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Every Elite feels like an update, except us?

in Necromancer

Posted by: lemone.5867


Some elites just got more stuff for free ( Chrono -> F5, Tempest this overload thing, Daredevil this endurance thing … ). *Other mechanics got reworked, right … but its almost always better. *Every F-ability of the dragonhunter is like the old guardianstuff … just better. Berserker the same … nobody used the adrenalineskills, so the new berserkerskills are nice to have anyway.

I can understand that we lose something for a new gamestyle, but i cant understand why other speccs dont have to ( so much as we do ). Why cant a Chrono lose the ability to create clones ( because now he can travel in time ). Or a Daredevil loses the ability to steal ( cause he isnt a thief anymore ). Just like we lose the ability to range ( cause we are a kittening pyramidhead! ).

I am sorry but it isnt truth. Necro is in good spot with Elite specialization. We got improved our class speccial you cant say it is deleted. It is just in other spot. RS give us what we dont have mobile(RS2)/stability(RS3)/ even shouts get better after each bwe. Gs need some work(5) but still we see they listen community more then they were.

Imo right now we are on better spot then most classes:

-Thiefs which doesnt get survi wepon as they should + clunky dodges and animation problems.
-Warriors which with berserker most build looks like need to be hybrid.
-Mesmers dont say bad things beacouse it is o powerfull and they dont want more nerfs.

I dont agree with you with almost everything. You say we dont get better (old things) like other classes but we are as i show you. I dont know why you dont see it. How long are you playing necro?

Are Necros Real Corruption Masters?

in Necromancer

Posted by: lemone.5867


As we all know Consume Conditions got nerfed couple months ago to give self condi (10 von=10% more dmg) after use.

One one way it help necros to use other heal skills (like signet) thx to signet buff. But still we dont use 2/4 heal skills beacouse how bad they are. Well heal isnt good if not traited, minions heal is just meh(we all know AI problems).

I would like to ask Arenanet will they consider changing to self condi application and other heal skills. It would help necro with diversity.

I created this thread beacouse of Revenant Mallyx changes:

When using demon stance you wanted to manage your conditions and try to keep certain amounts on yourself to empower your skills.
As such, the self-conditions didn’t make sense anymore as you had less reason to utilize these so they were removed.

  • Empowering Misery*: Removed the self-applied weakness. Increased the base heal by 40% and decreased the heal per condition by 40%.
  • Pain Absorption*. Removed the self-applied blind.
  • Banish Enchantment*: Removed the self-applied vulnerability. This skill now applies 3 stacks of confusion for 6 seconds instead of being dependent on the conditions you have on you.
  • Embrace the Darkness*: Removed the self-applied torment. This skill no longer copies conditions to nearby foes. This skill will increase stats by 10% while active and pulse 6 seconds of torment every 1 second to nearby foes.

Beacouse of this changes i think Necro should be on the same page as Rev. I understand Rev in Mallyx was idea to give yourself condi to boost you dmg (still you got ressistance) but at least they were more powerfull if they got more conditions.

Necro on other site doesnt give advantage from appling conditions to itself. It only makes him weaker. I understand theme of corupption but if they are masters of corupption why would they inflict self condtitions they should manage them not inflict to themselfs.

Roy, a little worry.

in Revenant

Posted by: lemone.5867


Mostly you got Mallyx stance which is condition anyway. Main Mace/axe sword/sword or Mace/sword sword/axe. I understand there is no rangerd condi wepon but still you can do good condi dmg with what you got even with mallyx with staff hammer. I see a lot of topics where ppl say that Rev doesnt have condi removal he need more wepons/ranged but ppl understand we cant get everything. Necro doesnt have condi close range wepon and? They got even more problem with their highest range condi wepon as staff #1 is slow kitten.. and marks…marks cant be used on downed enemies plus they arent that great. This class is in good position. I can even say its on little too good position.

Revenant WvW roaming videos + feedback on Rev

in Revenant

Posted by: lemone.5867


What about idea for Ventari tablet not moving but instant teleport giving small aoe heal + regen? After swap to Ventari it would activ instant then it will follow your toon. If u use skill will go place you choose(aoe heal/regen). If it would be 600 range far it would teleport back to you.

[BWE2] Revenant Feedback Thread

in Revenant

Posted by: lemone.5867


But still we cant give everyclass everything. I understand couple class got more/less dmg but still its all about playstyle. Ppl complain about herald healing there is counter dont attack. Same with confusion dont attacck if u got it or use trait which negate confusion/staff/mallyx.

