Showing Posts For crunchyraisin.6054:

Legendary PvP Armour

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


Yea with the amount of tickets(300) and ascended shards of glory , completing the full set takes 3 seasons if you start from 0 tickets so thats approx 10months or 1 year including off season times . It would be really nice if we could get league tickets by some other way atleast during off season because Wvw and Raid legendary armor is faster compared to this.

Yes. This is the problem. Many Pvpers have spent hundreds of extra tickets on extra ascended back items or llamas since that has always been the only way to spend them. Now the only people that are going to be able to get legendary pvp armor are those that read a-nets mind that they were going to re-purpose this currency.

There should be a way to salvage llamas and back pieces, or merchant them, to get a partial or full ticket refund.

Legendary PvP Armour

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


Yea with the amount of tickets(300) and ascended shards of glory , completing the full set takes 3 seasons if you start from 0 tickets so thats approx 10months or 1 year including off season times . It would be really nice if we could get league tickets by some other way atleast during off season because Wvw and Raid legendary armor is faster compared to this.

Yes. This is the problem. Many Pvpers have spent hundreds of extra tickets on extra ascended back items or llamas since that has always been the only way to spend them. Now the only people that are going to be able to get legendary pvp armor are those that read a-nets mind that they were going to re-purpose this currency.

There should be a way to salvage llamas and back pieces, or merchant them, to get a partial or full ticket refund.

Ranked Off Season Length?

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


More cruel than funny for those of us that spent tickets on extra ascended backpacks or llamas. Shame on us for spending currency the best way possible at the time and not being able to read a-net’s mind and predict the future.

Big armor problem with solutions

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


Problem: Many players including myself had plenty of extra pvp tickets, but spent them on things like extra wings of the ascension or mini pets, seeing as those were the only real options for that currency. Now that currency has a much better way to be spent and we can’t go back!

Solution: Make certain Llamas and wings of the ascension salvageable or merch-able into league tickets.

Otherwise we’re just getting teased until the next pvp season. We’ve been given a chance at a really cool reward that could get pvpers into other game modes and vice-verca, and the only people that have a chance to get it are those that read a-net’s mind and saved their tickets.

(edited by crunchyraisin.6054)

Why raiders should be happy with new armor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


@Feanor I hadn’t considered that people would grind out the armor without intent to play that game mode at a high level. So while that is a very good point, I feel like my other two points can each stand on their own as reasons why this does more good for the game than bad.

It’s also worth noting that we don’t know for sure that legendary pvp and wvw gifts will be grindable. It sure does seem very likely though. I can’t even think of how they could make it not grind-able. Winning daily ATs? Having to get a certain number of kills in an hour? A whole nother bucket of problems with that last idea…

Why raiders should be happy with new armor

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


1.) It’s going to help maintain the player base by encouraging play in all game modes, and as a result minimize burn-out while the new x-pac comes out. A very high number of players have left gw2 for other games after being burnt out of one game mode.

When this armor comes out, you will have the opportunity to recruit fully geared WvW and PvP players to help you pug, join your raiding guilds, expand your player base/friends list etc. You already have a ton of primarily PvP players in your community. You have less WvW players because they have to have separate gear sets for wvw and pve on each toon. Now they won’t have to. These are players that are used to working as a team, supporting each other, positioning, and communicating!

2.) PVE Raid rewards are still VERY special.

Nobody else can get that skin or acheivement. Nobody else has the same access to fast and cheap ascended armor. Your rewards are still unique and very top notch compared to other game modes. They have promised to make the time and cost on par with pve legendary armor.

3.) Raiding does not take more effort, time, or coordination than other game modes.

For those of you that play all game modes like I do, who has a higher chance of succeeding: 1.) a gvg team that has 8 experienced and 7 unexperienced 2.) a raid guild that has 5 experienced and 5 un-experienced or 3.) a pvp team that has 3 experienced and 2 un-experienced? Is it possible for less than 10 players to succeed in a raid? Is it possible for less than 5 players to succeed in PvP?

Your enemy in WvW and PvP has a brain. It’s always changing and adapting to try to beat you in a way that’s not easy for you to predict.

