think friday is best
i rather knock those f2p players off of cliffs and they die personally lol
Yb and wvw equivalent to new money. BG and JQ come for fights at this point. also the problems in wvw everyone is complaining about is a big reason most time zones are empty on all sides.
also a few toxic guilds left Bg and went to YB poor yb
i wouldnt mind Stability going back to what it was if the boons stripped at random instead of the order they go through now. giving boon striping builds some viability and a counter to the blanket coverage of cc.
(edited by emendez.3705)
WvW is a fun aspect of the game but the rewards is so bad that it discourage you from wanting to stay there too long. I know other friends who would play WvW more if the rewards were good. I know ArenaNet is working on overhauling the WvW system and I hope they don’t forget about improving the rewards system so that it will be somewhat comparable to PvE and sPvP. Hopefully it will be the kind of reward system that encourage players to fight each other rather than taking turn capturing things.
I am pretty sure they are but will likely be giving away weekly/monthly tournament tickets which give junk rewards. When hot was released Anet nerfed EOTM rewards by 25% to be on par with wvw instead of increasing wvw rewards to be as rewarding as EOTM. Just goes to show exactly how much they believe wvw should be rewarded.
Autoloot in WvW ASAP! (i.e. yesterday, was really a bad mistake to not include it in HoT)
But gliding?
I mean, I am quite sure that you could glide from overlook INTO veloka and ogrewatch. Maybe from the top of valley into bravost, from the Treb-column into quentin and outer-valley, from the SN-hill into outer-lowlands, from the low-lands-vista into aldons, from the lab to rampart …
Ok, some ballista could make up for an anti-air defense, but it would be a massive change of WvW-mechanics, are you sure that it will be a good one?
I don’t understand the reasoning behind suggesting they should not add it becaude you could in theory glide into a tower. do you think anet would just click and button and turn on gliding. THey will if they ever add gliding to wvw make adjustments to the maps or no fly zones just like they are for all vanilla maps to keep the integrity. I am for gliding but hopefully gliding in WvW will have adjustments to it to be fun and fair in wvw
there were post with lots of replies complaining but of course you have the fan boys who were defending it saying they, “love it,” not as if anet would have back tracked after produce a completed map anyways.
I doubt many are even playing GW2 during the holidays, I stopped for 2 weeks personally. Otherwise they might prefer sPvP (due to leagues) and PVE due to the rewards.
usually games see a bump during the winter break since a lot of people are off of school like myself and work less hours depending on the job.
but maybe wvw is in such a bad state people would rather spend time with their families than play wvw lol
wvw rewards are not anywhere near on par with pve rewards in terms of gold and skins. you can be in pve and make far more gold for your time than wvw regardless of the time zone you’re in.
lets not forget about the new legendary armor/weapons are pve exclusive and the fact that you cant create any of the old legendary weapons without spending MANY hours in pve.
achievements points are vast in pve as well with living story updates too to boot which hurts. as well as wvw lack of tags which is a problem even in tier 1 at certain time zones. I have played since the start with breaks ever now and then and only have like 8k achievement points(wvw exclusive) while there are people with 30k+ now. Not saying anything about their hard work but pve offers far more than wvw and anet seems to be committed to keeping it that way. When hot was launched EOTM rewards were nerfed to be on par with wvw by 25% instead of wvw increased.
Not sure if its just the holiday season but our tier and especially our side seems almost dead – we are FoW tier 8 – and these past few weeks our side hardly has any players in WvW.
Two nights ago a couple of our commanders came into EB looking for action- but hardly any players around so one commander commented ‘the game is dead, as usual’.
Last night we had 3 commanders(tags not showing) and 2 players (i’m just a player).
This is demoralising but i keep turning up hoping things will get better.The other sides don’t seem to have that many players either although perhaps I’m just unlucky and miss the action – I’m European timezone . I do use the website to monitor things but when I get in the action seems to have passed.
By the way, i’m still quite a low level player, less agile than a dolyak, can usually take camps single handedly in EB but no hope with towers – so struggling to find something to do especially when the other 2 sides dominate the map and we control nothing.
I did find some action this morning – map was dead – just 2 of us – an opposition player and myself – fighting over 2 camps – i lost every time – but still fun.
My question – is there anything on the horizon that looks likely to improve WvW player numbers on lower tiers? (we all need hope)
you should also take into account tagging up wont guarantee a zerg. it takes time to build numbers most will log into wvw see nothing is going on and log/do something else and check back later and of course word of mouth for good fights will bring people in wvw.
that non combat revive…didnt see that coming doubt its what wvw need right now but we will see..
I also feel the rally is too punishing only 1 person for a rally. maybe reduce it from 5 to 3. Also non combat hard revives i would never have thought that was a big issues to begin with who hard revives someone during a big fight? very few if anything most have to run back.
(edited by emendez.3705)
Anet listens to metrics, and the metrics say WvWers really love PvE. So lets add more PvE to WvW! As I argued before, their metrics show WvWers in PvE because the abysmal rewards in WvW. You’d have a hard time sustaining your WvW needs through WvW alone.
