Showing Posts For eraser.8031:

7 hour boss rotation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eraser.8031


The times for the big bosses need changing to every 3 hours 7 is to long

Tequatl the Sunless

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eraser.8031


did it everyday for10 days, always with randoms, always on megaservers, Never failed. even got a run with a kill @ 8.35

The key is getting there about 50-40 minutes earlier, this way you’re sure to get a full server with people who are actually motivated in killing him and willing to listen orders and organize.

If you dont wanna wait…well good luck, try a taxi with a friend / guildie but they never work nowadays

Tequatl is fine….wurm on the other hand… people just gave up on him

So we should rename the game Waitwars 2 if you fail that teq you have to wait another 8 hours so, by your estimates turn up 50 mins before 1hr 40 wasted…..waiting! +8 hours between events=Stupid

GUILD WARS 1 remake

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eraser.8031


I loved GW1 but people look to the future, it happened whats the point in releasing gw 1.2.

I have to say I hated GW2 on release because of the above comments but then soon realized whilst playing that I was not stood in an outpost shouting lfg Hell’s Precipice Please help me!

It is playable Solo.

but also has group events!

Blade shards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eraser.8031


Bring back the Marionette

*Precursor Rage*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eraser.8031


I sold The Legend for 800 gold now worth 1300 gold my idea at the time was save for legendary cut out the middle man but now wish i had kept and crafted Legendary.

Annoying NPC Comments???

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eraser.8031


Do you find during the course of your gameplay that certain NPCs are programmed to say something that just irritates the ever living out of you?

Here’s mine:

Divinity Reach Male Bank Teller:

“I’m rich, ya know.”

Okay, if he’s so rich, then what is he doing working in a bank?

Ask Anet to take of the Kayne West patch will clear up that annoying little itch you had!

*Precursor Rage*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eraser.8031


let’s wait and hope that Anet team comes up with the idea of making precursors via playing the game (fingers crossed for next feature pack)

The price is rocketing dont kid yourselfs “gems lead to money, Money leads to anger, rng leads to suffering.” in the words of yoda!

Blade shards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eraser.8031


I am sorry to say this game is now getting content shy and very boring I was amazed at the living world content always something happening.

I have to say I understand that they are launching the game in other places and cant dedicate the time to devolping so heres a few ideas

make your content last a little longer (i.e a month and a half) and leave a small amount of time between as you know you have to release the game to a new market

I would of liked to see the Marionette go on longer and can honestly say bring it back as a permanent!

Blade shards

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eraser.8031


Does anyone know when we can off load the remnants from patches last, I thought they were putting a merchant in to trade all the rubbish that you could not get rid of before end of a living world event.

As posted by a Dev dont destroy your shards you will be able to trade for something of value! and still nothing!

Deso is down?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eraser.8031


Have just logged in on Deso and its fine

Feedback/Questions: MegaServer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eraser.8031


I agree that the mega server is the answer but I recently paid 1800 Gems to move server as mine was not very populated do we get these gems back?

Heirloom merchant back for a day or two

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: eraser.8031


Well I got disoconected after the 10 min warning jumping to cash them in and then bang update all vendors gone.

I did know that this was going to happen but they should of been left in place for a while after the event as people are going to be collecting them right untill the end it just seems stupid to remove them with the end of event update.

Was gutted spent all day collecting bits and now they are useless.

Found belongings merchatnts gone ?!

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: eraser.8031


I disconnected with 40 mins to go traveling to merchant I think they should of left them up for a time after event really unfair

Can't leave overflow

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: eraser.8031


I get this and I am on my home server

Unable to connect with BT

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: eraser.8031


Have contacted Guild wars support sent them diagnostics and it appears to be a network issue with BT is anyone else having issues.

Just for a laugh this is how my tech support call went with BT funny and annoying.

N Girish (Responding)

N Girish: Hello. I’m N Girish. Thanks for that information, I’ll check it and get back to you in a moment.

N Girish: Hi Mike

Mike : Hi How are you?

N Girish: I am you fine, How are you?

Mike : Very well thanks
N Girish: Are you using wired or wireless connection?

Mike : Wired

N Girish: When the connection drops at the same time, what is the colour of the broadband light on the hub?

Mike: the connection is stable the lights are blue

Mike : even on disconnect

Mike: they asked me to run a diag would you like the results?

N Girish: No, Let me check.

