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[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ginryu.3026


Please add Home Instance gathering nodes to the Gem Store so they can be purchased individually. As of the time of this writing, a Platinum Mining Node, for example, costs 2,400g, if purchased from the Trading Post. This price is insanely disproportionate to its value.

Right now, the cost of one Platinum Ore on the Trading Post is 1s 64. A person would have to receive three Platinum Ore every day for 400 years in order to break even on a Platinum Mining Node. This is absolutely ridiculous.

When it comes to Home Instance gathering nodes, your game’s economy is broken. Please fix it by adding Account-Bound Home Instance Gathering Nodes to the Gem Store. Thank you.

Friendship development

in Lore

Posted by: ginryu.3026


There are Suggestions threads in the General Discussion forum. If you post this suggestion there, it’s more likely to be seen.

[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ginryu.3026


Purchasable Shared Gathering Slots (Account-Level)

I would like to be able to purchase from the Gem Store shared gathering tool slots for my characters. Ideally, one would be able to make this purchase once for his entire account.

In other words, I hope I would not have to—individually, one-at-a-time—purchase shared gathering slots for each gathering tool type, for each character. (This kind of implementation would dramatically reduce my interest in this feature.) Ideally, the purchase would be made once, and would unlock the shared gathering tool slot for every character on my account. I could see making each tool type slot a separate purchase, if ArenaNet really has to do that in order to justify the cost of implementing this Quality of Life improvement.

So, for example, for 400 Gems, one could unlock a Shared Logging Tool Slot for all of his characters, place his Reap-r-Tron, or whatever, in the slot, and then use the Reap-r-Tron on every character without having to individually equip the unlimited gathering tool each time he switches characters. Then, for another 400 Gems, he could unlock a Shared Mining Tool Slot, which would work the same way; and for another 400 Gems, he could unlock a Shared Foraging Tool Slot, which would work the same way.

Having to move unlimited gathering tools from one character to another is an annoying, frustrating inconvenience. Players specifically buy unlimited gathering tools to avoid the inconvenience of having to purchase the standard, limited-use gathering tools. This Quality of Life feature, therefore, would add value to an existing feature and further enhance QoL for players.

Ancillary Feature: Locked Shared Gathering Tool Slots

For players who like to use different unlimited gathering tool sets, depending on which character they’re playing, it would be nice to have the ability to “lock” a purchased Shared Gathering Tool Slot for a given character. Locking a Shared Gathering Tool Slot prior to equipping a gathering tool in that slot would prevent the any account-wide changes being made to the locked character or to any other character as a result of equipping a gathering tool in the locked slot.

[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ginryu.3026


Pin Character to Beginning of Character Menu

On this note – as someone who has 45 characters on her main account – I would love an option to manually set the way my characters are sorted – and keep them that way. Not just a PvP/PvE type deal like in gw1, but more a drag-and-drop or move up-and-down option. Maybe even options like “sort by profession” and “sort by race” would be fantastic. And while we’re at it, maybe even a search bar.

While I’m sure that would improve the QoL for a tiny minority of the playerbase, and while that would indeed be a cool set of features, I hope ArenaNet will take action, first, to implement the simple suggestion I’ve made—being able to pin a single character to the beginning of the Character Selection menu on the Character Selection screen.

As an old-school MMORPG player, I have a “main” character—as many other people do, I’m sure—and a series of alts. In my case, I have one character for each Guild Wars 2 profession. My engineer, however, is my main character.

I’d like to be able to play an my alts for a bit, but then quickly switch back to my engineer by selecting him from the beginning of the Character Selection menu on the Character Selection screen. This is a very simple, straightforward feature to add, and would require allocation of a minimal amount of time and resources to implement.

While a more robust character sorting and selection menu would be great, let’s strongly encourage the development team to implement this baby step feature, and then gauge the community’s reaction to it. If there is a powerful, positive response, maybe the powers that be would see that additional Character Selection changes are warranted.