Thinking about how much your food costs for raids or how difficult it can be to find groups? WvW players have been spending money on food and recruiting teams larger than 10 to raid since day 1. I don’t know what I can say. Keep in mind that for the first several years of gw2 that both pvp and wvw had near-0 rewards.

(edited by crunchyraisin.6054)

Is The Meta nothing but damage?

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


The tablet CC is countered by blinds and blocks. If it can’t spam/land the aoe knockback, it won’t be able to sustain or decap nearly as well. You can also always just focus down targets that are positioned away from the node/rev. It does high healing statistics, mostly from all the regen (you can get 600k+ healing without even taking a tablet) but it does just about nothing to keep a peripheral player alive that is away from the tablet/rev. It is more of a decap nuissance that doesn’t die to power/melee than it is a team fighter.

So, YOU added more boon duration

in WvW

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


Sigil could be OP….but compared to concentration it’s not crazy, and the current meta food has about the same boon duration and mitigates far more damage than 100 toughness ever could.

(edited by crunchyraisin.6054)

[idea] 4v4 conquest. Fixing SPvP

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


I’d be game if they tried this. It makes a ton of sense considering the HoT power creep. Seems unlikely though, just because it’s such a huge change to team fighting.

a 10v10 and 15v15 straight up courtyard style arena would be pretty sweet too….

ALMOST Reaching 1 MIL damage in Ranked match

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


Reached 1.3m healing in a ranked match. Only gotten close near 1 million damage in unranked.


(edited by crunchyraisin.6054)

Can't change class mid-match

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


@ Kuya

You completely missed the part where I said “If you lock professions upon queue.”

Stop with PvP ascended items, please!

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


Higher player pool=better matchmaking. There are less rewards this season than last. Less people are playing. Matchmaking is worse. You’re arguing for the wrong thing.

For the most part, almost nobody is pvping right now for ascended rewards. Just about everyone going for the backpiece got it several months ago, and the new ascended armor pathway is expensive and annoying….again almost nobody is doing that, and if they really wanted the small discount they can get the same one by doing fractals.

Let’s for a moment assume that you are not just getting emotional over one unlucky match, and that you’re correct that there is an influx of pve players playing pvp just for the rewards. If that is true (it isn’t, but I’m playing along) then there are 5 chances for that person to be on the enemy team and only 4 for them to be on yours. That means if you play a decent sample of games, having those inexperienced players will BENEFIT your win/loss ratio.

Can't change class mid-match

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


Agree completely Velimere.

1v3 and Barely win games

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


A good player would have escaped when they realized they no longer had the cool downs to keep forcing the over commit.

Whatever helps out with the old ego though….

Can't change class mid-match

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


The real problem here isn’t that you can adjust your comp before the match starts….

I’m gonna say the real problem is there are simply too many things that hard counter rev right now. I bet at least one of those those thieves wasn’t even thinking about countering you.

If you lock professions upon queue, many matches will be over before they start due to luck.

Imagine team 1: ele, scrapper, necro, power war, condi war
and team 2: ele, dh, dh, druid, rev

GG, Team 1 wins before the gates even open (unless they are really bad). and there is almost nothing team 2 could do about it, even if they could still alter their builds. There is simply too much paper rock scissors in this game.

(edited by crunchyraisin.6054)

Why Population Is.. And Is Not... The issue.

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


Doesn’t matter how good you think OW does matchmaking. If there are only 2-3 high level players playing, and a pool of above average players playing….some of them are going to have to fight the top dogs.

There is no matchmaking system that is possible that can solve that problem in any game….unless the team size was flexible. No, I’m not suggesting that.

And like I illustrated in my above example…there is simply way too much paper-rock-scissors action in this game to lock people into their professions when they queue.

(edited by crunchyraisin.6054)

Easily fix the size of the active player pool

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


This is a god awful solution. Rewards in PvP should have no monetary value at all. Let people unlock skins and minis.

Nothing about my suggestion would allow players to make money by pvping…

So you believe we should make pvpers pay large amounts of money and do heavy crafting to redeem their rewards…..but not give them a way to make money?

This thread is about how pvp player population is suffering as a result of poor rewards. If there were exclusive skins that were good enough to motivate more players to play more often that would solve the problem equally as well.

Never seen balance this bad.

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


Rev and War kinda swapped places didn’t they? So play warrior now….

