Showing Posts For lead.7543:
Open Slots
We are looking for players whose mains are ChronoTank and Druid.
For Chronotank, we are looking for players experienced with the majority of the following:
- Tanking and distorting VG, Gorse, and KC.
- Tanking Xera and Deimos.
- Distorting Sloth.
- Experience with Claiming W4B2 in normal and CM mode.
- Experience with Tanking W4b3 in CM mode.
For Druids, we are looking for players with experience of:
- Holding spirits at Gorse.
- Pushing Orbs at KC.
- Wing 4 Druid tactics.
- Are you a competent experienced raider and player looking for a static group of fellow experienced and chilled players?
- Are you looking to commit yourself to a static group that does multiple raids on all wings each week?
- Are you looking for a group of truly experienced players who do full raid clears every week, seek to enhance their skills and be best in their roles?
Then you may be interested in joining our raid guild and team.
The Guild
Totally Wasted [TW] is a guild group of chilled and slightly toxic elitists that spend our gaming hours doing raids together or equipping our alt characters (and accounts) to be raid and fractals ready. This means that we are committed to raids, we endeavour to be fully knowledgeable of all aspects of raids, meta, professions and mechanics and we also focus on being multi class players, not by just having multiple professions fully ascended and ready for raids/fractals but also practising max DPS rotations on the special training area as well as in raids/fractals with the aim of maximising our efficiency and usefulness for the team.
We do main account full clears, alt account full clears and random raids bosses together throughout the week. We use Discord to organise raids.
We are made up of players from other guilds so we understand the restrictions of representation and do not ask members to represent us unless we are doing our weekly clears.
We require applicants to have:
- Experienced with Wings 1, 2 & 3 is vital.
- Minimum of 2 Fully Ascended, Meta Ready professions – comprised of any of the following (Chrono, Tempest, Druid, Guardian or PS).
- A main character / profession of either Chrono, Tempest, Druid or PS. You must know the ins and outs of the profession, its traits, skills, role within each raid encounter and more.
- A secondary profession of either Chrono, Tempest, Druid, PS, or Guard. Again knowledge of the profession, its traits skills and use is vital. More vital is the willingness to learn more.
- Commitment to the raid squad is the most vital requirement. This means being there at set raid times, continuously practising rotation for maximum efficiency (dps or support), willingness to learn and develop, and having a positive outlook to working together as a team.
- We use discord to organise raids schedule and communicate in runs. Be willing to use it to access latest schedules for raids as well as communicate during full clears.
What if you do not meet the requirements above.
The one requirement we do not budge on is commitment. We are committed and expect you to be.
We are aware that some players are totally brilliant at one profession and are not slightly interested in other professions. Is that you and you want to apply? Then tell us and if you fit our team we are always keen to make exceptions.
Recruitment process
- Please apply on Our Website
- You will be invited to the guild for a trial period of 1 month where you cansocialise with us,
- join us in guild runs (where we will evaluate your experience), andsee if we are the guild you are looking for.
- Once the trial period is over, you will be part of the team and hopefully you will feel as part of the group.
We are highly committed to raid schedules. If you cannot make it because real life disturbs gaming life, then a simple message on discord saying you cannot make it is enough for us to understand and accept. We can even change the schedule if needed. We however do not tolerate being online during raiding schedule and not joining raids as required or not informing us that you are not coming despite knowing the schedule and the team is dependent of your awesomeness.
(edited by lead.7543)
Did you recently update your mac to sierra? If so, then there is no solution. I am not being negative but just factual.
oh you might want to look at this and cross your fingers that something stirs within Anet within the next 4 years…
Simple solution… get a bug standard windows keyboard, attach it (via usb/bluetooth/whatever) to your new Macbook pro and then play with that keyboard. That should do the trick.
Safari is not the issue as I never ever use safari on my iMac. ^^
the fix above does not work actually.
dude (or dudess) @talek, that does not fix it unfortunately
I have the same problem, it is to do with the new mac sierra update and it seems guidwars 2 and its “envelope” is not compatible with the latest version of mac
I want to share something especially with devs, cause i feel like they want to make this game dead for many ppl for from pvp.
About legendary division etc: yeah it’s kk you made something nice for players, to show ppl: “i play mainly pvp and i do it well”. But taking legend is so easy this is one week or something and now everyone can take it. It is all about to farm, cause you dont force ppl to try to get higher division to play against higher division to prove they are worth this.