[Suggestions] Quality of Life Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ginryu.3026


Pin Character to Beginning of Character Menu

This is a feature suggestion. I would like for the development team to add the ability to pin a character to the beginning of the character list on the character selection screen. This would be a Quality of Life improvement that I imagine would be very easy to implement, yet would have broad appeal.

Right now, the last character I played is the first one that shows up in the character selection list. I would prefer to be able to pin one character to the beginning of the list, and have the rest of my characters show up in the order most recently played. Honestly, I’m surprised this idea hasn’t already been considered and implemented. I look forward to seeing this change in a patch in the not-too-distant future.

Thank you. <3

Pin Character to Beginning of Character Menu

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ginryu.3026


This is a feature suggestion. I would like for the development team to add the ability to pin a character to the beginning of the character list on the character selection screen. This would be a Quality of Life improvement that I imagine would be very easy to implement, yet would have broad appeal.

Right now, the last character I played is the first one that shows up in the character selection list. I would prefer to be able to pin one character to the beginning of the list, and have the rest of my characters show up in the order most recently played. Honestly, I’m surprised this idea hasn’t already been considered and implemented. I look forward to seeing this change in a patch in the not-too-distant future.

Thank you. <3

Tomes of Knowledge in BL chests unforgivable

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ginryu.3026


Tomes of Knowledge are so ubiquitous, so easily accumulated that … [t]hese are NOT an item that a player wants to get out of a Black Lion chest – they are not worth the money or the gold needed for the cost of a key! … bring back key farming.

I could not agree more with this post. Key farming needs to return. Nerfing key farming to once a week and adding (or continuing to include) rubbish loot in Black Lion Chests creates a huge disincentive to spend any money on gems in the Gem Store. I’m not buying any more gems until this situation improves; I’ll just convert gold to gems. I’m sick of getting absolute rubbish and nothing else out of Black Lion Chests.

SAB is back! [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ginryu.3026


SAB is back. It’s Super Adventure Festival time! Check you mail and head to Rata Sum to take part!



Terrible Dragon Ball Auto-Balance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ginryu.3026


From playing, maybe, 100 or so matches — give or take a dozen — it seems to me like players with high personal scores frequently get “auto-balanced” to bad teams between matches. While this might sound like a good idea, it has the effect of punishing one or two good players for their success. Saddled with a truly terrible team, even a good player is going to lose. Perhaps worst of all, the best players are actually going to lose more often, because they’ll continually be stuck with bad teams.

ArenaNet needs to change the way players are added to Dragon Ball matches. If you have a consistently high personal score, the game should not place you in a match with people who have consistently low personal scores, and it certainly shouldn’t put you on a team with them; doing so forces the good player to try to carry a bad team.

What often happens is the good player will get frustrated and quit the match (when it’s 200 – 20 or 300 to 80 or whatever). They’ll just jump back in the queue and hope for a better team. You might think that’s rude, but it’s not as bad as being continually demoralized by a terrible matchmaking system. Get it together, ArenaNet. This company prides itself on ‘e-sports’ or whatever, and can’t even build a minigame that includes a skill-based matchmaking system?! I don’t buy it. This should have been part of Dragon Ball from Day One.

Captain's Airship / Royal Terrace Passes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ginryu.3026


I definitely will. I wouldn’t mind picking up the Royal Terrace Pass instead of the Captain’s Airship Pass. Really, either would suit me fine.

Captain's Airship / Royal Terrace Passes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ginryu.3026


Mine shows the Nature’s Oath outfit, Hawk Wings and Mini Zintl Cavalier, then the Shared Inventory Slots, Black Lion Keys and Copper-fed Salvage-o-Matic, then the Snowflake Glider, Quaggan Mail Carrier and Metabolic Primer, which fills all the slots.

I wonder if it’s because some items disappear from the Gem Store when you’ve bought them, maybe if you’ve got one or more of the items that should appear on that list and which can only be bought once it creates a blank space.

