LUL, I was not expecting that, but it was great. Thanks
youre welcome xD
I’ve made a funny video that explains in detail why i love gliding so much in wvw.
please enjoy!!
I did a speedrun of the JP at just 4 minutes.. so technically youd be able to complete almost the entire JP with just 1 stealth fountain thingy
Do you guess your way through the dark room or do you use a torch? You need to drop the stealth thingy to carry a torch.
I dont need the torch at all anymore. i just use a certain backpiece that sheds a little bit of light around my character so i can see what im walking on.. thats enough for me.
And yea ik you need to drop stealth to get the torch but.. you know. i guess its a tradeoff. if youre good you dont need the torch but if you are new you might need it.
The OS should be revamped into a dueling arena that is server wide and where players who are on the same or opposing server can toggle a duel/peace mode that allows them to organize duels. The toggle would display an icon above the player’s head that would be either green or red. Green meaning they can not be killed and red meaning they are open to combat from anyone else who is tagged the same way. Once toggled as dueling there is a time limit before you can toggle back to peace.
This would be a good idea in the dueling areas of OS, but i still think the other things should be done as well
Update #2:
Alternatively, you could add a supply camp or .. something that counts points towards your server if you have it, at the end of the puzzle to encourage roamers or something to do the puzzle.
I did a speedrun of the JP at just 4 minutes.. so technically youd be able to complete almost the entire JP with just 1 stealth fountain thingy
(edited by bigo.9037)
I’d do it daily for a gold, but it would probably be populated – so actually fun again!
(IMO the puzzle needs a stealth bottle so we can get through the arena – the only place you can’t have the 5 mins stealth).
they already scattered the spawn points to prevent it,
I mean the Arena section with the animals in it, after the dark room. You can stand at the top in the knowledge that no stealthed person will come through the room. So that particular part of the puzzle has always been troll central.
I see. perhaps this is something that could be changed.
I’d do it daily for a gold, but it would probably be populated – so actually fun again!
(IMO the puzzle needs a stealth bottle so we can get through the arena – the only place you can’t have the 5 mins stealth).
they already scattered the spawn points to prevent it, but yea. i just want more people really, i think everything else is secondary
1 or 2 Gold? That place (at least for me) takes a long time. Besides if you want a reward while waiting for your que go to EOTM and warm up so your actually ready and have the mindset for WvW….
if youre not used to it, it can take you a while. maybe 10-15 min if youre new. but ppl that already know the puzzle can get it done in about 7-8 min. eotm is unpredictable if youre only gonna be waiting a short while. there has to be a commander etc..
This message is mainly just for ANET. I need them to listen to what i have to say.
Dear ArenaNet. You’ve created a wonderful game with so many different features. One of those genius features is the jumping puzzle in obsidian sanctum. Its a wonderful place when theres people from all 3 servers. its a great amount of fun. The only problem is there arent enough people to keep it populated as most of the players in obsidian are just waiting for their que to pop so they can enter another wvw map.
So the problem is there arent enough players inside obsidian.. how do we solve this?
Easy. add a proper reward! Add a gold reward at the end of the JP just like in dungeons. maybe 1 or 2 gold or even a certain daily for it. This will most likely encourage more players to enter obsidian sanctum and then it will be more fun and rewarding for all of us!
I personally think the meta balance of this season is OK.
It could be better but its honestly alright. the problem is just that a few classes are a bit too easy.
imo, warrior is the class i think has this issue the most.
lots of blocks.. not many classes can do unblockable attacks.. it only takes 1 or 2 hits for them to apply so many condis that you will die in a very short time unless you cleanse every single one of them. so yea. but whatever thats not what i wanted to talk about here.
the main balance issue in spvp right now is not really the classes.. its the RESSING.
its way too easy for some classes to ress their allies. guardian.. mesmer.. engineer..
druid too i suppose.
it sort of ruins the balance of the matchups because for a team with lots of classes good at ressing, their allies being in downstate is sort of an invulnerability state. it doesnt take much skill. just takes a little bit of awareness.
“oh, my team mate is low. i’ll get close to him so i can ress him when he goes down.”
and then press F, and wait. these classes are virtually imune to being interrupted while ressing, which is a huge problem.
these ressing capabilities exploits and almost awards bad gameplay. i mean.. the fact that you went down indicates that you messed up. making mistakes should be punishable, not rewarding.
this makes it possible for bad players to keep contesting points for ages without ever getting decapped. and then if you just so happen to not have a team with classes that can ress easily.. youre kinda screwed. so the bad players could win the fight without much trouble.
it just doesnt make sense that 1 guy can ress his team mate while theres 2 or 3 people trying to cleave them down. that should not be possible in any way.
again, the problem is that it rewards bad gameplay..
like i said, if you go into downed state.. you made a mistake. but then after the ress, you have more HP than before you got into down state. its really dumb imo.
" well just keep downing them until they die immediately."
its not that easy because often times these players will be using a bunker build which can take very long to kill.
and thats another thing.
bunkering is, lets be honest, just not as hard to do as playing the DPS role.
all you have to do is “stay alive” you dont even have to reduce your enemy’s hp. just stay alive. thats much easier than having to actually kill someone. especially if youre already on menders amulet. and if your team has mid.. then you dont have to do much to defend your point considering the points are ticking in your favor and all you have to do is “stay alive”…..
but like i said at the beginning. the balance is still OK imo.
First, the current season is trying for even matches. That is a much more accurate measure of skill than previous seasons. In season 2 and 3 matches were created with one side intended to win.
So, your idea that rewards and titles this season are “not based on skill” is precisely backward. The truth is that this season is far more “skill based” than previous seasons.
As to the idea of no rewards for ranked play. That cuts to the heart of the issue. The “shiny” ( Legendary Backpack ) was put out with two opposing goals; To reward high level players and to attract new players to pvp.
If you want to attract players, you need obtainable rewards. If you want exclusivity, the rewards need to be denied to the majority. ANET attempted to do both. That didn’t go well.
The simple reality is that there are not enough “hard core” players to make pvp work, let alone “Esports.”
So, the most effective solution would be to nurture the incoming pve players. To stomp them into the ground and denigrate them is self destructive to pvp.
No. What you don’t understand is that this season has layers where players play. This season 1 carbage matchmaking system has 0 indication of player personal skill on division ranking. The badge after your name has no value in this matchmaking system and let me explain why.
Season 1 uses the 50/50 w/l system where it tries to balance games so that the teams are equal. Okay that’s fine on it’s own but players aren’t in the same league division queue. Lower ranked division players might never cross high ranked division players which causes completely terrible players to reach legend.
Let’s put this so that it can be understood better.
Let’s say that we have a players with hidden mmr of 1 while 100 being the best player/players in the world.
1 player with mmr of 20 starts playing the league and the same player with other
account starts playing the league with 60 mmr.What is gonna happen?
The account with 60 mmr has considerably harder matches than the account with mmr 20 because the team balance has been made with that mmr 20 instead of the real mmr of 60. (This point on it’s own shows how this division system measures actual player skill with 0 real indication when we take new players and players who haven’t really played pvp before compared with the system no putting players in the same division queue.) This causes this player to reach legend way earlier with that bad account. So basically this season 1 system favors bad/casuals more than good players and the quality of matches is very very poor in the end for the whole community as a whole.
The worst of all with this system is that when eventually the account with mmr 60 reaches legend the mmr 20 account has mmr close enought to that other account and they play in the same que. This system alone causes players to be bad and think that they are good and it leads to toxicity because the system indicates that you are good but it has no value in reality. There is a significant difference between mmr 20 and mmr 60.