Pro league: Another good idea but with this move you made esl and ag dead, and make pvp only for few teams. Why? Because ppl want to reach highest tier in pvp, and want to face better players and improve. So if you lock pro league for 2- 3months you don’t let ppl to improve in their new formed teams with faceing pro league experienced teams. And pro league teams don’t want to face teams out from pro league becasue they don’t want to be replace in pro league by this team. You can’t make like other games(counter strike) the same structure of the league, casue you don’t have that much event’s. GO4 and esl rules were the best cause it forced “pro” teams to play well and compete against new formed teams.And i want to thank to a. net that makes my friends leave this game, and make this game dead to me cause making team now is kinda imposible to do.
sorry my eng lang isnt that good
Unfortunately, what you say is very true.
Fortunately I have worked with teams that develop similar algorithms, not for games but real world data and that is why I wrote in a response above:
Ok great then enlighten me, how would u go about this problem specifically in gw2? Lets try to break it to an easy problem:
How would your algorithm realize which stun or daze for example had greater effect for the outcome of the match? When there is infinite amount of different stuns or dazes that can happen on different players, different places, different times. Now once you solve this “easy” problem try to work when there is second player in game who cc your target so your will easily chain stun him. Is now your stun less valuable then someone who stunned without help? What if your stun was not needed how will your algorithm recognize this?
Actually, I am writing something along the lines of combat stats analysis as a tool for MMR. But I asked you a question first and you are yet to answer it. First answer it and I will take some time in returning the favour.
That is why I highlighted “SOME” and the whole of the stats derived should be looked. If you spam condi etc and cant make a difference, the stats will show such information and an algorithm can be easily developed to see the impact of the spam and therefore how useful it was to the team and the match.
An algorithm like this cant be easily developed. If it was easy, other games would do it by now. All giant competitive games use w/l ratio in their core and yes this is challenge for great minds and is def not an easy developed thing as u assume.
Fortunately I have worked with teams that develop similar algorithms, not for games but real world data and that is why I wrote in a response above:
Maybe it is due to lack of resources in-house?
It can be done but maybe the cost benefit of employing resources to develop such algorithm may not be the best business case for a company such as ArenaNet. However on the flip side, if they do make such an algorithm, and it works they can get their ROI by licensing such algorithm to other game developers. This is a totally different topic.
SOME factors that show skill include:
Damage Dealt/Received
Condition Damage Dealt/Received
Conditions Applied
Boons Removed
Boons Applied to Self/Allies
Conditions Removed from Self/Allies
Healing to Self/AlliesI don’t think this would be good idea. You can have person spam conditions all match but have no impact on a game. And you can have someone who is cleverly using their skills, like perfect timed fear to prevent stomp or perfect time heal etc…
Basically what I’m saying is you cant show statistically someones skill in this way, like if you spammed more of stuff heals boons etc, but who is using it more smartly, who is rotating better, and this you cant catch with your statistics.
That is why I highlighted “SOME” and the whole of the stats derived should be looked. If you spam condi etc and cant make a difference, the stats will show such information and an algorithm can be easily developed to see the impact of the spam and therefore how useful it was to the team and the match.
The real elephant in the room is that MMR is based on wins, losses and disconnects. It is not based on what the player actually does in a match on a specific profession. MMR is flawed so what Evan says about players staying in a division based on MMR is extremely flawed.
so do you think it would work to change the mmr to be based on match stats like kills, resses, deaths, damage taken/mitigated, condis removed, outgoing healing, damage done etc.? maybe have a box check option (for tank, dps, support) in the build panel window so the mmr will judge your game outcomes appropriately.
imo it doesnt make any sense to have an mmr based on wins, losses, and d/c’s.edit
oh i just read your above post it looks like thats what youre leaning towards. lol how did anet think their current scoring system would work?
MMR should not be based on just wins or losses (or just kill/death). GW2 PvP is more complicated than that and as such MMR does not reflect this at all. It needs to be more intricate and precise to really judge a player’s skill.
First I wondered why have the devs not written an algorithm to analyse true skill… is it difficult? But the data they have from matches allows for “big data analytics” to be employed to get a suitable MMR system however it has never been done. Maybe it is due to lack of resources in-house? Whatever the case, MMR needs to be totally updated as it does not in any way reflect any player’s true skill.
edit: typo
(edited by lead.7543)
Yes, you are not the only one that has studied the PVP MM Algorithm and there is nothing in this algorithm that takes your personal actions within a match into consideration. Maybe I am speaking a totally different language to you or you are not listening. This MMR is not based on your individual actions, death, heals, damage dealt, kills, and more in a match per profession. It is not based on that at all. SO looking at the PvP algorithm please explain how a player can actually show he is skilled?
