Showing Posts For irinawds.9627:

I'm back, I think?

in Engineer

Posted by: irinawds.9627


Ugh… Just ugh… I suppose it hasn’t been that long so I shouldn’t expect massive changes.

I'm back, I think?

in Engineer

Posted by: irinawds.9627


I quit playing just after the Halloween event. I think I’d like to make a come back. I was (am?) one of the typical grenade tossing engineers back then but I often got tired of constantly tapping the keys to do my damage.

Has much changed, been fixed, discovered, ect, in terms of new builds?

I don’t pvp very much, so bear that in mind. Any advice would be helpful!

The Female Human epidemic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: irinawds.9627


This discussion simply must come up in every single solitary game, and it will come up again and again in each game.

I’m not the least bit concerned who is male or female on the other side of a monitor because it doesn’t matter. I’m far more concerned why people even care.

Is the character doing what they are suppose to do? Yes? That’s the only thing that matters and if you think otherwise, you need to rethink your life.

Glass cannon Warrriors with 5x signets in Dungeons...

in Warrior

Posted by: irinawds.9627


I was grouped with a warrior who had obviously spent a crap ton of time playing to get his massive ‘tanking’ set all set up. The final boss of one of the paths of SE was bugged and people were dying as a result but at the time we didn’t know that so after two attempts he stated that we were all ‘dying too fast’.

I pointed out that in the previous attempt I had lived almost long enough for him to run back to the fight.

He immediately flew in to what a horrible player I was because I had some signets and did not yet have a full set of absolutely perfect (in his view) gear.

Dungeons can go awry for a lot of reasons and it’s merely a matter of perception. You, like the guy who got a stick up his rear, see what you want to see and find a scape goat for it.

There are bad players, there are not really any bad builds.

Halloween Event Feedback

in Halloween Event

Posted by: irinawds.9627


Lunatic Inquisition is actually quite a lot of fun. Particularly if you get down to one of the last two or three people left.

Reapers Rumble just didn’t appeal to me. sPvP doesn’t appeal to me either so that may be why.

Clock Tower. This event needs fewer people for instance or even better would be an option for a solo instance.

Mad king dungeon: Make this thing a once a day deal so we don’t have to have a total disruption of normal dungeons and don’t have to see endless “LFG MK!” all day.

How to make the tower worse...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: irinawds.9627


Just loop this song while you try to climb it…

A question of two builds

in Guardian

Posted by: irinawds.9627


Extremely straight forward and I had considered most of those points. It’s worth seeing what other people think however.

See, the maximum attribute bonus you’d get from investing in a trait line is 300, that’s if you go 30 pts in. That’s not a lot compared to what you’d get from itemization. Take a look at the sPvP amulets, that’s all the stats from all slots consolidated to one slot for ease of deck building.

If anything, think of the attribute bonus you’d get from traits as a bonus, your gearing choices affects how offensive/defensive your Guardian way more on a statistical level more than traits ever will. The popular altruistic healing and crit build uses Knight’s gear even though all its trait investment are on the defensive side of things, it still pumps out really hard numbers.

Yeah I know but you have to start somewhere. In the final grand scheme of things you are right but getting there is the thing. I was already thinking of compensating for whatever stat I lacked with equipment. If anything that makes Virtue even more appealing as it has the only baseline stats I can’t gear up for.

I’m actually thinking now of going with something similar to above and trying to even out my stats through gear or maybe trying that Valor/Honor/Virtrue set up with precis/power/cond armor combined with ‘tank’ like trinkets/weapons.

A question of two builds

in Guardian

Posted by: irinawds.9627


Just by investing 5 pts into Virtues turns your three virtues essentially into free shouts. Justice > Might x3, Resolve > Regen, Courge > Protection. These boons apply both to you and your allies.

I’d argue that Valor, Honors and Virtues pack all the best traits Guardians have so I don’t know why you’re hesitant in investing points there. If anything, I wish I could pick more of the Honors line, all the attractive options (my opinion) are there.

I guess a lot has to do with what sort of utilities you’re trying to pack as well.

See that was my thing. I like Valor, Honor, and Virtue but any build with just those traits would seem to lack for damage ability so something had to give. I’m not trying to be a dps machine but I would like to do decent amounts of damage while also keeping a fairly good survivability rate.

