Showing Posts For klesk.1790:
I log into wvw……
Half the time ppl just bang down gates and walls…..
wat is this? banging door wars 2?
If this is a War Game make it a war game~! wat is all this banging down doors all the time…………really boring
This is bacause of the scoring system currently used in wvw …Take all the scoring system out …! loose the keep you get booted out period.
The whole wvw system has to be change period.
Sorry bad english…..^^
A battle ground on a rpg game i think should be a more simple straight up forward simple content…..
Way i see it the current wvw map is just way too big and complex for som epic battle..
24 hours for 7 days roaming around just here and there in this huge map jumping around just stacking points with few battle clashing is just too lacking and tiresome for som ppl
the map is just too big and takes just too long….
i think Just by taking out the borderland maps would solve not all but som problems ….or put a flag in middle of eternal battle map and borderland maps and make it a simple capture the flag battle content….once a team captures the flag make it so that other teams could take away the flags from the keep….so the team tats leading the score probably has to defend the flag from the keep and battle to get the flag from the middle….
it really doesnt have to be a capture the flag… ..wvw content should hav teams battle here and there every 30 seconds for no time to think …but current wvw content doesnt provide this so it som wat gets really boring time to time.
Yes there is som good mecanics in current wvw …eotm probably has better game mechanics then the current wvw but eotm just has way too much pve right now and most players in eotm is for xp…
Anyways for me i hope wvw be changed to a more fast past game battle mechanics and good reward so their is constant battle here and there clashing …..hope som big changes will be be made in upcoing wvw….
sorry bad english….one question
In Snowball Event suppoter character-( icy ground skill ) i remember tat when used this skill opposite team holding the present use to dropped the present tat thay were holding……i dont think it works tat way now…..was wondering if this is bugged or was it intended to work this way now….?
The whole game has become Trainwars 2….
Everywhere you go there’s nothing else but trains going round and round….^^
Even wvw if you look at it closely its just a train going round and round nothing else….
Never seen a game that has this much train…wat is this? Trainwars2?
I think in this event its a different situation when rezing….
So many people go down its really hard to keep up rezing every ppl…..
If they are downed and near me yea i try to rez them but i went downed few times my self rezing downed players cuz the damage you take from the mobs is som wat painful.
Its fun but i wish the Team that gets the most points should at least get 3 gold 2nd place -(2 gold) 3rd place(1 gold) for som reward.
Even Arah path 1-2 gives 3 gold and it takes way longer then arah dungeons.
Can’t we get som rewards? or 1.-(2 gold) 2.-(1 gold) 3.-(50 silver)?
I usually do lane 2….But Ive seen so many guardians go down in the second boss
Usually the first to go down is usually the guardians …they try to meelee it when the boss is stuned and they miss tat timing to dps and they go down.Ive seen this so many times.Then som one trys to rez him and he goes down.Thats when the troble starts…now you hav two man down….. since two man down the dps is now way low and the clocks ticking… you hav 3man left and if the other party members arent zerker gear youll probably end up in tat 10~15sec margin. or the other portal member trys to rez the two downed player and he goes over.
Guardians should always bring sceptor for range…period
Since meleeing isn’t tat useful on “Marinnette event”.
If your not comfortable or having trouble meleeing in “Marinnette event” on a guardian,try the nemises smite build.I Just tryed it out and It worked pretty well.Actually it was
Overall performances was much better than the normal build.So if your spending half your time on the event this is the build.
Saying a 4 year old could do tat when all the information and the strategies about the event is out already its really funny…..^^
Yes it might be true tat….Som players in Desolation server could hav a high IQ^^
First server tat cleared ~probably had a high IQ player
The first server tat cleared the “Marinette event” and the “Worm event” must hav had a player or a group tat had high IQ then normal.Probably had som M.I.T. graduate who figured it out the first few hours of the patch.There is in no way an average I.Q. could hav figured it out in the first few hours.
So which server was the first to clear the “Marinette event” and the “Worm event”?
Was there a server tat cleared the worm event within 6~8 hours after the patch?
If there was…. they must hav had a high IQ player or group in tat server.
First server tat cleared ~definitely had a higher IQ
The first server tat cleared the “Marinette event” and the “Worm event” must hav had a player or a group tat had high I.Q. then average.Probably had som M.I.T. graduate who figured it out the first few hours.There is in no way an average I.Q. could hav figured it out in the first few hours.
So which server was the first to clear the “Marinette event” and the “Worm event”?
Was there a server tat cleared the worm event within 6~8 hours after the patch?
If there was…. they must hav had a high IQ player or group in tat server.