The system will think that these players are equal on skill because it is programmed to do so but it fails because of the que being separated to multiple layers causing the system to have 0 indication of the real personal player skill.
ace gets it.
theres a reason why even players like helseth and texbi are stuck in diamond right now. the pro players are put with the responsibility of literally winning the entire match for their team in order to win the game.
ive seen soo many HORRIBLE players reach late diamond / legend.
this ranger guy who had no clue what he was doing.. camping a close point for no reason.. i come to fight him and his rotation is completely messed up. just popping random utilites for no reason… standing still as im hitting him hard and not knowing anything about map rotations and or druid rotations.
ive seen these quite often.
and ive been able to feel the matchmaker change its ways with me, too.
at the start i had a low winrate for various reasons. as i started to get more back into spvp and map rotations again ( since i had been playing wvw the entire off season basically i was slightly out of practice ) i was able to start slowly winning again. i won matches that were really close ( like 500 – 470 etc. ) by making the right decisions and winning all my 1v1’s and 2v2’s without fail. as this kept happening for a while, it suddenly became much harder to win.. i was sitting on about 70 % winrate or close, and it felt as htough the system wanted me to go back down to a 50 % winrate.
the players werent even that much better so it cant have been that.
i think the thing is just when you have high mmr or high winrate the system gives you so much responisbility because of one simple mistake that the system doesnt take into account:
1 bad player is much worse for a team, than 1 good player is good for the team.
there is no counter argument for this in any 5v5 game mode anywhere.
everyone knows.. that if teams are more or less equally balanced, 1 bad player can ruin a teams chances entirely. where as 1 good player can only do so much on his own.
OP ill give you one simple example why old PvP players say that PvPsucks atm:
there was this build that warriors had: hambow (hammer and longbow). This is a prominent example of game balance done right (another would be zerker shatter mesmer):
– warrior had to time his hammer stuns properly to do very good damage. He had to manage swapping weapons properly based on what the opponent was doing. He had to time his stances properly based on what opponent was doing, he had to time stability …
– someone fighting the warrior had to note the cooldowns on warriors stuns, had to move around properly, had to sacrifice stability or (depending how squishy he was) he would easily get rekt.
Play styles for both of them were very skill based and PvP progression for players was in form of how to improve my animation reading skills, how to avoid combo, how to better time stuff etcNowadays, all classes can do everything (aoe spam condi, aoe spam cc, aoe spam dmg, and be tanky at the same time). It doesn’t matter anymore if you get hit with a big hitting attack because your passively proccd protection or invuln or blind will save you and your perma regen heal you in seconds. No need to time swaps really, no needs to bait peoples skills, jump in —> drop everything --> jump out
Its an extremely different playstyle and very permissive to mistakes, so you don’t need to progress your skill. Most fights are won by build/team comp and less by pure skill.
i know prehot was different but thats besides the point. do you really think we dont have to dodge skills anymore?? what kinda players are you even fighting against? whenever i play against ppl on my level i need to time everything perfectly just as well as back then. the thing is now everyone has more sustain, so you have to time your rotation differently. also, in crucial moments in say a 1v1.. you can definitely die by not dodging that 1 simple key attack from your enemy.
youre talking about warrior. well today, you still have to time dodges perfectly against berserkers. gw2 is a mind game.
and if you think theres so much passive protection and stuff that makes nothing matter, well then youre just not good enough to get it. the people i play with / against know to look out for weakness protection before trying to burst. i also know people that specifically bait out certain traits.. forcing them to proc, and then bursting you down after your protection / their weakness has worn off.
there is so much depth to this game and it might be hard to understand and make sense of it all.. but just because you dont understand it doesnt mean other people dont.
everyoen is playing HOT specs.. so its fair anyway. if someone beats you they didnt get carried by build. they might have beat you because they play a counterbuild, but thats a topic for another day.
Every person who defends condi this season plays a condi build. Durrr
There is no sufficient condi cleanse on any class to survive multiple condition bombs.
You shouldn’t survive multiple Power Creep bombs either, and you usually don’t.
I think the main problems are that people don’t know how to manage incoming condi very well. They clear too early or too late, don’t dodge or block the skills that are applying the condi bombs in the first place or are in a bad position you shouldn’t be. If you’re QQing on the forums for a nerf, I really hope you’ve exhausted all your options, studied all the builds/skills that are making your bum hurt, added Purity, Generosity, Cleansing sigils or more clears on your util bar first. Use Hoelbrak or runes like it. Or just know what your “counters” are and pick your battles correctly. BTW, I main power Scrapper. If condi was better, I’d use it. But it’s just not. It’s viable in lower tiers though…Or for a few games here and there. Condi has more ways to counter. Preventing it from being applied/stacked and clearing it if it does get applied to you. Instead of saying Get Gud, L2P ect, I’m saying Practice More.
If you watch ESL, really only Chrono and Berserker are the pro “meta” builds/professions. Though Power Berserker is in a pretty good spot. And Yes, Condi Necro is stronger than Power in Conquest, but Necro isn’t seen even close to as much as last couple seasons. I think a lot of ppl judge what they see in lower tiers is being the “meta”. That’s really not the case.
So much of the condi is unblockable though.
-b-but just dodge it!
With my 2 dodge rolls and maybe 2 movement abilities that provide an evade? That will, more often than not, carry me straight into someone else’s ground-targeted AoE condi (such as necro marks) or direct damage (such as scrapper shock field or mesmer bubble or guard trap or guard sigil)?99% of power-based attacks are blockable. Only about 20% of condi-based attacks are. And many of them have both a power and a condi element, often not even requiring the power part to hit in order to apply the condi part.
And as to it being “easy enough to remove”, let’s put it this way:
-Take a DH. If you build it entirely around condi clear, you can remove:
-1 condition every 10 seconds (passively) with Signet of Resolve
-3 conditions every 16 seconds with Smite Condition+trait
-6 conditions every 26 seconds with Wings of Resolve+Renewed Focus
So that’s basically 15 conditions you can remove every 30 seconds. And the DH is the undisputed champion of condi clearing.And that’s a scant fraction of how many condi’s just a necro, who applies a condition (and frequently more than one) with literally everything he does, can put on a person 1v1 who’s actively playing against him. And half of a necro’s attacks (both power-based and condi-based aren’t blockable with a quarter of them not even being dodgeable.
79.5% of all power attacks are unblockable.
Sound stupid does it not? Cause it is just like everything you wrote.
Do you play a different game or something? You want all classes to have enough cleanse so a condi spec never gets one tick of damage on you?Condi attacka are unblockable?? Name one!!! Name one pure condi attack that is unblockable.
Jesus. I maybe see one condi class in most matches an you call it op.
this guy gets it.
This is all rubbish.. Balance is irrelevant when Elite specs are simply too easy to play and have lowered the skill cap by an insane amount.
Name one class that isn’t 1000% easier to play after the expansion. Theif is the only contender and even that’s a ton easier unless you’re going outside of the meta.
who are you talking to? i mean.. yes we can agree the elite specs are OP compared to base classes but if eveyone played elite specs it would still be fair and balanced
good thing that you didnt reconnect cus i would do the exact same although ive barely ever disconnected mid game if it wasnt due to internet problems.
i usually also hope ppl will do the same in my team if it happens to them but you dont always know..
anyway. ppl here are saying its the gameclients fault and i honestly dont really know how legit that is.
the client will “crash” if you have unstable internet.. making it seem as though its the clients fault when it really isnt. ive tested this many times so.. dont just blindly blame anet for this lol.
ive found that gw2 is one of the most stable games ive ever played. and compared to asian mmo’s.. its like an immovable object lol.
Because a low mmr shouldnt help you progress faster. You got it? It NEVER should help you progress faster.
Just as a high mmr shouldnt HINDER your progress.
i dont think you understand what i mean.
of course.. if player A’s mmr is low because he deserves it.. because he is genuinely a bad player, then thats fine. since his mmr is low and hes also bad.. he is where he belongs. and in that case, he wont be able to fly through the pips, because he is bad. therefore he is relying completely on his team to win the game for him. which means he will inevitably be stuck in ruby once he gets there. or if he gets luck on his side and plays like 500 games in a single season he could reach diamond or legend but whatever lol.
lets say player B has a low mmr.. but he got his low mmr because he was teamqueing with some friends for over 100 or 200 games straight.. and those friends were all newbies. now PLayer B’s mmr is low.. but hes actually a good player.
what will happen to him, is that instead of being the bad player that the system predicted, he is actually a good player. meaning that his team has 1 more good player than the opponent team. so overall and over time, hes able to win more matches than his supposed mmr should let him, IF he was as bad as the mmr suggested. but since he is not, he can progress. this will help him get out of the low mmr areas that he has been stuck in, but once he gets out of there, his mmr wil have changed and now he will have to prove himself all over again. so yea. maybe the boost could potentially put players a little bit above what they deserve, but since their mmr increases as they win more anyway.. it gets even after a while anyway. after a while.. player B is going to have a high mmr and then he will no longer have that boost etc. etc.
and if player C has high mmr cus he was teamqueing with some good players for a lot of games but then they disbanded him cus maybe hes not that good.. well.. now player C is in a tough situation. he is not as good as the system predicts him to be.. and therefore he will end up losing more than winning, overall.
thats how it works.. and to me that seems perfectly reasonable. not perfect.. but its not as bad as the forums make it out to be at all.
