Showing Posts For eveleaf.4132:

trainers need to go

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eveleaf.4132


The trading post fee is a gold sink, as the gold goes back to the system; most of the gold you spend on exotics on the other hand goes to other players. 3.2 g for trait books may not be much, but every little bit counts.

Thank you. A little more clearly (since what you’re saying here seems misunderstood from the OP’s first post):

When you buy new gear on the TP, only 15% of that is actually a gold sink. The rest just gets passed to another player. A gold sink is removing gold from the game. Not just transferring it to someone else.

We actually need more gold sinks currently. Not fewer.

The Daily Compromise

in Suggestions

Posted by: eveleaf.4132


OP isn’t advocating getting rid of dailies. You don’t have to be threatened by this suggestion. It would change nothing for the players who like doing one a day. It would just offer a hand to those who can’t log in every day, and allow them a chance to catch up. Since they would be doing the SAME amount of work you do (just on different days) I really don’t see the harm.

Remedial help in making money.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: eveleaf.4132


My husband has made 100 gold in ~ two weeks through crafting. Can’t say much more; don’t want to ruin his market.

Should Guild Wars 2 go free to play?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eveleaf.4132


Guild Wars 1 still isn’t free to play. No reason to think why this game would either.

This sums up almost everything I wanted to say.

Stop undercutting expensive items

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: eveleaf.4132


Aw man Balk i didnt tell you how much gold i lost in relisting those precursor i listed in my precursor thread did I? within the 7 days i got those precursor i total out at 110g relisting because i have the worst patience in the game and i always pay for it.

Good heavens…wouldn’t it have been cheaper to just fulfill the highest buy order and get the money instantly?

Dailies - the bane of modern games

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eveleaf.4132


I don’t have a terribly reliable job; some days I work all day and just crash in bed at night. Other days I have the whole day free to goof around. It’s very disappointing that while I play more than my sister, overall, she’s got that oh-so-steady schedule and can log in every afternoon at the same time to do her daily. It doesn’t matter that I have the entire weekend free and clear…I’m still going to fall behind.

My suggestion is keeping the dailies but allowing seven of them to be done in a week. Obviously Anet has the tech to track that as we’ve seen ‘complete X amount of dailies’ time and again. This solution offers up flexibility for it’s users.

After all, how devastating would it be if people could finish two week’s worth of dailies on their weekend, allowing the hard working folk the option to log in to play as they see fit and not be forced to appease the daily gods if they want laurels.

TL;DR: Turn dailies into a pseudo weekly.

I agree with this completely. It would allow people who want to do one a day, to still do one a day. It would let others do two every other day, for the same reward. And for those of us “really busy” people, we could just pile through them on the weekend.

Stop undercutting expensive items

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: eveleaf.4132


Listing a precursor for 1c under the lowest sell offer on the TP is usually a bad idea. That your friend did it anyway is not the fault of the next person who came along and undercut him significantly.

Just because you see a precursor listed for 500 gold does NOT mean yours is going to sell for 500 gold. It’s possible, sure, but there is no guarantee. Your friend did not “lose” 60g in profit; he priced his item incorrectly and paid 60g for a valuable economics lesson.

You can price things on the TP for whatever fool amount you want to…no one is obligated to buy it. Every trade is an agreement between buyer and seller. So especially in the cases of very high-priced items like precursors, the onus is on the seller to MAKE SURE they find a price that is agreeable to buyers. Every time you fail to do this, you pay a hefty penalty for your mistake.

Replacing my Graphics card.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: eveleaf.4132


In order of performance, the 7970 is the best, followed by the 7950 and finally the 7850. All are fine cards for running GW2, so really your budget is the deciding factor. They are all are significant upgrades over what you have now.

If you’re leaning toward the 7950, however, I’d take a look at the GeForce GTX 760 instead, which will perform as well but should cost slightly less. Currently the 760 is the best card available for a $250 price point.

When in doubt, always check the latest hierarchy chart from, which updates every month.,3107-7.html

Time to limit tp profit?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: eveleaf.4132


So many generalizations and outright misconceptions.

I’m a flipper, and I don’t make anything like obscene amounts of gold. I spend about an hour a day doing it, and usually make between 1 and 3 gold profit.

Also, I’m making prices LOWER, not higher.

If you want to buy some new gear on the AH, you have two choices. Put in a buy order and wait for it, or buy the lowest priced offer.

I think most people (myself included) will choose the latter option, and just buy the lowest priced offer. I get it…when you want something for your character, you want it now. You don’t want to pay now and just hope to get it later.

When I flip something, I’m LOWERING that offer, so the next person to buy that item gets it at a LOWER price than they would have if I hadn’t flipped. That’s not hurting the buyer…it’s helping him.

It’s also RAISING the price the “instant seller” gets for selling the item to me. So it’s helping him, too.

Example – Level 70 Cleric Boots. Current buy offers are 16s99c. Current sale offers are 45s10c.