I did consider some combo of those three skills and then loading up the equipment with pure dps stats but that requires a massive time investment (dungeon tokens) for something that might not even work. Getting all of your power/precis/cond damage/ect from gear might be a stretch.

I know the purpose of the 5 points in Virtue but I never saw the bonuses as that great. I mean they’re nice but I don’t think they’re quite THAT nice. I will say that you probably get more out of them than the additional 5 Honor but that just circles back to the other problem of Honor being sorta ‘Ehhh’ when you have all that nice stuff in Virtues.

A question of two builds

in Guardian

Posted by: irinawds.9627


Not really seeing the purpose of the 5 Virtue. I mean its nice and all but you don’t seem to get that much out of it. That’s the problem I find myself with if I use 1H swords, Honor is just hurting for decent traits.

Post here if you have BEAT the Tower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: irinawds.9627


Asura Engineer

As suspected all it really took was being able to see myself.

Can two people jump into clock face and both get achievement/chest?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: irinawds.9627


I too can confirm it doesn’t matter if somebody makes it in with you.

A question of two builds

in Guardian

Posted by: irinawds.9627


Just to get this out of the way, I’ll try not to be offensive but there really is no way to do it nicely….

I am not interested in hearing why I should use some other weapon set besides the ones I mention. I’m really not. Nor do I need to hear you lament my weapon choices.

So I continue to tinker and experiment with my Guardian. I use sword/mace and play around with different offhand weapons but I generally mix that up by switching weapon sets to use the off hand skills of both weapons.

I’m trying to find a balance that let’s me do decent damage while having fairly good survival ability in dungeon situations. I’m currently leaning on a 20 Radiance/30 Valor set up but I’m pondering the other 20 points.

On one hand I can do the ‘obvious’ thing and load up Honor for the Vit/Healing Power but I question how much that 200 vit is really doing and the traits don’t seem that good. On the other hand if I want to sacrifice the vit/healing I can try Virtues, which has some decent traits and can be mixed up a bit for situations.


3/4 Explore? Been to all the maps...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: irinawds.9627


Indeed. Explore mad kings realm is what I speak of.

3/4 Explore? Been to all the maps...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: irinawds.9627


Anyone have any thoughts?

Clock Tower- LEAVE IT AS IS

in Halloween Event

Posted by: irinawds.9627


i could imagine those people creating threads at nintendo oficial forums


Which NES classic shall I tell you how to complete from memory after not having played them in 15+ years?

In my view, Clock Tower is not fun [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: irinawds.9627


Completed it last night after a few hours. Yea, it was annoying but so rewarding once I got it. Quit complaining. If you don’t want to do it, don’t. It’s about time a game put something difficult in. Everyone get’s handed everything on a silver platter now days.

It’s OBVIOUS that is IS possible to complete it. So quit whining.

To all those B*tching about the difficulty.

If you were around when games were actually a challaenge i can only imagin that woulda made u commited suicide, becouse this is nothing compared to back in the day.
Learn to play or ST*U seriosly. Stop ruining games forcing the devs to make them easier ..we need to move out of the past decade of EZMode games at some point -.-
Even if this is just 1 JP in a overall easy game, you STILL find the need to b*itch about it ..its sad.

And this is why we don’t need a merged thread, because people’s posts are going to get buried by things like this. The “you can’t have a legitimate concern because I don’t have one!” or as I put it last night “I’m selfish so if I have no issues then its just not possible for you to have them”

People want to do it solo. That’s not whining. If you think it is then you need to go look in the mirror to see a real whiner.

By the way the ‘when games were hard’ complaint? Which stupidly hard NES classic game would you like me to tell you, from memory, to finish?

In my view, complaints about design isn't "OMG NERF" whining.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: irinawds.9627


The basic, and stupid, argument has been “Because I can do it you can’t POSSIBLY be having the issue you are talking about… You’re just bad!”

Every issue in the world could be solved by making it possible to do it solo. At that point anyone who complained really WOULD be bad since it would be completely equal for everyone.

Listening Yet? People are all but screaming at you...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: irinawds.9627


I enjoyed it when I was doing it solo and had a much better experience so therefore the only thing that can be said is that it was better that way.

Clock Tower- LEAVE IT AS IS

in Halloween Event

Posted by: irinawds.9627


nor does the fact that you were capable of jumping some pixels in a video game make you somehow a better person when you log off, ROFLOL!