@Lucred…, i wrote about “meta builds” and those 6 i mentioned use power based amus (i didnt wrote anything about runes, nore did i wrote something about the viability about condi speccs of those 6 classes)
and @power warrior being terrible in pvp…tell that obindo
Obindo succumbed to condi crap as well. All i saw him play past few days was typical condi build (at least in matches i played so far).
even if obindo is using condi that still means theres 6 classes using either bunker or physical based builds.. like i said earlier theres only about 3 builds in meta that uses condi lol.
ok i know the elite specs are OP compared to base builds but the elite specs have more or less been perfectly balanced in the meta.
and if elite specs are balanced you cant really argue that someone is being carried by their build since everyone is using elite specs.
and JTguevara i see you on lots of forums posts what do you mean soloq doesnt exist??
i got legend and beyond in every single season except the first ( cus i couldnt be bothered to play the bunker meta with those mesmers lol ) and 90 % of that was soloque. so i dont really get what youre saying. once you start duo and tripple queing.. thats when you can end up getting teamed against a 5 man team. but soloq is soloq so youre not gonna get 5 man teams really.
(…) since youre not actually bad, you have an easier time getting to youre deserved division. thats why.
My mmr says Im bad, and because of that I progress faster. Logic?
if you had low mmr and you still sucked.. you would be stuck on 50 % winrate and only progress to ruby after a while.Not really the reality. Since this is a TEAM effort, and if you get stuck with 4 good players, you have four times better chance to progress than vice versa.
system is working as intended.The intention is for casuals like you to progress so you can finish your pve achievements easily. So yes, its working. Does it help to keep good players in pvp? No. Absolutely not. Because you get PUNISHED for being good.
duuhhh. if you have low mmr but youre a good player you have easier time progressing since your mmr is not where it should be. get it?
lol. and 70 % winrate is not blowing through? do you even know why this happens? its because ANET thinks youre a bad player since you have a low mmr. then it tries to equalize the teams by splitting 50 50. so youre now the bad guy on the team.. anet thinks. however.. since youre not actually bad, you have an easier time getting to youre deserved division. thats why.
if you had low mmr and you still sucked.. you would be stuck on 50 % winrate and only progress to ruby after a while.
system is working as intended.
its just not as good as it could be. but its definitely fun to play already. we all know there needs to be more prestige in reaching legend and that only a handful should be able to and im sure anet is trying to figure this problem out as we speak.
here on the forums theres a tendency for people just jsut spew all the negative bullkitten they can come up with and post it right away. why else would someone go to the forums amirite? they come here to complain when something is wrong cus they know it will be seen here and over time this has become home for the pessimistic noobies of gw2 who can do nothing but complain.
however. i am going to take it 1 step further. complainoxception. i go here on the forums to read about information about the game every now and then, and about a year ago i was here almost every day. not to complain.. but to read ppls posts that i find interesting and things im interested in about the game in general.
so im now going to complain about people complaining all the time. seems legit.
no, matchmaking isnt “THE WORST THING EVER IM GONNA QUIT GW2”
and you dont need to ask " WHAT HAPPENED TO PVP??? OMG PVP IS DEAD GUYS"
look. we get it. you did good last season. you probably reached diamond or legend.. good for you. but now what? youre stuck? and that means the ENTIRE system and matchmaking is completely broken?
heres the thing. good players ALWAYS do good. not game to game.. but overall. youre not gonna see a really good player be stuck in ruby. doesnt happen. if youre stuck.. then youre doing something wrong.
and no. you yourself doesnt count. when was the last time you saw a reeallly good player who couldnt get out of ruby? exactly. it doesnt happen. if youre there.. youre not good. youre average. there isnt really anything wrong with that.. i mean.. youre just as good as like 60 or 70 % of the pvp players..
the problem is that everyone here feels as though they are entitled to reach legend or whatever. ive seen some people with like literally 1000 AP getting to ruby within the first week of season 4. ik, AP doesnt mean anything but if you have 1000 you literally only played the game for like a week or two, lol.
so did they get lucky? yes they did. now imagine that player with 1k AP being angry at ANET in season 5 for not making him able to reach ruby again. just imagine that now ok??
thats kinda stupid isnt it? i mean.. hes so new. he doesnt really know what hes doing. he has little understanding of the depth gw2 pvp has and his mechanical skill seems clungy and newbish. as to be expected of course. hes just a new player so thats not bad at all.
well… thats kinda how all the good players see those of you who complain about the system being broken.. about how lame the meta is.. about how pvp is broken…
we see you like the rest see that 1 player who made it to ruby with only 1k AP.
sure.. you might have done well last season.. but .. if you cant do it again.. do you really deserve it? i mean luck can happen to anyone. the only way to prove you are that good is to do it again and again, like the rest of us.
right now.. i think pvp is in a good place. even for soloqueuers. it could be better .. yes.. but obviously conquest is not meant for soloq. its a teamq thing.
youll have more fun and everything will be better if we just teamed up with friends and stuff.. but obviously thats hard at low tiers since everyone is so angry at each other cus they all inherently suck but dont want to admit it.
idk how bad my turn in the mmr hell was.. but i was grinding my way through to ruby with quite a bit of effort. a little more so than my friends i was queing with at the time.
after i hit ruby, i started to have a lot of problems. i couldnt win at all with the friends i was playing with so just stopped that and played soloq instead. for 2 days straight i couldnt get more than 2 pips in tier 1 ruby. i just couldnt win at all. i lost a lot of games.. but i did win some.
after a lot of games id gotten some oppotunities to prove myself. i had won some outnumbered fights and whatnot.. a few games where we won even though the odds were against me and the other pugs. as matches were slowly starting to get more even.. i would have matches where the winner would usually only win by about 150 to 100 points or less. this is when i was really able to get back in the game.
because i was able to slightly carry the games.. i was able to win more often than not.
i mean obviously i should be able to do this since i was fighting with and against people way below my level. and then once i figured out exactly what to do against these kinda ppl at this level, i ended up spiralling my way all the way to diamond.
mmr hell can happen to anyone but if youre selfproclaimed pro player.. you dont have an excuse to stay there.
so if i could get out of MMR hell.. you can too.
stop whining pls. pvp is still good and fun to play.
(edited by bigo.9037)
and also man reading the online forums is so depressing. its like an angry little community of sapphire – ruby players at the end of the season complaining about stuff cus they basically arent any good at pvp at all and just play casually and averagely who get so mad cus someone beat their kitten when they thought they were the best players ever who deserve legendary and the backpiece and 200000 gems from anet. entitled little pricks. git gud, work for the stuff you want.
omg do you ppl ever stop screaming for condi nerfs? jesus. how many freakn builds in the meta right now are condi? like… necro.. ok.. warrior? ok… mesmer… .. …. …… ………………………………………… right. 3 out of 9 classes are condi. rest are physical..
how would you like it if all condi players started screaming for physical dmg nerfs cus statistically condi is actually more likely to die than physical?
stop thinking your class and your build should be able to beat any and everything. the meta is like a circle of builds that hold each other up. theres a reason we have some condi classes. we NEED them. otherwise the whole meta will fall apart and the entire balancing of the game would have to be redone.
i hate to break it to ya.. but.. if you get 1 hit by dragonhunters.. all i have to say is… git gud
so like.. NA or EU?? and what is AG?
i used to go with approx. 2200 power, 50 % crit chance, 2.6k armor or so, and the rest of my stats in ferocity.
i use longbow and sword / dagger .
now im using almost entirely assassins, with the only exception being trinkets which are of course, beserker.
same build, same weps.
i find toughness to be boring as heck. you never get better at your class if you play with such a huge safety net. it basically enables you to make 99999 mistakes, and still survive. im done with that. i want to play high dmg again.
furthermore. if youre roaming, like i am exclusively.. playing celestial stats is gonna get you nowhere as the only thing you will ever be able to kill are npc’s.
if for you guys, roaming is attacking players forever until more people show up on either side is fun, go ahead. but i wanna actually kill them.
this is basically it for spvp, and for wvw, i use the trooper runes so i can condi clear with my shouts, and just use food for the regen instead.
good build for 1v1 if youre quick and know what youre doing, and also brilliant at sniping down people that are trying to run. lol.