SOME factors that show skill include:
Damage Dealt/Received
Condition Damage Dealt/Received
Conditions Applied
Boons Removed
Boons Applied to Self/Allies
Conditions Removed from Self/Allies
Healing to Self/Allies
Where is this in the PvP MM algorithm?
I challenge you to show how the PVP MM Algorithm shows you are better at 1v1 using a profession than another profession or what you are k/d (or damage output vs damage received or even heal output to damage received) ratio per match is factored in to the algorithm to ascertain your skill. Show how the algorithm calculated for tactics or strategy.
p.s. If you look at you will see me discussing this algorithm with Justin ODell in 2014 under the section penalty system
so… yes you are not the only one that has studied this algorithm.
(edited by lead.7543)
The real elephant in the room is that MMR is based on wins, losses and disconnects. It is not based on what the player actually does in a match on a specific profession. MMR is flawed so what Evan says about players staying in a division based on MMR is extremely flawed.
Stopped reading there.
After 4 years of playing spvp consistantly 3 or 4 nights a week, I can assure you MMR is based over WHO you win and WHO you lose.
That is where you are wrong! YOUR MMR is based on your team wins and losses not your personal wins. GW2 PvP has no “who YOU win and who YOU lose” at all! There is no 1v1 league so try again… Also the MMR is a rating based on teamwork NOT personal work.
The real elephant in the room is that MMR is based on wins, losses and disconnects. It is not based on what the player actually does in a match on a specific profession. MMR is flawed so what Evan says about players staying in a division based on MMR is extremely flawed.
If you put such illogical theory into real life practice, it would not work! Simple example, if you do a team work at class (if you are a student) and your team losses, your personal rating goes down (not because of the contribution you gave but just because of the fact the whole team lost).
Wait but we forget that the team was made up of people who are new to the subject too because their rating is automatically at the same level as those who have studied this subject for many years!! That is again how illogical another aspect of MMR is… but according to ANET. You belong there, u should stay there, and we will add players new to pvp in your category and “oh it should balance out”.
So in a real life scenario, the real brains behind the losing team gets sent down to a worse team because of the reduction in MMR and so this student will keep having to work extra hard to try and make a team of potential new students win the team task (so s/he can improve their personal rating). At one point the student will just think.. W T F! This system will definitely not work in real life, not in sports, not in education and not in ANY competitive environment.
To summarise, the actual concept of MMR that is employed in GW2 PvP was flawed from the beginning. It does not reward the individual for individual’s efforts rather it punishes/rewards the individual for what a team does! And that is what the Dev’s regard as “individual’s skill”.
Only real solution
Best way out is either play in a team on teamspeak/discord (whatever) and have fun doing that or just quit PvP altogether because soloQ in a flawed MMR system is not viable.
edit: added more stuff
(edited by lead.7543)
I watched your video @OP and tbh it is a video that really shows that you do not know your class at all, you do not know how to rotate, you only rez your team mate once and you were heavily carried by your team.
Match making really does not work because you should still be at amber or unranked.
p.s. I am not trolling.
First investigate what the game provides:
Rune of the Dolyak
#Regenerate health every second
Rune of Dwayna
#10% Regeneration Duration
#25% chance when struck to gain Regeneration for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 45 seconds)
#20% Regeneration Duration
when you use a heal skill, you and all nearby allies gain Regeneration for 5 seconds. (Cooldown: 10 seconds)
Case closed.
I also have played GW1 from the beginning, I really do not know how many years but right from the start. I have 3 accounts on GW1 and 3 in GW2.
I have 9,420 hours in my main GW1 account, and 7,382 hours in my main GW2 account. I loved PvP in GW1… yes aspects were not perfect however GW2’s PvP is so broken. So many issues from bugs, to match making and a useless MMR that judges team performance rather than actual true player’s performance.
I can absolutely guarantee that at this rate, I will not be purchasing GW3 if it ever comes out and I will be retiring from PvP after this season. As for continuing WvW or PvE, I do not see the point. The only thing that may keep me going are the friends in the game… nothing to do with the actual game.
