mm for my tanky support build i went with knight crafted gear Power/precision/toughness for all my armour and power/healing/toughness for my accessories, I can heal for about 1.8k a shout.
I prefer a shout support build to a banner support build since when using a banner people tend to run out of the buff
Not to sure about hoe healing works with regen to be honest, but out of those options I would go toughness vit since they have better synergy than vit healing
but yeah I run with a tanky defense build with healing shouts. it works extremely well
yes I’m sure I play the right way, I barely ever get downed in explorable modes and provide some decent healing/condition removal as well.
What has a tanky build warriors you ave played with have anything to do with me, do you know what gear they had……
both toughness and healing are great and they work better together than vit and healing.
Toughness is a better pve stat than vitality due to how it scales a hell of a lot better with healing than vitality does.
but yeah just saying kinda rude, asking someone if they know how to play their class when you are on the forums asking for advice.
I use full power/precision/toughness on armor and have healing power on my accessories, dont really use any vit gear at all.
Because you aren’t even maximizing dps while using 5 signets.
How can you even address my post, if you have no idea what build I use. Perhaps you should take a look at my previous posts, where I even included some screenshots to see what “build of mine could high dps lovers follow”. And yes, I am pretty sure I maximized my damage.
All you said is what traits you use and how you use 4 signets, how the hell am i supposed to work out what else you are using other than that.
I was just saying that 5 signets isn’t optimal damage, by activating signet of rage and swapping a signet for fgj should if my math was correct improve your dps.
with and increase of around16% crit chance and a constant increase of 105 power.
I run a tanky support build with cc, heals, boons and condition removal and it works great.
Build is
Weapons I use are any combination of the following,
Sword/shield (main weapon set)
I’m currently using knight armor (exotic) and cleric accessories(masterwork) which I think is a great combo means my shouts heal (due to traits) for around 1.8k and cleanse a condition due to my Soldier runes.
but yeah definitely viable I use my build all the times in dungeons. you will only run into a mob every now and then who is completely immune to CC, most bosses however will have some resistance to it, there is a buff they have that will block a specific number of cc spells before you can actually stun them.
(edited by hype r.5431)
you could get t5/6 poison sacs from them among other things.
never, because warriors are awesome
I use two sigils of blood atm with a full tanky support build gives me about a 300 something heal every 3 to 4 seconds.
using two gives me around 50% chance to proc.
Nonetheless, this thread is kind of pointless. People who enjoy big numbers and huge burst dps will follow a build similar to mine. Those, who want to play as a support, will pick up warbanners/defensive signets/shouts and what else have you. Overall, there is no better builds… there’s just different builds.
However, as I see it – Warriors are one of the best nukers out there (if not the best), while being relatively tough regardless of the traits/stats allocation. So why waste the potential?
Because you aren’t even maximizing dps while using 5 signets.
(edited by hype r.5431)
oo nvm wrong person, second point still stands though.
(edited by hype r.5431)
so it doesn’t add survivability at all, other than dolyak?
Well there are other factors to consider, such as gear and what not. But at a base level, the benefits of the signets themselves are very minimal, not even worth taking notice at level 80. The real bread and butter is the +40 precision for each signet, which as you see here gives about 20% at lvl 80, wearing nothing, and only have 10 in arms. Signet stackers just want the big numbers. I don’t want to sound like a jerk saying this, but ideally, this is basically the “Lazy Warrior’s Way”. Technically speaking, a DPS warrior only needs a minimum of around 30% critical chance to be optimally efficient. If the rest of his efforts are put into +critical damage, and power, he would be throwing incredibly large hurting bombs. With a full exotic berserker set in armor, jewels, and weapon slots, a warrior can get around 32%ish critical chance without investing in the +40 precision per signet. As I stated before though, I have nothing against signet stackers, but I feel the signet stacking thing should be used for DPS warriors that are lacking in gear if they want to offer a competitive edge compared to other classes.
that was more aimed at what you said in the previous post about it being more important to stay alive and soak damage than use shouts. By taking out your signets and using more defensive styles utility spells you are going to survive much longer.
I can see where you are coming from guess on how it would benefit an undergeared warrior but if you look at my above post you will see why even replacing one signet and keeping one on cool down can benefit you a hell of a lot more than just having the signets there.