(edited by bigo.9037)
OP, i get your frustration. but i dont actually think the reason is the game itself, ( well, it is the game too. but not only. ) its the players playing this game. look around. all these players dont want to spend so much time theory crafting a new build. most of the time, only the really skilled players can theory craft good builds that actually work in spvp. the majority of spvp players are just casuals who play for fun and lolz. and most of them dont want to risk losing cus they are running a potentially bad build they working on, so they just play whatever others have told them works better.
so really, there is always something you can come up with that can work in the current meta. however, like others have said, spvp is a very specific game type, so specific builds are always going to do better at conquest.
As usual if you have lags and want to complain about them at least verify that it is really Anets fault by running a traceroute.
i dont think you understand what im talking about. this isnt just me its affecting. its everyone playing in wvw at that time. i can play in SPVP, and there will be 0 lag. but as soon as i log into eternal battlegrounds, it starts lagging like crazy. how many times have i tried tracerouting..? i dont even know. when i first started playing wvw years ago, i also thought it was my own internet. but nope.
if you ask people in map chat.. they all say the same.
you dont have to upgrade server capacity or whatever for every single server. just the ones that need it. all the top servers with a bunch of people in them.
Let’s not play favouritism here. Low tiers also have terrible lags. And they also have people on them during prime time to the point of queues, especially after all this population balance and server linking.
i didnt k now this was the case, but ok. then they will just have to upgrade across the board tbh.
I like many others really enjoy playing this game. i play it mostly every day, and even though i might have some breaks where i dont play for a few days or a week or two, i always come back. And its funny, cus i dont do much else in this game than roam around in wvw, flip camps, come up with fun and cool tricks to mess with the other servers.. and of course, kill other players. i dont really enjoy conquest that much. it just isnt for me. although i always play during the ranked season for the legendary tittle. so for me.. wvw is where i spend most of my time, and its great.
BUT… there is ONE problem. its a really big issue for me and other roamers alike.. but i think it could be solved rather easily.
The problem… is the lag.
I transfered to piken square over 2 years ago with a friend.. and since then, the server has become the best standing server on EU. that means.. that my server will always have a lot of people in it. and we are fighting against other servers that also have a lot of people playing all the time. and this is the problem. eeverryyy single kitten day during “prime time” ( which is basically from 16:00 to 23:00 ) Eternal battlegrounds and usually also the other borderlands.. will be laggy. very laggy.
this is a huge freakin’ deal honestly. it literally makes the game unplayable during those times for me and many others who dont want to zerg all day.
it makes it impossible to win outnumbered fights with lag, cus when everyone is lagging, skill matters less, as things are more up to chance. and when they have more people.. yea you get the point.
so PLEASE … ANET.. fix the servers. you dont have to upgrade server capacity or whatever for every single server. just the ones that need it. all the top servers with a bunch of people in them. nobody likes the lag.. it sucks. roaming is out of the question while its laggy.
plenty of other areas in the game are fine and dont seem to lag even though theres lots of people in there. you could even decrease the capacity for smaller servers if youd like.
just do something about it. id gladly pay a bit of money just for the servers to be fixed tbh. it really sucks when you cant play..
The landslide scores have two explanations:
1 – MM isn’t effective, creating unbalanced teams for a multitude of reasons: classes are unbalanced, skill levels are unbalanced, premades vs soloers and some others.
2 – The game mode promotes landslides. Even with balanced teams very close matches aren’t the rule.These two don’t indicate an elo hell, just that the system is flawed, but it’s flawed both ways so in theory it’s 50/50.
that might be true yes. but either way, its sort of the same end result.
also, i realize the game mode can promote blowout or landslide games like you said.. but its worse than that. in the games you are winning, you are literally farming the enemy team on their close point / their base. youre gonna have a 3 cap most of the game.. running from point to point and killing any opponent alive. its not just the score.. everything is just complete.. well i dont even know what to call it lol.
and its not even any fun at all.. when i wanna get back my pips and feel annoyed cus i lost a few games in a row.. i wanna earn the pips back. i dont want to be given compensation. that sucks. its like anet telling you " aww here you go, sorry that you lost a few games" … nobody wants that.
(edited by bigo.9037)
You’re right the game has no way to calculate individual skill. That was realized during all the beta ladders during Fall2015 leading up to HoT 2016.
You’re also right in terms of being on a consistent team. That would yield a more accurate mmr, resulting in more fair matches. But as you said it’s unrealistic for any game to do because casuals, specifically soloQ players, will always be the minority.
Why your point of view is an over-exaggeration of matchmaking
I know you’re making a point but from just your background video I could see how you’ve gotten only as far as Ruby or Diamond. Let me explain without trying to sound like an insult.No doubt MM will place you on an unfavorable team and no doubt you’ll likely get placed on that team back to back like some kind of bad dream. That said your overall sucess rate in Leagues will be governed by rotations, class type, and build type. Neither of which matchmaking knows how to accommodate in its system. See my quote back in Nov 2015 or my thread back in December explainimg the need of a smarter matchmaking system. Because of this, it requires hundreds of games for mmr to be anywhere near accurate
So that said, we have to be smarter than matchmaking. Rangers are a heavy team dependant class because they do best on side nodes rather than mid fights. They can offer good focus target bursts but it’s only worth wild if they have that +1 cc burst class like Rev or Thief. Rangers complementary heal/cleanses/blinds is not good enough to “carry” in a team fight like Ele. You have Search & Rescue but thats a hit or miss.
We’re all ever more reliant on our rotations, some more than others because of class type but judging from the video, you made a few poor decisions. A lot of players are at matchmakings mercy; we’ve all been there but many have gotten through by working the map and playing efficiently.
- There is no downward “mmr hell” spiral.
- Friend players you don’t want to queue with.
- /team chat to call targets, set targets yourself.
- Be smarter than the bad matchmaking system.
appreciate the feedback but.. ( ok sry i havent actually read the quote from 2015 you posted lol ) what are you trying to say? the mmr spiral doesnt exist? yes it does… i explained it perfectly in the video. sure it might take more matches for that to happen but you get the idea. over a long period of time this could happen. also the "being smarter than matchmaking " tips you listed are more of a common practice that nearly everyone uses..
and no i never said that im ruby / diamond. that was just an example so it would be easier to understand. i was on a huge winstreak from sapphire to legendary and i hardly ever lost at all. i mean.. it was so easy that i couldve gone afk in the game and my team wouldve won for me. like i said, its always 50 – 500 or 500 – 50. ( obviously it can vary with a hundred points or so but you get the idea )
so like.. if its THAT easy.. i can just winstreak for free.. imagine if i wasnt actually good enough to beat the opponent team? i wouldnt be deserving the pip and mmr boost. thats my point. soloq is just not working, and i dont think it was meant to.
I was expecting the OP to shout during this video.
Solo queue does work and has worked. The entry is based on MMR, available players and within a variance of yours.
Forced 5 man groups is just a ridiculous way of going about fixing the core problem with GW2 pvp. You really run a high risk of dwindling the population down even more.
im not saying that we should force ppl to que with full parties lol. what i meant to say is just that this is what the system is intended to be ranking with. this is how it will work optimally.
