez is about unbeatable.

CR distance wrong?

in Revenant

Posted by: benhamann.9570


Oh good, its not just me ;-) I also sent a bug report. thanks!

(edited by benhamann.9570)

CR distance wrong?

in Revenant

Posted by: benhamann.9570


Anyone notice that you cant hit anything with CR from 1200 yds? Go to max distance and throw btn 1 no problem, then try to use CR. You have to move up a bit for hits to register. Anyone know if this is a known issue?

All this talk about DH lol? Reaper is OP

in PvP

Posted by: benhamann.9570


A Paladin archetype with bows and traps? $%#^% stupid. I dont even care they are OP. they are just a stupid concept.

[Build] Full Bunker Chrono

in Mesmer

Posted by: benhamann.9570


I haven’t messed with Chrono yet, and in fact I have been away for awhile, but what about Distortion? I know its a long 50 sec CD but there is another 3-4 seconds of damage avoidance per minute.

Daredevils staff vs ours?

in Revenant

Posted by: benhamann.9570


I couldn’t really find a good use for staff yet. Mainly I use it for a little bit of a travel boost with #5 lol. Tbh though, #2 can hit like a truck, but you cant really plan on it. I messed with it for a day then went back to S/S.

Is PvP worth to begin?

in PvP

Posted by: benhamann.9570


I have played since launch, and I can honestly say I find GW2 PVP to be the best available. Sure, it has flaws. All games do. Name one other game that has so many skill/talent/build/class combinations, though. It is mind-boggling and they do an excellent job of keeping things balanced, given the complexity. I’d MUCH rather have a game with an insane amount of build choices than one like WOW where they have dumbed it down and homogenized so many abilities.

I have mained on a Warrior, with pretty good success and great amounts of fun. I more recently have been using a Mesmer (PU) and dominating. Now with HoT I am trying Reverent and having an absolute blast, though I am pretty much fodder at this point.

YES – it is worth playing. Just give yourself time to understand the builds, practice and experiment a lot in the mists, and understand the abilities from other classes you need to watch for. Have fun!

One other point – it is the absolute fastest way to level characters because of the Tomes of Knowledge. I leveled my Ranger from 1 to 80 in a week and a half by PvPing with my Warrior :-)

(edited by benhamann.9570)

Ranger Skill Changes Judgement

in Ranger

Posted by: benhamann.9570


I have never used traps and after these changes I’m sure I never will.

Game is dying, so what are you doing to fix the only content you have?

in PvP

Posted by: benhamann.9570


The OP is an idiot. I knew this to be true in the first sentence : “…this game is rather empty content-wise (Especially PvE, as there is nothing to do)”. Lawl. Go away.

Warrior Ranged

in Warrior

Posted by: benhamann.9570


My Warrior build is primarily Rifle based. Great damage and good survivability because of range and Shield\1hsword backup.

Hundred Blades needs a nerf for the overall health of the class

in Warrior

Posted by: benhamann.9570


Ppl dying to 100b several times per match are BAD. Sometimes it is unavoidable if you have already used your defensive abilities, but I stuff\avoid WAY more 100b that I actually eat. I have a Warrior myself and stopped pplaying GS build because it is avoided so much. Went rifle and never looking back.

Is warrior burst build still viable?

in Warrior

Posted by: benhamann.9570


It will always be viable if you are patient and use it at the right time. Never use it right after you charge in, ppl expect it. Rather, charge in, use 100b with no frenzy, maybe they will avoid maybe not. Wait until it is up again then Bolas them and frenzy. Or as someone else said fight with other weapons until you want to use it to bring their guard down. But, it will always miss sometimes. I hate when I waste frenzy!!!!

(edited by benhamann.9570)

Yojack's Min/Max, home of the Yojack Build 2012 for GW2

in Warrior

Posted by: benhamann.9570


YOJACK!!!! I used to use your Rogue Stunlock build in WoW vanilla :-)

Warriors: Any good survivability builds?

in PvP

Posted by: benhamann.9570


JUGGERNAUT FOR THE WIN!!! I love transforming and knocking people all around for 20 seconds or so. So fun…

downed state!

in PvP

Posted by: benhamann.9570


It is an interesting and fun dynamic. You can make a great support build that focuses on reviving allies and turning the tide of battle. My only suggestion would be to get the Thief and Mesmer downed abilities under control. They are completely unreasonable right now.

Removing Raid on the Capricorn or making it optional

in PvP

Posted by: benhamann.9570


I too hate this map. Underwater combat is a pain. Thiefs have an OP ability that makes it imposible to beat them. I know,. I have a thief an always defend the ruins.

Viewing PvP Tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: benhamann.9570


This was an AWESOME feature in GW1 and they have said they are going to implement something similar in GW2, but better.

Warriors: Any good survivability builds?

in PvP

Posted by: benhamann.9570


The Warrior has great defensive ability. Run with hammer and 1h sword\shield combo. With the right runes and such you get over 30k hp with tons of cc, mitigation, and escapability.

Thieves OP as hell? Check this out!

in PvP

Posted by: benhamann.9570


Agreed. They have many ways to escape and their class is forgiving, and simple to play. They dont have to worry about F1-4 mechanics like other classes. Stealing is optional. But, a max damage build thief has about 14k hp. If you can survive a few seconds of HS spam nonsense and then burst on them you win.

Thieves OP as hell? Check this out!

in PvP

Posted by: benhamann.9570


If you are dying a lot to HS spam it is a L2P issue on your part. I dont think what people are so mad about is that HS is OP, because it really isnt, its that Thiefs really only need 2 buttons to be competitive.

Why is PvP so simple? Is this supposed to be fun?

in PvP

Posted by: benhamann.9570


I love when ppl come here to complain about something they have little understanding about. How long did you play before you came to your conclusion and logged on to the forums to gripe? And you didnt even know about tournaments?

Complaints I Have With sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: benhamann.9570


sPVP is very, very awful for ignorant players.

Mesmers & thieves too powerful?

in PvP

Posted by: benhamann.9570


I actually find most profs and builds very balanced in this game, but Mesmers are WAY OP. The foundation of their mechanic makes them almost impossible to beat 1v1 by any other prof or build. There simply needs to be an easier way to distinguish the real player from their illusions.

For those of you complaining about Thief HS spam, I dont know about your class, but on my Warr I simply put Shield Stance up and LOL then knock them down and proceed to destory them pretty easily. Almost all of them are specced so heavy into damage that they have about 14k hp.

Mesmer downed bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: benhamann.9570


Think of it from an RP or immersion point of view. If you clones are identical to you (which is what you rely on) then no one should be able to tell them apart, not even your teammates.

Warrior Traits Bugged - Discipline Tree

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: benhamann.9570


I can tell you that the Fast Hands trait does work for me. not sure why it wouldn’t be working for you.

As for the other issue it seems like the hero panel does not reflect all bonuses, according to other dsucssions I have heard. I sure wish that they would address that….