Showing Posts For huntsman.4693:

what on earth is up with ping recently

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: huntsman.4693


anyone else consistently getting more than 3k ping after last patch. This is ridiculous cant even play


HP ancient golem in auric bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: huntsman.4693


Twice now ive done this event and not been rewarded the hero point. ive been there for the whole event and even started the fight.

Selling eternity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: huntsman.4693


Just realised I may have put this in the wrong section, oh well

Selling eternity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: huntsman.4693


Planing on making and selling eternity. If anyone has managed to do this also how long did it take to sell, did you get undercut at any time. I have everything I need just worried about getting undercut. Any advice is welcome

Lf Australians EU

in Looking for...

Posted by: huntsman.4693


So I’ve been playing since around launch but took a break over the past few months and my old guild kicked me for inactivity so I’d like to find some other fellow Aussies in eu servers. I’m on ring of fire but I don’t mind being in a guild from a different server, I don’t eve much anymore. Mostly pve and pvp a little. If you know if your guild has any Australians in it and you’re accepting new guild memebers send me an invite please

P.s if your Australian yourself and looking for a similar thing to me add me in game and we’ll look together

Best way to do masteries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: huntsman.4693


I remember that there were mastery xp farms way back when hot launch like the cof one, Are those still around?

Best way to do masteries?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: huntsman.4693


So I’m a returning player, stopped when HOT was introduced, and I’m about to buy the xpac and come back. I don’t know a whole lot about masteries so what’s the most effective way to complete them and quickest method?

Post your hilarious animation bugs!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: huntsman.4693


I am not the elementalist you’re looking for…


Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: huntsman.4693


Gotta go fast!


Need Help On A Class!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: huntsman.4693


both classes can be beasts in pvp but i prefer thief for pve cos of stealth, high damage and high mobility (they can move quickly and over large spaces in a very short time). Ultimately it comes down to your personal preference and play style but then again thief is a lot of fun once you get a handle of the class

Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: huntsman.4693


just hit 80 on my last chara necro 8/8 classes now :) anyway looking pretty good i think :3

Grenth hood
Arah shoulders
TA chest
Toxic gloves
CoF legs
Some random boots no one really cares about lol


Your best LFG reads and puglife stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: huntsman.4693


this one gave me a laugh just from the word lingo XD


Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: huntsman.4693


The Reaper.


[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: huntsman.4693


PHANTOM’S HOOD PLEASE take my money!!!
This hasn’t made a return in ages and I’m sure lots of people are waiting for it too. Anet for once just listen to what we actually want on gemstore and put it on

Fractal rewards

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: huntsman.4693


oh the feels of getting a skin you actually want
Picked up the axe on lvl 36 today, pretty happy.

Where did you get that? Certainly not from fractal, after 100+ lvl 40+ with no skins, I can confirm they don’t drop from fractal.

I actually got it from a rabbit in wayfare foothills who was a legendary lvl 9000 mob

Fractal rewards

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: huntsman.4693


oh the feels of getting a skin you actually want
Picked up the axe on lvl 36 today, pretty happy.


engi backpack and shield bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: huntsman.4693


Don’t know if a thread of this already exists (sorry if it does) but whenever i sheath or wield my weapons, pistol/shield, as engi the backpack i have on gets attached and dragged with my shield and then goes back to where it belongs…on my back. image of what i mean if this doesn’t make sense.


[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: huntsman.4693



How much gold on average doing world bosses?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: huntsman.4693


Hi pakamon thought I would give you some idea of how much you can get from world bosses these days. On average I get about anywhere between 15-30g a day from bosses for a few hours work.

expensive armour skins for all weight classes

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: huntsman.4693


I’ll keep it short and simple.
Some of the most expensive armour skins on the tp, for example, the monocle or the deathly shoulder skins (ranging from around 100g to nearly 300g), only unlocks that specific weight class. For this type of price it should be ALL WEIGHTS UNLOCKED. Skins like the fused gauntlets unlock all weights so why not these?
A while ago I decided to get the deathly shoulderpads (medium) for my thief since I didn’t see many people running around with them and its nice to look different >_> but recently I’ve been thinking why cant this skin be unlocked for all weights.