That actually kind-of makes sense. I do have the Quaggan Mail Carrier and the Copper-fed Salvage-o-Matic; but I could’ve sworn I’ve seen them in the Gem Store since I purchased them. Still, maybe ArenaNet made a change that would take items you have purchased out of the list of items offered to you in the Gem Store. At least that makes more sense than having completely blank spaces in the Gem Store.

As to the permanent Bank Access and / or permanent Trading Post items, I understand why they’re not available in the Gem Store; but I would buy them if they were!!

(edited by ginryu.3026)

Captain's Airship / Royal Terrace Passes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ginryu.3026


Oh, get this: today, there are two empty slots in the Gem Store. I’m starting to take this personally. I mean, would ArenaNet really prefer having two empty Gem Store slots over taking my money for a Captain’s Airship Pass? COME ON!


Captain's Airship / Royal Terrace Passes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ginryu.3026


Seth, I’d be interested to read that, if you could provide a link.

Captain's Airship / Royal Terrace Passes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ginryu.3026


Is there a fixed schedule or cycle according to which the permanent Captain’s Airship Pass and Royal Terrace Pass are offered? I can’t tell whether these items are offered in the Gem Store regularly or at random. Any insight would be appreciated.

Unfortunately, I missed the one-day sale right before Wintersday started, when I could have purchased the Captain’s Airship Pass, and I have noticed, for the last week or so, there is actually a blank space in the Gem Store. (see also: attachment) Why not fill that blank space with the Captain’s Airship Pass?! Just a thought.

EDIT: Today, January 22, 2016, that blank space in the Gem Store is still there. Absurd.
EDIT: Today, January 23, 2016, that blank space in the Gem Store is still there. Absurd.


(edited by ginryu.3026)

Engineer Survivability

in Engineer

Posted by: ginryu.3026


…nerfing survivability is gonna ruin scrapper in pve it is already near useless to run with a hammer in HoT due to everything dealing massive aoe damage or ranged damage

This is my concern, exactly. I mean, if there is a problem with Scrappers living too long in PvP, maybe do something about that—something which only affects PvP players, and doesn’t totally screw over Scrappers in PvE.

Engineer Survivability

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ginryu.3026


Yeah, this is the problem with “balancing” in all MMORPGs that have both PvP and PvE elements, which (as far as I can tell) is all of them. Abilities considered “overpowered” in PvP get nerfed, and PvE players invariably suffer. Just once I’d like to see a developer say, “If you don’t like how powerful this is in PvP, too bad; this is what we want, and if you don’t like it, you can just either play the OP class (if you can’t beat, ’em join ’em) in PvP or make them a kill priority (make it not fun for the OP class to play that class, because everyone gangs up on them).” Same song, another verse—a little bit louder and a little bit worse.

Nerf Incoming !!!

in Engineer

Posted by: ginryu.3026


I read something troubling in Profession Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update and it was this:

Engineer” … " … With that said, we’re still monitoring the defensive nature of the scrapper and may look to implement a reduction in survivability." (emphasis mine)

I would simply like to voice my opposition to any such change. My rationale is simply that Heart of Thorns is not a forgiving expansion, and survivability is kind-of all we engineers have; take away our survivability, and playing an engineer in Heart of Thorns will be as miserable, dull, and grueling as playing, say, a Warrior.

In Heart of Thorns, often, the PvE gameplay is not fun, because a player trying to navigate, for example, Tangled Depths or Verdant Brink is frequently swarmed or knocked-back, or otherwise overwhelmed by either an insurmountable horde of enemies or enemies with overpowered abilities (I’m thinking, specifically, of all the mushroom creatures, but my remark is not applicable only to them). For engineers, “zerker meta” (or whatever the flavor-of-the-month is for “optimal” damage output) is not and never really has been (1) fun or (2) viable. Engineers have always had to be clever to get the most enjoyment out of the profession, and that’s as it should be; it’s sort-of part of the flavor of the class.