I made a video explaining why and how matchmaking is broken specifically for solo queue.
All of this is based off my own experience and things ive read on the forums.
Also included is how and why arena net might have done what they did, and a basic understanding of how it works.
Even though not all of this is going to be 100 % accurate, i’m sure most of you will know what i’m talking about as this is something everyone will have experienced at some point.
Link :
Been roaming quite a lot recently. in one of the clips i get chased by the same 3 to 4 people across the entire map for over 10 minutes straight.. and then they all end up dying lol. i recently converted more of my armor ( and weps ) to assassin instead of zerker to have a more consistent dps.
Enjoy :b
ah that’s not what I mean though.. I’m just trying to explain how and why, for pure dmg stats, zerker would still be better than this condi spec etc..
It’s kind of wierd to question the OP’s build that obviously works. The build she use seems to be effective in outnumbered fights when the one you actually use is not, or is maybe less effective (i also watched your vid), cuz in a pure power build, you have no damage while kitting.
I am not a fan of the build she use, not my playstyle, but i like the very specific choices and the theory craft work on it.
As regards the OP’s question, you could move in T1 where roamers are more aggressive to test your build. Just an idea.
On a side note, i would have appreciated some music (i think i can remember an old vid of yours with good songs).
“obviously works” well ofc it can work.. but i mean cmon. you say my build is less effective? what? have you read my earlier posts on this thread? i explain in full detail why it is that you dont actually have “more” dps just because “it ticks even when kiting”
it ticks when kiting. yes. but all youve done is SPREAD the damage over a longer window of time. you did not increase your dps in any way. ALSO. i have tried using the survival bleed utility. it adds no dmg at all. almost entirely useless.. even with krait runes.
and as for other people saying they achieve 2.5 k ticks when they arent hitting… thats simply not true. i mean unless you think fighting training golems is fun. youre never going to reach 2.5 k on any half decent enemy.
2.5k is 20 stacks of bleed, or basically 1 entangle/mad king proc, or 1 ancient seeds/rapid fire with the stacks they already have on them from the auto attacks.
Remember every hit is 1 or 2 bleeds, it’s really not that hard to keep them up.20 STACKS OF BLEED….??? yea. id LOVE to see you keep TWENTY ****** STACKS of bleeding on an opponent. holy ……… what have you been smoking? you think you can maintain 20 stacks of ANY condition on an enemy? WTF?
i know this build’s idea is fun to play and interesting, but it just isnt more effective than full power.basically youre saying that you like fighting training golems. ok. i get it.
you would have to hit EVERY single thing, and pop all your stuff at once. then youre left with nothing. and it only takes like.. idk… 2-4 condi cleanses and its all gone. now youre all on cooldown. GG.
this build is only gonna be good in wvw when youre fighting the zergers that died and are trying to get back to their commander. i mean its like stealing candy from a baby.
do you not understand how its impossible to do this?
I just told you how you how popping entangle alone will net 20 stacks… how does that equal “popping all my stuff at once”?
You have to remember every single hit is 1-2 bleeds, roughly every 10 seconds your stacking another 5 stacks + immobilize, vuln and poison. They have to cleanse constantly to keep the bleeds off of themselves, and most players don’t realize what’kittenting them because they see the rapid fire hitting them and assume the bleeds are just the normal ancient seeds ones that do no damage on a power you ARE talking about killing clueless players. ok.
do yo know what evading is? its when you press V and you evade an attack to avoid dmg. yea.. ppl do that.
they will not let you freely hit them for 10 seconds straight if they are not target golems.
even the training npc’s ( ranger, guard, mes etc. etc. ) wont let you hit them for that long so easily.
i mean im not against the fact that you want a build for killing wvw players, but youre dismissing my point entirely by saying stuff that isnt even true.
and also. I LITERALLY just tested entangle . it pops 4- 5 stacks. im talking about the elite. what. you think people are gonna stand there, immobilized not do anything. JUST STAND THERE.. AND LET YOU HIT THEM? what the kitten man.
the druid trait that uses the same sort of entangle pops 4 stacks. if you let them stay full duration. that doesnt happen very often. people will cleanse it off. immob is a high priority condition to cleanse, so if they just cleanse 1 or 2, it will most likely be removed.
my point STILL remains. this build is not as efficient as a full power build.
im not saying dont run it, just that you could be better off in a fight with a pure power build isntead of this.Holy crap….how new are you?
First off, you draw out their dodges, and you keep track of them so you don’t waste your valuable skills. You save your heavy hitters for moments when they are vulnerable, like right after you catch them with a cc or right when they are ending a dodge.and yeah entangle by itself does 5 stacks….. but the mad king proc hits 16 times, between sharpened edges and sigil of earth kitten near every hit gives you a bleed. Even if they avoid some of it they are still usually taking around 20 bleeds, especially since you can keep attacking them while the birds are hitting.
Also when I said you will inflict all those other conditions every 10 seconds, I wasn’t saying you are standing still free firing on someone. 10 seconds are the cooldowns before the traits/skills that inflict those conditions are ready to be used again
sharpening edges deals like no dmg.. the bleed from that is so low.. and the mad king proc only does 4 stacks from what i just tried in spvp. and about the dodging part.. you are CONSTANTLY theorizing about how you can easily outplay. you never take into consideration your opponents might be of equal skill or at least avoid your dmg better than what youre making them out to do…
all the dmg you get from this build you couldve gotten with power too. and that would make the dmg instant, where as the conditions take a while to deal their dmg.
some builds will get countered by this hybrid stuff sure. but most of the time not. you make too many sacrafices to make this work
What was your crit chance when you tested it in SPvP? Were you running sigil of earth? What was your condi damage that makes you claim your bleeds do no damage? Were you running hidden barbs to increase your bleed damage?From your other thread it really doesn’t seem like you think about how certain traits and sigils compliment and enhance each others performance. This isn’t just a theory crafted build, it’s one I’ve been actively using in game in which I win multiple outnumbered fights on a daily basis, and Justine’s video proves I’m not alone in this.
As for my opponents being of equal skill or better…. wtf does that have to do with any build? Do you think a full power build would somehow carry me against a better player?
even if you do that… your dmg will still remain the same…
i mean dmg doesnt just come out of nowhere.. power dmg is essentially taking 100 % of your potential dmg and making it physical. this build takes 60 or 65 % of your potential dmg as physical and the rest as condi.
either way, condi is over time. bleeding is a condition that usually takes longer than other conditions to deal its dmg. and using a utility skill for hidden barbs is just stupid imo, as every time i tested it, it just didnt add enough bleeding dmg to worth a ~ 30 sec cooldown with not much else to offer.
I find using the druid line without the staff lackluster. Without the staff auto you are essentially not using the minor traits in druid, and the lingering light also does not trigger as often.
You do not deal much damage, and most of it relies on enemies standing in bonfire but you do not have beastly warden or ancient seed in order to root enemies in it. In short you made a worst version of the condi mesmer.Honestly ether change the sword/dagger to a staff or drop the druid line entirely for ether wilderness survival or skirmishing. Ws will give you almost the exact same thing as druid as far as survivability is concerned, you trade 1 stun break for another (druidic clarity for shared anguish), condi removal for other (druidic clarity for empatehtic bond), and a sustain trait for another (lingering light for oakheart salve). You only loose stealth but gain some powerful minors.
The loss of cele avatar is big, but you can compensate by not taking trash traits that are required to make it work, so you can take withering strike for some weakness that will further allow you to resist power dmg, and you can swap signet of the wild for stone, which will somewaht make up for the lost healing.Or go with skirmishing and get some vigor and actual damage traits such as more powerful bleed and quick draw (quick draw alone can make up for loosing cele avatar healing because it allows you to evade with weapons more often as well as make disengaging easier, or allow you to push for more dmg if surviving via kiting is not needed)
Whatever you decide to do, ditch the axe trait and take beastly warden. Your major dmg skill is bonfire and you have 0 ways to root enemies in it, this trait should fix that.
i can see what youre getting at with the pet taunt trait. but the other stuff… idk. i have already tried ( not with this exact condi set up in mind though ) fiddeling around with other ways to compensate for celestial avatar without the druid traitline and stuff. but there just isnt anything that can..
jesus christ the amount of clarification you need to understand my point.
nature magic = more boons on pet = easily stack / maintain 10-25 stacks of might AND more CA regeneration.
wilderness = nothing. a few cleanses, inferior healing and stunbreakers.