If they make the puzzle less difficult then what’s it to you if you’ve already done it?Grow up. people.

If jumping on some pixels isn’t a big deal, why be so upset that you can’t do it?

You just ignore what people write and pretend they wrote something you want to respond to don’t you?

Listening Yet? People are all but screaming at you...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: irinawds.9627


Once again we see the “Its not a problem for ME so… it can’t be a problem for anyone else” and we’re now getting the “I had fun doing it THIS way so YOU should too”

If you wanna do it in a group, fine. Some of us want to do it solo and will enjoy it more that way.

In my view, Clock Tower is not fun [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: irinawds.9627


The problem, and the only problem, is that it needs to have a solo mode. There’s absolutely no reason it shouldn’t beyond Arena Nets desire to keep the number of instances down and if that’s reasonable enough…

Except that it makes the puzzle far harder than its suppose to be because you can’t see.

Listening Yet? People are all but screaming at you...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: irinawds.9627


A lot of people can’t run trough this puzzle

The puzzle hasn’t even been up 12 hours and people’ve already given up? – Do people really have such short attention spans in the 21st century?

I’d say you take lines of context but you didn’t even take a whole line.

Listening Yet? People are all but screaming at you...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: irinawds.9627


A lot of people run trough this puzzle with asuran character with big charrs around them, including me and two guildmates.
And as ryuujin stated, others race have their own problem in all jumping puzzle. Big norn are so big that you can’t distinguish the hitbox correctly and it’s verry easy to miss the platform.

A lot of people can’t run trough this puzzle with an asura character with big charrs around them, including me and two friends. My anecdotal evidence is there somehow superior to yours and to go further I will present an argument made by somebody else which is irrelevant.

Asura disadvantage?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: irinawds.9627


I’ll get this out of the way…

“Well it wasn’t a problem for ME so you have nothing to complain about”

There, now all the people that are acting that way about other peoples problems can just save it.

Listening Yet? People are all but screaming at you...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: irinawds.9627


The people around you are a part of the difficulty.
Plus, it’s a fake problem because in most case, there’s almost no one with you when you past trough the very start of the puzzle.

Then its suppose to be disproportionately more difficult for some races? I see.

No wait, I don’t. There is no reason at all this shouldn’t have a solo option, or at least a much smaller instance size.

Clock Tower- LEAVE IT AS IS

in Halloween Event

Posted by: irinawds.9627


“Leave it is as it is because I feel special for having done it! Don’t make it so people can actually get it done!

Yes, yes, we’re all very proud of you. As stated quit sitting around saying that because the visibility issue wasn’t a problem for you then it shouldn’t be a problem for anyone else.

Clock Tower- LEAVE IT AS IS

in Halloween Event

Posted by: irinawds.9627


Does anyone remember when dungeons first came out?


Now, everyone is ok with this, they’ve mastered the dungeons; the same applies here folks. Practice makes perfect. Short of having some form of disability or physical impairment there is no excuse for not being able to master it with patience and practice.

If you do have an impairment though, you have my sympathy with not being able to properly enjoy what is an entertaining and exciting jumping puzzle.

It doesn’t need a nerf, it needs to be changed so that people can see where they are going by… letting people do it solo. I was nearly to the end before the server went down because I was by myself.

No idea how I got that way.

Now I’m back to failing because I can’t see.

Listening Yet? People are all but screaming at you...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: irinawds.9627


“It’s not an issue for ME so it’s FINE.”

“It’s an issue for ME, so everyone ELSE must accept my demands?”

That argument doesn’t work in reverse because the people who are not having the issue would not be affected by the change at all.

Listening Yet? People are all but screaming at you...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: irinawds.9627


“It’s not an issue for ME so it’s FINE.”

Listening Yet? People are all but screaming at you...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: irinawds.9627


Make the tower puzzle a solo event. Period. You didn’t think this thing through at all.

Clock Tower- LEAVE IT AS IS

in Halloween Event

Posted by: irinawds.9627


I was getting further and further when I managed to get in to an instance with only one other person. Now I’m back to “can’t see where I’m going”

shrink everyone to asura size please!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: irinawds.9627


I very seriously doubt they tested this with this many people at once.

shrink everyone to asura size please!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: irinawds.9627


Once again arena net has wonderful ideas.