I appreciate a challenge, and Heart of Thorns certainly has provided that. My only complaint is that the challenges don’t really scale with the size of the party (or the relative strength of the player(s)) encountering them. If one is a solo player trying to reach that last point of interest in Tangled Depths, he or she may frequently tend to feel like ArenaNet is just giving him or her the middle finger. That shouldn’t be the case, in my opinion, because it’s just not a fun experience, which is what a game should be. This problem would be greatly exacerbated for players who choose the engineer profession if they had to contend with a “reduction in survivability.”

At a minimum, as a player who considers my engineer to be my “main,” I would expect a compelling explanation and argument in favor of any such change. So far, I have seen nothing to indicate any such change is warranted.

Player Looking for a Maguuma RP Guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: ginryu.3026


I am a seasoned MMORPG player. I enjoy most game modes—some more than others—but I primarily spend my time engaging with PvE content, including but not limited to playing through my personal story; open world PvE, such as dynamic events; and dungeons. Fractals do not hold strong appeal for me, but I understand them, and I will play with other guild members interested in doing fractals.

I particularly enjoy role-playing, especially when it is done well. I would really like to join an RP guild, especially one on the Maguuma server, where my characters reside. My “main” character is an Asura (male) Engineer.

I’m not willing to move from Maguuma to another server. I would like to occasionally do some WvWvW content with my guild-mates. I also enjoy sPvP, if I have a good team, but I get easily frustrated when players are unreasonably bad or refuse to work together.

Feel free to ask me anything in this thread. Consider this my “interview.” I don’t join websites or fill out applications. It is unnecessary. Thanks for your consideration.

Engineer Survivability

in Engineer

Posted by: ginryu.3026


I read something troubling in Profession Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update and it was this:

Engineer” … " … With that said, we’re still monitoring the defensive nature of the scrapper and may look to implement a reduction in survivability." (emphasis mine)

I would simply like to voice my opposition to any such change. My rationale is simply that Heart of Thorns is not a forgiving expansion, and survivability is kind-of all we engineers have; take away our survivability, and playing an engineer in Heart of Thorns will be as miserable, dull, and grueling as playing, say, a Warrior.

In Heart of Thorns, often, the PvE gameplay is not fun, because a player trying to navigate, for example, Tangled Depths or Verdant Brink is frequently swarmed or knocked-back, or otherwise overwhelmed by either an insurmountable horde of enemies or enemies with overpowered abilities (I’m thinking, specifically, of all the mushroom creatures, but my remark is not applicable only to them). For engineers, “zerker meta” (or whatever the flavor-of-the-month is for “optimal” damage output) is not and never really has been (1) fun or (2) viable. Engineers have always had to be clever to get the most enjoyment out of the profession, and that’s as it should be; it’s sort-of part of the flavor of the class.

I appreciate a challenge, and Heart of Thorns certainly has provided that. My only complaint is that the challenges don’t really scale with the size of the party (or the relative strength of the player(s)) encountering them. If one is a solo player trying to reach that last point of interest in Tangled Depths, he or she may frequently tend to feel like ArenaNet is just giving him or her the middle finger. That shouldn’t be the case, in my opinion, because it’s just not a fun experience, which is what a game should be. This problem would be greatly exacerbated for players who choose the engineer profession if they had to contend with a “reduction in survivability.”

At a minimum, as a player who considers my engineer to be my “main,” I would expect a compelling explanation and argument in favor of any such change. So far, I have seen nothing to indicate any such change is warranted.

Engineer Survivability

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: ginryu.3026


I read something troubling in Profession Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update and it was this:

Engineer” … " … With that said, we’re still monitoring the defensive nature of the scrapper and may look to implement a reduction in survivability." (emphasis mine)

I would simply like to voice my opposition to any such change. My rationale is simply that Heart of Thorns is not a forgiving expansion, and survivability is kind-of all we engineers have; take away our survivability, and playing an engineer in Heart of Thorns will be as miserable, dull, and grueling as playing, say, a Warrior.