CA = stunbreak every 10 sec. 13 condi cleanses / 10 sec.
and also i read your other comment again. honed axe is not useless. the heck are you talking about? 13 seconds of weakness in AOE is not useless. the other options arent worth it for this condi build.
I just said that you should take Wilderness Survival over Nature Magic and you answered me that i couldn’t compare WS and Celestial Avatar. Then you wrote a whole text comparing WS to Druid, but I never said that you should leave the Druid line.
Here again : “wilderness = nothing. a few cleanses, inferior healing and stunbreakers.”, you’re comparing WS and Druid lines. It’s pointless and there is nothing to understand here from what i said in the first place.
You just took the 3 meta traits lines and tried to insert a condi build in it. That’s why you take most of you trait buy default (mostly in NM). You can’t make a good build this way.
In WS the minors are very good, more endurance, protection on dodge (and you dodge a lot..), you could take Oakheart Salve (that is basically better than Rejuvenation minor). Then Ambidextery is your trait since u use Torch an Dagger, less CD + 150 condi damage (even if you don’t really care care about stats, precision wasted, 250 ferocity wasted etc.), your main damage come from torch. Bark Skin is good against a first burst. And Wilderness Knowledge is great with survivals, you could have the cleans you need here to take another runes, and there are a lots of good runes for condi builds.
By the way, TO is a very strong heal, mostly traited. Obviously you can’t use a HOT the same way you use a burst heal, but i am not going to try an explanation here. But the good thing is that you can still choose HAO if you want, because you can have both survivals and shouts traited while keeping BM, you could even keep trooper runes and remove condi with both your shouts and survivals… And Entangle would be good to immobilize your opponents in your Bonefire (for now they just have to leave the red circle). Wilderness Survival, Beast Mastery and Druid (to be clear lol) would be really better for the kind of build you’re looking for in my oppinion. Your build is not optimized, like, not at all.
You even took sigil of doom in your dagger, in a weapons set where you already have 6 stacks of poison if you’re smart (Stalker’s Strike alone means perma poisoned with your dagger). I don’t think that Jesus would help me to understand you choices xD.
sigils might not be optimal, sure… but about wilderness survival?
look. what i meant was that nature magic provides much more astral force so that celestial avatar will be ready to use more often. nature magic does this by the boonshare with pet.. boon copying etc. etc.. your pet basically has permanent regeneration on it.. which means as long as your pet doesnt have 100 % hp, the regen will tick, giving you astral force.
Wildernessurvival does not have this. so you regenerate astral force slower.
i know youre supposed to use troll urgent at a different time and stuff than whao, but if youre already low, the healing ticks are just not good enough to keep you alive.. unless you have more toughness / vitality than you generally should have. even CA wont save you here. as you only have a 3k heal thats instant. and with wilderness you have less astral force regen, so thats not going to be available as easily..
you dont need to be bunker to trait and build for CA. all builds have to do this. its the only way you can stay alive when all other classes also have their elite specs.
ah that’s not what I mean though.. I’m just trying to explain how and why, for pure dmg stats, zerker would still be better than this condi spec etc..
It’s kind of wierd to question the OP’s build that obviously works. The build she use seems to be effective in outnumbered fights when the one you actually use is not, or is maybe less effective (i also watched your vid), cuz in a pure power build, you have no damage while kitting.
I am not a fan of the build she use, not my playstyle, but i like the very specific choices and the theory craft work on it.
As regards the OP’s question, you could move in T1 where roamers are more aggressive to test your build. Just an idea.
On a side note, i would have appreciated some music (i think i can remember an old vid of yours with good songs).
“obviously works” well ofc it can work.. but i mean cmon. you say my build is less effective? what? have you read my earlier posts on this thread? i explain in full detail why it is that you dont actually have “more” dps just because “it ticks even when kiting”
it ticks when kiting. yes. but all youve done is SPREAD the damage over a longer window of time. you did not increase your dps in any way. ALSO. i have tried using the survival bleed utility. it adds no dmg at all. almost entirely useless.. even with krait runes.
and as for other people saying they achieve 2.5 k ticks when they arent hitting… thats simply not true. i mean unless you think fighting training golems is fun. youre never going to reach 2.5 k on any half decent enemy.
2.5k is 20 stacks of bleed, or basically 1 entangle/mad king proc, or 1 ancient seeds/rapid fire with the stacks they already have on them from the auto attacks.
Remember every hit is 1 or 2 bleeds, it’s really not that hard to keep them up.20 STACKS OF BLEED….??? yea. id LOVE to see you keep TWENTY ****** STACKS of bleeding on an opponent. holy ……… what have you been smoking? you think you can maintain 20 stacks of ANY condition on an enemy? WTF?
i know this build’s idea is fun to play and interesting, but it just isnt more effective than full power.basically youre saying that you like fighting training golems. ok. i get it.
you would have to hit EVERY single thing, and pop all your stuff at once. then youre left with nothing. and it only takes like.. idk… 2-4 condi cleanses and its all gone. now youre all on cooldown. GG.
this build is only gonna be good in wvw when youre fighting the zergers that died and are trying to get back to their commander. i mean its like stealing candy from a baby.
do you not understand how its impossible to do this?
I just told you how you how popping entangle alone will net 20 stacks… how does that equal “popping all my stuff at once”?
You have to remember every single hit is 1-2 bleeds, roughly every 10 seconds your stacking another 5 stacks + immobilize, vuln and poison. They have to cleanse constantly to keep the bleeds off of themselves, and most players don’t realize what’kittenting them because they see the rapid fire hitting them and assume the bleeds are just the normal ancient seeds ones that do no damage on a power you ARE talking about killing clueless players. ok.
do yo know what evading is? its when you press V and you evade an attack to avoid dmg. yea.. ppl do that.
they will not let you freely hit them for 10 seconds straight if they are not target golems.
even the training npc’s ( ranger, guard, mes etc. etc. ) wont let you hit them for that long so easily.
i mean im not against the fact that you want a build for killing wvw players, but youre dismissing my point entirely by saying stuff that isnt even true.
and also. I LITERALLY just tested entangle . it pops 4- 5 stacks. im talking about the elite. what. you think people are gonna stand there, immobilized not do anything. JUST STAND THERE.. AND LET YOU HIT THEM? what the kitten man.
the druid trait that uses the same sort of entangle pops 4 stacks. if you let them stay full duration. that doesnt happen very often. people will cleanse it off. immob is a high priority condition to cleanse, so if they just cleanse 1 or 2, it will most likely be removed.
my point STILL remains. this build is not as efficient as a full power build.
im not saying dont run it, just that you could be better off in a fight with a pure power build isntead of this.Holy crap….how new are you?
First off, you draw out their dodges, and you keep track of them so you don’t waste your valuable skills. You save your heavy hitters for moments when they are vulnerable, like right after you catch them with a cc or right when they are ending a dodge.and yeah entangle by itself does 5 stacks….. but the mad king proc hits 16 times, between sharpened edges and sigil of earth kitten near every hit gives you a bleed. Even if they avoid some of it they are still usually taking around 20 bleeds, especially since you can keep attacking them while the birds are hitting.