(edited by hype r.5431)
Its not about going full support Booler, its about using at least some support skills with your build to benefit the whole group in a dungeon situation rather than just you, Also you are actually losing out on damage when you don’t use for great justice
for example taking for great justice over signet of might, at level 80 fgj gives you a permanent 3 stacks of might which equates to 105 power, more than the 90 provided by passive signet of might, also if you combine this with the active signet of rage you get 50% uptime minimum of 8 stacks of might (280 power) and can get 75% uptime of fury (20% crit) and that is with no boon duration increases. which is a hell of a lot more beneficial than the 80 precision (approx 4% crit chance) you would get by having those signets non activated.
Plus if you have any sort of boon duration increases its quite easy to get 100% uptime on Fury.
On top of all this fgj also buffs your allies so its a win win situation.
I mean you could swap out a defensive signet and use fgj if you want and get even more power if you really feel like it.
And like it or not there are roles in GW2, they just aren’t as solidly defined as the usual trinity.
(edited by hype r.5431)
Plus if you have some time could you switch out mighty signet for for great justice and compare stats, since with fgj and signet of rage you can have perma fury.
so it doesn’t add survivability at all, other than dolyak?
I personally have no problem with signet stacking warrs, however in my opinion: Signet stacking is a solo build. Aside from the damage, they bring no utility or group synergy on their own. Provided their weapon maybe has a “heal party on crit” mechanic from one of the sigils or the like, it just looks like a solo build to me. You can argue about gear, how hard you’ve hit, the history of successful groups you’ve run. It still will not change the reality that the signet stacking warr is a build catered more toward solo play then groups.
I agree with this. I only switch when I notice the group I am in contains no Guardian style character. Personally I like the Signets more than dropping banners and shouts. I think its more important for me to stay alive and soak up damage than cast shouts that do not last long unless I specialize in that and I am no going to specialize my build to play in a group
What signets are you using to soak up damage I know there is Dolyak but the others are more dps focused, plus you dont need to spec into shouts to make them awesome, I mean for great justice, shake it off, and on my mark are pretty much the best things ever.
I much prefer the Dolyak, well other than the Helmet of Course that thing is ugly as hell, going to be using the HOTW helm instead.
Well, ecto’s ori ore and gossomar scraps
80 Warrior
probably 9/10
mm I don’t mind warhorn, I always use it when I’m in town with signet of rage for perma swiftness, or when I’m running back from Waypoint. I could probably make better use of it, especially in combat, but I feel vulnerable, so I usually switch to my shield just to feel safe.
In guild groups I run with 3 warriors. 1 banner/tank and 2 “sig babies” as I have seen them called. It’s awesome. The amount of damage coming off of 2 greatsword warriors, smashing their faces into a mob that usually has 15+ stacks of vuln and getting hit by each of their Hundred Blades for 25k + is fantastic.
To those saying that warriors who just bring damage don’t bring anything special, well… if they are dying, yeah they really aren’t. However, if they are actually staying alive and doing damage, they are probably doing at least 50% more than anyone else you have. I would venture that even as much as double the damage of certain classes you might have in your group. They also stack nice vulnerability, which increases everyone’s damage. So… give em time to learn how to not die. Once they figure that part out, you probably won’t mind so much.
mm if you don’t mind me asking who else do you take on dungeon runs? do they have to be more support oriented.
I can see what you mean by if they don’t die they are great, but I guess my experience has just been bad so I have a Biased view.
What do you mean no warrior should use more than 2 signets? Who said that, you? Oh, please…
in a group situation, unless you have a pretty support focused group two signets is more than enough, group support from shouts/banners is just too awesome.
would be nice if true… unfortunatly knight armor is power/prec/TOUGHNESS and toughness is virtually useless right now…
if it were vit it would be awesome
Whats Wrong with Toughness, I think its awesome and since Warriors already have the highest health pool you don’t need nearly as much vitality, my armor is Full knight as well, with healing power accessories. I find toughness to be a hell of a lot more useful than Vit
Why not just use message of the day? that way everyone who logs on sees it.
I would say Vit scales better against conditions since toughness doesn’t effect these so its better in PvP, but toughness scales better against straight damage so its better in PvE, Toughness also scales better with any heals you receive.
Well, I am a fully exotic geared Warrior, having 30/30/10 in Power/Precision/Crit Dmg, also got 4 signets. With 86% crit damage, 87% crit chance and approx. 4,700 Power with self-buff, I hit for about 25-27k with Hundred Blades. And look out – I don’t have problems with surviving in dungeons! Using Whirlwind Attack on a 8 sec CD as a dodge/additional damage dealer helps a lot – I’ve noticed that most of the people don’t bother. Burst as quickly as possible, move away (be it WA or normal dodge), heal if needed, Rush… then it’s just rinse and repeat.