In Heart of Thorns, often, the PvE gameplay is not fun, because a player trying to navigate, for example, Tangled Depths or Verdant Brink is frequently swarmed or knocked-back, or otherwise overwhelmed by either an insurmountable horde of enemies or enemies with overpowered abilities (I’m thinking, specifically, of all the mushroom creatures, but my remark is not applicable only to them). For engineers, “zerker meta” (or whatever the flavor-of-the-month is for “optimal” damage output) is not and never really has been (1) fun or (2) viable. Engineers have always had to be clever to get the most enjoyment out of the profession, and that’s as it should be; it’s sort-of part of the flavor of the class.

I appreciate a challenge, and Heart of Thorns certainly has provided that. My only complaint is that the challenges don’t really scale with the size of the party (or the relative strength of the player(s)) encountering them. If one is a solo player trying to reach that last point of interest in Tangled Depths, he or she may frequently tend to feel like ArenaNet is just giving him or her the middle finger. That shouldn’t be the case, in my opinion, because it’s just not a fun experience, which is what a game should be. This problem would be greatly exacerbated for players who choose the engineer profession if they had to contend with a “reduction in survivability.”

At a minimum, as a player who considers my engineer to be my “main,” I would expect a compelling explanation and argument in favor of any such change. So far, I have seen nothing to indicate any such change is warranted.

Engineer Survivability

in Engineer

Posted by: ginryu.3026


I read something troubling in Profession Balance Goals for the Winter 2016 Update and it was this:

Engineer” … " … With that said, we’re still monitoring the defensive nature of the scrapper and may look to implement a reduction in survivability." (emphasis mine)

I would simply like to voice my opposition to any such change. My rationale is simply that Heart of Thorns is not a forgiving expansion, and survivability is kind-of all we engineers have; take away our survivability, and playing an engineer in Heart of Thorns will be as miserable, dull, and grueling as playing, say, a Warrior.

In Heart of Thorns, often, the PvE gameplay is not fun, because a player trying to navigate, for example, Tangled Depths or Verdant Brink is frequently swarmed or knocked-back, or otherwise overwhelmed by either an insurmountable horde of enemies or enemies with overpowered abilities (I’m thinking, specifically, of all the mushroom creatures, but my remark is not applicable only to them). For engineers, “zerker meta” (or whatever the flavor-of-the-month is for “optimal” damage output) is not and never really has been (1) fun or (2) viable. Engineers have always had to be clever to get the most enjoyment out of the profession, and that’s as it should be; it’s sort-of part of the flavor of the class.

I appreciate a challenge, and Heart of Thorns certainly has provided that. My only complaint is that the challenges don’t really scale with the size of the party (or the relative strength of the player(s)) encountering them. If one is a solo player trying to reach that last point of interest in Tangled Depths, he or she may frequently tend to feel like ArenaNet is just giving him or her the middle finger. That shouldn’t be the case, in my opinion, because it’s just not a fun experience, which is what a game should be. This problem would be greatly exacerbated for players who choose the engineer profession if they had to contend with a “reduction in survivability.”

At a minimum, as a player who considers my engineer to be my “main,” I would expect a compelling explanation and argument in favor of any such change. So far, I have seen nothing to indicate any such change is warranted.

Join Quadriplegic Dodgeball League!

in Looking for...

Posted by: ginryu.3026


How do I join?
Send an in-game mail message to ginryu.3026 and request membership or more information.

What’s the Quadriplegic Dodgeball League [QDL]?
Primarily, we are a social guild, though some might accuse us of being antisocial (which we think is a little unfair, because we’re not antisocial. We’re just not politically correct … at all—like, not even a little bit). We also do a little bit of this and that. So, if you’re into this or that, we’re probably the guild for you.

Server preference: While we will accept players from any server, our home—for the purposes of WvW—is the Maguuma server. So, if you’re really into WvW, that’s something you should know about us; otherwise, don’t worry about it.

Play Type Preference: Primarily, we focus on PvE; we enjoy some WvW, too. (We do sPvP dailies pretty much every day, but we don’t have a strong sPvP presence.)