N Girish: Since when you are facing the problem?

Mike: the last 3 days

N Girish: Mike, as I can see that there was a major service out age on your area due to which the broadband was effected and the outage was cleared now, please monitor the connection for next 24 hsr the broadband will come back as it was earlier.

N Girish: Restart the hub after 24 hrs.

Mike : but the connection is fine checked on the outage page and nothing in our area

Mike : This appears to be a routing issue

Mike : not an outage

N Girish: Is it dropping with wired and wireless connection?

Mike : It is only dropping when I try to play the game guild wars 2 other than that it is fine

Mike : I can minimize the screen and browse the Internet

Mike : but the game will not load maps
N Girish: Mike, then this a problem with the game server due to which the connection is dropping, If ‘N’ numbers user are connected to that particular server the the connection will drops. In this we cannot do anything
Mike : I have been through their support and have sent them the diags they asked for even I can see it is a connection issue my end

N Girish: Sorry Mike, but unfortunately I am unable to see any drop on the connection, If this really happens then why the connection is not dropping on the rest of the time.

N Girish: This is fault from their end, your broadband is working fine for your end.

Mike : Because there s a routing issue caused by BT Stopping the packet reaching the servers would you like the results of the diag?

N Girish: And the speed is very good on your broadband connection.

Mike : Speed is not an issue

N Girish: Ok.
File attachment upload has started.
The file Tracing network paths.docx (14.71KB) was received.

N Girish: Then reset the hub and you need to have a try. At the side of the hub you will see a thin pin hole please put a thin paper pin into it and hold it for 30 sec. Then you need to monitor the connection for next 24 hrs. I will give you a call back tomorrow at the same time to check the status of the connection.

Mike : have tried that straight away 3 days ago no different

N Girish: Then please upgrade the hub to the latest one.

Mike : It is the latest one

N Girish: I can see that you are using BT hub 3, please upgrade to hub 4.

Mike : I am sorry that is not an answer as there is nothing wrong with the Hub why don’t you just admit you don’t know what is wrong and escalate this to someone who knows about trace routes

N Girish: As I said that there is no fault with the broadband, its the server issue from their end.

Mike : Really we starting again

Mike : Let me introduce myself

Mike : My name is Mike I work as an IT Administrator and have qualifications in this field now please get escalate this as it is your problem

Mike : you have tried to fob me off with issues in the area that are not there your main objective is to get me off this chat and leave it 24 hours

N Girish: Sorry Mike, I an unable to see any drop on the connection and the connection drops on the particular reason on which we cannot do anything on it. As we only provide the broadband.

Mike : Which is were the problem is it is being throttled before it reaches the servers and as you rightly said you provide the broadband so if it is not reaching the servers it is your problem

N Girish: Sorry it is not reaching to a particular server which is not a BT Server, there might be fault with the gaming server, and BT do not support any other server.

Mike : Right lets break it down slowly I can connect to the server via next doors wireless they kindly let me use it to test However I cannot from the home hub I know you don’t support other peoples servers but as the diag shows it is failing on network hops and as I can connect from a different source shows that it is your issue I will be back in 5 mins

Mike : so what now?

Last Entry and well done if you got to the end


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: eraser.8031


I also have this problem have got in to map but try to change maps and wait wait wait wait and wait again either loads or disconnects.

Average load time for maps is 10-15 mins this started after last nights update.

Network Lag [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: eraser.8031


I cant even load into any map at all

Edge of the Mists broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: eraser.8031


Same here trying to jump to Lions Arch anyone raised a support ticket yet?

My new World is Overflow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eraser.8031


Please don’t get me wrong with the title but lately I always get the overflow on my home world even if I wait till event has finished and hang around.

This would be fine if everyone was willing to give it 100% but straight away all say its gonna fail.

2 bosses have been released lately and how are we supposed to win with the its gonna fail attitude.

Something needs to be done and I personally think that home world players should take priority over people guesting.

and yes I understand this is only a small part of the problem but enough is enough.

2000 hours, 0 precursors, why keep playing??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eraser.8031


Have had two out of the mystic forge 500 hours gameplay I just chuck everything gold in there.

Guesting / Overflows & Desolation

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eraser.8031


Speaking as a player from Desolation it is annoying that you always get the overflow on your home world on events like Teq, the new worm and the marinate constantly. I agree that everyone has the right to experience the same level of game play as they may be on a low pop server.