An average IQ is 100~115,who has an IQ over 130 in gw2?
There should be som kind of screen message telling us when the events are starting~!
We hav no idea when its starting~! So i waited an hour….The event started altogether their were only 7~10 ppl~!
50% in dungeons……..
You hav speed running …and skipping mobs everywhere~and stacking
and id like to know how you are going to skip mobs with tat build in arah path 1-2-3 in a pug group? Yes…. you’ll probably survive…but is it worth it? not sure
Im a guardian and usually do dungeon runs. But plz to all necromancers….! would you guys plz stick to your normal condition builds.Somtimes i see necromancers,no mostly 10 out of 8 necros who come into dungeons with these ridiculuouse builds and contribute nothing to the party.
Especially these minion builders, for example, the next phase is fighting Arah lupi….and you com in with these 3 minions and fight lupi? Are you joking?
No i do not kick necromancers…I would rather hav 2 guardian and 1 full conditionmancer then 3 tanky guardians in dungeon runs.But the problem is most necros i see these days they com in with som weird spiders tat cant even last1 sec in dungeons.This is why somtimes you see “no necros or rangers” in lfg
Wat happen to all those hardcore condition Necros? Necros somtimes are good in som dungeons and a good backup and Ive seen som pretty good Necros time to time who finish off the work and contribute in dungeons.
What im saying is plz make a (guide-line) for necros who are new or old.
(edited by klesk.1790)
When it doesn’t affect you?….If its not bothering anybody then why does anet fix exploits glitches or bugs in the first place….?Why take out the waypoint in path 2…Everything should be left as it is……
Why don’t we just put dungeon coins in the TP so you can buy dungeon coins in the TP…….Ill just say “don’t hurt ~you~ in any way. They provide a service, which you are free to ignore! Simple….”.You could clearly see tat this is abusing the game and it should be fixed
It all boils down to the party leader or the group your in….even if your in a expirienced group..Som times things can go wrong in dungeon runs.When somthing goes wrong a good expieriened party group or a leader knows how to handle those situation instantly. ive seen party groups who call themselves expireiced handle these situations very poorly…for example one mob gets aggroed right before going into lupi…. all we had to do was hold the line kill the one mob tats been agroed…but no……..This group who call themselves expirienced instanly panics start running off getting other mobs aggroed and we all die.yea..expirienced alright~nice job
What is with this error code 7:11:3:189:101?
Its getting worse and worse…..~!
Because of this ive even formatted my computer…..
Since ive formatted my computer there is no antivirus program on my computer. It’s definitely not a firewall issue….
Wat is going on….? I cant even do a simple dungeon run..Anet pls look into this problem lots of people are having.
Maybe its the Anets server firewall tat keeps on disconneting ppl i dont now~wat is going on help~!
So i’ve finally found it…~!.All this time i thought it was my internet company that was disconnecting me…..~! I hav the exact same problem~!
At first I didnt know wat dragonite ore was…until i started crafting Ascended weapon
But from som reason when i looked in my bank i had like 700 Dragonite ore….first i thought it was easy to farm since i dont do world bosses that much or fractal or wvw or anything related. so where did i get them? The only event i did was Nightmare tower…i think it was from the chamber in the tower event tat gave me this much dragonite ore….cus i did it almost every day most of the time since it was fun.But after i crafted Ascended and trying to farm dragonite ore for my backpackskin i soon realised it wasnt easy to get.Im pretty sure it was from the nightmare tower.But the tower is gone now and im having a hard time myself getting dragonite ore from the open world.
Eversince Fractals-Ascended came out…lot of ppl left…they warned wat would happen later on…and they were right^^
The only ppl tats left now are the hardcore grinders…..tats why the so called high level playes are dominating and dictating the gameplay like in queensdale.
Arenanet and Fractals-Asended gear made it that way…..They didnt want the hardcore grinders to leave….^^
If you look at the game now…..its really clear that Arenanet is with the hardcore grinders^^ its really becoming Gemwars2^^
Eversince Fractals-Ascended came out…lot of ppl left……
The only ppl tats left are the hardcore grinders…..tats why Arenanet wants GW2 to be Grinwars2 or gemwars2.^^Its clear……^^
Theirs nothing special up dont get 300 gold for hitting level 50…….its just for fun…relax.^^like fotm users always say~“No ones forcing anybody to play fotm”…..Relax and Enjoy the game^^
Exactly.They never said you get rewards for hitting lvl 50.Theirs nothing up dont get 300 gold for hitting level 50…….its just for fun. Enjoy the game^^
Ever since Fractals came out it created problems and a lot of players left this game because of fractals.