But whoever is in charge of actually implementing them needs to be fired.

With 5-10 people, some of whom are large, doing this… it makes it 10x harder than it should be when you can’t see your character at all.

Is there something wrong with this spec?

in Thief

Posted by: irinawds.9627


My basic idea is to use Death Blossom a lot, which when combined with Spider Venom stacks up some good condition damage. It’s also a good ‘crowd’ killer. The caltrops are there for that extra umph and Roll For Initative lets me flip back while Steal let’s me instantly come back… And those two skills together refill most of my Init.

Granted, I’m only level 58 so far, but it seems to work rather well. All that healing from Assassins Reward (Acrobatics (X)) and Signet of Malice keeps me healthy too.


A question of armor

in Guardian

Posted by: irinawds.9627


So I’m 80 now, hurray, woohoo, direct your adulation this way.

I’m going to pick up some armor from the TP to round out my ‘hold me over until I have enough tokens’ set. I’m curious as to opinions on which armor might work out in that regard.

Being spec’d as I am for condition damage and given that I use a mace/shield combo my options appear to be Carrion (Cond, Power, Vit) or Rampager (Prec, Cond, Power).

Or did somebody have another thought?

1h Sword vs 1h Mace Questions

in Guardian

Posted by: irinawds.9627


Ah, I see I haven’t been very clear. I’m not trying so much as to demonstrate that one is better than the other as much as I’m attempting to figure out how to most effectively use both weapons given a particular trait set up.

I don’t underestimate Protectors Strike really. I have used maces a lot more than swords while I level. What you say is true but what is also true is that you will end up going ‘doh’ after you activate it only to have the monster not hit you. It’s not as consistently reliable as Zealots Defense.

I suppose in the end its about “If you’re going to use a mace this, this and this… but if a sword… this, this and this”

1h Sword vs 1h Mace Questions

in Guardian

Posted by: irinawds.9627


I was just looking at that. Currently I have no traits as I felt that was the most “sure fire” way to do some testing. I was looking at a 30/20/20 set up.

From Radiance we have Powerful Blades (X), 5% damage increase for sword but from Valor there’s Mace of Justice (VII), 5% to maces. Both benefit from Radiance Right Hand Strength (XI).

Since I use a shield, the sword seems more synergistic with the 20 Valor. On the other hand the mace seems more synergistic with the 20 Honor. Giving up the healing from the mace skills means your only passive healing is Virtue of Resolve which probably benefits fairly well from that +200 in Honor but as stated, very little in Honor seems to do much for swords.

1h Sword vs 1h Mace Questions

in Guardian

Posted by: irinawds.9627


So in following up with this thread…

I’ve been testing some level 70 mithril weapons (sword and mace) and as one might expect the dps is basically the same or seems so to me. The mace has higher average numbers, particularly on the 3rd hit of the basic attack but the sword is faster which evens it out I think.

I would give the edge to mace here because it heals you. Even a little bit helps. My question is does that seem consistent with what everyone else sees? The DPS is basically the same but the effects of each baseline attack make the difference?

Secondly we have the “2” skill, Flashing Blade for the sword, and Symbol of Faith for the Mace.

Flashing Blade does very little damage but it has a 3s blind, which potentially interacts with some traits making the blind potentially great. Very few things are immune to blind. The damage from Symbol of Faith is nothing to brag about but its quite a bit better than Flashing Blade and will hit everything around you. It also has some minor healing but nothing spectacular.

The question there is the blind (particularly with traits) more useful than the mild damage boost and healing circle?

Finally we have Zealots Defense vs Protectors Strike. Ah, here in is the problem. You can’t test Protectors Strike in practice but then again nobody needs to be told it does a lot less damage than Zealots Defense. This is where the sword has a clear advantage. It does more damage and its always useful as compared to the mace which requires something be actively attacking you and it does less damage.

The question is does Zealots Defense alone with its significantly higher damage and wider range of use overcome the mild to moderate advantages of the first two skills for mace?

Why do Guardians say they stink when they are a top tier class

in Guardian

Posted by: irinawds.9627


People are drama llamas.

Don't know what to do now...

in Guardian

Posted by: irinawds.9627


I find that I am rather hung up on the 1h/shield routine perhaps more than I should be but I’m thinking that I need to change my spec to do some actual damage.