Anyway feel free to give you own opinions on this matter, im sure loads of people are in the same bout feeling that they have an expensive skin but can only use for one weight class, Hopefully this might change in the future.

gem store item quality

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: huntsman.4693


Ehhhh whatever… opinions are like (word that will be turned into kittens)… everyone has one, and it usually stinks.

…not really since its info Anet can use to make better items on gem store, its valuable info they need to pump out more content. If you think everyone opinions stink you should probably think about how GW2 revolves around player opinion and the game would never progress without the information and opinions players give.

gem store item quality

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: huntsman.4693


This is getting blown out of proportion a bit. This is simply about the quality of gem store items, not game quality. And as it was mentioned yes these skins do take time to make and design and maybe something to help this problem would be for Anet to release an image/post whatever it is about new items before they come to the store. This way players are able to give feedback on the items, prepare for when they come out by buying gems and help Anet make better decisions on what they release for the gem store. This is an aspect of the game heavily based on player preferences and taste in design so it makes sense for the players to have a say in the type of items we get in the store if we’re paying our own real money for it. Now im not saying we as the consumer should decide upon every item in store, I enjoy seeing a surprise item from time to time, BUT having some sort of say in the items/skins we get may in fact result in more sales for Anet and happy players with good looking items.

gem store item quality

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: huntsman.4693


Thats exactly the point, people are not buying these “low quality items” so there is no point for them to be on the gem store when there are other better items. Also you make no sense, how would low quality items that no one buys yield a larger profit for Anet compared to item with high demand which people will buy.

gem store item quality

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: huntsman.4693


First off I do not see why Anet is putting skins like the new lawless helm on the gem store. Sorry if anyone is offended but this is my personal opinion, this is one of the worst helm skins that have been introduced to the gem store. It looks absolutely ridiculous, is ugly and the name doesn’t even suit it. I do not understand why items like this are being sold when there is such high demand for other items including grenth hood or bunny ears to make a return.
Now a lot of people may like the skin but from what I’ve seen not many people do…
I haven’t seen one person running around with it on, I have asked around and people seem to think its “poo” and that’s a direct quote from a guildie haha.

Anyway I guess the point of this thread is to bring some awareness to the quality of gem store items. This isn’t just in game gold people are spending its real money (with exception to those who are filthy rich and just convert gold to gems) and when you are spending real money there is a standard of which the item should be, it’s not just some generic item you can get from the tp, its something special and should look good for what you are paying for. The quality of the lawless helm and the shoulder piece that was added with it are kitten bad.
However I would like to add that I think many of the skins Anet come up with are great especially some of the armours, outfits and things like quaggy back packs but some other things are just rubbish imo.

So post away, I would like to see some other opinions on this matter so feel free! Let the rest of us know what you think about the gem quality store items.

Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: huntsman.4693


update on my look but i need grenth hood to complete it haha, plz Anet put it on gem store. Just picked up the dealthy shoulderpads for 90g….its set me back a bit now i’m broke.


Bring back grenth hood

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: huntsman.4693


please Anet! I need this for my thief xD and by the looks of it everyone else wants the hood back as well. Please do not wait till winters day to bring this out again, its one of the best head skins and should be in gem store next patch or even now!

Attached is what I’m dying to look like and I just need grenth hood


[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: huntsman.4693


GRENTH HOOD! pls anet take money and be done with it, my thief needs it!

Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: huntsman.4693


rocking my new duel incinerators!!


Precursors and T6

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: huntsman.4693


This is just getting out of hand, personally i have been going for incinerator and the rise of spark has actually put me off making it. Spark was only 400g a little while ago and now its over 1.1k…Anet really needs to get onto this. Solution is simple. Anyone remember Ancient karka event? loads of people got precursors from that so maybe do another event like that, just a thought which could generate more pre’s into the market and possibly reduce the price.
To farm that amount of gold for what is in reality 25% of your legendary is ridiculous.

edit If an event such as the karka one was done again don’t make it a one time thing, sooo many people missed out (including myself). Instead have an event that runs for a week or so with a chest at the end that will only appear once for you and not again if you do the event so people cant just do it multiple times until they get the precursor they want.

(edited by huntsman.4693)

Post a picture of your Elementalist [Merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: huntsman.4693


my latest look


Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: huntsman.4693


my level 30 thief


Lets see your Warriors!

in Warrior

Posted by: huntsman.4693


my norn warrior just got a sex change hehe