In past metas, the meta has been defined by 1-3 builds…. hambow and condi necro, cele ele and cele engie….etc. Currently there are more viable “meta” builds than there have ever been with several classes having multiple viable options.

You are correct that rev is in a deplorable spot, but it’s not like there are turret engies 1v2ing without any skill all over the map. And really, ele is the only other class I can think of that doesn’t have 2 or more viable builds right now.

Easily fix the size of the active player pool

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


The HoT builds don’t ruin it for me though. Honestly feels to me a lot like the old cele meta.

Fully agree… queue needs to be a thing.

Why Population Is.. And Is Not... The issue.

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


If you assume people play whatever class on whatever build gives them the best chance to win, this whole argument falls apart. Not that many of your matches are being ruined by people playing classes they aren’t experienced with. Getting rid of dailies, and the unique profession requirements for the legendary back piece would do a better job of solving this problem than your suggestions.

This is just a couple of several more items that needs addressing. By all means, list which ever you think has higher priority. The bottom line is that matchmaking needs to be smarter.

The larger the player pool, the better matchmaking will be. This is common sense. You can test this by queueing at different times. Everyone knows matchmaking is better during peak hours.

Not something i’m disagreeing with. My OP is a bit more detailed when pointing out what the “issues” are.

Having specific builds have specific mmr is very exploitable, nuts, and would destroy queue times. Amulet and profession….I could get on board with this, but it’s not going to solve your matchmaking crisis, and it’d still be exploitable. A power warrior or necro could switch between zerker(paladins for necro), marauder, and destroyer and bend their mmr whichever way they wanted it to go.

You’re absolutely right but there’s a smart way to do things. This concept idea would be easier if we had profession based mmr. So lets just assume Class MMR Matchmaking was a thing.

You queue with a class running Amulet/Rune with X/X/X treeline. Queue pops and MM picks you based on class and build. The moment queue pops, you cannot alter your build in any way. Game starts without the ability to alter anything build related.

I think that removes any exploitation but correct me if i’m wrong here.

If you remove a player’s ability to adjust their build/class before the match starts, many more games will be over before they begin due to comp imbalances. There aren’t enough players actively playing to have a system that makes sure each team has 10 similarly skilled players on their particular class, while at the same time making sure each team has a balanced comp.

Imagine team 1: ele, scrapper, necro, warrior, warrior
and team 2: DH, DH, longbow ranger, ele, rev

Both teams have balance, support and damage….but if nobody is allowed to adjust, team 2 can be significantly more skilled than team 1 and still easily lose with all of team 1’s projectile hate, warriors hard contering the dh’s, and the rev/ranger getting destroyed by condi.

(edited by crunchyraisin.6054)

Easily fix the size of the active player pool

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054



I don’t think that would fix the problem. PvP is also desolate at higher ratings, and those are usually people who PvP because they like it – rewards are secondary.

Yeah, lots of high level players aren’t playing anymore. Comparing the number of games played by people on my friends list to the leaderboards though…..even high-end players played more often when the rewards were better in season 5 compared to season 6.

You’re right that isn’t not an end-all fix. The only way to really engage high-end players is to have a competitive 5v5 tournament system with good/exclusive rewards.

Change the Daily class win

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


What a great change this would be….and an easy one at that. And while they’re at it….remove the legendary backpack requirement to multi-class.

Stop placing Top 10 players against Gold.

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


So let’s say 2-3 top-10 players are playing. 3-4 top 10-50 player s are playing, and the next best players are all in gold. May I add…that scenario is extremely reasonable this season, and maybe even a favorable time to play for those gold players, because there are usually less high level players queueing than this.

What do you want it to do? Make them sit forever?

Let’s examine what changed…..the rewards changed. Now less people are playing. Less people playing means either gold players fight top 10 players ( I have myself several times as a gold player this season) or top 10 players are literally unable to play ever.

Why Population Is.. And Is Not... The issue.

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


If you assume people play whatever class on whatever build gives them the best chance to win, this whole argument falls apart. Not that many of your matches are being ruined by people playing classes they aren’t experienced with. Getting rid of dailies, and the unique profession requirements for the legendary back piece would do a better job of solving this problem than your suggestions.

The larger the player pool, the better matchmaking will be. This is common sense. You can test this by queueing at different times. Everyone knows matchmaking is better during peak hours.