Also when I said you will inflict all those other conditions every 10 seconds, I wasn’t saying you are standing still free firing on someone. 10 seconds are the cooldowns before the traits/skills that inflict those conditions are ready to be used again
sharpening edges deals like no dmg.. the bleed from that is so low.. and the mad king proc only does 4 stacks from what i just tried in spvp. and about the dodging part.. you are CONSTANTLY theorizing about how you can easily outplay. you never take into consideration your opponents might be of equal skill or at least avoid your dmg better than what youre making them out to do…
all the dmg you get from this build you couldve gotten with power too. and that would make the dmg instant, where as the conditions take a while to deal their dmg.
some builds will get countered by this hybrid stuff sure. but most of the time not. you make too many sacrafices to make this work
I’m pretty sure the weakness isn’t aoe, because it is applied by the pet and not by the skill directly. Haven’t tested it though. Aoe chill is still nice, however i think, aoe taunt or more might/quickness has more value in most situations.
good point there about the weakness. i over looked that.
however, as a condi build.. youre going to want to apply aoe chill and bleed to multiple enemies. also, the might could be alright but its only 3 stacks.. so yea.
youre gonna deal more dmg with axe with honed axe cus you can spam axe 2 for good bleeding dmg. and the taunt… is can sort of be a mess. you have to put your bristleback in a certain spot.. most of the time ppl will be out of the taunt range for bristleback anyway since its not following the targets because it has a long range.
and with smokescale youre wasting your smokefield for the taunt so… eh..
ah that’s not what I mean though.. I’m just trying to explain how and why, for pure dmg stats, zerker would still be better than this condi spec etc..
It’s kind of wierd to question the OP’s build that obviously works. The build she use seems to be effective in outnumbered fights when the one you actually use is not, or is maybe less effective (i also watched your vid), cuz in a pure power build, you have no damage while kitting.
I am not a fan of the build she use, not my playstyle, but i like the very specific choices and the theory craft work on it.
As regards the OP’s question, you could move in T1 where roamers are more aggressive to test your build. Just an idea.
On a side note, i would have appreciated some music (i think i can remember an old vid of yours with good songs).
“obviously works” well ofc it can work.. but i mean cmon. you say my build is less effective? what? have you read my earlier posts on this thread? i explain in full detail why it is that you dont actually have “more” dps just because “it ticks even when kiting”
it ticks when kiting. yes. but all youve done is SPREAD the damage over a longer window of time. you did not increase your dps in any way. ALSO. i have tried using the survival bleed utility. it adds no dmg at all. almost entirely useless.. even with krait runes.
and as for other people saying they achieve 2.5 k ticks when they arent hitting… thats simply not true. i mean unless you think fighting training golems is fun. youre never going to reach 2.5 k on any half decent enemy.
2.5k is 20 stacks of bleed, or basically 1 entangle/mad king proc, or 1 ancient seeds/rapid fire with the stacks they already have on them from the auto attacks.
Remember every hit is 1 or 2 bleeds, it’s really not that hard to keep them up.20 STACKS OF BLEED….??? yea. id LOVE to see you keep TWENTY ****** STACKS of bleeding on an opponent. holy ……… what have you been smoking? you think you can maintain 20 stacks of ANY condition on an enemy? WTF?
i know this build’s idea is fun to play and interesting, but it just isnt more effective than full power.basically youre saying that you like fighting training golems. ok. i get it.
you would have to hit EVERY single thing, and pop all your stuff at once. then youre left with nothing. and it only takes like.. idk… 2-4 condi cleanses and its all gone. now youre all on cooldown. GG.
this build is only gonna be good in wvw when youre fighting the zergers that died and are trying to get back to their commander. i mean its like stealing candy from a baby.
do you not understand how its impossible to do this?
I just told you how you how popping entangle alone will net 20 stacks… how does that equal “popping all my stuff at once”?
You have to remember every single hit is 1-2 bleeds, roughly every 10 seconds your stacking another 5 stacks + immobilize, vuln and poison. They have to cleanse constantly to keep the bleeds off of themselves, and most players don’t realize what’kittenting them because they see the rapid fire hitting them and assume the bleeds are just the normal ancient seeds ones that do no damage on a power build.
so you ARE talking about killing clueless players. ok.
do yo know what evading is? its when you press V and you evade an attack to avoid dmg. yea.. ppl do that.
they will not let you freely hit them for 10 seconds straight if they are not target golems.
even the training npc’s ( ranger, guard, mes etc. etc. ) wont let you hit them for that long so easily.
i mean im not against the fact that you want a build for killing wvw players, but youre dismissing my point entirely by saying stuff that isnt even true.
and also. I LITERALLY just tested entangle . it pops 4- 5 stacks. im talking about the elite. what. you think people are gonna stand there, immobilized not do anything. JUST STAND THERE.. AND LET YOU HIT THEM? what the kitten man.
the druid trait that uses the same sort of entangle pops 4 stacks. if you let them stay full duration. that doesnt happen very often. people will cleanse it off. immob is a high priority condition to cleanse, so if they just cleanse 1 or 2, it will most likely be removed.
my point STILL remains. this build is not as efficient as a full power build.
im not saying dont run it, just that you could be better off in a fight with a pure power build isntead of this.
i already tried fiddeling around with wilderness survival but theres nothing to compare with celestial avatar. in todays meta its simply a must. you cant live without it. while using traitlines other than nature magic ive died many times due to the fact im unable to cleanse conditions, break stun and heal my self at the right time.
also, the grandmaster traits are extremely problematic in wilderness because you lose something either way. if you go with the one that makes your pet take conditions from you, you lose the cooldown reduction of survival skills. of course, it is more condi removal than the cooldown reduction trait, but its very inconsistent. it takes 3 condis after 10 sec.. and then 10 sec later repeat. you have 0 control over when this happens, and that means if you rely too much on this to cleanse off condis midfight youre going to die very soon after the first time you use celestial avatar to cleanse the condis.
im not sure but it also feels like the pet has to be within a certain range to be able to remove your conditions? either way, 3 condis / 10 sec is not enough when you have 0 control . dont forget that with CA, you can cleanse 13 condis every 10 sec. just to put that into perspective.and the survival skill CD reduction trait… well… theres only 2 usefull survival skills. well… 1 actually. troll urgent doesnt heal fast enough. youre not a necro. youre not running clerics armor. you will not survive healing for only 800 / sec. cleanses 2 condis.. sure. lighting reflexes is probably the only good survival skill. evading backwards is very usefull as a ranger. and it removes up to like.. 3 conditions. and has a decently low cooldown.. but ONLY if you take that trait.
basically, if you take CD reduction trait, youre forced to run 2 survival skills. 3 is too much, the elite is useless in comparison to SotP.
if you take the 3 condi cleanse / 10 sec, you cant use survival skills….. what the kitten is the point then?
with nature magic you get better benefits, more condi cleanse, ( and stunbreaks ) more heals etc. etc. etc…… theres just no reason to run wilderness. ive already tried. but it doesnt work.
edit: yes, i have tried swapping out the runes while using the wilderness traitline. but it doesnt matter. i even tried the rune of the dolyak to compensate for less astral regeneration. but it still isnt worth it.. youre still missing out on some very important things.
NOT building for celestial avatar is like not even using the druid traitline in the first place. CA is what makes druids viable in the first place. you NEED it and you WILL die without it.
You’re confusing Nature Magic and Druid lines.
jesus christ the amount of clarification you need to understand my point.
nature magic = more boons on pet = easily stack / maintain 10-25 stacks of might AND more CA regeneration.
wilderness = nothing. a few cleanses, inferior healing and stunbreakers.
CA = stunbreak every 10 sec. 13 condi cleanses / 10 sec.
and also i read your other comment again. honed axe is not useless. the heck are you talking about? 13 seconds of weakness in AOE is not useless. the other options arent worth it for this condi build.
ah that’s not what I mean though.. I’m just trying to explain how and why, for pure dmg stats, zerker would still be better than this condi spec etc..
It’s kind of wierd to question the OP’s build that obviously works. The build she use seems to be effective in outnumbered fights when the one you actually use is not, or is maybe less effective (i also watched your vid), cuz in a pure power build, you have no damage while kitting.
I am not a fan of the build she use, not my playstyle, but i like the very specific choices and the theory craft work on it.
As regards the OP’s question, you could move in T1 where roamers are more aggressive to test your build. Just an idea.
On a side note, i would have appreciated some music (i think i can remember an old vid of yours with good songs).