Instead of better rewards, we got dinosaurs and gimmicky environmental mechanics that distract from actual fights.
this says it all..
engineer is a natural counter to thief it has always been that way. also old classes have had dozens of balance patches over the years. we wont get a balance patch til next year mid January which will start the decline of all the new specs anet is milking the expansion anyway they can
depends on what yu consider the best. if you want a lot of opposition then yb is the server for you but you will likely never see any allies.
BG would be the best if you like lots of roamers running around with you.
probably something like this if it was p/p.
i have seen hammer/burn scrappers but they arent that viable at least compared to the build i run which is the link above.
is what i use(but i roam wvw) overall very strong i do switch out elite for elixir when i vs a necro to moa them after fire stacks are applied which is a must. i also try to get the grandmaster double toolbelt to stack the fire damage. but just in case you are unsuccessful the build has enough sustainability to keep you alive to run or get them down.
Check the timestamps, your post was not present when I replied.
In any case, ballistae should not damage walls in my opinion, even if the damage amount is minimal – it’s supposed to be anti-siege and anti-personnel.
I told you, its not a bug. Its intended and its been that way.
its been that way since the beginning and the damage is quite minor
Check the timestamps, your post was not present when I replied.
In any case, ballistae should not damage walls in my opinion, even if the damage amount is minimal – it’s supposed to be anti-siege and anti-personnel.
I told you, its not a bug. Its intended and its been that way.
its been that way since the beginning and the damage is quite minor
But there is sPvP legendary back and PvE legandary back, so there must be WvW legendary too right?
there was a post about an overhaul coming to wvw which would bring a legendary backpiece but thats just a rumor and as of today no there isnt but having any amount of common sense would make you think wvw would have a legendary back piece of it’s own i know.
dont know if you are thinking about the big picture here as a tier 1 server(pvp guild) i am certain you do not want my guild or any pvp guild out there bag hunting while you are doing pve just saying
yeah the wp being open being classified as a bug thats been that way for 3 years just makes anet look even worst. lol
anyways i dont think full zergs were getting a wp inside keep and for that matter its not very strategic to wp inside a keep much easier coming up from behind a zerg and pushing them to get a win.
the wp opening up was really for defenders in keep likely few since thats really the only time a keep gets attacked when that team is outmanned
anyone have a link to the build thats really op? just want to see it
i suggest you join a pvp guild and go on ts with them and run a group
you are likely getting placed against groups of 3,4,5 premade and are owning the mostly if not all pug group you are in. Also teams are sand bagging i guess would be the term to get placed vs a weaker team which is why you might be seeing the same premade repeatedly.
I myself am much like yourself but I am going to join a pvp guild and get more wins.
But at the very least go in chat and ask if anyone wants to party up, dont know the success of that but its better than solo queue.
OMG, Stronghold is diabled!
I’m so happy!
Got that garbage map like 50% of the time… You can’t even choose not to play that map, unlike other maps which you can choose…
what? Uh… you know you can uncheck it before you start a PvP match and they you will never play it.
ha what a noob right?
omg i was trying to figure out why i couldnt choose stronghold only anymore
next week is a long time
sigh wonder if that means that was in fact the overhaul? if it was dang
usually a thread gets locked to go all out and delete it speaks volumes..
necro is natural counter considering they abosrb conditions and have 2 life pools. But what i found was to burst them down and pop moa on them and hope they go down. usually works but moa can be dodge as well as its a very short duration so must use it wisely.
oh and i am a burn/scrapper just pop stacks then moa usually a quick battle is i am successful.
Remove PVE. One of 3 things will happen:
1) People leave, never to return
2) People pour into WvW, the gamemode goes ESPORTS and becomes highly successful
3) GW2 dies a sad and lonely death
Most of the time I get to play GW2, I WvW. It was nice to be able to use the ACCOUNT BOUND chests to help level Specilizations on my other characters, so that when I did get time to PvE I could play them.
Alot of WvW Guilds have certain setups when they run and people play specific classes 95% of the time they WvW. Which means now when you WvW we are forced to rack up tons of Proofs of Heroics on one character and are being punished for WvW’ing with organized WvW Guilds.
Thank you Anet for dropping the ball and forcing Account Bound items to become Soulbound (the Chests of the Mists).
Thank you for once again punishing the WvW Community just because you felt like it.