Having specific builds have specific mmr is very exploitable, nuts, and would destroy queue times. Amulet and profession….I could get on board with this, but it’s not going to solve your matchmaking crisis, and it’d still be exploitable. A power warrior or necro could switch between zerker(paladins for necro), marauder, and destroyer and bend their mmr whichever way they wanted it to go.

Easily fix the size of the active player pool

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


Revert Ascended Shards of Glory rate to how they were. Lower the number of marks needed to craft ascended armor and weapons to 1.

Now you have more people playing more games in the season, and you’re going to have way more players motivated to craft those new marks to help with your game economy issues, matchmaking improves because there is a stronger player pool, and it’s easier to obtain max-gear which lines up with the game’s original non-moving-carrot philosophy. Fix 4 problems with one stone, or explain why not!

Is it me or is this super easy? Surely we can agree that the current system demands too much pvp to receive too little of an incentive, right?

The only negative is it would require a refund of some sort to that relatively small number of players who have used this new mark-based crafting system to purchase ascended weapons or armor. Anet has delivered on this type of thing before.

(edited by crunchyraisin.6054)

Profession Locking Poll - February 16th 2017

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


I understand the intent clearly, but if this passes, some teams will lose matches based on their comp before the match even begins, and not be able to do a thing about it.

Nothing kills competitive spirit like not being able to influence the outcome of the match.

The ideal would be allowing swapping up till match start, disallowing after start, and hiding the enemy comp until match start.

Duo Q MUST GO for Season 6

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


Remember that time there were 2 options, one for solo q and one for team queue, with a separate leader board for each?

That was pretty cool….

Casuals need fixes for legendary

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


Please just mail everyone that has played 10 matches the backpiece. That will be equally fair for everyone.

I made legendary with time to spare….90%ish solo queue, only 55% win rate (ie. I’m not even that good)

Keep playing. If your average win rate is not too far below 50% you will keep gaining more than you lose. If you aren’t willing to keep persevering then find something else that you’re willing to do.

25 min queue primetime

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


Just canceled it at 25 min.

Apparently ESL happening means I can’t play a single match today….

Problems and solutions- leagues

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


Problem 1: Players are exploiting the system by entering with alt/new accounts and/or by tanking their mmr.

Solution to problem 1: Odds of winning should have far less, or absolutely nothing to do with what league you are in. There are clearly some absolutely terrible legendary and diamond players as well as some very good emerald and sapphire players right now.

Alternative solution to problem 1: Use MMR to determine league. There must be a permanent yet mild decay to encourage people to keep playing as well as a minimum number of wins to qualify.

Problem 2: It is more difficult for higher mmr players to gain pips compared to lower mmr players. Players should not be punished for being more skilled. They should be rewarded.

Solution to problem 2: Do not award pips based on “odds of victory”. Award pips based on only the strength of the opponent based on mmr and size of teams, mmr being by far the most accurate measure of strength. This rewards players for earning higher mmr and allows matchmaking to stay exactly the same.

Problem 3: There is no separate solo and team queue system. Solo players should be able to measure themselves among other solo players. While it is possible to succeed solo in this system there needs to be 2 separate systems because these are 2 separate styles of play.

Solution 3: Have a solo queue league and a team queue league.

Alternate solution 3: Keep one league system, but have 2 separate queues for team and solo players.

Unable to Login/Disconnected After Map Change

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


working for me now

Unable to Login/Disconnected After Map Change

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


Same problem, can’t log into any characters at all now.

I’m disappointed that there has been no communication about a problem this large immediately following a patch.

Guilds bugged out

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


Restarting the client fixed this for me….at least for now.

Guilds bugged out

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


On guild panel current guild flashes briefly then shows as though all guilds have been removed….so guilds are completely broken, don’t work at all.

Happening to multiple people, but doesn’t seem like everybody.

PvP in One Sentience

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


Competitive spirit tranquilized by matchmaking inequities.

description vs funcitonality-shield bash

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


Description says range is 450. It clearly only goes 300.

Anyone can test with warrior gs3 and warrior shield 4. Description says they should both leap the same distance. They clearly don’t.

Bring back solo queue [merged]

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


Anyone quoting helseth loses all credibility almost instantly.