Yep tbh Anet does not care, you put a name and they will delete your post. Really helps the “community” that way…
Awesome thread so far everyone!
Just to clarify, this is just a discussion and we are not specifically committing to any or all of the suggestions, but it does help us to understand how you (the pvp community) sees the map and determine what can be improved.
To be blatantly honest… delete Sky hammer… problem solved.
If there was a “fun” pvp arena where no points could be gotten and its just for fun, then it could be there but for unranked (especially when ranked is closed) it is a frustrating map.
Remove the mechanic that makes players get control skyhammer rather make it that whoever controls mid have automatic control of sky hammer and skyhammer hits a random cap zone/point every 15 seconds
I am stuck and want my pity pip!
I’m currently stuck in Forest and HOTM, with 10 people AND we did not get our pips or pity pips.
Thank you for help! Including with the pips
Well played to the opponents! The seized the opportunity and had the initiative to grab the win, even if in down state! Hope some of them got the “pity pip”.
Here are questions regarding the current state of PvP, MMR, Season 2 and onwards.
Get your tea and biscuits ready.
Has Arenanet taken the dissatisfaction of players with the PvP season 2 matchmaking under advisement and looking to revise it for season 3?
ANet_Erik 29 points 2 days ago
We are definitely aware that there are some frustrating match-ups being made during this Season’s initial kick off period and we are actively working to improve this for Season 3.
Intigo[TA] 13 points 2 days ago
When can we expect the sPvP Leaderboard to return? And will it be not terrible this time?Anet_Hugh 7 points 2 days ago
The old iteration of the leaderboard will not be returning, but we do have the Legendary Division Leaderboard which highlights our top Ranked Arena players as well as the Guild Challenger League which highlights our top guild teams.
[–]MirelesMireles Lore.5942 [XHSA] Yaks Bend 3 points 1 day ago
What is the current consensus of the matchmaking sPvP Leagues Season 2?
It seems vastly different from Season 1 both matchmaking and progression wise.
Are we in an experimentation phase as far as Leagues go, or is Season 2 represent a place you want leagues to be?
No answer to the above question.
[–]Galandil 3 points 1 day ago
Let’s talk about the elephant in the room: PvP season 2 matchmaking.
Will you fix it, removing the stacking algorithm, or change it in some significant way?
Any PvP loving player wants nice matches, not pre-determined stacked matches just for the sake of grinding/climbing useless ladders (like the divisions).
Will you ever bring back a much more fair system like the one in GW1 GvG?[–]Anet_Hugh 3 points 1 day ago
We have gotten a lot of data on the first 2 weeks of the season and plan on making some changes to address some of the matchmaking pain points you are describing in season 3. We also are looking into improving the initial starting period of league seasons with regards to match quality.
[–]Aggadan 2 points 1 day ago
About sPvP, how do you feel about the balance and the impact of engineer/ele/rev still being able to bunker, while the necro do a crazy amount of damage, the warrior can’t be competitive nor the thief or the mesmer? How do you consider the power creep? Is there a team working actively on balance ? How do you feel about the impossibility to play ranked between the pvp season? On a sidenote how do you consider the matchmaking for ranked, are you considering improvement to stop successive lose streak due to high spread of mmr between players in a same team?[–]JohnCorpening 1 point 1 day ago
The team has been evaluating what to do in the off season. We don’t have a firm plan yet but it is something that is being discussed.
Regarding ranked play, it is our highly competitive mode. While everyone can participate in it, you do need to think of it more like a tournament. That said, we are looking at ways to get higher tier players to where they need to be faster. In S2 we added win streaks which our data has shown has helped a lot to achieve this. Again, no solid plans yet but this is something that the team is keeping a close eye on.
[–]Unixas 2 points 1 day ago
Any plans for simple 1v1, 2v2 pvp queues where you just fight other players with no pve, point capturing stuff?[–]ANet_Erik 3 points 1 day ago
It’s something we’ve discussed, but there are currently no plans for 1v1 or 2v2 PvP gamemodes at the moment.
[–]Oakenkeg 2 points 1 day ago
Don’t you think that waiting to balance the game’s PvP only 4 times a year leads to stagnation? The bi-weekly updates kept the game fresh, both in PvP and out. How do you justify moving away from that?[–]ANet_Erik 4 points 1 day ago*
We believe that having distinct meta periods is healthy for the state of PvP, but keeping the meta constantly in flux was frustrating for most players, because things that were effective one day were ineffective the next week.