Player Style: Casual… BUT we do expect our players to have a strong grasp of the fundamentals of the game, including a clear understanding of attributes, skills, and traits.

Active Time: We are most commonly online during the evenings from around 7:00 p.m. CST (Chicago) / 8:00 p.m. EST (New York) until around 1:00 a.m. CST / 2:00 a.m. EST.

Voice preference: We use TeamSpeak 3 for WvW, and we expect you to, too—even if only to listen. You don’t ever have to speak on TeamSpeak, but we expect you to be able to listen and follow instructions given by the Commander in WvW. We also use TeamSpeak for dungeons, and we will use it for raids; so, this will be essential for you, in our guild, if you plan to participate in group and large-scale guild activities.

Social preference: We are a social guild, which means we are mainly interested in the social aspects of the game. A fair amount of progress in PvE and other aspects of the game does matter to us, but it is more important for us to see that our players enjoy the game together at a pace and in a manner determined by each player, rather than by the guild’s leadership.

Other information:
Our members are characterized by an irreverent sense of humor, a casual attitude, and a live-and-let-live approach to most issues. Even though we’re a casual, social guild, some of our members are long-time MMORPG veteran players; and some even have extensive hardcore raiding or PvP experience. We really love the way Arenanet has been Rethinking Guilds in Guild Wars 2.

In pre-Heart-of-Thorns Guild Wars 2, influence gain was tied to guild representation, which was hard to keep track of outside of the guild panel. It was also earned passively just for being online, and this incentivized guilds to require full-time representation from their members. That sucks, because you can be a member of up to five guilds; so, why have incentives to only represent one guild? In Heart of Thorns, Arenanet broke apart influence and assigned its functions to three new currencies. We think that’s a great thing, because, now, people can actually be active, participating members of more than one guild.

Finally, in the pre-Heart-of-Thorns guild system, there was tension between being expected to represent a guild 100% of the time, so that it can gain the benefits of your representation, and having the freedom to use all five of your available guild memberships to socialize with different groups of friends. When Arenanet looked for overall improvements they could make to guilds, resolving this conflict stood out as having the greatest potentially positive impact on the social experience for guild members.

As of Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns, this is no longer be a problem; Arenanet has introduced cross-guild chat. From your main guild panel, you can assign which guilds you can chat to with channels, /g1 through /g5. You can then decide which channels will be visible in your chat tabs. The main guild chat channel, /g, will continue to chat to your currently represented guild. These changes make social guilds, like ours, viable; and we’re very excited about how that’s going to impact our game experience (and, hopefully, yours)!

Guild rules of which you should probably be aware:
While political and religious discussions are not prohibited in Guild Chat, arguments of any kind are strictly prohibited (knowing the difference between a discussion and an argument is very important if you want to be a part of this guild for any length of time). Blatant displays of disrespect towards other guild members—especially officers and guild leadership—will result in expulsion from the guild. We reserve the right to deny guild membership to anyone for any reason or no reason; we also reserve the right to revoke any guild member’s guild membership at any time, for any reason or no reason.

Please make these changes

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ginryu.3026


I could not agree more! Excellent suggestion.

Spikes of High Latency in Frostgorge Sound

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ginryu.3026


Several people have been experiencing periodic spikes (every 30 seconds or so) of very high latency. There really is no place to report such a “bug,” using the in-game Bug Report tool. So, I am posting this, here, in the hopes that someone who can do something about the lag will see it.

Rune of Perplexity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ginryu.3026


Will the Recipe: Superior Rune of Perplexity ever be reintroduced to the game? The only way I can seem to get a Superior Rune of Perplexity is by buying it on the Trading Post. The prices for the Superior Rune of Perplexity are quite inflated, because only a few people can craft that particular rune.

In my opinion, it would be beneficial to return this Recipe to the game in some way. Maybe ArenaNet could make it purchasable from a vendor, or discoverable by Tailors. Whatever the case, making it somehow available would be better than completely unavailable as it is now.

(edited by ginryu.3026)