Everything related with fractals…. it always creates problems.
How many players play level 30~50 fractals? probably 0.0005% of all gw2 community.
When will Anet realize ppl dont like fractals…….
My conclusion is Fractals must be gone forever…Fractals will never be gw2 it never was and it never will be past and future~ period.It must be gone……
The best contents of this game was “The Tower of Nightmares”….it was by far the best MMORPG contents ive ever played. that is wat i call GW2.
It doesnt change anything… the patch is useless……
I would rather use my warrior instead….
In WvW its more useless…..“1 sec more fear is better”
Exactly….This is getting rediculous
Yesterday after the patch…i was feeling exactly the same
Actually.. i was thinking about quiting the game…..
Their forcing us to do this and tat….
Ever since the Ascended Gear…Everything has just gone down hill….
Nice~! wish it comes out soon^^ Thx for the info
Im kind of getting bored now….
I wish we had a huge jumping map or event like the clock tower but as big as curesd shore…..^^ I miss the clock tower it was fun….
Or make a random party dungeon full of jumping events like the clock tower…. Fractals and normal dungeons are not fun anymore~its just farmng farming farming~:(
I think we need something entertaining….
GW2 is lost right now…..
We cant say its the typical grear grind nor can we say it is not……
So where are we? We’re stuck in the middle completly lost……..
The developers are trying to satisfy both but actually we’re losing both users…
I could clearly see most of the GW2 community players dont want any level ups anymore…then theirs our answer~
Exactly.I dont know why Anet is so obsessed with these ascended gears.
You could clearly tell som developers in Anet wants GW2 to be gear grinded game.
Ever since fotm -ascended gear cam out, the game has become slighly off the marks.
Ever since Fractals and Ascended Gear came out, everything is becoming a complete mess.
Its sad how the game is becoming more complicated. Som people were right…fotm-ascended gear should of never made it to GW2 period. End of story
poor at english sorry.
I think skipping mobs is not the problem…
Theirs always a case when a new comer is in your party….
A good expierieced Group knows exactly when to help out wat skills to use when a party members fallen behind or when their in trouble."l’ve seen som amazing Groups in dungeons.
But a bad group even in speed rooms…lve seen lots of cases where it took even longer then the casual normal runs.
Yes… Ascended gear is out their is no turning back now
I think the main important thing here is “Let ascended gear be available outside FOTM” for all the players
Second, For me personally i wish they would make normal dungeons drop weapons and armor skins(Treasure chest and mods).Id rather farm normal dungeons if they drop weapon-armor skins rather then going to fotm for a ascended gear.
Sorry for the bad english….
Yes….Ascended gear effects every user playing Gw2……
I dont understand some users that are saying ascended gear doesnt change anything….it changes every aspect of the game~
In a gaming world even 0.0001 increase in gear increase makes a huge difference…
Especially when your opponent hav the same gaming skills ascended gear makes a huge makes a clear win or lose situaltion just by wearing ascended gear.
to add more…lets say 1 ascended gear players hits you…you get hit +5%more damage then the exotic gear player… not much? if you get hit by 5 ascended gear players wat happens now? you get hit total 25% more damage~ a huge huge difference
For example, If you hav been playing spvp their are lots of times when you dont die by a slite margin 200 health 300 heatlh. if the opponent was wearing a ascended gear you would hav been dead all ready..what im trying to say is .even a 0.5% increase in gear is very crucial in gw2.
What will happen next? Their will be Party Groups saying “Only Full Ascended gear only~!” Is this wat the majority gw2 users wants? i don’t think so…
For now ….Yes….you hav to get a ascended gear..its clear
Hope this changes in the next patch…Forcing every user to play fotm is not a good idea for the gw2 game and for the gw2 community.
So i think what their saying is~ its ok to use my creditcard that ive bought here to get another account for my brother on the GW2 homepage~
Am i understanding it correctly? hope so ^^
(Sorry bad english)~^^
My question last time been solved~Thx
So Im trying to get my younger brother a new account so he could play on my computer.
But i came with a another obstacle.
Will i be able to buy him a new GW2 account with my own creditcard that ive purchased for my own account on Guildwar2 homepage? or do i hav to buy it somewhere else?
I really want to be very careful on this matter since its so sensitive~
ok..good to go~! thx
Sorry bad english~^^We hav one computer ~
My brother wants to play but he wants his own account~
So my question is~If he buys another GW2~
Will we be able to play on my computer loging in with a new account and a new email ~? Will both of us be able to play(not on the same time)~ but on one computer login into a different account?~Is this possible?