100% agree guild only wants me on my ele when we zerg which is where i get most of my wxp because i roam the rest of the time
I have a chronomancer that is 25% unlocked >.> i love to play different characters depending on my mood and what i want to do in wvw but this elite lock out has kept me on my scrapper since launch slowing unlocking my rev/chronomancer i only roam sometimes zerg its grueling grind fest. I know pve is much faster but I just cant bring myself to do pve
and i still havent started on my reaper/tempest/dragonhunter..
mighty brave of anet to implement something like this given the current state of wvw. even if it was a bug (more like oversight) that boxes were account bound. First they released them account bound which people said that wasn’t enough now they lock it on characters? lol
how about yu fix wvw chest dailies that dont stack and when you open instantly give yu wxp bonus which forces you if you want to make room in inventory to stay in wvw …
Like an anti support theme? i could see it lol
I make 200g in about 3-4 days. It’s way easier to make gold now than it has ever been.
im a wvw only i make 5-10 in that time maybe lol but usually roam and zerg not ktrain perhaps i am doing it wrong
The only problem with engineer i find, is Conditions. Conditions destroy me and wreck me easily.
did you try purge gyro? if you didn’t because gyros suck and AI is bad – please go and try it. it is quick (instacast 2 conditions) yet persistent (2 conditions every 3 sec) condition removal that usually handles most conditions pretty well. and it is the first PASSIVE condi removal we got.
conditions with vanilla engi do wreck you because all of our condi clear is active (healing turret, tossing elixirs, elixir c which is bad), and either doesn’t cut it or makes you stand and cast and take more punishment. please try purge gyro if you’re taking scrapper. IMO it is very very worth it.
purge does work well-ish if yu are moving you wont get a cleanse of 2 conditions every 3 seconds since it actually has to stop and purge you. considering scrapper comes with hammer that has an amazing mobility skill i imagine it’s even worst i myself am p/p
i agree completely. I would try to use oil quickly while a zerg is hitting it while in action cam takes precious seconds away from my time being able to take the damage/condi before i have to jump off. same goes for treb/motar i would use my mouse to gauge the power after i hit the target so i can repeat easily.
I think the claiming needs to be earned because of troll guilds claiming keeps with nothing however it still does not address the issue of a guild with no skills claiming and there be no way to remove the claim
No, they should not need claiming to be earned, however, if the guild claiming a camp, tower or Keep has no buffs or less running, then a guild with more buffs running should be able to take the claim over them. Just allowing for guilds to reclaim over others to highest amount of buffs would solve the problem.
i would pick yours over what we have currently but i am saying that was likely the idea behind making claiming something you earn.
all you see if dragonhunter(zerker) daredevil(dodge or 5555) and condi mesmers in wvw now and there’s a reason for that lol
DH is super strong with no skill required just trap and pull. When i fight them on my scrapper DH heal too much for my burst but i’ve gotten better at fighting them and avoiding traps somewhat lol
But i have a chance vs a DH a condi mesmer on the other hand…
Are you getting loot from lord? I know in the past I would not get credit for some caps when I just ran into the circle but it only happened once in a blue moon. I do however seem to always get credit when I kill some guards around the gates. I don’t even have to be in the circle, just killing the guards has giving me credit in the past.
sometimes no loot from lord but mostly yet. if you are making it to smc late no time to get tag on lord but usually i can get it. its painful being a wvw trying to get elite specs on 5 characters missing out on smc cap >.>
i am thinking we got animation nerf to make room for rev since rev skills are so animated
agreed. i also died fighting a player when the purge gyro couldn’t keep up and use its cleanse skill which waste its duration time running to me to clear only 2 conditions.
thanks for the vid and build i havent played my mesmer in a very long time but wanted to just wasn’t sure on a build. thanks been using it seems very solid but im still only 25% chrono unlocked haha
think a swap would be a bit overpowered but like engineer that has no swap we access to only 2 sigils which hurts
You don’t mean weapon swap sigils? These work on element swap and kit swap, making them even more viable on ele/engi because of the low cd.
no i mean sigils period would love to have stacks for better condi but i can’t with only 2 slots total
I have capped smc like 5 times now and nothing. in circle and everything, i changed characters rebooted game and my laptop and still nothing. i know smc has always done this to people since the launch randomly has happened to me before but never this often and this many times in a row.
anyone know a fix
to be honest engineer just seems weak every one i faced went down too easy. But i feel hammer is very strong compared to other weapons. I am a scrapper but i do p/p and facing hammer is annoying. hammer has it all stun/block/reflect/movement skill to run away or put more pressure that blast 3x which gives lots of sustainability with water field.
think a swap would be a bit overpowered but like engineer that has no swap we access to only 2 sigils which hurts
omg i played my ele for the first time in a while and im like why do some of the animations look to limited. its not just the fireball 1 but the dodge trait in arcane has almost no animation i dont even know i triggered it or not
I think the claiming needs to be earned because of troll guilds claiming keeps with nothing however it still does not address the issue of a guild with no skills claiming and there be no way to remove the claim
As far as the “overhaul” goes: I’ll believe it when I see it, but I’m sure as hell not getting my hopes up.
If they’ve been working on it for over a year, that means this new BL is part of the overhaul. Makes you shudder to think what else they have planned.
quite frankly its just scary.
EoTM Factions system is far superior to WvW’s server system.
But WvW’s Map is far superior to EoTM’s map.
so how about a merger of whats best about each?
to be honest when i first heard this idea was opposed to it but seeing wvw and how low populated it is it might be an ok fix.
obviously wvw needs far better rewards and legendary armor/weapons as well as gliding to bring more people but population as is wont work. when you think about it factions could mean more maps overall that support/promote different play styles from zvz/gvg/roaming that all go towards ppt and ppt will hopefully become more meaningful.