I farm Arah/CoF/HotW explorables on a daily basis so I’d say I got some background there… If your warriors fail miserably with this build, tell them to re-roll
Its not just about surviving most groups I have they don’t die too often and their dps is usually quite good, Its that they, like you don’t bring anything extra to the group other than damage. Sure this is fine if you run with a normal group and have people who can support for you but yeah, in pugs its annoying.
but how are we Supposed to Squash the Asura in one stomp with small feet
mm well I assume 4, but I have never tried
Does 6 slot soldier rune (shouts clear a condition) allow shake it off to clear two conditions?
I was Mace/shield for a while, but now I have changed to sword/shield, I find it outputs a lot more damage than the mace shield combo but still gives you quite a bit of utility.
I also use Mace/Warhorn in my secondary slots which combined with signet of rage can give me permanent swiftness which is great for running around.
I really should give this GS/signet build a try everyone seems to think its good
well Divinity is crazy expensive, last I saw was 2g a rune so I would say use rune of strength.
mm i have to say I’m pretty much certain you can see Crit damage, also how would 110% ever be a chance, it would not need to go above 100…
Hammer is incredible, the crowd control abilities it has are amazing,
in metrica near the starting area there are 4 golem schools that compete with their golems all named after the elements (WTR, FIR, AER, ERTH are all the names of the golems and what not)
So they’re busy talking when suddenly up runs an asura with a golem called HRT (heart)
they make fun of him.Then an asura comes up with a giant black golem WST (waste) and all the smaller ones fuse together to fight him.
Basically it’s one big hilarious captain planet reference
that is the most awesome thing ever, time to have a look at that area again
hehe 69…..
but seriously its not that many, I can do two or three a night easily, probs closer to 5 or 6 if i really want to
mm I will have to try this ranged style warrior at least once, I just cant see my Norn sitting back and shooting something while there is fun to be had up close and personal.
Um there is a robot in the asura starting area called OVR 9000 which is a reference to DBZ
Well to be fair you are talking about the wrong dragon, it wasn’t Zaitan that beat the Norn it was Jormag, but yes the fight is lackluster and boring but the instance is great up until that point.
Oh and also I don’t really mind covering for them I just think it shouldn’t be necessary.
pretty much the reason I carry almost all weapons around in my bag, regardless of if im doing solo stuff or dungeons.
You come off to me as a condescending little terd. If you don’t like how people play and have a difficult time dealing, then either don’t play or group with friends. Simple. I really don’t like to bother with whiny elitist babies anyway in my PuG groups it spoils my fun.
good for you, I hope to never see you in game, what sort of warrior do you play?
Awesome thanks for that, might have to give these traits a look.
Haven’t got 5 yet but atm I have
Norn – Warrior (m)
Human – Neromancer (f)
Norn – Thief (f)
Char – Ranger (m)
still tossing up what to use that last one for might make a Char engineer or something.
well my warrior just shouts Shake it off! and gets back up
So for warrior traits like
Defy Pain: activate endure pain at 25% health
last stand: Activate Balanced stand when you are knocked down
Shrug it off: use shake it off automatically when you get more than one condition
I assume these Traits require you to have the skills equipped as well but i just wanted to see if this was the case, if not they are quite OP so I highly doubt you can use them without having the skill active.
yeah I’m quite happy with the amount of warriors who have posted here it gives me hope for the class, I just wish I ran into more of you in game think I’m going to have to stick with my usual dungeon group rather than pugs though so I can keep my sanity.
Why does it seem every person here talking about skills is ignoring the obvious stuff such as Bola’s, Stomp, Charge, kick plus all the stances they have.
they have a hell of a lot of utilities that aren’t signet/banners/shouts, I’m not even sure what sort of skills you are looking for, give an example of something that would make it the warrior more to your liking
May I ask how you are playing your warrior, what weapons are you using and stuff like that, maybe thats where the problem lies.
Well to be honest Ryoga your contribution is damage plus buffing allies which is cool, at least you are doing something to help the group out, my problem is getting into groups with warriors use a GS signet glass cannon build, then expect the rest of the group to cover support stuff like CC, boons and healing.
Sure damage is great but its useless if you keep getting downed and other people need to stop dpsing and rez you, dead people do no dps, maybe its just bad luck on my part but almost every GS warrior that I have seen seems to be unable to dodge attacks and end up getting downed constantly, I know I shouldn’t generalize but it has happened to me that often that it makes me sad when a signet/GS warrior joins my group.
Well I would start with finding a longbow or a rifle, after that not too sure since I play a melee warrior.