People that judge ideas based only on their impression of the person who said them. That is one of the fundamental problems with society.

Judge the idea itself. If you disagree, refute the idea with evidence.

We need solo queue. Helseth isn’t elegant in his organization of ideas…but his evidence is still strong as heck.


in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054



Helseth about SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


I would hope a “King” would be able to speak elegantly enough to make his thoughts clear in less than 17 minutes….but he is totally right.

It needs to be possible for solo players to succeed. Otherwise people just simply won’t be able to play enough if they want to compete.

PvP: Is Thief still viable?

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


MVP of WTS was a thief.

Thief is the fastest profession in the game.

It has access to stealth on demand, stealth for teammates and high dmg repeatable bursts with stuns and boon strips.

No, it’s not as strong as it used to be.

Yes, it is still viable.

Please Post 7/28 Bug Reports HERE [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


If it’s not too late, I would strongly recommend a rollback so you can fix these bugs at your own speed. They are confusing and high in number.

A lot of the hero panel stuff seems to be just the display. IE. collections, trait unlocks etc. My specialization unlocks say 0%, but I seem to be able to still do everything. Collection that were reset did not take away APs or skins earned through them.

If people are able to earn double rewards for these, that gives them an unfair AP hunting advantage. I don’t see how to fix that without rolling back.

I had 50/50 and gwamm etc legit. I still have the titles and the AP.

(edited by crunchyraisin.6054)

A Demonstration of Power(Ele/video)

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


I removed my old post because I made it before I had enough small scale experience against good s/f eles.

I am in favor of Lettuce’s suggested nerfs and believe the ele will still be strong after them.

Those 2 videos still don’t seem like quality evidence to me…. but I can’t disagree with the main point of the thread.

superior sigil of radiance

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


EDIT: Obviously I meant RUNE of radiance.

The 6th bonus does not work on shared auras. The 6th bonus in the description clearly states that it should.

I just wasted like 40 gold replacing my pack runes counting on this to work since it clearly states “The duration of auras you apply are increased by 33%”

Change the description or the functionality please

(edited by crunchyraisin.6054)

HoT Price Feedback + Base game included [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


$50 is a more than reasonable price for an expansion for a free game with no subscription fee. Most of us with brain stems were expecting something in the ball park of $40 anyway.

Nobody would complain if they weren’t giving an incentive to new players. As a vet, frankly I’ happy about this incentive. It should improve the game.

You’re getting guild halls, a new pvp mode, elite specializations, a new class, a new borderlands, new maps and god knows what else.

Anet’s only mistake with this was underestimating how many fairness queens are in its playerbase.

Payment Authorization Failed

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054



My bank failed to change my address when we asked them to like 3-4 months ago.

Payment Authorization Failed

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


I keep getting this repeatedly while trying to purchase HoT. I’ve tried multiple cards…I’ve double checked my information.

Any word on what could cause this assuming I’ve typed my information in accurately?

When do they pass out mini llamas?

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


Yeah I’m still waiting for one from both pugquest 3 and pugquest4… almost 2 and 3 weeks ago.

Perhaps it’s easier for grouch to put it off for a bit and then do a whole bunch of them at once?

I hope they find a way to automate this…that’s a lot of in game mails to send out.

Odds of victory...

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


Both really lucid responses. Is it that unreasonable to increase mmr of players that do well in tournaments by a sizable amount? How can we stop solo players wih high mmr from having to work way harder to earn the same amount of points?

Odds of victory...

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054


I don’t think most of us like the grind for points style anyway, but if we’re going to do it, we need a better way to identify team strength.

I played one match last night. It was against team radioactive running almost the same comp they ran in WTS. We managed to score over 300 points. I lost a point.

In what world should a non-premade be favored to win over team radioactive?


kitten only enemy strength when awarding points, not how favored you are to win.

The law of large numbers conceals this issue within your data nicely, but this would eliminate being punished for losing to teams like radioactive, apex and abjurred. High mmr players should be able to earn more points in less time than lower mmr players without being forced to play with a team.

(edited by crunchyraisin.6054)

imo Stronghold would be better 10v10

in PvP

Posted by: crunchyraisin.6054



Consider 8v8.

This needs to be its own queue as well, please don’t mix with conquest!