This means that anyone who wants an “instant sale” is making 16s99c (less fee) to sell those boots, and anyone who wants to “instant buy” the boots has to pay 45s10c.

I will put in a buy offer for 17s50c, and when (if) someone fulfills that order (which could be days later, or never if I got “overcut”, and that happens a lot) I place it for sale for 44s60c.

Yes, I made about 20s for my time and risk, but I’m not the only one who profited. The “instant seller” picked up an extra 50c more than he would have, and the “instant buyer” paid 50c less than he would have. Because I got up that morning and worked in the TP instead of sleeping in, both these players benefited, and they did so INSTANTLY, without having to deal with the risk, and wait, that I had.

My 20s profit is by no means guaranteed, either. If I chose the price poorly, so no one buys my offer, and another seller undercuts me, I will have to come back and post the item again, lowering my price, lowering my profit, and paying the TP fees all over again.

It is very possible to lose money flipping; it happens all the time, and the people who control that are NOT the flippers. The people really in control are the “instant sellers” and “instant buyers,” who decide if the instant prices we’re offering are attractive enough to forgo the risk and time we have taken on, so they don’t have to.

Honestly, I think people forget the key thing here, which is that every sale is a voluntary trade between a buyer and seller, in which both AGREE that they are better off with what the other person has, than with what they already have. It may not be the price you were hoping for, but if you buy/sell anyway, it’s because you still wanted the other person’s gold/item MORE than you wanted the gold/item you traded. It’s a win-win, every single time, or the trade doesn’t happen.

Do Legendary User Impress You?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eveleaf.4132


Simple question really, do seeing a person with a legendary make you go like; “Ohhh!”, are you indifferent, or another reaction?

Somewhere in the middle. I very much enjoy seeing them, and I’m happy for the other player, feel mild respect at the time and effort that (probably) went into it, and then I look forward to getting my own.

Is there any reputation on getting one?

I think it’s a mistake to assume a stranger will care two figs for what I do in a game. Strangers are very invested in their OWN achievements and care very little for mine.

Would you go for it for the reputation or for the looks?

I do it for the sense of personal achievement and the looks. Both mean a lot to me.

If it became harder/easier would you appreciate it more/less?

Unequivocally YES to both. And YES again.

If you do appreciate something from legendaries or its users, what is it?

I enjoy the long process to get one, and that it encourages me to play multiple aspects of the game. It’s engrossing for me, and I’m extremely glad Anet put them in the game. I do not want to see them made “easier” to acquire (with the exception of giving alternative paths to get a precursor, which I am in favor of, but not necessarily “easier” paths). I don’t care if they are common or rare – what other people do or don’t do doesn’t diminish (or increase) my own achievement.

Flippers! A few questions.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: eveleaf.4132


No, no I don’t retrieve my sales orders unless there is no hope in selling it. But my buy orders I will update quite often to make sure I am on the competitive edge. But it does take time to put offers in for everything again due to the clumsiness of the TP.

Nothing wrong with that if you’d rather concentrate on a smaller market, though you might be driving your prices up. At a copper each time (or whatever) the impact is fairly low so you’re probably fine.

Personally, if someone “overcuts” me, I wish them joy of it. I’ve already moved on to a different market. Like the sell offers, I don’t cancel my buy orders for a pretty long time, and most are eventually fulfilled anyway.

Selling complete Legendaries..

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: eveleaf.4132


The biggest problem with crafting and selling finished precursors is the Gift of Exploration. Your character gets a max of two of these, and then you’ll have to roll a new character to be eligible for more.

Also, as others have pointed out, with these types of high-priced items, there’s a lot more incentive to post a really buyer-friendly price. 1g below the last guy is not a good idea.

Flippers! A few questions.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: eveleaf.4132


I guess I might update my buy orders more regularly that others, I don’t know.

Probably this. I figure that once I list something for sale, it’s better to leave it up for weeks if a sale is still possible than to babysit and take it down, relist, and pay that fee all over again. I’m not going to leave something up forever…I have a cut-off time. But it’s pretty long. ;-)

Flippers! A few questions.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: eveleaf.4132


I flip “B” exclusively, and won’t place a buy order unless it looks like I could make at least 85% profit (100% before fees, i.e., existing buy orders are 1g while sell orders are 2g). Qty varies, but I usually have about 500 unique buy orders (500 different items) and 500 items placed for sale at any time. Which isn’t a ton, I know, but my time is limited to about 45 minutes a day, so I make the most of it.

You like the game? res people!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eveleaf.4132


If I can be reasonably safe while doing so, I’ll generally help a downed player. I think most people will do the same.

In other MMO’s I’ve played, rezzing someone was a “chore” that even the designated healer whined about doing. I was actually surprised (and encouraged) in GW2 how many people will rush to help a downed player.

That said, if you die, try not to have an entitled attitude about getting a rez. It’s still a favor…no one owes you anything.