“obviously works” well ofc it can work.. but i mean cmon. you say my build is less effective? what? have you read my earlier posts on this thread? i explain in full detail why it is that you dont actually have “more” dps just because “it ticks even when kiting”
it ticks when kiting. yes. but all youve done is SPREAD the damage over a longer window of time. you did not increase your dps in any way. ALSO. i have tried using the survival bleed utility. it adds no dmg at all. almost entirely useless.. even with krait runes.
and as for other people saying they achieve 2.5 k ticks when they arent hitting… thats simply not true. i mean unless you think fighting training golems is fun. youre never going to reach 2.5 k on any half decent enemy.
2.5k is 20 stacks of bleed, or basically 1 entangle/mad king proc, or 1 ancient seeds/rapid fire with the stacks they already have on them from the auto attacks.
Remember every hit is 1 or 2 bleeds, it’s really not that hard to keep them up.
20 STACKS OF BLEED….??? yea. id LOVE to see you keep TWENTY ****** STACKS of bleeding on an opponent. holy ……… what have you been smoking? you think you can maintain 20 stacks of ANY condition on an enemy? WTF?
i know this build’s idea is fun to play and interesting, but it just isnt more effective than full power.
basically youre saying that you like fighting training golems. ok. i get it.
you would have to hit EVERY single thing, and pop all your stuff at once. then youre left with nothing. and it only takes like.. idk… 2-4 condi cleanses and its all gone. now youre all on cooldown. GG.
this build is only gonna be good in wvw when youre fighting the zergers that died and are trying to get back to their commander. i mean its like stealing candy from a baby.
do you not understand how its impossible to do this?
I would recommend sun spirit too for condi builds, but i would definitely take Protective Ward over the spirit trait. If the spirit gets attacked, it will still die fast, doesn’t really matter if it takes 1 or 2 autoattacks. And 1s vigor isn’t doing much either. Wanderer’s isn’t a very tanky amulet and you are not using SoS, which makes the build quite vulnerable to burst. PW can help a lot vs power.
And I’m not sure, if wanderer is the best amulet choice, because the precision is pretty much wasted and the additional condi duration is often useless because of cleanses.Edit: Mh, maybe “on crit”-sigils like earth and torment would be worth taking over the duration sigils.
this is a very good point and i havent actually tested how well the spirit survives and how much dmg it takes to kill.
the idea of crit sigils is also a really good idea that shouldve been obvious to me when i started but oh well.
more feedback like this pls
Hey everyone. i’ve put together this condi druid build and a video explaining how it works in detail as well as how youre supposed to play it properly.
i’ve been trying to mess around with other condition druid builds for a while now and so far it just seems that the only way to make it work is to use the same two traitline as any other meta-like build: beastmastery and nature magic. this is due to the fact that combining these two traitlines just gives you much more astral force than any other set of traitlines because of the pet boon-share of regeneration etc..
So far ive had a lot of fun with this build during the last 30 games or so.. and im considering crafting a gearset so i can use something similar to roam with in WvW.
Link to the build itself will be in the video description.
Link to video:
Let me know what you guys think.
You don’t need Nature Magic to share regen with your pets from Resounding Timbre and shouts. I think that you’re focusing way to much on a way to quickly generate Astral Force while you’r not a support build. The precision is completly wasted, and Honed Axes is useless. Wilderness Survival is a better line to pick rather than Nature Magic, and survival skills would provide the cleans you need , so you could take so much more usefull runes… Also i would use Axe/Dagger and Sword/Torch for combo. First thing to learn with a condition ranger is to cover your burn stacks with others conditions with a good rotation instead of spamming everything on CD and missing half your condition applications.
i already tried fiddeling around with wilderness survival but theres nothing to compare with celestial avatar. in todays meta its simply a must. you cant live without it. while using traitlines other than nature magic ive died many times due to the fact im unable to cleanse conditions, break stun and heal my self at the right time.
also, the grandmaster traits are extremely problematic in wilderness because you lose something either way. if you go with the one that makes your pet take conditions from you, you lose the cooldown reduction of survival skills. of course, it is more condi removal than the cooldown reduction trait, but its very inconsistent. it takes 3 condis after 10 sec.. and then 10 sec later repeat. you have 0 control over when this happens, and that means if you rely too much on this to cleanse off condis midfight youre going to die very soon after the first time you use celestial avatar to cleanse the condis.
im not sure but it also feels like the pet has to be within a certain range to be able to remove your conditions? either way, 3 condis / 10 sec is not enough when you have 0 control . dont forget that with CA, you can cleanse 13 condis every 10 sec. just to put that into perspective.
and the survival skill CD reduction trait… well… theres only 2 usefull survival skills. well… 1 actually. troll urgent doesnt heal fast enough. youre not a necro. youre not running clerics armor. you will not survive healing for only 800 / sec. cleanses 2 condis.. sure. lighting reflexes is probably the only good survival skill. evading backwards is very usefull as a ranger. and it removes up to like.. 3 conditions. and has a decently low cooldown.. but ONLY if you take that trait.
basically, if you take CD reduction trait, youre forced to run 2 survival skills. 3 is too much, the elite is useless in comparison to SotP.
if you take the 3 condi cleanse / 10 sec, you cant use survival skills….. what the kitten is the point then?
with nature magic you get better benefits, more condi cleanse, ( and stunbreaks ) more heals etc. etc. etc…… theres just no reason to run wilderness. ive already tried. but it doesnt work.
edit: yes, i have tried swapping out the runes while using the wilderness traitline. but it doesnt matter. i even tried the rune of the dolyak to compensate for less astral regeneration. but it still isnt worth it.. youre still missing out on some very important things.
NOT building for celestial avatar is like not even using the druid traitline in the first place. CA is what makes druids viable in the first place. you NEED it and you WILL die without it.
(edited by bigo.9037)
play condition druid in pvp its like to cripple yourself.
go crits and use the condi weapons. In any case they are more like hybrid, and the only exception torch, its not very useful against moving targets.
lets hope we get the ranger’s weapons revisited and buffed so we can have more options.
well torch is ok since its an spvp build
Hey everyone. I put together this guide / commentary on how i play during fights / outnumbered situations etc.
This isn’t as much of a show off as it is a general depiction of the general thoughtprocess when youre outnumbered and have to carefully choose your actions.
Obviously this is wvw, but i have found that training in these sort of situations has helped me lots in spvp every time im in a situation where im outnumbered and need to survive/ escape. sometimes i even get close to downing people in a 1v2 in spvp ( if im not lucky enough to have my team mates arrive to help me out )
I apologize for the bad audio and not being able to go through every step as theres too much going on at the same time for me to say / comment on everything.
Hopefully this will help some of you who enjoy roaming or just want general help on what to do in certain situations when you have to escape and stuff.
Yes i know, the opponents in this video are all pretty.. bad. honestly. thats why i was able to survive and manage to down them in even a 1v4 situation. If your opponents have any common sense, it will be very difficult to even pull off a 1v2. however it is definitely possible to down someone in a 1v2 without too much trouble in wvw.
Anyway, let me know what you think. Advice is very welcome.
Video link:
ah that’s not what I mean though.. I’m just trying to explain how and why, for pure dmg stats, zerker would still be better than this condi spec etc..
It’s kind of wierd to question the OP’s build that obviously works. The build she use seems to be effective in outnumbered fights when the one you actually use is not, or is maybe less effective (i also watched your vid), cuz in a pure power build, you have no damage while kitting.
I am not a fan of the build she use, not my playstyle, but i like the very specific choices and the theory craft work on it.
As regards the OP’s question, you could move in T1 where roamers are more aggressive to test your build. Just an idea.
On a side note, i would have appreciated some music (i think i can remember an old vid of yours with good songs).
“obviously works” well ofc it can work.. but i mean cmon. you say my build is less effective? what? have you read my earlier posts on this thread? i explain in full detail why it is that you dont actually have “more” dps just because “it ticks even when kiting”
it ticks when kiting. yes. but all youve done is SPREAD the damage over a longer window of time. you did not increase your dps in any way. ALSO. i have tried using the survival bleed utility. it adds no dmg at all. almost entirely useless.. even with krait runes.
and as for other people saying they achieve 2.5 k ticks when they arent hitting… thats simply not true. i mean unless you think fighting training golems is fun. youre never going to reach 2.5 k on any half decent enemy.