[BWE2] Revenant Feedback Thread

in Revenant

Posted by: lemone.5867


@posthumecaver Because of the multiple small hits nature of Sword and Staff, these weapons are extremely vulnerable to confusion, if the Dragon/Shiro stance weakness would be condi clear and we would not get any condi clears, in these stances or with weapons there must be some reduction of the effectiveness of confusion (duration? damage?)
Every class got this problem(except ele) why wouldnt Rev be at same place as other? I agree about broken Crystal Hybernation from soft CC. But i saw someone got idea Crystal Hybernation to be broken by 4-5 sec stun/daze which is insane :P. Arena should change it to broke after hard CC but not as hard.

[BWE2] Revenant Feedback Thread

in Revenant

Posted by: lemone.5867


Rev is at great spot when we look at bwe1. But there is couple things i think Arenanet should look.


Imo this legend is great at it is. Heal works like i should work ( burst for more heal) general idea of assasin is great. Utilities are good but as some user say it would be nice for Impossible Odds to remove the initial 10 energy costs on the skill altogether, but keep the -10 upkeep on it.(we all know quickness is really good)
Elite-hmm it is great skill which let you lockdown your enemy i think it should be 2sec duration. Its like thief venom but aoe and this is why its duration should be lower. If it would work single no problem then but it would be stupid.

*Traits(dmg all *day long):
Are great themed perfectly. Dmg modificers life syphon it is great. Btw would like to see that life gain on necros :p

Imo most funny greatest legendary at this moment. It is on good spot and it is great way to fight condi builds. Heal if used correctly can heal for great amount of life. Its best wepon against condi build.

I would change couple things. First is that there is no good Minor traits except Demonic Defiance. Venom Enchancment and Replenishing Despair doesnt look good at all sorry but 50% poison duration isnt good when your only source is mace with 6 sec duration on 3th attack. Life from condtion isnt good either its small amount.
Grandmaster traits-Pulsating Pestelence works random i would increase radious for small amout. 240 is little enemys (remember its aoe) would kill you before it would trigger.

Most tanky trait/theme line on Rev kitten nal. But i must agree with what

Jalis Stance
This stance feels incredibly underwhelming overall. Almost all of the skills seem under-tuned and feel weak in most scenarios. Soothing Stone is in a perfect place, and is seemingly the main or only reason to slot Jalis.

Inspiring Reinforcement has a great concept but feels very weak. The main problem with this skill is that it does not synergize well with movement, but in WvW and PvP if you don’t move you are toast. I suggest removing the ground targeting and instead have it so the road always assembles in a straight line in the direction the player is facing with the player in the middle of the road. The road would then be fixed on the player and follow them. With this change I think the duration should be reduced to 4 seconds and energy cost reduced to 25.
Force Engagement has huge potential but unfortunately is very underwhelming. Aside from being single target, the energy cost on this skill is absurdly high for what the skill actually does. I would suggest adding a bounce effect to the chain so that it can hit up to three targets including the first. The bounce AoE should be much smaller that the initial range on the skill but large enough to work in scenarios(something like 400). With this change, reduce the Taunt and Slow duration’s to 1.75s. Since Inspiring Reinforcement has a cooldown, I see no problem with this skill having one either, so add a cooldown with the above changes: 15-20 seconds seems reasonable. Lastly, reduce the energy cost to make this skill viable to use: I think an energy cost of 30 is more suitable.
Vengeful Hammers is a really odd skill. It feels like what the skill does is a weird missmatch of things randomly thrown together and seems to have limited uses due to its high upkeep cost. This is where I come back to my issue with conditions from earlier, as well as the legendary stances having particular styles. I like the idea of this skill granting 20% less damage from direct and condition sources, but it does not synergize too well with the hammers. This is also where a suggestion of the Protection boon comes in, which so many people have been saying should be on Jalis as it makes the most sense. First of all I would suggest removing the 20% damage reduction feature. With this change I think the hammers should grant positive effects to the player when they hit enemies: upon hit, remove a condition and provide a short duration Protection boon. If the condition removal is too strong it could grant Resistance instead, which makes a lot of sense with Jalis being the tanky option. I think 2-3 seconds duration of each boon seems suitable.
Rite of the Great Dwarf is much better than last BWE. It still feels awkward to use this skill and when to use it, and the stun break seems out of place. I think this skill would work better with a shorter duration, but faster cast time – this way the skill is a great counter to quick bursts. I suggest lowering the cast time to 0.5 seconds and lowering the duration to 3.5 seconds.

Feels like a good line to compliment a tanky-centric stance. However the Grandmaster traits, like the Jalis stance itself, are very underwhelming. Improved Aggression feels a bit weird that it only increases duration on non-player enemies. I would suggest this trait to give a percentage based increase to all taunts – 10-15% seems reasonable, and would give an option to go for a taunt based build to combo off with Eye for an Eye and Force Engagement. As for the Grandmaster traits, I find Reflexive Summon almost useless with such a high cooldown and Steadfast Rejuvenation a bit under-tuned. I would suggest drastically lowering the cooldown of Reflexive Summon to 15 seconds. For Steadfast Rejuvenation I think the ‘chance’ should be increased from 50 to 100% and the healing to ~ 500 baseline.