Orrian Jewelry boxes..profit?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: eveleaf.4132


For some of us, there’s really nothing else to spend karma on. I stopped buying obsidian shards after getting my 77 clovers, and it looks like maybe I should have stopped sooner. In the meantime, yes, I’m buying boxes. The gold return is not great (less than 1g per 100k karma spent) but at least it’s something. And the occasional lodestone or minipet isn’t a terrible thing, either.

Legendaries should be Account Bound?

in Crafting

Posted by: eveleaf.4132


Agree with the OP. The one thing that puts me off getting a legendary is that if I get bored of the character I have it on then it was a waste of time getting it.

Should be able to move them freely between characters.

In my experience, getting the legendary takes SO MUCH time and investment in a single character, that if you are likely to get bored with it, that will happen BEFORE you finish earning the legendary. YMMV.

No warning while salvaging ecto - bug or not?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: eveleaf.4132


“The guy who salvaged his Legendary weapon”

That was all I could read. Room spinning in front of my eyes…I think I need to lie down for a little bit.

Please add "Commission" to crafting.

in Crafting

Posted by: eveleaf.4132


“This is a staple feature in most games”

Not being snide…but which games? I’ve played at least eight other MMO’s (that I can think of off the top of my head) and not a one of them has had this feature.

Maybe it’s a good idea, and maybe it isn’t. But you’re not helping your argument by saying “most games” when you really mean “this one other game I played three years ago.”

500 Badges of honor!?

in Crafting

Posted by: eveleaf.4132


Come on GW2 team this is dumb.. some players do not like WvW or PvP.. yet for us to get our legendary you require us to do this, WvW is flat out boring and the drop rate of a badge is dumb. I kill numerous people and seems like I get a badge 1 out of every 7 players vanished. At least let us earn badges in real PvP or something instead of Zerg WvW or please consider in the future an alternative to the badges.

No matter who you are, if you are crafting a legendary, there will be some aspect (or many aspects) of the process you don’t personally find fun. One person may find dungeon running nearly impossible with a busy schedule, another person may hate WvW, and someone else completely hampered by an inability to make gold.

This is fair. When I see someone running around with a legendary, I respect that achievement because I know they played the kitten out of every aspect of the game – including the aspects I (or they) find annoying or tedious.

Just remember while you’re running around in a giant zerg in EBI, gritting your teeth the whole time, that there are other steps for the legendary you personally enjoyed or found a breeze, that other people found very difficult. It all evens out in the end.

How long for a Legendary to sell?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: eveleaf.4132


I think hoping for a drop is a bit of a long shot. I’ve been playing since launch too, and I don’t know anyone personally who has had a precursor drop. I plan to save up the gold and just buy mine. Anyway I’d be careful with allowing the ridiculous luck of a few people taint your expectations that you should have gotten one by now.

Can't buy gems!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: eveleaf.4132


When this happened on my husband and my sister’s account, they got an unusual “fix” from support. Try this.

Go back in and select a different dollar amount (like $20, if you originally picked $10), put in all your payment information again. Before clicking “confirm,” click BACK again, change the dollar amount to what you really wanted, then follow the steps through to confirm.

I know it sounds crazy, but this worked for both my husband and my sister.

Trading Post initial cost

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: eveleaf.4132


The market is self-regulated. If your item doesn’t sell for weeks, or even months, then you asked too much for it. In short, you asked more than anyone else was willing to pay. When you do that, you don’t get a sale.

In order to get a sale, you have to ask for a price people are willing to pay, in other words, lower than you did. You can just fulfill a buy order. Or try to undercut steep enough that it begins to look like “a good deal” to buyers…i.e., not a 1c undercut.

And the listing fee is a key part of the system, because it means there is a very real incentive for sellers to try to find that good price, the price someone is actually willing to pay, instead of treating the TP like a lottery and just asking crazy high amounts on the off chance someone will bite.

Consider that 30g an expensive lesson in economics. Sales happen at the apex of buyer and seller desires. Where his “I am willing to go this high” meets your “I am willing to go this low.” It’s a compromise. A 1c undercut is not a compromise.

error code 42:4:7:251 Unable to Log in

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: eveleaf.4132


Unfortunately…I lost the last 15 minutes or so of my progress in the zone I was in.

error code 42:4:7:251 Unable to Log in

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: eveleaf.4132


I was kicked too, but I’m able to log back in now.

Anyone else still having a blast?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eveleaf.4132


Haven’t had this much fun in an MMO since…well, since ever.

No mounts - I simply don't understand...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eveleaf.4132


Mounts are a great concept, but in every single MMO I’ve played except one (LoTRO), the actual implementation ranged from silly to downright ridiculous. Mount acquisition quickly turns into an arms race of sorts, with each new introduction having to “out-cool” the previous iterations, until you realize your MMO world has been turned into a Disney-esque cartoon carnival with flying carpets, roaring hotrods, glittery pink unicorns, etc. Faster, faster, faster! Neon colors! Now with flying!!!

I won’t be surprised if we eventually get some kind of mount. I just hope ArenaNet shows more restraint than most game developers in this regard.