As we have shown, we’re willing to make changes to improve the health of the meta mid-season, but we also don’t wish to constantly change the meta during PvP League Seasons in general.
[–]Copperbolt 1 point 2 days ago
I feel that pvp has changed to a somewhat more stressful environment. i think before HoT, there was alot more counterplay involved. nowadays, there is so much point blank AoE CC that its extremely frustrating to play without access to mass stability.this whole situation feels alot like other MMos for me: stunlock the support/heal/carry, burst him to oblivion, and repeat. before HoT, i could pack two stun breaks and be prepared against most cc-heavy classes/specs. now? not even close. i hate that model, and i really hope going forward that you could turn down the aoe cc a notch. nothing skillful about it, extremely frustrating to play against, and is the main culprit for “messy” teamfights.
No response to the above comment
[–]MC_Celestia 1 point 1 day ago
What are the chances on bringing Courtyard PvP map back to the unranked selection list? If you already answered it I apologize as there was wayyyyy too much to read haha.[–]ANet_Erik 2 points 1 day ago
Our currently supported gamemodes are Conquest and Stronghold. Courtyard still has a place in custom arenas, but it won’t be returning to Unranked or Ranked arena.
[–]Sznurek066 1 point 1 day ago
You you plan some big changes on PvP unpopular maps? For example changing the orb mechanic on spirit watch etc. Do you plan to add some new PvP maps in near future?[–]ANet_Erik 3 points 1 day ago
From John Corpening earlier in the thread:It is definitely our intent to build new maps for PvP for both Conquest and Stronghold. Before we dig into that, we are taking a pass on making some improvements to our existing maps. We’ve had some feedback from some of our top players on how some existing maps could be adjusted to be more competitive. Expect to see some adjustments along those lines first.
[–]Unixas 1 point 1 day ago
Can you explain me why GW2 doesn’t have plain pvp where one team is fighting other team. Instead we have mods with focus on point capturing and holding?
No response
[–]marcos19945A fractal a day keeps the mossman away 1 point 1 day ago
As a PvP player who has friends who don’t own HoT:
Don’t you feel like the elite specs bring an undesired factor into the metagame? The fact that they are decidedly better (and seemingly designed to be so) than the other specs makes the meta a bit more stale in the sense that all builds are almost obliged to run an elite spec. This also hampers non HoT owners, I don’t know if this was intended or not, but I’d like to know, what are your thoughts on this? Are changes planned?
No response so far
You know it is such a shame that ArenaNet chooses to “communicate” outside their own forums and choose to ignore the questions here and we have to bring this communication in here for the community.
edit: editing forum bbcode or w/e its called
(edited by lead.7543)
How not to carry SoloQ by Lord FullofKittens
Please learn tactics! There is nothing wrong with pushing far… wait do you see pro league players all rushing mid?
not bothering to look at this post again, it’s a waste of time…
Games are games… they should be fun fun. Challenging, of course, but fun. This game just isnt’ fun anymore. The brief moments of satisfaction are drowned out by hours upon hours of frustration.
I love challenging and rewarding games… this is definitely not one. It is such a shame to see a good friend quit yesterday. He is also not the only one who I know quit because of how bad this game has become.
Please Fire All your GW2 Game Designers and Rehire your Original GW1 Game Designers.
Lol so true! So many ppl who played GW1 keep saying this
looking at chat log, it seemed that people enjoyed the match!
/15 characters
When I get my legendary back, I’ll quit pvp forever…..FOREVER!!!
Matchmaking is the process of organizing players in such a way as to encourage competitive and fun gameplay.Not so sure this season is based off the bolded part of your reply =-)
I am inclined to agree with you there
So? Whats wrong with it?
Looks like a normal match
If the issue is stomping vs rezzing as chat says, its still a normal match!
If its to do with the party of 4, well according to the well worded script, a full party will not go against soloQ. It is not a full party from their point of view.
Matchmaking is the process of organizing players in such a way as to encourage competitive and fun gameplay. The system uses a two-phase, score-based search method that takes into consideration several metrics. A score-based search method was used over other methods because it’s a good compromise between the often competing goals of match quality and short wait times.
At the start of matchmaking, the system attempts to find a match customized for the first Filter/Iteration/@rosters rosters (party) in the queue. If no match can be created, these players will be put at the end of the queue to ensure other players have a chance at a match customized for them. While this may seem unfair at first, this has actually been shown to decrease wait times for all players.