Any advice would be appreciated. I’m not hung up on the mace per se, swords are fine.

As much as I appreciate advice could you pretty please check the parts in bold there?

Don't know what to do now...

in Guardian

Posted by: irinawds.9627


So I’ve got this level 73 Guardian that’s just sort of been sitting there doing nothing for a week or two. I’m all spec’d out with 30 valor and 30 honor because I didn’t know what I was doing and just had this ‘going to be tough’ mentality. I ran around whacking things with my mace/shield.

Problem here is that while I am tough and hardly ever die outside a dungeon my Warrior is almost as unkillable and smashes things with her hammer twice as fast. Even faster if its a group of things. I find that I am rather hung up on the 1h/shield routine perhaps more than I should be but I’m thinking that I need to change my spec to do some actual damage.

Any advice would be appreciated. I’m not hung up on the mace per se, swords are fine.

Am I right to condemn 5 Singet Warriors?

in Warrior

Posted by: irinawds.9627


Find me something that works better for my hammer and I will use it.


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: irinawds.9627


gentlemen, they are trying to hold everything together, it’s not that they don’t care, they are just very busy, simple like that. Keep reporting them whenever you see them.

Hey there’s a bunch of people shop lifting from this really nice store… and the employees aren’t really doing anything, but that’s because they’re really busy.

Skill Point on ET bugged out

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: irinawds.9627


There are bugged skill points all over the place on all servers. I think I’ve encountered one in almost every zone I’ve been to. Just off the top of my head I know I’ve run in to in Metricia, Queensdale, Bloodtide, Sparkfly, Maelstrom, Straits, and Malchor…

And it wouldn’t be so bad if not for the fact that they stay that way for DAYS only to get briefly fixed after a server reset due to patch only to bug out again for DAYS.


in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: irinawds.9627


Arena Net is quickly becoming a “We Don’t Care” company.

Bots are absolutely rampant. They’re everywhere and the reason they are everywhere is because they know it will be ages before anything is done if ever. Reporting them doesn’t do a thing. I’m starting to think the report option is only there to make the player feel good and the reports don’t actually get recorded anywhere.

Solve a lot of problems

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: irinawds.9627


I’m accepting of the fact that this game isn’t that old and has some issues.

What I’m bothered by is the fact that due to the nature of them the “issues” with events and skill points pile up after awhile.

I think its just time to admit that, patch or no patch, this game needs a ‘reset’ about once every 24 hours. It clears out all the bugged events and skill points. As it stands now if the game is up for three days you end up tripping over a bugged event or skill point every time you turn around. Some zones are worse than others.

I’m not even going “omg fix it”. That will get done, I understand that. Just… reset the servers once a day or so.

Worst "bug" EVER! :-)

in Engineer

Posted by: irinawds.9627


Ever notice that the bomb kit has grenades and the grenade kit has a bomb?

Clearly this is a bug! We cannot continue until this is corrected!

CoF Defend Magg NEEDS (re)NERF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: irinawds.9627


I never did CoF before they patched it. I got to 80 and started playing catch up. Got the story mode done yesterday. Decided to see what the fuss was over the exp mode today.

If there was suppose to be a patch to fix jumping past that door, I’m here to tell you it doesn’t work. After they destroyed that whatever it was inside and came back out to start the dreaded ‘defend’ event we ended up running around and dying until the timer ran out. Then of course the door opens and the last boss dies instantly.

1) Patch that defend event to be doable without running around the room like mad.
2) Block thatkittendoor.

Are Asura racist and chauvinistic?

in Asura

Posted by: irinawds.9627


They seem to care more about their family members the a Charr typically would.

When you realize that the charr view their warband as their family, rather than their blood relations, not really. Charr would do anything for their fellow ’band mates.

Tybalt Leftpaw would like to differ.

Broad Guardian Questions

in Guardian

Posted by: irinawds.9627


As stated I considered that. I absolutely believe your build would work just fine. Great in fact. I just don’t think it, or any other build, is going to keep you alive in situations that would kill me. The problem is that damage mitigation, whatever the method, just isn’t compensating for the damage when you DO take it in dungeons and even if and when it does you run in to a problem of it only being of use when things will actually attack you.

You’re preaching to the converted. I know what you say will work at least as well, if not slightly better than what I currently use but I don’t think it will address the other issues.