Legend that doesnt fit my playstyle. Its good for support heal but still tablet feels clunky. It should be summon instant after swap. Maybe tablet should telefor and give like blast heal instead of moving and heal if touch ally.

Glint /Herald
Herald is looking like ELE ver.2.0. Some ppl say its beacouse ppl dont know how to counter it but its not about it at all. Right now most ppl use Glint/x composition not beacouse its less counterable but beacouse its best most ultimate Legend Rev got. It got all expect condi removal. Great skills which give you almost perm fury (100 crit chance) swiftness(for real you got non active swiftness and no one say anthing but when engis should swap kits it was problem…) and can have +10 might at beggining of fight Oo. We cant forget about F2 which give boon duration (50% boon duration for free!) right now even after using your Facet energy isnt on bad spot which isnt good beacouse you can use them almost all the time imo it should be more active playstyle.

Like @Dreamcore say Overall suggestion for the stance: increase the pulse interval to 4 seconds while keeping the boon duration at 3 seconds. This will bring much more incentive to use Facet of Nature for its 50% boon duration upkeep bonus. This will also incentivize particular boon duration gear and food buffs etc.

Heal skill shouldnt heal with condi dmg like poison its stupid when condition which destroy other healing skill give you healing here.

This traitline is one of the best great synergy with all Legends Boon Duration for free. Its all you need. You dont even need other legends ^^


Sword #3 should get higher cd or lower dmg. It is spamable right now with evades(with shiro heal it is great) and really burst dmg.

Renewing Wave sometimes doesnt condi cleanse. Change skill cost Surge of the mist+ Punishing Sweep > Debilitating Slam

Temporial Rift is fun and great visual skill but sometimes it doesnt work as it should be and enemies arent pulled.

  • Shield*
    Maybe change energy cost for Crystal protection #4 could get little more healing but just a little.

Invocation Trait line
Great trait line. But on thing is wrong Roiling Mists give you perm 70% crit chance with glint and its still without precision equipment. Other then that its most versitile traitline.

Overall ppl say that Rev need more condi cleanse i cant agree with that if he stay at state he is right now it would be OP we would get more Ele like problems. If you want more condi cleanse go Mallyx or get trait that remove condi after swap go other runes or get staff. We dont want class that got everything and is good at everything and is beast with cele staff (very strong). We just got one right now we dont need second one.

December 10th Elementalist changes

in Elementalist

Posted by: lemone.5867


My thought about Dec 10th patch.

First of all even if arcane wave targeting is buff honest i liked old version more.

Anet say they will buff ele and help with build diversity problem . Imo patch havnt change anything.

  • Things that hurt so much changes in water… Why would andet change condition remove trait to 20 points when they know we got one of the lowest AP plus right now conditions are strong as they were never before (times not 10th patch).
    Now only good Adept trait is Cantrip recharge…
  • Arcane Elemental Attument- it was one of the best adept traits i would like to hear reason why it was moved to 20 points trait.
  • Diamond skin -yep its nice trait but still community wanted less passive traits why wouldnt devs hear it? + diamond skin i tpvp isnt useful in a moment it doesnt work and is useless.
  • Arcane Brilliance-New healing skill is nice but still not much dmg ,long cast animation ,almost you alltime need to use it in group( yep i know it should be that way) + high cd if not traited (for burst spec its almost all time dead)

Ether Renewal is still better option even for burst ele beacouse of condi removal.

  • Attument Cd- still imo it havent change ele taht much 10s-13s is huge difference that why its still better give 30 to arcane then other traits ( arcane traits are one of the best )

Thing that should be changed (in my opinion):

  • We got based almost lowest stats (buff AP)
  • Attument changes
  • Change Attument cd to 10s
  • Change Atumment cd by trait points (example 30 earth 30%-? cooldown reduce on earth attument)
    *I beg u Anet. Stop buffing brainless/OP builds (passives, ai) like PU/Phantasm mesmer
    *Lower condition dmg still its too high for our AP.

Ideas about skills:

  • What would you think about giving Burning Speed, RoL ability to stop animation something like Orb of Light. D/D moves wouldnt be so easy to read.

(edited by lemone.5867)

Gemshop problem

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: lemone.5867


Really thank you it works

Gemshop problem

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: lemone.5867


Hello i got problem , Gemshop is not loading for me.
What should i do to repair it?

Gemshop doesnt work

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: lemone.5867


Hello i got problem yesterday i changed gold/gems. Today when i log in i couldnt use Gemshop other players say it is working.

What can i do to make i work? I tried delete local file + restart game , but still it doesnt work.

No Money, No Tribulation Mode

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: lemone.5867


Tribulation mode is not for everybody!!! Please get it, geeeeet it thanks.