But it should be pay to move server if they are not happy like I did from Blacktide or world players given priority.

Missing Guild

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: eraser.8031


Same with ours as well MMI all guild influence and upgrades gone aswell.
Sever Blacktide

System Date Affects Daily Achievements [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: eraser.8031


Of course server times can be wrong.

I work with servers fickle things but reading the responce from staff it is prob time zone rather than server or incorrect time on pc step outside of time zone will cause the issue too

100% World Completion, no rewards

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: eraser.8031


Raise a suport ticket and and pray.

We need some input form Anet is this a bug ?

(edited by eraser.8031)

Mouse goes off screen while rotating camera

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: eraser.8031


secondary programs run in the backgroud aka anti virus windows update and would not affect a single display in this case its extended desktop

(edited by eraser.8031)

Mouse goes off screen while rotating camera

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: eraser.8031


turn it to clone whilst in game rather than extended desktop you are breaching the primary screen by moving you mouse right as sonn as it hits the edge of your screen it is now in the secondary monitors realm hence loosing control.

(edited by eraser.8031)

No chest from dragons

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: eraser.8031


Have you already claimed the chest before in this area?

System Date Affects Daily Achievements [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: eraser.8031


if its not your date or time on your machine maybe its the time and date wrong on the server you are playing on this can also create issues as all need to match.

100% World Completion, no rewards

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: eraser.8031


Ouch I am very close to it but may hold off if this is the case time for a guild wars break maybe?

Ranger laurel box giving non-ranger gear [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: eraser.8031


They need to stop people buying them or at least change the message to this item is bugged please do not purchase, We need to give them time to fix it, save your laurels their could be a lot of Rangers with the endless mystery cat tonic.

We have to understand that they cant answer all the time that takes man hours away from fixing the problem.

I am just as kitten off as all the rest of the Ranger characters that this has affected but imagine how massive this game is and how small their staff level are in respect to that.

Things take time

I opened one before the fix got screwed dont ask for compo think back to when it really mattered with the one time only event that was a call for comp and they answered it this is not its only 5 days work not a one time event.

(edited by eraser.8031)

wvw resets without warning

in WvW

Posted by: eraser.8031


Very sick of this first time i have seen Blacktide start to make a diffrence server restart for update (convinient for certain time zones) and boom nobody bothers to come back on because it is to late.

Blacktide pushed back again.

Victory or death

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: eraser.8031


Hey under dog bought it day one just dont get much time to play hence not much player interaction its not that I am a social kitten or anything just dont get much time and dont want to let people down if in guild.

Will start giving shout outs on map when in.

Just it should be soloable imho

Victory or death

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: eraser.8031


got all the way to this one and it is linked in dungeon

Victory or death

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: eraser.8031


Ok so I bought Guild Wars 2 on the understanding that it was soloable now I find that I need 5 players to finish the story.

any advice as I have no other contact with players.

This is ridiculous they said it would be soloable

My God WVW is broken

in WvW

Posted by: eraser.8031


The problem is people jumping ship to the winning side.

I am on Blacktide woke up this morn and we dont have anything same yesterday start playing and just have to give up as there is no point by the time you get somewhere attack you are just over run and killed.

(edited by eraser.8031)

Ancient Karka Box Survey

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eraser.8031


Attended event did not loot did not recieve chest in mail. put in ticket to support and got chest this morning Thank you ANet

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eraser.8031


dito. same here

Disconnected at the final phase! [Merged]

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: eraser.8031


Dito wasted 4 hourd for nought

NO REWARD for participating disappointing.

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: eraser.8031


Well i played the whole event went down at the last minute tried to respawn and join the action again and got disconnected wasted 4 hours for nothing.

BIG event in cities , not possible.

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: eraser.8031


Its not your pc and its not you connection if it was it would be like it all the time its their servers cant handle the load of that much activity in one place same as world v world. I have a high spec machine and an 80 meg connection and still get lag in world v world.

(edited by eraser.8031)

New content: when & where.

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: eraser.8031


3. The new PvE map.
- The new PvE map called Southsun Cove is for level 80 characters.
- It will open after the second event, on “Saterday”.
- You can go there by talking to a new NPC near the Sanctum Harbor Waypoint in Lion’s Arch, by the new POI Macha’s Landing.

Or Saturday even lol spell check