The first phase, called filtering, gathers players based on their current MMR and Ladder Points. The primary purpose of this phase is to both reduce the number of players being considered for a match, and to ensure that the match is appropriate given each player’s skill level. Over time, padding is added to your player rating and ladder points. While this may decrease match quality, it helps ensure that outliers still receive matches.
The second phase of the algorithm is the scoring phase. During this phase each player is scored against every other player being considered for matchmaking. The metrics used during this phase include: rating, rank, party size, profession, ladder position, and dishonor. With each metric the system is looking for players that are as close as possible to the average of those already selected. The system also attempts to keep the number of duplicate professions to a minimum.
I just think they guy wanted 1v1 fight and instead got 3v1 or 4v1 and then QQ about zerg cheating because it is “player vs player” not “zerg vs player”.
Nothing more nothing less…
I am thinking of writing a book on how to create a game and destroy it within 5 years. Please give me ideas of how to do this.
Any suggestions must be based on first hand experience… including PvP experiences.
All the best.
good luck in Kenya!
Is that meant to be an insult with racist connotations?
Hey there Foogison,
I think all understand what you want to achieve. It is a great way to get out of the downward spiral of the MMR system. Someone told me he saw a thief die with the opening strike of Svanir… many stories like that… 2 players camping close or 4 players camping mid. It is hilarious to hear but it is definitely not hilarious to be part of.
The AP cap is a bit too much. I know very competent players at 2k and 3k AP. Such players know the ins and outs of PvP and their specific class or classes and your cap will really alienate those who may sympathise with you and what you are trying to do.
AP is in fact more of a GENERAL PvE idea… like jumping puzzles, Dragons, and diving stuff. AP has no bearing at all regard the players pvp prowess. Of Course 100AP may be an exception but you understand what I mean.
A better requirement should be TS3 and headphones, and/or ability to play 2 or more classes well.
I am back to CS:GO! So much fun! I don’t even know why I left CS:S for GW…. (ah yes it was GW1… totally different game to GW2). Anyway CS:GO trumps GW2 right now….
Hahaha! OMG That is something I have never seen. 3 necros, but not 5! Out of interest, who won?
Trust me Anet does IS VERY HAPPY with AFKs that in the next 24 – 48 hours this post will most probably be deleted by a forum admin. Just repost this on reddit or twitter. I am making a nice video of afk’s to put on youtube.
Find a few friends, go on ts or skype and just play. At amber u do not lose pips so eventually you will get out! Good luck
Forum ModeratorYour post in Name and Shame AFK players in ranked was infracted by a moderator:
This player was AFK after dying once. And remained AFK for the rest of the match. There should be a way for ArenaNet to deal with scum like this. It spoils PvP and they get away with it.
edit/ screen shot of his pointsModerator Note:
Accusing any player, guild, or game world of cheating, griefing, hacking, or exploiting is not allowed on the forums. If you witness any of these acts while playing, please report via an in-game report or a ticket to our Customer Support team, so they can properly investigate the issue. The forum is not the place for such issues to be discussed. In the case of exploits, you also can send reports of exploits to Exploits@Arena.Net to ensure the development team is aware of them.This infraction serves only a warning. Additional infractions may award Infraction Points which can negatively affect your account. Infraction points may cause loss of privileges, including forum suspension.
Your message was deleted.
This is an automated message generated by an infraction given by a human moderator. If you believe you have received this infraction in error or wish to make an appeal, please send an e-mail to
Thanks for the notification forum moderator. I will just take it outside the GW2 forum on to twitter, youtube, reddit and more so that the whole world knows exactly what goes on in the game and how bad it is and players can have an open discussion.
Delete this if you want, I really am not bothered one bit.
There is life outside guildwars, you can meet new people, spend money on things you care about (not pixels and gems) and actually carve a path for your future. Do not look back and enjoy it!
Many before you have done that when they first moved from GW1 to GW2. Many are currently doing it… (over 2 entire teams I played with in Season 1 quit even before Season 2 started for other games). To be honest, it is the best choice.
You can mine iron all day and buy gems.
Mine iron to get to legendary division… Hahahaha
I don’t get how dc works. Due to playing on an imac the game crashes at least once a day and . Sometimes it does not even affect the outcome of the game, other times it actually gives dishonour, loss of pips etc.