Agreeing with this.

While I’ll talk about scaling “normal” for a casual player, I’m not going to suggest ’dumbing down" the mode created for the hardcores.

I get it. If i buy some game I will “enjoy” game more.

But you must understand i bought this game just like you and if i dont want to pay more i should be able to play as “casual” as you. Beacouse without Infinite Coins i could only tell who play hardcore this game and who doesnt.

1) Your original investment in the game did not include this content. It did not exist at that time. Nobody has short changed you on that investment.
2) There are still other things to do in this game rather than the SAB Trib mode.
3) If you don’t want to pay extra, there are other methods to obtain Continue Coins.
4) The skins you are seeking are VANITY items not necessary to play the actual game. Skins have been sold in the Gem Store since day one, so why is buying an item to obtain said skins such a crime by ANet?

Not saying that the SAB Trib mode is not incentive for players to purchase the Infinite Continue Coin, but Anet has to make money somehow and I’d rather it be directed at content like this than mainstream game content (but I get that my view is slanted because I’ll likely never think of attempting SAB Trib mode).

1. Yep it doesnt include this content at release but now it does. When i bought this game there was said that i will get new content every month.
2.I understand but right now when meta is destroyed in sPvP and i need to w8 two weeks i really would like to end this mode to get skins which i like.
3.Yes there are other ways but if i remember Devs says this game will not have that much grid. If i want more Coins i will need to Grid.
4. There should be other way to get skins imo even armor skins shouldnt be sold in gemshop. Right now you need to grid a lot to get 800 gems +- 45 gold. I know for some ppl it isnt big number but i got other things to do than grid. If there is event everyone should have chance to get one skin that they want imo.

(edited by lemone.5867)

No Money, No Tribulation Mode

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: lemone.5867


Tribulation mode is not for everybody!!! Please get it, geeeeet it thanks.

Agreeing with this.

While I’ll talk about scaling “normal” for a casual player, I’m not going to suggest ’dumbing down" the mode created for the hardcores.

I get it. If i buy some game I will “enjoy” game more.

But you must understand i bought this game just like you and if i dont want to pay more i should be able to play as “casual” as you. Beacouse without Infinite Coins i could only tell who play hardcore this game and who doesnt.

No Money, No Tribulation Mode

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: lemone.5867


Now i got question. Have you ended trib mode? With or without Infinite Coin ?

No Money, No Tribulation Mode

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: lemone.5867


Hello i would like to say its unfair to players which dont have enought money to buy Infinite Coin which is must have for Trib Mode.

Thx to this normal person cant end this mode beacouse after 10-15 minutes he/she will be out of Coins and then what? Grid or Nothing…

Its not the first time when event skins are almost always for grid/ paying people. Or for ppl who are lucky and get skin from chest (2% for drop -_-).

I would like to know what you think about it.

Thank you for the best PvP e-sport ever :)

in PvP

Posted by: lemone.5867


Is jumping off skyhammer esport?

Absolutely. I’d even start to consider PvE an e-sport given how competitive mobs are.

Mobs OP they just need to nerf them And then buff giving them condi burst and spirits i think it will balance game. Who agree?

GW2PVPTV Introduces: State of the Mist

in PvP

Posted by: lemone.5867


I would like to see Xeph if its possible or someone from Team Curse.

Hope you will be able to contact with Anet PvP Dev Team and talk with them. Beacouse there was nothing at Pax about PvP that now is in terrible place.

Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: lemone.5867


Main reason ppl are angry is beacouse rate drop is so small as hell even on gem Coffers.

Other thing is for wings we need 100.000 Zhaitaffys imo it too much this game shouldnt be about griding but it change to it. I understand 10.000 but man 100.000 how someone who play 2h/day can do this? Its impossible for them.

Gw2 is all about skins (stats are the same) then let ppl to get skins without that much griding.
Some ppl say its ppl fault that they buy games and change them for Coffers. But remember they are maybe ppl who dont want to grid as hell and still want to have skins. Drop rate should be higher.

New Character slots. No money no slot

in Suggestions

Posted by: lemone.5867


Hello everyone am i alone with idea to change character slot price?

Imo price now with gold value 1g=30 gems? its so much harder to get charcter slots then at beggining of game.

Ok someone can say that i could play from beggining but i havent and thats why i need to grid so much to get more slots?

I really want to have all class(i like to play alomost all of them) but with this i need to delete/create its really annoying and cant have all classes without grid +100 gold (8slots).

Metallic Dyes

in Suggestions

Posted by: lemone.5867


Imo it wont be good. The “Metalic dye” is Juggernaut thing and should stay that way.

Engineer's Kits Skins ?

in Suggestions

Posted by: lemone.5867



I think it would be nice if engis could change their kits skins. Would you agree with me?

And i would like to hear Anet member opinion about this idea.

Would be grateful